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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
CHAPTER ONE - Why Work Sucks
Voices from a ROWE: Kara
CHAPTER TWO - This Thing We Ca Su!ge
Voices from a ROWE: Phi
CHAPTER THREE - A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"
Voices from a ROWE: Trey
CHAPTER $O%R - Wha" Time $ees &ike in a ROWE
Voices from a ROWE: Ami
CHAPTER $'VE - Ho( Work )e"s *one in a ROWE
Voices from a ROWE: +a#ier
CHAPTER S', - Why &ife 's -e""er in a ROWE
Voices from a ROWE: -e"h
CHAPTER SEVEN - Wha".s Ne/" for ROWE
Voices from a ROWE: Charo""e
Pu0ishe! 0y "he Penguin )rou1
Penguin )rou1 2%SA3 'nc45 678 Hu!son S"ree"5 Ne( 9ork5 Ne( 9ork :;;:<5 %4S4A4
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$irs" 1u0ishe! in ?;;@ 0y Por"foio5 a mem0er of Penguin )rou1 2%SA3 'nc4
Co1yrigh" C Thom1son D Resser5 &&C5 ?;;@
A righ"s reser#e!
Resser5 Cai4
Why (ork sucks an! ho( "o fi/ i" E Cai Resser an! +o!y Thom1son4
14 cm4
'ncu!es in!e/4
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:4 +o0 sa"isfac"ion4 ?4 Fuai"y of (ork ife4 64 Personne managemen"4
'4 Thom1son5 +o!y4 ''4 Ti"e4
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Wi"hou" imi"ing "he righ"s un!er co1yrigh" reser#e! a0o#e5 no 1ar" of "his 1u0ica"ion may 0e
re1ro!uce!5 s"ore! in or in"ro!uce! in"o a re"rie#a sys"em5 or "ransmi""e!5 in any form or 0y any
means 2eec"ronic5 mechanica5 1ho"oco1ying5 recor!ing or o"her(ise35 (i"hou" "he 1rior (ri""en
1ermission of 0o"h "he co1yrigh" o(ner an! "he a0o#e 1u0isher of "his 0ook4
The scanning5 u1oa!ing5 an! !is"ri0u"ion of "his 0ook #ia "he 'n"erne" or #ia any o"her means
(i"hou" "he 1ermission of "he 1u0isher is iega an! 1unisha0e 0y a(4 Pease 1urchase ony
au"horiHe! eec"ronic e!i"ions an! !o no" 1ar"ici1a"e in or encourage eec"ronic 1iracy of
co1yrigh"a0e ma"erias4 9our su11or" of "he au"hor.s righ"s is a11recia"e!4
To 1eo1e (ho (ork5 an! kno( "here.s a 0e""er (ay "o !o i"4
Success5 1ar"icuary in 0usiness5 comes (hen you can 0eie#e in 1eo1eGno" Ius" "hose (i"h
fancy "i"es5 0u" e#ery singe 1erson (i"h uniJue 1ers1ec"i#e5 1assion5 "aen"5 an! kno(e!ge4
Tha".s (ha".s 0eau"ifu a0ou" (ha" Cai an! +o!y ha#e !one4 ' o#e "ha" i" (asn." a "o1-!o(n
ini"ia"i#e 0u" "he resu"s of "heir insigh" in"o (ha" (as 0es" for "he 0usiness4
'.#e a(ays 0een con#ince! "ha" "he 0es" i!eas come from "hose (ho are coses" "o "he
cus"omer5 "he cus"omer in "his case 0eing our o(n em1oyees4 Wha" Cai an! +o!y !i! (as
remarka0e 0ecause "hey ga#e "he 1eo1e a" -es" -uy no" (ha" "hey thought "hey nee!e! "o
succee! a" "heir Io0s 0u" (ha" "hey really nee!e! "o succee! a" "heir Io0sGe#en if i" "ook "he
organiHa"ion in a !irec"ion no one cou! ha#e imagine!4
The secon! "hing "ha" im1resses me a0ou" ROWE is (here i".s going4 True inno#a"ion a(ays
comes (i"h chaenge an! change5 an!5 mos" im1or"an"5 "remen!ous o11or"uni"ies "o earn4 A"
i"s hear" ROWE is a chance for e"eryone "o earn a 0e""er (ay "o (ork4 There is no"hing fancy
a0ou" "his i!ea5 an! "here is no reason (hy i" can." (ork e#ery(here4 The a11roach e"s 1eo1e
!o (ha" " goo! a" ins"ea! of (ha" you "hink "hey shou! 0e goo! a"4 '" encourages 1eo1e
"o contri#utera"her "han Ius" sho( u1 an! grin! ou" "heir !ays4
As more 1eo1e em0race "his i!ea5 more (i ha#e "o conce!e "ha" (ork is a human en!ea#or4
'ns"ea! of shying a(ay from "ha" fac"5 em0race i"4 Cee0ra"e i"4 'ns"ea! of insua"ing your
organiHa"ion from i!eas ike ROWE5 "a1 in"o "ha" humani"y4 Ta1 in"o "ha" o11or"uni"y "o earn4
The "ren! for successfu com1anies is making "hem more human5 no" ess human4 '" (asn." "ha"
ong ago "ha" -es" -uy (as a regiona eec"ronics chain4 We are no( a go0a com1any (i"h
:<;5;;; em1oyees4 Wha" has ao(e! "his "o ha11en has ess "o !o (i"h (ha" (e se "han ho(
(e.#e crea"e! a !is"inc"y human cu"ure "ha" e"s 1eo1e ha#e fun (hie (orking har!5 "ha" e"s
"hem 0e "hemse#es5 "ha" "rus"s "hem "o !o "heir Io0s4 ROWE fi"s in 1erfec"y (i"h "hose i!eas4
We ha#e aso em0race! "his ne( (ay of (orking a" -es" -uy 0ecause i".s goo! for 0usiness4
Engage! em1oyees are more 1ro!uc"i#e5 more inno#a"i#e5 more commi""e!4 '" a ge"s 0ack "o
"ha" i!ea of uneashing "he na"ura s"reng"hs an! "aen"s of your 1eo1e4 '.m eager "o see (here
ROWE goes as more 0usiness ea!ers (ake u1 "o "he fac" "ha" you ha#e "o 1ay more "han i1
ser#ice "o "he ha11iness an! "he !e#eo1men" of your em1oyees4 Our 1eo1e are (ha" ma""er
G-ra! An!erson5 CEO5 -es" -uy
We.#e Ha! Enough 4 4 4 Ha#e 9ouK
This 0ook is 0ase! on a sim1e i!ea: Our 0eiefs a0ou" (orkGfor"y hours5 >on!ay "hrough
$ri!ay5 eigh" "o fi#eGare ou"!a"e!5 ou"mo!e!5 ou" "o unch4 E#ery !ay 1eo1e go "o (ork an!
(as"e "heir "ime5 "heir com1any.s "ime5 an! "heir i#es in a sys"em 0ase! on assum1"ionsG
a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one an! (ha" (ork ooks ikeG"ha" !on." a11y in "o!ay.s go0a5 ?<E7
We go "o (ork an! gi#e e#ery"hing (e ha#e an! are "rea"e! ike ( chi!ren (ho5 if ef"
una""en!e!5 (i s"ea can!y4
We go "o (ork an! (a"ch someone (ho isn." #ery goo! a" "heir Io0 ge" 1romo"e! 0ecause "hey
go" in earier an! s"aye! a"er "han anyone ese4
We go "o (ork an! si" "hrough o#erong5 o#ers"affe! mee"ings "o "ak a0ou" "he ne/" o#erong5
o#ers"affe! mee"ing4
We see "aen"e!5 com1e"en"5 1ro!uc"i#e 1eo1e ge" 1enaiHe! for ha#ing ki!s5 for no" 0eing goo!
a" office 1oi"ics5 for 0eing a i""e !ifferen"4
We go "o (ork in "he 'nforma"ion Age5 0u" "he na"ure of "he (ork1ace hasn." fun!amen"ay
change! since "he 'n!us"ria Age4
-u" mos" of aGmos" "ragicay of aG(e 1ay "he game4 We 1ay "he game e#en "hough (e
kno( in our hear" of hear"s "he game !oesn." make any sense4
Why !o you "hink Sun!ay nigh" is "inge! (i"h !rea!K Tha" is you "eing yoursef "ha" "he (ay (e
(ork is unhea"hy4 Tha" ife isn." mean" "o 0e i#e! "his (ay4 The mo!ern (ork1ace makes
1eo1e 1hysicay an! men"ay sick5 un!ermines famiies5 an! (as"es 1recious "ime an! energy4
E#ery0o!y kno(s (ork sucks an! ye" (e !o no"hing4 'f "he !isma na"ure of (ork (eren." "he
normL if our assum1"ions an! e/1ec"a"ions a0ou" (ork (eren." so ingraine!L if5 for e/am1e5
(ork (ere some kin! of ne( !isease "ha" su!!eny a11eare! an! cos" 0usinesses 0iions an!
ruine! 1eo1e.s i#es5 you can 0e" "ha" (e (ou! 0e marshaing our coec"i#e resources "o fin! a
So (hy !oesn." i" changeK
>ay0e 0ecause (e assume "ha" (ork has "o 0e !ru!gery4 2'f i" (ere fun i" (ou! 0e 1ay5
>ay0e 0ecause (e ha#e 0een 0rough" u1 "o 0eie#e "ha" 0y !efini"ion (ork is un1ro!uc"i#e5
1oi"ica5 an! unfair4
>ay0e 0ecause no one has 1ro1ose! a reasona0e5 effec"i#e a"erna"i#e4
E#ery(here "here are sou"ions "ha" are no" sou"ions4
The sou"ion is no" fe/"ime4 $e/"ime is a Ioke4
The sou"ion is no" (ork-ife 0aance4 %n!er "he curren" sys"em5 0aance is im1ossi0e4
The ans(er is no" ge""ing 0e""er organiHe!5 or No->ee"ing We!nes!ays5 or se""ing your aarm
fif"een minu"es eary "o 0ea" "he morning rush5 or s1en!ing a Sa"ur!ay making a your unches
for "he mon"h4
There are no "i1s or "ricks or he1fu hin"s "ha" are going "o so#e "his 1ro0em4
There are no ans(ers in "he em1oyee han!0ook4
The ony sou"ion is "o change "he game en"irey4 s"ar"ing a mo#emen" "ha" (i resha1e "he (ay many "hings in "his coun"ry5 an! across "he
(or!5 ge" !one4 offering no" a ne( (ay of (orking5 0u" a ne( (ay of i#ing4 This ne( (ay
of i#ing is 0ase! on "he ra!ica i!ea "ha" you are an a!u"4 '".s 0ase! on "he ra!ica i!ea "ha"
e#en "hough you o(e your com1any your 0es" (ork5 you !o no" o(e "hem your "ime or your ife4
This ne( (ay of i#ing is 1rac"ica an! sim1e 2"hough no" necessariy easy35 an! (hie i".s a
s(ee1ing change from ho( (e i#e ife no(5 i" reJuires ony a 0asic a!Ius"men" in your "hinking4
We are "aking a0ou" a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" or ROWE
'n a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 1eo1e can !o (ha"e#er "hey (an"5 (hene#er "hey (an"5
as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one4 >any com1anies say "heir 1eo1e can "eecommu"e or (ork a
fe/i0e sche!ue4 -u" "hese arrangemen"s of"en s"i incu!e core hours5 or can 0e !isso#e!
shou! 0usiness nee!s change5 or are !oe! ou" s"ingiy as a 1erk for "he 1ri#iege! fe(4 'n a
ROWE5 you can i"eray do (ha"e#er you (an" (hene#er you (an" as ong as your (ork is
ge""ing !one4 9ou ha#e com1e"e con"ro o#er your ife as ong as your (ork ge"s !one4
9ou can go grocery sho11ing a" "en in "he morning on Tues!ay4 9ou can "ake a na1 a" "(o in
"he af"ernoon on We!nes!ay4 9ou can go "o a mo#ie a" one in "he af"ernoon on Thurs!ay4 An!
you !on." ha#e "o ask anyone.s 1ermission or "e anyone (here going4 9ou Ius" !o i"4 As
ong as your (ork ge"s !oneGas ong as you ge" reultG"hen your ife is your o(n4
9ou ge" 1ai! for a chunk of (ork5 no" for a chunk of "ime4
We reaiHe "ha" "his soun!s "oo goo! "o 0e "rue4 This kin! of free!om an! con"ro an! "rus"
soun!s ike "he s"uff of rain0o(s an! unicorns4 -u" "his i!ea !i!n." come ou" of "he 0ue4 The
see!s of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" s"ar"e! in ?;;:5 (hen a ea!er a" -es" -uy
cor1ora"e hea!Juar"ers (as ooking for he1 in making "he com1any an Em1oyer of Choice4
The Em1oyer of Choice commi""ee (as an in"erna "ask force (hose goa (as "o figure ou" ho(
"o make -es" -uy a "o1 consi!era"ion among "aen"e! 1eo1e ooking for em1oymen"4 The
grou1 con!uc"e! a sur#ey asking em1oyees (ha" "hey mos" (an"e! from (ork4 The
o#er(heming res1onse (as5 +us" "rus" me (i"h my "ime4 Trus" me "o !o my Io0 an! ' (i !ei#er
resu"s an! 0e a ha11ier em1oyee "o 0oo"4
En"er Cai Resser4 E#en "hough Cai (as ony "(en"y-four years o! an! an houry em1oyee5
one of "he ea!ers of "he Em1oyer of Choice commi""ee aske! her "o he1 "urn "his insigh" in"o
This "urne! ou" "o 0e "he 1erfec" o11or"uni"y for Cai5 gi#en (here she (as in her ife4 -es" -uy
(as one of her firs" Io0s ou" of coege5 an! she (as Juicky earning "he a0sur!i"ies of "he
(ork1ace4 The #e"erans aroun! "he office (ere "eaching her ho( "o 1ay "he game5 ho( "o fi
ou" "ime car!s "o refec" "he num0er of e/1ec"e! hours 2no" ac"ua "ime (orke!35 ho( "o ook
0usy (hen "he 0oss (as (aking "he foor5 ho( "o a11ear Mengage!N 0y asking o"s of Jues"ions
in mee"ings4 >os"y she (as earning ho( unha11y e#eryone (as a" (ork5 no" so much (i"h "he
"asks "hey ha! "o accom1ish 0u" (i"h "he (hoe cu"ure of "he (ork1ace4 E#en "he saarie!
em1oyeesG"he 1eo1e (ho seeme! "o ha#e 1o(er an! con"roG(ere a(ays ooking o#er
"heir shou!er4
'n an effor" "o res1on! "o "his misery5 Cai he1e! crea"e "he A"erna"i#e Work Program5 a 1io"
1rogram "ha" ga#e 1eo1e a choice from a 1re!e"ermine! se" of fe/i0e sche!ues4 The choices
(ere a 0ase! on "y1ica fe/"ime arrangemen"s 2"eecommu"ingL four "en-hour !aysL eigh"-hour
!ays "ha" s"ar"e! an! en!e! a" unor"ho!o/ "imes35 0u" "he AWP (as !ifferen" in "(o key (ays4
$irs"5 e"eryone in "he 6?;-1erson !e1ar"men" (ho "ook 1ar" in "he 1io" go" "o 1ar"ici1a"e4 The
fe/i0ii"y (asn." Ius" a#aia0e "o "o1 1erformers or "hose a0o#e a cer"ain Io0 e#e4 Secon!5 "he
em1oyees 2no" "he managers3 !eci!e! (hich of "he four o1"ions (as 0es" for "hem5 an! once
"hey ma!e "heir choice i" (as nonnego"ia0e4 '" (as u1 "o "he !e1ar"men" as a (hoe "o figure
ou" ho( "o make e#eryone.s in!i#i!ua choice (ork4
'" (as "his con"ro o#er sche!ue "ha" 1an"e! "he see! for (ha" (ou! 0ecome a Resu"s-Ony
Work En#ironmen"4 Cai sa( "ha" if you ga#e 1eo1e e#en a i""e con"ro o#er "heir "ime "hey
imme!ia"ey 0egan "o see "he 0enefi"s 0o"h a" (ork an! a" home4 The 1eo1e in AWP (ere
ha11ier an! more 1ro!uc"i#e an! "hey !i!n." (an" "he 1io" "o en!4
+o!y came on 0oar! in ?;;65 an! "he insigh"s an! i!eas gaine! !uring AWP s"ar"e! "o gro(
an! change4 As (e !e#eo1e! an! refine! (ha" a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" (as an!
ho( i" (orke!5 "he cu"ure of -es" -uy s"ar"e! "o change4 Some managers (ere su11or"i#e an!
o"hers (eren."4 Regar!ess5 "he i!ea gre( an! gre( an! e#en"uay "ook on a ife of i"s o(n4 -y
"he "ime "his 0ook is 1u0ishe!5 a11ro/ima"ey "hree "housan! -es" -uy cor1ora"e em1oyees
(i (ork in a ROWE5 (i"h 1ans "o "es" ROWE in "he re"ai en#ironmen"4
Thanks "o ROWE5 1eo1e a" -es" -uy are ha11ier (i"h "heir i#es an! "heir (ork4 The com1any
has 0enefi"e! "oo5 (i"h increases in 1ro!uc"i#i"y a#eraging 68 1ercen" an! shar1 !ecreases in
#oun"ary "urno#er ra"es5 as much as =; 1ercen" in some !i#isions4
This 0ook is a0ou" 0ringing "his commonsense5 effec"i#e5 an! mu"uay 0eneficia a11roach "o
i#ing an! (orking "o "he res" of "he (or!4 'n "he coming 1ages (e. e/1ore (hy "he (ork1ace
is 0roken an! re#ea "he hi!!en a""i"u!es an! 0eiefs 0ehin! "he 1ro0em4 Then (e. !escri0e
(ha" a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is an! ho( i" (orks5 an! ho( i" a!!resses "he 1ro0em
of (ork4 9ou. aso ge" a "as"e of (ha" ife is ike in a ROWE 2hin": i" is #ery5 #ery goo!34
Aong "he (ay (e (on." 0e afrai! "o ackno(e!ge "he chaenges a ROWE crea"es for an
organiHa"ion4 The goo! ne(s is "ha" ( no" a!#oca"ing "ha" com1anies ra!icay change "heir
#aues5 "heir i!en"i"y5 or "heir core 0usiness4 Peo1e an! com1anies !on." ha#e "o change (ho
"hey are5 Ius" ho( "hey (ork4
'n "he coming 1ages (e ho1e "o 0ui! a com1eing case for (hy e#eryone shou! 0e in a
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 We. "e s"ories an! gi#e resu"s5 0u" (e (on." 0uy you (i"h
s"a"is"ics4 We !ou0" "here is a singe 1erfec" fac" ou" "hereGe#ery year s"ress cos"s American
0usinesses O6;; 0iionL "he a#erage (orker ony 1u"s in "hree hours of rea (ork 1er !ayG"ha"
(i someho( (ake 1eo1e u14 A you ha#e "o !o is )ooge "he (or!s work an! $amily or tre
an! producti"ity an! you. ha#e a "he s"a"is"ics you. e#er nee!4 Presen"ing a ra"iona
argumen" for (hy (ork sucks isn." going "o change any"hing5 0ecause our a""i"u!es a0ou" (ork
aren." 0ase! on reason4 We nee! a ne( a11roach "o "he 1ro0em4
%"ima"ey (ha" (e are offering is a 1ro#en cure:
for "he 1ro0em of (ork5
for 0eing "rea"e! ike a chi! 0y your com1any5
for feeing s"resse!-ou" a0ou" "ime4
We kno( i" soun!s "oo goo! "o 0e "rue5 0u" i".s no"4 9ou s"i ha#e "o !o your Io04 -u" in a
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" e#eryone ge"s "o ac" ike an a!u" an! ge"s "rea"e! ike an
9ou ge" your !igni"y 0ack4
9ou ge" your "ime 0ack4
9ou ge" your ife 0ack4
An! if a "ha" can 0e "rue5 if you can ha#e your "ime an! (ork an! i#e an! 0e a 1erson5 "hen "he
Jues"ion face! (i"h e#ery !ay isn."5 *o ' reay ha#e "o go "o (ork "o!ayK 0u"5 Ho( can '
Ho( !o ' con"ri0u"e "o "his "hing cae! ifeK Wha" can ' !o "o!ay "o 0enefi" my famiy5 my
com1any5 mysefK
Changing ho( (e (ork is no" going "o 0e easy4 There (i 0e a o" of resis"ance5 an! "ha"
resis"ance (i come from sur1rising 1aces 2incu!ing insi!e you34 -u" (e nee! "his change4 As
you rea! "hese (or!s (e are ou" "here figh"ing "o make (ork 1ro!uc"i#e5 fair5 an! humane for
e#eryone4 We ho1e "ha" in our ife"ime "his commonsense a11roach "o (ork isn." "he e/ce1"ion5
0u" "he ne( norm4
Voices from a ROWE: Gina
work on a team that $ocue on trength'#aed training()he i alo part o$ the company*
di"erity group( )he ha #een at +et +uy $or $our and a hal$ year and in a Reult'Only ,ork
En"ironment $or three and a hal$ year( )he i in her mid'thirtie(
' ook a" my 1aren"s. genera"ion (hen you (en" "o (ork for one com1any an! you fuy e/1ec"e!
"o 0e "here your (hoe ife4 An! "hen my mom go" ai! off an! i" (as such a 0o(4 Her a""i"u!e
(as5 Ho( cou! you !o "his "o meK
>y rea"ionshi1 (i"h my com1any is !ifferen"4 We "ra!e (ork for money4 '".s no" 1ersona4 An! '
"hink (e.#e come "o "his 1oin" (here ROWE can 0e successfu 0ecause enough 1eo1e are
rea!y "o no" ook a" em1oyers as 1aren"s4 ' !on." e/1ec" -es" -uy "o "ake care of me for "he res"
of my ife4 They ha#e "o "rea" you fairy4 -u" in a free marke"5 if i" isn." (orking ou" for ei"her 1ar"y5
"hen i".s o#er4
' "hink for some managers "here is "he e/1ec"a"ion "ha" "hey are s"i kin! of "he 1aren"4
-ecoming a manager means in charge4 Par" of 0eing in charge means ha#ing con"ro4
Tha" means ha#ing con"ro o#er 1eo1e4 Of"en "ha" means enforcing "he rues Ius" 0ecause
" "he rues4
' ha#e a frien! a" ano"her com1any (ho (as ha#ing "rou0e managing an em1oyee (ho is a
free s1iri"4 >y frien! s"rugge! (i"h "he guy 0ecause he (asn." aroun! as much5 0u" he (as his
0es" em1oyee4 >y frien! sai! he (an"e! "o gi#e him higher-e#e (ork 0u" he cou!n." 0ecause
0eing in "he office for a cer"ain num0er of hours (as 1ar" of (ha" "hey measure! 1eo1e on5 an!
"his em1oyee (as faiing4
To me "his is financiay irres1onsi0e for "ha" organiHa"ion4 Why !i! anyone care ho( ong "ha"
guy (as "hereK Wha" kin! of message !oes "ha" sen!K 'f ' 0ui! a co" un!er my !esk 0u" '.m no"
1erforming5 !oes "ha" make me a goo! (orkerK
' ha#e ano"her frien! (ho is an economis" an! a coege 1rofessor5 so he.s area!y i#ing in a
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 '".s Ius" no" cae! "ha"4 S"i5 his i!ea of (ha" (ork shou! ook
ike is 0ase! on "his o! cor1ora"e mo!e4 He once sai! "o me5 MThey mus" nee! you a" your
!esk4 O"her(ise "hey (ou!n." ha#e gi#en you one4N
So ' ike "o "ak "o him a0ou" ho( 0eing measure! 0y resu"s is a much 0e""er measure "han "ime
a" your !esk4 ' "ry "o 1u" i" in economic "erms4 $rom "he em1oyer.s 1oin" of #ie(5 "he risk "ha"
someone is no" a" "heir !esk is (or"h "he re(ar!4 The risk is "ha" "hey (i no" !o "heir Io04 -u"
you can." moni"or someone ?<E75 so "ha" risk is "here any(ay4 -u" "he re(ar! of gi#ing "hem
free!om is if "hey ac"uay !o "heir Io0 "hey (i s"ay a" "heir Io0 onger4 Once you.#e 0een in a
ROWE an! ha#e "ha" 1o(er5 you !on." (an" "o (ork any(here ese4
Why Work Sucks
I*"e #een late to work $or the lat three day- and I*m tarting to get .the eye/ $rom my #o(
Thi morning- I race to get ready and get into my car with an hour to make a commute that
uually take me a#out thirty minute( Plenty o$ time to get to the o$$ice #y eight- and may#e
e"en #y e"en $orty'$i"e to get a $ew e0tra point( Then I ee it( Tra$$ic #acked up two toplight
#ehind the entrance ramp to the $reeway( No way( There* contruction on the other route I
could take- o thi i my only #et( I tart weating and panicking- knowing thi will knock me
#ack at leat an hour- putting me at the o$$ice at nine- Not my wih$ul e"en $orty'$i"e( I*m
poiti"e I will #e $ired- or at leat put on a warning $or #eing late $our day in a row( I can $eel my
#lood preure riing- my heart racing- and I o #adly 1ut want to tep on the ga and $ly down
the houlder a $ar a I can go( I reach $or my phone- knowing what I ha"e to do( I $ight with
myel$ #ecaue what I*m a#out to do $eel aw$ul( I con"ince myel$ that i$ I don*t do it- I will loe
my 1o#( I dial my #o* Num#er( I get hi "oice mail( I cough and ay- in a rapy "oice- .2im- I*m
1ut Not $eeling well today( I don*t think I*ll #e a#le to make it in( I wa up allNight with a $e"er(
3Cough- clearing throat(4 I*ll ee you tomorrow(/
I*m o e0cited5my hu#and and I ha"e plan to go to dinner at my $a"orite retaurant to
cele#rate our anni"erary( The retaurant i an hour away and to make our i0 o*clock
reer"ationduring ruh hour- I*ll Need to lea"e work at $our thirty( 6ea"ing at thi time i unheard
o$ where I work- #ut tonight I don*t care what anyone ay a#out me( I arri"e at the o$$ice and
$iNd out that my #o ha called a urprie meeting with my team( )he proceed to tell u that
he han*t een the dedication he Need to ee on our New pro1ect( )he e0pect to ee u all
working until at leat i0 e"ery Night to .put in our time(/ I talk with her a$ter the meeting to let
her know that I*ll #e lea"ing at $our thirty $or my anni"erary dinner- #ut I*ll work until e"en
e"ery other Night thi week( )he glare at me and let me know that there are people lined up
$or my 1o#5I can make my own deciion( I know- in that moment- that my hu#andand I will
Need to cele#rate thi weekend intead o$ toNight(I cancel our reer"ation and call my
hu#and( 7e ak me when I*m going to reali8e what* really important in li$e and hang up the
phone( I ak myel$ the ame 9uetion a I lay my head down on my dek(
Why !oes (ork suckK
'f you ask 1eo1e (hy (ork sucks "hey (i usuay gi#e one of "(o ans(ers4 They (i reach for
some"hing #agueGi".s a hec"ic (or!L 1eo1e are 0usyL "ha".s ife4 Or "hey (i a"ch on"o
some"hing s1ecific "o "heir (ork1aceGa con"roing 0oss (ho cocks e#ery minu"e of e#ery
0reak5 an unfocuse! managemen" "eam "ha" crea"es a cons"an" s"a"e of emergency4 -u" (e
(ou! argue "ha" "he ans(er is 0o"h !ee1er an! more (i!es1rea!4 There are sys"emic
1ro0ems "ha" e#ery (ork1ace shares4 The !e"ais change from 1erson "o 1erson an! 1ace "o
1ace5 0u" "he un!erying 1ro0em is "he same4 An! i".s a 0igger 1ro0em "han ife 0eing har! or
"ha" 0usiness no( "ra#es a" 0in!ing s1ee!s4
Work sucks in cor1ora"e ife "o!ay 0ecause (e ha#e "ime a (rong4
+us" ook a" "he "(o s"ories a0o#e4 The firs" 1erson (an"s "o Mscore 1oin"sN for coming in fif"een
minu"es eary4 The manager in "he secon! s"ory e/1ec"s 1eo1e "o s"ay un"i si/ 0ecause "ha"
someho( sho(s !e!ica"ion4 Coming in a"e four !ays a (eek migh" cos" you your Io04 S"aying
a"e e#ery nigh" migh" ge" you "ha" 1romo"ion4 9ou can." ea#e a" four "hir"y an! you 0e""er no"
come in a" nine4 An! a" no 1oin" is "here any !iscussion of "he Juai"y of "he (ork 0eing !one4
'".s Ius" "ime5 "ime5 "ime4
We a a0or un!er a my"h:
Time P 1hysica 1resence Q resu"s4
When i" comes "o (ork our a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime are so omni1resen" "hey are amos" in#isi0e5
an! here are "(o "ri#ia e/am1es "ha" (e ha#e 1icke! e/ac"y 0ecause "hey are so offhan! an!
ran!om4 When Ne( 9ork mayor >ichae -oom0erg ga#e "he commencemen" a!!ress a" "he
Coege of S"a"en 'san!5 he sai! some goo! "hings "o "he fu"ure (orkers of America a0ou"
"aking risks an! earning ho( "o coa0ora"e (i"h 1eo1e5 0u" he 1u" "he mos" 1assion an! force
in"o "his s"a"emen":
M'f "he firs" one in in "he morning an! "he as" one "o ea#e a" nigh" an! you "ake fe(er
#aca"ion !ays an! ne#er "ake a sick !ay5 you (i !o 0e""er "han "he 1eo1e "ha" !on." !o "ha"4 '"
is #ery sim1e4N
We "hink "ha".s a s"range sen"imen" coming from "he mayor of Ne( 9ork4 no" knocking
ha#ing a soi! (ork e"hic5 0u" (hen (e "hink of "he in!i#i!uas (ho ha#e ma!e i" in "he grea"es"
ci"y in "he (or!5 (e "hink of "heir crea"i#i"y5 inno#a"ion5 sa##y5 an! com1e"i"i#eness4 We "hink of
1eo1e (ho ha#e 0rough" some"hing "o "he "a0eG(he"her i".s in ar" or finance or go#ernmen"G
"ha" no one ese has 0rough" 0efore4 We cer"ainy !on." "hink a0ou" 1eo1e 1u""ing in hours4
The o"her e/am1e "y1ifies "he kin! of career a!#ice (e gi#e 1eo1e (ho (ork in non"ra!i"iona
(ork en#ironmen"s4 '".s from a (e0si"e "ha" offers "i1s "o freeancers for ho( "o 0e successfu:
M&og your "ime an! (ork4 As you ha#e no "ime cock an! no one "o (a"ch o#er you5 you nee! "o
accoun" for your "ime5 if no" for your em1oyer or your cien"5 "hen for yoursef4 '".s im1or"an" "ha"
you no" ha#e a !ay go 0y (i"hou" kno(ing (ha" you.#e reay accom1ishe!5 so og (ha" you !o5
an! ho( ong i" "akes4 '" may seem ike e/"ra (ork5 0u" reay i" Ius" "akes a fe( secon!s af"er
e#ery "ask4N
This is in"eres"ing5 as if you (ou!n." kno( "he Juai"y of "he (ork you.#e !one if you !i!n." aso
Iu!ge i" in "erms of "ime4 The ine Mif no" for your em1oyer or your cien"5 "hen for yoursefN says i"
a4 The assum1"ion is "ha" you nee! "o kee1 "rack of your "ime for more "han 0iing 1ur1oses4
Wi"hou" kno(ing ho( ong a 1iece of (ork "akes you can." measure i"s "rue #aue4
This un(ri""en rue a0ou" "ime a11ies "o Ius" a0ou" e#ery0o!y5 from a!minis"ra"i#e assis"an"s on
u1 "o "he senior ea!ershi14 Wi"h "he e/ce1"ion of saes 1eo1e5 (ho ei"her !ei#er "heir num0ers
or !on."5 mos" 1eo1e are Iu!ge! 0y a mi/"ure of resu"s an! "ime s1en" in "he office4 9ou are
e/1ec"e! "o !o your Io0 an! "o com1e"e your "asks5 0u" you are aso e/1ec"e! "o 1u" in for"y
hours or e#en more4
S"rangey (e ony !o "his a" (ork4 'f ou" running erran!s on Sa"ur!ay an! ge""ing "hings
!one5 no" measuring yoursef 0y "he cock4 9ou migh" 0e frus"ra"e! "ha" a s1ecific chore
is "aking so ong5 0u" you !on." ook a" a 1ie of aun!ry an! "hink5 '.! 0e""er make sure '.m
1u""ing enough hours in"o "his4 9ou ei"her accom1ish (ha" you se" ou" "o accom1ish or you
!on."4 'f any"hing "here is incen"i#e "o ge" "hings !one more Juicky an! efficien"y 0ecause "hen
you. ha#e more "ime "o !o some"hing ese4 A" (ork5 e#en if (e accom1ish our "asks (e are
e/1ec"e! "o fi "he hours4 -ecause 0y !efini"ion a fu-"ime Io0 "akes for"y hours or more "o
Why !o (e ook a" "ime in "his (ayK >ay0e i".s a reic of "he 'n!us"ria Age5 (hen if you (eren."
a" your 1ace on "he assem0y ine "hen "he (ork (asn." ge""ing !one4 'f you !i!n." 1u" in your
"ime "he Io0 !i!n." ge" !one4 Or may0e "his a""i"u!e a0ou" "ime goes 0ack e#en fur"her5 0ack "o
(hen mos" 1eo1e (orke! 0y han!4 'f you (ere 1rac"icing a craf"5 "hen "ime 1u" in"o making a
ca0ine" or a sui" of armor (ou! ha#e more !irec"y "ransa"e! in"o a Juai"y 1iece4
There (as a "ime (hen "he for"y-hour (ork(eek ser#e! a goo! 1ur1ose4 We o(e "he for"y-hour
(ork(eek "o "he $air &a0our S"an!ar!s Ac" of :=6@5 (hich aso en!e! "he 1rac"ice of chi!
a0our an! es"a0ishe! "he minimum (age4 The i!ea (as "o make a0or uniform an! fair 0ack
(hen com1anies ha! "oo much con"ro o#er (orkers. i#es4 -u" someho( "he for"y-hour
(ork(eek mor1he! in"o "he go! s"an!ar! for com1e"ency5 efficiency5 an! effec"i#eness4
'n an informa"ion an! ser#ice economy i" !oesn." make sense "o use "ime as a measuremen" for
a Io0 (e-!one4 Wha" !oes for"y hours e#en meanK An! (ha" !oes for"y hours ge" youK
Na"uray i" s"i "akes "ime "o !o research or 0ui! a 0o!y of kno(e!ge or 0ui! rea"ionshi1s5 0u"
"he in!i#i!ua ac"ions (e "ake e#ery !ay5 "he i""e uni"s of (ork ha#e more "o !o (i"h
communica"ion an! 1ro0em so#ing4 To!ay (e !o more (ork (i"h our 0rains "han (i"h our
han!s5 an! kno(e!ge (ork reJuires a !ifferen" se" of assum1"ions a0ou" 1ro!uc"i#i"y4
Kno(e!ge (ork reJuires fui!i"y 2i!eas can ha11en any"ime5 no" Ius" 0e"(een eigh" an! fi#e3
an! concen"ra"ion 20eing res"e! an! engage! is more im1or"an" "han 0eing on "he cock3 an!
crea"i#i"y 2again5 ei"her on or no" on5 regar!ess of "he hour34 To!ay (e s1en! our
i#es 1erforming in Io0s in (hich i".s har!er "o measure effec"i#eness in "erms of "ime4 Af"er a5
ho( ong !oes i" "ake "o "hink of "he ans(er "o a coeague.s Jues"ionK Or "o ha#e an insigh"
a0ou" "he marke"1aceK Or "o say "he righ" "hing "o cose a saeK
When (e "ry "o i#e our i#es un!er "his ne( se" of !eman!s 0u" un!er "he o! se" of
assum1"ions5 (e ge" "he s"ories "ha" o1ene! "his cha1"er4 We ge" 0urne!-ou"5 frus"ra"e! 1eo1e
s"rugging "o reconcie "he o! an! "he ne(4 So (ha"K you migh" say4 These kin!s of anec!o"es
are so common1ace "hey amos" !on." seem (or"h men"ioning4 Tha".s ife5 righ"K E#eryone has
momen"s ike "hese a" (ork4 There is some"hing a0ou" "ime "ha" s"resses e#eryone ou"4 'f "he
(ork1ace is unfair i".s unfair for e#eryone4 *on." ca i" "he en! of "he (or!4 Ca i" Tues!ay4
We agree "ha" "hese kin!s of s"ories are or!inary an! e#en mun!ane5 0u" (e !ou0" "ha" you
cou! fin! anyone (ho (ou! argue "ha" "hey are e#i!ence of a (ork1ace "ha" is i!ea4 An! (e
0e" you cou! fin! a o" of 1eo1e (ho migh" (on!er ho( much onger (e can go on ike "his4 A"
"his e#e of s"ress4 'n "his "o/ic a"mos1here4 A" "his reen"ess 1ace "o(ar! a goa "ha" no one
can see 0ecause no one has !efine! i"4 We.#e go""en use! "o "he (orking (or!5 0u" !oes
any0o!y ike i"K 's anyone "ruy 0enefi"ingK $e( in!i#i!uas are gi#ing "heir 0es"4 $e( com1anies
are ge""ing "he 0es" from "heir 1eo1e4 The fac" "ha" (e ge" "ime (rong in cor1ora"e America
may seem sma5 0u" "hose sma momen"s a!! u1 "o 0ig 1ro0ems 0o"h for em1oyee an!
One of "he mos" recogniHa0e conseJuences of our mis1ace! fai"h in "ime is Presen"eeism4
&e".s "ake -o05 for e/am1e4 -o0 has mas"ere! "he 1oi"ics of cor1ora"e America4 No( in his a"e
fif"ies he has seen i" aG!o(nsiHing5 ou"sourcing5 righ"siHing4 -u" he has con"inue! "o rise
"hrough "he ranks 0ecause he kno(s ho( "o 1ay "he game4 He ge"s in 0efore e#eryone ese5
scoring "ha" s(ee" 1arking s1o" 0y "he fron" !oor5 "he one (here e#eryone (ho comes in a"er
can no"e (i"h a mi/"ure of en#y an! resen"men" "ha" -o0 ou"!i! "hem again4 *uring "he !ay -o0
goes "o e#ery mee"ing4 He ea"s unch a" his !esk4 He "urns "he igh"s ou" a" nigh"4 His 0osses
!escri0e him as Ma (orkhorseN an! Ma rock4N 9ou can." !eny "ha" he.s (orking5 righ"K He 1u"s in
so much "ime4 He mus" 0e !oing some"hingR
No ma""er "ha" -o0 !oesn." reay do any"hing4 No ma""er "ha" -o0 hasn." con"ri0u"e!
meaningfuy "o "he 0o""om ine in years4
A" some "ime in our i#es5 mos" of us5 (he"her (e ike "o a!mi" i" or no"5 are gui"y of
Presen"eeism5 (hich is any "ime 1hysicay 1resen" an! 1u""ing in "ime5 0u" no"
reay !oing your Io04 9our 0o!y is in "he 0ui!ing5 0u" your min! is some(here ese4
Presen"eeism is (hen a" your com1u"er 1aying Wor! of Warcraf" or sho11ing on e-ay
or kee1ing "a0s on "he NCAA "ournamen"4 Presen"eeism is (hen on "ime for (ork 0u"
"hen s1en! an hour onine rea!ing "he 1a1er4 Presen"eeism is (hen cons"an"y "eing
1eo1e "ha" "here for "hem5 "ha" a#aia0e5 "ha" you ha#e "ime for "heir concerns5
0u" no" !oing e#ery"hing you can "o so#e "he 1ro0em a" han!5 of"en 0ecause no"
e/ac"y sure (ha" "he 1ro0em a" han! e#en is4 Presen"eeism crea"es a men"ai"y "ha" ea!s "o
s"a"emen"s ike "his:
M' finishe! "ha" 1roIec" a !ay ahea! of "ime5 0u" !on." "e anyone4 ' !on." (an" "o han! i" in eary
or ese "he 0oss (i Ius" !um1 more (ork on my !esk4N
MTeam5 ( gi#ing +an "he Em1oyee of "he >on"h a(ar! "o!ay4 She 1u" in some reay ong
hours as" mon"h5 an! ' ha#e a feeing she (as e#en here on "he (eeken!s4 ucky "o ha#e
such a !e!ica"e!5 commi""e! 1ayer on our "eam4 &e".s gi#e i" u1 for +anRN
MPau5 '.#e seen you ea#ing 0efore "hree 1re""y of"en a"ey4 9ou kno(5 as ong as 1u""ing
in your for"y hours5 i" !oesn." 0o"her me if you ea#e eary4 There ha#e 0een some com1ain"s
from "he "eam5 "hough4 Some foks ha#e seen you 1u""ing in "(en"y-fi#e "o "hir"y hours in "he
office4 &e".s s"e1 "ha" u14 As you kno(5 (e ha#e a o" of (ork "o !o4N
-u" "his men"ai"y 0egs some im1or"an" Jues"ions:
'f you are ge""ing your Io0 !one5 "hen (hy are you 1unishe! 0y ha#ing "o fi your "imeK
'f you are a!!ing #aue "o "he com1any5 if you are 1erforming5 "hen (ho cares if i" "akes you
for"y hours or for"y secon!s "o !o i"K
'f you are ska"ing 0y5 fiing "he hours5 (a"ching "he cock5 "hen (ha" are you !oing (i"h your
ifeK no" caing ou" in!i#i!ua em1oyees4 'n fac"5 Ius" "he o11osi"e4 Presen"eeism !oesn."
ha11en 0ecause 1eo1e are aHy or unfocuse! or no" !e!ica"e! "o "heir (ork4 Presen"eeism
ha11ens e#ery(here5 e#ery !ay5 0ecause "he (ay (e measure (ork 1erformance is (rong4 '".s
a fa( in "he sys"em5 no" in "he 1eo1e4
Our fase (orshi1 of "ime !is"or"s 0eha#ior4 -ecause ( no" Ius" !oing our Io0 0u" making
sure our Io0 fi"s in"o a for"y-hour (ork(eek "ha" ha11ens 0e"(een eigh" an! fi#e 2(i"h a haf
hour or an hour for unch3 (e ha#e "o Ium1 "hrough hoo1s "o make "he Io0 fi" "he cock4
The cock "urns us in"o iars4 We ca in sick (hen (e ha#e "o "ake care of famiy 0usiness4 Or
(e 1u" in ong hours "o make u1 for no" 0eing a0e "o accom1ish "he "ask a" han!4
The cock !isru1"s engagemen"4 On any gi#en !ay you ei"her fee o#er(orke! 2' can." 0eie#e '
ha#e "o !o a of "his in for"y hoursR3 or un!er(orke! 2' can." 0eie#e ' ha#e "o 0e here for for"y
The cock !iscourages inno#a"ion an! crea"i#i"y4 9ou can." 0e mo"i#a"e! "o so#e "he com1any.s
1ro0ems 0ecause e#en if you !o you are s"i Iu!ge! on ho( much "ime you 1u" in4 9ou can."
ser#e "(o mas"ers4
We aren." 0aming "his a on The >an4 Our a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime are so ingraine! "ha" (e are a
gui"y of "his kin! of misgui!e! "hinking4 E#en "hose (ho (ork for a 1rogressi#e com1anyGe#en
"hose (ho are in a argey resu"s-!ri#en (ork cu"ureGaren." immune from "hese ou"!a"e!
,e how up at work and intead o$ thinking a#out what we can do to dri"e reult- we try to
$igure out how we can #oth accomplih our goal and do it in a way that $it within the narrow
con$ine o$ an eight'to'$i"e day(
,e $eel admiration :or en"y; $or the people who log the mot hour at work #ecaue we $eel
they are omehow working harder(
,e complain a#out how many hour we*re putting in- a i$ thi make u heroe(
,e eat ometime #etween ele"en thirty and one thirty and only $or an hour- #ecaue that i the
accepta#le time to eat and the accepta#le duration $or eating(
,e*re keptical that people who are on $le0time program are putting in enough hour to do
their 1o#(
,e worry that coming in at eight $i$teen will #rand u a #eing .late(/ Or we get e0cited a#out
coming in at e"en $orty'$i"e o we can #e een a #eing .early(/
,e don*t 9uetion $or a minute that work hould #e meaured in term o$ time- that ome 1o#
are .part'time/ and other are .$ull'time/ and that $orty hour i the norm(
When (e "ak "o 1eo1e a0ou" "hese a""i"u!es (e fin! "ha" 1eo1e un!ers"an! "ha" "he sys"em is
0roken4 When (e firs" s"ar"e! crea"ing "he mo!e for (ha" (ou! 0ecome a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen"5 (e !i!n." nee! "o "e 1eo1e "ha" a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime (ere misgui!e!4 E#eryone
kne( i" in"ui"i#ey5 an! once (e s"ar"e! gi#ing "hem "he o11or"uni"y "o "ak a0ou" "hese un(ri""en
rues i" (as ike a re#ea"ion4
-efore "he A"erna"i#e Work Program (as formaiHe! a" -es" -uy5 Cai (as charge! (i"h
running focus grou1s for "he 6?; 1eo1e (ho (ere going "o "ake 1ar" in "he e/1erimen"4 A
"y1ica grou1 (as ma!e u1 of :; "o :8 1eo1e an! "hey (ere a mi/e! 0ag of houry em1oyees5
o(er-e#e saarie! em1oyees5 an! u11er-e#e managemen"4 The goa of "hese grou1s (as "o
figure ou" ho( "o crea"e a 1rogram "ha" a!!resse! "his some(ha" amor1hous issue of "rus"4 A
o" of "he commen"s (ere a o#er "he ma1 an! a!!resse! "echnica concerns 2making sure
"here (as goo! communica"ion5 cear goas5 fee!0ack "oos "o moni"or ho( "he 1io" (as going35
0u" "he refrain (as "ha" 1eo1e (ere !es1era"e "o ge" con"ro o#er "heir "ime4
There (as an e1ic sa!ness "o "hese mee"ings5 0ecause e#eryone kne( (ha" "hey (ere
missing4 E#en if "hey !i!n." ar"icua"e i" "his ceary5 "hey kne( "ha" "heir Io0s (ere ro00ing "hem
of 1recious "ime4 Time (i"h "heir frien!s an! famiy4 Time for 1rofessiona !e#eo1men"4 'n some
casesGif "hey (ere "ri1e 0ooke! for mee"ings a !ay ongGe#en "ime "o !o "heir Io0s4
Why !o (e 1u" u1 (i"h "hisK Where !oes "ime ge" i"s a(e-some 1o(er o#er our i#esK 9ou
migh" "hink "ha" some im1or"an" researcher an! "hinker has !one a ong-"erm5 mu"i#aria0e
s"u!y "ha" 1ro#es "ha" (e nee! "o ha#e "his 0usiness mo!e 0ase! on "ime 0ecause "he !a"a
sho(s "ha" 1eo1e (ho aren." (orking a" eas" for"y hours can." 0e effec"i#e in a go0a5 ?<E7
economy4 -u" you (ou! 0e (rong4 We ha#e "hese a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime an! (e e" "ime ha#e
"his 1o(er o#er us 0ecause of one "hing:
The a!#ice from >ayor -oom0erg an! "he freeance success (e0si"e is no" ony an ius"ra"ion
of ho( misgui!e! (e are a0ou" ho( (e "hink a0ou" "ime5 0u" aso an e/am1e of ho( fimsy our
"hinking is (hen i" comes "o (ork in genera4 no" 0ashing "hem4 'ns"ea! (e.! ra"her sho(
"ha" "he foun!a"ion of our assum1"ions a0ou" (ork has go""en shakier an! shakier as
"echnoogy an! go0aiHa"ion ha#e change! "he (or!4
&ook a" A!!ie4 +us" ou" of coege5 she is ne( "o "he (orkforce4 A!!ie is a smar" an! ca1a0e
em1oyee4 She gre( u1 one of "hose ki!s (hom 1eo1e a0e Mo#ersche!ue!N 0u" (hie her ife
is #ery fu5 she.s aso e/ceen" a" managing her 1riori"ies4 'n coege she (as "he "y1e of
s"u!en" (ho go" goo! gra!es5 ha! a 0oyfrien!5 "ook 1ar" in e/"racurricuar ac"i#i"ies5 an! (as
a0e "o make i" a (ork4 She.s an effec"i#e5 !e!ica"e! (orker5 0u" (hie her career is im1or"an"
"o her5 so are her frien!s an! ou"si!e in"eres"s4 $or her5 a as1ec"s of her ife ma""er4
%nfor"una"ey her a""i"u!e a0ou" ife isn." si""ing (e (i"h her manager an! "he res" of her "eam4
She ikes "o (ork a" o!! hours an! a" coffee sho1s5 0u" her 0oss says "ha" "ha" !oesn." fy4
Accor!ing "o her manager5 "he o"her 1eo1e on A!!ie.s "eam !on." ike i" (hen she ea#es "he
0ui!ing "o ge" some Juie" "ime "o (ork5 or (hen she asks "o ea#e eary on $ri!ays5 e#en
"hough she.s com1e"e! her (ork4 On one han!5 A!!ie !ra(s 1raise from her 0oss5 (ho no"es
"ha" 1eo1e ike her an! a11recia"e her con"ri0u"ions4 M9ou ha#e grea" i!eas5N A!!ie.s 0oss
says4 M-u" if coming an! going a "he "ime you (on." ge" 1romo"e!4 Peo1e (on." "ake
you seriousy4 Af"er a5 1erce1"ion is reai"y4N
Perce1"ion is reai"y4
Ho( many "imes ha#e you hear! "ha" e/1ression (i"h regar! "o (orkK >ay0e you.#e sai! i"
yoursef or some"hing ike i"4
.+etter look #uy( I hear the CEO i on the $loor today(/
.It* not what you know #ut who you know(/
.I ha"e to make that meeting( It* my only chance thi week to get $ace time with my #o(/
The funny "hing a0ou" "hese a""i"u!es a0ou" (ork is "ha" "hey aren." "augh" in schoo4 9ou !on."
earn a0ou" ho( "he (ork1ace (orks in a cass4 There are 0ooks a0ou" ho( "o ge" ahea! in
0usiness or ho( "o make frien!s an! infuence 1eo1e5 0u" "here aren." 0ooks "ha" "each you
ho( "o 0eha#e a" (ork4 There is no resource for norma4
So (here !o "hese 0eiefs come fromK We earn a0ou" (ork from (a"ching our 1aren"s an!
e!ers e/1erience (ork5 from "he s"ories "hey "e4 We hear a!#ice ike >ayor -oom0erg.s or ge"
some coaching from our mom or !a! a0ou" ho( "o ac" 1rofessiona 0efore going off "o our firs"
Io04 -u" mos"y (e earn a0ou" (ha" is norma a" (ork 0y e/1eriencing i"4 One of "he essons
(ork "eaches us righ" a(ayG(he"her ( (orking a" a res"auran" or !oing grun" (ork in an
office or mo(ing a(ns for our neigh0orsGis "ha" "here is "he Io0 you !o an! "he Io0 you a11ear
"o 0e !oing4
9ou ha#e your "asks an! res1onsi0ii"ies5 aka The +o04
9ou aso ha#e "he some"imes un(ri""en an! uns1oken rues "ha" you ha#e "o 1ay 0y5 aka Work4
These uns1oken an! un(ri""en rues are 0ase! on 0eiefs "ha" (e a share a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s
!one an! (ha" i" ooks ike "o ge" (ork !one4 We ha#e so many 0eiefs a0ou" (ork i" (ou! 0e
im1ossi0e "o name "hem a4 Here is a 1ar"ia is":
S >os" (ork ha11ens from >on!ay "o $ri!ay5 eigh" "o fi#e4
S Peo1e a" "heir (orks"a"ions are !oing (ork4
S Resu"s are 1ro1or"iona "o effor"s4
S MSummer HoursN 1rograms he1 crea"e (ork-ife 0aance for our em1oyees4
S Peo1e (ho (ork a o" of hours ge" more (ork !one "han 1eo1e (ho (ork fe(er hours4
S None/em1" em1oyee s"a"us is a (ay for us "o 1ro"ec" our em1oyees from (orking "oo many
S Working Mou" of hoursN is no" goo! for (ork-ife 0aance4
S $e/i0ii"y crea"es 1erformance issues4
S Peo1e in fe/i0e (ork en#ironmen"s !on." ha#e enough "ime "o ge" "heir (ork !one4
S 'f 1eo1e can ge" "heir (ork !one in ess "ime5 "hey shou! ge" more (ork4
S The 0es" cus"omer ser#ice ha11ens face-"o-face4
S Crea"ing more MIo0sN he1s us manage more (ork4
S $ace "ime is necessary in or!er for (ork "o ge" !one4
S 'ns"an" a#aia0ii"y is "he measure of grea" cus"omer ser#ice4
S Roes an! res1onsi0ii"ies 0ring cari"y "o (ork4
S +o0 !escri1"ions he1 1eo1e kno( (ha".s e/1ec"e! of "hem a" (ork4
S Res"ruc"uring reJuires onger (orking hours4
S 'f you gi#e 1eo1e con"ro o#er "heir sche!ues5 "hey (i "ake a!#an"age of "he sys"em4
S >anagers (i"h !irec" re1or"s canno" (ork from home4
S The 0es" coa0ora"ion is !one face-"o-face4
'n an informa"ion- or ser#ice-0ase! economy5 !o "hese or"ho!o/ies make senseK Or are "hey
reics of a "ime (hen (e (orke! in a cer"ain (ay 0ecause "here (as no a"erna"i#eK -efore
"echnoogy5 (e had "o go "o "he office 0ecause "ha".s (here (e ke1" "he mimeogra1h machine5
"he an!ine5 "he &iJui! Pa1er4 We in#en"e! Mmanagemen" 0y (aking aroun!N 0ecause you
cou!n." ea#e someone a #oice mai or crea"e an in"erna (e0si"e "o moni"or "he 1rogress of a
1roIec"4 Peo1e cou!n." (ork #ir"uay 0ecause "here (as no #ir"ua5 ony 1hysica s1ace an!
rea "ime4
We ha#e a "hese assum1"ions a0ou" (ha" (ork ooks ike e#en "hough in "o!ay.s economy
(ork ooks ess an! ess ike i" !i! "(en"y years ago4
*ig5 if you (i5 "hese 1ic"ures: one of a (oman (aking her !og5 ano"her of a man si""ing in a
conference room (i"h some o"her men4
No( ask yoursef: Which one of "hem is (orkingK
'f i" (as fif"y years ago you (ou! au"oma"icay assume "ha" "he man (as (orking4 $or one5
mos" (omen !i!n." (ork4 $or ano"her5 (ha" kin! of (ork cou! she 1ossi0y 0e !oing (hie
(aking "he !ogK Aso5 Ius" ook a" "ha" manR He.s righ" "hereR 'n a conference room in an office
0ui!ing5 a 1ace (here (ork ge"s !oneR True5 he is Ius" si""ing "here an! (e can." kno( his
"hough"s5 or if he.s e#en 1aying a""en"ion5 or if he.s ha! a (or"h(hie i!ea in recen" memory4
Who kno(sK >ay0e af"er "his mee"ing he.s a0ou" "o 0e fire!4 -u" he ooks ike he.s (orking4
'n fac"5 e#en "o!ay5 (i"h (omen in "he (ork1ace5 ( s"i ikey "o make a kin!s of
assum1"ions a0ou" "hese "(o 1eo1e5 "ha" (ork ha11ens in cer"ain kin!s of 1aces5 a" cer"ain
"imes5 (i"h cer"ain kin!s of 1eo1e4 -eiefs a0ou" (ork ha#e 0een forme! o#er genera"ions an!
no( " so ingraine! "ha" 1eo1e !on." e#en Jues"ion "hem4 An! ye"5 rea! amos" any
0usiness success s"ory an! (e 1romise you "ha" "he ins1ira"ion for "ha" ne( 1ro!uc"5 ser#ice5 or
com1any !i!n." ha11en in a cu0ice4 The s"ories of grea" 0ran!s ike S"ar0ucks or grea"
com1anies ike A11e s"ar" ou" in "he (or!5 or in an in#en"or.s garage5 no" in a conference room
(i"h eigh" 1eo1e s"aring a" a fi1 char"4
-u" s"i (e cing "o "hese o! i!eas e#en "hough ( s"ifing ourse#es4 +us" ook a" 1oor A!!ie4
She.s 0righ" an! ca1a0e4 She 0aHe! "hrough coege Iugging a as1ec"s of her ife4 So (hy
!oes her 0oss assume "ha" "he ony (ay A!!ie can ge" her (ork !one is if she is in her cu0e
from eigh" "o fi#eK Wha" is "his (eir! "hing a0ou" ho( A!!ie (on." 0e "aken seriousy if she
!oesn." 1u" on a sho( of (ork 2as o11ose! "o sim1y !oing her Io03K Why !o (e acce1"
nonsense ike M1erce1"ion is reai"yNK
'n fac"5 our assum1"ions a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one an! (ha" (ork ooks ike are so en"renche!
