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Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances
And Pensions
Department Of Administrative Reforms & PG
MAY, 2003
Para Page
No. No.
CHAPTER I - I!ro"#$!%o
CHAPTER II & De'%%!%o(
Special meanings !
CHAPTER III - Ma$)%er* o' +o,er-e!
"#e President $
"#e %ouncil of Ministers &
"ransaction of Government 'usiness (
Department )
*ntegrated +ead,uarters of
Ministry of Defence -.!
Attac#ed and Subordinate Offices -.$
%onstitutional 'odies .
Statutory 'odies /
Autonomous 'odies 0
Public Sector 1nderta2ings !3
*nformation and 4acilitation %ounter !!
%+AP"5R *6 Da2Receipt, Registration and Distribution
Receipt of da2 !$
Ac2no7ledgement of da2 !&
Registration of da2 !(
Distribution of da2 !)
CHAPTER .- Re$e%/!(-S#0-%((%o a" D%ar%(a!%o
Perusal and mar2ing of receipts !-
Diarising of receipts in Sections !.
Diarising of receipts received by officers !/
Movement of receipts !0
Action by #ig#er officers $3
Allocation of disputed receipts $!
CHAPTER .I - A$!%o o Re$e%/!(
General Principles $$
Action by dealing #and $&
Action by Section Officer $(
58amination by Section $)
Standard Process S#eets $-
9evel of disposal and c#annel of submission $.
Direct submission of cases by senior assistants $/
58amination by officer $0
Deviation from normal procedures or rules &3
Running summary of facts &!
Guidelines for noting &$
Modification of notes or orders &&
:oting on files received from ot#er departments &(
Aids to processing &)
Oral discussions &-
Oral instructions by #ig#er officers &.
Oral orders on be#alf of or from Minister &/
%onfirmation of oral instructions &0
58amination and progressing of cases in 7#ic# t7o or more
aut#orities are consulted (3
4iling of papers (!
Arrangement of papers in a case ($
Referencing (&
9in2ing of files ((
1se of urgency gradings ()
CHAPTER .II - Ha"1%g o' Re$e%/!( #"er De(2 O''%$er S*(!e-
General (-
Receipt of Da2 (.
Action by Des2 functionary (/
Maintenance of reference materials (0
CHAPTER .III - For-( a" Pro$e"#re o' Co--#%$a!%o
4orms of 7ritten communications and met#ods of delivery )3
"elep#onic communications )!
%orrespondence 7it# attac#ed and subordinate offices )$
Single 4ile System ;S4S< )&
*nterdepartmental consultation )(
:odal ministries=departments ))
References to t#e AttorneyGeneral of *ndia )-
References to constitutional=statutory aut#orities ).
References to t#e %omptroller and Auditor General of *ndia )/
References to t#e 1nion Public Service %ommission )0
%orrespondence 7it# 1nion "erritory administrations -3
%orrespondence 7it# State Governments -!
%orrespondence 7it# t#e 9o2 Sab#a and t#e
Ra>ya Sab#a Secretariats -$
%orrespondence 7it# Members of Parliament -&
%orrespondence 7it# Ministers of State Governments -(
%orrespondence 7it# foreign governments and
*nternational organisations -)
Prompt response to letters received --
"arget date for replies -.
CHAPTER I3 - Dra'!%g o' Co--#%$a!%o(
Procedure for drafting -/
General instructions for drafting -0
Aut#entication of government orders .3
Addressing communications to officers by name .!
Drafting of demiofficial letters .$
CHAPTER 3 - I((#e o' Dra'!(
Mar2ing of drafts for issue .&
4airing of approved drafts .(
Procedure to be follo7ed in Sections .)
Procedures to be follo7ed in Des2s .-
General instructions regarding typing ..
Procedure 7#ere centrali?ed typing pool e8its ./
Mar2ing of drafts .0
Stamping of drafts /3
Distribution of 7or2 among typists /!
Registration of drafts /$
%omparison /&
Signing of fair communications /(
*ssue of signed communications /)
Despatc# of postal communications /-
Despatc# of nonpostal communications /.
Return of papers //
*ssue of interdepartmental notes /0
Stamps Account Register 03
Action after issue 0!
Reference lists 0$
CHAPTER 3I & F%1e N#-0er%g S*(!e-
4ile numbering system 0&
4unctional file numbering system 0(
4ile numbering system based on sub>ect classification 0)
*nstances 7#ere files need not be opened 0-
4ile Register 0.
Part file 0/
"ransfer, reconstruction and renumbering of files 00
Movement of files and ot#er papers !33
4iling system under des2 pattern !3!
CHAPTER 3II - Re$or"( Maage-e!
Activities involved in records management !3$
Stage of recording !3&
Procedure for recording !3(
%ategorisation of records !3)
Stage of *nde8ing !3-
Manner of *nde8ing !3.
%ustody of inde8 slips !3/
%ompilation of departmental inde8 !30
Precedent 'oo2 !!3
Record Retention Sc#edule !!!
%ustody of records !!$
Revie7 and 7eeding of records !!&
Records maintained by officers and t#eir personal staff !!(
Re,uisitioning of records !!)
CHAPTER 3III - Se$#r%!* o' O''%$%a1 I'or-a!%o a" Do$#-e!(
1naut#orised communication of official information !!-
"reatment of classified papers !!.
%onfidential c#aracter of notes=files !!/
%ommunication of information to t#e press !!0
1se of restrictive classification for printed reports, etc. !$3
CHAPTER 3I. - C)e$2( o De1a*(
"ime limits !$!
+andling of public grievances !$$
@ee2ly arrear statement !$&
Mont#ly statement of cases pending disposal for over a mont# !$(
%all boo2 !$)
Mont#ly progress reports of recording and revie7 of files !$-
@atc# on disposal of communications received from
Members of Parliament !$.
@atc# on disposal of communications received from 6*Ps !$/
Monitoring of %ourt = %A" cases !$0
Register of Parliamentary assurances !&3
%#ec2list of periodical reports !&!
Revie7 of periodical reports=returns !&$
Responsibility of e8peditious disposal of 7or2 !&&
%#ec2s on delays under des2 officer system !&(
CHAPTER 3. - I(/e$!%o(
Purpose and periodicity !&)
*nspecting aut#orities !&-
*nspection programme !&.
*nspection report !&/
Supplementary *nspections !&0
Periodic *nspection by Supervisory Officers !(3
CHAPTER 3.I & O''%$e A#!o-a!%o
Purpose of office automation !(!
Areas amenable to automation !($
%omputer and perip#erals
5lectronic "ype7riter !((
P#otocopier !()
Dictap#one !(-
Microfilming of Records !(.
*nternal communication aids !(/;a<
58ternal communication aids !(/;b<
Paper binding e,uipment !(0
Document s#redder !)3
Risograp# !)!
Over#ead pro>ector !)$
6ideo conferencing e,uipment !)&
CHAAPTER 3.II & E1e$!ro%$a11* S#//or!e" O''%$e Pro$e"#re( S*(!e-

:eed for electronic support system !)(
Procedures to be follo7ed in an electronically supported
System !))
CHAPTER 3.III - M%($e11aeo#(
Annual Action Plan !)-
%iti?enAs=%lientAs %#arter !).
Official 9anguage for purposes of Government 7or2 !)/
Departmental instructions !)0
%ompilation=consolidation of orders=instructions !-3
Revie7 of rules, regulations and manuals !-!
Maintenance=transfer of records in t#e personal offices of Ministers !-$
Revie7 of forms & Procedures !-&
Modernisation of offices !-(
Procedure for processing reports of %ommissions=%ommittees and
ot#er e8pert bodies !-)
Preparation of *nduction material !--
%omposition of functions of O&M=*@S 1nits in t#e
Ministries=Departments !-.
Para Page
:o. :o.
!. Da2 Register !(
$. *nvoice
&. Section=Des2 diary for receipts !.
(. Personal Section Diary !/
). Movement Slip $3
-. AssistantsB Diary $&
.. Style in notes and drafts &$
..!. Procedural re,uirements to be met 7#ile preparing=
submitting :otes for t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittees=
Group of Ministers &$;!(<
..$ Procedural regarding preparation and submission of
papers for consideration of t#e %ommittee of Secretaries &$;!)<
..& *nstructions on %onstitution=Reconstitution of +ig# 9evel
%ommissions=%ommittees etc. &$;!-<
/. Acts, rules and instructions of a general nature to be
maintained by eac# section &)
0. Specimen forms of %ommunications )3
!3. 58tracts from t#e *ndian "elegrap# Rules and P & " Manual
regarding classification and use of urgency gradings for
State "elegrams )3
!!. %omposition of t#e Ga?ette of *ndia and instructions for
sending material for publication t#erein )3
!$. Distribution %#art /!
!&. "ypistsB Diary /!
!(. *ssue Diary /$
!). Specimen form for aut#entication of communications for issue /(
!-. Despatc# Register for postal communications only /-
!.. Revised procedure for maintenance of Service Postage
Stamp Account /-
!/. Stamps Account Register 03
!0. Section Despatc# Register 0!
$3. Statement of cases ot#er t#an t#ose of a routine nature disposed
off 7it#out reference to t#e Ministerinc#arge 0!
$!. 5ssentials of a functional file inde8 and an identifying file
numbering system 0(
$$. 4ile Register 0.
$&. 4ile Movement Register !33
$(. Register for 7atc#ing t#e progress of Recording !3(
$). *llustrative list of records fit for permanent preservation
because of C !3)
;A< t#eir value for administrative purposesD and
;'< t#eir #istorical importance
$-. 58amples of titles of files and inde8 slips !3. & !30
$.. Precedent 'oo2 !!3
$/. Retention sc#edule for records prescribed in t#e
Manual of Office Procedure !!!
$0. 9ist of files transferred to :ational Arc#ives of *ndia=
Departmental Record Room=Sections=Des2s !!$
&3. Record Revie7 Register !!$
&!. 9ist of files due for revie7 !!&
&$. Register of spare copies of publications, circulars, orders etc. !!&
&&. Results of special drives conducted on record management !!&
&(. Record Re,uisition %ard !!)
