Glenwood Caverns Job Application 09

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Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park

Employment Application
Last Name Alexandru First Popescu M.I.
Date 03/23/!!
"treet Address "treet #adu Popescu$ %l. &2$ sc. A Apartment/'nit ( )
*ity +ir,o-iste "tate #omania .IP 303
P/one 0&01232120&3 E4mail Address popescutudoralexandru5,
Position *oo6 $ #estaurant 7usser
Applied 8or
Desired "alary 000 9
Date A-aila%le :une 4 octo%er
Full +ime x Part +ime x "easonal x ;ear
Are you a citi<en o8 t/e 'nited "tates= ;E" N> x I8 no$ are you aut/ori<ed to ?or6 in t/e '.".= ;E" x N>
@a-e you e-er ?or6ed 8or t/is company= ;E" N> x I8 so$ ?/en=
@a-e you e-er %een con-icted o8 a 8elony= ;E" N> x I8 yes$ explain
@o? did you learn a%out us=
@i,/ "c/ool Aoie-odul Mircea @i,/sc/ool Address 7-d 6in, *arol I $ Nr. 10 $ +ir,o-iste
Did you ,raduate= ;E" x N> De,ree En-ironmental te/nician
*olle,e 'ni-ersity o8 Ballac/ia Address 7-d 6in, *arol I $ Nr. 2 $ 3002& $ +ir,o-iste
From 200 +o 20& Did you ,raduate= ;E" x N> De,ree :urist *onsult
>t/er Address
From +o Did you ,raduate= ;E" N> De,ree
"pecial "6illsC
Please list t/ree pro8essional re8erences.
Full Name #ic6 Lan, #elations/ip Assistent Director o8 Food and %e-era,e
*ompany Aiceroy "no?mass P/one D !104!234303) E
Address 30 Bood #oad "no?mass -illa,e$ *olorado 32) '"A
Full Name Paul AaleFos #elations/ip Food and %e-era,e Director
*ompany *olorado @otel $ P/one D E
Address )22 Pine street $ Glen?ood "prin,s$ *olorado 320 '"A
Full Name #elations/ip
*ompany P/one D E
*ompany Aiceroy "no?mass P/one D 0 !104!2343000 E
Address 30 Bood #oad "no?mass -illa,e$ *olorado 32) '"A "uper-isor Elise "pencer
:o% +itle @ouseman $ 7anHuet "er-er
9 &00 Endin, "alary 9 200
#esponsi%ilities prepare rooms 8or ,uests and ensure t/at auditoriums and meetin, rooms are ?ell eHuipped and neat.
From Fune 203 +o octo%er 203 #eason 8or Lea-in, "easonal Fo%
May ?e contact your pre-ious super-isor 8or a re8erence= ;E" x N>
*ompany P/one D E
Address "uper-isor
:o% +itle
9 Endin, "alary 9
From +o #eason 8or Lea-in,
May ?e contact your pre-ious super-isor 8or a re8erence= ;E" N>
*ompany P/one D E
Address "uper-isor
:o% +itle
9 Endin, "alary 9
From +o #eason 8or Lea-in,
May ?e contact your pre-ious super-isor 8or a re8erence= ;E" N>
List >88ices/Acti-ities @eld at ?or6 or in t/e communityC
7ranc/ From +o
#an6 at Disc/ar,e
It is understood and a,reed upon t/at any misrepresentation %y me in t/is application ?ill %e su88icient cause 8or cancellation o8 t/is application and/or separation 8rom t/e employerIs
ser-ice i8 I /a-e %een employed. Furt/ermore$ I understand t/at Fust as I am 8ree to resi,n at any time$ t/e Employer reser-es t/e ri,/t to terminate my employment at any time$ ?it/ or
?it/out cause and ?it/out prior notice. I understand t/at no representati-e o8 t/e Employer /as t/e aut/ority to ma6e any assurances to t/e contrary.
I ,i-e t/e Employer t/e ri,/t to in-esti,ate all re8erences and representations made %y me in t/is application and to secure additional in8ormation a%out me$ i8 Fo%4related. I /ere%y
release 8rom lia%ility t/e Employer and its representati-es 8or see6in, suc/ in8ormation and all ot/er persons$ corporations$ or or,ani<ations 8or 8urnis/in, suc/ in8ormation.
+/e Employer is an EHual >pportunity Employer. +/e Employer does not discriminate in employment and no Huestion on t/is application is used 8or t/e purpose o8 limitin, or
excusin, any applicantIs consideration 8or employment on a %asis pro/i%ited %y local$ state$ or 8ederal la?.
+/is application is current 8or only 20 days. I certi8y t/at my ans?ers are true and complete to t/e %est o8 my 6no?led,e. I8 t/is application leads to employment$ I understand t/at 8alse
or misleadin, in8ormation in my application or inter-ie? may result in my release.
"i,nature Date 02/!/20&

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