"ha" any a"erna"i#e5 e#en an effec"i#e one5 is "rea"e! as come!y4 Take "his o1ening "o a Reu"ers
ar"ice from +uy :@5 ?;;;5 "i"e! MThis $ri!ay5 >ake '" Rea Casua4N
MThis $ri!ay is "he firs" Na"iona Work a" Home *ay5 an occasion (hen "here (on." 0e any nee!
"o fee gui"y a0ou" nego"ia"ing a mu"imiion-!oar !ea in your 0o/ers an! 0unny si11ers5 or
in"er#ie(ing a chief e/ecu"i#e (hie (earing Ius" a "o(e4N
'sn." "ha" in"eres"ingK Why (ou! someone (ho Ius" nego"ia"e! a mu"imiion-!oar !ea ha#e "o
fee gui"y a0ou" any"hingK
Our 0eiefs a0ou" (here an! ho( (ork ge"s !one !is"or" ho( (e e#aua"e (ork Ius" as "he
1o(er of "ime !oes4 Cer"ainy (ork can ge" !one in a cu0ice or in a mee"ing5 0u" !oes i" ha#e "o
ge" !one "ha" (ayK 'f one of your 0usiness con"ac"s is caing you on "he 1hone (i"h a Jues"ion5
!o "hey reay care if you are in your cu0e or a" "he gymK We ha#e #ery i""e Mface "imeN (i"h our
o#erseas 1ar"ners an! ye" !oesn." our (ork s"i ge" accom1ishe! (i"h "hemK >os" of (ha" (e
!o is "ra!e informa"ion an! i!eas 2an! of"en eec"ronicay34 There isn." "he a0sou"e nee! for us
"o congrega"e in offices4
-u" (ha" a0ou" mee"ingsK Wha" a0ou" "eamsK We. s1en! more "ime on mee"ings an!
managemen" in "he coming cha1"ers5 0u" for no( (e. Ius" say "his:
E"eryone know that $or e"ery producti"e meeting there are at leat two more that aren*t(
E"eryone know that once a meeting reache a certain i8e it* likely that at leat three people
will #e there who don*t ha"e to #e there(
E"eryone know that a good portion o$ what i accomplihed in a meeting5meaning the actual
e0change o$ in$ormation5could #e handled through e'mail(
We "hink "he 1oin" of mee"ings is "o ge" (ork !one4 -u" mee"ings are aso a (ay of e/1ressing
an! e/ercising our ou"!a"e! 0eiefs a0ou" (ork4 This is (hy 1eo1e (ho are !ou0e an! "ri1e
0ooke! are seen as more im1or"an" "han 1eo1e (ho !on." ha#e as many mee"ings4 This is (hy
1eo1e (ho can make o"her 1eo1e go "o mee"ings are seen as 1o(erfu5 e#en if "his 1o(er has
no"hing "o !o (i"h effec"i#eness4 This is (hy you can ska"e 0y in a Io0 Ius" 0y a""en!ing o"s of
mee"ings5 0ecause if you sho(e! u1 "hen na"uray you con"ri0u"e!4 The (ork "ha" ge"s !one in
mee"ings is fine4 The un(ri""en an! uns1oken rues "ha" surroun! mee"ings are one of "he 0ig
reasons (hy (ork sucks4
As )ina no"e! in her s"ory5 "here is a !efini"e risk-re(ar! eJua"ion a" (ork if you !on." gi#e
1eo1e con"ro o#er "heir "ime an! "heir (ork4 'f you e" your 0eiefs a0ou" (ork ser#e as your
gui!e5 you are ro00ing yoursef an! your co(orkers an! em1oyees of "he con"ro "hey migh"
e#en nee! "o !o "heir Io0s4 +us" (hen you nee! "o 0e as fui! as 1ossi0e5 Ius" (hen you nee! "o
0e ean an! mean an! "hough"fu an! (ise an! nim0e an! 1roac"i#e an! a "hose 0usiness
"hings you nee! "o 0e5 you are hams"rung 0y assum1"ions4 s"uck in a cu0e (i"h a
!esk"o1 com1u"er an! a 1hone (i"h a cor! so you can 0e "here in 1erson shou! your manager
(ak o#er "o check u1 on (he"her or no" (orking4 The game 0ecomes ooking 0usy
ins"ea! of (orking har! an! so#ing 1ro0ems an! con"ri0u"ing4 '".s a game no one (ins4 9ou
ose your free!om5 your mo"i#a"ion5 your sou5 an! in e/change for con"ro o#er your ife5 your
com1any of"en ge"s i""e more "han a sho( of (ork4
None of "his is (ri""en !o(n any(here4 Em1oyee manuas ha#e "ime an! #aca"ion 1oicy
gui!eines5 0u" 1eo1e !on." (ak aroun! i#ing 0y "he rue 0ooks4 The cu"ure a" a (ork1ace is a
i#ing5 0rea"hing "hing4 So ho( !o "hese 0eiefs ge" reinforce!K
&e".s "ake Hea"her as an e/am1e4 Hea"her migh" 0e "he unha11ies" 1erson a" her com1any4
She.s in her eary for"ies5 recen"y !i#orce! (i"h "(o ki!s (ho are in !ay care4 She is "he ony
1erson making "ha" famiy go4 She.s no" a(ays "he 0es" (orker5 0u" she.s 0e""er "han mos" an!
she can reay 1our i" on (hen i" coun"s4 Her 1ro0em is "ha" her ife is kiing her4 No ma""er ho(
har! she (orks "here is a(ays some"hing "ha" isn." ge""ing !one4 Persona ife or (ork ifeG
nei"her is fourishing4 She 1u"s her ki!s in !ay care (hen "hey are sick an! fees 0a! a !ay4
She.s cons"an"y 0eing "aken "o "ask for her a""en!ance4 Her co(orkers "rea" her ike a faen
(oman4 Some"imes "he cues are su0"eGike (hen "he room goes Juie" (hen she (aks inG
0u" o"her "imes 1eo1e say i" "o her face5 "ha" if she can." seem "o manage 0o"h famiy an! (ork
"hen may0e she shou! fin! ano"her Io04 O#er "ime "his a a!!s u15 un"i i" ge"s "o "he 1oin" a"
(hich e#en "he sigh"es" commen" can !efa"e her4 One !ay she is fif"een minu"es a"e for a
morning mee"ing "ha" hasn." reay s"ar"e! ye"4 As she en"ers "he room her 0oss ooks u1 an!
says5 MNice of you "o Ioin us5N an! as sa! as i" soun!s5 "his i""e Ia0 1re""y much !es"roys her
(hoe !ay4
Human 0eings Iu!ge e#ery"hingGes1eciay o"her 1eo1e4 Their a""ire5 "heir hair5 "heir !ri#ing5
"heir cooking5 "heir s1eech5 "heir financia (e-0eing5 "heir occu1a"ion5 e#en "heir chi!-rearing
skis4 We make Iu!gmen"s au"oma"icay5 an! some"imes (e choose "o say ou" ou! (ha".s in
our hea!s4 Some 1eo1e are ou"(ar!y crue5 cu""ing !o(n "heir frien!s an! famiy (i"h 0arey
#eie! references "o "heir shor"comings4 Some 1eo1e are (e-meaning 0u" un"hinking5 making
o"her(ise innocen" commen"s a0ou" ho( much money someone makes5 ho( "heir marriage is
going5 "heir (eigh"5 "heir hair4
S"i "here are rues4 Par" of gro(ing u1 is earning (ha" you can an! canno" say "o 1eo1e5 (ha"
is 1oi"e an! (ha" is ru!e4 S"rangey5 a" (ork a o" of "hese rues !on." a11y4 We ha#e "his (eir!
1ermission "o 0e shi""y "o one ano"her a" (ork4 We Iu!ge 1eo1e.s 1ercei#e! (ork ha0i"s4 We
Iu!ge ho( (e imagine 1eo1e.s 1ersona i#es an! 1ersona choices affec" "heir (ork4 We
es1eciay Iu!ge 1eo1e a0ou" ho( "hey use "heir "ime4
We say:
.Coming in at ele"en again< +oy- I wih I had your hour=/
.Another "acation5how many "acation day do you get< I ha"en*t taken a "acation in $i"e
.7ow in the world could 2ohn get a promotion< 7e* ne"er e"en here=/
.I wih I moked( Then I could alway #e on #reak and ne"er ha"e to work(/
We ca "his kin! of Iu!gmen" Su!ge
4 Su!ge is "he nega"i#e commen"ary "ha" occurs na"uray
in a (ork1ace an! is 0ase! on ou"!a"e! 0eiefs a0ou" "ime an! (ork4
We. go in"o Su!ge in more !e"ai in "he ne/" cha1"er5 0u" for no( e".s Ius" say "ha" Su!ge
1erforms a #ery im1or"an" func"ion a" (ork4 When (e Iu!ge 1eo1eG(hen (e Su!ge "hemG(e
are e/1ressing ou"!a"e! a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime an! a0ou" (ha" (ork ooks ike an! ho( i" ge"s
!one4 We Iu!ge "o make a 1oin" "ha" someone ese is !ifferen"4 We Iu!ge "o make "he 1oin" "ha"
e#en if someone.s crime is sma5 "hey are ac"ing ou"si!e "he rues of (ork4 We Iu!ge "o make
ourse#es ook 0e""er5 "o sho( o"her 1eo1e 2an! ourse#es3 "ha" ( "he har!es" (orking5
( "he mos" !e!ica"e!4 >os" of a (e Iu!ge "hem "o rein$orce "hose uns1oken 0eiefs a0ou"
(ork4 '".s a #icious cyce4
Time i the miguided meaure(
+elie$ a#out work gi"e time more power than it deer"e(
Acting on their #elie$- people 1udge :or )ludge; one another to gi"e time power and rein$orce
the tatu 9uo(
When you ook a" (ork "hrough "his ens5 "hen e#en seemingy Minnocen"N 1hrases s"ar" "o "ake
on !ee1er meanings4
MTen o.cock an! Ius" ge""ing inKN
The 1erson (ho says "his 0eie#es "ha" (ork can ony "ake 1ace from eigh" "o fi#e in a 1hysica
1ace4 "eing you "ha" you 0e""er s"ar" coming in on "ime or you. 0e 0ran!e! as a 0a!
M'.m no" sur1rise! -i go" "ha" 1romo"ion4 He.s a(ays hereRN
The 1erson (ho says "his 0eie#es no" ony "ha" if no" a" (ork you can." 0e !oing (ork5
0u" "ha" if you aren." seen M(orkingN "hen you. ne#er 0e recogniHe! for your achie#emen"s4 reinforcing "he i!ea "ha" "he 1eo1e (ho (ork "he onges" hours mus" 0e ge""ing "he
mos" !one4
MRi"a is in "he ac"a"ion room again4 ' (ish ' ha! ki!s4 '.! ne#er ha#e "o (ork4N
Transa"ion: Peo1e (ho ha#e chi!ren aren." as commi""e! "o "heir Io0s 0ecause " seen
as no" a#aia0e for (ork4 They aso (ork fe(er hours5 (hich means "hey can." make a 1osi"i#e
im1ac"4 This 1erson is sen!ing you a (arning "ha" if you "ake your career seriousy5 ha#ing ki!s
can 0e a !e"rimen"4
As you s"ar" "o hear (ha".s reay 0ehin! "hese kin!s of commen"s 2or ca"ch yoursef making
"hem3 you. 0egin "o reaiHe ho( sick (ork is4 Ho( our sense of "ime an! our 0eiefs a0ou" ho(
(ork ge"s !one are reay ho!ing us 0ack4 When (e Iu!ge one ano"her in "his (ay5 (
cham1ioning a sys"em "ha" !is"rac"s us from (ha" reay ma""ers 2resu"s3 an! focuses our
energy on (ha" !oesn." 2"ime an! 1ace34 We (ak aroun! feeing gui"y an! incom1e"en" 2or
making o"her 1eo1e fee gui"y an! incom1e"en"35 ei"her see1(aking "hrough "he !ay 0y fiing
u1 "he hours5 or 0y ha#ing "o craf" ea0ora"e (orkaroun!s "o a sys"em "ha" cou!n." 0e !esigne!
any 0e""er "o re"ar! accom1ishmen"4
Ne/" "ime a" (ork5 "ry is"ening for Su!ge4 The ne/" "ime 1eo1e are gossi1ing or #en"ing
a0ou" ano"her em1oyee.s (ork ha0i"s5 is"en "o "he un!erying assum1"ions 0eing ma!e a0ou"
"ha" 1erson4 9ou (i hear o"s of s"range 0eiefs a0ou" "ime an! 1ace4 9ou (i hear
assum1"ions "ha" ha#e no"hing "o !o (i"h (he"her or no" "ha" 1erson is ac"uay !oing "heir Io05
0u" ra"her "he (ay "hey 0eha#e a" (ork4 9ou migh" aso hear (ha" is u"ima"ey 0ehin! e#ery
1iece of Su!ge: "he soun! of 1eo1e feeing ou" of con"ro4 'n each of "hese Iu!gmen"s "here is a
core "ru"h4 ' ha#e no con"ro4 ' ha#e no con"ro o#er "his 0roken sys"em5 an! so '.m force! "o
Iu!ge o"her 1eo1e 0ase! on rues "ha" ' ins"inc"uay kno( are (rong4
'f "he game is "o 1ro#e "ha" 1u""ing in "ime a" "he office5 "hen of course going "o
Iu!ge someone (ho isn." 1u""ing in "heir "ime4 'f you ha#e no con"ro o#er (hen an! ho( you
(ork5 "hen of course going "o fee Ieaous an! resen"fu of someone (ho a11ears "o 0e
free4 'f "he game is unfair 0u" you can." change i"5 your ony choices are "o suffer in sience or "o
'f Su!ge is "he soun! of 1eo1e feeing ou" of con"ro5 for managemen" i".s aso an e/ceen"
means of con"ro4 Think 0ack "o "he s"ory a0ou" Hea"her4 'f no" a" (ork a" eigh" "hen no" 1erforming4 Someho( in "he s1ace of fif"een minu"es or haf an hour she (en" from a
goo! em1oyee 2on "ime a" eigh" e#ery !ayR3 "o a 0a! em1oyee 2nice of you "o Ioin us34 %sing
no"hing o"her "han "he 0ig han! an! "he i""e han!5 her 0oss 1u" Hea"her un!er her "hum05 an!
for (ha"K
Seemingy innocen" commen"s "e us e#ery"hing a0ou" (ha" a (ork1ace #aues4 We care more
a0ou" "ime an! "he a11earance of 0eing !e!ica"e! an! 1resen" "han (e !o a0ou" ac"ua
1erformance4 We care more a0ou" con"roing 1eo1e "han a0ou" e""ing "hem succee!4 We.!
ra"her ha#e or!er "han e/ceence4
This is (hy you can change Io0s e#ery year an! s"i fin! yoursef running in"o "he same
1ro0ems (i"h (ork4 This is (hy "he o#e you fee in "he Io0 in"er#ie( e#en"uay sours (hen you
fin! ou" ho( "he 1ace reay (orks4 This is (hy e#en M1rogressi#eN com1anies or MyoungN
com1anies can s"i suck4 '".s no" "he finer 1oin"s of your (ork1aceGi".s e#ery (ork1ace4 '".s no"
"he 0a! 0oss or "he unfair 0reak 1oicy4 '".s "he #ery na"ure of ho( (e (ork4
Time5 0eief5 an! Iu!gmen" are one (ay of ooking a" "he 1ro0em of (ork5 0u" 0efore (e mo#e
"o "he ne/" cha1"er5 (e.! ike "o offer ano"her4 There are "(o o11osing forces a" (ork on your
ife: !eman! an! con"ro4
*eman!s 1ush a" you from one !irec"ion5 an! "hey incu!e "hings ike !oing your Io05 "aking
care of yoursef an! your home5 s"aying connec"e! "o your famiy an! frien!s4 These are "he
0asic ones4 Peo1e aso ha#e !eman!s 1u" on "hem from a sick or aging 1aren"5 #oun"eer (ork5
a neigh0orhoo! associa"ion5 a ci"y eague sof"0a "eam4 E#en "he nee! "o si" 0ack once in a
(hie an! rea! a 0ook coun"s4 A !eman! is any"hing you reJuire "o i#e your ife4
The "oo for 1ushing 0ack agains" !eman! is con"ro4 'magine a "y1ica Sa"ur!ay4 9ou migh" run
erran!s5 ha#e "ime (i"h famiy an! frien!s5 go "o a mo#ie5 ea" unch5 1ay 0is5 (ha"e#er4
-ecause in con"ro of your "ime on Sa"ur!ay you ha#e "he free!om "o sa"isfy "hose
!eman!s as you see fi"4 9ou migh" ea" unch a" "hree "hir"y ins"ea! of a "ra!i"iona Munch-"imeN
0ecause you.! ra"her ca"ch a mo#ie a" noon an! ea" af"er(ar!4 9ou migh" ge" u1 an hour eary
an! 1ay 0is an! sho1 onine "o ge" "hose chores ou" of "he (ay 0efore "he res" of "he house
(akes u15 an! you !o so (i"hou" resen"men" 0ecause choosing "o ge" "hrough "he o(-
#aue (ork so you can enIoy (ha" ma""ers "o you mos"4 -u" in "he en! i" !oesn." ma""er ho( you
go a0ou" your !ay4 '".s your !ay an! as ong as e#ery"hing ge"s crosse! off "he is"5 you ha#e no
one "o ans(er "o 0u" yoursef4
When 1eo1e ha#e high !eman!s an! high con"ro5 "heir ife can 0e hec"ic 0u" managea0e4
They figure ou" (ha" nee!s "o 0e !one an! (hen4
When 1eo1e ha#e high !eman!s an! o( con"ro5 "heir ife is 0o"h hec"ic an! misera0e4 There
is no"hing "o figure ou"4 They are "ra11e! in a sys"em "ha" 1ies on "he !eman!s 0u" !enies "hem
"he con"ro "o mee" "hose !eman!s4
This is (hy (ork sucks4 9ou ha#e a "hese !eman!s coming a" you5 from rea concerns ike
ac"uay accom1ishing "he "ask you.#e 0een hire! "o !o5 "o !eaing (i"h "he !aiy nonsense of
ge""ing "o (ork on "ime5 si""ing "hrough mee"ings5 s"an!ing aroun! "he 0reak room 1re"en!ing "o
cee0ra"e a co-(orker.s 0ir"h!ay5 an! so on4 An! no" ony !o you ha#e "he !eman!s of (ork5 0u"
(hie a" (ork "he !eman!s of "he res" of your ife go una""en!e!5 an! you ha#e i""e "o no
con"ro o#er ho( an! (hen you can mee" "hose !eman!s4 9our "ime is no" your o(n5 so you !o
"he 0es" you can an! fee ike cra1 for no" !oing any one "hing as (e as you.! ike4
The chaenge "hen is "o increase your e#e of con"ro so you can effec"i#ey mee" !eman!s4 no" a!#oca"ing "ha" 1eo1e !o ess (ork4 No" a" a4 'f you ha#e fi#e 1roIec"s5 you*retill
going to ha"e $i"e pro1ect4 Wha" ( a!#oca"ing is "ha" a of us5 0o"h em1oyer an!
em1oyee5 ackno(e!ge "ha" 1eo1e.s !eman!s are ge""ing higher an! higher5 an! since you
can." make "hose !eman!s go a(ay5 "hen (e a0sou"ey mus" gi#e e#eryone more con"ro o#er
ho( "hey mee" "hose !eman!s4
'f you !on." gi#e 1eo1e more con"ro o#er ho( "hey mee" "he !eman!s of (ork an! ife5 1eo1e
aren." going "o 0e a0e "o gi#e "heir 0es" a" ei"her4 'f 1eo1e can." gi#e "heir 0es" a" ei"her you ge"
a (or! much ike "he one (e ha#e no(5 (here 1eo1e are 0o"h unha11y an! un1ro!uc"i#e4
$or"una"ey5 (e i#e in a "ime (hen "his is 1ossi0e4 To!ay "echnoogy gi#es 1eo1e incre!i0e
1o(er o#er "ime an! informa"ion4 'n our 1ersona i#es5 "echnoogy means (e !on." ha#e "o (ai"
for "he s"ore "o o1en "o 0uy some"hing4 We !on." ha#e "o (a"ch our fa#ori"e sho( "he minu"e i"
airs or come !o(n from >oun" E#eres" "o make a 1hone ca4
An! ye" (hen i" comes "o (ork (e su!!eny ha#e "o gi#e u1 a "hese choices4 We can 0e
s"rong an! nim0e an! 1o(erfu in our 1ersona i#es an! ye" are force! "o 0e so( an! "ra!i"ion
0oun! a" (ork4 Technoogy eem "o ha#e change! "he gameG1eo1e "eecommu"e an! !o
0usiness #ia -ack-erry ?<E7G0u" (e are s"i 1aying 0y "he o! 'n!us"ria Age rues5 "he rues
of "he fac"ory foor an! "he "y1ing 1oo4
The a1"o1 is coi!ing (i"h "he 1unch cock4 no" "echno-e#angeis"s4 A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" isn." a0ou" "he (on!ers of
"echnoogy4 $ranky5 (e cou!n." care ess a0ou" "he a"es" ga!ge"4 -u" "his is a0ou" (ha"
"echnoogy could e" us !o an! ho( ( no" "aking fu a!#an"age4
>os" 1eo1e rush "o (ork a" "he same "ime e#ery !ay (hen i" migh" 0e more effec"i#e "o (ork a"
home for a or 1ar" of "he !ay4 9ou ea" a" your !esk "o how a#aia0e5 (hen you migh"
0e Ius" as reacha0e ea"ing your san!(ich in "he 1ark !o(n "he s"ree"4 1unishe! for no"
0eing 1resen"5 (hen "here are 1en"y of "imes you.#e 0een 1resen" an! !oing a o" of no"hing4
We (as"e a o" of "ime 1aying 0y "hese o! rues a" (ork e#en (hen our 1ersona i#es 1oin" "o
a 0e""er (ay4 '".s no" "ha" "ime an! 1hysica s1ace !on." ma""er anymore5 0u" "ime an! s1ace
cer"ainy ma""er ess4 We ha#e "he 1rac"ica "oos "o mee" "he !eman!s in our i#es4 'f ony (e
cou! change our min!s4
%nfor"una"ey5 kno(ing (hy (ork sucks isn." enough "o change i"4 'f you ge" ri! of a 0roken
cu"ure "here s"i nee!s "o 0e some"hing "o "ake i"s 1ace4 Tha" ne( cu"ure is a Resu"s-Ony
Work En#ironmen"5 0u" ( no" rea!y "o 0e in a ROWE ye"4 $irs" (e ha#e "o change a "hose
ou"!a"e! a""i"u!es4 We ha#e "o chaenge our 0eiefs5 an! (e ha#e "o s"ar" ge""ing ri! of "he
Iu!gmen" "ha" goes (i"h "hem4 A "ha" Su!ge is (eighing us !o(n5 0u" if 1eo1e can." Iu!ge one
ano"her 0ase! on "hose ou"mo!e! 0eiefs a0ou" (ork an! "ime5 "hen "hey can." reinforce "he o!
rues4 'f (e can ge" ri! of Su!ge5 "hen (ork !oesn." ha#e "o suck4
Voices from a ROWE: Kara
>ara i a deigner who upport the dot'com di"iion( )he i in her early thirtie and ha #een
with +et +uy $or nine year( )he* #een in a RO,E $or three year(
When my "eam firs" s"ar"e! ROWE our Su!ge session (as fresh in our min!s5 an! (e a ma!e
numerous Iokes a0ou" i"4 We (ere "es"ing "he (a"ers4 Were (e in "his "oge"her or no"K Was "his
ROWE "hing reaK Someone (ou! ge" u1 "o ea#e an! "hey.! 0e "ease! a0ou" going "o a mo#ie
an! 1eo1e (ou! (a"ch "he in"erac"ion4 Wou! "he 1erson fee gui"y an! si" 0ack !o(nK Or
(ou! "hey augh an! kee1 (akingK 'f someone !i!n." re"urn an e-mai af"er "hree hours "he
sacker Iokes (ou! s"ar"4 Wou! "he 1erson ge" !efensi#eK Or augh i" off an! ask (ha" (as
nee!e! of "hemK
This (en" on for a (hie un"i "he !ay (hen my manager 1u" on her coa" "o go home af"er unch5
an! she sJueche! "he Iokes an! cae! us ou" on our Su!ge4 This (as "he en! of "he Iokes5 as
(e reaiHe! "ha" she (as fuy on 0oar! an! ROWE (as reaR '" (as a grea" !ay4 'f our manager
!oes i"5 "hen so can (e4
S"i5 in "he 0eginning i" (as frus"ra"ing "o kno( "ha" someone (as sho11ing (hie ' (as in o#er
my hea! (i"h a !ea!ineL un"i a"er5 (hen "ha" same 1erson (as in o#er "heir hea! an! I (as
sho11ing4 ' !i!n." (an" "o 0e Su!ge! 0y my co(orkers5 so ' !i!n." Su!ge "hem4 When my
co(orker "o! me "ha" he s1en" an af"ernoon he1ing his son (i"h his cur#e0a5 ' "o! him ho(
(on!erfu ' "hough" "ha" (as4 '" (as my (ay of e""ing him kno( "ha" ' e/1ec"e! "he same
reac"ion from him (hen ' e/ercise! my free!om4 >y (hoe "eam share! "his men"ai"y of
su11or"5 (hich (as #ery im1or"an" in s"o11ing Su!ge an! making a successfu ROWE
&a"er ' reaiHe! "ha" a 0ig !ifference 0e"(een my "eam 2(here (e !i!n." Su!ge each o"her3 an!
"he "eam in "he ne/" aise 2(here e#eryone s1en" e#ery !ay in "he office3 (as our manager4 She
"rus"e! us4 She sa( "ha" (e con"inue! "o mee" our !ea!ines5 an! she aso (an"e! a (ork-ife
0aance for hersef5 an! so she s"o11e! "he Su!ge "he (ay (e (ere "raine! "o4
'n a!!i"ion "o a manager (ho fuy su11or"e! ROWE5 ' ha! a "eam "ha" reay (an"e! ROWE "o
(ork4 We (ere o1en an! hones" a0ou" any chaenges "ha" ROWE crea"e!4 We ha! freJuen"5
hones" !iscussions in our "eam mee"ings4 This ke1" us from "urning Su!ge Iokes in"o a 1assi#e-
aggressi#e (ay of communica"ing our frus"ra"ions4
No" ha#ing Su!ge ao(s me "o reay fee ike my (ork an! ife are in 0aance4 ' s"i ha#e "hose
craHy s"re"ches of (eeks (here ' 1ro0a0y 1u" in more "han for"y hours5 0u" no( ' ha#e "imes
(hen ' ge" "o shu" off my com1u"er a" noon an! !o (ha"e#er ' (an" (i"h my "ime5 Su!ge 2an!
gui"3 freeR
This Thing We Ca Su!ge
'n "he as" cha1"er (e "ake! a0ou" "he nee! "o change "he fun!amen"a na"ure of (ork5 0u" isn."
"here an easier sou-"ionK '" seems "ha" 1eo1e are feeing "ha" "he curren" (ay of (ork is "oo
rigi! an! uniform5 "ha" if "he (ork1ace oosene! u1 a 0i" some of "hese 1ro0ems surroun!ing
"ime an! "he (ay (ork ooks (ou! go a(ay4 Then may0e 1eo1e (ou! fee more in con"ro4
'sn." "he ans(er Ius" gi#ing 1eo1e a i""e more fe/i0ii"yK Can." "eecommu"ing or fe/"ime gi#e
1eo1e (ha" "hey nee!K
We hesi"a"e "o sam fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s4 We.! ha"e "o see someone (ho.s 0egge! an!
1ea!e! an! caIoe! an! maneu#ere! "o ha#e a four-!ay (ork(eek fee un!ermine!4
-u" fe/"ime is nonsense4
Com1anies aren." s"u1i!4 They kno( "hey nee! "o say " fe/i0e "o a""rac" "aen"4 We
chaenge you "o fin! a maIor cor1ora"ion "ha" !oesn." ha#e a fe/"ime sec"ion of "heir em1oyee
han!0ookGa sec"ion fie! (i"h rea/e!5 smiing faces an! 1romises of un!ers"an!ing5 free!om5
an! con"ro4
-u" (hen you com1are your i!ea of fe/i0ii"y "o your com1any.s #ie( of fe/i0ii"y you. fin! a 0ig
ga14 E#en com1anies (i"h "he 0es" of in"en"ions can." !ei#er on "heir o(n 1romises5 0ecause
fe/"ime !oesn." so#e "he core 1ro0em of (ork4 'n fac"5 "ra!i"iona a"erna"i#e me"ho!s of (ork
are ac"uay 1ar" of "he 1ro0em4
&e".s go 0ack "o A!!ie5 our ne(5 young em1oyee4 A!!ie ooks a" her em1oyee han!0ook an!
no"ices "ha" her com1any offers a fe/i0e (ork arrangemen" o1"ion4 She.s e/ci"e!4 'f ea#ing a
i""e eary on $ri!ays af"er finishing her (ork isn." acce1"a0e on an informa 0asis5 "hen may0e
she can formaiHe "he fe/i0ii"y 0y "aking a!#an"age of "he com1any.s 1oicy4 She reaiHes "ha" if
she cou! Ius" "eecommu"e on $ri!ays5 "hen she cou! ge" a Ium1 on her (eeken! (hie s"i
mee"ing "he nee!s of her "eam4
-u" her manager is coo "o "he i!ea4 $irs" she says "ha" "ha" 1rogram is reay more for 1eo1e
(ho ha#e a 1ro#en "rack recor! (i"h "he com1any4 A!!ie coun"ers "ha" e#en "hough she is ne(
she has go""en no"hing 0u" go(ing re1or"s on her (ork4 $ur"hermore she says she is (iing "o
a!!ress any 1erformance Jues"ions as "hey go an! if i".s no" (orking "o make "he a11ro1ria"e
changes4 A!!ie.s 0oss imme!ia"ey agrees "ha" (ha"e#er arrangemen" "hey migh" come u1 (i"h
(ou! cer"ainy 0e un!er grea" scru"iny4 MWe can." Ius" ha#e 1eo1e off !oing (ha"e#er5N she
says4 Then her 0oss says "ha" in fac" i" (ou! 1ro0a0y 0e 0e""er "o re#isi" "his i!ea af"er "hey
cear "heir curren" sa"e of 1roIec"s4 A!!ie 1ushes an! says she "hinks she can han!e i" no(5
"ha" 0e"(een #oice mai an! e-mai an! secure remo"e access "o "he com1any.s com1u"er
sys"em "ha" i" (on." e#en 0e "ha" !ifferen" from her 0eing "here4 Her 0oss says "ha" i".s 1ro0a0y
no" 0es"4 Peo1e are area!y "aking a0ou" her aisseH-faire a""i"u!e "o(ar! "ime5 an! may0e
A!!ie shou! firs" 0ucke !o(n for a fe( mon"hs an! sho( e#eryone "ha" she is commi""e! "o
"he com1any 0y kee1ing reguar hours4 Then "hey can "ak4 M-u" ' ha#e "o (arn you5N A!!ie.s
0oss says4 M'".s a ong sho"4 There are a o" of 1eo1e in ine ahea! of you for a 1erk ike "his4
&e".s face i"4 'f ' e" you !o i" "hen ' ha#e "o e" e#eryone !o i"4N
A!!ie.s encoun"er (i"h her 0oss sho(s "he "hree main 1ro0ems (i"h "ra!i"iona fe/i0e (ork
arrangemen"s4 $irs"5 "here is amos" a(ays imi"e! access !e1en!ing on seniori"y5 "i"e5 or Io0
!escri1"ion4 $e/"ime or "eecommu"ing is for managers an! !irec"ors5 no" a!minis"ra"i#e
assis"an"s or en"ry-e#e 1eo1e4 $e/"ime or "eecommu"ing is for 1eo1e (ho ha#e 1roIec"-
orien"e! (ork5 0u" no" for 1eo1e (ho are 1ar" of a !aiy 1rocess5 such as 1eo1e (ho (ork in a
ca cen"er or on a cus"omer ser#ice ine4 Those Mfron"ineN 1eo1e ha#e "o ha#e "heir asses in a
>os" of a you ha#e "o earn "he righ" "o 0e on a four-!ay (eek4 $e/i0ii"y (i"h your hours or "he
a0ii"y "o (ork from home are "he kin! of u"ima"e 1erks for "hose (ho are so goo!5 so
accom1ishe! "ha" "hey can fou" con#en"ion an! s"rike ou" on "heir o(n4 9ou ha#e "o earn "hese
1ri#ieges5 e#en "hough a !oing is shif"ing from fi#e eigh"-hour !ays "o four "en-hour
!ays5 e#en "hough s"i !oing "he same Io04 Ony rock s"ars ge" "o ha#e a say in ho( "hey
s1en! "heir "ime4
Secon!5 fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s are con!i"iona4 They are a 1ri#iege "ha" can 0e "aken
a(ay a" any "ime 0ase! on "he nee!s of "he 0usiness5 no" "he em1oyee4 We ha#e a co1y of a
1am1he" from a maIor com1u"er com1any "ha" "ou"s "heir un!ers"an!ing of 1eo1e.s nee! "o
(ork more fe/i0y4 29ou kno( "hey mean i" 0ecause "he co#er sho(s a 1ic"ure of a 1ie of rocks
0aance! each on "o1 of ano"her "o sho(5 you kno(5 0aance43 -u" "he more cosey you rea!
"he 1am1he"5 "he more "ha" 1ie of rocks s"ar"s "o ook 1recarious4 Em1oyees s"i nee! "o (ork
core hoursL "hey migh" ose "heir fe/"ime if "here is a 1ercei#e! 0usiness nee!L an! each
1erson.s ca1aci"y "o 1ar"ici1a"e in "he 1rogram (i 0e assesse! on an in!i#i!ua 0asis an! (i
0e su0Iec" "o 1erio!ic re#ie( "o make sure 0o"h em1oyee an! com1any nee!s are 0eing me"4
'n o"her (or!s: fe/i0eR
-u" "he rea kier is "he 1rice you ha#e "o 1ay for a fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"4 -ecause "hese
1rograms are 0y !efini"ion s1ecia5 anyone (ho 1ar"ici1a"es in a fe/i0e (ork arrangemen" has
"o (orry a0ou" sus1icion from "heir 0oss 2MThey aren." (orking reguar hours so ho( !o ' kno(
'.m ge""ing a fu (orkoa! ou" of "hemKN MOn "he !ays " no" here ho( !o ' kno( "
e#en (orkingKN3 an! en#y from "heir co(orkers4
Ha#e you e#er hear! anyone in your office 1raise "he (ork e"hic or "he accom1ishmen"s of a
co(orker on a fe/i0e sche!ueK Aren." you more ikey "o hear !ou0"s a0ou" "heir commi"men"
or !igs a0ou" "heir a#aia0ii"y or e#en o1en resen"men" "ha" "hey ge" "o !o (ha"e#er "hey (an"K 0ack "o "he i!ea "ha" M1erce1"ion is reai"y4N A" com1anies aroun! "he (or! 1eo1e o1" ou"
of fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s for fear of commi""ing career suici!e4 Some managers (i e#en
come righ" ou" an! say "ha" (orking un!er "hose kin!s of arrangemen"s is no" "he (ay "o
a!#ance4 An! e#en if managemen" is su11or"i#e5 your co(orkers of"en aren."4 E#en (hen
a" a rea"i#ey 1rogressi#e com1any or a younger com1any5 if (orking in a non"ra!i"iona
manner you s"i ha#e "o 1ro#e yoursef Ius" "ha" i""e 0i" more4 Peo1e fee o0iga"e! "o re1or"
"heir 1rogress "o Ius"ify "heir a0sence4 -ecause a" any "ime "he o! norms cou! sna1 "hem 0ack
in"o "heir 1ace4 Who nee!s "he hasseK
The reason for "his is "ha" e#en "hough fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s migh" seem "o gi#e 1eo1e
con"ro5 your (ork is s"i e#aua"e! 0ase! on "he o! rues of (ork4
An! (ha" !o "hose rues sayK
People who aren*t in the o$$ice and there$ore phyically a"aila#le all the time aren*t really
People who work $rom home aren*t really working #ecaue work take place in an o$$ice(
People who work $rom home are taking ad"antage o$ the company #y watching Oprah and
eating cake and ice cream while lounging in a hammock and not working(
Ultimately- people who telecommute or work $our'day week can*t #e truted #ecaue they*re
not in the o$$ice- where they can #e een working( :Or- a we*"e dicued- looking like they*re
The issue here is "rus"4 Peo1e Ius" (an" "o 0e "rus"e! "o !o "heir (ork4 They (an" "o 0e "rus"e!
as a!u"s in "he (ork1ace5 a!u"s (ho (i !o "heir Io0s4 E#eryone kno(s (ha" "rus" fees ike
an! fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s are no" a0ou" "rus"4
,e trut you= :+ut during our #uy eaon we may ak you to come into the o$$ice on Friday
o e"eryone* here to do their 1o#(;
,e trut you= :+ut let* check #ack in i0 month to make ure thi new arrangement i working
out $or e"eryone(;
,e trut you= :+ut we don*t trut +o#( Program like thi are only $or director'le"el employee
and higher(;
This is (ha" (e ca "he $e/i0ii"y Con )ame an! i" makes 1eo1e misera0e4 -ecause "he ony
"hing (orse "han com1e"e mis"rus" is mis"rus" masJuera!ing as "rus"4 '".s !raining an!
!emoraiHing for em1oyees "o ha#e "o is"en "o managemen" 1re"en! "o "rus" "hem (hie
0eha#ing as if "hey !on."4 No"hing makes you fee more ou" of con"ro "han "o 0e gi#en "he
iusion of con"ro5 (hie un!ernea"h i".s Ius" !eman!s5 !eman!s5 !eman!s4 As o11ose! "o 0eing
a (ay "o make (ork suck ess5 fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s ac"uay reinforce "he s"a"us Juo4 'n
fac"5 fe/"ime can make ife suck more4
&e".s go 0ack "o A!!ie an! say "ha" someho( she o#ercomes her 0oss.s o0Iec"ions an! "he
hi!!en rues an! secre" co!es 0ehin! "he com1any.s fe/"ime 1rogram4 No( (ha" is her ife
ikeK 'n some (ays she fin!s "ha" she is more a(are of "ime an! more a(are of "he nee! "o
sho( her face "o make sure 1eo1e kno( she.s (orking4 'ns"ea! of free!om an! fe/i0ii"y "here
is no( an e/"ra ayer of misery "o her Io04 She hears "hings ike "his from her "eam an!
.,e*re not going to loop you into the deciion'making on thi pro1ect( It* too critical and ince
you*re not here e"ery day we can*t rik not #eing nim#le(/
.It* really too #ad that you*re not here e"ery day( )ometime it $eel like we ha"e to work
harder to make up $or your not #eing here(/
.There are ome Friday when it would #e nice to #e a#le to top #y your cu#e and ak you a
9uick 9uetion(/
No one can 1oin" "o any concre"e faiings on A!!ie.s 1ar"4 She is s"i !oing her Io0 an! making
her !ei#era0es5 an! 0e"(een her ce 1hone an! e-mai she has ne#er misse! a 0ea"4 -u" s"i
"here is no such "hing as a cean !ay4 She !oesn." ge" cre!i" for "he hours she (orks on $ri!ays
an! e#en "hough she.s ge""ing her Io0 !one on $ri!ays she fees a mi/"ure of (orry an! gui"
"ha" she.s no" in "he office4 She kno(s 1eo1e are "aking a0ou" her 0ehin! her 0ack an! e#en
(orse she has in"ernaiHe! a o" of "hese com1ain"s4 E#en "hough "hese commen"s seem "o 0e
0ase! on en#y more "han on any rea !issa"isfac"ion (i"h her or "he Io0 she is !oing5 A!!ie fin!s
hersef imagining con#ersa"ions in her hea! an! 1re1aring !efenses for her 0eha#ior4 She
(orks e/"ra har! "o ha#e o"s of i!eas an! insigh"s so (hen someone e"s oose a sarcas"ic MOh5 here "o!ayRN she has a genuine i!ea as a come0ack4 The (ors" 1ar" a0ou" "his for A!!ie
is "ha" i".s making her Jues"ion her com1e"ence4 E#en "hough a of "his misery is 0ase! on
a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime an! 0eiefs a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one5 she mis"akes i" for 1erformance4
There is a 1a o#er her en"ire ife4
She is5 in shor"5 !ro(ning in Su!ge4
The kin! of fak A!!ie "ook from her 0oss is mo!ee! af"er "he 1ro0ems "ha" s"ar"e! "o surface
haf(ay "hrough "he A"erna"i#e Work Program4 E#en "hough AWP (asn." a "rue Resu"s-Ony
Work En#ironmen"5 "he 1o(er i" ga#e em1oyees "o choose "heir sche!ues !i! make a 0ig
!ifference4 The 6?; 1eo1e in "he 1io" re1or"e! o(er s"ress an! increase! engagemen" an!
higher 1ro!uc"i#i"y4 O#era5 "hey (ere ha11ier "han "hey e#er ha! 0een a" (ork4
Or a" eas" un"i "hey ha! "o in"erac" (i"h o"her 1eo1e in "he com1any (ho (eren." in AWP4
When "he em1oyees in "he 1io" 1rogram (ere (i"h one ano"her e#ery"hing (as fine4 They ha!
a!a1"e! "o "heir ne( (ay of (orking4 Their managers su11or"e! "hem4 -u" once "hey s"e11e!
ou"si!e "he AWP 0u00e a "hose goo! feeings (en" a(ay5 0ecause "he res" of "he cu"ure no"
ony !i!n." su11or" (ha" "hey (ere !oing5 0u" e#en "rie! "o un!ermine "hem4
.7ow can you e0pect to upport retail i$ you*re ne"er here</
.Oh- you*re on that $le0time thing( )o do you get anything done</
.A,P ound nice- #ut you*ll ne"er get promoted i$ you*re not here(/
&ike fe/"ime 1oicies aroun! "he coun"ry5 AWP "urne! ou" "o 0e a gian" Iu!gmen" genera"ing
machine4 -u" "he !ifference "his "ime is "ha" (e recogniHe! (ha" (as ha11ening4 We cou! see
from "he #ery 0eginning "ha" if "his i!ea of gi#ing 1eo1e more con"ro o#er "heir "ime (as going
"o (ork i" ha! "o ha11en com1any(i!e4
-y "he "ime AWP (as (in!ing !o(n5 +o!y (as 0rough" on 0oar! as "he cor1ora"e change agen"
res1onsi0e for (orking (i"h Cai "o "ake "his i!ea "o "he ne/" e#e4 +o!y.s 0ackgroun! incu!e!
(ork on "he S"ra"egic Aiance "eam5 (hose res1onsi0ii"y i" (as "o !e#eo1 1ar"nershi1s (i"h
o"her com1anies4 +o!y.s s1ecific roe (as "o !e#eo1 1rocesses for o#ercoming cu"ura
!ifferences 0e"(een "he com1any an! i"s aiance 1ar"ners4 +o!y un!ers"oo! "he im1or"ance of
cu"ure in making rea changes4 'f you "rie! "o "rain 1eo1e "o 0eha#e !ifferen"y (i"hou"
a!!ressing "he un!erying cu"ure5 you (ere os"4 The un(ri""en rues (ou! "rum1 "he (ri""en
rues e#ery "ime4
'" seems ike a sma "hing5 0u" as (e sa( in "he as" cha1"er5 cu"ure !oesn." ha#e "o 0e in "he
foregroun! "o 0e 1o(erfu4 As (e s"ar"e! !iscussing ho( AWP cou! gro( in"o some"hing arger
(e kne( "ha" Su!ge (as "he key "o e#ery"hing4 As ong as "here is Su!ge5 (ork (i con"inue "o
suck4 -u" if (e can chaenge our ou"mo!e! a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime an! ho( (ork ge"s !oneGif
(e can era!ica"e Su!geG"hen (e can mo#e "o(ar! a ne( (ay of (orking an! "hinking a0ou"
)e""ing ri! of Su!ge is no" a(ays easy5 an! i" con"inues "o 0e a goa 2an! some"imes a
chaenge3 for in!i#i!uas an! "eams as "hey i#e ife in a ROWE4 -u" ge""ing ri! of Su!ge
changes e#ery"hing4
So (ha" e/ac"y is Su!geK
As (e 0egan "o !iscuss in cha1"er one5 (e !efine Su!ge as any nega"i#e commen" (e make
"ha" ser#es "o reinforce o! i!eas a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one4 Ano"her (ay of ooking a" Su!ge
is as a kin! of co!e for "he s"a"us Juo4 We can." come ou" an! say (ha" (e (an" "o say5 so (e
"ak aroun! i"4
Someone says5 MEe#en o.cock an! Ius" ge""ing inKN 0ecause "hey can." say5 MTha".s no"
fairR ' go" in a" eigh" ike e#eryone ese4N
Someone says5 ?Another #aca"ionK Ho( many #aca"ion !ays !o you ge"K ' ha#en." "aken a
#aca"ion in fi#e yearsRN 0ecause "hey can." say5 a sacker4 Ony 1eo1e (ho sacrifice
"heir "ime are commi""e! "o "heir Io0s4N
Someone says5 M' can." 0eie#e To0y go" "ha" 1romo"ion4 He.s ne#er hereRN 0ecause "hey can."
say5 M' !on." ge" i"4 ' "urn ou" "he igh"s a" "his 1ace e#ery nigh"5 so (hy am ' 0eing 1asse! o#erKN
One of "he "hings "ha" makes Su!ge so !angerous is "ha" i" seems so sma4 So (ha" if 1eo1e
make Iokes once in a (hie a0ou" 1eo1e coming in a"e or missing a mee"ingK Who cares if
someone.s feeings are 0ruise!K Work isn." su11ose! "o 0ui! sef-es"eem an! make us fee
goo! a0ou" ourse#es5 righ"K Tha".s (hy i".s cae! (ork4
>ay0e5 0u" e" us offer "his s"ory4 'n ?;;65 (hen (e s"ar"e! 0ringing ROWE "o "he com1any a"
arge5 (e (eren." as so1his"ica"e! in our "erminoogy or our "eaching me"ho!s4 Su!ge ha!n."