&). Statement s#o7ing particulars of receipts=cases in #and
for more t#an . days !$&
&-. @ee2ly arrear statement ;individual< !$&
&.. %ase s#eet !$(
&/. :umerical abstract of cases pending disposal for over a mont# !$(
&0. %onsolidated numerical abstract of cases pending disposal
for over a mont# !$(
(3. %all boo2 !$)
(!. Mont#ly progress report on recording of files !$-
($. Mont#ly progress report on revie7 of files !$-
(&. %onsolidated mont#ly progress report on recording of files !$-
((. %onsolidated mont#ly progress report on revie7 of recorded files !$-
(). Register for 2eeping a 7atc# on t#e disposal of communications
received from Members of Parliament ;for personal sections< !$.
(-. Register for 2eeping a 7atc# on t#e disposal of communications
received from Members of Parliament ;for sections=des2s< !$.
(.. 4ortnig#tly report regarding disposal of communications
received from Members of Parliament !$.
(/. *llustrative list of 6*Ps !$/
(0. Details of pending %ourt=%A" cases !$0
)3. Status of implementation of %ourt=%A" >udgement !$0
)!. :umber of %ourt=%A" cases pendin !$0
)$. Register of Parliamentary Assurances !&3
)&. %#ec2list for 7atc#ing Receipt of incoming periodical
reports for t#e year !&!
)(. %#ec2list for 7atc#ing Despatc# of outgoing periodical
reports for t#e year !&!
)). *nspection Euestionnaire for %entral Receipt and *ssue Section !&)
)-. *nspection Euestionnaire on Organisation & Met#ods ;O&M<
4or Sections= Des2s
;ot#er t#an %entral Receipt and *ssue Section< !&)
).. *nspection Euestionnaire for Departmental Record Room !&)
)/. Management *nformation System ;M*S< !&)
)0. 58ecutive summary for Secretary !&)
-3. Matters in respect of 7#ic# Departments may issue
departmental instructions !)0
-!. Despatc# Register to be maintained by t#e Personal
offices of Ministers !-$
-$. 4ile Movement Diary to be maintained by t#e Personal
offices of Ministers !-$
-&. Particulars of files given informally to t#e Minister !-$
-(. Procedure to be follo7ed for processing of Reports of
%ommissions=%ommittees and ot#er e8pert bodies !-)
-). *llustrative list of functions to be performed by t#e *nternal
@or2 Study 1nits=O&M 1nits !-.
--. Reports on O&M Activities !-.
Application of met#ods and procedures in organi?ations dates bac2 to early
civili?ation. "#e efficiency of an organi?ation, to a large e8tent, depends on evolution of
ade,uate processes and procedures and t#e ability of its employees to follo7 t#em.
Accordingly, t#e efficiency of persons #andling secretarial 7or2 in an organi?ation can
be >udged by t#eir ability to dispose of receipts 7it# speed, follo7ing t#e procedures
prescribed for t#e purpose. "#e ultimate ob>ect of all Government business is to meet t#e
citi?ensA needs and to furt#er t#eir 7elfare 7it#out undue delay. At t#e same time, t#ose
7#o are accountable for t#e conduct of t#at business #ave to ensure t#at public funds are
managed 7it# utmost care and prudence. *t is, t#erefore, necessary, in eac# case, to 2eep
appropriate record not only of 7#at #as been done but also of 7#y it 7as so done.
"#e procedures prescribed in t#is Manual, attempt to balance t#e conflicting
considerations of speed and propriety. *n a dynamic conte8t, t#is balance cannot be
rigidly or permanently fi8ed. 5very rule and step in t#e procedure must serve a definite
purpose and must meet t#ese testsC *s it necessaryF *s it sufficientF *s t#ere any ,uic2er
7ay 7#ic# 7ould serve t#e purposeF
*n order to create a7areness about t#ese processes and practices at t#e cutting
edge level and to sensitise t#e ne7 entrants inducted at various levels in t#e %entral
Secretariat, t#e Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, as a nodal
agency in t#e field of BOrgani?ation & Met#odsB, #as laid do7n various procedures for
performance of secretariat 7or2 by t#e functionaries in various Ministries=Departments of
t#e Government of *ndia in t#e form of %entral Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure
;%SMOP<. "#e procedures laid do7n in t#e %SMOP, #ave been adopted for use after
careful e8amination of t#e recommendations of various administrative commissions,
committees etc. Met#ods of 7or2ing #ave been improved time and again 7it# a vie7 to
increasing productivity and provide responsive administration. 5fforts #ave al7ays been
made to maintain a close relations#ip among t#e organi?ation, procedure of 7or2, and t#e
Since its first publication in Marc# !0)), %S MOP #as been revised from time to
time to ta2e care of t#e c#anging scenario. 5leven editions #ave so far been publis#ed.
"#is is t#e t7elft# revised edition.
"#e fact t#at t#ere are 7ritten procedures is not an absolute indication of t#eir
effective operation. A 7ritten procedure is only a documentation of #o7 t#e 7or2 #as to
be done. *n order to ma2e sure t#at procedures are being follo7ed, documentation of
actual practice, coupled 7it# spot c#ec2s of actual 7or2, need to be done. :e7ly
inducted staff s#ould be trained on t#e procedures contained in t#e %SMOP and
refres#er courses too s#ould be organised.
A 7ell designed procedure serves as a standing order, a means to coordinating
effort, a tool of communication, and a basis for performance measurement and appraisal.
%SMOP 7ill, t#erefore, continue to form t#e bac2bone of process management in t#e
%entral Secretariat. *t #as been augmented by incorporating procedures in t#e conte8t of
c#anges in tec#nology 7it#out altering its basic structure. *t 7ould, t#us, cater to t#e
needs of a 7ide spectrum of government offices functioning 7it# different types of
!. Special meanings Special meanings to be attac#ed to some of t#e terms used in
t#e manual are given belo7C
;!< BAppendi8 to correspondenceB in relation to a file means lengt#y enclosures to
a communication ;7#et#er receipt or issue< on t#e file, inclusion of 7#ic# in
t#e correspondence portion is li2ely to obstruct smoot# reading of t#e
correspondence or ma2e t#e correspondence portion un7ieldy.
;$< BAppendi8 to notesB in relation to a file means a lengt#y summary or
statement containing detailed information concerning certain aspects of t#e
,uestion discussed on t#e file, incorporation of 7#ic# in t#e main note is
li2ely to obscure t#e main point or ma2e t#e main note unnecessarily lengt#y.
;&< B'ranc# officerB in relation to a section means t#e officer 7#o is directly above
t#e section in t#e line of control for e8ecution of 7or2.
;(< B%aseB means a current file or a receipt toget#er 7it# ot#er related papers, if any.
;)< B%entral issue sectionB means t#e unit 7it#in a department responsible for
typing of drafts, comparing of fair copies, preparation of pads for signature
and despatc# of communication to t#e addressees and includes functionaries
li2e resident cler2 and nig#t duty cler2. *n departments 7#ere centrali?ed
typing pool does not e8ist in central issue section, t#is section 7ill be
responsible only for despatc# of signed communications to t#e addressees.
;-< B%entral receipt and issue sectionB means a unit 7it#in a department consisting
of t#e central registry and t#e central issue section.
;.< B%entral registryB means a unit 7it#in a department c#arged 7it# t#e
responsibility of receiving, registering and distributing da2 meant for t#at
department and includes functionaries li2e resident cler2 and nig#t duty cler2.
;/< B%lassified da2B means da2 bearing a security grading.
;0< %iti?enAs=%lientAs %#arter is a document 7#ic# represents a systematic effort
to focus on t#e commitment of t#e Organisation to7ards itAs %iti?ens=%lients
in respect of Standard of Services, *nformation, %#oice and %onsultation,
:ondiscrimination and Accessibility, Grievances Redress, %ourtesy and
6alue for Money. "#is also includes e8pectations of t#e Organisation from
t#e %iti?en=%lient for fulfilling t#e commitment of t#e Organisation.
;!3< B%omebac2 caseB means a case received bac2 for furt#er action suc# as re
e8amination or preparing a draft or a summary of t#e case.
;!!< B%orrespondence portionB in relation to a file means t#e portion containing
GreceiptsB and office copies of GissueB pertaining to t#e file including self
contained interdepartmental notes but e8cluding t#ose recorded on t#e notes
portion of t#e file itself.
;!$< B%.R. :o.B means t#e serial number assigned by t#e central registry to da2 in
t#e da2 register preceded by t#e code letter identifying t#e register.
;!&< B%urrent fileB means a file action on 7#ic# #as not been completed.
;!(< BDa2B includes every type of 7ritten communication suc# as letter, telegram,
interdepartmental note, file, fa8, email, 7ireless message 7#ic# is received,
7#et#er by post or ot#er7ise, in any department for its consideration.
;!)< BDealing #andB means any functionary suc# as lo7er division cler2, an upper
division cler2, an assistant, entrusted 7it# initial e8amination and noting
upon cases.
;!-< BDepartmentB means any of t#e ministries, departments, secretariats and
offices mentioned in t#e 4irst Sc#edule to t#e Government of *ndia
;Allocation of 'usiness< Rules.
;!.< BDepartmental inde8B means a consolidated inde8 of files opened by different
sections of a department during a year ;e8cept t#ose of a classified nature or
t#ose proposed to be retained for less t#an !3 years< arranged in a single
series in t#e alp#abetical order of t#e catc#7ords under 7#ic# t#ey #ave been
;!/< BDepartmental instructionsB means instructions issued by a department to
supplement or vary t#e provisions of t#e Manual of Office Procedure.
;!0< HDepartmental Record Officer ;DRO<A means t#e officer nominated by t#e
records creating agency for overall records management.
;$3< BDes2B is an officeroriented 7or2 unit 7it#in a department 7it# a specific
tas2 assigned to it.
;$!< BDes2 functionaryB means an officer assigned a 7elldefined subfunction or
activity in t#e c#arge of des2.
;$$< BDiaristB means a cler2 7it#in a section c#arged 7it# t#e responsibility inter
alia of maintaining t#e section diary.
;$&< BDiarisingB means registration of receipts in t#e section diary as 7ell as in t#e
diary register 7it# t#e Personal Staff of Officers.
