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How Do You Make $1,000,000 a year with the Young Living’s compensation plan?

by Vicki Opfer
Sign up 6 distributors on your first level who will build with you, and a few others who will be great
customers and share with a few friends. Teach the 6 builders to do the same, and continue to teach this
model, downline. Note: This model assumes that an average order for a Distributor will be $200, which it
was for our group in December, 2005. The following is the math of what will happen:
Lev. # people Vol. (people X $200) X 5% (commission per month)
1 6 $1,200 $60
2 36 $7,200 $360
3 216 $43,200 $2,160
4 1,296 $259,200 $12,960
5 7,776 $1,555,200 $77,760
Totals 9,330 $1,866,000 $99,300
After your group has gotten to the third stage of this process, and you have created a group that has 6
building distributors on the first level, they each have their 6, and that second group has their 6, you will be
a Silver. Then, instead of earning 5% on your first five levels, you also earn an additional 3% on your
entire group, so the 5% commission becomes 8% in the first 5 levels!
Then, when a Silver develops under you, you begin to earn 4% instead of 3% on the volume below them.
So for the part of the volume that falls within your first 5 levels, you are now earning 9%. This almost
doubles your income from the 5% that is displayed above.
To make a million dollars a year requires an income of $83,333 per month. With this structure in your
unilevel (commissions on the first 5 levels in your group), you will be making well in excess of $1,000,000
a year by the time you successfully achieve this structure. Additionally, there are Performance bonuses
that will also kick in, adding another $2,000 a month to your income.
Let’s look at what happens when you get to Diamond, with 6 Silver legs, and go from earning 5% to 8% on
those first five levels, plus the Performance Bonus:
Lev. # people Vol. (people X $200) X 8% (commission per month)
1 6 $1,200 $96
2 36 $7,200 $576
3 216 $43,200 $3,456
4 1,296 $259,200 $20,736
5 7,776 $1,555,200 $124,416
Totals 9,330 $1,866,000 $149,280
Add the Performance Bonus $2,000
Total monthly income $151,280
That’s almost $2,000,000 a year, and some people WILL achieve this, over time!!! And this only reflects
what is going on in your first 5 levels – by the time you reach this level, you will also have substantial
volume in the levels below your first 5.
So go take a good look at your downline structure, and see how far along you are toward this goal. Do
you have 6 builders on your first level and other, smaller groups developing? How many of the 6 builders
have 6 builders on THEIR first level? How can you help them achieve this goal?
And remember, even if you fall short of this goal, you will still be absolutely financially independent...
Good Luck!!!!!!!
Vicki Opfer

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