0een name! ye"4 We ha!n." fuy ar"icua"e! our i!eas a0ou" "ime5 0eief5 an! Iu!gmen"4 We
(ere fying 0y "he sea" of our 1an"s4 We ha! no manua5 0u" (e kne( "o focus on cu"ure4
To!ay a Su!ge session as"s an hour an! a haf5 an! (e co#er a "he !ifferen" "y1es of Su!ge
you. rea! a0ou" 0eo(4 When (e firs" s"ar"e!5 ho(e#er5 "he sessions (ere ony haf an hour5
an! ra"her "han gi#e "he mee"ing sha1e (e Ius" aske! 1eo1e "o #oun"eer a "he Iu!gmen"s
1eo1e fing a" one ano"her a" (ork4 2We highy encourage you "o "ry "his (i"h your frien!s43
One grou1 (e. ne#er forge" came u1 (i"h more "han a hun!re! 0i"s of Su!ge in "(en"y
minu"es4 Someone (ou! s"ar" a riff a0ou" (orking mo"hers an! fi#e o"her 1eo1e (ou! 1ie on
"he Iu!gmen"4 Then en"ry-e#e 1eo1e4 Then o!er (orkers4 Then smokers4 Then 1eo1e (ho
(ork from home4 Then 1eo1e (ho ne#er come "o mee"ings4 '" (as ike (a"ching IaHH musicians
"ra!e soos4 An! "he mos" amaHing "hing a0ou" i" (as "ha" af"er(ar! no one (ho (as in "ha"
room cou! hones"y say "ha" "hese kin!s of Iu!gmen"s in "he (ork1ace
:4 are (arran"e!5
?4 con"ri0u"e "o "he 0o""om ine5 or
64 are any"hing o"her "han a 1ernicious !is"rac"ion from "he rea (ork a" han!4
This session (as aso a "urning 1oin" for "he !e#eo1men" of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"
0ecause (e s"ar"e! "o no"ice cer"ain "hemes4 The !ifferen" kin!s of Su!ge fi" in"o 0ucke"s4
There (ere "imes (hen 1eo1e seeme! "o ge" "hemse#es rea!y for Su!ge5 (hich may or may
no" come 2Su!ge An"ici1a"ion34 There (ere "imes (hen 1eo1e (ou! go "hrough an ea0ora"e
1an"omime "o e/1ain (hy "hey (ere fi#e minu"es a"e an! ho( "hey (ere going "o (ork e/"ra
har! "ha" !ay 2Su!ge +us"ifica"ion34 An! "here (ere "hose es1eciay choice "imes (hen "(o
1eo1e or a grou1 of 1eo1e (ou! make nas"y commen"s a0ou" a 1erson (ho (asn." "here
2-ack Su!ge or a Su!ge Cons1iracy34
When (e (ere firs" s"ar"ing ou" (e Ius" "o! 1eo1e "o s"o1 Iu!ging one ano"her4 We "o! "hem "o
1u" a Iar in "he 0reak roomGany"ime someone fung Su!ge "hey ha! "o 1u" a Juar"er in i"4 -u"
no( (e sa( "ha" "he !ifferen" "y1es of Su!ge (ou! nee! "o 0e era!ica"e! in !ifferen" (ays4
-efore (e ge" "o era!ica"ion5 ho(e#er5 (e nee! "o e/1an! u1on "he !ifferen" kin!s of Su!ge
0ecause "hey ha#e su0"e 0u" im1or"an" !ifferences4
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion is "he men"a 1re1ara"ion (e a go "hrough if (e are e/1ec"ing a 1iece of
Su!ge4 &e".s say a Juaifie!5 ca1a0e em1oyee (ho is in no imme!ia"e !anger of osing
your Io05 an! running fif"een minu"es a"e for (ork4 *o you sim1y no" gi#e your a"eness
a secon! "hough"K Or !o you s"ar" running "hrough e/cuses in your hea! for (hy a"eK 'f ike mos" 1eo1eGe#en in "he mos" resu"s-focuse! 1ro0a0y "rying ou"
!ifferen" e/cuses in your hea!4 an"ici1a"ing "he snarky commen"5 an! may0e s"ressing
ou" a 0i" a0ou" your 0oss.s or your co(orkers. nega"i#e reac"ion4 E#en if "he Su!ge you ge" is
goo!-na"ure! an! gen"e5 i" s"i fees ike a sho"4
So on one han! Su!ge can 0e some"hing #ery smaGa i""e !ig5 a Ioke4 On "he o"her han!5
Su!ge is #ery 0ig4 E#en if i" hur"s someone.s feeings ony sigh"y5 i".s s"i nega"i#e an! i".s s"i
un!esira0e4 Su!ge An"ici1a"ion (as"es "ime an! energy5 "(o "hings "ha" in 0usiness an! in ife
are ne#er in enough su11y4
'n "he e/am1e a0o#e5 "he Juaifie!5 har!-(orking 1erson is e/1en!ing energy an! "ime for
(ha"K To Ius"ify a measy fif"een minu"esK E#en if i" (ere an hour (ou! i" ma""er "ha" muchK As
im1or"an" as your Io0 migh" 0e5 mos" of us are no" o1en-hear" surgeons4 The 1a"ien" isn." going
"o !ie on "he "a0e if (e come in a" eigh" "hir"y #ersus eigh"4
The (ors" 1ar" a0ou" Su!ge An"ici1a"ion is "he (ay i" reinforces "hose o!5 0roken norms4
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion is (ha" ena0es a cu"ure of fear in (hich you.! ra"her ca in sick "han ha#e
"o (orry a0ou" ge""ing samme! for 0eing a"e5 in (hich ner#ous a0ou" "aking "oo ong a
unch5 in (hich you fee ike a ki! (ho.s !one some"hing "o 1iss off your 1aren"s5 e#en "hough no" Jui"e sure (ha"4
E#ery secon! you s1en! an"ici1a"ing a 1iece of Su!ge5 e#ery secon! you s1en! coming u1
(i"h e/cuses for 0eing a"e or for ski11ing an irree#an" mee"ing5 you are reinforcing "his cu"ure
of fear4 The (ors" 1ar" a0ou" i" is "ha" (e !o "his "o ourse#es4 We.#e so in"ernaiHe! "hese rues
an! e/1ec"a"ions "ha" (e (i 1unish ourse#es for 0eing a"e e#en if no one says a (or!4 An!
(hen (e M(a"H inN a haf hour a"e an! no one says any"hing (ha" !o (e feeK ReiefR '".s ike
(e go" a(ay (i"h some"hing4 An! (ha" !i! (e ge" a(ay (i"hK A i""e 0i" of "ime "ha" franky
shou!n." 0eong "o anyone 0u" us4
So if Su!ge affec"s us 1ersonay more "han (e reaiHe5 (ha" ese is i" !oing "o our i#esK
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion is unnecessary5 0u" (e ha#e ony 0egun "o (as"e our o(n "ime5 o"her
1eo1e.s "ime5 an! our com1any.s "ime4 No( (e en"er "he ream of Su!ge +us"ifica"ion4
&e".s say you ge" "o (ork fif"een minu"es a"e an! you ge" hi" (i"h "ha" 1iece of Su!ge4 MOh5 ook
(ho.s here4N Then you ha#e "o Ius"ify yoursef5 an! 0ecause of "he rues of (ork5 0ecause
Iu!ge! 0ase! on "ime an! (ha" (ork ooks ike5 you can." say5 M9es5 ' am here an! ' !o a grea"
Io05 so (hy !o you careKN 'ns"ea! you ha#e "o make u1 an e/cuse 0ase! on "ime4 9ou (ere
s"uck in "raffic5 "here (as an acci!en"5 your ki! (asn." feeing (e5 or "he ca0e guy came o#er
an! you ha! "o e" him in or 0ah5 0ah5 0ah4
Who caresK *uring "his en"ire e/change you an! your co(orker are s"an!ing "here a" (ork no"
(orking an! s1en!ing a "his "ime ha#ing a con#ersa"ion "ha" !oes (ha"K When someone says
"o you5 MOh5 ook (ho.s here5N "hey are (as"ing "heir "ime Iu!ging you5 Su!ging you5 an! you
"hen ha#e "o (as"e "ime !efen!ing yoursef4 9ou are aso ikey "o "e a (hi"e ie5 0ecause "he
reasons (e are a"e are usuay so sma "hey !on." soun! im1or"an" enough "o Ius"ify our
Then "here is "he af"erma"h of "he e/change5 (hen you (as"e a i""e more "ime shaking i" off5
roing (i"h i"5 ge""ing "o your !esk5 an! s"ar"ing your Io04 &e".s say no" a high 1erformer
(ho is u"rasecure in your Io04 &e".s say ne( or in a !i#ision (here "here are ayoff
rumors4 Then (ha" kin! of morning !o you ha#eK 'f ike mos" 1eo1e you are going "o
(orry a0ou" 0eing fif"een minu"es a"e4 9ou migh" s1en! "he res" of "he !ay (orrying a0ou" "he
conseJuences of 0eing a"e5 an! (hie (orrying no" as focuse! on "he "ask a"
han!4 'n fac"5 you migh" come in eary an! s"ay a"e for "he ne/" "(o or "hree !ays an! (orry a
i""e more no" ony a0ou" 0eing a"e5 0u" (he"her or no" 1eo1e are going "o no"ice you making
u1 "he "ime4
A "his e/1en!e! "ime an! energy an! a" no 1oin" has anyone "hough" for a secon! a0ou" "he
ou"comes "he 0usiness (as "rying "o !ri#e4
A "his e/1en!e! "ime an! energy "o !o no"hing more "han reinforce "he s"a"us Juo "ha" !oesn."
A "his e/1en!e! "ime an! energy o#er a fe( ousy minu"es4 The "hing a0ou" Su!ge is "ha" i"
!oesn." "ake much of i" in your !ay "o ha#e a nega"i#e im1ac"4 Take any com1any "ha" is
s"rugging5 or any !i#ision or grou1 "ha" is ha#ing a har! "ime (i"h "he ac"ua 0usiness a" han!5
or one (i"h 1oor ea!ershi1 or in"ense marke" 1ressures5 an! a cu"ure of Su!ge can eru1" ike
an agae 0oom4 An! "he more a com1any 0uys in"o "hose o! a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime an! 0eiefs
a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one5 "he more Su!ge can run ram1an"4 '" can e#en 0ecome an in"egra
1ar" of ho( 1eo1e sociaiHe4
We ca "his -ack Su!ge5 or5 if "here are enough 1eo1e5 a Su!ge Cons1iracy4 This is "he
(a"ercooer "ak "ha" (e.#e a (i"nesse! or "aken 1ar" in4 9ou can hear i" amos" any "ime you
ge" 1eo1e "oge"her a" (ork an! "he con#ersa"ion "urns a(ay from "he 0usiness a" han! 2or (ha"
(as on TV as" nigh"3 an! "he !aggers come ou" for (hoe#er is no" in "he room4 Kara.s commen"
a0ou" ho( o"her 1eo1e (ou! #ie( her !e1ar"men" ge""ing con"ro o#er i"s "ime (asn." 1aranoia4
E#ery com1any has a 1erson5 "eam5 or !e1ar"men" "ha" o"her 1eo1e sam (hen " no"
.Thoe IT people are alway goo$ing o$$( They hould try doing a real 1o# intead o$ playing
around on the computer all day(/
.Thoe moker are practically alway on #reak( I think I*ll take up moking( I might get lung
cancer #ut at leat I won*t ha"e to work a hard(/
.Rick in*t getting any younger@ he hould retire and make room $or omeone who in*t a
hundred year old(/
+us" ook a" "hese e/am1es an! "hink a0ou" (ha" is 0ehin! "hem4 The firs" one says "ha" (ork
"ha" in#o#es sociaiHing (i"h cien"s isn." rea (ork4 The secon! one says "ha" "he "ime in your
chair is more im1or"an" "han your i!eas4 The as" "ha" o! 1eo1e can." 1ossi0y 0e effec"i#e4 -u"
each of "hese commen"s ser#es a arger func"ion4 'n i"s sick5 "(is"e! (ay5 Su!ge 0rings 1eo1e
"oge"her4 This is o!-fashione! "ri0aism4 in my "ri0e4 Tha" 1erson o#er "here is no"4 When
you crea"e a Su!ge Cons1iracy reay saying5 MWe 1ay 0y "he rues4 goo!
(orkers4 Tha" 1erson o#er "here is no"4N
When (e Su!ge in grou1s (e are aso crea"ing a 1u0ic mask for our o(n !eficiencies4 9ou
!on." ha#e "o 0e res1onsi0e for resu"s as ong as you cock in your "ime4 9ou !on." ha#e "o 0e
com1e"en" if you can make someone ese ook incom1e"en"4 9ou !on." ha#e "o ha#e i!eas if you
can make someone ese ook s"u1i!4
E#ery Su!ge Cons1iracy Ius" reinforces "hese 0a! a""i"u!es4 9ou migh" fee "em1orariy su1erior
"o someone ese for 0ashing "heir (ork ha0i"s5 0u" you gain no"hing4 'f any"hing you reinforce
"he 0ars of your 1rison4 -ecause if you sag someone for 0eing fif"een minu"es a"e5 you.! 0e""er
0eie#e you. 0e fif"een minu"es a"e yoursef some!ay4 An! "hen you go from 0eing "he Su!ger
"o "he Su!gee4
Su!ge5 e#en in sma amoun"s5 ho!s us a 0ack4 We cou! gi#e "he aun!ry is" of (ha" "his
kin! of 0eha#ior !oes "o 0usinessesGre!uces engagemen"5 o(ers mo"i#a"ion5 so(s !o(n "he
organiHa"ionG0u" (ha" i" reay 0ois !o(n "o is common sense:
When gi#ing Su!ge or recei#ing i" or an"ici1a"ing i" no" con"ri0u"ing "o (ork or "o
your ife4
When (e ao( Su!ge ( acce1"ing an! reinforcing a (ork1ace "ha" #aues "ime an!
a11earances o#er genuine accom1ishmen"4 'f you (ere Iu!ge! an! 1ai! 0ase! on (ha" you
ac"uay con"ri0u"e! "o your organiHa"ion5 "hen "ime an! 1ace (ou!n." 0e a fac"or4 9ou cou! 0e
"he 1erson from "he 1re#ious cha1"er (ho nego"ia"e! "he mu"imiion-!oar !ea in "heir 0o/ers4
-u" as ong as "here is Su!ge5 "hen you ha#e "o fee gui"y a0ou" no" 0eing in "he office (here
"he Mrea (orkN ge"s !one4
As ong as "here is Su!ge5 you. ne#er 0e free4
We ha#e "o era!ica"e Su!ge4
Once you ge" (ise "o "he e/is"ence of Su!ge you s"ar" "o see i" e#ery(here4 '" can 0e a
i0era"ing feeing5 ike you no( ha#e a (or! for some"hing "ha" you.#e kno(n a0ou" your en"ire
ife 0u" cou!n." Jui"e name4 Seeing Su!ge e#ery(here can aso make you fee gross4 An! i" is
e"erywhere4 9ou fin! i" in your home5 a" (ork5 (i"h your frien!s4 9ou s"ar" ge""ing a""une! "o a
of "he s"range an! unfair (ays (e Iu!ge 1eo1e4
Some of "his is human na"ure4 There is a cer"ain amoun" of Su!ge "ha" (i ne#er go a(ay5 an!
(hen i" comes "o Su!ge in your famiy or communi"y or in "he (or! of 1oi"ics5 "here may 0e no
-u" (ork is ano"her s"ory5 in 1ar" 0ecause "here is an e/1ec"a"ion "o 0e 1rofessiona4 E#en
"hough (e !on." reay 0eha#e "he (ay (e shou!5 ( su11ose! "o 0e neu"ra5 o0Iec"i#e5
cam5 an! fair4 This e/1ec"a"ion is one of "he fe( norms a0ou" (ork "ha" is 0eneficia4 The key is
"o make "ha" norm more "han i1 ser#ice4 An! "ha" reJuires "he era!ica"ion of Su!ge4
When 1eo1e mo#e from a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o a ROWE (e ca i" Mmigra"ion4N '"
s"ar"s (i"h a "eam kickoff (here (e in"ro!uce "he i!eas of "ime5 0eief5 an! Iu!gmen"4 We gi#e
"hem a anguage "o !escri0e (hy (ork sucks4 We in"ro!uce Su!ge4
The reason for "his is sim1e4 'f "here is no Su!ge5 "hen i".s har!er 2or e#en im1ossi0e3 "o
reinforce "he s"a"us Juo4 'f you "ake a(ay 1eo1e.s a0ii"y "o Iu!ge "hemse#es an! o"hers 0ase!
on "ime5 "hen i".s har!er for "ime "o 0e use! as a measure for 1erformance4 'f you "ake a(ay
1eo1e.s a0ii"y "o Iu!ge "hemse#es an! o"hers 0ase! on (ha" (ork ooks ike an! ho( (ork
ge"s !one5 "hen i".s har!er for 0eiefs a0ou" (ork "o 0e use! as a measure for 1erformance4
)e""ing ri! of Su!ge is "he firs" s"e15 "he crucia s"e15 "o(ar! crea"ing a Resu"s-Ony Work
This migh" seem ike a 0ig Io04 Su!ge is 1er#asi#e5 uni#ersa5 an! in some cases5 e#en fun4
Ho( !o you era!ica"e i" from an en"ire (ork1aceK
The firs" "hing 1eo1e nee! "o !o is refrain from gi#ing Su!ge4 This is sim1y a ma""er of 0eing
more a(are of "he (ay (e Iu!ge 1eo1e in "he (ork1ace4 E#eryone is !ifferen"4 Some 1eo1e
are more o0sesse! (i"h ho( (ork ooks4 O"hers are "ime min!ers4 9ou ha#e "o search your o(n
sou for your o(n con"ri0u"ion "o "he s"a"us Juo4 Are you a cock-(a"cherK *o you kee1 sien"
no"e of o"her 1eo1e.s hoursK Or are you 0iase! "o(ar! 1ersonai"yK 'f in a mee"ing5 !o
you assume "ha" "he 1eo1e (ho kee1 "o "hemse#es an! is"en aren." con"ri0u"ingK 2Or #ice
#ersa: Some"imes (e Iu!ge "he o#ery "aka"i#e as using con#ersa"ion "o mask "he fac" "ha" "hey
!on." ha#e any"hing concre"e "o a!!43
Once you fin! ou" (ha" your 0iases are5 "ry "o ook a" 1eo1e in ano"her (ay4 no" saying
"ha" you ha#e "o 0e nice "o e#eryone or "ha" you ha#e "o 0e a 0e""er 1erson4 ony asking
"ha" you ac" ike a 0e""er 1erson4 going "o Iu!ge 1eo1e5 so Iu!ge "hem on "heir
1erformance5 on "heir a0ii"y "o mee" goas4 Take "ime an! 1ace ou" of "he eJua"ion4 29ou can
s"i Iu!ge 1eo1e as incom1e"en"5 0u" i" has "o 0e for "he righ" reasons43 Cu""ing !o(n on your
Su!ge ou"1u" is 1re""y !oa0e4 9ou Ius" ha#e "o kee1 asking yoursef5 Wha" nee!s "o ge" !oneK
's "his 1erson 2or am '3 !ei#ering or no"K E#ery"hing eseG(hen "hey come in5 ho( much "ime
"hey s1en! in "heir cu0e5 ho( ong "heir unch as"sGis no onger your concern4 We "hink you.
fin! Ius" !oing "his "o 0e i0era"ing4
Remem0er "he 0reak room Su!ge Iar "ha" some "eams ins"ae! in "he eary !aysK The funny
"hing (as "ha" "hose Iars remaine! argey em1"y4 Once (e i!en"ifie! Su!ge an! once 1eo1e
kne( (ha" (as a" s"ake 2"ha" if "hey cou! ge" ri! of Su!ge "hey (ou! ge" more free!om an!
con"ro o#er "heir "ime3 no one (an"e! "o !o i"4 Peo1e "hough"5 E#en if i".s Ius" a Juar"er ' !on."
(an" "o !o i"4 ' !on." (an" "o 0e "he Ierk4 '.! ra"her focus on resu"s4
-u" of course (e can." con"ro o"her 1eo1e.s 0eha#ior "o(ar! us4 So "he ne/" "hing "o ge" ri! of
is Su!ge +us"ifica"ion4 The grea" "hing a0ou" Su!ge +us"ifica"ion is "ha" a "hose e/cuses "ha"
you make u15 a "hose "hings you say "o 1ro#e !e!ica"e! 2' kno( '.m a"e 0u" '. (ork
e/"ra hours "o!ay "o make u1 for i"3 can 0e knocke! ou" (i"h one Jues"ion:
M's "here any"hing you nee!KN
The Su!ger gi#es "heir Su!ge: M9our ki! seems "o ge" sick a o"4 Aren." you (orrie! "ha" i".s
going "o in"erfere (i"h your careerKN
9ou say5 in a cam5 1rofessiona5 an! non!efensi#e (ay5 M's "here any"hing you nee!KN or5 M's
"here some"hing ' can he1 you (i"hKN
'f sai! (i"h sinceri"y5 if sai! in "he s1iri" of reay "rying "o he1 "he 1erson 2in o"her (or!s5 in "he
s1iri" of !oing your Io035 you (i fin! "ha" "his s"o1s Su!ge in i"s "racks 0ecause no( ins"ea! of
"aking a0ou" misgui!e! assum1"ions5 "aking a0ou" (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one4 The issue
no( is no" (he"her or no" your ki!s are ham1ering your career 0u" (ha" "ha" 1erson s1ecificay
nee!s from you righ" no(4
Of"en you. fin! "ha" "he Su!ger !oesn." reay nee! any"hing a" a4 They (ere Ius" finging cra1
-u" "here are "imes (hen someone !oes nee! some"hing4 So you gi#e i" "o "hem4 An! if "hey
com1ain a0ou" your a#aia0ii"y5 0ring i" 0ack "o "he (ork4 M*i! you "ry caing me or e-maiing
meKN or5 MThe !ea!ine for "ha" is $ri!ay4 on "rack4 -u" if "here is some"hing (e nee! "o
!iscuss "hen e".s "ak a0ou" i"4N
The 1oin" here is "o a(ays re!irec" focus 0ack "o "he (ork4 The Su!ger5 e#en if "hey !on."
reaiHe i"5 (an"s "o ha#e "he con#ersa"ion 0ase! on norms4 They are "rying "o !omina"e or
con"ro or un!ermine 0ase! on "ime an! 0eiefs a0ou" ho( (ork is !one4 The kara"e cho1 you
can !ei#er is "o 0ring "he con#ersa"ion camy an! 1osi"i#ey 0ack "o "he (ork4 9ou ignore "he
commen"s a0ou" "ime an! "he nee! "o 0e 1hysicay 1resen" an! "ak ony a0ou" "he (ork4
We reaiHe "ha" "his isn." easy4 Peo1e ha#e sai! "o us5 M'sn." "ha" ru!e "o re!irec" "he
con#ersa"ion ike "ha"K 'sn." "ha" !isres1ec"fuKN A" firs" 1eo1e fe" gui"y 1ushing 0ack in "his
(ay5 es1eciay if "he 1erson !oing "he Su!ging (an"e! some"hing or nee!e! some"hing4
Peo1e (ere s"i hung u1 on "he i!ea of a#aia0ii"y ra"her "han 1erformance4
The irony of "his is "ha" (ha".s !isres1ec"fu is for "he 1erson "o ask you (hy you (eren." "here a"
eigh" in "he firs" 1ace4 $ur"hermore5 "he 1erson (ho is ma! a" you 0ecause you (eren." in your
cu0e a" eigh" 0e""er ha#e a #ery goo! reason4 When you say M's "here some"hing you nee!KN
1eo1e are e/1ose! for "heir 1oor 1anning4 Their 1oor 1anning (as "he reason "hey !i!n." ge"
"he re1or" (hen "hey (an"e! i"5 no" "ha" you (eren." in your cu0e a" eigh"4 2An!5 as (e. see in
a"er cha1"ers5 i" !oesn." ma""er if "he 1erson !oing "he Su!ging is your 0oss4 'n a Resu"s-Ony
Work En#ironmen"5 e#eryone.s "ime is res1ec"e!43
9ou (ou! 0e amaHe! a" "he effec" "his shif" in focus has on "he (ork1ace4 We. see in fu"ure
cha1"ers ho( no" "aking a0ou" "ime makes "he (ork1ace much !ifferen"4 Emergencies !on."
seem ike emergencies anymore4 There is more 1anning4 Pro0ems ac"uay ge" a!!resse!
ins"ea! of !efec"e! (i"h 1romises "o 1u" in more hours or s"ay a"e4 9ou s1en! more "ime
"aking a0ou" "he ac"ua (ork5 an!5 no" sur1risingy5 more (ork ge"s !one4 The "one of "he
(ork1ace aso im1ro#es5 0ecause i".s aso reay har! "o Iu!ge 1eo1e 0ase! on (ha" !oesn."
ma""er (hen focusing on (ha" !oes4
This focus on resu"sGkno(ing "ha" you can !efec" Su!ge (i"h a (e 1ace! MCan ' he1
youKNGmakes ge""ing ri! of Su!ge An"ici1a"ion easier4 -ecause (ha" you reay shou! 0e
asking yoursef is no"5 MWha" kin! of e/cuse can ' come u1 (i"hKN The Jues"ion you reay nee!
"o ask yoursefGan! no" Ius" (hen running a"eGis5 MAm ' !oing my Io0KN -ecause if 1erforming an! mee"ing e/1ec"a"ions5 no0o!y shou! 0e a0e "o say 0oo4
$inay5 you nee! "o (ork on ge""ing ri! of -ack Su!ge5 "o a#oi! "aking 1ar" in "he Su!ge
Cons1iracies4 This can 0e a har! one4 '" (ou! 0e easy "o say "ha" a you nee! "o !o is sim1y
no" 1ar"ici1a"e5 0u" (e reaiHe "ha" ( "aking a0ou" ho( 1eo1e sociaiHe4 When 1eo1e are
0eing 0i"chy a0ou" co(orkers i" fees goo! "o 0e incu!e! in "he con#ersa"ion4 An! 1eo1e !o
say funny "hings a0ou" o"her 1eo1e4 '" can 0e har! no" "o augh4 $ur"hermore5 i".s uncomfor"a0e
"o ca o"her 1eo1e ou" for "heir Su!ge5 0u" "ha" is (ha" you nee! "o !o4
'f someone makes a commen" a0ou" "ime you nee! "o re!irec" 0ack "o "he (ork4
'f someone says5 M+an is a(ays "aking 0reaks4 She.s ne#er here (hen ' nee! her5N you can say5
M'.#e ne#er no"ice! her 0reaks4 She.s a(ays go""en her (ork in "o me (hen ' nee!e! i"4N Or5
MHa#e you "ake! "o +an a0ou" (ha" you nee!KN Or5 MWha" !o you nee! "ha" +an isn." 1ro#i!ingK
>ay0e ' can he1 you4N
No(5 if +an isn." !oing her Io05 "hen "he i!ea isn." "o co#er for her incom1e"ence5 0u" "he 1oin" of
era!ica"ing Su!ge is "o focus on "he (ork5 no" "he "ime4 'f +an isn." 1erforming5 "hen si/"y hours
of (ork are 1ro0a0y no" going "o make "he !ifference4 Perha1s "here is ano"her 1ro0em5 a
"raining 1ro0em or miscommunica"ion a0ou" !ei#era0es or (ho kno(sK -u" as ong as (
ganging u1 on 1eo1e a0ou" "ime5 "hen (e (i ne#er kno(4 'f you focus on "he (ork5 no" ony
(i you eimina"e Su!ge 0u" you aso migh" e#en fin! ou" (hy +an isn." !oing her Io04
Alway $ocu on the work4 This (i era!ica"e Su!ge in amos" e#ery case4 'f you focus on "he
(ork5 "hen you can." a""ack o"her 1eo1e5 you can." gang u1 on your co(orkers5 you can." 0ea"
yoursef u14
Su!ge says:
Aou*re not committed(
Aou*re only "alued #aed on the hour pent in the workplace(
Aou*re not truted to #e le$t unuper"ied(
Aou*re not worth #eing repected(
$ocusing on "he (ork says:
6et* top pointing $inger and ol"e the pro#lem(
6et* not get caught up in o$$ice politic and intead get the 1o# done(
There i no time $or thi #ullhit( ,e ha"e work to do(
No Su!ge4
Voices from a ROWE: Phi
Phil i a proce impro"ement pecialit and )i0 )igma #lack #elt( 7e i in hi early $ortie( 7e
ha #een in a RO,E $or three and a hal$ year(
There is "his misconce1"ion "ha" ROWE is a0ou" gi#ing 1eo1e more "ime (i"h "he ki!s4 A ROWE
is no" a0ou" ha#ing more "ime or ha#ing "ime off4 9ou may no" (ork fe(er hours4 9ou may e#en
(ork more5 0u" you !o i" on your "erms4
' see a ROWE as an in"ense focus on 0usiness resu"s4 9ou focus on 0usiness resu"s an! you
ignore (ha" !oesn." ma""er4 %suay (hen 1eo1e "ak a0ou" ROWE "hey "ak a0ou" "he caen!ar4
This is "he as" "hing ' "ak a0ou"4 When you finay s"o1 "aking a0ou" "he caen!ar5 you ha#e
com1e"ey en"ere! "he ROWE min!se"G0ecause "ruy focuse! on resu"s4
Work cu"ure makes 1eo1e !o an! say "hings "ha" !on." !ri#e resu"s4 The ROWE min!se" is "he
o11osi"e4 'n a ROWE5 ' no( !o (ha" ' kno( is righ" for "he cus"omer4 'f '.m a goo! em1oyee5
"hen '.m going "o !o (ha" ' kno( is righ"4 '".s no" (ha" com1any cu"ure says is righ"4 '".s (ha"
1ersona cu"ure says is righ"4 Wha" ha11ens in cor1ora"e America is "ha" 1eo1e !on." ha#e "he
righ" "o s1eak u1 for (ha" "hey "hink is "he 0es" (ay "o ge" "he Io0 !one4 They are gi#en a Io0
!escri1"ion an! hours "o fi5 0u" "hey !on." ha#e "he righ" "o s"an! u1 for (ha" "hey kno( "heir
cus"omer nee!s or (an"s4 Their (ork cu"ure kee1s "hem from !oing an! saying "he "hings "ha"
(i !ri#e ou"comes4
' (as in a mee"ing "o!ay an! ' sai! "ha" if ' (ro"e !o(n e#ery"hing ' hear! "ha" (e.! ike "o
accom1ish '.! ha#e for"y-si/ goas4 >y co(orker sai!5 MWha".s (rong (i"h "ha"KN We ha#e "o
s"o1 ki!!ing ourse#es4 This i!ea "ha" su11ose! "o "hink 0ig4 su11ose! "o 0e
e#ery"hing "o e#eryone4 going "o 0e a "hings "o "he (or!4 An! "hen (hen force!
"o cu" 0ack "o (ha".s reay im1or"an"5 i".s a faiure4 Reai"y fees ike a faiure4
$or me "he 0eau"y of a ROWE is "ha" you remo#e a "hose eemen"s5 ike "he for"y-si/ goas5
"ha" ge" in "he (ay of "he goo! Io0 you cou! 0e !oing4 9ou "ake "he is" of (ha" you cou! !o
"his year an! you focus on ge""ing i" shor"er4 9ou s"o1 ki!!ing yoursef an! you focus on "he
cus"omer4 A of a su!!en in a ROWE a kin!s of e/"ra ca1aci"y sho(s u1 in "he caen!ar
0ecause focuse! on "he resu"s4 Tha".s a ROWE4 >ore an! more choice an! more an!
more con"ro for "he 1eo1e su11ose! "o 0e (orking for: "he cus"omer4
A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"
'n "he eary s"ages of !e#eo1ing a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" (e (eren." as keye! in as
(e are "o!ay on ho( a ROWE crea"es an in"ense focus on 0usiness resu"s4 'n fac"5 !uring "he
firs" 1hase of "raining5 (hen aroun! 6; 1ercen" of -es" -uy em1oyees ha! migra"e! "o a
ROWE5 (e (ere s"i "aking a o" a0ou" "he caen!ar4
-ack in ?;;< (e he1e! !efine a ROWE using a caen!ar e/ercise4 *e1en!ing on (ho (as
running "he session5 Cai or +o!y (ou! 1u" a ran!om mon"h on "he (a an! "hen ask 1eo1e "o
choose (hen "hey (ou! ike "o (ork in "he 0ui!ing5 ou" of "he 0ui!ing5 or no" a" a4 The
em1oyees (ere "hen gi#en re!5 green5 an! yeo( markers an! aske! "o 1u" a !o" on a !ay for
(hen "hey (ere no" (orking 2re!35 (hen "hey (ere (orking ou" of "he 0ui!ing 2yeo(35 an!
(orking in "he 0ui!ing 2green34 We sai!5 M!o (ha"e#er you (an"4N Pu" a no"-(orking !o" on a
We!nes!ay5 1u" a (orking-in-"he-0ui!ing !o" on a Sun!ay4 As ong as "he (ork ge"s !one i".s
u1 "o you4
Af"er a !oHen or so 1eo1e 1u" "heir !o"s on "he caen!ar (e a s"e11e! 0ack an! ooke! a" "he
0ig 1ic"ure4 A cynic migh" "hink "ha" "he (hoe caen!ar (ou! 0e fie! (i"h re! !o"s5 0u" "ha"
(as no" "he case a" a4 E#en "hough "his (as Ius" an e/ercise5 1eo1e !i!n." a0use "he i!ea4
They s"i 1u" u1 1en"y of green an! yeo( !o"s5 0u" i" (as on "heir "erms5 an! (hen (e
s"e11e! 0ack an! ooke! a" "he (hoe mon"h (e imme!ia"ey no"ice! "(o "hings4 One5 "here
(as ne#er a "ime (hen 1eo1e (eren." (orking4 Peo1e (ere s"i going "o !o "heir Io0s4 $or a o"
of managers in "he room "his (as a reief5 an!5 for some5 e#en "he gim1se a" an o11or"uni"y4 'n
a ?<E7 economy i" cou! 0e a grea" 0enefi" "o 0e a0e "o ha#e 1eo1e so#ing 1ro0ems an!
accom1ishing "asks "hroughou" "he mon"h4 -onus4
-u" "he em1oyees aso sa( "ha" "hey cou! 0e comfor"a0e (orking in a non"ra!i"iona (ay4
They migh" ha#e 1u" a re! !o" on a Thurs!ay5 0u" "here (ere a(ays 1en"y of yeo( an! green
!o"s from "heir co(orkers4 They (ou!n." ha#e "o fee gui"y for Msacking offN on a Thurs!ay5
0ecause "here (ere o"her 1eo1e con"ri0u"ing4 They (ou! ha#e "heir "ime "o carry "he oa! on
ano"her !ay4
-u" "he caen!ar e/ercise aso raise! some chaenging Jues"ions "ha" 1ushe! a" "he
0oun!aries of our 0eiefs a0ou" (ork4 $or e/am1e5 (e.! ask 1eo1e if "hey 1u" a re! !o" on a
We!nes!ay5 !i! "hey nee! "o "ake a #aca"ion !ayK Peo1e (ou! hesi"a"e an! "hen someone
(ou! say5 MNo4 As ong as "he (ork is ge""ing !one "hen i" !oesn." ma""er4N Or (e.! ask "hem if
"hey (ere (orking a" home on a >on!ay !i! "hey nee! "o 1u" an ou" of "he office remin!er on
"heir e-mai4 Again "hey (ou! hesi"a"e an! "hen someone (ou! say5 MNo4 As ong as '.#e go"
my ce 1hone an! ' ha#e access "o e-mai i" !oesn." ma""er (here ' am4 '.m (orking an! 1eo1e
can ge" aho! of me5 so (ho caresKN
These kin!s of con#ersa"ions (ere (ha" e! us "o soi!ify our i!eas a0ou" "ime5 0eief5 an!
Iu!gmen"4 The more (e !i! "he caen!ar e/ercise "he more (e came "o un!ers"an! (ha" Phi
(as "aking a0ou" in his s"ory4 We.! s"ar" (i"h "ime5 0u" e#en"uay (e.! 0e "aking a0ou" "he
'n fac"5 as more an! more 1eo1e s"ar"e! "o migra"e from a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o a
ROWE5 (or! s"ar"e! "o s1rea! "hroughou" -es" -uy4 Peo1e (ou! come in"o "he "raining
sessions (i"h smar"er Jues"ions4 '" s"ar"e! ou" (i"h us 1ushing em1oyees "o chaenge "heir
assum1"ions5 0u" "hen "he em1oyees s"ar"e! "o make us chaenge our o(n4
Peo1e s"ar"e! "o 1u" re!5 yeo(5 an! green !o"s on "he same !ay4 They reaiHe! "ha" "here (as
ne#er a !ay (here you !i!n." "hink a0ou" (ork in some sma (ay4 They s"ar"e! "o "ak a0ou"
ho( "o"a con"ro o#er "heir "ime cou!n." 0e confine! "o !ays4 '" ha! "o 0e fui! enough "o (ork
"hroughou" "he !ay4 They (an"e! "o ge" u1 an! ans(er e-mais a" si/5 "hen "ake "he morning off
"o s1en! "ime (i"h "heir ki!s5 "hen come in"o "he office in "he af"ernoon "o ha#e a mee"ing5 "hen
go "o a mo#ie an! "hen (ra1 "hings u1 a" nigh"4 They (an"e! "o"a con"ro4
The em1oyees !i!n." (an" "he core #aues an! i!en"i"y of "he com1any "o change5 0u" as "he
(ork cu"ure s"ar"e! "o change5 (e recogniHe! "ha" 0o"h our message an! our me"ho!s nee!e!
"o e#o#e4
'n "hose eary !ays (e cae! ROWE a Resu"s-Oriented Work En#ironmen"4 The e#er-changing
caen!ar sho(e! us "ha" Morien"e!N !i!n." "ake "he i!ea far enough4 $e/i0e (ork arrangemen"s
are Morien"e!N "o(ar! em1oyee em1o(ermen" 0u" (hen 1ush comes "o sho#e i".s s"i "he o!
game of hierarchies5 chains of comman!5 an! "he mii"ary mo!e of managemen"4 Af"er (e ha!
0een im1emen"ing ROWE a" -es" -uy for a year or "(o (e reaiHe! "ha" "he ony (ay for "his
i!ea "o (ork (as if i" (ere a Resu"s-Only Work En#ironmen"4 'n o"her (or!s5 resu"s an! only
resu"s are (ha" e#eryone uses "o measure 1erformance in "he (ork1ace4 'f 1eo1e (ere going
"o ha#e "o"a con"ro o#er "heir "ime5 "he ony measure cou! 0e resu"s4 E#en"uay "his e! us "o
(ha" (ou! 0ecome "he sim1es" !efini"ion of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen":
Each peron i $ree to do whate"er they want- whene"er they want- a long a the work get
&e".s "ake "he firs" 1ar" of "ha" !efini"ion: Each 1erson is free "o !o (ha"e#er "hey (an"5
(hene#er "hey (an"4 Wha" !oes "ha" meanK
The coses" anaogy is coege4 'n coege you kno( (ha" you ha#e "o !o "o earn an! "o ge"
goo! gra!es4 9ou ha#e "o go "o cass5 s"u!y "he ma"eria5 !o (e on "es"s or 1a1ers or in a0s4
An! !e1en!ing on "he gra!e you (an" you can gauge for yoursef ho( har! you (an" "o (ork5
(ha" kin! of e/"racurricuar ac"i#i"ies you seec"5 ho( in#o#e! you (an" "o 0e (i"h your
1rofessor.s research or "he inner (orkings of "he !e1ar"men"4 *e1en!ing on (ha" you (an" ou"
of coege you migh" e#en 0e carefu a0ou" "he "y1es of 1eo1e you hang ou" (i"h4
A coege s"u!en" has com1e"e con"ro o#er (hen an! ho( "heir (ork ge"s !one4 There are
rues of "hum05 0u" u"ima"ey i".s u1 "o "he in!i#i!ua4 9ou earn 1re""y Juicky "ha" 0ooHing e#ery
nigh" (i"h "rus" fun! sackers is 1ro0a0y no" "he "icke" "o an A4 Aso5 no one s"an!s o#er your
shou!er (hie rea!ing your "e/"0ook an! says5 MS"u!y "ha"R No5 (ai"R S"u!y "ha"RN E#en
casses5 (hich eem man!a"ory5 are in fac" o1"iona4 2'".s no" a!#isa0e "o ski1 a your casses5
0u" u"ima"ey i".s your choice43 $ur"hermore5 you are e/1ec"e! "o 0e e"hica5 aca!emicay
hones"5 an! fair in your !eaings (i"h facu"y an! o"her s"u!en"s4 Wha"e#er you (an"5 (hene#er
you (an"5 !oesn." mean you can ie5 chea"5 an! s"ea4 E#en "hough "here is free!om5 "here are
s"i rues4
Pro0a0y one of "he har!es" "hings a0ou" coege is "ha" for "he firs" "ime in your ife 1re""y
much on your o(n "o figure ou" (ha".s im1or"an" "o you5 ho( you s"u!y 0es"5 (here your
s"reng"hs an! (eaknesses are as a rea!er5 (ri"er5 an! "hinker4 -u" "ha".s aso "he fun of coege4
9ou choose "he resu"s5 an! "hen you !ri#e "he 0eha#iors an! a""i"u!es "ha" (i ge" "hose
This is (ha" ha11ens in a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 'f you ge" resu"s5 "hen any"hing ese
you !o (i"h your "ime is com1e"ey u1 "o you4 Wha" (ork ooks ike in "erms of (here i" "akes
1ace an! !uring (ha" hours is no onger im1or"an"4 9ou (ork (hen an! ho( you (ork 0es"4
9ou are in com1e"e con"ro4
&ike coege "here are aso arger e/1ec"a"ions4 9ou are 1ar" of a "eam5 1ar" of a !i#ision5 1ar" of
a com1any4 'f you choose "o 1ar"y an! 1ay Hacky Sack in "he 1arking o" an! !o *-minus (ork5
"hen5 ra"her "han ge""ing a s"ern (or! from "he !ean5 you migh" ge" fire!4
This i!ea of com1e"ey e""ing go of "he (ay ( use! "o (orking makes a o" of 1eo1e
uncomfor"a0e4 As (e. see5 i" can 0e a s"rugge for managemen" "o e" go of "his kin! of con"ro
o#er "heir em1oyees4 A o" of 1eo1e.s gu" reac"ion "o "his i!ea is "ha" i".s "oo 0ig a change4 'f
you gi#e 1eo1e com1e"e con"ro o#er ge""ing "heir (ork !one5 "ha" means com1e"ey gi#ing u1
"he o! mo!e of (ork4 This is e/ac"y "he 1oin" of a ROWE5 0u" "ha".s no" easy for some 1eo1e
"o "ake4
$or e/am1e5 ook a" "he foo(ing onine 1os"ing "ha" (as (ri""en as a res1onse "o a +uine
,eek co#er s"ory on ROWE4 The 1os"er5 (ri"ing un!er "he name hee8heer5 em0o!ies "his
a""i"u!e "ha" some fe/i0ii"y is okay5 0u" com1e"e em1oyee con"ro (ou! 0e chaos:
MWe ha#e "he same o1"ions5 a"hough no" as e/"reme4 These are no" ne( conce1"s Ius" ne(
e#es4 We ha#e Io0 sharing5 fe/ "ime5 can (ork from home on occasion5 come in a"e5 ea#e
eary5 e"c4 as ong as i" !oesn." a!#ersey affec" 1erformance4 Presence in "he office is
(arran"e! mos" of "he "ime "o a#oi! a!!i"iona cos"s an! coor!ina"e informa"ion in grou1s5 0u"
no" reJuire! a "he "ime4 This e#e of fe/i0ii"y shou! 0e a PR'V'&E)E 2for "he 1ro#en35 no" a
R')HTN 2em1hasis his or hers34
Pri"ilege is a funny (or!5 isn." i"K 'sn." "ha" a (or! (e use (i"h chi!ren (hen (e fee "he nee!
"o remin! "hem (ho.s in con"roK *o your home(ork5 young man5 or no ,0o/4 Vi!eo games are
a 1ri#iege no" a righ"R
Accor!ing "o hee8heer5 "he i!ea s"a"e of (ork is s"i in "he office5 in mee"ings5 in "he 1hysica
s1ace4 'n o"her (or!s5 ( 0ack "o "he i!ea "ha" 0ecause a com1any o(ns "he 1ro!uc" of your
(ork "hey aso o(n your "ime4 They ha#e con"ro o#er (here you are an! (hen4 A i""e fe/i0ii"y
is okay5 0u" "oo much fe/i0ii"y is Me/"reme4N 9ou nee! "o 0e remarka0e "o 0e "rea"e! ike an
a!u"4 aso 0ack "o "he $e/i0ii"y Con )ame4 'n fac"5 as "he foo(ing "a0e sho(s5 one (ay of
!efining a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is 0y sho(ing (ha" i".s no"4 -ecause i".s !efini"ey no"
fe/"ime4 'n a ROWE em1oyee con"ro isn." a 1erkGi".s "he norm4
There.s a mis1erce1"ion ou" "here "ha" Ius" 0ecause a manager e"s an em1oyee go "o a !en"is"
a11oin"men"5 "hen "ha".s fe/i0e (orking4 Tha".s no" fe/i0e (orking a" a4 ROWE is reay
1u""ing "he free!om an! "he 1o(er 0ack in "he em1oyees. han!s "o !e"ermine (ha" an! ho(
an! (hen 1eo1e (ork 0es"4 A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is a0ou" recogniHing an! ac"ing
on 1eo1e.s nee! "o ha#e more con"ro o#er "heir i#es "o mee" all "he !eman!s in "heir i#es4
'n o"her (or!s5 no ma""er ho( fe/i0e a non"ra!i"iona sche!ue is i".s s"i a sche!ue4 Fle0i#le
chedule is an o/ymoron4 Which is (hy in a ROWE "here are no sche!ues4
So ho( can "his 1ossi0y 0eK No" "ha" anyone (an"s Su!ge5 0u" (ha" ha11ens (hen "he s"a"us
Juo s"ar"s "o 0reak !o(nK 'f '.m no" 1aying "ime games (i"h mysef an! o"her 1eo1e anymore5
if '.m reay free "o !o (ha"e#er ' (an" 2an! you areG"his is no" a "rick35 "hen ho( !o ' measure
my 1erformanceK Ho( !oes my manager Iu!ge my (orkK Wha" am ' su11ose! "o 0e !oing (i"h
my "imeK
These concerns are a!!resse! 0y "he secon! haf of "he !efini"ion of a ROWE: as ong as "he
(ork ge"s !one4
MAs ong as "he (ork ge"s !oneN is no sma "hing4 As (e sai! in "he as" cha1"er5 a Resu"s-Ony
Work En#ironmen" is no" a0ou" (orking ess or making (ork go a(ay4 Those fi#e 1roIec"sK 9ou
s"i ha#e "hem4 -u" ins"ea! of measuring your 1erformance 0ase! on "he ou"come of "hose
1roIec"s 1us a s1rinking of face "ime5 ge""ing in eary5 an! kissing your 0oss.s ass5 you are ony
measure! on resu"s4 'f you !o a goo! Io0 "hen you are re(ar!e! an! 1ai! an! 1romo"e! 0ase!
on "he Io0 you !o an! no"hing ese4 We.#e arri#e! a" Phi.s i!ea of ge""ing rea (i"h (ha" you can
!o an! "hen in"ensey focusing on 0usiness resu"s4
There are going "o 0e ske1"ics (ho (i say "ha" "heir (ork1ace is area!y ike "his4
cer"ainy no" caiming "ha" (e in#en"e! "his i!ea of 0asing (ork on resu"s4 There are a o" of
com1anies "ha" are mos"y focuse! on resu"s4 There are managers (i"hin arger5 more rigi!
com1anies "ha" ook "he o"her (ay on hours as ong as 1eo1e focus on resu"s4 There are e#en
1rofessionsGsuch as saesG"ha" ao( amos" com1e"e au"onomy for "heir (orkers as ong as
"hey mee" "heir mon"hy num0ers4
-u" (e (ou! chaenge any 0usiness in "erms of ho( "horoughy "hey em0race a resu"s-ony
a11roach4 *oes "he organiHa"ion e#en in a sma (ay s"i re(ar! 2or 1unish3 1eo1e 0ase! on
"imeK Are "here core hoursK Or if you aren." 1erforming !oes your manager sugges" you 1u" in
more "imeK Or !o your co(orkers Iu!ge one ano"her 0ase! on "he cockK $ur"hermore5 !oes
e"eryone in "he organiHa"ion (ork in a resu"s-ony mo!eK
Wha".s "ricky a0ou" "hese 0eiefs is "ha" (e of"en !on." kno( (e ha#e "hem4 Once (e (ere
s1eaking "o a grou1 of high-e#e 1eo1e in a $or"une :;; com1any4 To !emons"ra"e ho(
1er#asi#e "he un(ri""en rues of a cu"ure are5 an! ho( "hey are a 1ar" of a arger cu"ura sys"em
of (ork5 (e aske! "hem (ha" "ime (as consi!ere! coming in Mon "ime4N
-ecause "hey kne( a0ou" ROWE "hey ha! area!y an"ici1a"e! our game4 They sai!5 MWe can
come in any "ime4N Some of "hem (ere e#en kin! of smug a0ou" i"5 as if "o say5 See5 (
-u" "hen (e aske!5 MCan e#ery0o!y a" your com1any come in (hene#er "hey (an"5 Ius" ike
youKN This so0ere! "hem u1 an! "hey "hen a!mi""e! "ha" no" e#ery0o!y cou! come in (hen
"hey (an"e! "o4 When (e aske! again (ha" coming in on "ime (as5 "hey a kne( "he e/ac" "ime
"o "he minu"e4 The same (as "rue for (ha" (as consi!ere! ea#ing Meary4N -ecause "hey (ere
high-e#e em1oyees "he rues may no" ha#e a11ie! "o "hem 2"hey.! Mearne!N free!om an!
"rus"35 0u" i" cer"ainy (as "he un(ri""en rue of "he cu"ure "o min! "he cock or suffer "he
A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is com1any(i!e4 A" -es" -uy5 ROWE is no" for "he "o1
1erformers or "he !irec"ors on u15 nor !oes i" !isa11ear !uring "he 0usy season4 '".s for
e#ery0o!y5 a "he "ime4 '".s "he focus of ho( (ork ge"s !one4
'n a ROWE5 you s"o1 1aying 1eo1e for ac"i#i"ies an! s"ar" 1aying "hem for ou"comes4
'n a ROWE5 you s"o1 1aying 1eo1e for a chunk of "ime an! s"ar" 1aying "hem for a chunk of
MAs ong as "he (ork ge"s !oneN is an a0sou"e4 The em1oyer.s Io0 is "o crea"e #ery cear goas
an! e/1ec"a"ions4 no" "aking a0ou" Io0 !escri1"ions5 (hich Jui"e franky ony 1ro#i!e "he
mos" 0asic e/1ec"a"ions for (ha" an em1oyee is su11ose! "o !o4 "aking crys"a cear
e/1ec"a"ions for (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one on a !aiy5 (eeky5 mon"hy5 an! yeary 0asis4 Then i".s
u1 "o "he em1oyee5 (i"h "he coaching an! gui!ance of managemen"5 "o mee" "hose goas an!
e/1ec"a"ions4 'f 1ro0ems or chaenges arise aong "he (ay5 i".s "he (orkGan! no" hours
(orke! or "he 1erce1"ion "he em1oyee is crea"ingG"ha" comes un!er scru"iny4 Em1oyees are
e/1ec"e! "o 0ring "heir fu 1o(ers "o accom1ish "heir goas4 Em1oyers "rus" "ha" "he (ork (i
ge" !one4 Any"hing "ha" is no" rea"e! "o "he "ask a" han! fas a(ay4
This i!ea of ony focusing on ge""ing "he Io0 !one has an enormous ri11e effec"4
$or e/am1e5 one Jues"ion (e of"en ge" (hen (e "ak "o 1eo1e is (ha" ha11ens if someone
ge"s "heir Io0 !one in "hir"y-si/ hours ra"her "han for"yK 's "here an o0iga"ion "o ask for four more
hours of (orkK Or shou! "he manager "hen gi#e "ha" 1erson four more hours of (orkK
The ans(er is nei"her 0ecause no" Iu!ging 1erformance 0ase! on "ime4 9ou are ony
re(ar!e! 0ase! on ou"comes4 As a resu"5 in a ROWE you a11roach (ork !ifferen"y 0ecause
ra"her "han 0eing 1unishe! for ge""ing your (ork !one more Juicky or more efficien"y5 you are
The righ" Jues"ion "o ask yoursef in a ROWE5 (hen a" "he haf(ay 1oin" in your (eek or
your 1roIec" or your !ay5 is MAm ' !oing (ha" ' nee! "o !o "o mee" my goasKN 'f "he ans(er is
yes5 "hen on "rack4 'f "he ans(er is no5 "hen you s"ar" asking yoursef5 MWha" !o ' nee! "o
!oKN '".s ike "he coun"ermo#e "o Su!ge: Ask yoursef (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one4 'f focuse!
on "he resu"s an! achie#ing "hem "hen your "ime is your o(n4 9ou go" i" !one in "hir"y-si/
hoursK )oo! for youR *ress u1 in Renaissance fair co"hes4 Take your ki!s "o a mo#ie4 Sa#e "he
(or!4 9ou !i! your Io04 No one cares ho( you s1en! your "ime4
We reaiHe "ha" "his soun!s ike free ice cream 0eing ser#e! on go!en 1a""ers 0y magica
fairies4 Of"en (hen (e firs" in"ro!uce "his i!ea "o 1eo1e "hey say "ha" 0eing a0e "o !o (ha"e#er
you (an"5 (hene#er you (an" as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one is a o#ey i!ea5 0u" i" cou! ne#er
ha11en (here ' (ork4 They say "ha" e#en if (orking "his (ay (ere 1ossi0e5 "here is no (ay any
organiHa"ionGes1eciay my organiHa"ionGcou! make such an enormous change4 As
a11eaing as "his i!ea is i" Ius" !oesn." seem 1ossi0e4 '".s har! "o imagine some anonymous
!u!e in a sui" (i"h a roing 0ag coming in"o a conference room an! "eaching "his ne( (ay of
(orking as if i" (ere "ime managemen" "i1s or saes "echniJues4
This much is "rue: A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" canno" 0e crea"e! in "he "ra!i"iona (ay4 A
man or a (oman (i"h a roing 0ag can tart "he 1rocess of "ransi"ioning from a "ra!i"iona
(ork1ace "o a ROWE5 0u" "hey canno" force an organiHa"ion "o a!o1" "his min!-se"4
A" "he same "ime5 you (ou! 0e sur1rise! (ha" 1eo1e can !o an! ho( much " (iing "o
effec" change if gi#en "he chance4 -ecause one "hing is un!enia0e a0ou" a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen": A o" of 1eo1e (ou! ike "o (ork "his (ay4 They (ou! ike "o 0e Iu!ge! on
1erformance5 no" 1oi"ics4 They (ou! ike "o ha#e more free!om o#er "heir Io0s an! "o gi#e "heir
co(orkers or em1oyees more free!om "o !o "heir Io0s4 So "he Jues"ion 0ecomes5 Ho(K
A" firs" 0ush "ransi"ioning from a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen" ooks !aun"ing4 )i#en ho( change normay ha11ens in cor1ora"e America5 you
can imagine hours an! hours of "raining5 1ies of o#er1ro!uce! han!ou"s5 e-mai remin!ers from
managemen" "o make sure e#eryone is on "he same 1age (i"h "he ne( (ay5 an! so for"h4 'n
o"her (or!s5 no" (or"h "he "rou0e4
'n fac"5 Ius" "he o11osi"e is "rue5 an! "o gi#e you an e/am1e of (ha" mo#ing in"o a ROWE is ike
(e offer "he foo(ing s"ory a0ou" i""er4
As you kno(5 "here (as a "ime (hen i" (as 1erfec"y okay "o finish your sof" !rink an! chuck "he
em1"y so!a can ou" "he (in!o( of your enormous car as you s1e! !o(n Rou"e BB4 'n "he
mi!!e of "he as" cen"ury e#eryone i""ere! 0ecause i" (as sociay acce1"a0e "o !o so4 Then5 in
:=865 "he en#ironmen"a organiHa"ion Kee1 America -eau"ifu forme!5 an! af"er years of fying
un!er "he ra!ar as a arge5 0u" argey ignore!5 communi"y ceanu1 organiHa"ion5 "hey crea"e!