;$(< BDiary numberB means t#e serial number assigned to a receipt in t#e section
diary=Personal Staff of Officers follo7ed by code letters identifying t#e
section diary ;G+B for section diary for +indi receipt and GOB for section diary
for ot#er receipts<=OfficerAs designation, t#e year and t#e abbreviated symbol
of t#e section, e.g., $3)+=$33!O&M or !$&=DS;O&M<=$33!.
;$)< HDivisionA is a unit of a @ing 7it#in a Department. A division may comprise a
number of branc#es.
;$-< BDoc2etingB means ma2ing of entries in t#e notes portion of a file about t#e
serial number assigned to eac# item of correspondence ;7#et#er receipt or
issue< for its identification.
;$.< B4ileB means a collection of papers on a specific sub>ect matter assigned a file
number and consisting of one or more of t#e follo7ing partsC
;a< %orrespondence
;b< :otes
;c< Appendi8 to correspondence
;d< Appendi8 to notes.
;$/< B4inal disposalB in relation to a case under consideration means completion of
all action t#ereon culminating, 7#ere necessary, in t#e issue of final orders or
final reply to t#e party from 7#ic# t#e original communication emanated.
;$0< B4res# receipt ;4R<B means any subse,uent receipt on a case 7#ic# brings in
additional information to aid t#e disposal of a paper under consideration.
;&3< B*nde8ingB in relation to a file means indicating its title under appropriate
catc#7ords arranged in t#eir alp#abetical order 7it# a vie7 to facilitate its
location in t#e event of need.
;&!< B*nde8 slipB means a card or a paper slip displaying t#e title of file under a
catc#7ord follo7ed by a reference to its file number.
;&$< H*nformation and 4acilitation %ounter ;*4%<A is a facility, normally setup
outside t#e Security Ione of Ministries=Departments=Organisations to provide
information to t#e citi?ens=clients about t#e programmes, sc#emes, etc., as
7ell as status of cases, applications, etc. *4%s are also called HMay * +elp
JouA or H+elpA %ounters in certain organi?ations.
;&&< B*ssueB means a communication issued in a case.
;&(< B*ssue of fair communicationB includes all stages of action after t#e approval
of a draft ending 7it# despatc# of t#e signed communication to t#e addressee,
e.g., fair typing, comparing, attac#ing enclosures, preparing pads for
signature, preparing covers, ma2ing entries in t#e despatc# registers and
messenger boo2s, affi8ing stamps, 7#ere necessary.
;&)< BMessenger 'oo2B means a record, maintained in standard form O&M !& or
any ot#er form, of particulars of despatc# of nonpostal communications and
t#eir receipt by t#e addressees.
;&-< BMinuteB means a note recorded by t#e President, t#e 6icePresident, t#e
Prime Minister or a Minister.
;&.< B:ig#t Duty %ler2B means a cler2 on duty outside office #ours 7#o performs
t#e functions of t#e central receipt and issue section during suc# #ours. "#e
term includes resident cler2 also.
;&/< B:oteB means t#e remar2s recorded on a case to facilitate its disposal, and
includes a summary of previous papers, a statement or an analysis of t#e
,uestions re,uiring decision, suggestions regarding t#e course of action and
final orders passed t#ereon.
;&0< B:otes portionB in relation to a file means t#e portion containing notes or
minutes recorded on a case.
;(3< H:odal Ministry=DepartmentA is one 7#ic# interacts 7it# all ot#er
Ministries=Departments to ensure uniformity in #andling of specific matters.
;(!< BOrdinary postal da2B means postal da2 for 7#ic# no specific
ac2no7ledgement is obtained by t#e Posts offices.
;($< HParliamentary mattersA includes Parliament Euestions, Assurances, etc. t#e
manner of dealing 7it# 7#ic# is laid do7n in detail in t#e Manual K+andling
of Parliament Material.L
;(&< BPaper under consideration ;P1%<B means a receipt on a case, t#e
consideration of 7#ic# is t#e sub>ect matter of t#e case.
;((< BPersonal staffB includes private secretary, personal assistant, stenograp#er,
assistant, cler2 or any ot#er clerical staff appointed to assist t#e functionary
as 7ell as t#e personal section of a Minister.
;()< BPostal communicationB means a communication despatc#ed by post and
includes telegram.
;(-< BPostal da2B means all da2 received t#roug# Posts offices.
;(.< BReceiptB means da2 after it #as been received by t#e concerned section=officer.
;(/< BRecord cler2B means a cler2 in a section responsible inter alia for typing and
maintaining inde8 slips and for loo2ing after routine aspects of recording
;(0< BRecordingB means t#e process of closing a file after action on all t#e issues
considered t#ereon #as been completed, and includes operations li2e
completing references, removing routine papers, revising t#e file title,
c#anging t#e file cover, recording rulings ;if any< in t#e Precedent 'oo2,
categorising t#e file and stitc#ing t#e file.
;)3< BReference folderB in relation to a particular sub>ect means a folder containing
copies of relevant rules, orders, instructions, etc., arranged in c#ronological
;)!< BRoutine noteB means a note of a temporary value or ep#emeral importance
recorded outside t#e file, e.g., a record of casual discussion or a note on a
point of secondary importance intended to facilitate consideration of t#e case
by #ig#er officers.
;)$< BRunning summary of factsB in relation to a case means a summary of t#e facts
of t#e case updated from time to time to incorporate significant development
as and 7#en t#ey ta2e place. "#is may be termed HSelf %ontained :oteA if it
figures in t#e notes portion of t#e file.
;)&< HSecretariat OfficesA are t#ose 7#ic# are responsible for formulation of t#e
policies of t#e government and also for t#e e8ecution and revie7 of t#ose
;)(< BSectionB means t#e basic 7or2 unit 7it#in a department, responsible for
attending to items of 7or2 allotted to it. *t is generally #eaded by a section
officer and includes B%ellsB, G1nitB and ot#er li2e terms.
;))< BSectional noteB means a note recorded on only one of t#e many issues raised
in t#e P1%.
;)-< BSection officerB means an officer supervising a section and includes
functionaries li2e superintendent and assistantinc#arge.
;).< BSecurity gradingB means security mar2ing of classified documents as
G%onfidentialB, GSecretB, G"op SecretB or HRestrictedA.
;)/< BStanding guard fileB on a sub>ect means a compilation consisting of t#e
follo7ing t#ree partsC
;a< a running summary of t#e principles and policy relating to t#e sub>ect
7it# number and date of relevant decisions or orders ,uoted in margin
against eac#D
;b< copies of t#e decisions or orders referred to, arranged in c#ronological
orderD and
;c< model forms of communications to be used at different stages.
;)0< BStanding noteB in relation to a sub>ect means a continuing note e8plaining,
among ot#er t#ings, t#e #istory and development of t#e policy and procedure,
designed to serve asC
;a< a complete bac2ground material for revie7 of t#e e8isting policy or
;b< a brief for preparing replies to Parliament ,uestions or notes for
supplementaries t#eretoD and
;c< induction or training material.
;-3< BStandard process s#eetB means a standard s2eleton note developed for a
repetitive item of 7or2, indicating predetermined points of c#ec2 or aspects
to be noted upon.
;-!< B1rgent da2B means da2 mar2ed BimmediateB or BpriorityB, and includes
telegrams, 7ireless messages, tele8 messages, fa8, etc.
;-$< H@ingA is a unit of t#e Department and may comprise a number of divisions.
$. The President "#e e8ecutive po7er of t#e 1nion formally vests in t#e President
and may be e8ercised by #im eit#er directly or t#roug# officers subordinate to #im,
in accordance 7it# t#e %onstitution.
&. The Council of Ministers
;!< *n t#e e8ercise of #is functions, t#e President is aided and advised by a
%ouncil of Ministers #eaded by t#e Prime Minister. *n actual practice t#e
e8ecutive po7er of t#e 1nion resides in t#e %ouncil of Ministers.
;$< "#e %ouncil of Ministers consists of t#ree categories of Ministers, namelyC
;a< %abinet MinistersD
;b< Ministers of StateD and
;c< Deputy Ministers.
;&< "#e %abinet, 7#ic# consists of Ministers of t#e first category only, is
responsible for s#aping t#e overall policies of t#e Government in disc#arging
its responsibilities. *t sometimes functions t#roug# its %ommittees.
(. Transaction of government business
;!< Among t#e rules issued by t#e President for t#e convenient transaction of t#e
business of t#e Government, under Article ..;&< of t#e %onstitution, areC
;a<"#e Government of *ndia ;Allocation of 'usiness< RulesD and
;b<"#e Government of *ndia ;"ransaction of 'usiness< Rules.
;$< "#e Allocation of 'usiness Rules allocate t#e business of t#e government
among its different departments 7#ic# are assigned to t#e c#arge of t#e
Ministers by t#e President on t#e advice of t#e Prime Minister. *n relation to
t#e business allotted to a Minister, t#ese rules also permit t#e association of
anot#er Minister or Deputy Minister to perform suc# functions as may be
specifically assigned to #im.
;&< "#e "ransaction of 'usiness Rules see2 to define t#e aut#ority, responsibility
and obligations of eac# department in t#e matter of disposal of business
allotted to it. @#ile providing t#at t#e business allotted to a department 7ill be
disposed of by, or under t#e direction of, t#e Ministerinc#arge, t#ese rules
also specifyC
;a< cases or classes of cases to be submitted to t#e President, t#e Prime
Minister, t#e %abinet or its committees for prior approvalD and
;b< t#e circumstances in 7#ic# t#e department primarily concerned 7it# t#e
business under disposal 7ill #ave to consult ot#er departments
concerned and secure t#eir concurrence before ta2ing final decisions.
). Department
;!< A department is responsible for formulation of policies of t#e government in
relation to business allocated to it and also for t#e e8ecution and revie7 of
t#ose policies.
;$< 4or t#e efficient disposal of business allotted to it, a department is divided into
7ings, divisions, branc#es and sections.
;&< A department is normally #eaded by a secretary to t#e Government of *ndia
7#o acts as t#e administrative #ead of t#e department and principal adviser of
t#e Minister on all matters of policy and administration 7it#in t#e department.