"he famous MCrying 'n!ianN 1u0ic ser#ice announcemen"4 Cou1e! (i"h "he Woo!sy O( M)i#e a
Hoo"5 *on." Pou"eN cam1aign aunche! 0y "he %S*A $ores" Ser#ice in :=7;5 "he Kee1 America
-eau"ifu cam1aign he1e! "urn 1u0ic o1inion aroun!4 O0#iousy 1eo1e s"i i""ere! 2an! "hey
s"i i""er "o!ay3 0u" a o" of 1eo1e s"o11e!4 An! no" ony !i! "hey s"o1 0u" "hey "augh"5
encourage!5 an! some"imes harangue! o"her 1eo1e in"o no" i""ering4 *ro1 a 1o1sice s"ick in
"he s"ree" "o!ay an! you may ge" a(ay (i"h i"5 0u" chances are going "o fee 0a!4
This sim1e change in o1inion has ha! 1rofoun! effec"s4 We (ou!n." ha#e A!o1"-a-High(ay
1rograms (i"hou" "his change in 1eo1e.s a""i"u!es4 We migh" no" 0e ha#ing as ro0us" a
!iscussion a0ou" "he en#ironmen" as (e !o no(4 We (ou!n." ha#e "rou0e! "eens !oing
communi"y ser#ice in orange Ium1-sui"s 0y "he si!e of "he roa!4 Or ki!s ge""ing on "heir 1aren"s.
case a0ou" !oing a 0e""er Io0 of recycing4
'n "he case of i""er5 "he PSAs (ere "he ca"ays"5 0u" i" (as u1 "o "he cu"ure "o a!a1" "o "he ne(
(ay of "hinking4 No one 1u""ing "hose a!s on "he air 0ack in "he eary se#en"ies cou! ha#e
en#isione! (here (e are no(4 Nor cou! "hey ha#e scri1"e! i"4 -u" "hey !i! ha#e a #ision for
ho( 1eo1e shou! "rea" "he en#ironmen" an! i" s"ar"e! (i"h some"hing sim1e an! !oa0e an!
gre( from "here4
This is "he na"ure of a!a1"i#e change4 9ou s"ar" (i"h a !esire! goa5 "hen (ork your (ay "o(ar!
"ha" goa5 regar!ess of (here "ha" 1rocess migh" "ake you4
A!a1"i#e change is no" (ha" you "y1icay fin! in cor1ora"e America4 Wha" you "y1icay fin! in
cor1ora"e America is "echnica change4 &o"s an! o"s of "echnica change4
Technica change is (hen "he guy (i"h "he roing 0ag comes in an! "eaches you "i1s an! "ricks
an! hin"s5 0u" !oesn." chaenge "he core 1ro0em your com1any is facing4
Technica change is (hen you are 1resen"e! (i"h "he fa#or-of-"he-mon"h managemen"
"echniJue an! su11ose! "o 1re"en! "ha" i".s no" going "o 0e a !is"an" memory in si/
Technica change is (hen managemen" 1raises "his e/ci"ing ne( 1rogram for i"s em1oyees5 0u"
managemen" !oesn." ha#e "o change4
This is no" "o say "ha" "echnica change !oesn." ha#e i"s 1ace4 When you ha#e a ne( 0enefi"s
1rogram an! 1eo1e nee! "o kno( a0ou" ho( "his 1rogram (i change "heir com1ensa"ion
1ackage5 "hen "echnica "raining is com1e"ey a11ro1ria"e4 The ne( rues fi" on a han!ou"4 They
can 0e ar"icua"e! in an e-mai4 9ou can ha#e an orien"a"ion mee"ing "o gi#e 1eo1e "he fac"s4
An! "he reason "hese kin!s of "echniJues (ork for some"hing ike a ne( 0enefi"s 1rogram is
"ha" "he "y1ica cor1ora"e 1oicy !oesn." ask 1eo1e "o chaenge ho( "hey 0eha#e4
ROWE5 on "he o"her han!5 reJuires a!a1"i#e change4 Peo1e ha#e "o ac" !ifferen"y un!er "his
ne( (ay of (orking4 9ou can." 1u" "he changes "ha" occur for 1eo1e in an e-mai 0ecause a
ROWE (orks !ifferen"y for each 1erson5 each "eam5 each !i#ision4 '".s an e#er-e#o#ing
'n fac"5 a key momen" in "he crea"ion of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" ha11ene! 0ack
0efore "he A"erna"i#e Work Program 1io" (as im1emen"e!4 Cai (as assigne! a change agen"
"o make AWP ha11en4 Cai an! "he change agen" ooke! "o o"her com1anies an! s"eere! "he
1roIec" "o(ar! e/amining 0es" 1rac"ices a" o"her com1anies "ha" (ere using fe/i0e (ork
arrangemen" 1rograms4 They crea"e! a eng"hy gui!e0ook a0ou" ho( "o co1y o"her 1rograms4
-u" "he !i#ision ea!er of "he AWP 1io" !i!n." (an" "o see o"her 1eo1e.s 0es" 1rac"ices4 A" one
1ar"icuar mee"ing he 1icke! u1 "he gui!e0ook an! sai! he ne#er (an"e! "o see any"hing ike
"ha" again4 He e/1aine!5 in no uncer"ain "erms5 "ha" "his (ou! 0e an organicay gro(n
mo#emen" "ha" (ou! no" 0e !ic"a"e! 0y 0es" 1rac"ices from o"her com1anies4 Shor"y af"er "ha"
mee"ing5 "he Human Resources re1resen"a"i#e remo#e! hersef from "he 1roIec"4 &a"er5 (hen
+o!y came on 0oar!5 "he focus (as in"ensifie! on a!a1"i#e change4
The reIec"ion of 0es" 1rac"ices (as an im1or"an" momen" 0ecause from "his 1oin" for(ar! (e
(ere commi""e! "o rea change4 '" (as a" "his 1oin" "ha" (e ha! 1ermission "o !isregar! a
sou"ion "ha" (as comfor"a0e an! 1aa"a0e4 'ns"ea! (e (ere commi""e! "o figuring ou" (ha"
1eo1e reay nee!e! an! (an"e! an! (ha" (as 0es" for "hem4 We (ere a0e "o a#oi! "he
1ro0em (i"h so many changes in cor1ora"e America: They are fake changesL "hey are "he
fa#or of "he mon"h4 They ook goo! an! soun! goo! an! "hey seem "o 0e a!!ressing "he
1ro0em5 0u" "hey aren." an! "hey !on."4
Trying "o crea"e "echnica change for (ha" is a socia 1ro0em is usuay a !isas"er4 $or e/am1e5
0efore ROWE5 em1oyees com1aine! a0ou" 0eing in "oo many mee"ings4 Peo1e sai! "hey
cou!n." ge" "heir (ork !one4 Peo1e sai! "hey (ere s"resse! an! unfocuse!4 Peo1e nee!e!
So someone 1ro1ose! "echnica change in "he form of No->ee"ing We!nes!ays4 On
We!nes!ays you (ere no" "o sche!ue any mee"ings4 The i!ea (as "ha" We!nes!ay (ou! 0e
"he !ay (hen 1eo1e cou! ca"ch u1 on "he (ork "ha" "hey cou!n." !o "he res" of "he (eek
0ecause "hey (ere in "oo many mee"ings4 The com1any in#es"e! "ime an! money in "raining
1eo1e on No->ee"ing We!nes!ays5 1romo"ing No->ee"ing We!nes!ays "hrough fyers an! e-
mais5 an! e#en5 of course5 ha#ing mee"ings a0ou" No->ee"ing We!nes!ays4 Then "hey roe!
ou" "he 1rogram4 Pro0em so#e!4
We5 you can guess (ha" ha11ene!4 A0ru1"y cu""ing ou" We!nes!ays as a !ay "o mee" (as
no" as easy as i" soun!e!4 Na"uray "here (ere "imes (hen 1eo1e genuiney nee!e! "o mee"
on We!nes!ay4 So (hen "hose 1eo1e !i! so "hey (ere #ioa"ing com1any 1oicy5 1u""ing more
s"ress on em1oyees5 an! making 1eo1e fee chea"e! ou" of "heir "ime4
So (ha" !i! "he com1any !oK They "raine! 1eo1e on ho( "o ha#e a reay shor" mee"ing if you
sim1y ha! "o ha#e a mee"ing on No->ee"ing We!nes!ays4 So "ha" mean" ony si/ Po(erPoin"
si!es "o kee1 "hings shor"5 0u" "hen "hey ha! "o "rain 1eo1e on ho( "o gi#e shor" Po(erPoin"
1resen"a"ions 0ecause "ha".s no" a(ays easy5 an! so on an! so for"h4 Haf(ay "hrough "he
1rogram "here (as more "ime s1en" "raining for5 an! in mee"ings an! con#ersa"ions a0ou"5
making No->ee"ing We!nes!ays (ork "han "he "ime 1eo1e (ere s1en!ing mee"ing on
Aso5 Ius" 0ecause 1eo1e ha! "heir We!nes!ays free !i!n." mean "ha" "here (ere any changes
"o "he o#era cu"ure of mee"ings4 True5 you cou! ge" more (ork !one on We!nes!ays5 0u" "he
(ork !one on We!nes!ays !i!n." ook ike (ork "he (ay a !ay fie! (i"h mee"ings !i!4 No"hing
ooks ike (ork ike a mee"ing5 so 1eo1e fe" as if "hey (eren." ge""ing cre!i"4 $or "he more
1oi"icay min!e!5 no" ha#ing mee"ings "o sche!ue or "o cance ou" on mean" "hey cou!n." (ork
on "heir image as a 1aymaker4 They onge! "o cance ou" on mee"ings or sen! a 1ro/y "o sho(
"heir 1o(er an! im1or"ance4
An! "hen "here (as "he gui"4 Peo1e fe" gui" for 0reaking "he rues 0y sche!uing mee"ings on
No->ee"ing We!nes!ays4 )ui" for no" kno(ing (ha" "o !o (i"h "hemse#es (hen "hey !i!n."
ha#e mee"ings4 )ui" a0ou" "hinking a0ou" "his s"u1i! i!ea in "he firs" 1ace as o11ose! "o ge""ing
some (ork !one4
Why can." (e sus"ain "his kin! of changeK We can." sus"ain "his kin! of change 0ecause
1rograms ike No->ee"ing We!nes!ays can." 1ossi0y a!!ress "he roo" 1ro0em4 No "ime-
managemen" seminar is e#er going "o so#e "he 1ro0em of 1eo1e no" ha#ing con"ro o#er "heir
"ime4 A seminar can gi#e you "i1s an! "ricks4 Wha" 1eo1e nee! is 1o(er4
Wha" a ROWE reJuires5 as (e. see in "he coming cha1"ers5 is a!a1"i#e change4 A!a1"i#e
change means "ha" 1eo1e.s un!erying a""i"u!es an! 0eiefs change aong (i"h "heir 0eha#iors4
Think a0ou" TiVo4 TiVo has "o !o (i"h (a"ching your fa#ori"e sho(s a" any "ime4 Wha" TiVo
gi#es you is con"ro4 9ou (a"ch TV on your o(n "erms5 (i"hou" commercias 2or (i"h5 if
in"o "ha"35 (hen you (an"5 (i"h (home#er you (an"4 TV is no onger on "he ne"(ork.s "erms
2>us" See TV Thurs!ays3 0u" on your "erms 2'. (a"ch your sho( (hene#er ' !amn (e 1ease34
So 1eo1e "hink a0ou" TV !ifferen"y4 They sam1e more4 They hoar! an! s"ore mu"i1e
e1iso!es so "hey can (a"ch "hem in 0a"ches4 They migh" (a"ch a a"e-nigh" TV sho( ony for
"he in"er#ie( segmen" or ony for "he o1ening monoogue4 The key here is "ha" no one "es
1eo1e ho( "o 0eha#e (i"h TiVo4 There is no righ" or (rong (ay "o (a"ch TV on your o(n "erms4
Ra"her5 "here is a "oo "ha" gi#es free!om5 an! "hen 1eo1e figure i" ou" for "hemse#es5 an! "hey
!o i" no" 0y rea!ing a TiVo ins"ruc"ion 0ook 0u" 0y e/1erimen"ing (i"h (ha" (orks 0es" for "hem
an! aso 0y ne"(orking (i"h o"her TiVo o#ers "o fin! ou" ho( "o o1"imiHe "heir "ee#ision-
(a"ching e/1erience4
Ano"her (ay of "hinking a0ou" a Resu"s-Ony En#ironmen" is "ha" i".s a TiVo for your (ork4 9ou
gi#e 1eo1e "he 1o(er an! "he con"ro o#er "heir "ime4 9ou aso gi#e "hem "he u"ima"e in
accoun"a0ii"y: >ee" e/1ec"a"ions or in "rou0e4 As ong as e#eryone in "he organiHa"ion
commi"s "o "hese "(o i!eas5 "hen "he change "ha" resu"s (i ha11en organicay4 no" going "o ie4 A!a1"i#e change isn." easy4 Whie going "hrough "his kin! of
change "he fu"ure s"a"e is 0eing !isco#ere!4 9ou are mo#ing in"o an unkno(n5 e#en if i".s an
in"en!e! unkno(n4
When a!a1"i#e change ha11ens some e#e of !is"ress is ine#i"a0e4 Rea change usuay
in#o#es oss4 Peo1e ha#e a "en!ency "o 0ecome comfor"a0e in "heir ha0i"s5 a""i"u!es5 an!
0eiefs4 When "hey are reJuire! "o MoseN "hose cosey he! 0eiefs5 "hey are incine! "o grie#e5
s"rugge5 an! a#oi! "he har! (ork reJuire! "o a!Ius"4 -u" if a!a1"i#e change is "o "ake 1ace5
"hey mus" en!ure "he e/amina"ion of "heir 0eiefs an! o1en "hemse#es "o "he reforming of "hose
We un!ers"an! "his soun!s 0ig4 >anagemen" na"uray freaks ou" a0ou" "his4 They can fee "heir
con"ro ero!ing4 -u" e#en reguar em1oyees ha#e concerns a0ou" "his4 '".s change4 Change
may 0e goo! 0u" i".s aso har!4
One "hing "ha" migh" 0e reassuring is "ha" an en"ire cor1ora"e 1o1ua"ion (en" "hrough "his
"ransi"ion an! i" (orke!4 Aso remem0er "ha" 1eo1e a" a e#es ha#e "he same (orries4
7ow are the reult going to happen<
7ow do we know we*re achie"ing our goal<
7ow will we know that e"eryone i pulling their weight<
The gi0 ans(er is: Ho( !o you !o "ha" no(K -ecause "he (ay "he game (orks no( !oesn."
1ro#i!e ans(ers "o "hese Jues"ions4 *o you an! your 0oss ha#e cear meaningfu !iscussions
a0ou" e/1ec"a"ions on a reguar 0asisK 2The semiannua 1erformance re#ie( is a s"ar" 0u" no"
enough43 *o you ha#e a mechanism in 1ace for !e"ermining if "he !aiy (ork "ha".s 0eing !one
is !ri#ing ac"ua resu"s5 or is i" assume! "ha" if e#eryone is "here (orking har! "hen (e mus" 0e
ge""ing i" righ"K An! finay5 !on." you 1ersonay kno( someone 2an! may0e i".s you3 (ho isn."
1uing "heir (eigh" or (ho ge"s cre!i" (here cre!i" isn." !ueK
-efore (e s"ar"e! "he 1io" 1rogram for ROWE (e 1oe! managers on "heir concerns a0ou" a
kin!s of fe/i0e (ork arrangemen"s4 Their concerns are "he same ones (e hear a0ou" a ROWE4
They are aso "he same (orries "ha" a o" of em1oyees ha#e a0ou" (ork in genera4
I it $air<
I there accounta#ility<
I there career de"elopment<
We "ook "hese concerns seriousy4 'n res1onse5 an! aso "o gi#e ourse#es a "oo "o measure
our o(n resu"s in making "his change5 (e !e#eo1e! (ha" (e ca a cu"ure au!i"4 -efore (e
(ou! migra"e a "eam (e (ou! firs" 1o e#eryone in#o#e! "o "ry "o un!ers"an! ho( "hey
#ie(e! "he na"ure of "heir imme!ia"e (ork cu"ure4 The Jues"ions are !esigne! "o "ake a Juick
sna1sho" of ho( (ork ge"s !one an! (ha" (ork ooks ike in a gi#en "eam or !e1ar"men"4 *i!
1eo1e "hink "he cu"ure (as 1roac"i#e or reac"i#eK *i! "hey "hink "he organiHa"ion (as o1en "o
risk or afrai! of changeK *i! managemen" re(ar! 1eo1e 0ase! on face "ime or ac"ua
Wha" (e.#e foun! across "he 0oar! a" -es" -uy is "ha" "his sur#ey "ren!s "o(ar! "he 1osi"i#e
af"er migra"ion4 So e#en "eams "ha" score 1re""y (e on 1eo1e (orking effec"i#ey an! (i"h
engagemen" see im1ro#emen" "hanks "o ROWE5 (hie "eams "ha" score nega"i#ey are
1rofoun!y "ransforme!4 E#en "aking in"o accoun" "he si11ery na"ure of sef-re1or"5 (e fee
confi!en" "ha" ROWE is making a !ifference4
As (e mo#e in"o "he ne/" "hree cha1"ers (e ho1e "o sho( ho( "hese changes ha11en4 An!5 as
(e. see5 !es1i"e a ROWE.s seemingy ra!ica a11roach5 (ork ac"uay en!s u1 ooking 1re""y
much ike i" !oes no(4 Peo1e s"i go "o mee"ings4 Peo1e coa0ora"e an! "eam u14 Peo1e are
reacha0e4 Peo1e are !oing "heir Io0s4 -ecause "ha" is (ha" mos" res1onsi0e a!u"s (an" "o
!o4 They (an" "o !o a goo! Io0 an! "hey (an" "o 0e 1ai! for i"4
One fina "hough" 0efore (e (a"ch a ROWE in ac"ion4 '".s easy "o see "his i!ea in "erms of
em1oyer #ersus em1oyee4 'f em1oyees ge" more free!om "hen "he em1oyer mus" ose ou"
someho(4 Someone has "o (in5 righ"K
So5 if you ha#e "o "hink a0ou" i" in "erms of one si!e ha#ing "o (in5 (e (i 0e hones"4 The
em1oyee (ins4 The em1oyee ge"s "heir ife 0ack5 "heir sani"y5 an! "heir sense of sef-(or"h4 -u"
"he funny "hing is "ha" once em1oyees e/1erience a ROWE "hey !on." (an" "o (ork any o"her
(ay4 So em1oyees gi#e 0ack4 They ge" smar"er a0ou" "heir (ork 0ecause "hey (an" "o make
sure "hey ge" resu"s4 They kno( "ha" if "hey can !ei#er resu"s "hen in e/change "hey (i ge"
"rus" an! con"ro o#er "heir "ime4 An! once "hey are "rus"e! (i"h "heir "ime5 "hey (i figh" "o kee1
i" "ha" (ay4
Voices from a ROWE: Trey
Trey i an e'learning pecialit( 7e i an indi"idual contri#utorwho doe Not manage people(
Trey i in hi late twentie and ha #een in a Reult'Only ,ork En"ironment $or almot two
When ' (as in coege "he moo! on cam1us (as "ha" a cor1ora"ions are inheren"y e#i4 Whie
"he 0uk of "his ha"re! (as focuse! on com1anies ike Wa->ar" an! >c*ona!.s5 "he o#era
a"mos1here (as #ery an"icor1ora"e4 Ha#ing ne#er (orke! for a cor1ora"ion5 my 1ers1ec"i#e of
cor1ora"e America (as aso #ery nega"i#e4 When ' "o! my frien!s ' an!e! a Io0 a" -es" -uy.s
cor1ora"e hea!Juar"ers "hey 0asicay sai! "ha" ' (as 0o(ing !o(n "o The >an Ius" "o make a
Once ' s"ar"e! (orking for -es" -uy an! go" in"o a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" my #ie( an!
"he #ie(s of my frien!s e#en"uay change!4 When ' "o! frien!s an! famiy ' ha! "he o11or"uni"y
"o (ork (hen ' (an"5 (here#er ' (an"5 a" firs" "hey !i!n." 0eie#e me4 As "ime 1asse! an! ' ha!
s"ory af"er s"ory of my incre!i0e e/1eriences (i"h ROWE "hey 0egan "o change "heir min!s4
Their o#era #ie( of Mcor1ora"e AmericaN hasn." change!5 0u" "heir #ie( of -es" -uy.s cor1ora"e
hea!Juar"ers has !efini"ey change!4 >y em1oymen" o11or"uni"ies an! ifes"ye are no( en#ie!
(i"hin my socia circe4 ' !on." hear a0ou" e#i cor1ora"e America from 1eo1e anymore4 'ns"ea!
1eo1e say5 M' (an" your Io04N
When ' com1are my ife "(o years ago5 (orking a s"ea!y eigh"-"o-fi#e roe5 (i"h (here ' am
"o!ay ' can." he1 0u" smie4 'n my eigh"-"o-fi#e roe "here (as no fe/i0ii"y4 ' ha! "(o (eeks of
#aca"ion "ime an! a fi/e! amoun" of sick "ime4 -ecause "here (as no fe/i0ii"y5 ' ha! "o use
#aca"ion "ime "o go "o "he !en"is" or "he !oc"or4 &ea#ing eary or coming in a"e resu"e! in
!isci1inary ac"ion4 ' reca "he hasse ' ha! "o go "hrough "o "ake "hree (eeks off "o foo( my
fa#ori"e 0an!4 ' en!e! u1 using a of my #aca"ion "ime an! "aking a (eek.s Mea#e of a0sence4N
' "hink "he 0es" (ay "o com1are ife in a fi/e! eigh"-"o-fi#e roe (i"h (ha" i".s ike "o (ork in a
ROWE is "o Ius" !escri0e my ife "he 1as" year4 $or "he mos" 1ar" ' am a0e "o ge" u1 (hen '
(an" an! choose (hen an! (here "o (ork4 There are "imes (hen ' nee! "o a""en! mee"ings or
ge" (ork !one in a 1inch5 0u" "hose ins"ances are fe( an! far 0e"(een4 Some !ays ' (i fee ike
hea!ing in"o "he officeL some !ays ' (on."4 The 1as" mon"h ' ha#e 0een in "he office 0efore "en
1ro0a0y "(o "o "hree "imes5 an! ony 0ecause ' ha! a mee"ing4
A "y1ica !ay for me incu!es (aking u1 (hen my room is "oo 0righ" from "he sun an! ' can no
onger see14 ' check my e-mai "o make sure "here are no 1ressing issues an! res1on! "o
anyone (ho nee!s my in1u"4 ' (i "y1icay (a"ch an e1iso!e of )outh Park on "he 'n"erne"5 "hen
(ak "o my oca grocery s"ore an! 0uy some 0reakfas"5 e#en "hough i".s coser "o unch a" "his
1oin"4 Af"er ea"ing ' (i (ork in fron" of my "ee#ision (i"h ESPN on in "he 0ackgroun!4 A" "his
1oin" ' (i choose "o go in"o "he office or con"inue "o (ork from home5 or may0e no" e#en (ork
a" a an! go for a 0ike ri!e or Iog4 'f "here is s"i (ork "o !o a"er "ha" nigh"5 '. !o i" "hen an! i".s
no 0ig !ea4
'.m ne#er Not accom1ishing any"hing4 ' a(ays !o (ha" is e/1ec"e! of me4 -ecause of "he
ROWE our "eam has go""en smar"er a0ou" ho( (e (ork4 '" use! "o 0e "ha" one 1erson (ou!
manage e#ery"hing for a 1roIec" an! 1erform a "he func"ions4 We mo#e! "o more of a s"u!io
a11roach4 Each 1erson (orks accor!ing "o "heir s"reng"hs4 One 1erson !oes co1y4 One 1erson
!oes $ash4 ' u1oa! an! im1emen" an! ensure func"ionai"y4 -efore (e s"ar"e! (orking in a
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" (e cou! !o "en5 may0e "(e#e courses a mon"h4 We recen"y
1u" for"y-"hree courses ou" in a singe mon"h4 This !oesn." change (hen ' "ra#e4 'f ' ha#e
eigh"een 1roIec"s going a" once5 ' Ius" se" my goas so e#ery"hing is !one "hree !ays ahea! of
"ime5 so ' ha#e a 0uffer Hone 0efore ' hi" "he roa!4 As ong as "he (ork ge"s !one my manager is
Con"ras" (ha" ' ha#e Ius" !escri0e! (i"h "he eigh"-"o-fi#e ife ' i#e! a cou1e of years ago4 Whie
my frien!s si" in "raffic an! (ork a "ra!i"iona ifes"ye ' (ork a" my eisure from my a1ar"men"5 or
no" a" a5 !e1en!ing on ho( ' fee an! (ha" ' ha#e 1anne! for "he !ay4 This year aone '
"ra#ee! "hrough Euro1e for nine"een !ays foo(ing my fa#ori"e ar"is" from Paris "o -russes5
Ams"er!am5 Prague5 an! Coogne4 ' ha#e a 1ic"ure of *a#e >a""he(s an! me ou"si!e a sma
cu0 in -russes5 -egium4 ' s1en" a (eeken! a" Tas"e of Chicago 1aying cri00age an! $ris0ee
in a 1ark5 an! ca11e! "he (hoe e/1erience off (i"h a sho( on Sun!ay nigh" in "he Win!y Ci"y4 '
(oke u1 "ha" >on!ay in Chicago on a (ork!ay (i"hou" a (orry in "he (or!4 >y ony concern
(as if ' (as going "o make i" 0ack "o >innea1ois in "ime "o go "he -es" -uy Chari"y Cassic "o
see *a#e >a""he(s for "he secon! nigh" in a ro(4 This 1as" (eeken! ' "ook $ri!ay an! >on!ay
off an! ha! a (eeken! ge"a(ay (i"h my girfrien!4 We cam1e! in a s"a"e fores" an! (en" "o "he
A1ine Vaey Am1hi"hea"er "o see her fa#ori"e 0an!5 Nicke0ack4 ' s1en" Sun!ay a" Noah.s Ark
(a"er 1ark cruising !o(n (a"ersi!es4 ' (i 0e in Chicago again for &oa1aooHa an! 0ack a"
A1ine Vaey for ano"her sho( in a grou1 cam1ing si"e (i"h for"y frien!s from a o#er "he %ni"e!
None of (ha" ' ha#e Ius" !escri0e! (ou! 0e 1ossi0e in "he o! (ork en#ironmen" "ha" he1s
crea"e "he 1erce1"ion of ME#i Cor1ora"e America4N ' 0asicay !o (ha" ' (an"5 (hen ' (an"5 a
"he "ime4 ' !o my (ork5 for "he mos" 1ar"5 (hen i" is con#enien" for me4 Since ' a(ays ge" my
(ork !one ' can enIoy ife "o "he fues" (hie (orking for a grea" com1any4
Wha" Time $ees &ike in a ROWE
-y ?;;8 ROWE (as reaching cri"ica mass4 There (ere enough 1eo1e (orking in a ROWE "ha"
i" (as ge""ing har!er an! har!er for anyone a" any e#e "o ignore "he change5 e#en if "he i!ea
s"i ma!e "hem 2or "heir manager3 uncomfor"a0e4 Our 1resen"a"ions of ROWE5 0o"h "o u11er-
e#e managemen" an! "o "he "eams (e (ere "raining5 ha! e#o#e!5 an! (e (ere 1re""y secure
in our i!eas an! our me"ho!s4 The caen!ar e/ercise (as gone4 We (ere s1rea!ing "he (or!
a0ou" "ime5 0eief5 an! Iu!gmen"4 Su!ge sessions (ere no( a i""e more s"ruc"ure! an!
focuse!4 2Ra"her "han asking 1eo1e "o come u1 (i"h Su!ge5 (e (ou! offer "hem common
Su!ge 1hrases an! ask "hem "o e/1ore "heir hi!!en meanings43 An! (e ha! arri#e! a" our
!efini"ion of a Resu"s-Only Work En#ironmen"4
The ony "hing "ha" (e fe" (as missing (as a se" of gui!ing 1rinci1es for (ha" ife (as ike in a
ROWE5 so one !ay (e sa" !o(n an! (ro"e "he :6 )ui!e1os"s for a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen"4 This se" of s"a"emen"s came from our sessions (i"h em1oyees a" a e#es5 an!
"hey (ere !esigne! "o ser#e mu"i1e 1ur1oses4 $irs"5 "hey ha! "o fesh ou" "he 0asic !efini"ion of
a ROWE so (e ha! some"hing "o gi#e 1eo1e in a!!i"ion "o M9ou can !o (ha"e#er you (an"5
(hene#er you (an"5 as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one4N Secon!5 (e (an"e! 1eo1e "o ha#e a
han!fu of s"a"emen"s "ha" "hey cou! refer "o as "hey (en" "hrough "he a!a1"i#e change
1rocess4 'f e#er "hey (ere feeing os" (hen "rying "o make a ROWE a reai"y5 "hey cou! ook a"
"he )ui!e1os"s4 Thir! an! 1erha1s mos" im1or"an" of a5 (e (an"e! "o shock 1eo1e4
As (e.#e sai! 0efore5 e#en if you ge" ri! of "he o! a""i"u!es a0ou" (ork5 you nee! a ne( se" of
a""i"u!es "o "ake "heir 1ace4 9ou nee! a ne( cu"ure4 >aking "his ha11en means "ha" e#ery
em1oyee goes "hrough (ha" (e ca a migra"ion 1rocess4 The migra"ion 1rocess !oes no"
in#o#e "raining4 Peo1e !o no" si" !o(n (i"h (ork0ooks in a conference room for eigh" hours
an! s"u!y ROWE4 'ns"ea!5 ROWE facii"a"ors in"ro!uce "he same i!eas you.#e encoun"ere! in
"his 0ookGho( "ime has a s"range 1o(er o#er us5 ho( (e a a0or un!er coun"er1ro!uc"i#e
0eiefs a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one5 ho( ( a 0rough" !o(n 0y Su!ge5 ho( resu"s an! no"
"ime is "he ne( 0oss4 Then (e "urn 1eo1e oose "o make "he change ha11en4
The :6 )ui!e1os"s nee!e! "o 0e e/"reme so "ha" 1eo1e reaiHe! "ha" crea"ing a ROWE
reJuire! a ra!ica re"hinking of (ork4 We (an"e! "he )ui!e1os"s "o 0e 0ig an! 0o! so "ha"
1eo1e ef" "heir firs" session a0ou" ROWE 2cae! a Kickoff 3 0uHHing (i"h "hough"s an! feeings
an! i!eas a0ou" (ha" "his ne( (ay of (orking cou! mean4 So (hen (e roe! "hem ou" (e
1resen"e! "he )ui!e1os"s a a" once4 -efore (e e/1aine! or !iscusse! (ha" each )ui!e1os"
mean"5 (e (an"e! em1oyees "o sim1y e/1erience "hem as a "hough" e/1erimen"4 We aske!
1eo1e "o imagine (ha" ife (ou! 0e ike if "he foo(ing (ere "rue:
:4 Peo1e a" a e#es s"o1 !oing any ac"i#i"y "ha" is a (as"e of "heir "ime5 "he cus"omer.s "ime5 or
"he com1any.s "ime4
?4 Em1oyees ha#e "he free!om "o (ork any (ay "hey (an"4
64 E#ery !ay fees ike Sa"ur!ay4
<4 Peo1e ha#e an unimi"e! amoun" of M1ai! "ime off N as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one4
84 Work isn." a 1ace you goGi".s some"hing you !o4
B4 Arri#ing a" "he (ork1ace a" ?:;; P> is no" consi!ere! coming in a"e4 &ea#ing "he (ork1ace
a" ?:;; P> is no" consi!ere! ea#ing eary4
74 No0o!y "aks a0ou" ho( many hours "hey (ork4
@4 E#ery mee"ing is o1"iona4
=4 '".s okay "o grocery sho1 on a We!nes!ay morning5 ca"ch a mo#ie on a Tues!ay af"ernoon5
or "ake a na1 on a Thurs!ay af"ernoon4
:;4 There are no (ork sche!ues4
::4 No0o!y fees gui"y5 o#er(orke!5 or s"resse!-ou"4
:?4 There aren." any as"-minu"e fire !ris4
:64 There is no Iu!gmen" a0ou" ho( you s1en! your "ime4
We kne( righ" a(ay (hich )ui!e1os"s (ere going "o ge" 1eo1e rie! u14 No" (as"ing em1oyee
"ime or com1any "ime an! resources is #ai! an! usefu an! goo!5 0u" "he i!ea "ha" e#ery
mee"ing is o1"iona reay se"s 1eo1e on fire4 Wha" if you go" "o !ecine a s"u1i! mee"ing "ha"
you kne( (as a (as"e of "imeK Wha" if you reay ha! "he 1o(er "o !o "ha"K Wha" (ou! ife 0e
'f "hese kin!s of s"a"emen"s (ere shocking "o em1oyees5 you can ony imagine (ha" i" mus"
ha#e 0een ike (hen (e firs" roe! "hem ou" "o senior ea!ershi1 an! managemen"4
$rom "he 0eginning5 managemen" (as #i"a "o crea"ing "his change4 So "ha" e#eryone can
0enefi" from a ROWE5 e#eryone has "o 1ar"ici1a"e5 an! e#en "hough "his is a 1eo1e.s
mo#emen"5 (e a(ays ma!e sure "o ha#e 0uy-in5 or a" eas" a hea"hy o1"imism5 from "he "o14
-efore a "eam s"ar"s "heir migra"ion5 "here is a ea!ershi1 mee"ing4 They ge" "he same i!eas5 0u"
"hese i!eas are communica"e! in a sigh"y !ifferen" (ay 0ecause "he change for managers is
!ifferen" from "ha" of in!i#i!ua con"ri0u"ors an! "eams4 An! as you can imagine5 "he firs" "ime
(e in"ro!uce! "he )ui!e1os"s "o u11er-e#e managemen" "here (ere some 1eo1e in "he room
(ho (ere #ery uncomfor"a0e4
The firs" reac"ion from managemen" in "hose eary !ays (as "he !esire "o nego"ia"e4 The i!ea of
no (ork sche!ues (as fine5 0u" e#ery mee"ing o1"ionaK Surey some mee"ings s"i ha#e "o 0e
man!a"ory5 righ"K
There (as one ea!ershi1 mee"ing in 1ar"icuar "ha" (as a rea "urning 1oin" for ROWE4 Af"er
"ha" mee"ing +o!y (as a11roache! 0y 1eo1e in managemen" (ho sai! "he )ui!e1os"s
a0sou"ey ha! "o go4 We cou!n." sho( "hese i!eas "o em1oyees4 We ha! gone "oo far4
Af"er(ar! (e me" an! argue! o#er (he"her or no" (e (ou! 0e (iing "o re(ri"e some of "he
)ui!e1os"s5 0u" e#ery "ime (e "rie! "o sof"en one or remo#e one (e reaiHe! "ha" (e (ere
com1romising "he i!ea4 'f e#ery mee"ing (eren." o1"iona "hen 1eo1e (ou! s"i 0e Iu!ge! on
(ha" (ork ooke! ike4 'f "here (ere s"i man!a"ory mee"ings "hey cou! 0e resu"s-orien"e!5 0u"
no" resu"s-ony4
Shor"y af"er "ha" !iscussion (e (en" 0ack "o senior ea!ershi1 an! he! firm4 We chaenge!
"hem "o "hink a0ou" "heir 0eiefs a0ou" mee"ings4 Wha" !oes "ha" sayGa0ou" your mee"ing.s
effec"i#eness5 a0ou" i"s usefunessGif 1eo1e ony come 0ecause of your "i"e or 0ecause i" says
Mman!a"oryN in "he in#i"eK Ho( much 1ro!uc"i#i"y are you ge""ing ou" of "hem if "hey resen"
0eing "hereK 'sn." "here a 0e""er (ay of "ransmi""ing "ha" informa"ion o"her "han ha#ing 1eo1e si"
aroun! a conference room "a0e an! is"ening "o 1eo1e "akK We e#en chaenge! "hem "o "hink
a0ou" "heir o(n mee"ing 0eha#ior4 *i! "hey a(ays a""en! Mman!a"oryN mee"ingsK Or !i! "hey
fin! (orkaroun!s 0ase! on (ha" "hey kne( reay nee!e! "o 0e accom1ishe! "ha" !ayK
We en!e! u1 (inning "he argumen"5 an! from "ha" 1oin" for(ar! "he Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen" (as in i"s fu form4 We ma!e "he :6 )ui!e1os"s a s"an!ar! 1ar" of "he ROWE
migra"ion4 Peo1e s"ar"e! using "hem "o he1 sef-correc" "heir 0eha#ior an! a""i"u!es4 They aso
s"ar"e! using "he )ui!e1os"s "o he1 o"her 1eo1e make "he "ransi"ion4
Any kin! of a!a1"i#e change reJuires 0o"h sef-a!Ius"men" an! su11or"4 '".s ike Jui""ing smoking
or ge""ing in sha1e4 9ou can gi#e 1eo1e reasons for 0e""er 0eha#iors5 0u" u"ima"ey "hey ha#e
"o make "he !ecision "o change on "heir o(n5 an! "he 1eo1e aroun! "hem ha#e "o su11or" "he
change as (e4 Tha".s 1ar" of "he 1o(er of crea"ing a ROWE: no one goes i" aone4 When
1eo1e migra"e from a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" "hey
1ush one ano"her5 "hey chaenge one ano"her5 "hey su11or" one ano"her4 >anagemen" is 1ar"
of "he 1rocess5 0u" managemen" !oes no" !ri#e "he 1rocess4 The 1eo1e crea"e "he ne( cu"ure4
'n "he ne/" "hree cha1"ers (e. e/1ore each of "he :6 )ui!e1os"s4 Each one s1eaks "o a
!ifferen" as1ec" of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 Some !ea (i"h "ime5 o"hers !ea (i"h "he
ogis"ics of ho( (ork ge"s !one5 (hie a "hir! grou1 1oin"s "o ho( ife is !ifferen" in a ROWE4 going "o use "hese )ui!e1os"s "o gi#e you a 0e""er i!ea of (ha" a ROWE is an! aso ho(
a ROWE func"ions an! fees4 2Remem0er "ha" a ROWE isn." a "heoryG"here are 1eo1e ike
Trey i#ing "he (ay "hey (an" "o i#e righ" no(43 We. aso "ry "o (ork "hrough some of "he
common o0Iec"ions 1eo1e ha#e5 "he 9eah5 -u" momen"s "ha" e#eryone has (hen confron"e!
(i"h "hese ne( i!eas4
$irs" (e nee! "o !ea (i"h "ime4 Our a""i"u!es a0ou" "ime are 1erha1s "he har!es" o0s"ace "o
o#ercome 0ecause "hey are so ingraine! (e migh" no" e#en reaiHe "heir infuence o#er us4
E#en if someone (a#e! a magic (an! an! sai!5 9ou are no onger Iu!ge! 0ase! on "ime5 you
(ou! 1ro0a0y s"i Iu!ge yoursef 0ase! on "ime4 9ou ha#e s1en" so many years (i"h a Munch
hourN "ha" e#en if someone sai!5 Take as ong a unch as you ike5 you are s"i going "o check
your (a"ch haf(ay "hrough your san!(ich "o see if "aking "oo ong4 s"i going "o
ook a" "he cock on your !ash0oar! (hie !ri#ing in "o (ork "ha" firs" (eek in a ROWE 0ecause
(hen "he cock says 7:8= an! s"i on "he in"ers"a"e "he aarm 0es in your hea! are going
"o ring Ma"eRN s"i going "o ook u1 a" "he cock on your (ay ou"5 or check "he "ime on your
(orks"a"ion (hen you og ou" for "he !ay5 0ecause "ha".s ho( you.#e measure! your !ay since
you can remem0er4 Time isn." going "o gi#e u1 i"s 1o(er o#er you (i"hou" a figh"4
'n a ROWE "ime "ruy !oesn." ma""er4 -u" "his can 0e har! "o remem0er5 an! e#en har!er "o
in"ernaiHe4 As (e.#e sai! 0efore5 1ar" of "he 1o(er of "he s"a"us Juo is "ha" i" !oesn." ha#e "o !o
any"hing "o reinforce i"s a""i"u!es4 '".s sef-1er1e"ua"ing4 So "he )ui!e1os"s in "his cha1"er are
"here "o remin! you "ha" in a ROWE5 "here are ne( rues4
Here are "he ne( rues a0ou" "ime:
S Arri#ing a" "he (ork1ace a" ?:;; P> is no" consi!ere! coming in a"e4 &ea#ing "he (ork1ace
a" ?:;; P> is no" consi!ere! ea#ing eary4
S '".s okay "o grocery sho1 on a We!nes!ay morning5 ca"ch a mo#ie on a Tues!ay af"ernoon5 or
"ake a na1 on a Thurs!ay af"ernoon4
S Peo1e ha#e an unimi"e! amoun" of M1ai! "ime off N as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one4
S There are no (ork sche!ues4
Arriving at the workla!e at "#$$ P% is not !onsi&ere& !o'ing in late( )eaving the
workla!e at "#$$ P% is not !onsi&ere& leaving earl*(
A" "he mos" 0asic e#e "his )ui!e1os" means "ha" in a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" you
focus on resu"s no" on "he cock4 The cock is no onger (ha" you use "o !e"ermine if you are
(orking or if no" (orking4 There is no a"e or eary5 ony ge""ing your Io0 !one or no"
ge""ing your Io0 !one4 no" saying "ha" no( su!!eny (ork !oesn." "ake any "ime ou" of your ife4
+us" 0ecause your effec"i#eness a" (ork is no onger measure! 0y "ime !oesn." mean "ha" (ork
no onger consumes "ime4 As (e.#e sai! 0efore5 you s"i ha#e a Io0 "o !o an! (hie an insigh" or
an i!ea "ra#es a" "he s1ee! of "hough"5 "he e/ecu"ion of any"hing (or"h(hie reJuires !iigence5
a""en"ion5 effor"5 an! "ime4 So if no" 1uing your (eigh"5 "hen "he 1eo1e on "he "eam an!
your manager nee! "o ho! you accoun"a0e4 +us" 0ecause you can no onger 0e a"e !oesn."
mean you can." 0e ame4
Wha" changes in a ROWE is "ha" you an! your co(orkers an! your manager no onger ha#e "o
1ay a""en"ion "o "ime as a measure of 1ro!uc"i#i"y4 There is no onger "ha" e/"ra ayer of concern
"o (eigh you !o(n or cou! "he issue4 9ou migh" ook a" "he cock "o see if you ha#e an
a11oin"men" or a mee"ing5 0u" no" ooking a" "he cock an! "hinking5 Okay5 i".s "hree
o.cock no( so ' nee! "o ge" "his 1ar" of "he 1roIec" !one 0y fi#e 0ecause "ha".s (hen (ork en!s4
The res" of "he Io0 (i ha#e "o ge" !one "omorro( (hen (ork s"ar"s a" eigh"4 'ns"ea! you migh"
ook a" "he cock an! "hink5 Okay5 i".s "hree o.cock so '.m going "o ea#e no( "o 0ea" rush hour5
go home5 (ork ou" an! ea"5 an! "hen "acke "his 1roIec" a" eigh" an! finish i" u1 0y mi!nigh" so
"he !eck (i 0e cear "omorro( for "he ne/" 1hase4
Wha" (e ha#e "ra!i"ionay cae! M"ime managemen"N is aso !ifferen" in a ROWE4 Think a0ou"
"he "y1ica "ime managemen" course in (hich you mo#e aroun! your "asks an! res1onsi0ii"ies
(i"h 1riori"ies or Jua!ran"s or efficiency 0ucke"s or (ha"e#er4 The 1ro0em (i"h a of "hese
1rograms is "ha" "hey !on." a!!ress "he roo" 1ro0em5 (hich is "ha" (ork is su11ose! "o s"ar" a"
a cer"ain "ime an! s"o1 a" ano"her5 regar!ess of (he"her or no" "his is 0es" for "he em1oyee or
"he 0usiness4 Ty1ica "ime managemen" 1rograms are asking you "o make !o (i"h imi"e!
con"ro5 (hen "he ony sou"ion is "o"a con"ro4 These 1rograms are asking you "o fin! free!om
(i"hin a 1rison4
If somebody is going to leave at two shouldnt they ma! it on thei "alenda#$
A" firs" 1eo1e "hink i".s common cour"esy "o e" o"hers kno( (here "hey are an! (hen "hey are
(orking4 -u" "hink a0ou" i" "his (ay: 'f you "e someone (here you are an! (ha" !oing a"
"(o on a Tues!ay af"ernoon5 "hen you aso ha#e "o "e "hem (ha" !oing a" mi!nigh" on a
Sa"ur!ay4 We say "ha" as ong as "he (ork is ge""ing !one5 "hen i" !oesn." ma""er4 'n a ROWE
asking someone a0ou" "heir "ime is a 1ersona Jues"ion4 As ong as "he (ork is ge""ing !one
"hen i".s no0o!y.s 0usiness 0u" your o(n4
'n a ROWE "ime 0ecomes some"hing you "ruy manage 4 4 4 0ecause i".s yours4 9ou s"o1 1aying
games (i"h yoursef an! your "ime 2no( '.m (orking5 no( '.m no" (orking3 an! ins"ea! you
focus on (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one4 When i" ge"s !one 2as ong as !ea!ines are me"3 is u1 "o you4
So if you (ake u1 a" fi#e in "he morning an! ha#e "he sou"ion "o a 1ro0em5 you (ork on i" a"
fi#e in "he morning5 (i"hou" gui" or resen"men"5 an! "hen you migh" !o some"hing for yoursef or
your famiy from eigh" "o ee#en5 aso (i"hou" gui" or resen"men"4
9our (hoe in"erna monoogue a0ou" (ork changes 0ecause your sense of "ime changes4 One
common refrain (e hear from em1oyees af"er "hey.#e 0een in a ROWE for more "han one or
"(o years is "ha" "hey !o no" "hink a0ou" "ime anymore4 They come in a" a !ifferen" "ime e#ery
!ay4 They ha#e no conce1" of (hen " (orking or (hen " no" (orking or ho( many
hours "hey ha#e (orke! or ha#en." (orke!4 They are so focuse! on resu"s "ha" "hey i"eray
can." accoun" for "he "ime4
An! if you aske! "hem ho( many hours "hey (orke! "hey (ou! "hink you (ere 0eing (eir!4
The en"ire (ork en#ironmen" aso changes4 A" -es" -uy5 for e/am1e5 you !on." see "he fi#e
o.cock e/o!us "ha" you see a" mos" com1anies4 There isn." "ha" feeing a" four for"y-fi#e "ha" "he
horses are in "he ga"e rea!y "o s1rin" "o(ar! free!om4 Peo1e come an! go (i"h confi!ence
0ecause "hey kno( "hey aren." 0eing Iu!ge! on "ime4 9ou !on." s"ru" in MearyN (i"h 1ri!e or sink
ou" Ma"eN (i"h shame4
This change "akes some "ime an! effor"4 'f i".s one o.cock an! one of your co(orkers sho(s u1
for "he firs" "ime "ha" !ay5 a" firs" i" may 0e har! no" "o Su!ge "hem4 '".s aso har! "o 0e "he ony
1erson on your "eam (ho.s in "he office for an en"ire af"ernoon4 9ou can." he1 0u" (on!er if
1eo1e (ho aren." 1resen" are using "heir "ime (isey4 >anagers can ha#e an es1eciay !ifficu"
"ime no" Su!ging 0ase! on "he cock 0ecause kee1ing an eye on 1eo1e 2an! "he cock3 (as
"ra!i"ionay 1ar" of "heir Io04
&e""ing go of "he cock can aso 0e !ifficu" 0ecause (e.#e "ra!i"ionay use! "ime "o measure
fairness4 'f so-an!-so ge"s "o (ork a shor"er !ay "han ' !o5 "hen so-an!-so is ge""ing 1referen"ia
"rea"men"4 So-an!-so is "he )o!en Chi! (ho ge"s "o !o (ha"e#er he (an"s 0ecause o0#iousy
"he sun rises an! se"s on his e#ery mo#e4 An! "ha".s no" fair4
-u" if no one can 0e consi!ere! a"e an! no one can 0e consi!ere! as ea#ing eary5 "hen "ime
oses i"s 1o(er4
In a RO,E you don*t ue time to 1udge your own per$ormance(
In a RO,E you don*t ue time to 1udge your coworker* per$ormance(
In a RO,E manager can*t ue time a a mean o$ controlling their employee(
In a RO,E control o"er one* time i no longer a perk $or the elect $ew(
The (ay "o 1romo"e "his ne( sense of "ime an! "o eimina"e "he o! is "hrough #ery o1en an!
"rans1aren" Su!ge Era!ica"ion4 'n "he 0eginning a o" of "eams make a 0i" of a game ou" of
Su!ge Era!ica"ion4 Peo1e ca ou" "heir co(orkers for Su!ge an! since i".s e#ery(here e#ery
!ay5 "his can amos" 0ecome a s1or"4 Su!ging me5 +anRN an! M' caugh" "ha" remark
a0ou" ho( ong my unch (as5 -o0RN E#en "hough "his soun!s ike a sma "hing5 Ius" "he fac"
"ha" anyone has "he 1o(er "o ca ou" anyone ese for Su!ge 0ase! on "ime is a 0ig !ea4 An!
as ong as ge""ing resu"s you can (ie! "his 1o(er (i"hou" shame or em0arrassmen"4
E#eryone kno(s "ha" s"an!ing u1 for "he (ork 2an! no" "oera"ing !iscussions a0ou" "ime3 is 1ar"
of (ha" makes a ROWE4
Any em1oyee a" any e#e can ca ou" any em1oyee a" any o"her e#e for Su!ge4 So in "hose
eary !ays (hen 1eo1e are s"i commen"ing on (hen 1eo1e are coming an! going5 or
0emoaning a#aia0ii"y5 i" 0ecomes e/"ra im1or"an" "ha" 1eo1e s1eak ou"5 e#en if i" comes
across 0a!y4 O#er "ime "eams !e#eo1 (ays of moni"oring "heir Su!ge 1ro!uc"ion in a (ay
"ha".s e#en an! fair5 an! "his of"en ha11ens 0ecause o#er "ime e#eryone reaiHes "ha" "hey are
a gui"y4 When i" comes "o Su!ge no one can s"ay on "heir high horse for ong4
One fina "hough" on "his )ui!e1os": This ne( i!ea a0ou" "ime makes sur1risingy !ee1 changes
in your (ork cu"ure4 Once you.#e eimina"e! "he i!eas of eary an! a"e5 you s"ar" "aking "ime
ou" of "he eJua"ion for e#ery as1ec" of (ork4
$or e/am1e5 ho( ong is a mee"ingK 'n mos" 0usinesses a mee"ing is sche!ue! in incremen"s
of "hir"y minu"es4 -u" (hyK >ay0e i".s a func"ion of caen!aring sof"(are or may0e i".s 0ecause
(hen your men"a frame(ork is 0ase! on hours5 "hen you na"uray (an" "o car#e u1 "ime in"o
nea" incremen"s4 The 1ro0em is "ha" "his kin! of "hinking ea!s "o mee"ings (here you s1en!
"he "ime 0ecause "here is "ime "o s1en!4 9ou ao""e! a haf hour so you.! 0e""er fi i"4
The o"her funny "hing a0ou" "ime an! mee"ings is "ha" you are generay e/1ec"e! "o a""en! a
mee"ing from 0eginning "o en!4 Ony u11er managemen" has "he righ" "o !i1 in an! ou" of "he
mee"ing5 0u" for "he rank an! fie your 0u"" ha! 0e""er 0e in "ha" sea" an! your 0ey0u""on ha!
0e""er 0e "ouching "he e!ge of "ha" conference room "a0e from s"ar" "o finish4
'n a ROWE 1eo1e !on." ook a" "ime in "ha" (ay4 We. "ak more a0ou" mee"ings in "he ne/"
cha1"er5 0u" for "he 1ur1oses of "his )ui!e1os"5 in a ROWE you are free "o use your "ime in a
(ay "ha" 0es" !ri#es resu"s4 As (e. see5 mee"ings 0ecome nego"ia0e an! 1ar" of "ha"
nego"ia"ion in#o#es "ime4 Ra"her "han si" "hrough an en"ire mee"ing5 you migh" sho( u1 for "he
firs" "en minu"es "o make your con"ri0u"ion4 9our "ime is a(ays your o(n4
It+s oka* to gro!er* sho on a We&nes&a* 'orning, !at!h a 'ovie on a T-es&a*
afternoon, or take a na on a Th-rs&a* afternoon(
'f (ork "eaches us ho( "o !o one "hing (e5 i".s ho( "o make u1 reay e/ceen" e/cuses for no"
0eing "here4 -y "he "ime you.#e 0een in "he (orkforce for "hree or four years you are5 if any"hing5
a 0ack 0e" in e/cuse making4 E#eryone has "heir fa#ori"e e/cuses4 E#eryone kno(s "o sa#e
"he goo! ones for (hen you reay nee! "hem4 E#eryone kno(s "o ro"a"e "he o! fa#ori"es or "o
1u" a ne( s1in on "hem "o kee1 "he Su!ger a" 0ay4
There are aso rues for e/cuses4 'f going "o 0e a"e5 "hen going "o (an" "o 0ame i"
on "raffic5 no" on "he fac" "ha" you (ere ea"ing "he mos" !eicious 1ancakes you.! e#er ha! in
your ife an! i" seeme! a shame "o rush a momen" you.! ra"her sa#or4
So "he s"a"us Juo makes us mas"ers of "he (hi"e ie4 -u" "here is some"hing !ee1er going on
here5 some"hing "ha" ge"s 0ack "o "he i!ea "ha" your Io0 o(ns your "ime4 'f your Io0 o(ns your
"ime5 "hen i" is !oing more "han !ic"a"ing ho( "o use your "ime4 9our Io0 is aso crea"ing an
a"erna"e uni#erse (i"h i"s o(n se" of rues "ha" go#ern "he sociay acce1"a0e an! unacce1"a0e
uses of a "his "ime "ha" you !on." o(n4
'n a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"5 sociay acce1"a0e e/cuses are "he ones "ha" you use "o s"o1
nas"y commen"s4 '".s s"uff ike 0eing sick5 a !oc"or a11oin"men"5 a funera5 a s"ore #isi" "o !o
com1e"i"i#e sho11ing5 a car acci!en"5 a sno(s"orm5 or e#en some"hing as sma as "aking a
1ersona ca from your sick mo"her4 'f someone says5 MWhere (ere you yes"er!ayKN "hen no"ing
"ha" you (ere a" "he !oc"or.s office or a" a funera is going "o s"o1 "hem in "heir "racks4 9ou can."
Su!ge someone (ho has a Mgoo! e/cuse4N
Sociay unacce1"a0e e/cuses are "he "ru"hs a0ou" our "ime "ha" in a "ra!i"iona (ork
en#ironmen" (e !are no" u""er4 This is (hen your unch runs ong 0ecause you (ere ge""ing a
haircu" or running some 1ersona erran!s4 This is (hen you ea#e eary 0ecause you (an" "o
ca"ch a mo#ie or go "o a 0a game4 'f someone says5 MWhere (ere you yes"er!ayKN you (ou!
ne#er in a miion years say you (ere a" a 0ase0a game or ge""ing a haircu"4 'f (aking in
a"e you (ou! ne#er say i".s 0ecause you (ere hungo#er or 0ecause you hones"y !i!n." (an"
"o come in"o (ork "ha" !ay an! "he #ery "hough" of (aking "hose has fie! you (i"h such !rea!
"ha" you cou!n." ge" ou" of "he sho(er4
An! ye"5 e".s ook a" ho( much "ime 0o"h "he sociay acce1"a0e an! "he sociay unacce1"a0e
ac"i#i"ies "ake4 2We. ea#e "he hango#er an! "he !rea! !iscussion for a"er43 A hair a11oin"men"
or a !oc"or a11oin"men" migh" "ake a0ou" "(o hours each4 A funera or a 0ase0a game migh"
"ake haf a !ay4 Some "hings5 ike !ro11ing off your !ry ceaning5 aren." any more "ime-
consuming "han a Juick 1hone ca4 0ack "o "hose fif"een minu"es "ha" seem so im1or"an"5
0u" 1ro0a0y aren."4
Here is one of "he ironies of "he (ork1ace: We 1u" so much em1hasis on "ime an! ye" (e !on."
ha#e a #ery goo! han!e on ho( ong "hings ac"uay "ake4
'f you (ere "o gi#e your 0oss a choice 0e"(een ha#ing you ou" of "he 0ui!ing for haf an hour
running 1ersona erran!s or in an hour-ong mee"ing a" (hich your nee! "o 0e "here (as
!u0ious5 mos" 0osses (ou! 1ro0a0y 1ick "he "ime-(as"ing mee"ing4 E#en if you cou!
guaran"ee "ha" no"hing (ou! ge" !one in "he mee"ing an! "ha" i" migh" e#en run onger "han an
hour5 many managers (ou! ra"her ha#e "heir em1oyees in "he 0ui!ing !uring "ra!i"iona
(orking hours !oing no"hing "han ou" of "heir sigh" an! 0eing 1ro!uc"i#e for "heir o(n i#es4 We
(ou! ra"her ha#e e#eryone M1resen" an! accoun"e! forN "han Moff running aroun! !oing
The reason is "ha" "he rues of (ork ha#e more "o !o (i"h enforcing ho( (ork ooks "han
ac"uay ge""ing (ork !one4 We !on." gi#e 1eo1e "he free!om "o run "heir o(n i#es 0ecause
"hey (ou! "ake a!#an"age5 righ"K 'f (e (eren." a in "he same 0ui!ing (orking5 someone
(ou! a0use "he 1ri#iege4 They (ou! 0e off !oing some"hing sociay unacce1"a0e (i"h "heir
"ime4 'f you ea#e 1eo1e aone "o !o (ha" "hey (an" "o !o "hen "hey (i s"ea an! chea" an!
fornica"e ike animas4
We.#e foun! "ha" Ius" "he o11osi"e ha11ens4 When 1eo1e are in a ROWE "hey are ac"uay
more res1onsi0e ra"her "han ess 0ecause "hey are no( 0eing re(ar!e! (i"h free!om4 Wha"
ha11ens is "ha"5 ra"her "han "ake a!#an"age5 1eo1e ac"uay ge" more (ork !one4 Ra"her "han
1eo1e ignoring cus"omers in fa#or of "heir o(n fun5 "hey en! u1 0ecoming more cus"omer
focuse!4 Ra"her "han ac"ing en"i"e!5 "hey are hum0e! 0y "he "rus" "ha" has 0een gi#en "o "hem4
'n a "ra!i"iona (ork1ace "here is a ine 0e"(een sociay acce1"a0e 0eha#ior an! sociay
unacce1"a0e 0eha#ior4 A ROWE erases "ha" ine4 'n a ROWE e#ery"hing is acce1"a0e as ong
as (ork ge"s !one4 An! if "he resu"s aren." "here5 "hen "ha" is (ha" is unacce1"a0e4 No" your
a""en!ance or your "en!ency "o 0e shy in mee"ings or your "a""oos or your (eir! augh4 9ou
!on." ge" your Io0 !one an! you !on." ge" "o kee1 your Io04 'f you !o your Io0 you ge" free!om4
.%hat if someone needs you when youe at the movies#/
The ans(er "o "his Jues"ion is "ha" you can." a(ays reach 1eo1e in a "ra!i"iona (ork
en#ironmen"4 *oes i" ma""er if someone is grocery sho11ing or a" a mee"ingK Ei"her (ay "
0ooke!4 The ony !ifference is "ha" in a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" 0eing ou" grocery sho11ing
is sociay unacce1"a0e4 $ur"hermore5 if "here is a genuine emergency an! ony one 1erson can
he1 "hen "ha".s a arger 1ro0em "han one 1erson.s a#aia0ii"y4
Teams s"ar" "o (ork "oge"her more effec"i#ey as (e4 9ou ge" na"ura cross "raining an! 0acku1
0ecause e#eryone is 0enefi"ing from "his free!om4 As ong as "he goas an! e/1ec"a"ions are
cear5 1eo1e reaiHe "ha" if (e "ake care of our cus"omers "hen (e ha#e "ime for ourse#es4
Peo1e s"o1 s1en!ing "ime an! energy 1re"en!ing "o conform "o "heir (ork1ace.s cu"ura norms
an! ins"ea! s1en! "ha" "ime an! energy !oing "heir Io0s4 Ra"her "han "rying "o ook 0usy a "he
"ime or "rying "o ook ike goo! (orkers5 "hey sim1y ge" "heir Io0s !one4 They mee" "heir
cus"omer.s e/1ec"a"ions ins"ea! of "heir 0oss.s e/1ec"a"ions a0ou" (ha" (ork ooks ike4
This ne( a""i"u!e changes "he (ork!ay4 When any use of "ime is a sociay acce1"a0e use of
"ime5 1eo1e na"uray e/1an! "he hours !uring (hich "hey are (iing "o (ork5 e#en if "hey !on."
necessariy (ork more hours4 0ack "o "he TiVo for your (ork i!ea4 So someone migh" ge"
u15 ans(er some e-mais (hie " s"i a" home5 "hen may0e run some erran!s in "he
morning 2(hie kee1ing in "ouch #ia ce 1hone3 an! "hen come in"o (ork a" "en an! (ork un"i
four5 "hen go home5 i#e "heir ife a i""e5 an! "hen og on for an hour or "(o a"er "ha" nigh"4 ge""ing "he same (ork !one as if "hey go" u15 go" rea!y5 go" "o (ork a" eigh"5 an! ef" a"
fi#eL 0u" ins"ea! some of "he (ork ha11ens 0efore "y1ica (ork hours an! some ha11ens af"er
"y1ica (ork hours4
Tha" #isi" "o "he su1ermarke" a" nine in "he morning ins"ea! of a" "he en! of "he !ay is key4
When (e remo#e "he 0arrier 0e"(een sociay acce1"a0e an! sociay unacce1"a0e uses of
"ime5 "hen 1eo1e ha#e con"ro o#er "heir i#es4 Tha" 0aance 0e"(een !eman! an! con"ro (e
"ake! a0ou" 1re#iousy is res"ore!4 They are no( ge""ing "hings !one in "heir i#es an! ge""ing
"hings !one in "heir Io0s5 an! "he "(o !on." necessariy fee "ha" !ifferen"4
The im1ac" "his change can ha#e on 1eo1e.s i#es can 0e huge4 Some 1eo1e use "his
)ui!e1os" "o !o e#ery!ay "hings5 ike s1on"aneousy going "o "he 1ark (i"h "heir ki!s4 Some
1eo1e use i" "o !o remarka0e "hings4 One em1oyee (e kno( is using her free!om "o go "o
gra!ua"e schoo4 Ra"her "han "ake casses a" nigh" o#er "he course of many years5 she is a0e "o
"ake casses an! s"u!y !uring "he !ayG!uring MnormaN (orking hoursGan! as a resu" she can
ge" her !egree fas"er (i"hou" sacrificing her Io04 -es" of a5 she !oesn." ha#e "o gi#e a secon!
"hough" "o ho( she.s using her "ime4 An! she.s an houry em1oyee5 "he "y1e of 1erson (ho in
e#en "he mos" fe/i0e "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" is chaine! "o "he cock4
Peole have an -nli'ite& a'o-nt of .ai& ti'e off/ as long as the work gets &one(
Asi!e from fe/"ime5 "here is no"hing ike a com1any.s #aca"ion 1oicy "o make 1eo1e fee ike
cra14 Take "oo much #aca"ion an! some !e1ar"men" mar"yr is going "o Su!ge you for ha#ing
"oo much fun (hie she ogs in ong hours of !e!ica"ion an! suffering4 Take "oo i""e #aca"ion
an! some !e1ar"men" (iseass is going "o accuse you of no" ha#ing a ife5 of 0eing an inhuman5
(orkahoic !rone (ho reay nee!s "o i#e a i""e4 Take a #aca"ion !uring a 0usy "ime an!
a0an!oning your co(orkers in "heir hour of nee!4 Take a #aca"ion !uring a so( 1erio! an!
1eo1e no"ice "ha" ife goes on (i"hou" you an! Jues"ion (he"her you are e#en !oing any"hing in
"he firs" 1ace4 Wha" shou! 0e a re(ar!G(ha" shou! make 1eo1e fee goo!Gis ins"ea! a
huge Su!ge genera"or4
Vaca"ion "ime is aso !oe! ou" in a (ay "ha" remin!s 1eo1e of "heir 1ace in "he organiHa"ion4
Someone (i"h a esser 1osi"ion migh" ha#e "o earn "heir #aca"ion hours 0ase! on a formua "ha"
"akes in"o accoun" hours (orke!4 Ra"her "han 0eing recogniHe! for your achie#emen"s you are
re(ar!e! for "ime in "he chair4 >ean(hie someone (i"h a higher 1osi"ion migh" 0e a#ishe! (i"h
#aca"ion "ime on 1a1er5 0u" "hen 1ri#a"ey remin!e! "ha" no one a0o#e a cer"ain e#e e#er "akes
a "heir #aca"ion4 Then "here are rues for (hen "ime off can 0e "aken 21ease5 no #aca"ions in
your firs" si/ mon"hs here3 an! ho( i" mus" 0e re1or"e! 2using $orm V:?=8 an! su0mi""e! a
mon"h 0efore 1ro1ose! "ime off an! su0Iec" "o managemen" a11ro#a3 an! "hen "ha" !eigh"fu
1rac"ice of making i" a !isa11ear a" year.s en! if you !on." use i"5 as if someone cooke! you a
gourme" mea "hen 1ue! your 1a"e 0ecause you (eren." ea"ing fas" enough4
'f someone in cor1ora"e America has "aken a cean #aca"ion 2no gui"5 no (orry5 no commen"
from "heir 0oss or co(orkers3 (e.! o#e "o hear a0ou" i"4 9ou cou! no" !esign a more
misera0e5 0roken sys"em4 When i" comes "o #aca"ion5 you canno" (in4
'n a ROWE 1eo1e focus on resu"s5 no" ho( many hours "hey.#e ogge! on "he 0ooks4
%nimi"e! "ime off !oesn." mean "ha" e#eryone is on 1ermanen" 1ai! #aca"ion4 As (e.#e sai!
0efore5 you ha#e more res1onsi0ii"y5 no" ess5 in a ROWE4 9ou are res1onsi0e "o your "eam
mem0ers an! your cus"omers "o ge" your Io0 !one4 9ou can." s"ick your co(orkers (i"h your Io0
(hie you hi" "he 0each4
Wha" unimi"e! "ime off means is "ha" you are no onger re(ar!e! (i"h chunks of "ime4 'n a
"ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" your Io0 re(ar!s you (i"h hours "ha" i" !oesn." o(n in "he firs"
1ace4 'n a ROWE your Io0 re(ar!s your resu"s (i"h money4 9our "ime is your o(n "o !o (i"h i"
(ha" you 1ease4
Time off is no onger a re(ar!4 Con"ro o#er your "ime is "he re(ar!4
+us" "hink a0ou" "hose "(o (eeks off or one (eek off in "he "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"4 Peo1e
are so o#er(orke! an! s"resse!-ou" "ha" of"en (hen "hey finay !o ge" a #aca"ion "hey s1en!
"he firs" "hree or four !ays Ius" freaking ou" o#er ha#ing "ha" much "ime on "heir han!s4 The
s"a"us Juo ro0s 1eo1e of "heir con"ro5 an! so (hen "hey !o ha#e "o"a con"ro o#er "heir "ime
"hey !on." kno( (ha" "o !o (i"h "hemse#es4 9ou can ose "he a0ii"y "o go#ern yoursef4 Or you
nee! so much "ime Ius" "o !ecom1ress "ha" your #aca"ion is haf o#er 0efore reay
enIoying yoursef an! "hen (hen i" s"ar"s "o !ra( "o a cose you ge" a coossa case of "he
Sun!ay nigh" !rea! an! misera0e 0ecause you !on." (an" "o go 0ack4
'n a ROWE 1eo1e "rea" "ime off !ifferen"y4 $or s"ar"ers5 1eo1e !on." fee "he crushing nee! for
#aca"ion as acu"ey 0ecause "hey are (orking (hen "hey are mos" 1ro!uc"i#e for "hem an! no"
(orking (hen i".s eas" 1ro!uc"i#e for "hem4 Remem0er "ha" a ROWE isn." a fe/i0e sche!ueL
i".s "he a0sence of a sche!ue4 So 1eo1e "ake 0reaks in 0i"s an! 1ieces as a (ay of managing
"heir o(n energy4 They migh" go reay har! for "hree s"raigh" !ays an! "hen "ake i" easy for a
!ay5 "hen (ork har! again for ano"her !ay5 "hen "ake "hree !ays off4 An! "he 0es" 1ar" is "ha"
you !on." ha#e "o Ius"ify any of i"4 'f you are !oing your chunk of (ork5 "hen you !on." ha#e "o
e/1ain your "ime4
'n 1rac"ice "his )ui!e1os" means #ery !ifferen" "hings for !ifferen" 1eo1e4 There are 1eo1e in
1roIec"-orien"e! Io0s ike Trey (ho (ork ike ma! "o ge" "heir (ork !one for "he mon"h in "(o
(eeks an! "hen "ra#e for "he secon! "(o (eeks of "he mon"h5 ony checking in #ia ce 1hone
an! e-mai4 They are essen"iay on #aca"ion for haf "he "ime4 2They are aso 1uing a-nigh"ers
for "he o"her haf of "he mon"h5 0u" "ha".s "heir choice43
E#en 1eo1e in more 1rocess-orien"e! Io0s can 0enefi" in a simiar (ay4 'n a ROWE "eams
co#er for each o"her5 ao(ing in!i#i!uas "o "ake unimi"e! "ime off5 an! "hey !on." necessariy
ha#e "o "rack "heir "ime off4 9our co(orkers are okay (i"h you going "o >e/ico for "(o (eeks5
0ecause ne/" mon"h you. su11or" "hem (hen "hey go "o *aas "o #isi" "heir gran!ma4
There are aso 1eo1e (ho use "his )ui!e1os" "o !o some"hing "ha".s in 0e"(een4 We "ake!
(i"h a 1erson (ho s1on"aneousy ef" >innea1ois one Sun!ay an! !ro#e "o -ou!er5 Coora!o5
"o #isi" his 0ro"her4 He !i!n." "ake #aca"ion "ime4 He !i!n." e#en "e anyone (here he (as un"i
We!nes!ay4 $or "hree (eeks he (orke! in -ou!er an! "o hear him "e i"5 (ork (asn." "ha"
!ifferen"4 -e"(een his ce 1hone an! his a1"o1 "here (asn." any in"erru1"ion in his (ork fo(4
The ony "hing "ha" change! (as "ha" (hen he (as nee!e! in a mee"ing5 "he 1eo1e sche!uing
"he mee"ing ha! "o fin! a room (i"h a s1eaker1hone4
There are no work s!he&-les(
This can 0e a "ough )ui!e1os"5 es1eciay for managemen"4 We ha#e years an! years of
1rece!en" of u11er managemen" ge""ing "oge"her an! !eci!ing (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one an!
"hen in!i#i!ua managers si""ing !o(n an! figuring ou" (ha" Io0s nee! "o ge" !one an! 0y (hom
an! (hen4 >anagers ha#e "heir chess 1ieces 2aka em1oyees3 an! "hey mo#e "hem on "he
0oar! accor!ing "o "he a"es" 1rocess-im1ro#emen" 1hioso1hy5 or 0ase! on "heir years of
e/1erience5 or some"imes e#en "heir gu"4
E#en em1oyees5 as much as "hey migh" com1ain a0ou" 0eing un!er The >an.s "hum05 can
a11recia"e a goo! (ork sche!ue4 '" "akes a(ay "he uncer"ain"y of (ha" "o !o (i"h "heir "ime5
an! i" forces "he a""en"ion on fiing hours ra"her "han achie#ing resu"s5 (hich can crea"e s"ress
of ano"her kin!4 Wi"h a (ork sche!ue "here is one ess "hing for an em1oyee "o figure ou"4
-u" "ha".s "he 1ro0em4 Work sche!ues "ha" come from "he "o1 !o(n ony "ake in"o accoun" one
1erson or one grou1 of 1eo1e.s 1oin" of #ie( on (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one a"
(orkGmanagemen"4 When managers mo#e "heir chess 1ieces aroun! "hey are missing ou" on
(ha" "hose chess 1ieces migh" 0e a0e "o con"ri0u"e "o "he con#ersa"ion a0ou" (ha" nee!s "o
ge" !one4
.%hat about "om&lying with fedeal egulations#/
ROWE is a 1ara!igm shif" in "he (ay (e !o (ork5 an! i" may "ake "ime for "he fe!era
regua"ions "o ca"ch u1 (i"h ho( 1eo1e i#e an! (ork in "he go0a5 ?<E7 economy4 Righ" no(5
for e/am1e5 (e ha#e "he $amiy >e!ica &ea#e Ac"5 (hich co#ers "hings ike ma"erni"y ea#e4
We "hink "his egisa"ion ser#es a goo! 1ur1ose5 0u" i" remains "o 0e seen ho( "his kin! of a(
(i change 0ecause of ROWE4 'f someone ha! a ki! an! (an"e! "o res"ruc"ure "heir ife a
!ifferen" (ay 2o"her "han 0eing com1e"ey Mun1ugge!N from (ork for "hree mon"hs35 as ong as
"he (ork go" !one "hey.! ha#e "ha" free!om in ROWE4 Wha" "his (ou! ook ike from a
egisa"i#e s"an!1oin" is uncear4 These kin!s of Jues"ions a11y "o e/em1" #s4 none/em1"
em1oyee s"a"us5 (ha" !isa0ii"y ea#e ooks ike5 an! so for"h4 As ROWE s1rea!s5 "hese are
issues "ha" (e. a ha#e "o (ork "oge"her "o reso#e4
'n ?;;8 (e no"ice! an unfor"una"e 0u" no" sur1rising 1henomenon !uring some of "he
migra"ions4 We sa( in some cases a!minis"ra"i#e assis"an"s (eren." coming "o "he ROWE
mee"ings4 When (e s"ar"e! asking aroun! (e foun! "ha" a o" of "hem assume! "ha" "his ne(
(ay of (orking (asn." for "hem4
$or"una"ey "here is a 1rofessiona grou1 (i"hin -es" -uy Ius" for a!mins4 We (en" "o "heir
mon"hy mee"ing an! is"ene!4 '" (as a 1re""y sa! mee"ing4 We foun! "ha" many of "hem s"i
a0ore! un!er "he o! secre"ary min!se"5 "ha" e#en "hough "he com1any cae! "hem
a!minis"ra"i#e assis"an"s an! 1rofesse! "ha" "hey (ere #aue! 0y "he com1any5 "hey s"i fe" ike
secre"aries4 So (e s"ar"e! chaenging "hem4 *o you reay ha#e "o si" ou"si!e your 0oss.s office
an! (ai"K Wha" if " "ra#eingK Can." you ha#e your 1hone for(ar!e!K *on." you ha#e "he
same remo"e access "o "he com1any.s in"erna ne"(orkK They a kne( ho( "o !o "hese "hings5
0u" "hey fe" ike "hey !i!n." !eser#e i"4
We !isagree5 no" ony on a human e#e 0u" on a 0usiness e#e4 E#en 1eo1e in su11or"
func"ions can 0enefi" from ha#ing con"ro o#er "heir "ime4 E#eryone !eser#es "o (ork freey4
When you eimina"e (ork sche!ues a"oge"her5 "hen a em1oyees are force! "o make goo!
!ecisions a0ou" ho( "hey s1en! "heir "ime an! ho( "o mee" "he nee!s of "he 0usiness in a fui!
manner4 This is Ius" as "rue for "he a!min as i" is for "he e/ecu"i#e4 'f you gi#e 1eo1e con"ro
o#er "heir o(n Io05 an! if you gi#e "hem cear goas an! e/1ec"a"ions5 "hen "hey (i figure ou"
no" ony "he 0es" use of "heir "ime5 0u" "he 0es" use of "heir energy as (e4 As (e. see in "he
ne/" cha1"er5 (hich ge"s !o(n "o "he nu"s an! 0o"s of (orking in a ROWE5 (hen you "rea"
1eo1e ike a!u"s "hey (i res1on! ike a!u"s4
Voices from a ROWE: Ami
Ami work in online promotion( )he i an indi"idual contri#utor()he i in her early thirtie and
ha #een in a RO,E $or two year(
Su!ge era!ica"ion can 0e har! a" firs"5 es1eciay in "hose firs" cou1e of (eeks5 an! (i"h a
su1erior e#en more so4 '.m comfor"a0e 1ushing 0ack on my 0oss5 0u" some 1eo1e aren." a"
firs"5 an! so "hey migh" "ry "o Ioke a0ou" i"4 Which ' "hink is ho( some 1eo1e !ea (i"h i"4 Which
is fine as ong as " kee1ing i" "o1 of min!4
'f you ha#e a s"raine! rea"ionshi1 (i"h your manager 0efore going in"o a ROWE i".s going "o 0e
e#en more im1or"an" "o a!!ress "ha" issue once in a ROWE4 A" "he same "ime i" shou!
gi#e 1eo1e a 1a"form "o s"an! on4 The com1any is su11or"ing "his4 9ou ha#e "o 0e a0e "o say5
M'n "he s1iri" of ROWE ' !on." fee ike ao(ing me "o !o my 0es" (ork (hene#er an!
(here#er ' choose4N '".s har! a" firs" 0ecause "orn 0e"(een "he o! an! "he ne(4 Wha"
makes i" easier is "ha" you can s"an! u1 for #aue4 '.m saying no "o unnecessary (ork4 '.m
saying no 0ecause ' (an" "o a!! #aue4
A ROWE gi#es e#eryone "he 1o(er "o Jues"ion #aue4 '" !oesn." "ake ong for you "o reaiHe ho(
s"range i" is "ha" (e (eren." !oing "his 0efore4 Why (eren." (e cons"an"y Jues"ioning 0eforeK
9ou ha#e "en 1eo1e in a mee"ing 0u" ony "(o 1eo1e "aking 0ack an! for"h4 Why am ' hereK
-ecause ' recei#e! an in#i"a"ion4 Ou"ook has ruine! 1ro!uc"i#i"y4 '".s Ius" a Ioke4 So (ha" if
someone is Jua!ru1e 0ooke!K 9ou use! "o "hink "ha" 1erson (as im1or"an"4 -u" no( you ook
a" "ha" 1erson an! (on!er (ha" kin! of #aue cou! "hey 1ossi0y 0e a!!ingK
No( ( in !ifferen" 1aces (orking a" !ifferen" "imes so communica"ion shar1ens4 9ou ge"
cearer a0ou" e/1ec"a"ions an! !ea!ines4 An! you are cons"an"y figuring ou" "he 0es" (ay "o
(ork (i"h one ano"her5 (hich is funny 0ecause you "hink !oing "ha" area!y5 0u"
no"4 Tha".s "he 1ara!o/ of a ROWE4 9ou use! "o "hink "ha" (e a ha#e "o ge" "oge"her "o ge" "his
(ork !one4 No( may0e "he ans(er is "ha" (e a ha#e "o se1ara"e "o ge" "hings !one4 Then
(hen (e are "oge"her i".s s"ra"egic ins"ea! of assume!4 '".s 1ur1osefu4
' "hink (ha" "he ske1"ics reaiHe is "ha" " no" osing as much con"ro as "hey "hough"4
E#ery"hing 0ois !o(n "o resu"s an! so managers ha#e some con"ro o#er (ha" "he resu"s are
going "o 0e4 -u" "he em1oyees !on." nee! "o 0e con"roe! as much as "hey use! "o4 ' am much
more mo"i#a"e! no( 0ecause ' ha#e more 0aance4 ' can say no "o "hings "ha" !on." a!! #aue5
0u" ' can aso ayer on "hings "ha" '.m 1assiona"e a0ou"4 ' can !o a !ee1er anaysis of our
com1e"i"ion4 ' can !o offers "ha" are more 0eneficia "o our grou14
So "he "rus" goes u1 0ecause you see "he resu"s4 'f "his Ius" ma!e 1eo1e ha11ier5 if "his (ere a
1erk or some"hing "ha" Ius" ma!e ife 0e""er5 "hen may0e you cou! argue (i"h i"4 -u" "his !oes
make your ife 0e""er and i" aso ge"s resu"s4 Ho( can you argue (i"h "ha"K
Ho( Work )e"s *one in a ROWE
As (e sai! in "he 0eginning5 (hen (e in"ro!uce "he i!ea of a ROWE "o 1eo1e "hey fa in"o "(o
cam1s4 Some 1eo1e can no" ony imme!ia"ey see ho( "his ne( (ay of (orking (ou! 0e
0eneficia "o a5 0u" "hey can aso see "ha" a ROWE is reen"essy 1ragma"ic4 They un!ers"an!
"ha" gi#en enough "rus" an! su11or" an! !irec"ion mos" em1oyees (i rise "o "he occasion an!
ge" "heir (ork !one in a "imey an! res1onsi0e (ay4
Then "here are "hose (ho en#ision "he en! of "he (or!4
$or "he !oomsayers5 more em1oyee free!om means ess accom1ishmen"4 They can." imagine
any"hing ge""ing !one4 'n "heir min!s5 e#en if (ork sucks5 "hey "hink "ha" a" eas" "he s"a"us Juo
affor!s some measure of s"a0ii"y an! con"ro4 Wi"hou" "ha" con"ro a 0usiness !escen!s in"o
-y ?;;B a" -es" -uy cor1ora"e hea!Juar"ers5 "here (ere more 1eo1e (orking in a ROWE "han
in a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"4 A" "his 1oin" e#en if you (eren." in a ROWE you kne(
someone (ho (as5 an! mos" ikey (orke! on a !ay-"o-!ay 0asis (i"h a "eam or !e1ar"men"
"ha" ha! ma!e "he "ransi"ion4 An! ye" (hen (e (ou! !o a ROWE migra"ion session5 "here (ere
s"i 1eo1e (ho resis"e!4 E#en if "hey sa( co(orkers ha#ing 1ersona an! 0usiness success
(i"h ROWE5 e#en if "hey agree! "ha" "he (ay (e (ork no( (as ess "han i!ea5 "here (as
a(ays a" eas" one 1erson in "he room (ho sai! i" (as a nice i!ea for someone ese5 0u" for
their grou1 or their "eam i" (ou! 0e a !isas"er4 'n "heir min!s "he (ork sim1y (ou!n." ge" !one4
A" "his 1oin" (e "hink i" 0ears men"ioning one of "he sur1rising "ru"hs a0ou" a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen": '".s no" "ha" !ifferen"4
Wha" ha11ens on a !ay-"o-!ay 0asis a" -es" -uy no( "ha" amos" "he en"ire cor1ora"e
hea!Juar"ers is in a ROWE is argey "he same as (ha" ha11ene! 0efore4 Peo1e "ak on "he
1hone4 Peo1e "y1e "hings on "heir key0oar!s an! "ha" "y1ing makes "hings ha11en on "heir
com1u"er screens4 They ha#e i!eas4 They mee"4 They coa0ora"e4 They e/ecu"e s"ra"egies "ha"
he1 "heir cus"omers5 0o"h in"erna an! e/"erna4 The !ay-"o-!ay "asks a" -es" -uy ha#en."
change!4 The com1any.s core #aues ha#en." change!4 The (ay (ork ha11ens ooks !ifferen"5
0u" 1eo1e.s Io0s are argey "he same4
S"i5 a ROWE !oes reJuire an a!Ius"men" in "he (ay you a11roach (ork5 an! "he ne/" fi#e of
"he :6 )ui!e1os"s he1 a!!ress (ha" a o" of 1eo1e (an" "o kno(: +us" ho( !oes "he (ork ge"
!oneK 'f 1eo1e are no onger "ie! "o "he cock5 if "here are no core hours or 1ai! "ime off5 if "hey
aren." Iu!ging one ano"her an! "hemse#es 0ase! on "ime5 "hen (ha" fis "he #oi!K 'f e#ery
mee"ing is o1"iona5 !oes "ha" mean 1eo1e ne#er5 e#er mee"K Ho( !o you han!e
emergenciesK Ho(5 ho(5 ho(K
Here.s ho( i" ha11ens:
S Work isn." a 1ace you goGi".s some"hing you !o4
S Em1oyees ha#e "he free!om "o (ork any (ay "hey (an"4
S E#ery mee"ing is o1"iona4
S There aren." any as"-minu"e fire !ris4
S Peo1e a" a e#es s"o1 !oing any ac"i#i"y "ha" is a (as"e of "heir "ime5 "he cus"omer.s "ime5 or
"he com1any.s "ime4
Work isn+t a la!e *o- go1it+s so'ething *o- &o(
Why !o (e ha#e ci"iesK Why !o (e ha#e office 0ui!ingsK There (as a "ime (hen i" ma!e
sense for 1eo1e (ho share! a common in!us"ry "o ge" "oge"her "o share informa"ion an! i!eas4
9ou nee!e! financia !is"ric"s an! fashion !is"ric"s an! mo#ie s"u!io o"s an! "o(ns 0ui" aroun!
"he au"omo"i#e in!us"ry 0ecause if 1eo1e cou!n." 1hysicay congrega"e "hen "he (ork cou!n."
ge" gone4
-u" (ha" a0ou" ho( (ork ge"s !one "o!ayK Think a0ou" ho( much (ork "o!ay e/is"s as !a"a4
Think a0ou" "he miions of 0i"s an! 0y"es of #oice !a"a5 e-mai !a"a5 #isua !a"a "ha" fo(s in an!
aroun! us in a "y1ica !ay4 '".s min!-0ogging Ius" ho( much (ork ge"s !one o#er "he 1hone or
#ia e-mai5 (i"h 1eo1e (e may rarey mee" face-"o-face5 or e#en (i"h 1eo1e aroun! "he coun"ry
an! aroun! "he go0e (hom (e (i ne#er mee"4 E#en 1eo1e (ho (ork in Mo! economyN
in!us"ries ike manufac"uring or farming en! u1 1ushing aroun! a o" of eec"ronic !a"a4
E#eryone is a kno(e!ge (orker4
The funny "hing a0ou" (ork is "ha" e#ery !ay mos" of us go "o a 1hysica s1ace "o !o #ir"ua
,e go to our aigned cu#e and put our #utt in our aigned chair to end and recei"e e'
mail that only e0it a electronic packet o$ in$ormation(
,e talk on a phone attached to a cord plugged into a wall o we can ha"e con"eration that
are #eamed "ia atellite to people acro the glo#e(
,e work on a laptop that ne"er lea"e it docking tation(
,e ue the neuron in our #rain to work with idea that will hope$ully timulate the neuron in
other people* #rain(
When you force 1eo1e "o 0e a" a s1ecific 1ace a" a s1ecific "ime e#ery singe !ay5 " no"
going "o gi#e "heir 0es"4 'f "hey ha#e an i!ea ou"si!e "he sanc"ione! "ime an! 1ace "hey. figh" i"
0ack4 An! (hen " a" (ork a" eas" some 1ar" of "hem (i (ish "hey (ere some(here ese4
No"hing s"ifes crea"i#i"y an! inno#a"ion ike resen"men"4
'n a ROWE5 (ork isn." a 1ace you goGi".s some"hing you !o4 The (ork going on in your 0rain
can ha11en no ma""er (here your 0rain is4 When in!i#i!uas an! organiHa"ions em0race "his
i!ea5 i" frees 1eo1e u1 "o !o "heir 0es" (ork4 )i#e 1eo1e con"ro of "heir "ime an! "heir Io0s an!
"hey s"ar" "o come u1 (i"h crea"i#e5 inno#a"i#e sou"ions "o 1ro0ems a" a hours an! in a kin!s
of sur1rising 1aces4 'n a ROWE5 1eo1e (ork (here an! (hen "hey (ork 0es"5 (hich means
ess "ime an! energy !e#o"e! "o ge""ing "o an! from (ork an! more "ime an! energy s1en"
!oing "he ac"ua (ork4
This means no more hour- or "(o-hour-ong commu"es4 Par" of "ha" "ime is no( s1en" so#ing
1ro0ems "ha" arise ou" of your (ork4 The res" of "ha" "ime is yours4
.I li!e having a egula, eight'to'five s"hedule. I li!e being able to show u&, do my (ob,
and then leave. I dont want to have to thin! about it too mu"h./
One of "he "hings "ha".s nice a0ou" a ROWE is "ha" i".s scaa0e "o !ifferen" e#es of am0i"ion4 'f
you (an" "o (ork @-85 go ahea!4 Or5 for 1eo1e ike Trey5 (ho (an" "o foo( "heir fa#ori"e 0an!
aroun! as much as "hey (an" a career5 a ROWE gi#es "hem "he free!om an! con"ro "o manage
"heir ife so "hey can 1u" "heir ho00ies on "he same e#e as "heir Io04 As ong as "he (ork ge"s
!one5 "hen "ha".s your choice4
-u" if saying "ha" you Ius" (an" "o sho( u1 an! 1u" in your "ime5 "hen a ROWE is no" for
you4 The "rue sackers 2(hich5 (e.#e foun!5 make u1 a #ery sma minori"y3 !on." as" in a
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 The goo! ne(s for "he res" of us is "ha" a ROWE no onger
e"s "hose 1eo1e hi!e in "he organiHa"ion or 1ay "he Presen"eeism game4 'n mos" !e1ar"men"s
a" -es" -uy5 in#oun"ary "urno#er ra"es 2i4e45 1eo1e ge""ing fire! for no" !oing "heir Io03 (en" u1
af"er "hey migra"e!4 On "he o"her han!5 #oun"ary "urno#er ra"es 2i4e45 1eo1e ea#ing for a
!ifferen" com1any3 1umme"e!4 Peo1e (ho are (iing "o !o "heir Io0 !on." (an" "o ea#e4
This means no more Presen"eeism4 'f (ork is some"hing you !o ra"her "han a 1ace you go5 you
can." hi!e from your Io0 anymore4 'f no" mee"ing your e/1ec"a"ions an! accom1ishing
your goas5 you no onger ha#e "he e/cuse of 0eing Mon "he Io0N (orking har!4
This means more communica"ion (i"h your co(orkers5 0oss5 an! u11er managemen"4 9ou
migh" "hink "ha" ha#ing fe(er 1eo1e in "he office a "he "ime (ou! ea! "o a 0reak!o(n in
communica"ion5 0u" Jui"e "he o11osi"e occurs4 'n a "ra!i"iona (ork1ace you !on." ha#e "o 0e
efficien" in your communica"ion (i"h 1eo1e 0ecause you can coun" on "hem "o 0e "here4 9ou
can ask #ague5 mean!ering Jues"ions 0ecause you kno( "ha" if you !on." ge" a fu ans(er you
can a(ays s"o1 0y "heir cu0e a"er4 'n a ROWE you make "he mos" of e#ery in"erac"ion 0ecause
you ha#e "o4 9ou s"i can coun" on your "eam mem0ers. a#aia0ii"y5 0u" you can." coun" on Ius"
s"o11ing 0y4 9ou can." (as"e 1eo1e.s "ime ike you use! "o an! you en! u1 0eing much more
efficien" a0ou" your in"erac"ions4
E'lo*ees have the free&o' to work an* wa* the* want(
'n a ROWE you no onger Iu!ge 1eo1e 0ase! on "heir (ork s"ye4 9ou no onger assume
e#eryone earns an! 1rocesses informa"ion "he same (ay4 'n a ROWE you 1u" 1eo1e an! "heir
skis firs" an! "he Io0 secon!4 As ong as "he (ork is ge""ing !one you !on." (orry a0ou" ho(
21ro#i!e! of course "ha" 1eo1e are s"i 0eha#ing in a ega an! e"hica manner an! one "ha" is
in kee1ing (i"h your com1any.s #aues34 9ou no onger Iu!ge in!i#i!ua (ork s"yes4
So if you "hink 0es" (hen on your fee"5 "hen go for a (ak4 'f you !o your 0es" (ork a"
nigh"5 "hen (ork a" nigh"4 Or if you nee! "he s"ruc"ure of a more "ra!i"iona (ork sche!ue "hen
(ork eigh" "o fi#e4 '" !oesn." ma""er4
$or some5 "he gu" reac"ion "o "his i!ea is "ha" 1eo1e (i 0e ess efficien" an! focuse! if "hey
aren." gi#en s"ruc"ure4 -u" "he o11osi"e occurs4 '".s one of "hose ROWE 1ara!o/es4 )i#e 1eo1e
more free!om an! "hey res1on! no" (i"h ess focus 0u" (i"h more4 When 1eo1e are gi#en "he
con"ro "o mee" "heir !eman!s5 "hey en! u1 0eing more on 1oin"4 One 1erson (e "ake! "o sai!
"ha" she (as far more o0Iec"i#e no(4 She cou! 1ay aroun! an! e" "he "ask s"re"ch "o fi" her
!ay5 0u" since her "ime is her o(n5 an! since she ge"s "o so#e 1ro0ems on her o(n "erms5 she
ge"s righ" !o(n "o i"4 E#en "hough her !ea!ine migh" no" 0e for "hree !ays5 she an! her "eam
"urn reJues"s aroun! in "(en"y-four hours 0ecause "here is no"hing "o 0e 1ersonay gaine! 0y
.)ont new em&loyees o !ids (ust out of "ollege need to be aound to *lean the o&es#/
A ROWE !oesn." !iscrimina"e 0ase! on age5 se/5 race5 or years of com1any ser#ice4 Some of
"he 1eo1e a" -es" -uy cor1ora"e (ho are in a ROWE are o!er4 Some are younger4 Some of
"hem Ius" s"ar"e! yes"er!ay4 As ong as an em1oyee recei#es cear e/1ec"a"ions5 "hen i" reay
!oesn." ma""er (here "hey are in "heir ife or "heir career4 'f "hey can !o "heir Io05 "hen a ROWE
(orks for "hem4
Ano"her in"eres"ing si!e effec" of a ROWE is "ha" you ge" a ne( 1ers1ec"i#e on M1ro0em
em1oyeesN: you kno(5 "he ones (ho aren." a(ays chi11er in mee"ings5 or seem "o ge" e/"ra
fus"ere! (hen you s"o1 0y "heir office unannounce!5 or "he ones (ho are sociay a(k(ar!
aroun! 1eo1e (ho !on." s1eak "he #ery s1ecific anguage of "heir fie!4
'n a ROWE "hose 1eo1e can reay fourish 0ecause ins"ea! of ooking a" how " 1ro!ucing
you ins"ea! focus on what "hey are 1ro!ucing4 '".s no" "ha" office 1oi"ics !isa11ears5 0u"
"ra!i"iona office 1oi"ics are ess im1or"an" 0ecause e#eryone is 0eing Iu!ge! on resu"s4 'f you
1ro!uce5 "hen you 1ro!uce4 Ho( (e you !o is measure! 0y goas an! e/1ec"a"ions "ha" are
es"a0ishe! an! moni"ore! "hroughou" "he year4 2No more re(ri"ing your goas haf(ay "hrough
"he year "o make "hem fi" ho( your Io0 is reay going5 an! no more sur1rises come 1erformance
re#ie( "ime43 Nigh" o(s s"o1 see1(aking "hrough "he morning an! morning 1eo1e !on." ha#e
"o 1re"en! " s"i effec"i#e af"er "hree "hir"y in "he af"ernoon4
This )ui!e1os" !oesn." mean "ha" 1eo1e ne#er ge" 0ack "o cus"omers in a "imey fashion or "ha"
"hey ne#er come in"o "he office4 ne#er ao(e! "o use ROWE as an e/cuse no" "o !o your
Io04 -u" if you (an" "o (ork from a coffee sho1 or from home5 or if you (an" "o (ork on a
Sa"ur!ay nigh"5 or a Sun!ay morning5 "hen i" a coun"s4 There is no more of "ha" "eecommu"ing
Iu!gmen" "ha" says "ha" if no" in an office "hen i".s no" reay (ork4
As (e.#e sai! 0efore5 mos" 1eo1e !o come "o "he office mos" !ays4 $or a o" of 1eo1e a" -es"
-uy5 "he i!ea "ha" "hey ha#e "he free!om "o (ork (hene#er "hey (an" from (here#er "hey (an"
is some"hing "hey kee1 in "heir 0ack 1ocke"4 The 1oin" isn." "he "ime so much as "he "rus"4 When
a com1any commi"s "o a ROWE5 i" is commi""ing i"sef "o resu"s5 0u" i" is aso commi""ing i"sef "o
an un1rece!en"e! e#e of "rus"4 $or a o" of 1eo1e5 Ius" ha#ing "ha" "rus" is enough4 They s"i
(ork 1re""y much reguar hours5 0u" i" fees !ifferen" 0ecause "hey kno( "ha" if "hey (an" "o5 if
"he !eman! in "heir i#es arises5 "hen "hey ha#e "he con"ro o#er "heir "ime "o ac" accor!ingy4
As a resu" 1eo1e "ake o(nershi1 of "heir (ork4 They are 0eing 1ai! for resu"s so "hey s"ar"
0eha#ing ike en"re1reneurs4 They fee ike "hey ha#e a s"ake in "he 0usiness4
Ever* 'eeting is otional(
This is 1ro0a0y "he "rickies" of "he :6 )ui!e1os"s 0ecause "his (hoe i!ea "hrea"ens "he #ery
core of "he s"a"us Juo4 9ou say "his "o some 1eo1e an! "hey. ook ike " a0ou" "o ha#e a
fi"4 E#ery mee"ing o1"ionaK Ho( (i 1eo1e communica"eK Ho( (i "hey 0ui! consensusK Ho(
(i "hey coa0ora"eK 7ow will they get any work done at all<
We cou! (ri"e a (hoe 0ook a0ou" mee"ings5 0u" "he 1oin" of "his )ui!e1os" is no" "he mee"ings
"hemse#es 0u" "he assum1"ions 0ehin! "he mee"ings5 namey "ha" "he #ery ac" of mee"ing is a
form of (ork4 We say i" is no"4 'f i" ge"s (ork !one "hen a mee"ing is (ork4 'f no"hing ge"s !one
"hen i".s Ius" an ea0ora"e socia !ance5 a fancy (ay of (as"ing "ime4
Our fa#ori"e mee"ing s"ory comes from Phi5 "he har!core Si/ Sigma 0ack 0e"4 He is a
0usiness4 One !ay5 0efore ROWE5 Phi (as una0e "o come in"o (ork 0ecause of a sno(s"orm5
(hich in >inneso"a is 1erha1s "he u"ima"e in sociay acce1"a0e e/cuses4 Phi ha! si/ mee"ings
sche!ue! for "ha" !ay "ha" (ere cancee! 0ecause e#eryone (as ha#ing "rou0e ge""ing "o "he
office4 When he re"urne! "he ne/" !ay5 four of "hose mee"ings (ere ne#er resche!ue!4 One
(as reso#e! (i"h an e-mai5 ano"her (i"h a 1hone ca4 He ha! s1en" much of his Msno( !ayN
(orrying a0ou" "hose si/ mee"ings4 He (as rea!y "o !ri#e in an! 0ra#e "he (ea"her in or!er "o
ha#e "hem4 No( "ha" he.s in a ROWE he "hinks a0ou" "ha" sno( !ay a o"4 When an in#i"a"ion "o
a mee"ing comes u1 or (hen he.s "hinking a0ou" sche!uing a mee"ing he 1u"s on his M0iHHar!
gogges4N 's "his mee"ing reay necessaryK 'f "here (ere a sno(s"orm "o!ay5 (ou! "ha" mee"ing
fa!e a(ay5 or cou! i" 0e "aken care of (i"h an e-mai5 or5 (ou! i" in fac" 1ro#e "o ha#e genuine
A Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" gi#es e#eryone "he 1o(er "o Jues"ion "he #aue of a mee"ing4
Tha" means anyone a" any e#e can Jues"ion "heir nee! "o 1ar"ici1a"e in any mee"ing4 An a!min
can Jues"ion a VP4 2This !oesn." a(ays ha11en5 0u" i" can an! !oes ha11en43 'n a ROWE you
can Jues"ion (eeky s"aff mee"ings4 9ou can Jues"ion Mman!a"oryN "raining4 A" any gi#en 1oin"
you are freeGan! e#en encourage!G"o make sure "ha" "he (ay you s1en! your "ime 2an! "he
com1any.s "ime3 is 1ro!uc"i#e4
This )ui!e1os" !oes no" mean "ha" 1eo1e ge" "o !ecine a mee"ings5 or "ha" "hey can !ecine a
mee"ing "ha" !ri#es an ou"come5 or "ha" "hey can 0ecome !isres1ec"fu an! ou" of con"ro4 The
1oin" is "o gi#e 1eo1e "he 1o(er an! "he o11or"uni"y "o ha#e a !iscussion a0ou" #aue4
We.#e a 0een in a mee"ing (here "here are "en 1eo1e 0u" ony "(o of "hem are "aking4
We.#e a ha! someone sche!ue us for a mee"ing sim1y 0ecause "hey cou!5 0ecause "he
1o(er "o sche!ue o"her 1eo1e in"o a mee"ing is a (ay of e/er"ing "heir 1o(er4
We.#e a hear! 1eo1e sho( "heir im1or"ance an! #aue "o
"he organiHa"ion 0y cro(ing a0ou" ho( many mee"ings "hey ha#e "o a""en!4
I dont want to get eveyone u& to s&eed individually.I (ust want to boad"ast my
message and be done with it.$
$irs" of a5 ook aroun! "he room "he ne/" "ime you ha#e a Mman!a"oryN mee"ing4 There is
a(ays someone missing for some sociay acce1"a0e reasonGiness5 "ra#e5 e"c4Gso you
rarey ge" e#ery0o!y any(ay4 An! e#en if you !o you !on." a(ays reach 1eo1e4 Some 1eo1e
ge" a o" ou" of mee"ings4 O"hers are checke! ou"4 So "here is a(ays a gi#e-an!-"ake in an
organiHa"ion as 1eo1e cross-"rain one ano"her5 co#er for one ano"her5 an! so for"h4 A" "he same
"ime5 if "he "y1e of em1oyee (ho cons"an"y nee!s "o 0e 0rough" u1 "o s1ee!5 in a
ROWE you nee! "o fi/ "ha"4 Par" of ge""ing resu"s means ge""ing "he informa"ion you nee!