;(< "#e 7or2 in a department is normally divided into 7ings 7it# a Special
Secretary=Additional Secretary=Moint Secretary in c#arge of eac# 7ing. Suc# a
functionary is normally vested 7it# t#e ma8imum measure of independent
functioning and responsibility in respect of t#e business falling 7it#in #is
7ing sub>ect, to t#e overall responsibility of t#e Secretary for t#e
administration of t#e department as a 7#ole.
;)< A 7ing normally comprises a number of divisions eac# functioning under t#e
c#arge of an officer of t#e level of Director=Moint Director=Deputy Secretary.
A division may #ave several branc#es eac# under t#e c#arge of an 1nder
Secretary or e,uivalent officer.
;-< A section is generally t#e lo7est organisational unit in a department 7it# a
7elldefined area of 7or2. *t normally consists of assistants and cler2s
supervised by a Section Officer. *nitial #andling of cases ;including noting
and drafting< is generally done by, assistants and cler2s 7#o are also 2no7n as
t#e dealing #ands.
;.< @#ile t#e above represents t#e commonly adopted pattern of organisation of a
department, t#ere are certain variations, t#e most notable among t#em being
t#e des2 officer system. *n t#is system t#e 7or2 of a department at t#e lo7est
level is organised into distinct functional des2s eac# manned by t7o des2
functionaries of appropriate ran2s e.g. 1nder Secretary or Section Officer.
5ac# des2 functionary #andles t#e cases #imself and is provided ade,uate
stenograp#ic and clerical assistance.
;/< "#e ot#er notable variation is t#e *ntegrated +ead,uarters of Ministry of
Defence 7#ere, t#e 6ice %#iefs of Staff, t#e Principal Staff Officers of t#e
concerned branc#es and ot#er appropriate aut#orities, e8ercise t#e po7ers
delegated by t#e Ra2s#a Mantri t#roug# t#e various 'ranc#es and t#e
Directorates of t#e *ntegrated +ead,uarters of t#e Ministry of Defence.
;0< 4unctions of various levels of functionaries C
;a< Secretary N A Secretary to t#e Government of *ndia is t#e administrative
#ead of t#e Ministry or Department. +e is t#e principal adviser of t#e
Minister on all matters of policy and administration 7it#in #is
Ministry=Department, and #is responsibility is complete and undivided.
;b< Special Secretary/Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary N @#en t#e
volume of 7or2 in a Ministry e8ceeds t#e manageable c#arge of a
Secretary one or more 7ings may be establis#ed 7it# Special
Secretary=Additional Secretary=Moint Secretary, inc#arge of eac# 7ing.
Suc# a functionary is entrusted 7it# t#e ma8imum measure of independent
functioning and responsibility in respect of all business falling 7it#in #is
7ing sub>ect, to t#e general responsibility of t#e Secretary for t#e
administration of t#e 7ing as a 7#ole.
;c< Director/Deputy Secretary N Director =Deputy Secretary is an officer 7#o
acts on be#alf of t#e Secretary. +e #olds c#arge of a Secretariat Division
and is responsible for t#e disposal of Government business dealt 7it#in
t#e Division under #is c#arge. +e s#ould, ordinarily be able to dispose of
t#e ma>ority of cases coming upto #im on #is o7n. +e s#ould use #is
discretion in ta2ing orders of t#e Moint Secretary=Secretary on more
important cases, eit#er orally or by submission of papers.
;d< Under Secretary N An 1nder Secretary is in c#arge of t#e 'ranc# in a
Ministry consisting of t7o or more Sections and in respect t#ereto
e8ercises control bot# in regard to t#e despatc# of business and
maintenance of discipline. @or2 comes to #im from t#e sections under
#is c#arge. As 'ranc# Officer #e disposes of as many cases as possible at
#is o7n level but #e ta2es t#e orders of Deputy Secretary or #ig#er
officers on important cases.
;e< Section fficer
A. !eneral Duties N
;i< Distribution of 7or2 among t#e staff as evenly as possibleD
;ii< "raining, #elping and advising t#e staffD
;iii< Management and coordination of t#e 7or2D
;iv< Maintenance of order and discipline in t#e sectionD
;v< Maintenance of a list of residential addresses of t#e Staff.
'. "esponsibilities relating to Da# N
;i< to go t#roug# t#e receiptsD
;ii< to submit receipts 7#ic# s#ould be seen by t#e 'ranc# Officer
or #ig#er officers at t#e da2 stageD
;iii< to 2eep a 7atc# on any #oldup in t#e movement of da2D and
;iv< to scrutini?e t#e section diary once a 7ee2 to 2no7 t#at it is
being properly maintained.
%. "esponsibilities relating to issue of draft N
;i< to see t#at all corrections #ave been made in t#e draft before it
is mar2ed for issueD
;ii< to indicate 7#et#er a clean copy of t#e draft is necessaryD
;iii< to indicate t#e number of spare copies re,uiredD
;iv< to c#ec2 7#et#er all enclosures are attac#edD
;v< to indicate priority mar2ingD
;vi< to indicate mode of despatc#.
D. "esponsibility of efficient and e$peditious disposal of %or# and
chec#s on delays N
;i< to 2eep a note of important receipts 7it# a vie7 to 7atc#ing t#e
progress of actionD
;ii< to ensure timely submission of arrear and ot#er returnsD
;iii< to underta2e inspection of AssistantsA table to ensure t#at no
paper of file #as been overloo2edD
;iv< to ensure t#at cases are not #eld up at any stageD
;v< to go t#roug# t#e list of periodical returns every 7ee2 and ta2e
suitable action on items re,uiring attention during ne8t 7ee2.
5. &ndependent disposal of cases N
+e s#ould ta2e independently action of t#e follo7ing types N
;i< issuing remindersD
;ii< obtaining or supplying factual information of a nonclassified
;iii< any ot#er action 7#ic# a Section Officer is aut#ori?ed to ta2e
4. Duties in respect of recording and inde$ing N
;i< to approve t#e recording of files and t#eir classificationD
;ii< to revie7 t#e recorded file before destructionD
;iii< to order and supervise periodic 7eeding of un7anted spare
;iv< ensuring proper maintenance of registers re,uired to be
maintained in t#e sectionD
;v< 5nsuring proper maintenance of reference boo2s, Office
Orders etc. and 2eep t#em uptodateD
;vi< 5nsuring neatness and tidiness in t#e SectionD
;vii< Dealing 7it# important and complicated cases #imselfD
;viii< 5nsuring strict compliance 7it# Departmental Security
;f< Assistant/Upper Division Cler# N +e 7or2s under t#e orders and
supervision of t#e Section Officer and is responsible for t#e 7or2
entrusted to #im. @#ere t#e line of action on a case is clear or clear
instructions #ave been given by t#e 'ranc# Officer or #ig#er officers, #e
s#ould put up a draft 7it#out muc# noting. *n ot#er cases #e 7ill put up a
note 2eeping in vie7 t#e follo7ing points C
;i< to see 7#et#er all facts open to c#ec2 #ave been correctly statedD
;ii< to point out any mista2es or incorrect statement of t#e factsD
;iii< to dra7 attention, 7#ere necessary, to precedents or Rules and
Regulations on t#e sub>ectD
;iv< to put up t#e Guard file, if necessary, and supply ot#er relevant facts
and figuresD
;v< to bring out clearly t#e ,uestion under consideration and suggest a
course of action 7#erever possible.
;g< Private Secretary/Personal Assistant/Stenographer N +e 7ill 2eep t#e
officer free from routine nature of 7or2 by mailing correspondence, filing
papers, ma2ing appointments, arranging meeting and collecting
information so as to give t#e officer more time to devote #imself to t#e
7or2 in 7#ic# #e #as specialised. "#e Personal Assistant 7ill maintain
t#e confidentiality and secrecy of confidential and secret papers entrusted
to #im. +e 7ill e8ercise #is s2ill in #uman relations and be cordial 7it#
t#e persons 7#o come in contact 7it# #is boss officially or 7#o are
#elpful to #is boss or 7#o #ave dealings 7it# t#e boss as professional
persons. Some of t#e more specific functions are enumerated belo7 C
;i< ta2ing dictation in s#ort#and and its transcription in t#e best manner
;ii< fi8ing up of appointments and if necessary canceling t#emD
;iii< screening t#e telep#one calls and t#e visitors in a tactful mannerD
;iv< 2eeping an accurate list of engagements, meetings etc. and
reminding t#e officer sufficiently in advance for 2eeping t#em upD
;v< maintaining, in proper order, t#e papers re,uired to be retained by
t#e OfficerD
;vi< 2eeping a note of t#e movement of files, seen by #is officer and
ot#er officers, if necessaryD
;vii< destroying by burning t#e stenograp#ic record of t#e confidential and
secret letters after t#ey #ave been typed and issuedD
;viii< carrying out t#e corrections to t#e officerAs reference boo2s and
ma2ing fair copies of draft demiofficial letters to be signed by t#e
;i8< generally assisting #im in suc# a manner as #e may direct and at t#e
same time, #e must avoid t#e temptation of abrogating to #imself t#e
aut#ority of #is boss.
;#< 'o%er Division Cler# N 9o7er Division %ler2s are ordinarily entrusted
7it# 7or2 of routine nature, for e8ample N registration of Da2,
maintenance of Section Diary, 4ile Register, 4ile Movement Register,
*nde8ing and Recording, typing, comparing, despatc#, preparation of
arrears and ot#er statements, supervision of correction of reference boo2s
and submission of routine and simple drafts etc.
-.! &ntegrated (ead)uarters of Ministry of Defence * *ntegrated +ead,uarters of
Ministry of Defence comprising Army +ead,uarters, :aval +ead,uarters, Air
+ead,uarters and Defence Staff +ead,uarters 7ill be associated in t#e formulation
of policies in relation to matters concerning t#e Defence of *ndia and t#e Armed
forces of t#e 1nion. "#ey 7ould be responsible for providing e8ecutive direction
re,uire in t#e implementation of policies laid do7n by t#e Ministry of Defence.
"#ey s#all e8ercise delegated administrative and financial po7ers. "#e role and
functions t#e Services +ead,uarters Hno7A designated as *ntegrated +ead,uarters in
all ot#er respects remain unc#anged.
-.$ Attached and Subordinate offices
;!< @#ere t#e e8ecution of t#e policies of t#e government re,uires
decentralisation of e8ecutive action and=or direction, a department may #ave under
it e8ecutive agencies called GAttac#edB and GSubordinateB offices.
;$< Attac#ed offices are generally responsible for providing e8ecutive
direction re,uired in t#e implementation of t#e policies laid do7n by t#e
department to 7#ic# t#ey are attac#ed. "#ey also serve as repository of tec#nical
information and advise t#e department on tec#nical aspects of ,uestion dealt 7it#
by t#em.
;&< Subordinate offices generally function as field establis#ments or as
agencies responsible for t#e detailed e8ecution of t#e policies of government. "#ey
function under t#e direction of an attac#ed office, or 7#ere t#e volume of e8ecutive
direction involved is not considerable, directly under a department. *n t#e latter
case, t#ey assist t#e departments concerned in #andling tec#nical matters in t#eir
respective fields of specialisation.
.. Constitutional +odies C Suc# bodies 7#ic# are constituted under t#e provisions of
t#e %onstitution of *ndia.
/. Statutory +odies C Suc# bodies 7#ic# are establis#ed under t#e statute or an Act of
0. Autonomous +odies C Suc# bodies 7#ic# are establis#ed by t#e Government to
disc#arge t#e activities 7#ic# are related to governmental functions. Alt#oug# suc#
bodies are given autonomy to disc#arge t#eir functions in accordance 7it# t#e
Memorandum of Associations etc., but t#e GovernmentAs control e8ists since t#ese are
funded by t#e Government of *ndia.
!3. Public Sector Underta#ings N Public Sector 1nderta2ing is t#at part of t#e
industry 7#ic# is controlled fully or partly by t#e Government. "#ese underta2ings #ave
been setup in t#e form of companies or corporations in 7#ic# t#e s#ares are #eld by t#e
President or #is nominees and 7#ic# are managed by 'oard of Directors 7#ic# includes
officials and nonofficials.
!!. &nformation and ,acilitation Counters -&,Cs.
"#e *nformation and 4acilitation %ounter 7ill provide t#e follo7ing services to t#e
clients=customers of t#e organi?ationC
;!< information regarding services provided and programmes, sc#emes etc.
supported by t#e organi?ation and t#e relevant rules and procedures, t#roug#
broc#ures, folders etc.D
;$< facilitating t#e customer=client to obtain t#e services of t#e Organisation
optimally, timely, efficiently and in a transparent manner and providing forms etc.
of public usageD
;&< information regarding t#e standards of ,uality of service, time norms, etc.
evolved by t#e organi?ation 7it# reference to t#e services=sc#emes=functioning of
t#e organi?ationD
;(< information regarding #ierarc#ical set up of Public Grievance Redress
Mac#inery of t#e organi?ationD and
;)< receiving, ac2no7ledging and for7arding t#e
grievances=application=re,uest=form etc. ;related to t#e services provided by t#e
Organisation< to t#e concerned aut#ority in t#e organi?ation and providing
information on t#eir status=disposal.
!$. "eceipt of Da#.
;!< ;a<During office #ours, t#e entire da2 of t#e department including t#at
addressed to Ministers=Officers by name, 7ill be received in t#e central
registry=*4%. @#ere, #o7ever, immediate=important da2 addressed to
Ministers=Officers by name is sent t#roug# special messenger directly to t#e
addressees t#emselves, it 7ill be received by, t#em or t#eir personal staff.
;b<*n case an officer is on long leave, #as retired or left t#e office after
completion of #is=#er tenure, t#e incumbent or t#e personal staff concerned or
t#e officer >ust belo7 t#e concerned officer dealing 7it# t#e sub>ect 7ill
receive t#e immediate=important references e8cept confidential letters. *n
case none of t#e above mentioned officers is in position, t#e central registry
7ill receive suc# letters. *n no case immediate=important letters s#ould be
undelivered or returned.
;$< Outside office #ours, da2 7ill be received by, t#e addressee #imself at #is
residence if mar2ed GimmediateB and addressed by name. *n suc# cases, t#e officer
7ill normally be intimated in advance over telep#one about t#e da2 being delivered
at #is residence. *n all ot#er cases, da2 7ill be received, outside office #ours by C
;a< t#e nig#t duty cler2 of t#e department concerned, or
;b< 7#ere no suc# arrangements e8ist, by t#e officer designated by t#e
department concerned to receive suc# da2.
;&< %ommunication received t#roug# emails in t#e Department 7ill be
do7nloaded centrally in t#e %omputer %entre of t#e Department by a designated
person, 7#o 7ill for7ard t#e same to t#e %entral Registry. Suc# communications
addressed to Ministers=officers 7ill be, do7nloaded by t#em or t#eir personal staff.
;(< %ommunications received t#roug# fa8 s#ould be immediately p#otocopied as
t#e te8t of t#e fa8 message fades 7it# t#e passage of time.
!&. Ac#no%ledgement of da# /
"#e receipt of da2, e8cept ordinary postal da2, 7ill be ac2no7ledged by t#e
recipient signing #is name in full and in in2 7it# date and designation. "#e
ac2no7ledgements of email received 7ill, as far as possible, be sent electronically.
!(. "egistration of da#/
;!< 1rgent da2 7ill be separated from ot#er da2 and dealt 7it# first.
;$< All covers, e8cept t#ose addressed to Ministers=officers by name or t#ose
bearing a security grading, 7ill be opened by t#e central registry.
;&< On opening da2, t#e central registry=*4% 7ill c#ec2 enclosures and ma2e a
note of any item found missing.
;(< All opened da2, as 7ell as t#e covers of unopened classified da2, 7ill be
datestamped ;vide specimen as under<.
Department of...........................................................
Received on..............................................................
%. R. = *.4.%. :o...................................................................
Sec. Dy. :o..............................................................
;)< "#e entire da2 7ill t#em be sorted out section7ise ;and officer7ise if
addressed by name<. "o facilitate t#is, t#e central registry 7ill 2eep a list
;refer para 0$< s#o7ing t#e allocation up to date of t#e sub>ects to various
;-< "#e follo7ing categories of da2 7ill be registered by t#e central registry=*4% in
t#e da2 register ;Appendi8 *<C
;a< telegrams, 7ireless messages, 4a8 Messages, tele8 messages and e
mail messages received from t#e %omputer %entreD
;b< registered postal da2D
;c< interdepartmental filesD
;d< court summons and receipts enclosing valuable documents, e.g. service
boo2s, agreement, etcD
;e< parliament ,uestions, resolutions, cut motions and references see2ing
information relating to t#emD
;f< unopened inner covers containing classified da2D
;g< letters from Members of ParliamentD
;#< any ot#er category covered by departmental instructions, and
;i < 5nvelopes received 7it#out contents or 7it# material not mar2ed to any
officer 7ill be registered 7it# necessary comments in t#e remar2s
column of Da2 Register.
;.< "#e central registry=*4% 7ill maintain one or more da2 registers as may be
found convenient. *n no case, #o7ever, 7ill a single register be operated upon
by, t7o or more cler2s. @#ere more t#an one da2 register is maintained, eac#
register 7ill be identified 7it# an alp#abetical code letter GAB, G'B, G%B, and so on
;/< "#e %. R. = *.4.%. :o. assigned to da2, manually in t#e da2 register or t#roug#
t#e computer, 7ill be indicated on t#e da2 in t#e appropriate place in t#e stamp
affi8ed on it.
;0< Da2 received may, #o7ever, be registered t#roug# computer 7#erever
suc# a facility is available in %entral Registry=*4%. *n t#at case, da2 register and
invoice register, need not be maintained manually.
!). Distribution of da# /
;!< "#e central registry=*4% 7ill prepare an invoice ;Appendi8 $< separately
for eac# section to 7#ic# t#e da2 is to be distributed. "#e da2, along 7it# invoice,
7ill be sent to t#e section concerned and ac2no7ledged by t#e diarist. "#e invoice,
duly signed, 7ill t#en be returned to t#e central registry=*4%, 7#ere it 7ill be filed
section7ise and date7ise.
;$< Alternatively, da2 may be distributed and ac2no7ledgement obtained in
messenger boo2s or da2 register maintained section7ise.
;&< "#e above procedure 7ill also apply to t#e da2 meant for
Ministers=officers, 7#ic# 7ill be ac2no7ledged by t#eir personal staff.
;(< 1rgent da2 7ill be distributed as and 7#en received. Ot#er da2 may be
distributed at suitable intervals ;i. e., !! a.mD $ p.m. and ( p.m.<. Suc# part of t#e
ordinary da2 as is received too late to be included in t#e last daily round, 7ill be
2ept ready for distribution early ne8t day. "#e official in c#arge of t#e central
registry 7ill ensureC
;a< t#at, as far as possible, sorting, registration and invoicing of da2 is
completed on t#e day of its receiptD
;b< t#at, to t#e e8tent to 7#ic# t#e above 7or2 cannot be completed during
t#e day, and 7it#out pre>udice to t#e processing of urgent da2, t#e nig#t
duty staff attends to itD and
;c< t#at t#e total number of receipts pending at t#e end of t#e day for
sorting, registration and invoicing are noted in a register and t#e
signatures of t#e nig#t duty staff are obtained on it in to2en of t#eir
#aving ta2en custody of t#ese.
;)< 1rgent da2 received outside office #ours 7ill be sent to t#e sections
concerned if t#ere is staff on duty. *n ot#er cases, suc# da2 7ill be dealt 7it# in
accordance 7it# t#e instructions issued by t#e department concerned.
!-. Perusal and mar#ing of receipts/
"#e diarist 7ill submit all receipts to t#e section officer 7#o 7illC
;!< go t#roug# t#e receiptsD
;$< for7ard misdirected receipts to t#e sections concernedD
;&< separate t#ose 7#ic#, eit#er under t#e departmental instructions or in
#is discretion, s#ould be seen by #ig#er officers before t#ey are
processed and mar2 t#em to suc# officersD
;(< mar2 to #imself suc# of t#e remaining receipts as are of a difficult
nature or present any special features re,uiring #is personal attentionD
;)< mar2 ot#er receipts to t#e dealing #ands concerned, and 7#ere
necessary, indicate urgency grading and give directions regarding line
of actionD
;-< 2eep a note in #is diary of important receipts re,uiring prompt action or
disposal by a specified dateD and
;.< submit t#e case to t#e officer 7#o last noted on it, if it is one returned
by anot#er department.