(he"her in "he office or no"4 There is a 0ig accoun"a0ii"y Ium1 (hen 1eo1e (ork in a
We.#e a (a"che! as 1eo1e ha#e a0use! sche!uing sof"(are ike Ou"ook "o o#erri!e common
So you 1u" "he resu"s firs"4 When an in#i"a"ion "o mee" 1o1s u1 in a ROWE i".s ye" ano"her
o11or"uni"y "o "ake 1ar" in "ha" cons"an"5 1ro0ing con#ersa"ion a0ou" resu"s4 Wha" are "he
resu"s ( "rying "o !ri#eK Ho( !oes "his mee"ing a" "his "ime (i"h "hese 1eo1e !ri#e "hose
resu"sK Who reay nee!s "o 0e in "his mee"ingK *oes "his mee"ing e#en nee! "o "ake 1ace or
can (e reso#e i" #ia e-maiK
When you ho! a mee"ing in a ROWE5 you ha#e "o 0e #ery s1ecific a0ou" (ha" "he mee"ing is
for5 (ha" 1eo1e are s1ecificay e/1ec"e! "o con"ri0u"e5 (ha" "hey are going "o "ake a(ay from
"he mee"ing5 an! ho( a of "his he1s !ri#e concre"e5 ar"icua"e! resu"s4 When you !o sche!ue
someone you ha#e "o say5 MHere is (ha" ' nee! you "here for4 Here is ho( ong i" shou! "ake4
Here is (ha" ou"come (e shou! ge"4N An! "hen you ha#e "o gi#e "he 1erson sche!uing
"he chance "o 1ush 0ack4 They can say5 M' hear you5 0u" '.m no" "he righ" 1erson4N Or5 M' can he1
you (i"h "ha" 0u" (ha" if ' (ere "o gi#e you , an! 9 ahea! of "ime so (e can s1en! more "ime in
"he mee"ing coa0ora"ing ra"her "han !o(noa!ing informa"ion "o each o"her4N
Wha" en!s u1 ha11ening in a ROWE is "ha" "he num0er of mee"ings goes !o(n an! "he
num0er of 1eo1e a""en!ing mee"ings goes !o(n5 0u" coa0ora"ion an! "eam(ork ac"uay go
u14 The reason is "ha" 1eo1e are more engage! !uring "he "ime "hey are "oge"her4 Peo1e
1riori"iHe "heir (ork4 They 0ecome focuse! on (ha" "hey nee! from 1eo1e4 An! you ac"uay
earn more a0ou" your "eamma"es an! 0usiness 1ar"ners "han in "he 1as" 0ecause you ac"i#ey
"ry "o figure ou" ho( you (ork 0es" "oge"her4 One of "he ironies of a ROWE is "ha" (hen 1eo1e
ha#e ess "ime (i"h one ano"her "hey make "hose in"erac"ions more 1ur1osefu an! meaningfu4
This change in mee"ings cu"ure comes #ery na"uray "o some 1eo1e4 They em0race i" an!
(ecome i" an! i" !oesn." "ake "hem ou" of "heir comfor" Hone4 $or o"hers5 no" ha#ing as many
mee"ings or 0eing force! "o Jues"ion mee"ings can 0e more !ifficu"4 We ha#e !e#eo1e! a
cu"ure of consensus-0ui!ing an! "eam(ork in cor1ora"e ife "ha" is #ery comfor"ing "o some
1eo1e4 There are "hose (ho ike 0eing "he "en"h 1erson in "he o#ers"affe! mee"ing "ha" ony
nee!s "hree 1eo1e4 They ike kno(ing a o" a0ou" (ha" is ha11ening in "he organiHa"ion e#en if
no" a of i" has any"hing "o !o (i"h "heir Io0s4 They ike "o a!! encouragemen" 2or
!iscouragemen"3 "o "he grou14 'n o"her (or!s5 "hey ike "o mee"4
-u" (e (ou! chaenge 1eo1e "o ook carefuy a" ho( effec"i#e mee"ings are4
Do you really need e"ery team mem#er* input to mo"e a pro1ect $orward<
Do you really need e"eryone in the organi8ation to #e .up to peed/ on e"ery deciion<
Do you really ha"e to #e together to work together<
There aren+t an* last2'in-te fire &rills(
E#ery cor1ora"ion has i"s o(n in"erna anguage for 0ushi"4 A" -es" -uy (e "ak a0ou" fire !ris
an! !ri#e-0ys4 Remem0er fire !ris a" schooK 9ou migh" ha#e one a cou1e of "imes a year5
an! e#en if "he ki!s goofe! off "he "eachers "ook i" seriousy an! 1eo1e e#en"uay go" in ine4
9ou earne! "o mo#e Juicky an! 2our fa#ori"e 1hrase3 Min an or!ery fashion4N E#en "hough a fire
!ri (as Ius" a !ri5 i" mean" 0usiness4
No( fas"-for(ar! "o a cor1ora"e se""ing4 A senior e/ecu"i#e su!!eny nee!s a saes re1or"
ou"si!e of "he reguar re1or"ing 1erio!4 Or a !irec"or (an"s a Juick u1!a"e on a 1roIec" "ha".s no"
!ue for ano"her mon"h4 Or "he 1resi!en" is (aking "he foor an! (an"s "o fin! ou" (ha" 1eo1e
are !oing4
So (ha" ha11ensK $ire !riR When (e firs" Ioine! "he (orkforce (e fe for "his fase urgency4
Then af"er si/ mon"hs you reaiHe "ha" #ery fe( of "hese reJues"s are rea emergencies4 Of"en
i".s an e/ecu"i#e (him5 or "he resu" of 1oor 1anning4 Some"imes "he reJues" e#en goes a(ay
0efore you ge" a chance "o res1on!4 Af"er a (hie5 you can." "e (ha".s a rea crisis an! (ha".s a
fake one4 'n "he (ors" organiHa"ion5 "he !ay is one 0ig crisis as you scram0e "o make u1 for
1as" mis"akes5 or "o ca"ch u1 on (ork you !i!n." ge" "o finish 0ecause you (ere in a mee"ing
a0ou" "he as" 0a"ch of (ork you !i!n." ge" "o finish4
A" "he o"her en! of "he s1ec"rum is "he !ri#e-0y4 E/ecu"i#e +i can make moun"ains mo#e (i"h
her as"-minu"e reJues"s4 Peon +oe can."5 0u" he sure can 1o1 0y your cu0e for MIus" a Juick
Jues"ion4N The resu" of "he !ri#e-0y is "he same4 9ou s"o1 "he (ork su11ose! "o 0e
!oing5 re!irec" your energy an! focus "o +oe5 "ake "ime "o ans(er "ha" Jues"ion5 an! "hen ha#e
"o change focus 0ack "o (ha" you (ere !oing4 Wha" (ere you !oing againK
This )ui!e1os" a!!resses 1anning an! foresigh"4 Think of i" "his (ay: 'f 1eo1e are (orking in
"heir o(n s"ye5 an! no" "ie! "o "he 1hysica office5 an! Jues"ioning mee"ings5 an! (orking (hen
i".s 0es" for "hem5 "hen e#eryone has "o 1an more5 an! "here nee! "o 0e a o" of con#ersa"ions
a0ou" ou"comes4 9ou can." coun" on Ius" 1o11ing 0y someone.s cu0e for a Juick ans(er "o "ha"
Jues"ion you shou! ha#e aske! a (eek ago4 9ou can." ho1e "o co#er your ass 0y making a
#ague commen" or "(o in "he ne/" mee"ing4 9ou can." e/1ec" someone ese "o 1ick u1 "ha" 0a
you !ro11e! a mon"h ago5 (hich you ha#en." go""en aroun! "o "eing anyone a0ou"4 An! you no
onger ha#e "o 0ai ou" your 0oss for "heir ack of foresigh"4
'".s no" "ha" "here aren." emergencies5 or "ha" "he (orkforce is s"a"ic an! unmo"i#a"e!4 Wha"
changes is "ha" you are no onger in reac"ion mo!e a "he "ime4 9ou no onger crea"e "he iusion
of (orking 0y "aking care of an emergency "ha" (ou!n." ha#e "rans1ire! if someone ha! Ius"
!one a i""e 1anning4 9ou aren." going "o hear M' nee! "his 0y fi#e o.cockN 0ecause you ha#e
0een communica"ing (i"h your 0oss an! your "eam mem0ers a0ou" (hen ac"ion i"ems are !ue4
9ou are no onger i#ing in a (or! of unnecessary !rama4
'n 1rac"ice "his means a ne( (ay of in"erac"ing (i"h your manager4 '".s u1 "o you "o ha#e a soi!
rea"ionshi1 (i"h "hem 0ecause you ha#e "o 0e a0e "o communica"e (ha" nee!s "o ge" !one5
(ha" goo! ooks ike5 an! ho( check-ins are going "o (ork4 There is a more o1en !iaogue in a
ROWE5 an! "hose kin!s of 1erformance-re#ie( con#ersa"ions you ha#e once or "(ice a year in
a "y1ica Io0 are "he kin!s of con#ersa"ions you ha#e e#ery (eek4
>anagers5 on "he o"her han!5 are force! "o "ake more of a coaching roe "han a su1er#isory
roe4 As a manager your Io0 is no onger "o su1er#ise5 "o si" 0ack an! (ai" for 1eo1e "o ei"her
succee! or fai4 'n a ROWE managers "ake a much more ac"i#e roe in "heir em1oyees. success
0ecause if "hey can." communica"e "he goas an! e/1ec"a"ions "hen "he (hoe sys"em 0reaks
!o(n4 9ou can." Iu!ge 1eo1e on a11earing "o (orkL you can ony Iu!ge "hem on "he (ork "hey
1ro!uce5 so you.! 0e""er ha#e a #ery cear i!ea of (ha" (ork nee!s "o ge" !one4
$or a o" of 1eo1e "his ne( focus on resu"s an! 1anning an! foresigh" is one of "he 0es" 1ar"s
of 0eing in a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 '" means you en! u1 1aying fe(er games (i"h
1eo1eL "here is ess 1oi"ica maneu#ering an! ess "ime s1en" "rying "o make 1eo1e ha11y in
in"angi0e (ays4 'ns"ea! you ha#e a Io0 "o !o an! you !o i"5 an! (hen em1oyees an!
managers are uni"e! in (ork ra"her "han engaging in unhea"hy in"erna com1e"i"ion5 "hen i".s
Ius" "ha" much easier "o !o your Io04 Em1oyees en! u1 "eaching one ano"her a0ou" "heir
res1ec"i#e Io0s4 9our co(orker !oesn." nee! "o kno( (ha" !oing an! ho( you !o i" :;;
1ercen"5 0u" if no" aroun! "hey can a" eas" s1eak "o your 1rocess an! your rea"i#e
True "eam(ork emerges5 e#en in a !e1ar"men" fie! (i"h in!i#i!ua con"ri0u"ors4 One
!e1ar"men" a" -es" -uy5 for e/am1e5 is s"affe! (i"h houry em1oyees (ho use! "o 0e ony
accoun"a0e for "heir o(n (ork4 Their Io0 is "o 1rocess or!ers (i"hin "(en"y-four hours4 The
1rocess has "o 0e accura"e 0u" aso fas" 2"he cus"omer can." see a so(!o(n34 -efore ROWE
1eo1e (ere 1rocessing a0ou" fif"een or!ers an hour4 Af"er ROWE 1ro!uc"i#i"y (en" u1 :6
1ercen"5 0u" e#en 0e""er5 "he Juai"y (en" u14 The reason is "ha" 1eo1e are no onger Iu!ge! on
1ersona 1erformance4 -ecause in!i#i!uas are no( (orking a" a hours of "he !ay5 "he en"ire
"eam is accoun"a0e for "he 0usiness resu"s4 As "heir manager says5 MWe share in "he
successes an! (e share in "he faiures5N an! "his means more 1anning an! more
)e""ing your hea! aroun! ho( "o communica"e in a ROWE "akes "ime4 One of "he !angers of a
ROWE is "ha" 1eo1e "ry e/"ra har! "o res1ec" one ano"her.s "ime4 This is goo!5 0u" a" firs" i" can
aso ea! "o 1eo1e 0eing o#ery res1ec"fu4 They !on." 1ick u1 "he 1hone e#en (hen "he 1erson
" caing is more "han a#aia0e 0y ce4 Of"en 1eo1e so#e "ha" 1ro0em 0y 1u""ing
"oge"her a 1reference is" for ho( "hey ike "o 0e reache!4 They may 1refer an e-mai firs"5 "hen
"heir ce 1hone5 "hen "heir (ork ine5 "hen "heir home ine4 There are gro(ing 1ains a" firs"5 0u"
e#en"uay 1eo1e fin! ou" a (ay "o 0o"h ge" (ha" "hey nee! from "heir co(orkers an! res1ec"
"heir "ime4
-u" u"ima"ey a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is no" a "es" of "he em1oyeeL i".s a "es" of "he
manager4 A ROWE 0ecomes a 1ro#ing groun! for "he managemen" "eam4 Can "hey !o "heir
Io0s communica"ing e/1ec"a"ions an! ho!ing 1eo1e accoun"a0eK Can "hey !e#eo1 sys"ems
"o ge" "he informa"ion "hey nee! (i"hou" !oing i" "hrough !ri#e-0ys or fire !risK
As one -es" -uy manager 1u" i"5 i".s a0ou" 0eing Mcear an! cris14N >anagers can." 0e
uncomfor"a0e ge""ing nega"i#e fee!0ack or ge""ing 1ush-0ack from "heir em1oyees4 >anagers
can." !e#eo1 one 1erson.s career a" "he e/1ense of ano"her.s4 >anagers s"o1 managing an!
s"ar" ea!ing4
Peole at all levels sto &oing an* a!tivit* that is a waste of their ti'e, the !-sto'er+s
ti'e, or the !o'an*+s ti'e(
When you "ake care of your ife5 !o you !e#eo1 o#ercom1ica"e! 1rocesses for ge""ing "hings
!oneK *o you s1en! your free "ime coming u1 (i"h sys"ems an! 1rograms for 0uying 0ir"h!ay
1resen"s or making !inner or fee!ing "he !ogK *o you ha#e reguar famiy mee"ings "o !iscuss
(he"her or no" 1eo1e are !oing "heir chores5 (ha" "he s"a"us of "hose chores is5 an! (ha" kin!
of ou"comes "hose chores are e/1ec"e! "o achie#eK
Why !o (e s1en! so much of our 0usiness ife "aking a0ou" "he 0usiness (e nee! "o "ake care
of ra"her "han sim1y "aking care of i"K
'n any organiHa"ion "here is a(ays (as"e! effor"4 There is a(ays 0usy (ork4 -ecause if
0asing 1ro!uc"i#i"y on "he cock "hen 1eo1e nee! "o 0e 0usy for for"y hours a (eek4 'f "heir
ac"ua Io0 ony "akes "(en"y hours "o !o "hen (e.! 0e""er gi#e "hem ano"her "(en"y hours of
re1or"ing4 Surey "here is a form ou" "here "o kee1 "hese 1eo1e 0usy4
'n a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "here is no em1oyee incen"i#e "o !o a Io0 more efficien"y
0ecause if you !i! manage "o ge" your Io0 !one more Juicky you.! s"i ha#e "o fi "he hours4 So
1eo1e migh"5 for e/am1e5 so( !o(n "heir (ork so "heir "ask can "ake u1 "he sociay
acce1"a0e amoun" of "ime4 An! (hie "hey may Jues"ion "he nee! "o !o o(-1riori"y "asks "hey
(ou! ne#er s"o1 !oing "hem ou" of fear of 0eing seen as no" !oing "heir Io04
'n a ROWE 1eo1e au"oma"icay e!i" "heir o(n (ork an! remo#e o( 1riori"y "asks4 +us" as "hey
ha#e "he 1o(er "o chaenge "he nee! "o a""en! a mee"ing5 "hey ha#e "he 1o(er "o chaenge
(he"her or no" a 1iece of "heir Io0 is "he 0es" use of "heir "ime or if i" is e#en necessary a" a4
Su!!eny in a ROWE e#eryone is an inno#a"i#e "hinker 0ecause if "hey can ge" "heir Io0 !one
more Juicky an! efficien"y "hen "hey ha#e more "ime for "hemse#es4 As ong as "hey can !ri#e
"he resu"s5 "hey are re(ar!e! (i"h con"ro o#er "heir "ime4
This !oesn." mean "ha" 1eo1e ge" "o ski1 a cri"ica 1rocess or "ha" "hey can !o as i""e as
1ossi0e "o ge" 0y or "o ca some"hing unnecessary Ius" "o ge" ou" of (orking4 'ns"ea! i" means
"ha" 1eo1e "ake o(nershi1 of "he (ork "hey !o 0ecause "hey ha#e "he 1o(er "o !eci!e (ha" is
0es" for "hem4 Wha" is "heir 0es" (ork s"yeK Wha" are "heir mos" 1ro!uc"i#e hours of "he !ayK
Ho( are "hey 0es" a0e "o con"ri0u"e "o "he com1anyK
Peo1e "ak a0ou" "he (as"e faing a(ay as if 0y magic4 -u" i".s no" magicGi".s a focus on
resu"s4 'f you ha#e a Io0 !escri1"ion "hen you measure your 1erformance 0ase! on "ha"
!escri1"ion of (ha" su11ose! "o 0e !oing4 -u" "here is no incen"i#e "o chaenge ho( you
s1en! "he "ime4 'f you ha#e a cear goa "hen you can men"ay "es" (he"her or no" "he ac"i#i"y
fur"hers "he goa4
>os" im1or"an" of a5 (hen you gi#e 1eo1e 0ack "heir "ime "hey "rea" i" 1reciousy 0ecause "hey
o(n i" again4 As (e. see in "he ne/" cha1"er5 "ha" com1e"ey changes no" ony ho( (ork ge"s
!one5 0u" aso ho( (ork fees4
Voices from a ROWE: +a#ier
2a"ier i an indi"idual contri#utor working in +et +uy* dot'com di"iion( 7e i in hi early $i$tie
and ha #een in a RO,E $or two year(
Recen"y5 "he SVP of my !e1ar"men" aske! me ho( ' (as !oing (i"h ROWE4 '.#e a(ays
"hough" "ha" ROWE (as grea"5 0u" i".s "aken on a ne( meaning for me no(4
A0ou" "hree (eeks ago5 ' recei#e! ne(s "ha" my 0ro"her ha! 1asse! a(ay4 He i#e! in 'n!iana4
The ne(s of his !ea"h (as o0#iousy !ifficu" "o han!e5 0u" i" ha! an a!!e! 1iece of s"ress4 9ou
see5 my mo"her has AHheimer.s an! my 0ro"her ha! 0een her main care"aker aong (i"h a
he1er (ho is (i"h her on (eek!ays4 So no" ony (as ' "rying "o (res"e (i"h "he sa!ness of his
1assing a(ay5 0u" ' (as imme!ia"ey (on!ering ho( my mo"her (ou! con"inue "o recei#e "he
care she nee!s4 ' (as com1e"ey o#er(heme!5 (on!ering ho( ' (as going "o han!e "his4
Fui"e franky5 ' !i!n." kno( (ha" ' (as going "o !o4
' e-maie! my "eam a0ou" (ha" ha! ha11ene! an! "ha" ' (ou! 0e ea#ing for 'n!iana "o a""en!
"he funera4 ' !i!n." e#en go in"o "he AHheimer.s issues4 >y co(orkers (an"e! "o he15 an!
offere! "o "ake care of my (ork for me (hie ' (as gone4 They sai! ' cou! go 0ack "o 'n!iana5
focus on my famiy s"uff5 an! no" ha#e "o "hink a" a a0ou" (ork4 This (as a nice ges"ure5 0u" '
kne( ' (an"e! "o s"ay connec"e! (i"h my Io0 a" -es" -uy4 ' kno( a o" of com1anies "hink "ha"
(hen a famiy mem0er !ies5 you Mshou!N !isconnec" yoursef for a (hie4 'n fac"5 some
com1anies force you "o !o "ha"4 -u" in my case5 ' reay (an"e! "o s"ay connec"e! "o 0enefi"
0o"h mysef an! "he com1anyG1ro0a0y mysef e#en more "han "he com1any4 ' kne( "ha"
ha#ing "his !is"rac"ion of 0eing a0e "o (ork (ou! ac"uay he1 me co1e (i"h e#ery"hing4
Wi"h "ha" 0eing sai!5 ' (en" home "o 'n!iana for "he funera an! "ook my a1"o1 (i"h me4 '
con"inue! !oing my (ork an! (as a0e "o han!e "ha" in a!!i"ion "o my famiy res1onsi0ii"ies4 '
fe" fine a0ou" !oing 0o"h an! con"inue! (an"ing "o !o 0o"h4
' !i!n." use any #aca"ion "ime (hie ' (as in 'n!iana4 'n fac"5 ' !i!n." "rack any "ime off a" a4 No(
"ha" '.m on ROWE5 "racking any kin! of "ime off seems u!icrous4 '".s no" a0ou" "aking "ime offG
i".s a0ou" ge""ing (ork !one5 ho(e#er "ha" ha11ens4 Heck5 ' e#en (orke! from "he Phii11ines
for a (eek an! "ook no "ime off4 >y Io0 (as com1e"e! o#er "he 'n"erne"5 an! many 1eo1e
!i!n." e#en kno( ' (as ou" of "o(n4 'f ' (ere "racking "ime off e#ery "ime ' (as a(ay from "he
office or "ook care of famiy res1onsi0ii"ies5 ' (ou! ha#e !raine! my "ime off 0ucke" a ong "ime
>y sis"er an! ' are no( "aking "hings (eek 0y (eek (i"h my mom4 $or e/am1e5 '.m going "o
'n!iana "his $ri!ay5 Sa"ur!ay5 Sun!ay5 an! >on!ay "o care for her4 '. ha#e my a1"o1 an! '.
fee grea"5 kno(ing "ha" '.m con"ri0u"ing "o my com1any an! caring for my mom4 -efore my
0ro"her !ie!5 "he (oman (ho cares for my mom on (eek!ays ha! sche!ue! a "hree-(eek
#aca"ion in Se1"em0er4 >y 0ro"her (as going "o "ake o#er her care !uring "ha" "ime4 No( "ha"
can." ha11en5 0u" 0ecause of ROWE5 '.m a0e "o s"e1 in4 ' (i 0e going "o 'n!iana for "en !ays
"o care for my mom4 ' (on." 0e "aking #aca"ion "ime 0ecause '. 0e ge""ing my (ork !one4
'f i" (eren." for ROWE5 ' !on." kno( ho( ' (ou! 0e ge""ing "hrough any of "his4 'n "he o!
en#ironmen"5 ' (ou! ha#e ha! "o "ake "ime off for my 0ro"her.s funera an! "hen 1ro0a0y ha! "o
"ake a ea#e of a0sence or e#en Jui" in or!er "o care for my mom (ho i#es ou"-of-s"a"e4 Tha"
(ou! ha#e Ius" a!!e! "o my s"ress an! my com1any (ou! ha#e suffere! as (e4
Asi!e from "he si"ua"ions (i"h my 0ro"her an! my mom5 ROWE has !one (on!ers for my
0usiness "eam4 Our 1ro!uc"i#i"y is !efini"ey u1Ge#eryone "aks a0ou" "ha"4 We Ius" crank
"hrough s"uffG( focuse! on "he (ork an! you Ius" ge" "hrough i"4 There.s no" a o" of -S
anymore4 There.s no "ime for 1eo1e (ho are 1aying 1oi"ica games4 ROWE isn." a0ou" "ha"G
i".s a0ou" ge""ing your (ork !one4 Perio!4
'n ROWE5 i" !oesn." ma""er (ho is in "he office4 When ' !o come in"o "he office5 ' ne#er kno(
(ho (i 0e "here an! "ha".s okay4 When ' !o see 1eo1e in "he office5 my feeing a0ou" "hem has
change!4 No( '.m genuiney ha11y "o see "hem4 ROWE has ma!e my Io0 no" Ius" a Io05 0u"
some"hing ' reay care a0ou"4
'f ' ef" -es" -uy "o go "o a ne( com1any (i"hou" ROWE5 "hey (ou! 1ro0a0y "hink ' ha! a 0a!
a""i"u!e4 Tha".s ho( 1ercei#e! if you !on." go aong (i"h "he office 1oi"ics an! a "he -S
games "ha" go on4 Pus e#eryone (a"ches "he cock4 '".s a0ou" !esk "ime4 -u" in a ROWE5 in a (or! (here a "ha".s acce1"e! is ge""ing your Io0 !one5 so a "ha" s"uff en!s4 '".s no"
a0ou" "he 1e""y s"uff anymore4 '.#e e" go of "ha" no(4
Why &ife 's -e""er in a ROWE
There is an i!ea ou" "here5 a kin! of macho (ork e"hic5 "ha" (ork is 0a""e5 "ha" (ork is a-ou"
(ar4 The 1o1uar #oca0uary a0ou" 0usiness is fie! (i"h aggressi#e5 com0a"i#e anguageGyou
scra"ch an! ca( your (ay "o "he "o1L in "he ra" raceL i".s a !og-ea"-!og (or! ou" "here4
'".s as if success isn." Ius" a0ou" your o(n 1ersona e/ceence 0u" aso someho( a0ou"
#anJuishing your foes4
'sn." "ha" ho( i" isK We say5 >ay0e4
We !on." !ou0" "ha" for some 1eo1e 0usiness is a 0a""e an! #ic"ory fees ike (inning a (ar4
An! ( sure "he "rue "i"ans of in!us"ry mus" fee an enormous amoun" of 1o(er in making
"heir !ecisions5 an! "ha" (hen a hunch or a risk 1ays off i" mus" 0e #ery re(ar!ing4
-u" (e say Mmay0eN "o "he (hoe 0usiness-as-0a""e i!ea5 0ecause (hie (e a!mire "he
0usiness1erson-as-(arrior5 an! (hie (e can cee0ra"e "he a1ha- 2usuay3 mae en"re1reneur5
a o" of (ork franky isn." "ha" !rama"ic4 $or mos" 1eo1e 0usiness is no" a 0a""e a" a4 There are
no an!s "o conJuer4 >os" 1eo1e ge" u15 go "o (ork5 an! !o "heir Io0s (i"h #arying !egrees of
success4 >os" 1eo1e !on." nee! "o ha#e a "he "oys5 or a mansion an! yach"5 or a 1rofie in
For#e4 They (an" "o !o "heir Io0s5 "o 0e 1ai! fairy5 an! "o 0e ef" aone4 They !o no" !ream of
"he !ay "ha" "heir com1e"i"ion.s hea! is s"uffe! an! moun"e! on "heir office (a4
S"i5 "his 0usiness-as-(ar me"a1hor is in"eres"ing 0ecause of "he a""i"u!es a0ou" (ork "ha" i"
re#eas4 '".s aso in"eres"ing 0ecause of (ha" i" ao(s 1eo1e in 1o(er "o !o in "he name of
achie#ing 0usiness gory4
+uine a war mean that there are an accepta#le num#er o$ caualtie(
+uine a war mean there i collateral damage(
+uine a war mean people and idea and ometime e"en ethic are acri$iced(
Wha" is !one "o or!inary (orkers in "he name of 0usiness as (arK The ans(er is Su!ge4 'f (e
a acce1" "ha" (ork has "o 0e a cer"ain (ay an! fee a cer"ain (ay5 if (e a acce1" "ha"
some"imes you ha#e "o make sacrifices 2of your "ime5 of your sense of fairness5 of your sense of
!ecency35 "hen "here is reay no imi" "o (ha" can 0e !one in "he name of (ork4
-u" ( no" Ius" "aking a0ou" 0usiness e"hics5 a0ou" "he !ecisions "ha" com1anies an!
cor1ora"ions make4 Whie (e 0eie#e "ha" 0usinesses shou! ha#e in"egri"y an! e"hics5 "his is
no" as much our concern as ho( 1eo1e are "rea"e! an! ho( "hey fee a" (ork4 reay
"aking a0ou" changing "he (hoe con#ersa"ion a0ou" (ha" (ork is for4 '" !oesn." ha#e "o 0e a
0a""efie! (here a fe( 1eo1e (in 2or ose3 0ig4 Work can 0e a 1ace (here e#eryone can fin!
"heir e#e5 "heir 1ace5 "heir sense of 1ur1ose4 E#eryone can 0e res1ec"e! an! #aue!5 an! no"
Ius" 0ecause i".s "he humane "hing "o !o5 0u" 0ecause i" makes 0usiness sense4
+ecaue when #uine i war- you don*t ha"e to repect people a indi"idual( Order are
,hen #uine i war- you don*t ha"e to trut them( E"erything i on a need to know #ai(
,hen #uine i war- people aren*t really people( They are pawn in the che game(
The sa! fac" is "ha" our cu"ure 0eie#es "hese a""i"u!es a0ou" (ork are okay4 Ca i" Su!ge
Resigna"ion4 Peo1e ha#e no choice 0u" "o 1u" u1 (i"h "he s"a"us Juo4 9ou can." figh" Ci"y Ha4 '"
is (ha" i" is4 So (e 1u" u1 (i"h feeing ike ( a" (ar a "he "ime5 an! (e sacrifice our free!om
an! "he a0ii"y "o fee goo! 0ecause "ha".s (ha" you ha#e "o !o "o ge" ahea!4 9ou ose your
1ersonai"y an! your i!en"i"y an! your humani"y4 9ou "ake one for "he "eam4 -ecause if you
!on."5 "he "hinking goes5 "hen you !on." ha#e (ha" i" "akes4
We fin! s"ories ike +a#ier.s 1ersonay gra"ifying4 The i!ea "ha" ROWE cou! 0e a rea he1 "o
someone in "heir "ime of nee! makes us fee (on!erfu4 A" "he same "ime5 (e !i!n." Ius" offer his
s"ory as a fee-goo! "es"imonia a0ou" "he 1o(er of ROWE4 We aso chaenge you "o ask
yoursef (hy (ork shou! 0e any o"her (ay4 Wha" (ou! 0e gaine!5 ei"her on "he human e#e or
"he 0usiness e#e5 "o 1unish +a#ier for ha#ing !eman!s ou"si!e of (orkK '" (ou! 0e ike
1unishing him for 0eing a 1erson4
There (i ne#er 0e a "ime (hen his s"ory isn." u1if"ing an! encouraging5 0u" (ou!n." i" 0e
(on!erfu if his s"ory (ere aso "he normK We !on." see "his kin! of gain for "he em1oyees as a
oss for em1oyers4 As +a#ier sai!5 he an! his grou1 ha#e ne#er 0een more 1ro!uc"i#e4
Of course "here are going "o 0e (inners an! osers4 There is going "o 0e success an! faiure4
-u" ( no" a" (ar an! (e shou!n." ha#e "o fee ike ( a" (ar Ius" 0ecause (e.#e gone "o
So "hese ne/" )ui!e1os"s5 (hie "hey !ea (i"h some"hing "ha" seems sJuishy ike feeings5 are
reay "he hear" of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4 A ROWE !oesn." make your Io0 easy5 0u"
i" (i make (ork no" fee so har!4 'f 1eo1e !on." fee free an! res"e! an! "rus"e! "hen you !on."
ha#e a ROWE4 -ecause "he (hoe key "o a ROWE is "ha" "he (ay (ork ooks an! fees is
com1e"ey !ifferen"4 '" is no" recogniHa0e as (ork4 '" is some"hing ese5 some"hing 0e""er4
Here are "he )ui!e1os"s "ha" make i" ha11en:
S There is no Iu!gmen" a0ou" ho( you s1en! your "ime4
S No0o!y "aks a0ou" ho( many hours "hey (ork4
S No0o!y fees gui"y5 o#er(orke!5 or s"resse!-ou"4
S E#ery !ay fees ike Sa"ur!ay4
There is no 5-&g'ent abo-t how *o- sen& *o-r ti'e(
This is "he no-"oerance-for-Su!ge )ui!e1os"4 One -es" -uy "eam5 for e/am1e5 !i!n." ha#e a
o" of !rama"ic Su!ge 1re-ROWE5 0u" e#en af"er migra"ion i" "ook "ime "o ge" ri! of i" en"irey4
There (ou! 0e su0"e "hings5 ike (hen 1eo1e (orke! a" home "hey fe" o0iga"e! "o re1or"
e#ery"hing "hey go" !one4 One "ime an em1oyee (as home sick 0u" he (asn." "aking a sick
!ay4 He Ius" 1oun!e! some NyJui an! go" a "on !one5 0u" 1eo1e (ere Ioking (i"h him a0ou"
ho( much 0e""er he (orke! on NyJui5 "ha" may0e he shou! ge" sick more of"en4
An! his "eam ea!er s"e11e! in an! sai! "ha" you reay can." e#en Ioke a0ou" "ha" s"uff4
-ecause e#en (hen 1eo1e Ioke "o "es" "he imi"s of a ROWE i" can ha#e a ri11e effec"4 Then
o"her 1eo1e s"ar" making commen"s an! you can 0acksi!e4 +okes a0ou" "imeGe#en reay5
reay funny onesGero!e "rus"4 These kin!s of Iokes are 0ase! on "he assum1"ion "ha"
u"ima"ey i".s reay no" okay "o (ork an! i#e "his (ay4
This )ui!e1os" !oesn." mean "ha" 1eo1e are !isres1ec"ing managemen" or "ha" "here is a "o"a
0reak!o(n of com1any #aues or confusion or ack of !irec"ion4 'n fac" "he o11osi"e occurs4
People how total repect $or the work and the people doing it(
There i complete trut #etween employee and manager( People are $ocued on the #ottom line
and only the #ottom line(
'magine ho( "his fees4 9ou are free from Iu!gmen" a0ou" "ime4 So you go in"o (ork an! you !o
your Io04 'f you ha#e "o ge" your oi change! a" ::;;5 you go !o i"4 9ou ha#e your ce 1hone (i"h
you in case someone nee!s you4 -u" you !on." e#en ha#e "o "e 1eo1e "ha" ea#ing4 9ou
!on." ha#e "o make u1 a ame e/cuse4 -ecause no one is Iu!ging you4 'f someone cas you an! (aking on "he "rea!mi you !on." ha#e "o say5 '.m (orking ou" 0u" ' 1romise '. 0e righ"
0ack4 9ou can say5 Wha" !o you nee!K Ans(er "he Jues"ion5 hang u15 an! no" e#en "hink a0ou"
i"4 29ou may aso o1" "o e" "he caer ea#e a message5 Ius" ike you !o (hen in a
You "ant ease whats in &eo&les heads. And you "ant &event &eo&le fom saying
mean things about &eo&le.$
This is "rue4 There (i a(ays 0e 1eo1e (ho Iu!ge ho( you s1en! your "ime4 Ho(e#er5 in a
ROWE you ook s"u1i! for e""ing "hose Iu!gmen"s come ou" of your mou"h4 +us" as i".s no" okay
"o say some"hing racis" or se/is" in a "ra!i"iona (ork1ace5 i".s no" okay "o Iu!ge "ime in a
ROWE4 +u!ging 1eo1e.s "ime is no onger sociay acce1"a0e4 E#en 0e""er5 a ROWE ac"uay
gi#es you a mechanism for !eaing (i"h "ha" Iu!gmen"4 So (hie in a "ra!i"iona (ork
en#ironmen" "he office ou" can ge" a(ay (i"h saying ru!e "hings 0ecause he.s "he 0oss5 in a
ROWE if someone Iu!ges your "ime you a(ays ha#e Su!ge Era!ica"ion4 9ou may no" ha#e "he
1o(er "o s"o1 1eo1e from ac"ing s"u1i!5 0u" you !o ha#e "he 1o(er "o shu" "hem !o(n4
There isn." ess Iu!gmen" or more fa#ora0e Iu!gmen"4 There is no Iu!gmen"4 Aero4 $ranky5
1eo1e are "oo 0usy !oing "heir ac"ua Io0s4 There is so much "o !o4 Peo1e can "ake (ork "o a
much !ee1er e#e "han "hey e#er !i! 0efore 0ecause "hey are caugh" u14
'".s an in"eres"ing feeing (hen you (ak in"o "he office an! ha#e no Iu!gmen" a0ou" "ime4 9ou
aso ha#e no Iu!gmen" a0ou" (ha" goo! (ork ooks ike4 'magine (aking on"o a foor of an
office 0ui!ing an! seeing cu0es "ha" are fie!5 cu0es "ha" are em1"y5 seeing someone (aking
aong "he ha5 someone ha#ing coffee or ea#ing for "he gym5 1eo1e ga"here! in a conference
room mee"ing5 an! 1eo1e "aking 0y "he (a"ercooer4 No( imagine no" 0eing a0e "o make any
Iu!gmen"s a0ou" (he"her or no" "hose 1eo1e are 0eing 1ro!uc"i#e4 The ony (ay "o kno( is 0y
seeing if "hey are !ei#ering resu"s4 9ou can." assume any"hing4 9ou can." Ius" ook a" a cock or
(he"her or no" someone.s hair is (e" 0ecause "hey.#e 0een s(imming or may0e you ha#en."
seen "hem for a (eek4 9ou can." assume " sacking or "aking a!#an"age in a ROWE4
So if you can." Iu!ge 1eo1e on "heir "ime5 (ha" can you !oK Of"en you !on." !o any"hing
0ecause i".s none of your 0usiness4 'f you are ge""ing (ha" you nee! from 1eo1e so you can !o
your Io05 en! of s"ory4 So you sim1y !on." (as"e "ha" "ime Iu!ging4
No( fi1 i" aroun!4 'magine yoursef (aking in"o "his kin! of office en#ironmen" an! no" feeing
Iu!ge!4 9ou (ak in a" "hree4 9ou ha#e 0een gone for "hree !ays5 s"i !oing your Io05 from home
or a gof resor"5 or "he coffee sho14 9ou (ak in an! 1eo1e say heo an! "ha".s i"4 There are no
ooks5 no ru!e i""e smies5 no eye ros5 no os"racism5 no no"hing4 9ou !on." ha#e "o an"ici1a"e
any Su!ge or rea!y a reason for (hy you.#e 0een M>'AN for "hree !ays or make u1 some
nonsense a0ou" ho( har! you.#e 0een (orking "o make u1 for "he fac" "ha" you ha#en." 0een
aroun!4 'ns"ea! you (ak in"o a com1e"ey neu"ra s1ace5 0ecause e#eryone is ge""ing "he
same "rea"men"4 no" Iu!ging "hem so " no" Iu!ging you4
So if 1eo1e aren." Iu!ging you "hen (ha" ha11ensK 9ou make sure "ha" ge""ing your Io0
!one4 -ecause if no" in 0ig "rou0e4 reay going "o s"an! ou"4 9ou can." fake
i" anymoreGyou ha#e "o !o your Io04 9ou ha#e "o communica"e (i"h your co(orkers an! your
manager4 9ou ha#e "o figure ou" ho( "o make "hings (ork 0e""er an! smar"er an! more
efficien"y4 So you (ak in a" "hree an! you !o your Io04
As (e.#e sai! 0efore5 (ork isn." "ha" !ifferen"4 '" fees !ifferen"4 An! ha#ing 1eo1e no" Iu!ge
your use of your "ime an! ony Iu!ge your accom1ishmen"s is an amaHingy i0era"ing feeing4
EnIoy your NyJui4
Nobo&* talks abo-t how 'an* ho-rs the* work(
This )ui!e1os" can 0e a rea "rea" for a o" of 1eo1e5 0ecause "hey no( !on." ha#e "o 1ay a
game "hey kno( "hey can." (in4
9ou kno( "ha" 1erson in your office (ho 0rags a0ou" "he mara"hon (ork(eekK The one (ho
you amos" e/1ec" "o sho( you "heir 0a""e scarsK Or "he 1eo1e (ho !o "his kin! of fake
com1aining a0ou" ho( many mee"ings " inK The ones (ho can." 0eie#e ho( many
mee"ings "hey ha#e an! ho( "hey Ius" !on." ha#e a minu"e "o "ake a 0reak from 0eing so
incre!i0y im1or"an" an! in !eman!K 'f "hey go" any more necessary "o "he organiHa"ion "hey
(ou! ose "heir min!s4 Or (ha" a0ou" "he #aca"ion mar"yrsK Or "he ea"-a"-"he-!esk mar"yrsK Or
"he '-!on."-ha#e-"ime-"o-ea" mar"yrsK
'n a ROWE you ne#er ha#e "o is"en "o "ha" cra1 again4 9ou ge" no e/"ra cre!i" for s1en!ing
"ime4 There are no "ime car! heroes4 No o#er"ime heroes4
As one -es" -uy em1oyee 1u" i"5 M'f someone sai! "ha" "hey (orke! si/"y hours5 "he firs"
reac"ion is5 Who caresK The secon! reac"ion is5 We "hen you 0e""er sho( me si/"y hours of
rock-s"ar (ork4 -ecause "ha".s a anyone (an"s "o kno( a0ou"4 Wha" !i! you ge" !oneKN
'n a ROWE5 if you (an" "o come in on (eeken!s or s"ay a"e or come in eary5 1eo1e (i
assume "ha" is your 1ersona choice a0ou" your (ork s"ye4 They (i no" assume "ha" you are
more !e!ica"e!5 more har!(orking5 more accom1ishe!4 'n fac"5 if you reay 1ie on "he hours5 i"
migh" e#en raise some re! fags4
In a RO,E people will o$$er you tip $or doing your 1o# #etter(
In a RO,E your manager will try to help you make thing more e$$icient o you can dig deeper
into your 1o#(
In a RO,E people will mile politely and ak you what you got done(
Peo1e in a ROWE some"imes !escri0e "his )ui!e1os" in "erms of cari"y4 When 1eo1e aren."
"aking a0ou" hours or 0ragging a0ou" hoursG(hen "he 0usiness is no" recogniHing "ime 0u"
resu"sG"hen "hings are cearer4 Ra"her "han measuring "ime an! effec"i#eness in your Io05 you
Ius" measure effec"i#eness4 '!en"ifying an! so#ing 1ro0ems "hen 0ecomes much sim1er4
This !oesn." mean "ha" 1eo1e mik "he sys"em or "ha" "here is no ca1aci"y 1anning4 9ou can
s"i "ak a0ou" "ime4 9ou can s"i 1an aroun! "ime4 M' "hink "his (i "ake "(o (eeksN or M(e nee!
"o 0ui! in a mon"h "o make sure "ha" ha11ens4N '".s more a ma""er of no" 0asing achie#emen" on
This is no" easy for some 1eo1e4 There are a o" of 1eo1e ou" "here (ho ha#e 0ase! "heir i#es
an! (ork i!en"i"ies on 0eing "he one (i"h "he iron 0u""4 An! "here are 1eo1e (ho nee!Gor fee
"hey nee!G"o 1u" in ong hours "o ge" "he (ork !one4 S"i5 "his )ui!e1os" reay 1u"s "he nai in
"he Presen"eeism coffin4 'sn." "ha" (ha" 0ragging a0ou" hours is reay a0ou"K '".s cham1ioning
There is s"i5 of course5 a socia as1ec" of (ork4 One of "he (eak 1oin"s of a ROWE is "ha"
1eo1e can s"ar" "o fee !isconnec"e!4 Tha".s na"ura4 So (ha" 1eo1e !o is "hey make sure "o
"ake "ime as a "eam an! as an organiHa"ion "o !o socia ac"i#i"ies4 '".s no" "eam 0ui!ing an! i".s
no" force! fun4 'ns"ea! a "eam !eci!es "ha" i" nee!s "o connec" on a socia e#e an! "hen figures
ou" "he 0es" (ay "o !ri#e "ha" resu"4 When "eams "ake "his kin! of ac"ion5 i".s far more
meaningfu "han mee"ings for "he sake of mee"ings4
'" can aso 0e har! for ne(comers "o en"er a ROWE 0ecause i".s a !ifferen" se"u14 -u" again5
once 1eo1e reaiHe "ha" "here is no 1ressure "o 0e "here5 ony 1ressure "o ge" resu"s5 "hen "he
eJua"ion changes4 Ne(comers reaiHe "ha" "hey !on." ha#e "o ie4 They !on." ha#e "o figure ou"
"he secre" rues of "he cu"ure ike 1re"en!ing "o 0e aroun! or fiing ou" a fase "ime car! or
0ea"ing "he 0oss "o "he office4 Ne(comers !on." ha#e "o ook 0usy4 They can sim1y !o "heir Io04
This is "rue for e#eryone4 'magine "aking (i"h someone an! "he (hoe i!ea of hours (orke!
ne#er comes u14 &e".s say efficien" an! you can ge" your Io0 !one Juicky4 Tha".s grea"4
Then "here is more "ime for you4 Wha".s amaHing is "ha" a" firs" 1eo1e reay measure "heir
hours (orke!4 Af"er a (hie5 (hen you ask 1eo1e ho( many hours "hey (ork "hey !on." reay
kno(4 They migh" 0e a(are of "heir Io0 0eing har!er or easier5 or i" 0eing a so( or 0usy "ime5
0u" as "ha" ine 0e"(een sociay acce1"a0e an! unacce1"a0e goes a(ay5 1eo1e aren." 1u""ing
"ime in"o a (ork 0o/ an! a free-"ime 0o/4 '".s a "heir "ime4 So "hey !on." kee1 "rack4 Wha" "hey
!o kno( is "ha" i".s in "heir 0es" in"eres" "o 0e smar" an! efficien" a0ou" "heir Io0s4 -ecause "he
ess "ime "hey s1en! !ei#ering "hose resu"s "he more "ime "hey. ha#e "o !o "heir o(n "hing4
Nobo&* feels g-ilt*, overworke&, or stresse&2o-t(
S"ress can !o craHy "hings "o a 1erson4 We "ake! "o one em1oyee (ho use! "o ge" so
s"resse!-ou" coming "o (ork "ha" she (ou! ge" in "raffic acci!en"s4 >os" of "hem (ere 1re""y
minor 0u" one "ime she en!e! u1 in a !i"ch on "he si!e of "he roa!4 The ony reason for "his (as
"ha" she fe" com1ee! "o 0e in on "ime4
No( she comes in (hen she fees ike coming in4 No more acci!en"s4
9ou s"i (ork har! in a ROWE4 9ou are s"i 0usy in a ROWE4 9ou can s"i 0e 0urie! un!er a
moun"ain of (ork in a ROWE4 -u" you !on." fee o#er(heme!4 An! you !on." fee s"resse!-ou"
an! you !on." ge" 0urne!-ou"4
The reason is "ha" you are in con"ro4 When you are in con"ro you ha#e "he 1o(er "o so#e
1ro0ems4 This !oesn." mean "ha" 1eo1e aren." su11or"e!5 "ha" "hey are on "heir o(n5 or "ha"
"hey aren." going "o (ork har!4 Wha" i" means is "ha" 1eo1e are "aking care of 0usiness an!
"heir i#es4 They are (hoe 1eo1e4 Think a0ou" "ha"4 9ou are no" a !ifferen" 1erson a" (ork "han
you are a" home4 9ou are "aking care of 0o"h as1ec"s of your ife 0ecause i".s your ife4
So you !on." ha#e "o fee gui"y a0ou" negec"ing your famiy (hen a" (ork an! gui"y
a0ou" negec"ing your (ork (hen (i"h your famiy 0ecause i".s a "he same4
Some 1eo1e ge" concerne! "ha" "hey (i a(ays 0e (orking5 "ha" "aking a(ay "hose 0arriers
0e"(een (ork an! free "ime means "ha" "hey (i ne#er no" 0e (orking4 '".s "rue "ha" (ork
e/1an!s across more hours5 0u" you !on." fee o#er(orke! in a ROWE 0ecause you ha#e "ha"
+tess is good. You need stess to !ee& &eo&le motivated.$
We. gi#e you "ha"Gno" a s"ress is 0a!4 agains" "he added s"ress of ha#ing "o accoun"
for your "ime5 of ha#ing "o 1u" on a sho( of (ork5 an! of no" ha#ing con"ro o#er your !ay (hen
"hings in your ife come u1 an! you nee! "o "ake care of "hem4 A" -es" -uy5 (ork can 0e #ery
in"ense4 We (ou! ne#er (an" "o see any 1erson5 "eam5 or organiHa"ion ose "heir in"ensi"y or
1assion4 Tha".s "he goo! s"ress4 The res"5 no one nee!s4
There (as a s"ory in "he ne(s a0ou" $rench 1eo1e "aking na1s a" (ork5 an! gi#en "he (ay
Americans res1on!e! you (ou! ha#e "hough" "he $rench (ere ha#ing se/ on "heir !esks4
*es1i"e a "he s"u!ies a0ou" ho( res" increases 1ro!uc"i#i"y "here (as ri!icue in "he American
1ress4 Those na11ers are sacking4 'f "hey can." han!e "he (orkoa! "hen someone ese can
s"e1 in an! !o "heir Io0s4 Peo1e are (hiny an! (eak4
>ay0e i".s Ius" "ha" 1eo1e (an" "o !eci!e (hen "o "ake a 0reak4
Working har! an! feeing s"resse! an! o#er(heme! !o no" make you a hero4 '" !oesn." mean "oughL i" means (iing "o 1u" u1 (i"h more 0ushi" "han someone ese4
Here.s an i!ea "ha" seems ra!ica 0u" isn." in a ROWE: Wha" if you sim1y !on." fee ike (orking
"o!ayK Wha" if you kno( "ha" if you go in"o (ork "o!ay you. 0e "ire! an! unmo"i#a"e! an!
unfocuse! an! you.! Ius" see1(ak "hrough your !ayK
,hy go in<
,hy wate your time and your company* time<
,hy rik making a #ad deciion<
,hy #e a ditraction to other people who actually want to get work done<
'n a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 if no" feeing i" "ha" !ay an! you can 0e reacha0e
0y 1hone an! e-mai5 an! if your (ork is ge""ing !one5 "hen "here is no reason you can." sim1y
"ake "he !ay off4
An! "his is no" a #aca"ion !ay or sick "ime or a 1ersona !ay4 9ou Ius" !on." go in4 An! you !on."
ha#e "o fee gui"y4
'n a ROWE5 a "he nega"i#e feeings a" (ork are gone4 No" Ius" gui"5 0u" aso en#y4 When
1eo1e ge" re(ar!e! "hey ge" re(ar!e! for achie#emen"5 no" for 1aying "he game4 We can." say
i" eimina"es a 1oi"ics5 0u" i" cu"s !o(n on i" a o"4 Peo1e are s"i going "o 1ay fa#ori"es 0u" i".s
har!er in a ROWE5 0ecause "he 0usiness goas of an in!i#i!ua or a grou1 0ecome more
"rans1aren" an! more o1en4 Peo1e kno( (ha" o"her 1eo1e are "rying "o accom1ish an! "ha" is
(ha" "hey are measure! on4 So if someone ge"s a 1romo"ion "hey are more ikey "o !eser#e i"4
'f some"hing goo! ha11ens "o you "hen you !on." ha#e "o fee ashame! a0ou" i"4 Simiary you
can." co#er u1 for 0a! (ork 0y 1aying nice (i"h 1eo1e4 Kissing ass ge"s you no"hing in a
ROWE4 'sn." "ha" reason enough "o make "his changeK
Ever* &a* feels like 3at-r&a*(
When (e sho( 1eo1e "his )ui!e1os" "hey "hink (e are craHy4 'f e#ery !ay is a Sa"ur!ay "hen
1eo1e aren." (orking4 They are scamming "heir em1oyer ou" of a 1aycheck4 'f e#ery !ay is a
Sa"ur!ay "hen e#eryone is a" "he 0each an! no"hing is ge""ing !one4
Of course5 (e of"en o#eres"ima"e ho( much eisure "ime (e ha#e on Sa"ur!ays4 $or a o" of
1eo1e (e kno(5 Sa"ur!ays are #ery 0usy 0ecause 1eo1e ha#e "o !o a "he "hings "hey (eren."
ao(e! "o !o !uring "he (eek 0ecause "heir Io0 he! "hem 1risoner "o "ime4 This is (ha" "he
for"y-hour (ork(eek has !one "o "he (eeken!4 A "hose !eman!s ge" 1ushe! "o Sa"ur!ay an!