!.. Diarising of receipts in sections/
;!< 5ac# section 7ill maintain a section diary ;Appendi8 &<, Devanagri script
7ill be used for diarising +indi receipts.
;$< "#e diarist 7ill diarise in t#e section diary ;Appendi8 &< all receipts e8cept
t#e follo7ing before t#ey are submitted to t#e officers concerned or distributed
among t#e dealing #andsC
;a< receipts 7#ic#, as a class, are ade,uately ta2en care of by a register
specially devised for t#e purpose ;e.g. telep#one bills 7#ic# are entered
in telep#one bill register<D
;b< receipts 7#ic# #ave already been diarised in computerD
;c< communications received from Members of Parliament for 7#ic# a
separate register is maintained for 7atc#ing t#eir disposal vide para
;d< unsigned communications ;e8cept email< on 7#ic# no instructions
#ave been recorded by officers and on 7#ic# no action is to be ta2enD
;e< identical copies of representations, save t#e one received firstD
;f< post copies of telegrams unless t#e endorsement contains a message in
addition to t#at contained in t#e telegramsD
;g< petty contingent vouc#ers suc# as t#ose relating to nig#t duty or
overtime claims of t#e staff, claims for coolie #ire or conveyance #ire,
c#its as2ing for articles of furniture, stationery etc.
;#< routine ac2no7ledgementsD
;i< casual leave applicationsD
;>< copies of miscellaneous circulars, office memoranda, e8tracts, etcD
circulated by any section for general information, e.g., orders of general
application, telep#one lists, notices of #olidays, tour programmes, etcD
;2< any ot#er types of receipts 7#ic# under departmental instructions are
not re,uired to be diarised.
;&< *nterdepartmental notes, telegrams, or any ot#er category of receipts
soug#t to be distinguis#ed from t#e rest, may be entered in t#e section diary in red
;(< Receipts redirected to ot#er sections 7ill also be diarised.
;)< Papers referred to anot#er department 7ill be diarised eac# time t#ey are
received bac2. 4or t#ose referred under diary numbers, #o7ever, previous and
later entries in t#e diary 7ill be lin2ed by giving t#e earlier and t#e later diary
numbers against eac# entry.
;-< *f a receipt is diarised after a lapse of more t#an !) days from t#e date it
bears, t#e entry regarding date in column & of t#e section diary 7ill be circled in
red in2.
;.< "#e diary number of a receipt 7ill be indicated in t#e space provided for
t#e purpose in t#e stamp affi8ed by t#e central registry vide para !( ;(<.
;/< "#e section officers 7ill scrutinise t#e section diaries once a 7ee2 to see
t#at t#ese are being properly maintained and append #is dated initials in to2en of
;0< Under the computerised environment the format of the diary register %ill
be as in Appendi$ 0/ A single diary number %ill be generated irrespective of
%here a receipt is diarised/ All e$clusions mentioned in sub*para -1. above
%ould be applicable/ Appropriate codes in "emar#s column %ould indicate the
different categories of receipts as %ell as redirected receipts or receipts diarised
after a lapse of more than 23 days from the date it bears4 as mentioned in earlier
sub*paras/ Papers received bac# from other departments %ill be diarised and
%ill be lin#ed %ith previous diary numbers as they can be easily traced
electronically/ The diary number %ill be indicated on the receipt as in the
manual system/ The Section fficer %ill generate a status report of the receipts
from computer every %ee# to ensure proper monitoring/
!/. Diarising of receipts addressed to officers *
;!< "#e personal staff of officers of t#e ran2 of Deputy Secretary and above
7ill diarise receipts addressed to t#eir officers in respective personal section
diary. 5nvelopes received 7it#out contents or 7it# material not mar2ed to any
officer s#ould also be diarised ;Appendi8 (< 7it# necessary comments.
;$< :o receipt 7ill be diarised more t#an t7ice. A communication once
diarised above t#e section level 7ill not be diarised a second time till it reac#es
t#e section, 7#ere it 7ill be diarised in t#e section diary. 4or e8ample, a
communication received by t#e Minister and diarised by #is personal staff need
not be diarised at t#e level of Secretary, Additional Secretary=Moint Secretary.
Director=Deputy Secretary, etc.
;&< &n the computerised diary system no receipt %ill be diarised more than
once/ ,or receipts addressed to officers4 diarising %ill be done by their personal
!0. Movement of receipts *
;!< Receipts submitted to officers 7ill move in pads conspicuously labelled as
BReceipts PadB. "#eir movement and perusal 7ill receive prompt attention.
;$< "#e Section Officer 7ill 2eep a careful 7atc# on any #oldup in t#e
movement of receipts. "#e diarist 7ill bring to #is notice any receipt 7#ic# are
not received bac2 from officers 7it#in one 7or2ing day.
$3. Action by higher officers *
Officers to 7#om receipts are submitted 7illC
;!< go t#roug# t#e receipts and initial t#emD
;$< remove receipts 7#ic# t#ey may li2e to dispose of 7it#out assistance
from section or to submit to #ig#er officersD
;&< enter t#e diary numbers of t#e receipts removed vide subpara ;$<
above on t#e movement slip ;Appendi8 )<D -this %ill be prepared in
the prescribed format in computerised system also.
;(< 7#ere necessary, give directions regarding line of action to be ta2en on
ot#er receiptsD and
;)< return t#e receipts toget#er 7it# movement slip, if any, to t#e Section
Officer for action in terms of paras !-;(< and !-;)< above.
$!. Allocation of disputed receipts /
*f a section feels t#at it is not concerned 7it# a misdirected receipt for7arded to it
vide para !- ;$< t#e same s#ould be broug#t to t#e notice of t#e officer designated
by t#e department for deciding allocation of disputed receipts.
$$. !eneral principles /
Action on receipts 7ill be so organised t#at it results in speedy and correct
decisionma2ing process. All records creating agencies 7ill use good ,uality
paper ;*S !..( !0/- "ype ** Grade **< and in2 ;*SC !)/!!0)3< as prescribed by
t#e 'ureau of *ndian Standards 7#ile transacting official business so as to ensure
longevity of records and easy retrieval of information. @#ile t#e detailed drill to
be follo7ed is given in t#e succeeding paragrap#s, certain general principles to be
observed in t#is regard are given belo7C
;!< An officer 7ill #imself initiate action on as many receipts as possible,
2eeping in vie7 t#e priority re,uirements.
;$< :umber of levels at 7#ic# a case is e8amined 7ill be reduced to t#e
;&< Paper 7or2 7ill be 2ept at an essential minimum.
;(< 9east possible time 7ill be ta2en for e8amination and disposal of cases.
;)< @#ile disposing of cases, an officer 7ill aim at optimising t#e ,uality as 7ell
as t#e ,uantity of 7or2 performed by #im.
$&. Action by dealing hand /
"#e dealing #and 7illC
;!< go t#roug# t#e receipts and separate urgent receipts from t#e restD
;$< enter t#e receipts in t#e assistantBs diary ;Appendi8 -<D &t is not necessary to
maintain separately in a computerised environment as the system can
generate information through )uery/
;&< deal 7it# t#e urgent receipts firstD Code indicating the priority may be
given in a computerised environment/
;(< c#ec2 enclosures and if any found missing, initiate action to obtain itD
;)< see 7#et#er any ot#er section is concerned 7it# any part or aspect of a
receipt and if so, send copies or relevant e8tracts to t#at section for
necessary actionD
;-< bring t#e receipt on to a current file if one already e8ists or open a ne7 file
as per paras 0( and 0) and indicate file :o. in column ( of t#e assistantBs
diary. *f t#e current file is under submission, a part file 7ill be opened,
7#ic# 7ill be subse,uently merged 7it# t#e main file by t#e dealing
assistant 7#en #e accesses bot#. &n a computerised environment the
relevant file number4 %hether of e$isting file or a ne% file4 %ill be indicated
in the relevant column in the diary register itself/
;.< file papers in accordance 7it# para (!D
;/< assign t#e receipt page number ;s< and a serial number in terms of paras (&
;!< and (& ;$<D
;0< doc2et t#e receipt and reproduce on t#e notes portion of t#e file remar2s, if
any made by an officer on t#e receiptD
;!3< 7it# t#e #elp of file registers ;para 0. and Appendi8 $$<, inde8es, precedent
boo2 ;para !!3 and Appendi8 $.<, standing guard files ;para &)<, reference
folders ;para &)<, etc. locate and collect ot#er files or papers, if any, referred
to in t#e receipt, or #aving a bearing on t#e issues raised t#ereinD
;!!< identify and e8amine t#e issues involved in t#e case and record a note vide
instructions in paras $), &$ and &(D
;!$< arrange papers and reference t#em in t#e case properly ;vide paras ($((<D
;!&< @#ere necessary, attac# a label indicating t#e urgency grading appropriate
to t#e case ;vide para ()<D
;!(< put up t#e case to t#e appropriate #ig#er officerD and
;!)< indicate t#e date of submission in column ) of t#e assistantBs diary. &n the
computeri5ed diary system indicate the details of submission at the
appropriate column/
$(. Action by section officer /
;!< "#e Section Officer 7ill C
;a< scrutinise t#e note of t#e dealing #andD
;b< finally dispose of routine casesD
;c< ta2e intermediate routine actionD
;d< record, 7#ere necessary, a note setting out #is o7n comments or
suggestionsD and
;e< submit t#e case to t#e appropriate #ig#er officer.
-f. in computerised environment also ma#e a suitable entry in the
electronic diary register
;$< @#at constitutes Groutine casesB or Gintermediate routine actionB in terms of
;b< and ;c< above 7ill be specified by eac# department in its departmental
$). 6$amination by section/
@#en t#e line of action on a receipt is obvious or is based on a clear precedent or
practice, or #as been indicated by a #ig#er officer, and a communication #as to
issue, a draft 7ill be put up 7it#out any elaborate note. *n ot#er cases, t#e section,
7#ile putting up a case, 7illC
;!< see 7#et#er all t#e statements, so far as t#ey are open to c#ec2, are correctD
;$< point out mista2es, incorrect statements, missing data or information, if any
;&< dra7 attention, if necessary, to t#e statutory or customary procedure and
point out t#e relevant la7 and rulesD
;(< furnis# ot#er relevant data or information available in t#e department, if
;)< state t#e ,uestions for consideration and bring out clearly t#e points
re,uiring decisionD
;-< dra7 attention to precedentsD
;.< evaluate relevant data and informationD and
;/< suggest, 7#ere possible, alternative courses of action for consideration.
$-. Standard Process Sheet 4or dealing 7it# cases of repetitive nature e.g.
sanctioning of leave, GP4 advances, for7arding of applications etc. standard
process s#eets 7ill be devised by t#e respective Ministries=Departments and 7ill
be prescribed t#roug# departmental instructions. :o notes 7ill be recorded in
suc# cases. Standard process sheets %ill also be maintained in electronic form in
a computerised environment.
$.. 'evel of disposal and channel of submission
;!< An officer above t#e level of Section Officer 7ill ta2e action on a case in
accordance 7it# t#e departmental instructions prescribing t#e level of final
disposal and c#annel of submission for eac# category of cases. Departmental
instructions %ill also be maintained in electronic form in a computerised
;$< 5ac# Department 7ill revie7 t#e instructions on level of disposal and
c#annel of submission every three years #eeping the number of levels at %hich a
case is e$amined to the minimum by delegating po%ers to lo%er formations/
;&< As far as possible it 7ill be ensured t#at a case is seen eit#er by an 1nder
Secretary or a Deputy Secretary=Director instead of bot# seeing it.
;(< A Des2 Officer 7ill submit cases direct to a Deputy Secretary or Director
7#o in turn 7ould submit it to t#e Moint Secretary=Additional Secretary.
;)< A case 7ill pass t#roug# only one of t#e follo7ing levels before it is
submitted to t#e MinisterD
Additional Secretary
Special Secretary
;-< A Moint Secretary can submit cases directly to Secretary=Minister and not
necessarily t#roug# t#e Additional Secretary.
;.< Additional Secretaries in large ministries s#ould be allo7ed to function
independently in daytoday administrative and functional matters. *n matters
re,uiring orders of t#e Minister, ot#er t#an t#ose relating to policy=important
cases, Additional Secretary can submit files directly to t#e Minister.
;/< *n Ministries=Departments 7it# a Special Secretary and Secretary, t#ere
s#ould be a clear delegation of aut#ority to t#e Special Secretary so t#at in most
matters #e can function independently.
;0< @#erever level >umping is done in respect of any category of cases, eac# suc#
case on its return, 7ill pass t#roug# all t#e levels >umped over 7#o in suitable
cases could resubmit t#e cases for reconsideration.
;!3< &n a computerised environment the system %ill provide scope for level
$/. Direct submission of cases by senior assistants/
;!< An assistant in a conventional section 7#o #as more t#an five years
service in t#e grade including at least si8 mont#s in t#e concerned section may be
re,uired to submit all #is cases direct to t#e branc# officer. *n appropriate cases,
assistants 7it# less t#an five years service in t#e grade may also be permitted to
submit cases direct to branc# officer.
;$< All t#e cases directly submitted by assistants to t#e branc# officer 7ill as a
rule, go bac2 to t#e assistants t#roug# t#e section officer. "#e section officer 7ill
be free to bring to t#e notice of t#e branc# officer any omission or fla7s in t#e
submission of cases or t#e decisions ta2en and t#us give an opportunity to t#e
branc# officer to reconsider t#e matter.
$0. 6$amination by fficer
;!< An Officer 7ill regularly discuss 7it# #is staff to decide t#e course of
action to be ta2en on various cases. :ormally a single note 7ill be put up to t#e
decision ma2ing level after t#e line of action is decided.
;$< 4or dealing 7it# important problem solving issues, t#e tec#ni,ue of
7riting a selfcontained note may be used. "#is involves entrusting an officer or a
group of officers 7it# preparing a compre#ensive note 7#ic# 7ill be put up
straig#t to t#e decision ma2ing level. "#e note 7ill contain t#e bac2ground to t#e
problem, issues arising out of its precedents, if any, analysis of all relevant facts,
and recommendations.
&3. Deviation from normal procedures or rules *n every case 7#ere a ma>or or
minor infraction, ot#er t#an trivial, of t#e e8isting procedures or rules, is soug#t to
be made, it s#all be t#e responsibility of t#e decision ma2ing aut#ority to ensure
t#at reasons are recorded in 7riting, >ustifying suc# a deviation from t#e rules or
&!. "unning summary of facts "o facilitate consideration and to obviate repeated
recapitulation, a running summary of facts 7ill be prepared and placed on t#e file
in a separate folder labelled as suc# in every case in 7#ic# it is evident t#at suc# a
summary 7ould contribute to its speedy disposal. "#is summary 7ill also include
t#e advice or vie7s of ot#er departments consulted in t#e matter but not opinions
of individual officers 7it#in a department. *t s#ould be 2ept up to date,
incorporating c#anges 7#enever furt#er developments ta2e place. "unning
summary of facts %ill also be maintained in electronic form in a computerised
&$. !uidelines for noting /
;!< All notes 7ill be concise and to t#e point. 9engt#y notes are to be avoided.
;$< "#e verbatim reproduction of e8tracts from or parap#rasing of t#e paper
under consideration, fres# receipt, or any ot#er part of correspondence or notes on
t#e same file, s#ould not be attempted.
;&< @#en passing orders or ma2ing suggestions, an officer 7ill confine #is
note to t#e actual points #e proposes to ma2e 7it#out reiterating t#e ground
already covered in t#e previous notes. *f #e agrees to t#e line of action suggested
in t#e preceding note, #e 7ill merely append #is signature.
;(< Any officer, 7#o #as to note upon a file on 7#ic# a running summary of
facts is available 7ill, in dra7ing attention to t#e facts of t#e case, refer to t#e
appropriate part of t#e summary 7it#out repeating it in #is o7n note.
;)< Relevant e8tracts of a rule or instruction 7ill be placed on t#e file and
attention to it 7ill be dra7n in t#e note, rat#er t#an reproducing t#e relevant
provisions in t#e note.
;-< 1nless a running summary of facts is already available on t#e file or t#e
last note on t#e file itself serves t#at purpose, a selfcontained note 7ill be put up
7it# every case submitted to t#e Minister. Suc# a note 7ill bring out briefly but
clearly relevant facts, including t#e vie7s e8pressed on t#e sub>ect by ot#er
departments, if any, consulted in t#e matter and t#e point or points on 7#ic# t#e
orders of t#e Minister are soug#t.
;.< *f apparent errors or incorrect statements in a case #ave to be pointed out
or if an opinion e8pressed t#erein #as to be criticised, care s#ould be ta2en to
couc# t#e observations in courteous and temperate language free from personal
;/< @#en a paper under consideration raises several ma>or points 7#ic#
re,uire detailed e8amination and respective orders, eac# point ;or group of related
points< 7ill be noted upon separately in sectional notesD suc# notes 7ill eac#
begin 7it# a list of t#e ma>or point;s< dealt 7it# t#erein.
;0< :otes and orders 7ill normally be recorded on note s#eets in t#e notes
portion of t#e file and 7ill be serially numbered. 'lac2 or blue in2 7ill be used
by all category of staff and officers. Only an officer of t#e level of Moint Secretary
of Government of *ndia and above may use green or red in2 in rare cases.
;!3< "#e dealing #and 7ill append #is full signature 7it# date on t#e left belo7
#is note. An officer 7ill append #is full signature on t#e rig#t #and side of t#e
note 7it# name, designation and date.
;!!< A note 7ill be divided into serially numbered paragrap#s of easy si?e, say
ten lines eac#. Paragrap#s may preferably #ave brief titles. "#e first paragrap#
7ill give an indication of t#e evidence and t#e conclusions reac#ed. "#e final
paragrap# s#ould 7eig# t#e arguments and ma2e recommendations for action.
;!$<*n 7riting notes t#e observations made in Appendi8 .GStyle in notes and
draftsB 7ill be 2ept in vie7.
;!&<A small margin of about one inc# 7ill be left on all sides ;left, rig#t, top and
bottom< of eac# page of t#e note s#eet to ensure better preservation of notes
recorded on t#e files as at times t#e paper gets torn from t#e edges ma2ing
reading of t#e document difficult. +o7ever, notes s#ould be typed=7ritten on
bot# sides of t#e note s#eet as per instructions of Department of 58penditure.
;!(<@#ile preparing=submitting :otes for t#e %abinet=%abinet
%ommittees=Groups of Ministers, t#e re,uired procedure as detailed in Appendi8
..! 7ill be 2ept in vie7.
;!)<@#ile preparing=submitting of papers for consideration of t#e %ommittee of
Secretaries, t#e re,uired procedure as detailed in Appendi8..$ 7ill be 2ept in
;!-<@#ile constitution=reconstitution of +ig#level %ommissions=%ommittees,
t#e re,uired procedure as detailed in Appendi8..& 7ill be 2ept in vie7.
&&. Modification of notes or orders /
;!< Senior officers s#ould not re,uire any modification in, or replacement of,
t#e notes recorded by t#eir >uniors once t#ey #ave been submitted to t#em.
*nstead, t#e #ig#er officers s#ould record t#eir o7n notes giving t#eir vie7s on
t#e sub>ect, 7#ere necessary correcting or modifying t#e facts given in earlier
notes. *n any case, t#e replacement or modification of t#e notes 7#ic# #ave
already been recorded on a file, 7#en t#e file #as been furt#er noted upon by
ot#ers, s#ould not be permitted.
;$< Pasting over a note or a portion of it to conceal 7#at #as been recorded is
not desirable. @#ere a note recorded in t#e first instance re,uires any
modification on account of additional facts or any error #aving come to notice, a
subse,uent note may be recorded, 2eeping t#e earlier note intact.