Sun!ay so (e can." e#en enIoy our Mfree "ime4N
We.#e "ake! a0ou" ho( a ROWE s1rea!s (ork across "he (eek4 This )ui!e1os" is a0ou" ho(
"ha" $eel4 'n a ROWE you are s"i 0usy5 you are s"i har!(orking5 0u" you !o i" on your "erms4
9ou 1ersonaiHe your "ime so you ge" "o 0e 1ro!uc"i#e 0u" you aso ge" "o enIoy yoursef4 E#ery
!ay you (ork a i""e an! you 1ay a i""e an! i" a 0en!s "oge"her4
This is ho( en"re1reneurs an! freeancers i#e4 Tak "o successfu sef-em1oye! 1eo1e an!
"hey (i !escri0e !ays "ha" are fu 0u" no" hec"ic5 "ha" mi/ 1ersona (i"h 1rofessiona in a (ay
"ha" is amos" seamess4 The !ifference (i"h a ROWE is "ha" you aso ha#e "he s"ruc"ure of a
com1any4 9ou ge" "o i#e "he ife of "he sef-em1oye! (i"hou" a "he uncer"ain"y an! risk4
-ecause "ha" is reay "he ony !ifference 0e"(een "he en"re1reneur an! "he (orking man an!
"he reguar em1oyee4 The en"re1reneur can han!e "he risk an! 1ro0a0y e#en ikes "he risk4
The res" of i"Gfiguring ou" ho( "o 0es" use your "ime5 0eing efficien"5 e"c4Ga "ha" is s"uff "ha"
anyone can !o4 '".s no" rocke" science4
So i".s 0e""er "han Sa"ur!ay in a (ay4 9ou ge" "o ha#e your ife an! aso 0enefi" from 0eing 1ar"
of an organiHa"ion4
9ou aso ge" a much grea"er sense of accom1ishmen"4 Work s"ar"s "o fee more ike a 1ersona
1roIec"4 '".s ike (orking on your house or your car or !oing #oun"eer (ork4 The "ask can suck5
0u" you can." 0ea" "he feeing of ge""ing "hings !one4 A ROWE !oesn." "ake a(ay "he s"rugge of
!oing your Io05 0u" i" !oes gi#e you "he sense of accom1ishmen"4 9ou ac"uay fee ike you.#e
!one some"hing4 -ecause you ha#e4 E#ery !ay fees ike a Sa"ur!ay 0ecause you o(n e#ery
!ay4 Wecome "o a ife "ha".s yours4
Voices from a ROWE: -e"h
+eth i a enior uper"ior with a team o$ thirteen employee( )he i in her mid'$i$tie and ha
#een with +et +uy $or $i"e year( )he ha #een in a Reult'Only ,ork En"ironment $or three
When (e (ere on "he #erge of migra"ing "o a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 ' remem0er
0eing an/ious4 We (ere si""ing in a conference room (i"h o"her ea!ers in my area ha#ing
!iscussions a0ou" ROWE an! ' ac"uay fe" 1re""y scare! a0ou" "he 1eo1e on my "eam an!
(ha" (ou! ha11en "o our 0usiness resu"s4 ' (as reay (orrie! "ha" 1eo1e (ou! ge" !is"rac"e!
an! no" kee1 u1 (i"h "he (ork4 ' Ius" cou!n." un!ers"an! ho( ' cou! e" "hem !o (ha"e#er "hey
(an"e! (hene#er "hey (an"e!4 Ho( in "he (or! (ou! "he (ork ge" !oneK
' (as mos" (orrie! a0ou" one 1ar"icuar em1oyee4 When ' 0egan my 1osi"ion as her manager5
she ha! area!y 0een "agge! as a o( 1erformer: someone (ho (asn." on "o1 of "hings5
someone you ha! "o (a"ch cosey4 '.! go""en a o" of nega"i#e fee!0ack a0ou" her from her
1re#ious managers an! o"her "eam mem0ers5 an! ' kne( she (ou!n." 0e a0e "o han!e "his
ROWE "hing4
' cou!n." ha#e 0een more (rong4
The em1oyee ' (as (orrie! a0ou" has no( 0ecome my "o1 1erformer4 The year is haf o#er5
an! she has area!y !one more "han she !i! as" year as far as 1ro!uc"i#i"y goes4 An! she.s
(orking ou"-of-s"a"e4 Pre-ROWE5 if she ha! "o! me she (as mo#ing ou" of "he s"a"e5 ' ne#er
(ou! ha#e e#en en"er"aine! "he "hough"4 No( "ha" she.s fourishing in a ROWE5 ' (ou! !o
any"hing "o kee1 her4 She.s ou"1erforming e#ery s"an!ar! (e ha! 0efore5 so ' !on." care (here
she isR ' "ruy 0eie#e "ha" gi#ing her o(nershi1 of ho( she s1en!s her "ime has !one (on!ers4 '
can ony (on!er ho( many o"her Mo( 1erformersN ou" "here ha#e "he same 1o"en"ia4 'f Ius"
gi#en "he free!om "o con"ro "heir "ime5 "hey migh" soar Ius" ike my Mo( 1erformerN has4
&ooking a" my en"ire "eam5 ' am in a(e of (ha" ROWE has !one for our 1ro!uc"i#i"y4 ' am
se""ing e/"remey high goas for "hem an! " reaching "hem (i"h no 1ro0ems4 An! no
com1aining4 'f ' ha! se" "hese "y1es of goas 1re-ROWE5 "hey (ou! ha#e kicke! an! screame!
an! gone "o HR "o com1ain4
Whene#er (e reach our goas5 (e a(ays se" "he ne/" se" of goas a i""e higher4 Here.s (ha".s
ha11ening: A goo! year for us 1re-ROWE use! "o 0e com1e"ing 6;; au!i"s in a year4 &as"
year5 in a ROWE5 (e com1e"e! B:? au!i"sGdou#le (ha" goo! use! "o ook ike4 This year
( on "rack "o e/cee! as" year4 An! (e.#e os" one "eam mem0er5 so ( !oing i" (i"h
fe(er 1eo1e "han (e ha! 1re-ROWE4
Par" of "his 1ro!uc"i#i"y gain is 0ecause ROWE has change! our "eam !ynamic4 E#eryone
(an"s "o he1 one ano"her no(4 When someone is finishe! (i"h "heir o(n au!i"s5 "hey ask "heir
co(orkers if "hey can he1 "hem (i"h "heirs4 '".s no onger MThis is my (ork an! "ha".s your (ork4N
'".s no( our (ork4 A" ano"her com1any5 "hey migh" "ry "o !o "eam-0ui!ing e#en" af"er "eam-
0ui!ing e#en" "o "ry "o ge" "his kin! of "eam(ork ha11ening5 0u" (e.#e !one none of "ha"4 '".s
Ius" some"hing "ha" ROWE crea"es na"uray4
Asi!e from "he 1ro!uc"i#i"y gain5 "he 0es" "hing for me as a manager in a ROWE is no" ha#ing "o
0e "he ha moni"or4 ' use! "o hear "hings a "he "ime from my em1oyees ike MSo-an!-so "ook a
"(en"y-minu"e smoke 0reakN or MSo-an!-so (as 1aying games on "he 'n"erne"4N No( no one
cares4 Pre-ROWE5 ' hear! "his kin! of nonsense e#ery "ime ' (ou! come 0ack from a mee"ing4
Tha" kin! of s"uff is such a (as"e of e#eryone.s "ime4 Tha" 0ack0i"ing an! gossi1 is so "y1ica in
a (ork en#ironmen"4 'n a ROWE5 ' !on." ha#e "o !ea (i"h i" anymore4
>y em1oyees !on." ha#e "o make u1 e/cuses "o 0e sick anymore4 ' Ius" ha! an em1oyee (ho
ha! "o s"ay home "o ge" her (a"er me"er change!4 Pre-ROWE5 she (ou! ha#e ma!e u1 an
e/cuse "o 0e home an! (ou! ha#e "urne! in some kin! of "ime-off no"ice4 'magine a for"y-year-
o! ha#ing "o make u1 an e/cuse ike "ha"R *on." you "hink i".s !emeaning "o make a!u"s ieK
Think of ho( many hours of 1ro!uc"i#i"y (e ose from 1eo1e 0ecause "hey ca in sick for "hings
ike "his (hen "hey cou! 0e (orking4 '".s craHy4
The har!es" "hing for me as a manager a0ou" migra"ing "o a ROWE (as gi#ing u1 con"ro4 '
"hough" ' ha! con"ro o#er my 1eo1e 0efore4 ' "hough" if ' cou! see "hem a in "heir cu0es "ha"
"hey (ere (orking har! for me4 No( "ha" '.m in a ROWE5 ' reaiHe "ha" (as a Ius" an iusionG'
reay ha! no i!ea (ha" "hey (ere !oing4 As managers5 ( 0oun! "o "his iusion4 '".s "ime "o
e" go an! reay see (ha" our em1oyees can !o4
Wha".s Ne/" for ROWE
-y "he "ime "his 0ook is 1u0ishe! amos" e#eryone a" -es" -uy cor1ora"e (i 0e in a ROWE5
0u" "here is s"i a o" of (ork "o !o4 $or s"ar"ers5 (e nee! "o make sure "ha" -es" -uy.s success
(i"h ROWE !oesn." ero!e4 Whie 1eo1e (ho are in a ROWE (ou! !o any"hing "o kee1 "heir
ne( si"ua"ion5 in!i#i!ua "eams or !e1ar"men"s can s"i 0acksi!e4 $irs"5 a of "hose eary
a!o1"ers are going "o nee! a ROWE refresher4 Secon!5 e#en "hose (ho are successfuy i#ing
in a ROWE nee! su11or"4 %n"i o"her com1anies ge" on 0oar! (i"h ROWE5 "here is a chance
"ha" "he res" of "he (or! (i #ie( -es" -uy as a curiosi"y 2an! Su!ge i"34 There are aso s"i
1eo1e (i"hin "he com1any (ho (ou! ra"her see "he o! (ays re"urn4 Which (ou! suck4
$or"una"ey5 (e ha#e some fac"ors (orking "o our a!#an"age5 such as "angi0e resu"s4 'n "he
mi!!e s"ages of roing ou" ROWE a" -es" -uy5 "he socioogis"s Phyis >oen an! Erin Key
from "he %ni#ersi"y of >inneso"a.s $e/i0e Work an! We--eing Cen"er came on-si"e "o s"u!y
"he effec"s of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" on em1oyees4 Their s"u!y5 (hich (as fun!e!
0y "he Na"iona 'ns"i"u"es of Hea"h5 (as a rare o11or"uni"y "o (a"ch an organic5 na"ura
e/1erimen" (i"h a non"ra!i"iona (ay of (orking4
As 1ar" of "heir s"u!y5 >oen an! Key ke1" "rack of B8@ em1oyees4 Haf (en" from 0eing in a
"ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o s"ar"ing "heir ife in a ROWEL haf con"inue! in a "ra!i"iona (ork
en#ironmen"4 They com1are! "he e/1eriences of "hese em1oyees 0efore ROWE an! si/
mon"hs a"er5 af"er haf ha! migra"e!4 %sing sur#eys5 "hey "arge"e! four areas of concern:
con"ro o#er (ork "ime5 o#era hea"h5 (ork 0eha#iors5 an! organiHa"iona commi"men"4 -ecause
i" "y1icay "akes a year for migra"ion "o "ake 1ace5 "heir fin!ings are geare! "o(ar! "he
0eginning of "he change 1rocess5 0u" e#en so "hey foun! !rama"ic resu"s across age5 gen!er5
an! em1oymen" e#e4 2$or a ink "o "he com1e"e s"u!y5 1ease #isi"
The goo! ne(s (as "he 1eo1e !i! no" re1or" an increase in (ork hours4 Some 1eo1e (orry
"ha" 0ecause a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" ignores "ime as a measure5 ei"her em1oyees
(ou! fee more 1ressure "o (ork onger hours5 or em1oyers (ou! "ry "o sJueeHe more "ime
ou" of 1eo1e4 -u" "ha" (asn." "he case4 Wha" !i! change (as "ha" 1eo1e fe" a 0ig increase in
(ork-sche!ue fi"4 $or"y-"(o 1ercen" 2com1are! "o ?6 1ercen" in "he con"ro grou13 sai! "hey fe"
"heir (ork sche!ue fi" "heir ife 0e""er5 (hie 86 1ercen" sai! "hey ha! more "ime "o "ake care of
a as1ec"s of "heir ife 2com1are! (i"h 6= 1ercen" for "he con"ro34 One Juar"er of 1eo1e ha! an
increase in see1 an! <: 1ercen" fe" an increase in energy com1are! (i"h 68 1ercen" of "he
con"ro grou14 On "he Io0 1eo1e fe" ess 1ressure "o (ork o#er"ime an! !o unnecessary (ork4
The ROWE grou1 aso sai! "hey e/1erience! fe(er (ork in"erru1"ions4 Perha1s one of "he mos"
s"riking changes (as in (ha" "he researchers ca M"urno#er in"en"ionN (hich5 in ay "erms5 is "he
!esire "o ea#e4 A fu "hir! of "he 1eo1e in a ROWE (ere ha11ier "o s"ay "han in "he con"ro
A num0er of "he 1sychoogica an! hea"h in!ica"ors such as o#era (e-0eing5 emo"iona
e/haus"ion5 an! 1sychoogica !is"ress !i!n." change in "he s"u!y4 We ha#e Juai"a"i#e s"ories "o
!emons"ra"e "ha" change5 0u" "he s"u!y.s num0ers (eren." "here 4 4 4 ye"4 We say ye" 0ecause
"he 0igger changes in 1eo1e.s 1ersona i#es seem "o ha11en in a ROWE o#er "ime4
E#en so5 "he resu"s from "his s"u!y are unusua 0y mos" measures4 >os" curren" s"u!ies in
M(ork re!esignN ha#e in#es"iga"e! cases in (hich com1anies ha#e increase! em1oyee access
"o fe/"ime 1oicies or o"her "o1-!o(n sou"ions4 So far "he resu"s ha#e 0een un!rama"ic5 (hich
is no" sur1rising gi#en "ha" mos" a11roaches "o (ork-ife 0aance issues in#o#e "echnica
change an! no" socia change4 s"i (ai"ing for "he s"u!y "ha" ooks a" "he ong-"erm effec"s of ROWE5 0u" anec!o"ay (e
ha#e e#i!ence "ha" i" makes su0s"an"ia changes in 1eo1e.s i#es4 +a#ier.s s"ory a0ou" "aking
care of his mom !uring a famiy crisis is no" a"y1ica4 Scores of em1oyees ha#e e/"raor!inary
s"ories a0ou" ho( a ROWE has ao(e! "hem "o go 0ack "o gra!ua"e schoo5 "ake care of sick
o#e! ones5 or s1en! "ime (i"h rea"i#es in o"her coun"ries4 We.#e aso hear! e#ery!ay5 0u"
eJuay encouraging5 s"ories a0ou" 1eo1e s1en!ing more "ime (i"h "heir ki!s5 "heir s1ouses5
e#en "heir !ogs4 When (e say "ha" a ROWE gi#es 1eo1e "heir ife 0ack5 (e reay mean i"4
)i#ing 1eo1e con"ro o#er "heir "ime isn." a magic 0ue"4 Peo1e aren." au"oma"icay going "o
0ecome "rim an! fi" an! s"ress-free 2a"hough one 1erson !i! no"e "ha" "heir skin ceare! u1 af"er
"heir "eam migra"e! in"o a ROWE34 Peo1e (i s"i ha#e "o im1ro#e "heir o(n i#es4 -u" a" eas" a
ROWE gi#es "hem "ha" chance4
ROWE aso gi#es 0usinesses a chance "o "hri#e an! gro( in sur1rising (ays "oo4 We amos"
ha"e "o !o "his5 0ecause ( no" gra1h-an!-"a0e-"y1e 1eo1e5 0u" some"imes a nice 0ar gra1h
makes i" a cear:
The char" "es us "ha" ROWE "eams a" -es" -uy are e/1eriencing a !ecrease in #oun"ary
"urno#er ra"e5 meaning "he com1any is re"aining "he "aen"4 ROWE "eams aso e/1erience an
increase in in#oun"ary "urno#er ra"es in!ica"ing "ha" unsa"isfac"ory 1erformers are e/1ose!4
$ur"hermoreG an! (e s(ear "his is "he as" "ime (e. !o "hisG"he financia gains are #ery rea:
'n a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 1ro!uc"i#i"y is measure! 0y M1ercei#e! gain4N The
Cu"ureR/ Pos"->igra"ion Cu"ure Au!i" uses a si!ing scae of :-:;; 1ercen"4 >anagers an!
em1oyees re1or" in!i#i!ua 1erce1"ions of "heir 1ro!uc"i#i"y gain 0y choosing a 1oin" on "he
si!ing scae4 'f an em1oyee re1or"s a 1ercei#e! 1ro!uc"i#i"y gain of5 say5 <; 1ercen"5 an! "he
manager 2(ho is measuring M0usiness ou"comesN3 re1or"s a gain in "he ou"come of 1roIec"e!
0usiness "arge"s5 "hen "he 1ercei#e! 1ro!uc"i#i"y is ac"uay !ri#ing rea resu"s4
$or e/am1e5 "he Cu"ureR/ Pos" Cu"ure Au!i" re1or"e! an a#erage <<48= 1ercen" 1ercei#e!
gain in 1ro!uc"i#i"y for Team C4 *uring "he "ime "ha" "he 1ercei#e! gain (as measure!5 Team C
reaiHe! a more "han 8; 1ercen" increase in cos" re!uc"ions year-o#er-year (i"hou" a!!ing
a!!i"iona em1oyees4 Wi"h o"her #aria0es s"aying "he same5 managemen" in "his area says "ha"
o1era"ing in a ROWE has !efini"ey con"ri0u"e! "o "heir success4
These kin!s of resu"s are aso ha11ening (i"h 1eo1e a" -es" -uy (ho are !oing 1ro!uc"ion
(ork4 'n Team A5 !e1ar"men" managemen" is re1or"ing a :; "o ?; 1ercen" increase in
1ro!uc"i#i"y 1er em1oyee5 (hich has resu"e! in an a11ro/ima"e O:; miion annua 0enefi" for
"he com1any4
This is no" "o say "ha" "here aren." a!!i"iona chaenges "o ROWE4 $or e/am1e5 righ" no( "here
are 1eo1e a" -es" -uy (ho are "rying "o figure ou" ho( "o han!e #aca"ion 1oicy from an
accoun"ing 1ers1ec"i#e4 'n "erms of 1ro!uc"i#i"y5 i".s goo! "ha" 1eo1e aren." "aking "ime off ike
"hey use! "o for !oc"or a11oin"men"s or famiy emergencies or 0urnou"G" Ius" (orking
"hrough "he o0s"aces4 -u" kee1 in min! "ha" for com1anies5 #aca"ion "ime is a ia0ii"yGi" mus"
0e 1ai! off (hen an em1oyee ea#es5 so i".s carrie! as !e0"4 Wi"h e/em1" em1oyees no" "aking
#aca"ion hours off5 "he com1any.s #aca"ion 0anks are going u14
Once "his change mo#es 0eyon! -es" -uy5 (e en#ision human resources 1oicies across
cor1ora"e America coming un!er Jues"ion4 >ea"imes5 0reak "imes5 sick ea#e5 0erea#emen"
1oiciesGany "oo (e curren"y use "o !ea (i"h em1oyees as 1eo1e s"ar"s "o ook s"range in a
ROWE5 (here 1eo1e ge" "o 0e 1eo1e a "he "ime4 A ROWE can "urn a 0usiness.s (or! u1si!e
!o(n4 -u" mos"y i".s "he 0a! s"uff "ha" ge"s "urne! u1si!e !o(n4 The goo! as1ec"s of (orkG
"ha" 1eo1e (an" "o make an im1ac"5 "ha" "hey (an" "o gro( 1ersonay an! 1rofessionay5 "ha"
"hey (an" "o make money an! 0e 1assiona"e a0ou" (ha" "hey !oGnone of "ha" changes4
'f (e.#e !one our Io0 righ" "hen you are no( asking yoursef (ha" you can !o "o 0ring ROWE
in"o your ife4 This is in!ee! "he ne/" chaenge: Ho( !o you "ake some"hing "ha" gre( an!
e#o#e! organicay (i"hin an organiHa"ion o#er "he course of se#era years an! share i" (i"h "he
res" of "he (or!K Ho( !o you a!#ance "he cause of ROWEK
We !on." use "he (or! caue igh"y4 As much as a ROWE is a ne( (ay of (orking i" is Ius" as
easiy !escri0e! as a ne( (ay of i#ing4 We (an" "o see "he en"ire (or! in a ROWE5 from "he
mos" 1o(erfu e/ecu"i#e "o "he en"ry-e#e M1eonN (ho is so ne( "o "he com1any "hey !on." kno(
(here "he 0a"hrooms are ye"4 'n or!er "o !o "his ( going "o nee! "o e!uca"e 1eo1e a0ou"
ROWE5 "o a!#oca"e "ha" in!i#i!uas an! com1anies change5 an! "o a!#oca"e for our righ"s
un!er "his ne( (ay of "hinking4 $or more informa"ion on (ha" ( !oing "o ea! "his mo#emen"
4 -u" in "he mean"ime (e offer "hese (or!s of a!#ice4
$irs"5 ( asking "ha" 1eo1e (ho are e/ci"e! a0ou" "his i!ea e/1ore "heir o(n a""i"u!es an!
0eiefs a0ou" (ork4 A" "he en! of "his 0ook (e ha#e incu!e! a MHo( ROWE Are 9ouKN JuiH4 We
encourage you "o "ake "he JuiH yoursef an! gi#e i" "o your frien!s4 There is a score a" "he en!5
0u" "ha".s ess im1or"an" "han going "hrough "he e/ercise of figuring ou" ho( your o(n 1ar"icuar
(ork1ace "icks4 The JuiH is a goo! (ay of o1ening your eyes "o "he gri""y !e"ais of (hy (ork
sucks for you4
The ne/" "hing you can !o is s"ar" (orking on your o(n 0eha#ior4 Think 0ack "o "he i""ering
e/am1e in cha1"er "hree4 Once 1eo1e reaiHe! "ha" "hey (ere 1ou"ing "heir high(ays5 ci"ies5
an! neigh0orhoo!s5 "hey change!4 9ou s"o1 "hro(ing "ha" so!a can ou" "he (in!o( of your car4
+us" "aking "ha" s"e1 means some"hing (hen "acking a 1ro0em "ha" reJuires socia
'".s "he same (i"h Su!ge4 Prac"ice no" Su!ging 1eo1e4 A" firs" s"i going "o "hink Su!ge5
0u" if you can a#oi! saying i" "ha" is going "o make a !ifference4 Refuse 2Juie"y or noisiy3 "o
"ake 1ar" in Su!ge Cons1iracies4 Reassure 1eo1e (ho are Su!ge +us"ifying "ha" you !on."
nee! "o hear "heir "ime e/cuse5 an! (ork on no" Su!ge +us"ifying yoursef4 'f " ge""ing
"heir (ork !one5 you ha#e no 0eef (i"h "hem4 An! (a"ch yoursef (hen you fin! yoursef Su!ge
An"ici1a"ing4 A "ha" (orry is a (as"e of energy an! 0rain 1o(er4
Once no" Su!ging5 you (i fin! a change comes o#er some 1eo1eGno" a5 0u" some4
When you s"o1 Ius"ifying your ac"ions in "he face of "ime5 you. fin! "ha" some 1eo1e (i s"o1
singing Su!ge4 Whe"her "hey consciousy reaiHe i" or no"5 i".s no fun for "hem "o fing cra1 if
" no" ge""ing a reac"ion ou" of you4 The same goes for Su!ge Cons1iracies4 'f you !on."
1ar"ici1a"e5 if you !on." sho( yoursef "o 0e 1ar" of "he "ri0e5 "hen 1eo1e (on." incu!e you in
"heir nonsense4 Peo1e (ho (an" "o engage in -ack Su!ge ha#e "o go ese(here "o ge" "heir
Su!ge fi/4
We aso encourage 1eo1e "o s"ar" using "erms ike Su!ge4 We.#e foun! "ha" a 1o(erfu (ay "o
face a!#ersi"y is "o name i"4 No( "ha" (e ha#e a name for i"5 use i"4 9ou can say "o 1eo1e5
camy5 nonaccusingy5 MTha".s Su!ge4N No" ony (i you ca "hem on i"5 you Ius" migh" s"ar" an
in"eres"ing an! necessary con#ersa"ion a0ou" "he a""i"u!es 0ehin! "ha" commen"4 E#en i""e
changes in your anguage can ha#e 0ig effec"s4 When "aking a0ou" "hese (ork-ife 0aance
issues5 s"o1 using "he (or! fe/i0ii"y an! s"ar" using "he (or! con"ro 2M'.m ooking for a Io0 (i"h
con"roN as o11ose! "o M'.m ooking for a Io0 (i"h fe/i0ii"yN34 S"o1 using "he (or!s early an! late
an! an"iJua"e! "erms ike #y the end o$ #uine today4 S"o1 "aking a0ou" ho( many hours you
(ork or ho( har! (orking4 -u" 0y a means s"ar" using "he (or! reult4 Whe"her
"aking "o your co(orker or manager or e#en your frien!s an! famiy5 s"eer "hose con#ersa"ions
"o(ar! (ha" reay nee!s "o ge" !one4 Wha" are "he resu"s ( "rying "o !ri#eK
We "hink you. fin! "ha" "aking e#en sma ac"ions aong "hese ines (i no" ony make (ork suck
a i""e ess5 0u" you. aso fin! "ha" con#ersa"ions (i na"uray s"eer "o(ar! "he conce1" of
ROWE4 Which 0rings us "o "he fina "hing you can !o "o a!#ance "his cause5 an! "ha".s s1rea!
"he (or!4
'n a!!i"ion "o he1ing "he a11ro/ima"ey "hree "housan! 1eo1e a" -es" -uy cor1ora"e
hea!Juar"ers migra"e in"o a ROWE5 for "he 1as" "(o years (e ha#e 0een "ra#eing aroun! "he
coun"ry s1eaking "o 0usiness ea!ers5 communi"y organiHa"ions5 schoos5 a( firms5 hea"h care
organiHa"ions5 an! anyone ese (ho is (iing "o is"en4 As a resu" (e.#e go""en 1re""y
comfor"a0e (i"h "he s"orm of 9eah5 -u"s "ha" kick u1 e#ery "ime (e "ak a0ou" "hese i!eas4 An!
(e can see ho( an in!i#i!ua (ho is ne( "o "his i!ea migh" 0ak a" "rying "o "ak "o o"her 1eo1e
a0ou" ROWE4 Where "o 0eginK Ho( "o han!e a "hose 9eah5 -u"sK *o ' focus on "he human
resu"s or "he 0usiness resu"sK Ho( !o ' e/1ain Su!ge5 or our conce1"s ike "ime5 0eief5 an!
$irs" of a5 a (or! a0ou" in"egri"y4 'n our min!s ROWE is a mo#emen" "ha" (i i#e or !ie on
1eo1e 0eing a0e "o "each5 ins1ire5 an! ea!5 no" "rick5 0uy5 or in"imi!a"e4 Tha".s "he o! mo!e5
"he "o1-!o(n mo!e "ha" managemen" has use! "o scare you or "rick you in"o "hinking "ha"
(or"hess "ime-managemen" seminar is reay going "o change your ife4 9ou can." force 1eo1e
in"o a ROWEL you ha#e "o ins1ire 1eo1e "o 0eie#e in "his change4 So ( no" asking 1eo1e
"o 1ush ROWE on"o "he (or!4 ooking for 0eie#ers (ho (an" o"her 1eo1e "o 0eie#e
0ecause i".s righ"4
Secon!5 a "hose 9eah5 -u"s come from "he same 1ace: 0eief4 Peo1e raise o0Iec"ions "o "he
ogis"ics of a ROWE 0ecause as much as "hey "hink (ork sucks5 "hey 0eie#e i".s "he ony (ay "o
go4 >os" 1eo1e ha#e no" "hough" !ee1 an! ong a0ou" (hy an! ho( "he (ork1ace shou!
func"ion4 We inheri" "hese a""i"u!es an! a "hose 9eah5 -u"s are Ius" "he soun! of someone
ge""ing rie! u1 0y your chaenging "heir 0eiefs4
$inay5 (e encourage you "o ha#e fun (hen "aking a0ou" ROWE4 We once rea! an ar"ice
a0ou" ho( "he maIori"y of "he Iokes in The )impon are a0ou" reigion5 an! (e can see (hy:
Peo1e.s 0eiefs are funny4 no" a!#oca"ing "ha" you 0ei""e or ri!icue 1eo1e 2or a" eas"
no" "oo much3 0u" "hose !aiy remin!ers of "he a0sur!i"y of (ork are a aroun! us4 One of our
fa#ori"es is (hen ( on an air1ane af"er a shor" figh" an! as soon as "he 1ane an!s 1eo1e
(hi1 ou" "heir ce 1hones an! ca in "o "he office "o "e someone "ha" "hey.#e an!e!4 Then "hey
go "hrough "his ea0ora"e ri"ua of checking "o make sure no one nee!e! "hem 2e#en "hough if
someone !i! "hey.! 1ro0a0y ha#e ef" a #oice mai3 an! "hen "o gi#e "he 1ay-0y-1ay of ho(
" going "o "a/i "o "he ga"e5 "hen go "hrough 0aggage caim5 "hen ren" a car5 "hen go "o "he
ho"e5 e"c4 An! (e imagine "he 1oor 1erson on "he o"her en! of "he ine sagging in"o "heir chair
ha#ing "o is"en (hen no" ony !o "hey no" care5 0u" it doen*t matter where the caller i( The
ony reason "he caer is checking in is "ha" "hey 0eie#e in a#aia0ii"y4 So in o"her (or!s5 funny4
S"i5 "here are some "ac"ics you can use "ha" (e ha#e foun! effec"i#e in in"ro!ucing a ROWE "o
someone (ho has ne#er hear! of "he i!ea4 An! so5 in "he ho1e "ha" you. go for"h an! mu"i1y5
here is "he
Co!ktail Part*26a!k*ar& 6672Water!ooler26-s 3to2Fa'il* Re-nion 8-i&e to Talking
Abo-t a ROWE
9( Talk abo-t how work s-!ks(
Whene#er (e "ak a0ou" a ROWE (e kee1 i!eas ike "he :6 )ui!e1os"s for a"er in "he
1resen"a"ion4 'f 1eo1e aren." rea!y for i!eas ike e#ery mee"ing 0eing o1"iona5 or "ha" you can
go see a mo#ie on a Thurs!ay af"ernoon5 "hey can shu" !o(n4 So (e s"ar" 0y "aking a0ou" ho(
(ork sucks4
9our goa here is "o is"en an! "o gui!e5 no" "o ec"ure4 The "rick is "o e" "he 1erson "aking
"o !isco#er "he one "hing for "hem "ha" reay "icks "hem off a0ou" (ork4 '" migh" 0e "heir
com1any.s 0reak 1oicy4 '" migh" 0e "he fac" "ha" "hey ge" Su!ge for 0eing a"e 0ecause "hey
ha#e a ong commu"e an! i".s har! "o ge" in Mon "ime4N '" cou! 0e any"hing an! e#eryone is
!ifferen"5 0u" e#eryone aso has some"hing a0ou" (ork "ha" angers "hem5 "ha" "hey connec" (i"h
on a #ery emo"iona5 #iscera e#e4 'f you ge" "hem 0eyon! "he kin! of run-of-"he-mi 0i"ching
"ha" (e a engage in5 "ha" much coser4 'f " rie! u1 a0ou" (ork5 "hen "hey migh" 0e
rea!y for a ne( 1ers1ec"i#e4
"( Won&er abo-t an alternative(
When (e !o our 1resen"a"ions (e ask 1eo1e "o imagine "heir i!ea s"a"e of (ork4 Wha" (ou! a
!ay ook ike if you !i!n." ha#e "o fi hoursK Wha" (ou! (ork ook ike if "here (as no such "hing
as 0eing a"eK Wha" if you go" 1ai! for a chunk of (ork an! no" a chunk of "imeK
Again your Io0 here is no" "o ec"ure 0u" "o ao( "ha" 1erson "o !isco#er (ha" "hey area!y
in"ui"i#ey kno(: >easuring (ork 0ase! on "ime an! 1hysica 1resence is s"u1i!4
In*t it $unny that we reward people $or putting in long hour when we don*t know $or a $act that
thoe long hour are amounting to anything<
In*t it $unny that we ruh to work e"ery day and then pend the $irt hour at our dek reading
the paper and drinking co$$ee<
In*t it $unny that i$ you*re done with your work $or the day at $our- you can*t 1ut lea"e< ,hy do
you ha"e to tay that e0tra hour and pretend to #e #uy<
:( Intro&-!e ROWE(
Wha" you (an" "o ge" across a" "his 1oin" is "ha" in a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" "ime is no
onger a fac"or in Iu!ging 1erformance4 Peo1e ge" 1ai! for a chunk of (ork5 no" for a chunk of
"ime4 Aso5 focus on "he resu"s4 Peo1e ha#e "o !o "heir Io0 "o kee1 "heir Io04 ROWE is ike
coege4 Work har! an! s"u!y har! an! you. ge" goo! gra!es4 Par"y an! sack off an! you
Whene#er (e ge" "oo far off"rack in our mee"ings (i"h 1eo1e (e a(ays 0ring i" 0ack "o "his
sim1e i!ea4 Curren"y (e are re(ar!ing 1eo1e for a mi/"ure of "ime 1us resu"s4 'n "o!ay.s
go0a5 ?<E7 economy "his !oesn." make sense4 &e".s re(ar! 1eo1e for (ork5 no" "ime4
;( Wat!h for the fork(
When (e s"an! in fron" of au!iences an! "ak a0ou" ROWE5 "here is an imme!ia"e 1oariHing
effec"4 The i!ea "ha" in a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" 1eo1e can !o (ha"e#er "hey (an"5
(hene#er "hey (an"5 as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one crea"es s"rong reac"ions5 0o"h 1osi"i#e an!
nega"i#e4 E#en "he i!ea5 "ake! a0ou" in "he a0s"rac"5 of a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" is
ike a 1ersonai"y "es"4 The gu" reac"ion is ei"her s"rongy for or s"rongy agains"5 an! 1ar" of your
Io0 is "o 1ay a""en"ion "o (ho ge"s i" righ" a(ay an! (ho is resis"an"4 Wa"ch for "ha" s1i" an!
"hen mo#e on "o s"e1 fi#e4
<( Work on the eole who get it an& &on+t worr* so '-!h abo-t the ones who &on+t(
One manager (as so u1se" 0y "he 1hioso1hy of ROWE "ha" "hey sai! ROWE (ou! M0ring
!o(n "he com1anyN an! Mmake i" im1ossi0e for us "o 0ecome a go0a 0usiness4N 'n cases ike
"his (hen s1eaking "o a grou1 you can remain sien" an! e" o"hers chime in (i"h "heir
"hough"s4 %suay o"her 1eo1e see ho( ROWE ac"uay !oes "he o11osi"e4 'f (i"h ony
one 1erson5 smie an! (ak a(ayG!irec"y "o "he 0ar "o freshen your !rink4 Then go off an! "ak
"o someone ese4
E#en "o "he sym1a"he"ic is"ener you can ackno(e!ge "ha" a ROWE soun!s craHy5 0u" "hen
Juicky foo( u1 "ha" ackno(e!gmen" 0y no"ing "(o "hings4 $irs"5 a Resu"s-Ony Work
En#ironmen" is area!y (orking4 This isn." a "heory or a (ish4 The cor1ora"e hea!Juar"ers of a
$or"une :;; com1any has em0race! "his i!ea an! i".s (orking for "hem 0o"h financiay an! in
"erms of em1oyee ha11iness4
Secon!5 you can a(ays remin! 1eo1e (hy "here is a nee! for a ROWE in "he firs" 1ace4 Kee1
in min! "ha" a "hose ini"ia o0Iec"ions a0ou" a ROWE are 0ase! on 1eo1e.s 0eiefs a0ou" ho(
(ork ge"s !one an! (ha" (ork ooks ike4 Those o0Iec"ions are "ie! "o "he cock an! our i!eas
a0ou" "ime4 -u" e#eryone kno(s (ork sucks5 an! if you.#e !one "he eary s"e1s righ"5 "hen
"hey.#e area!y a!mi""e! i"4
=( En!o-rage the' to learn 'ore an& s-ort their efforts to -n&erstan&(
Peo1e ha#e 0een 0urne! so many "imes 0y fake change "ha" "hey migh" nee! some 1roof "ha"
"his is rea4 9ou can a!mi" "ha" e#eryone has seen a o" of "each-an!-"rain 1rograms come an!
go4 They migh" (an" "o kno( (ha" makes a ROWE !ifferen"4 Tha".s a goo! Jues"ion an! you
!on." ha#e "o shy a(ay from i"4 -ecause "his is rea change i" "akes (ork4 Peo1e ha#e "o crea"e
an! cus"omiHe "he ROWE "ha" (orks for "hem4
This is going "o soun! ike a cichT5 ike "hera1y-s1eak5 0u" 1eo1e reay !o ha#e "o e" go4
Wha"e#er anguage you use5 (he"her i".s coming "o "erms (i"h change5 or e""ing go5 or making
your 1eace5 or (ha"e#er you (an" "o ca i"5 "ha".s (ha" 1eo1e ha#e "o !o: &e" go of "he o! (ay
of (orking an! commi" "hemse#es "o "he ne( (ay of (orking4 '" migh" "ake (ork5 0u" i".s (or"h
An! you migh" fin! unikey aies in unikey 1aces4 9ou can." assume "ha" someone (ho is
o0Iec"ing isn." on your si!e4 When "he %ni#ersi"y of >inneso"a researchers came "o gi#e "heir
resu"s "o a grou1 of 1eo1e a" -es" -uy "here (as one guy asking reay har! Jues"ions4 'f you
!i!n." kno( him an! un!ers"an! his 1ersonai"y you migh" "hink he ha"e! ROWE an! sho(e! u1
a" "ha" mee"ing "o shoo" us !o(n4 'n reai"y he is one of ROWE.s 0igges" su11or"ers4 He (as
asking "he har! Jues"ionsGhe (as reay griing us an! "he researchersG 0ecause he (an"s i"
"o succee!4 He kno(s "ha" some 1eo1e (i nee! i""e con#incing5 0u" "ha" some 1eo1e (i
nee! o#er(heming e#i!ence "ha" i" (orks4 So he (as e/"ra cri"ica4 He kne( "ha" i" (asn." an
easy figh" an! so he (as arming himsef (i"h "he "oos he nee!e! "o make ROWE (ork in his
A fina "hough" on "aking "o 1eo1e a0ou" ROWE: S"ay cam4 no" going "o (in "his 0y
arguing4 So fin! "ha" one "hing a0ou" ROWE "ha" you fin! unshaka0y "rue4 $or some 1eo1e i".s
"he fac" "ha" you a(ays come 0ack "o resu"s4 $or o"hers i".s "he i!ea "ha" e#eryone has a righ"
"o 0e "rea"e! ike an a!u"4 Or for o"hers i".s "he fac" "ha" 1eo1e ha#e a righ" "o "heir "ime4
Wha"e#er i" is5 remem0er "ha" one "rue "hing an! use i" as a fa0ack4 As much as 1eo1e "ry "o
figh" you on "his5 you a(ays ha#e "ha" core 0eief "ha" (i kee1 you going4
An! remem0er "he 0o""om ine "o en! a 0o""om ines4 Remin! your is"ener "ha" in a ROWE you
ge" re(ar!e! (i"h con"ro o#er your "ime4 Ask "hem "o imagine ho( 1o(erfu an incen"i#e "ha" is4
To 0e "rus"e! "o !o your Io04 To 0e "rea"e! ike an a!u"4 'sn." "ha" (or"h amos" any"hingK 'f you
cou! 0e gi#en "ha" kin! of con"ro an! free!om5 "hen (ou!n." you (ork your ass off "o !ei#er
resu"sK -ecause "ha".s (ha" ha11ens4 Once 1eo1e ha#e a "as"e of (ha" a ROWE offers "hey
ne#er (an" "o (ork any o"her (ay4
We "hink of ROWE as a 1eo1e.s mo#emen"4 Tha".s ho( i" s"ar"e!5 no" as an e!ic" from on high4
No" as a ne( managemen" "oo4 -u" ROWE cou!n." ha#e "hri#e! (i"hou" some fearess an!
su11or"i#e ea!ers a" "he "o1 of "he organiHa"ion4 Aso5 con"rary "o ho( "hey are seen in
0usiness cu"ure5 managers an! !irec"ors are 1eo1e "oo4 They !eser#e "he 0enefi"s of a ROWE
Ius" as much as "he rank an! fie !o4
As -e"h.s s"ory ius"ra"es5 for managers an! !irec"ors "he Iourney in"o a ROWE is Ius" as
"ransforma"i#e as i" is for "he rank-an!-fie em1oyee4 -u" 0ecause 0osses ha#e 1o(er5 "heir
e/1erience is a i""e !ifferen"4
$or s"ar"ers5 mos" managers reaiHe ho( 1oory "hey (ere "rea"ing 1eo1e4 E#en if "hey (ere a
Mgoo! 0ossN "hey (ere s"i gui"y of Su!ge4 We.#e hear! managers confess "ha" "hey !i!n."
reaiHe (ha" kin! of 1ain an! hear"ache "hey (ere causing "heir 1eo1e5 e#en (i"h (ha" "hey
sa( as innocen" commen"s4 They !on." kno( "ha" e#en a i""e !ig ike Mnice of you "o Ioin usN
cou! reay hur" no" ony someone.s hea"h an! (e-0eing5 0u" aso "heir oya"y5 engagemen"5
an! 1ro!uc"i#i"y4 So "he firs" "hing managers e/1erience is some"hing akin "o grief4 They "hough"
"hey (ere !oing "heir Io04 They "hough" "hey (ere e#en he1ing 1eo1e4 -u" "hen managers
reaiHe "ha" "hey ha#e 0een 1aren"ing a!u"s4 An! "hey fee "erri0e4
As managers migra"e in"o a ROWE "he ne/" s"e1 usuay in#o#es a cer"ain amoun" of fear4 They
ge" scare! (hen "hey reaiHe "hey ha#en." 0een a0un!an"y cear "o 1eo1e a0ou" (ha" "hey are
su11ose! "o 0e !oing4 No( "ha" "hey are in a ROWE "he ony "hing "hey ha#e "o focus on is
resu"s4 -efore "hey (ere 1ro"ec"e! 0y "i"e an! 1o(er5 0u" no( any fa(s in "heir managemen"
s"ye are e/1ose!4 So "hey ha#e "o s"o1 hi!ing an! reay figure ou" (ha" "heir em1oyees are
su11ose! "o 0e !oing an! ho( "ha" connec"s "o "he 0igger goas of "he organiHa"ion4
-u" once "hey s"ar" "o figure ou" ho( "o go from 1aren" "o men"or5 from 0oss "o ea!er5 "hey
emerge (i"h a richer rea"ionshi1 (i"h "heir 1eo1e4 They ha#e a more human rea"ionshi1 (i"h
"heir em1oyees an! "heir (ork rea"ionshi1 is s"ronger "oo4 Tha" focus on resu"s can reay (ork
(on!ers on communica"ion5 1anning5 an! e/ecu"ion4
We.#e e#en seen 1eo1e (ho came ou" of a mii"ary 0ackgroun! change "heir "hinking4 Peo1e
(ho (ere i"eray schooe! in "he comman!-an!-con"ro mo!e reaiHe "ha" i" (asn." goo! for
"heir em1oyees5 i" (asn." goo! for 0usiness5 an! i" (asn." goo! for "hem4 We.#e aso seen
chronic managemen"-0y-(aking-aroun! "y1es s"o1 (aking aroun! an! "rus" "heir em1oyees "o
!o "heir Io0s4 Peo1e use! "o cringe (hen "hey sa( "hese kin!s of 0osses 0ecause "hey kne(
"hey (ere in for an unnecessary in"erru1"ion4 No( "hose 0osses are a11recia"e!4
We kno( from e/1erience "ha" a o" of managers area!y 1rac"ice an un!er-"he-ra!ar5 mo!ifie!
ROWE4 We no( chaenge "hose ea!ers "o "ake i" a s"e1 fur"her4 Or may0e you.#e un!ergone a
managemen" con#ersion (hie rea!ing "his 0ook4 >ay0e you reaiHe you.#e 0een a 0i" of a
con"ro freak an! you.! ike "o change4 'f a manager an! "his soun!s goo! "o you5 "hen
"here are a han!fu of "i1s (e can gi#e so you can s"ar" e/1oring a ROWE (i"h your "eam4
How to Fo!-s on Res-lts with >o-r Tea'
3to rel*ing on h-'an reso-r!es to &o the .eole/ art of *o-r 5ob1get !lear abo-t
erfor'an!e goals, !o''-ni!ate often, an& hol& eole a!!o-ntable(
9ou ose your cre!i0ii"y (hen you 0ring in HR "o ha#e "he "ough con#ersa"ions4 When your
em1oyees aren." 1erforming5 talk "o "hem4 $in! ou" (hy an! ra"her "han focus on ho( har!
" (orking or "he amoun" of hours " 1u""ing in5 focus on "he (ork i"sef4 Wha" !o "hey
nee! "o !o "o succee!K
6reak ti'e? )-n!hti'e? Atten&an!e oli!*? Absen!e a*? Personal ti'e? Tar&iness
oli!*? )ook at the oli!ies an& r-les an& throw o-t the ones that are st-i&@
>any 1oicies (ere (ri""en !eca!es ago an! ha#en." change! Gan! com1anies co1y one
ano"her.s 1oicies 0ecause "ha".s (ha" (ork is4 >any 1oicies are no" go#ernmen"-regua"e!
1oiciesG" in"erna rues "ha" make chi!ren ou" of a!u"s4 We nee! "o ge" rea a0ou" "he
em1oyee manua4 '".s cu"ure "ha" makes "he 1ace go5 no" rues in a 0ook no0o!y rea!s e/ce1"
"he 1eo1e in HR4
Rewar& e'lo*ees base& on res-lts, not on how '-!h .ti'e/ the* -t in at the offi!e(
'ns"ea! of saying5 M+ames 1u" in a o" of e/"ra hours "his mon"hGgoo! for +amesRN "ak a0ou"
(ha" +ames ac"uay con"ri0u"e!4 Wha" !i! he !o for "he com1anyK *o no" use any reference "o
"ime4 O"her(ise5 your "eam (i com1e"e "o Mou"-"imeN e#eryone ese "o ge" a""en"ion4
Don+t res!ribe what work2life balan!e looks like for *o-r e'lo*ees(
MWe5 you ha#e a ki!5 so you. nee! "o make sure " in !ay care (hen home
(orking5 o"her(ise you (on." ge" any"hing !one4N
MWo(5 i".s si/-"hir"yGyou shou! reay go home no( an! s1en! "ime (i"h your famiy4N
'".s no" u1 "o you4 '".s u1 "o "hem4
Don+t han&i!k who gets to be fleAible an& who &oesn+t(
Don+t think that *o-+re a great boss if &-ring a snowstor' *o- .let/ *o-r eole .leave
Sen!ing ou" an e-mai Me""ingN 1eo1e "ake "ime off for a 1roIec" (e-!one5 or a sno(s"ormGor
(ha"e#erGis ano"her (ay "o make 1eo1e fee ike chi!ren4 '" reinforces "he fac" "ha" you ha#e
con"ro o#er "heir "ime an! "hey !on."4 &e" 1eo1e make "his !ecision "hemse#es4
3to 'anaging b* walking aro-n&(
E#ery "ime you Mcheck inN on someone "hey ha#e "o s"o1 (ha" "hey (ere !oing5 reorien" "heir
"hinking from !oing "he (ork "o gi#e you a s1on"aneous 1resen"a"ion a0ou" "he Io0 "hey are
!oing5 an! "hen5 once you ea#e5 reorien" "hemse#es 0ack "o !oing "he (ork4 Ei"her sen! "hem
an e-mai5 or 0e""er ye"5 1an4
Tr-st *o-r eole like *o- tr-st *o-rself(
S"o1 making rues for "he fe( afrai! (on." i#e u1 "o your e/1ec"a"ions4 Or rues "ha"
1ro"ec" you from "he incom1e"ence of "he fe( 0u" hin!er "he 1erformance of "he many4 9our
goa is "o make (ork as unike gra!e schoo as 1ossi0e4
Voices from a ROWE: Charo""e
Charlotte i an indi"idual contri#utor in the dot'com di"iion( )he i in her early thirtie and ha
#een in a RO,E $or three year(
>y son says5 MROWE is a0ou" ri!ing 0ikes5 ge""ing 1e"s5 1aying games5 an! ha#ing fun4N This
means "he (or! "o me 0ecause my rea"ionshi1 (i"h my son has change! so much since
-efore ROWE ' (ou! ge" u15 ge" my son !resse!5 !ro1 him off a" schoo5 an! no" arri#e a" (ork
un"i nine4 Whene#er ' "ook a ne( 1osi"ion5 ' a(ays ha! "o ha#e si"-!o(n con#ersa"ions (i"h my
managers "o e" "hem kno( "ha" ' (ou!n." 0e a0e "o make i" in"o "he office un"i nine4 0ecause '
ha! "o !ro1 my son a" schoo4 Those con#ersa"ions fe" "erri0eG' a(ays fe" ike ' (as 1aying
MCa1"ain >ay 'KN an! asking for fa#ors4 'ne#i"a0y5 "here (ou! 0e mee"ings "ha" (ou! come u1
a" eigh" or eigh" "hir"y an! ' (ou! "ry "o fin! someone "o (a"ch my son5 0u" some"imes '
cou!n."4 Then5 of course5 '.! fee ike ' (asn." 0eing a "eam 1ayer4
' !i!n." ha#e any (ay of ge""ing my (ork !one ou"si!e "he hours of nine an! fi#e5 so a0sou"ey
e#ery"hing ha! "o 0e !one (i"hin "hose hours in "he office4 ' usuay a"e unch a" my !esk4 ' !i!n."
"ake many 0reaksG' Ius" 1o(e! "hrough my (ork !ay in an! !ay ou"4
When ' (as s"i i#ing in "he Mo! (or!N ' !i!n." fee ike ' (as making as much hea!(ay in my
career 0ecause my co(orkers cou! (ork onger hours4 ' (ou! "ry "o 0e as ou"s1oken as '
cou!5 0u" '.m no" goo! a" "oo"ing my o(n horn5 or Mmanaging u1N as 1eo1e ca i"4 When
no" goo! a" "ha"5 i" "akes a o" of energy "o 1romo"e yoursef an! i" can cause a huge amoun" of
When ' firs" migra"e! "o a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 ' (an"e! 1eo1e "o kno( ' (as s"i
ge""ing my (ork !one4 ' (ou! sen! e-mais a" si/ "hir"y in "he e#ening or on $ri!ay nigh"s "o e"
1eo1e kno( ' (as (orking4 ' ma!e sure "o !o "hese kin!s of "hings es1eciay on !ays ' ha! ef"
eary4 Then ' Ius" e" go of a "ha"4 ' s"ar"e! focusing on my (ork5 ac"uay "he grea" (ork ' (as
!oing for "he com1any4 >y s"ress e#e is much !ifferen" no(4 '".s shif"e! "o "he resu"s ' nee! "o
No( ' can." Not 0e in#o#e! in my son.s ife or his schoo5 (hen 0efore i" Ius" (asn." e#er an
o1"ion for me4 ' use! "o ha#e "o !e1e"e a my #aca"ion an! 1ersona "ime "o he1 my son (i"h
his schoo ac"i#i"ies4 No( ' Ius" go "o "hem an! ' !on." fee gui"y4 '.#e 0een a0e "o ge" "o kno(
his "eachers4
' ge" my son rea!y for his soccer games no( (i"hou" 0eing in a rush4 We can ac"uay si" !o(n
an! ha#e some"hing "o ea" 0eforehan! ins"ea! of rushing "o "he games on em1"y s"omachs4
*uring "he summer5 '.m a0e "o 0e (i"h my son ins"ea! of 1u""ing him in a summer 1rogram fi#e
!ays a (eek4 This $ri!ay ( going "o "he >inneso"a S"a"e $air4 He 1ays (i"h his frien!s
ou"si!e (hie ' (ork on my a1"o14 ' fee ike '.m gi#ing him more of a chi!hoo! no(4
$un an! s1on"aneous s"uff !oesn." a(ays an! shou!n." a(ays come on "he (eeken!4 An! '
(an" my son "o kno( "ha" "oo4 A fe( (eeks 0ack5 af"er ' a""en!e! a cou1e of mee"ings5 ' 1icke!
him u1 from his gran!mo"her.s house aroun! noon5 fuy 1re1are! "o go ge" ice cream an! go
0ack "o our house an! !o (ork for a cou1e of hours more "ha" af"ernoon4 We5 he ha! o"her
i!eas4 He "ake! me in"o ren"ing a kayak an! s1en!ing "he af"ernoon on "he ake ins"ea!4 Then '
Ius" ogge! on "o (ork a"er in "he e#ening4 So (ha" is he going "o remem0erK An! (ha" #aues
!o ' (an" him "o earnK
One of "he 0igges" momen"s for me since ' migra"e! "o a ROWE (as (hen my son "o! me he
(an"e! "o 0e a mom (hen he gre( u14 He (a"ches "he (ay '.m a0e "o 0e 1ar" of his ife no(
an! kno(s "ha".s a 1ossi0ii"y for him (hen he ge"s o!er "oo4 ' "hink i".s so coo ho( he sees
me5 his mom5 as someone he (an"s "o mo!e himsef af"er4 His frien!s see me coming in"o
schoo "o 0e (i"h him !uring his ac"i#i"ies5 "hey kno( ' (ork for -es" -uy5 an! "hey "hink "his
com1any is "he 0es"4
9ou ha#e "he righ" "o con"ro your "ime4
9ou ha#e "he righ" "o ea" (hen hungry an! see1 (hen "ire!4
'".s "ha" sim1e4 9es5 your com1any is 1ro#i!ing you (i"h a 1aycheck an! 1ossi0y o"her
0enefi"s4 9es5 "hey are gi#ing you a Io05 an!5 in some cases5 a career4 $or "ha" you a0sou"ey5
1osi"i#ey o(e "hem har! (ork5 focus5 an! !e!ica"ion4 >ore im1or"an"5 you o(e "hem rea5
measura0e resu"s4 -u" if !ei#ering "hose resu"s5 an! your com1any is 0enefi"ing5 "hen
"here is no reason (hy "hey shou! ha#e "he righ" "o make you si" in a cu0ice from eigh" "o fi#e4
9ou o(e "hem your (orkL you !o no" o(e "hem your "ime4 9ou !o no" o(e "hem your ife4
$or us "his ine of "hinking is irrefu"a0e4 We ha#e hear! e#ery o0Iec"ion imagina0e "o "he
logitic of crea"ing a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"5 0u" (e ha#e ye" "o hear a singe 1erson
s"an! u1 an! say "ha" a!u"s !on." !eser#e "o 0e "rea"e! ike a!u"s4
Ne#er"heess5 socia change ha11ens so(y an! no" (i"hou" resis"ance4 E#en commonsense
i!eas ha#e "o 0e argue! o#er 0efore "hey are im1emen"e!4 '".s no" as if one !ay someone sai!5
MHey5 may0e se#en-year-o!s shou!n." (ork in coa mines5N an! "he coun"ry no!!e! i"s
coec"i#e hea! in agreemen" an! "he ne/" !ay (e ha! chi! a0or a(s4 His"ory is fie! (i"h
1eo1e (ho ha#e !e!ica"e! "heir i#es "o 0eing on "he (rong si!e of an argumen"4
His"ory aso "eaches us "ha" (ork can change4 'f you (ere "o "ra#e 0ack in "ime an! "e
someone a" "he 0eginning of "he as" cen"ury "ha" (omen (ou! en"er "he (ork1ace in recor!
num0ers5 "ha" "here (ou! 0e fe!eray man!a"e! hea"h an! safe"y regua"ions5 "ha" "echnoogy
(ou! ao( 1eo1e "o con!uc" 0usiness "(en"y-four hours a !ay5 "hey (ou! ha#e "hough" you
(ere craHy4 We (on!er (ha" a "ime "ra#eer from a hun!re! years from no( (ou! "e us "ha"
(e (ou!n." 0eie#e5 0u" a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" (ou! no" sur1rise us in "he eas"4
The ne/" genera"ion of em1oyees (i ha#e gro(n u1 (i"h "oo much con"ro o#er "heir "ime "o
gi#e i" u1 for "he sake of a Io04
A" "he same "ime5 (e ha#e a figh" on our han!s5 an! ( asking for e#eryone.s he14 The
change from a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" "o a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" (i come from
"he mi!!e an! 0eo(4 As a resu" i" (i no" come easiy or Juicky4 gra"efu "o "hose 0ra#e
sous in u11er managemen" (ho 1ushe! for ROWE from a0o#e4 We aso reaiHe! #ery eary in
"his 1rocess "ha" "he 1eo1e "y1icay i!en"ifie! as ea!ersG"he ones (i"h "he (eigh"e! 0usiness
car!s an! im1ressi#e "i"esG(eren." necessariy going "o figh" "his figh"4 The 1eo1e ha#e "o
!eman! a 0e""er (ay of (orking an! i#ing4 No one is going "o gi#e "his "o us4
E#eryone has a roe "o 1ay4 As (e con#er"e! -es" -uy em1oyees "eam 0y "eam "o a Resu"s-
Ony Work En#ironmen"5 (e foun! "ha" i" (as "he 1eo1e.s 1assion for "he ne( ifes"ye "ha" in
"urn s1a(ne! hun!re!s of e#angeis"s (ho con"inue "o carry "he change for(ar!4 -u" e#eryone
e#angeiHes !ifferen"y4 Some shou" i" from "he roof"o1s4 O"hers ea! Juie"y 0y e/am1e4 S"i
o"hers foo( (i"h con#ic"ion4
Regar!ess of ho( you !eci!e "o 1ar"ici1a"e i".s no" going "o 0e an easy 1a"h "o (ak4
going "o nee! he1 an! su11or" from "he 1eo1e aroun! you5 0ecause you. fin! resis"ance a
aong "he (ay4 There is no en! "o "he 0a""es "ha" nee! "o 0e fough" an! o0s"aces "ha" nee! "o
0e o#ercome4 There (i 0e momen"s e#ery !ay (hen you. "hink5 M'" (ou! 0e so much easier "o
Ius" forge" a0ou" "his an! no" figh" anymore4N
When "hese momen"s come5 kno( "ha" you are no" aone4 Righ" no( (e are ou" in "he (or!
(orking "o make ROWE a reai"y4 s1eaking "o any au!ience "ha" (i is"en5 mee"ing (i"h
0usiness ea!ers an! go#ernmen" officias4 !oing a of "his 0ecause:
There is a 0e""er (ay "o (ork4
A ROWE can ha#e a 1osi"i#e im1ac" on Juai"y of ife 2an! !ri#e 0usiness resu"s3 for e"eryone4
Peo1e ha#e "he righ" "o con"ro "heir "ime4
We ho1e you say yes "o "his cause4 Say yes "o figh"ing for con"ro o#er your "ime4 E#en "hough
you may ge" 0ooe! ins"ea! of cheere!5 e#en "hough you may ne#er hear a11ause5 say yes "o
making "his ne( (ay of i#ing an! (orking a reai"y4 An! if you can." say yes "o figh"ing for a
resu"s-ony (or!5 a" eas" say yes "o "he i!ea4 Say yes 0ecause "here are 1eo1e aroun! you
(ho are !oing e#ery"hing "hey can "o make "his change4 Say yes no( so (hen "he "ime comes
you. 0e rea!y "o Ioin us4
Ho( ROWE Are 9ouK
:4 'f 1eo1e in my organiHa"ion "hink a 1ar"icuar mee"ing is a (as"e of "ime5 "hey:
a4 s"ar" ans(ering e-mais on "heir a1"o1 an! ignore e#ery"hing ese "ha".s going on4
04 ca"ch "he mee"ing organiHer af"er "he mee"ing an! ask (ha" "hey (ere "rying "o accom1ish4
c4 s"o1 "he mee"ing an! ask "he facii"a"or (ha" "hey are ho1ing "o accom1ish4
?4 When a (ork 1rocess a" my com1any is im1ro#e! an! (as"e is remo#e! from "he sys"em5 "he
"ime sa#e! is re1ace! 0y:
a4 em1oyees si""ing in "heir cu0es un"i fi#e 0ecause "ha" is (hen "he (ork!ay is o#er4
04 managemen" imme!ia"ey gi#ing em1oyees more (ork4
c4 (ha"e#er ac"i#i"ies "he em1oyees fee are #aua0e5 1erha1s 1ersona "ime5 !e#eo1men"a
1roIec"s5 assis"ing "eamma"es5 e"c4
64 'f someone a" my com1any (an"s "o (ork from home on a Tues!ay5 "hey:
a4 (ou! nee! "o ask "heir 0oss for 1ermission5 an! inform "heir "eam mem0ers an! cus"omers4
04 (ou! nee! "o inform "heir "eam an! cus"omers4
c4 (ou!n." nee! "o ask 1ermission or inform anyone4
<4 When a mee"ing is se" u1 a" my com1any5 "he e/1ec"a"ion is:
a4 you (i 0e 1hysicay 1resen" in a mee"ing room a" "he office 0ui!ing4
04 if you ha#e an acce1"a0e e/cuse5 you are ao(e! "o ca in "o "he mee"ing4
c4 you (i !ei#er (ha" you nee! "o !ei#er5 regar!ess of oca"ion4
84 A" my com1any5 (hen ( sick an! !o (ork from home:
a4 (e 1u" in eigh" hours of sick "ime or 1ai! "ime off 2PTO34
04 (e 1u" in four hours of sick "ime or PTO4
c4 (e !on." su0mi" any sick "ime or PTO4
B4 Vaca"ion "ime a" my organiHa"ion is ao""e!:
a4 0y years of ser#ice4
04 0y years of ser#ice5 an! (e can !ona"e "ime "o em1oyees (ho ha#e a"y1ica nee!s for ea#e4
c4 our #aca"ion "ime or PTO is unimi"e!4
74 'f someone a" my com1any nee!s "o a""en! a funera "hey:
a4 su0mi" 1ersona "ime or PTO4
04 use 0erea#emen" ea#e "ime4
c4 Ius" go an! !on." su0mi" any "ime4
@4 'f aske! (ha" (ork Mooks ike5N 1eo1e a" my com1any (ou! say:
a4 a 1erson si""ing in a cu0e5 "y1ing on a key0oar!4
04 a 1erson con!uc"ing a mee"ing in a conference room4
c4 (ork !oesn." ha#e a 1ar"icuar Mook4N Work can 0e ha11ening a" any "ime5 so i".s har! "o "e
(ha" i" ooks ike4
=4 When my co(orkers say M'.m off "o (ork5N "heir frien!s an! famiies "hink:
a4 They mus" 0e hea!e! "o "he com1any office 0ui!ing4
04 They (i 0e in "heir home office or "he com1any office 0ui!ing4
c4 ' ha#e no i!ea (here " going4
:;4 Where ' (ork5 em1oyees are e/1ec"e! "o arri#e a" "he office "o s"ar" "he (ork!ay:
a4 no a"er "han 7:6; A>4
04 0e"(een @:;; A> an! =:;; A>4
c4 (hene#er "hey (an"L "hey may no" e#en come "o "he office "o !o (ork4
::4 A" our com1any5 ea#ing "he (ork1ace a" 6:;; P> is acce1"a0e if you:
a4 came in"o "he office a" B:;; A> an! ony "ook a "hir"y-minu"e unch 0reak4
04 came in a" your reguar "ime 0u" ha#e a !oc"or a11oin"men" "ha" af"ernoon4
c4 are 0rea"hing an! !ei#ering resu"s "ha" mee" e/1ec"a"ions4
:?4 A" my com1any5 recogni"ion is mos" of"en gi#en for:
a4 (orking ong hours4
04 "aking on "he "ough 1roIec"s5 (he"her "hey ge" com1e"e! or no"4
c4 !ei#ering resu"s4
:64 Where ' (ork5 an e/em1" 2saarie!3 em1oyee (orks5 on a#erage:
a4 a minimum of for"y "o fif"y hours a (eek4
04 a0ou" for"y hours a (eek5 0u" i" fuc"ua"es accor!ing "o 0usiness rhy"hms4
c4 No" sureL (e !on." "rack hours for our e/em1" em1oyees4
:<4 A" my com1any5 (hen a mee"ing in#i"e is recei#e! (e:
a4 acce1" imme!ia"eyGe#ery mee"ing is im1or"an"4
04 re#ie( "he in#i"e an! acce1" or !ecineGusuay 0ase! on (ho sen" "he in#i"e4
c4 re#ie( "he in#i"e an! acce1" or !ecineG0ase! on "he goa an! (he"her a mee"ing is "he 0es"
(ay "o accom1ish i"4
:84 'n my organiHa"ion5 conference cas are:
a4 #ery rareG(e amos" a(ays o1era"e (i"h face-"o-face mee"ings4
04 fairy common5 0u" ony "o !o 0usiness (i"h 1eo1e ou" of "o(n4
c4 (i!ey acce1"a0eGa mee"ing in#i"es incu!e "he o1"ion "o ca in4
:B4 'n my organiHa"ion:
a4 (e "ake care of 1ersona erran!s ou"si!e of core (ork hours4
04 (e su0mi" U1ersona "ime. "o run erran!s4
c4 (e can !o (ha"e#er (e (an" (i"hou" asking 1ermission4
:74 A" our com1any5 "he ony acce1"a0e reasons "o ea#e (ork are:
a4 "hings ike !oc"or a11oin"men"s5 !en"is" a11oin"men"s5 or !ay care issues4
04 Amos" any reason is okay as ong as you e/1ain i" "o your manager an! "eam4
c4 Our em1oyees are free "o come an! go as "hey 1ease (i"hou" any e/1ana"ion4
:@4 A" our com1any5 0ocking a !ay e#ery (eek as MNo >ee"ing *ayN (ou! 0e #ie(e! as:
a4 a grea" (ay "o ge" (ork !one (i"hou" !is"rac"ions4
04 a nice i!ea5 0u" e#eryone (ou! kno( i" (ou!n." (ork4
c4 unnecessary 0ecause e#eryone is in con"ro of (hen an! ho( "hey (ork4
:=4 A" my com1any5 core (ork hours are:
a4 >on!ay "hrough $ri!ay5 @:;; A> "o 8:;; P>4
04 >on!ay "hrough $ri!ay5 :;:;; A> "o ?:;; P>4
c4 We !on." ha#e core (ork hours4
?;4 When someone a" our com1any sche!ues a !oc"or a11oin"men"5 "hey are ikey "o:
a4 sche!ue "he a11oin"men" ou"si!e of core (ork hours4
04 no"ify "heir manager5 "eamma"es5 an! em1oyees (hen "hey. 0e una#aia0e4
c4 sim1y sche!ue "he a11oin"men" for (hene#er i" (orks 0es" an! go4
?:4 'f a ma1or fire !ri ha11ens an! an!s on an em1oyee.s !esk:
a4 "hey reac" imme!ia"ey an! s"ay as ong as i" "akes "o ge" "he fire !ri "aken care of4
04 "hey reac" "o "he fire !ri an! in#o#e "he a11ro1ria"e resources "o reach a (e-informe!
c4 "he "eam an! em1oyee reac" "o "he fire !ri 0u" inform "he reJues"er of "he risks in#o#e! in
making has"y !ecisions5 an! focus on (ha" can 0e !one "o 1re#en" "his emergency from
??4 'f a percei"ed fire !ri ha11ens an! an!s on an em1oyee.s !esk:
a4 "hey reac" imme!ia"ey an! s"ay as ong as i" "akes "o ge" "he fire !ri "aken care of e#en
"hough "hey !on." "hink "he nee! is urgen"4
04 "hey reac" "o "he fire !ri 0u" inform "he reJues"er of "he risks in#o#e! in making has"y
c4 "hey res1ec"fuy 1ush 0ack on "he cause of "he fire !ri an! ask Jues"ions "o !e"ermine "he
rea 1riori"y of "he (ork4
?64 'f an em1oyee a" my organiHa"ion arri#es a" "he office a" noon:
a4 a co(orker or manager (i ask "hem5 MWhere ha#e you 0eenK *i! you ha#e a !oc"or
04 "hey (i recei#e some Jues"ioning ooks4
c4 co(orkers (i say MHeoRN
?<4 'f an em1oyee a" my com1any sen!s e-mai a" ?:;; A>:
a4 "heir manager (i ask "hem (hy "hey (ere u1 (orking so a"e4
04 "heir manager (i (on!er (hy "hey (ere (orking so a"e5 0u" no" say any"hing a0ou" i"4
c4 "heir manager (i no" no"ice (ha" "ime "he e-mai (as sen"L "hey (i ony 1ay a""en"ion "o "he
con"en" an! effec"i#eness4
Answer ke*#
'f you ans(ere! a or mos"y A.s: 9ou are no" aone4 9ou are in a "y1ica (ork en#ironmen"4
Em1oyees may of"en com1ain a0ou" ack of con"ro o#er (ork-ife 0aance4 Work is ge""ing
!one5 0u" no" a(ays in "he mos" efficien" manner4 To1 1erformers may 0e ea#ing "he
organiHa"ion in search of a hea"hier 0aance 0e"(een (ork an! ife4 ROWE can infuse your
organiHa"ion (i"h "remen!ous energy an! focus5 im1ro#ing 0usiness resu"s4 $ocus on remo#ing
Su!ge from "he en#ironmen"4 The anguage mos" of"en use! in a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"
is focuse! on "ime4 $ocusing your anguage on resu"s an! ou"comes (i kick-s"ar" your
organiHa"ion in"o 0ecoming a Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen"4
'f you ans(ere! a or mos"y -.s: 9ou are in a (ork en#ironmen" (i"h some fe/i0ii"y4 9ou may
ha#e 1rograms a#aia0e 2Io0 sharing5 "eecommu"ing5 fe/"ime5 e"c43 "o he1 1ro#i!e a e#e of
fe/i0ii"y5 0u" 1eo1e are s"i com1aining a0ou" a ack of con"ro4 ROWE (i "ake your
organiHa"ion "o "he ne/" e#e of 1ro!uc"i#i"y an! im1ro#e "he em1oyee e/1erience4 $ocusing on
ony resu"s 0y crea"ing resu"s-0ase! Io0 !escri1"ions5 goas5 an! 1erformance !e#eo1men"
crea"es "he o11or"uni"y for 1eo1e "o 0e fuy engage!5 in#es"e!5 1roac"i#e5 1ro!uc"i#e5 an!
'f you ans(ere! a or mos"y C.s: Congra"ua"ionsR 9ou (ork in a for(ar!-"hinking en#ironmen"5
!e!ica"e! "o (orking 1ro!uc"i#ey an! enIoying ife ou"si!e of (ork4 Con"inue "o focus on resu"s
an! he1 s1rea! "he (or!R
9eah5 -u"s
,eo&le will ta!e advantage and sla"! off.$
$irs"5 1eo1e are "aking a!#an"age an! sacking off no(4 The reason you can." "e is "ha"
measuring "hem (i"h a com0ina"ion of resu"s an! "ime4 'n a ROWE5 if you !on." ge" resu"s "hen
you !on." ge" "o kee1 your Io04 The sackers ei"her sha1e u1 or "hey ge" fire!4 >ean(hie5 "he
goo! em1oyees (ork e#en har!er 0ecause "hey are 0eing re(ar!e! (i"h con"ro o#er "heir
How "an you eve ea"h anybody if theye not in the offi"e#$
Peo1e are more reacha0e no( "han "hey e#er ha#e 0een in human his"ory4 Peo1e ha#e ce
1hones4 They are on e-mai4 They !on." nee! a (orks"a"ion4 They !on." nee! a 1hone (i"h a
cor! "ha" 1ugs in"o "he (a "o 0e reacha0e4 'n a ROWE if you nee! "o reach someone you e-
mai "hem or you ca "hem4 -u" here is ano"her "hough": When cear a0ou" "ime"a0es5
ou"comes5 an! e/1ec"a"ions5 a o" of "hose s1on"aneous reJues"s !ry u14 9ou s"ar" "o an"ici1a"e
your o(n Jues"ions4 9ou 1an 0e""er so you ha#e fe(er emergencies4 9ou !on." casuay s"o1
0y someone.s office an! in"erru1" "heir (ork so you can ge" "he ans(er "o one Jues"ion4 9ou
(ork (i"h more 1ur1ose4
But what if you eally, eally, reay need to ea"h somebody#$
Ha#e you "rie! "heir ce 1honeK Ha#e you sen" "hem an e-maiK Ha#e you "rie! someone ese
on "heir "eamK 's i" a Jues"ion you can ans(er yoursef (i"h a i""e more effor"K so use!
"o fiing "he hours "ha" (e can." "hink for ourse#es4 '".s ike (hen someone asks you a Jues"ion
a0ou" (ha".s going on in "he ne(s (hen "hey cou! go onine an! ge" "he ans(er for
"hemse#es4 9our co(orkers an! coeagues aren." "here "o 0e your search engineEfie
ca0ine"E!ic"ionary4 'f i".s a rea emergency5 "hen "here is 1ro0a0y more "han one 1erson you
nee! he1 from4 An! if "here is ony one 1erson (ho can ans(er any Jues"ion in an
organiHa"ion5 "hen "ha" is an organiHa"iona 1ro0em5 no" "he fau" of "he 1erson (ho isn."
A manage needs to be thee fo &eo&le.$
There are a o" of managers (ho genuiney care a0ou" "heir em1oyees4 +us" as im1or"an"5 "here
are managers ou" "here (ho ha#e 0ui" "heir i!en"i"y on sho(ing "ha" "hey care4 M' nee! "o 0e
"here for my 1eo1e5N "hey say4 M>y 1eo1e coun" on me4N -u" "here is more "o 0eing "here for
someone "han 1hysica 1resence4 9ou can s"i 0e "here for your 1eo1e 0y gi#ing "hem cear
goas an! e/1ec"a"ions4 9ou can 0e "here 0y coaching "heir !e#eo1men"5 remo#ing o0s"aces
"ha" fa in "heir 1a"h4 Perha1s "he 0es" (ay "o 0e "here for "hem is "o ea#e "hem aone an! "rus"
"hem "o !o "heir Io04
%hat if I get stu"! with moe wo! than anybody else#$
'n a "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen" 1eo1e can fee unsu11or"e! an! un!era11recia"e!4 9ou ook
aroun! an! see 1eo1e (ho !on." 1ro!uce an! ge" 1ai! more4 '".s easy "o fee ike a #ic"im4 On
"he 1rac"ica si!e5 a ROWE gi#es you "he righ" "o Jues"ion "he (ork !oing4 'f your
manager se"s unreais"ic e/1ec"a"ions or 1ies on "oo much (ork5 "hen "ha" isn." goo! for
anyone4 'n a ROWE i".s your Io0 "o s"an! u1 for (ha" 0es" ser#es "he 0usiness an! "he
cus"omer4 On "he emo"iona si!e5 you fin! yoursef no" focusing on ho( o"her 1eo1e s1en! "heir
"ime4 9ou !o your Io0 an! you enIoy your free!om5 an! (ha" o"her 1eo1e !o 0ecomes "heir
%ee aleady doing this- this isnt anything new.$
Sho( us one (ork en#ironmen" "ha" !oesn." ha#e Su!ge in i" an! (e. ea" our 0ook4
If eveyone be"omes moe effi"ient ae thee going to be lay'offs.$
Some 1eo1e can sense "he enormi"y of a ROWE an! i" scares "hem4 Peo1e a" a e#es fear
"ha" "hey (i fin! ou" "he "ru"h a0ou" "heir organiHa"ion: "ha" a "eam is 0oa"e!L "ha" "here are
managers (ho ha#e no 0usiness managing 1eo1e4 -u" is "he fear of "he "ru"h a goo! reason "o
resis" (ha" is o"her(ise 1osi"i#e changeK 'f your organiHa"ion is 0oa"e! an! "o1-hea#y or
o#ers"affe! or un!er"raine! or misgui!e!5 "hen yes a ROWE cou! re#ea "hose "ru"hs4 -u" mos"
1eo1e kno( (ha".s (rong (i"h "heir com1any area!yL "here Ius" isn." any incen"i#e for change4
There can 0e some gro(ing 1ains (i"h a ROWE5 0u" isn." a sane (ork en#ironmen" u"ima"ey
(or"h i"K
How "an you advan"e you "aee if no one sees you wo!ing#$
This soun!s ike "he kin! of (orry "ha" kee1s 1eo1e from 1ar"ici1a"ing in curren" fe/i0e-(ork
arrangemen"s4 Peo1e fear "ha" if " no" 1u""ing in enough face "ime5 "hen "hey (on." ge"
cre!i" for "he (ork4 $irs"5 a ROWE !oesn." mean "ha" no one e#er sees anyone e#er again5 or
"ha" e#eryone (orks a" home4 *on." (orryG1eo1e (i see you !o your "hing4 -u" more
im1or"an"5 you (i 0e measure! more for ac"ua 1erformance "han 1ercei#e! 1erformance4 'f gi#en a goa an! you mee" "ha" goa5 "hen "ha" is (ha" (i a!#ance your career (he"her
anyone sees you 2(i"h "heir eyes3 !o i" or no"4 9ou ge" ahea! "hrough ac"ua achie#emen"5 no"
0y sim1y looking ike an achie#er4
Isnt it un&ofessional to answe a "ustomes .uestion while youe sho&&ing#$
$irs" of a5 "hey !on." ha#e "o kno(4 This is Su!ge An"ici1a"ion4 (orrie! "ha" 1eo1e are
going "o Iu!ge you 0ecause a 1erson (ho is ou" sho11ing can." aso 0e (orking4 'f you ans(er
"he 1erson.s Jues"ion in a 1rofessiona manner "hen (hy "e "hem (here you areK Hones"y5
"hey !on." care4 They (an" your he15 no" an u1!a"e on your 1ersona ife4
%hat if somebody is out of the offi"e fo a whole month# Isnt it (ust "ommon "outesy
to let &eo&le !now whee you ae#$
A funny "hing ha11ens (hen (e "ak a0ou" a ROWE4 We. say "o 1eo1e5 M9ou can !o (ha"e#er
you (an"5 (hene#er you (an"5 as aong as "he (ork ge"s !one5N an! i".s ike "heir 0rains ge" a
frie! 0y "he firs" 1ar" of "ha" sen"ence an! "hey !on." e#en hear "he Mas ong as "he (ork ge"s
!oneN 1ar"4 'f you go "o Ha(aii for a (hoe mon"h an! you fai "o !ei#er your ou"comes5 "hen
you (i 0e fire!4 'f you !on." !o your Io05 you !on." ge" "o kee1 your Io04 -u" if you (an" "o 0e
ou" of "he s"a"e or ou" of "he coun"ry for a mon"h an! you can s"i mee" your !ei#era0es5 "hen
"ha".s fine4 9ou ha#e "o "e 1eo1e (here you are so "hey can conference you in for a mee"ing5
for e/am1e4 -u" as ong as "he (ork ge"s !one5 you !on." ha#e "o 0eg for 1ermission "o 0e
This will wo! fo some &eo&le but not eveyone. +ome &eo&lesim&ly need moe
Peo1e !on." nee! su1er#ision4 They nee! a cear i!ea of (ha" "hey nee! "o !o an! a cear
sense of (hen i" nee!s "o 0e !one4 'f you ca your !ei an! ask "hem "o !ei#er you a !eicious
"urkey san!(ich in "he ne/" haf hour5 you !on." nee! "o "hen go !o(n "here "o (a"ch "hem
make i" an! foo( "he !ei#ery guy 0ack "o your office4 9ou "rus" "ha" "hey are going "o !ei#er
on e/1ec"a"ions4 An! if "hey !on." !ei#er a !eicious "urkey san!(ich in a haf hour "hen you
ha#e "(o choices: com1ain an! ho1e "ha" ser#ice im1ro#es5 or s(i"ch !eis4
How will we !now if wo! is getting done if we "ant see &eo&le#$
Ho( !o you kno( no(K 'n "o!ay.s economy 1eo1e (ork (i"h informa"ion4 They "ak on "he
1hone4 They "y1e on "heir com1u"ers4 'f you (ak 0y a ro( of cu0ices you !on." kno( for a fac"
"he occu1an"s are ac"uay (orking or if " Ius" ooking 0usy4 'n a ROWE you kno( "he (ork
is ge""ing !one 0ecause you.#e 0een crys"a-cear a0ou" goas an! e/1ec"a"ions4 , is "o 0e
!ei#ere! "o 9 on such-an!-such a !a"e4 'f 1eo1e !on." !ei#er "he (ork5 you kno( imme!ia"ey
an! can ac" accor!ingy4
/elationshi&s ae so im&otant. %hat will ha&&en to elationshi&s#$
Rea"ionshi1s are im1or"an"4 An! rea"ionshi1s (i 0e fine4 We assume "ha" ( im1ro#ing
rea"ionshi1s (i"h 1eo1e 0ecause ( a in "he same 0ui!ing "oge"her4 -u" 0eing "oge"her
!oesn." guaran"ee "ha" 1eo1e are connec"ing4 'n a ROWE 1eo1e (ork on "heir rea"ionshi1s
(i"h more 1ur1ose4 -ecause you can." assume 1eo1e (i 0e aroun!5 you make career
!e#eo1men"5 men"oring5 an! coaching a 1ar" of "he resu"s "o 0e !ei#ere!4 No more "aking
1eo1e for gran"e!4
How "an you s"hedule meetings if you dont !now when &eo&le ae wo!ing#$
'n a ROWE you can no onger casuay sche!ue a mee"ing4 9ou !on." sche!ue mee"ings
0ase! aroun! "ime4 9ou sche!ue mee"ings 0ase! on ou"come4 'f "he ou"come reJuires "ha"
1eo1e a""en!5 "hen "hey (i a""en!4 'f "hey !on." nee! "o 0e "here in 1erson "hey can sen! a
re1resen"a"i#e5 or "hey can 1ro#i!e "he informa"ion " su11ose! "o !ei#er ahea! of "ime4
How will we !now if salaied em&loyees ae &utting in foty hous#$
9ou !on." kno(4 An! i" !oesn." ma""er4 'n a ROWE you measure someone.s 1erformance 0ase!
on resu"s4 9ou "e "hem (ha" " su11ose! "o !o an! "hey ei"her !ei#er or "hey !on."4 Time
is no" a fac"or4 Peo1e s"ar" 1erforming ra"her "han 1u""ing in "ime4
%hat about teams#$
Teams are o#erra"e!4 'n a ROWE 1eo1e s"o1 "eaming 0ecause "hey fee o0iga"e! "o "eam4 No
more "eaming for "he sake of "eaming5 0ecause i".s fashiona0e or e/1ec"e!4 Peo1e "eam u1
0ecause "he ou"come reJuires i"4 'n fac"5 "eams ge" much s"ronger in a ROWE 0ecause "here is
na"ura cross "raining4 -ecause you can." assume "ha" 1eo1e are going "o 0e in "he office
2incu!ing you3 "eamma"es make sure "hey can su11or" one ano"her in an emergency4
%hat if eveyone de"ides not to wo! at the same time#$
Tha" !e1en!s4 *oes "he Io0 reJuire "ha" 1eo1e (ork a" "he same "imeK -ecause if "he ou"come
!oesn." !eman! "ha" e#eryone (ork a" "he same "ime5 "hen "he ans(er is MTha".s fine4N -u" if "he
Io0 reJuires cer"ain 1eo1e "o 0e "oge"her or "o coor!ina"e "heir effor"s a" "he same "ime5 "hen
"ha".s (ha" "hey ha#e "o !o4 ROWE gi#es em1oyees 1o(er o#er ho( "hey (ork an! (hen "hey
(ork5 0u" "hey s"i ha#e "o (ork4 They are s"i res1onsi0e for ser#ing "he cus"omer5 (he"her
"ha" cus"omer is in"erna or e/"erna4 Tha" sense of res1onsi0ii"yGcou1e! (i"h "he 1o(er "o
mee" "hose res1onsi0ii"ies ho(e#er "hey (an"Gac"uay 0ree!s higher 1erformance4 Peo1e
!on." e#en "hink a0ou" 0o(ing off (ork in a ROWE4
If thees no line between wo! and life, how will I !ee& fom ovewo!ing#$
'n a ROWE you !on." o#er(ork5 0ecause "here is no incen"i#e "o o#er(ork4 9ou aren." ge""ing
re(ar!e! for 1u""ing in more hours4 9ou are no onger a hero for 1uing an a-nigh"er or 0eing
"he firs" one "hrough "he !oor in "he morning or (orking on "he (eeken!4 ony re(ar!e!
for !ei#ering resu"s4 Once you.#e !ei#ere! "hose resu"s5 you s"o1 (orking an! !o some"hing
ese4 '".s nice4
This 0ook is our (ay of saying "ha" "here reay is a 0e""er (ay "o (ork5 a 0e""er (ay "o i#e4 '"
s"ar"e! in ?;;: (hen (e se" ou" "o 1a#e a ne( 1a"h for (orkers e#ery(here4 A s1ark (as
igni"e! a" "he cor1ora"e hea!Juar"ers of -es" -uy (i"h a han!fu of 0ra#e an! s1iri"e!
em1oyees4 '" "ook courage5 1erse#erance5 an! a (hoe o" of gu"s "o 0uck "he s"a"us Juo an!
make a ROWE gro( an! "ake ho!4 We 1ro#e! 1eo1e reay can 0e "rus"e!5 an! "ha" 0usiness
an! 1eo1e "hri#e in "his ne( en#ironmen"4 We 1ro#e! "ha" "he o! rues an! 1oicies are
u!icrous4 We 1ro#e! "ha" i" no onger makes sense "o crea"e fancy fa#or-of-"he-mon"h
1rograms "o make 1eo1e fee 0e""er for a (hie4 We 1ro#e! "ha" changing "he game is "he ony
game4 An! "ha" "he ne( s"an!ar! is a ROWE4
So firs"5 "o "he 1ioneers a" -es" -uy (ho ha#e successfuy crea"e! "he ne( s"an!ar!G"he
0ue1rin"Gfor ROWE4 9our s"ories are an ins1ira"ion "o o"hers (ho (an" a 0e""er ife4 9our
s"ories 1ro#e "ha" ROWE isn." Ius" a "heory5 0u" a reai"y4 9our s"ories are "he mo"i#a"ion for
o"hers (ho (an" "o change "he s"a"us Juo4 Thank you for 0eie#ing in us5 an! for 0eing a
0eacon of ho1e for a (orkers4
To +ohn &arson an! Na"aie -urns a" -righ" House5 'nc45 (ho infuse our i#es (i"h energy an!
e/ci"emen" e#ery !ayG "oge"her5 (e (i rock "he (or!R so "hankfu "ha" you are 1ar" of
"he Iourney4
To our (ri"er5 *ennis Cass4 9ou go" in"o our hea!s5 foun! our #oice5 an! ma!e ROWE come "o
ife on "he 1rin"e! 1age4 $or "his5 (e (i 0e fore#er gra"efu4
To A!rian Aackheim5 A!rienne Schu"H5 Wi Weisser5 an! "he "eam a" Por"foioG"hank you for
"aking us on an! chaenging us aong "he (ay4 9ou ma!e i" 1ossi0e for us "o "e our s"ory "o
"he (or!4
To "he Cu"ureR/ "eamG"hank you for (ea"hering "he s"orm (i"h us an! for your !e"ermina"ion
"o he1 make ROWE "he s"a"us Juo4
Co&*+s 3e!ial Thanks
To my 1aren"s5 )eorge an! -e#ery Har"He5 (ho ins"ie! in me a s1iri" of courage an!
1erse#eranceL (ho 0eie#e! "ha" (ha"e#er nee!e! "o ge" !one cou! ge" !oneL an! (ho
0eie#e! if anyone cou! make a s1ash5 ' cou!4
To my hus0an!5 *a#i! Thom1sonG(ho "hrough "ears5 ran"s5 an! ra#es5 s"ays 1a"ien"y 0y my
To my chi!ren5 Eio" an! Coin Koh4 &ife !oesn." ha#e "o 0e a0ou" a (ork an! no 1ayG!o
(ha" you o#e4 Ne#er se""e4
Cali+s 3e!ial Thanks
To my 1aren"s5 Hei!i an! +osT )ai0orGyou raise! me "o s"an! u1 for (ha" ' 0eie#e in an! "o
0e confi!en" "ha" ' (ou! 0e successfu in any"hing ' 1u" my min! "o4 ' earne! "o !ream 0ig from
you5 an! ' earne! "ha" if some"hing isn." righ"5 i" Ius" "akes one #oice "o s"ar" 1a#ing a ne( 1a"h4
To my hus0an! an! 0es" frien!5 >ar"y ResserG(ho has seen an! is"ene! "o e#ery emo"ion
"his mo#emen" 1ro#okes in me5 from e/as1era"ion "o 1ure Ioy4 9our !e#o"ion "o me an! our
famiy5 an! my a(ays kno(ing you. ha#e my 0ack5 means so much "o me4
To my "hree i""e munchkins5 Trys"an5 +ackson5 an! Kea"onG(ho remin! me e#ery !ay "ha"
ha11iness comes from "he sim1es" "hings4 9ou ins1ire me "o con"inue figh"ing "he figh" so (hen
you gro( u15 you. ne#er kno( "he games "ha" use! "o make u1 "he (or! of (ork4
To my 0ro"her5 +esse )ai0or5 (ho has 0een my frien! an! su11or"er in e#ery "ask '.#e
un!er"aken4 Thank you for your a!#ice an! your encouragemen"4 '.m ucky "o ha#e you in my
To my gran!fa"her -o0 Hoe11nerGyou "augh" me "ha" if ' kee1 "rying5 ' will succee!4 ' earne!
my M*on." gi#e u1N essons from you5 an! "hey come in han!y Jui"e of"enR
To "he res" of my famiyGmy gran!mo"her5 aun"s5 unces5 cousins5 an! in-a(s4 Thank you for
your su11or" an! encouragemen" "hroughou" my ife4 '.m #ery for"una"e "o ha#e such a 0ig5
o#ing cheering sec"ionR
To my frien!sG"hank you for is"ening "o5 an! some"imes going "hrough (i"h me5 "he u1s an!
!o(ns of "his chao"ic5 some"imes frus"ra"ing5 e/hiara"ing5 ife-a"ering mo#emen"4 ' ook for(ar!
"o ha#ing you 0y my si!e for many5 many more years4
Cu"ureR/ !ei#ers "he im1ac" of ROWE: Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" "o organiHa"ions "ha"
(an" "o harness "his !rama"ic5 go0a mo#emen"4
$or more informa"ion a0ou" ROWE go "o
"o fin! ou" more a0ou" "he au"hors5 "o rea! "heir 0og5 an! "o 0ook "hem "o s1eak a" your
Penguin.s -usiness-"o--usiness a!#an"age 1rogram ao(s your oca 0ooks"ore "o offer s1ecia
!iscoun"e! 1ricing on "his "i"e for 0uk saes4 9our 0usiness or non-1rofi" can recei#e s1ecia
!iscoun"e! 1ricing5 grea" ser#ice5 !irec" shi11ing5 an! more4 Ca your oca 0ooks"ore an! say
you.! ike "o use Penguin.s -?- 1rogram "o 0uy co1ies of "his 0ook for gi#ea(ay or "raining4
GGG ,hy ,ork )uck and 7ow to Fi0 It =7@-:-8=:@<-?;6-6 O?64=8 2OTK CAN3
A!a1"i#e change
!ifficu"y of
eemen"s of
sef-a!Ius"men" in
an! ROWE
A!minis"ra"i#e assis"an"s
A"erna"i#e Work Program 2AWP3
fe/"ime arrangemen"s in
1osi"i#e im1ac" of
an! Su!ge
A""i"u!e change5 1rocess of
-ack Su!ge
-es" -uy
A"erna"i#e Work Program
ROWE5 1osi"i#e im1ac" of
)ee alo Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" 2ROWE3
-oom0erg5 >ichae
Caen!ar e/ercise
Career a!#ancemen"5 an! ROWE
a!a1"i#e change
in a""i"u!e5 e/am1es of
0es" 1rac"ices5 ROWE reIec"ion of
cu"ure as fac"or
oss associa"e! (i"h
Su!ge era!ica"ion
sus"aining5 1ro0em of
"echnica change
in "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"
"ra!i"iona (ork "o ROWE "ransi"ion
Coach5 ROWE manager as
Coege s"u!en"s5 com1are! "o ROWE 1ar"ici1an"s
increase an! ROWE
reaching o"hers5 me"ho!s of
Con"ro5 sense of
con"ro-!eman! as force
an! !ay-off ac"i#i"ies
fe/i0e sche!ue misconce1"ion
iusion of con"ro
increase! an! ROWE
Con"ro5 sense of 2continued3
an! Su!ge
TiVo e/am1e
cock5 nega"i#e infuence of
an! kno(e!ge (orkers
Cross "raining5 an! "eams
Cu"ure of com1any
an! ins"i"u"ing change
mee"ings5 significance of
Cu"ureR/ s"u!y
con"ro-!eman! as force
an! fe/i0e sche!ue
as nega"i#e force
"y1es of
reaching o"hers5 me"ho!s of
an! ROWE
"ra!i"iona (ork1ace
Em1oyee manuas
En"re1reneurs5 com1are! "o ROWE
ack of an! ROWE
in "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"
$air &a0or S"an!ar!s Ac" 2 3
$amiy >e!ica &ea#e Ac"
an! 0oa"e! organiHa"ions
an! managemen" migra"ion
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion
$e!era regua"ions5 an! ROWE NN
$ire !ris
$e/i0e sche!ues
A"erna"i#e Work Program
com1any-im1ose! res"ric"ions
con"ro-!eman! in
$e/i0ii"y Con )ame
fe/-(orker5 1erce1"ion of
managemen" concerns a0ou"
nega"i#e Iu!gmen"s a0ou"4 )ee Su!ge
com1are! "o ROWE
"rus" issues
"y1es of arrangemen"s
$e/i0e Work an! We--eing Cen"er
)oasEe/1ec"a"ions5 se""ing
a0sence an! ROWE
"ra!i"iona (ork1ace5 e/am1es of
Houry em1oyees5 in ROWE NN
Ho( ROWE Are 9ouK
'nforma"ionEser#ice-0ase! economy 0eiefs a0ou" (ork no" re#ean" "o
in"eec"ua reJuiremen"s for
+o0 !escri1"ions
+u!ging o"hers
a0ou" "imeE(ork4 )ee Su!ge forms of
Kee1 America -eau"ifu
Key5 Erin
Kno(e!ge (orkers5 in"eec"ua reJuiremen"s of
ack of an! ROWE4 )ee Time an! ROWE
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion
"ra!i"iona #ie(
&ea!ershi1 mee"ings
&unch hour5 "ra!i"iona (ork1ace
>anagemen"5 "ra!i"iona
common 1ro0ems of
managemen" 0y (aking aroun!
mo!ifie! ROWE 1rac"ice! 0y
ou"!a"e! 0eiefs a0ou"
as 1aren" roe
an! Su!ge
"o1-!o(n mo!e
>anagemen" an! ROWE
coaching roe of
communica"ion5 e#e of
concerns a0ou"
ins1iring o"hers
ea!ing #ersus managing
migra"ion "o ROWE
no sche!ues5 a!Ius"men" "o
)ui!e1os"s5 in"ro!ucing "o
"i1s for
an! "rus"
man!a"ory a""en!ance
nega"i#e as1ec"s of
No->ee"ing We!nes!ays
>ee"ings an! ROWE
a""en!ance as o1"iona
1osi"i#e im1ac" of
Jues"ioning #aue of
sche!uing5 0asis of
0y s1eaker1hone
>igra"ion "o ROWE
a!minis"ra"i#e assis"an"s5 a0sence from
managemen" migra"ion
1rocessE"o1ics of
resis"ance "o ROWE
)ui!e1os"s5 use of
"ra!i"iona (ork "o ROWE "ransi"ion
>oen5 Phyis
Ne(-age com1anies5 origin of
No->ee"ing We!nes!ays
O#erseas 0usiness5 non-"ra!i"iona me"ho!s
O#er(ork5 ROWE an! ack of
ROWE5 0enefi"s of
as (orkers5 nega"i#e commen"s a0ou"
eemen"s of
ack of an! ROWE
nega"i#e as1ec"s of
Priori"ies5 (ork an! ROWE
Pro!uc"i#i"y5 increase an! ROWE
Res1onsi0ii"y5 increase an! ROWE
Resser5 Cai
Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" 2ROWE3
a!a1"i#e change rea"e! "o
0es" 1rac"ices5 reIec"ion of
an! career a!#ancemen"
as cause5 a!#ancing for fu"ure
as com1any(i!e cu"ure
con"ro5 increase for 1ar"ici1an"s
cri"icisms of
Cu"ureR/ s"u!y
em1oyeeEem1oyer as (inners
em1oyee 1ro0ems5 han!ing of
e#ou"ion of
gui"5 a0sence of
Ho( ROWE Are 9ouK
managemen"4 )ee >anagemen" an! ROWE
mee"ings in4 )ee >ee"ings an! ROWE
an! ne( em1oyees
1aren"s5 0enefi"s for
as 1eo1e.s mo#emen"
1ersona accoun"s of
1ersona res1onsi0ii"y5 increase in
1erson-e#e5 1osi"i#e im1ac" on
#ersus Resu"s-Orien"e! Work En#ironmen"
saaryEre(ar!s5 0asis of
scaa0ii"y of
Su!ge5 era!ica"ing
socia as1ec"s
s"ressEo#er(ork5 ack of
"ime5 use of4 )ee Time an! ROWE
"ransi"ion "o4 )ee >igra"ion "o ROWE
an! "rus"
un!er1erformers5 im1ac" on
(ork accom1ishe!4 )ee Work an! ROWE
Re(ar!s4 )ee Saary
SaaryEre(ar!s5 ROWE5 0asis of
Sef-em1oymen"5 com1are! "o ROWE
Sackers5 a0sence in ROWE
an! A"erna"i#e Work Program
-ack Su!ge
0usiness-as-0a""e me"a1hor
as con"ro "ac"ic
era!ica"ing5 1rocess of
an! fe/i0e sche!ue
)ui!e1os"s rea"e! "o
an! gui"
from managemen"
meaning of
nega"i#e commen"s5 e/am1es of
nega"i#e im1ac" of
ROWE5 a0sence in
Su!ge An"ici1a"ion
Su!ge Cons1iracy
Su!ge +us"ifica"ion
Su!ge Resigna"ion
Su!ge sessions
un!erying messages in
Socia ac"i#i"ies5 an! ROWE
Socioogica s"u!y of ROWE 2Cu"ureR/3
S"ra"egic Aiance "eam
goo! s"ress
ROWE an! ack of
S"u!io a11roach5 eemen"s of
Summer Hours 1rograms
Teams an! ROWE
an! cross "raining
na"ura forma"ion of
s"u!io a11roach
Technica change
eemen"s of
e/am1e of
No->ee"ing We!nes!ay.s e/am1e
!e#eo1men" of
is"ing of
an! managemen"
an! migra"ion 1rocess
rea"e! "o Su!ge era!ica"ion
rea"e! "o "ime
rea"e! "o (ork
Thom1son5 +o!y
Time an! ROWE
caen!ar e/ercise
cock5 ne( rea"ionshi1 "o
Cu"ureR/ resu"s on
e#ery !ay as Sa"ur!ay
an! fe!era regua"ions NN
com1are! "o fe/"ime
)ui!e1os"s rea"e! "o
hours (orke!5 ack of "ak a0ou"
managemen" a!Ius"men" "o
ne( rues a0ou"
none/em1" em1oyees in NN
o#er"ime (ork5 im1ica"ion of
"ime managemen"5 conce1" of
"ime-off5 unimi"e!
"y1ica (orker !ay5 e/am1es of
(orkers com1are! "o coege s"u!en"s
Time-(ork rea"ionshi1
crea"i#i"y s"ife! 0y
Iu!ging o"hers a0ou"4 )ee Su!ge
ega regua"ion of
unch hour
my"h a0ou"
ne( conce1"ion of4 )ee Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" 2ROWE3L Time an! ROWE
Mon "ime5N 0eiefs a0ou"
ou"!a"e! a""i"u!es
"ime managemen"
#aca"ion ea#e
an! fe/i0e sche!ue
increase an! ROWE
0y managemen"
Turno#er ra"es5 an! ROWE
ROWE5 unimi"e! "ime off
in "ra!i"iona (ork en#ironmen"
War5 0usiness-as-0a""e me"a1hor
Work5 "ra!i"iona
0oa"e! organiHa"ions
0usiness-as-0a""e me"a1hor
0usy (ork
change5 mechanics of
con"ro-!eman!5 as nega"i#e force
em1oyee manuas
e#i cor1ora"e America image
e/cuses5 use of
fire !ris
Iu!ging o"hers a"4 )ee Su!ge
managemen"4 )ee >anagemen"5 "ra!i"iona
mee"ings4 )ee >ee"ing2s3
nega"i#e as1ec"s of
ne( cu"ure of4 )ee Resu"s-Ony Work En#ironmen" 2ROWE3
ou"!a"e! 0eiefs a0ou"
an! 1hysica s1ace
re!esign of
an! "echnica change
"ime5 conce1"ion of4 )ee Time(ork rea"ionshi1
Work an! ROWE
communica"ion5 increase in
emergencies5 han!ing of
goasEe/1ec"a"ions5 se""ing
)ui!e1os"s rea"e! "o
an! ack of 1ace
mee"ings4 )ee >ee"ings an! ROWE
1aymen" 0ase! on resu"s
an! 1ro!uc"i#i"y increase
Jues"ioning #aue
reaching o"hers5 me"ho!s of
resu"s as focus of
skis #ersus Io0
sackers5 ack of
s"u!io a11roach
"eams4 )ee Teams an! ROWE
"ime s1en"5 con"ro of4 )ee Time an! ROWE
S"ories ike "his one "ha" a11ear "hroughou" "he 0ook ha#e 0een e!i"e! for cari"y 0u" are
o"her(ise in "he 1erson.s o(n (or!s4 The names an! some of "he 0usiness !e"ais ha#e 0een
change! "o 1ro"ec" 1ri#acy4
A ROWE is sigh"y !ifferen" for houry em1oyees in a cor1ora"e se""ing4 Houry em1oyees !on."
ha#e (ork sche!ues5 an! "hey are s"i free "o !o (ha"e#er "hey (an"5 (hene#er "hey (an"5 as
ong as "he (ork ge"s !one4 So "hey migh" (ork for an hour a" "en a" nigh"5 or from home for a
or 1ar" of "he (eek4 They ha#e sche!ue con"ro4 %nfor"una"ey5 0ecause of *e1ar"men" of &a0or
regua"ions5 none/em1" em1oyees s"i ha#e "o "rack "ime in or!er "o ge" 1ai!4 We "hink "his is
s"u1i! an! ou"!a"e!4 Ha#ing "o "rack your "ime e#en (hen !ei#ering resu"s makes
1eo1e fee ike secon!-cass ci"iHens4 '".s no" goo! for 1eo1e5 an!5 in a kno(e!ge economy5
i".s no" goo! for 0usiness4 We 0eie#e "ha" e#en"uay "he *e1ar"men" of &a0or is going "o ha#e
"o change i"s a(s "o ca"ch u1 (i"h "he ne( reai"ies of "he go0a economy5 0u" for no( "his is
ho( none/em1" em1oyees e/1erience a ROWE4
As (e men"ione! earier5 "his is sigh"y !ifferen" for houry em1oyees5 (ho s"i "rack "heir hours
in a ROWE4 They may 0e more a(are of "ime5 0u" "hey !o no" fee o11resse! 0y "ime4 An!
0ecause "hey ha#e no (ork sche!ues an! aren." "ie! "o a !esk5 "hey !o fee "his increase!
sense of free!om an! con"ro4

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