;&< @#ere a final decision already communicated to a party is found later on
to #ave been given on a mista2en ground or 7rong facts or 7rong interpretation
of rules due to misunderstanding, suc# 7it#dra7al may #ave also legal
implications. *n all suc# cases, in addition to consulting t#e Ministry of 9a7,
7#erever necessary, suc# a 7it#dra7al s#ould be permitted only after t#e
approval of an officer #ig#er t#an t#e one 7#o too2 t#e original decision, #as
been obtained and reasons for t#e reversal or modification of t#e earlier decision
#ave been duly recorded on t#e file.
&(. 8oting on files received from other departments
;!< *f t#e reference see2s t#e opinion, ruling or concurrence of t#e receiving
department and re,uires detailed e8amination, suc# e8amination 7ill normally be
done separately t#roug# routine notes and only t#e final result 7ill be recorded on
t#e file by t#e officer responsible for commenting upon t#e reference. "#e officer
to 7#om suc# a note is submitted 7ill eit#er accept t#at note or record a note of
#is o7n. *n t#e former case, #e may direct t#at t#e note in ,uestion or a specified
portion t#ereof may be reproduced on t#e main file for communication to t#e
department concerned. *n t#e latter case, #e 7ill record a suitable note on t#e main
file itself. *n eit#er case, a copy of t#e note recorded on t#e main file 7ill be 2ept
on t#e routine notes for retention in t#e receiving department before t#e file is
returned to t#e originating department.
;$< "#e department 7ill open sub>ect7ise files eac# year in 7#ic# suc#
routine notes 7ill be 2ept. "#e interdepartmental note recorded on t#e file of t#e
originating department 7ill bear t#e sub>ect file number to facilitate filing of
papers and t#eir retrieval for future reference. The retrieval is faster in a
computerised environment due to easier trac#ing/
;&< @#ere t#e reference re,uires information of a factual nature or ot#er
action based on a clear precedent or practice, t#e dealing #and in t#e receiving
department may note on t#e file straig#t7ay.
;(< @#ere a note on a file is recorded by an officer after obtaining t#e orders
of a #ig#er officer, t#e fact t#at t#e vie7s e8pressed t#erein #ave t#e approval of
t#e latter s#ould be specifically mentioned.
&). Aids to processing
;!< "o facilitate processing of a case, eac# section 7ill develop and maintain
t#e follo7ing records for important sub>ects dealt 7it# by itC
;a< standing guard filesD
;b< standing notesD
;c< precedent boo2 ;vide para !!3<D
;d< standard process s#eets ;of repetitive items of 7or2 only<D and
;e< reference folders containing copies of circulars, etc.
The above records %ill also be maintained in electronic form in a computerised
;$< Apart from copies of acts, rules, orders and instructions concerning
sub>ects dealt 7it# by it, eac# section is e8pected to maintain, for ready reference,
t#e %onstitution of *ndia and certain acts, rules and instructions of a general
nature, references of most of 7#ic# #ave been made in t#is manual. 5ac#
department is e8pected to procure an ade,uate number of copies of t#ese acts,
rules and instructions and ma2e t#em available to all concerned. An illustrative
list of suc# acts, rules and instructions is contained in Appendi8 /.
These acts4 rules and instructions %ill be accessed electronically if available on
%ebsite of issuing Ministries/Departments/
;&< "#e documentationcumreference system ;manual as 7ell as electronic
form< 7ill include reference material peculiar to t#e need of t#e functional
sections and a consciously developed information system to act as an aid to policy
formulation, revie7 and operational decisions.
&-. ral discussions
;!< All points emerging from discussions ;including telep#onic discussions<
bet7een t7o or more officers of t#e same department or from discussions
bet7een officers of different departments, and t#e conclusions reac#ed 7ill be
recorded on t#e relevant file by t#e officer aut#orising action.
;$< All discussions=instructions=decisions 7#ic# t#e officer recording t#em
considers to be important enoug# for t#e purpose, s#ould be got confirmed by all
t#ose 7#o #ave participated in or are responsible for t#em. "#is is particularly
desirable in cases 7#ere t#e policy of t#e government is not clear or 7#ere some
important deviation from t#e prescribed policy is involved or 7#ere t7o or more
level differ on significant issues or t#e decision itself, t#oug# agreed up to by all
concerned, is an important one.
&.. ral instructions by higher officers
;!< @#ere an officer is giving direction ;including telep#onic direction< for
ta2ing action in any case in respect of matters on 7#ic# #e or #is subordinate #as
po7ers to decide, #e s#all ordinarily do so in 7riting. *f, #o7ever, t#e
circumstances of t#e case are suc# t#at t#ere is no time for giving t#e instructions
in 7riting, #e s#ould follo7 it up by a 7ritten confirmation at #is earliest.
;$< An officer s#all, in t#e performance of #is official duties, or in t#e e8ercise
of t#e po7ers conferred on #im, act in #is best >udgement e8cept 7#en #e is
acting under instructions of an official superior. *n t#e latter case, #e s#all obtain
t#e directions in 7riting 7#erever practicable before carrying out t#e instructions,
and 7#ere it is not possible to do so, #e s#all obtain 7ritten confirmation of t#e
directions as soon t#ereafter as possible. *f t#e Officer giving t#e instructions is
not #is immediate superior but one #ig#er to t#e latter in t#e #ierarc#y, #e s#all
bring suc# instructions to t#e notice of #is immediate superior at t#e earliest.
&/. ral orders on behalf of or from Minister /
;!< @#enever a member of t#e personal staff of a Minister communicates to
any officer an oral order on be#alf of t#e Minister, it s#all be confirmed by #im in
7riting immediately t#ereafter.
;$< *f any officer receives oral instructions from t#e Minister or from #is
personal staff and t#e orders are in accordance 7it# t#e norms, rules, regulations
or procedures t#ey s#ould be broug#t to t#e notice of t#e Secretary ;or t#e #ead of
t#e department 7#ere t#e officer concerned is 7or2ing in or under a non
secretariat organisation<.
;&< *f any Officer receives oral instructions from t#e Minister or from #is
personal staff and t#e orders are not in accordance 7it# t#e norms, rules,
regulations or procedures, #e s#ould see2 furt#er clear orders from t#e Secretary
;or t#e #ead of t#e department in case #e is 7or2ing in or under a nonsecretariat
organisation< about t#e line of action to be ta2en, stating clearly t#at t#e oral
instructions are not in accordance 7it# t#e rules, regulations, norms or
;(< *n rare and urgent cases 7#en t#e Minister is on tour= is sic2 and #is
approval #as to be ta2en on telep#one t#e decision of t#e Minister can be
conveyed by #is Private Secretary. *n suc# cases, confirmation 7ill be obtained
on file 7#en t#e Minister returns to +ead,uarter= re>oins.
&0. Confirmation of oral instructions /
;!< *f an officer see2s confirmation of oral instructions given by #is superior,
t#e latter s#ould confirm it in 7riting 7#enever suc# confirmation is soug#t.
;$< Receipt of communications from >unior Officers see2ing confirmation of
oral instructions s#ould be ac2no7ledged by t#e senior officers or t#eir personal
staff, or t#e personal staff of t#e Minister, as t#e case may be.
(3. 6$amination and progressing of cases in %hich t%o or more authorities are
@#ere t7o or more State Governments, %entral departments or ot#er aut#orities
are simultaneously consulted, t#e e8amination and, 7#ere necessary, tabulation of
t#e replies 7ill ordinarily be started as soon as replies begin to arrive and not #eld
over till t#e receipt of all t#e replies or t#e e8piry of t#e target date.
(!. ,iling of papers/
;!< Papers re,uired to be filed 7ill be punc#ed on t#e left #and top corner and
tagged onto t#e appropriate part of t#e file vi?. notes, correspondence, appendi8 to
notes and appendi8 to correspondence, in c#ronological order, from left to rig#t.
;$< 'ot# Gnotes portionA and Gcorrespondence portionA 7ill be placed in a single
file cover. 9eft side of tag in t#e notes portion 7ill be tagged onto t#e left side of
t#e file cover and rig#t side of t#e tag 7ill remain as suc# i.e., untagged. *n t#e
case of correspondence portion, rig#t side of tag 7ill be tagged onto t#e rig#t side
of t#e same file cover and left side of t#e tag 7ill remain as suc# i.e., untagged.
;&< 5arlier communications referred to in t#e receipt or issue, 7ill be indicated
by pencil by giving t#eir position on t#e file.
;(< ;a< *f t#e file is not bul2y, appendi8 to notes and appendi8 to
correspondence may be 2ept along7it# t#e respective note portion or t#e
correspondence portion of t#e main file if t#ese are considered as integral and
important part.
;b< *f t#e file is bul2y, separate file covers may be maintained for 2eeping
appendi8 to notes and appendi8 to correspondence.
;)< Routine receipts and issues ;e.g., reminders, ac2no7ledgments< and routine
notes 7ill not be allo7ed to clutter up t#e file. "#ey 7ill be placed belo7 t#e file
in a separate cover and destroyed 7#en t#ey #ave served t#eir purpose.
;-< @#en t#e BnotesA plus t#e GcorrespondenceA portion of a file become bul2y
;say e8ceed !)3 pages<, it 7ill be stitc#ed and mar2ed G6olume *A. 4urt#er papers
on t#e sub>ect 7ill be added to t#e ne7 volume of t#e same file, 7#ic# 7ill be
mar2ed G6olume **A, and so on.
;.< *n 6olume ** and subse,uent volumes of t#e same file, page numbering in
notes portion and correspondence portion 7ill be made in continuity of t#e last
page number in note portion=correspondence portion of t#e earlier volume.
;/< On top of t#e first page of t#e note portion in eac# volume of t#e file, file
number, name of t#e Ministry=Department, name of branc#=section and sub>ect of
t#e file 7ill be mentioned.
($. Arrangement of papers in a case/
"#e papers in a case 7ill be arranged in t#e follo7ing order from top do7n7ardsC
;!< reference boo2sD
;$< notes portion of t#e current file ending 7it# t#e note for considerationD
;&< running summary of factsD
;(< draft for approval, if anyD
;)< correspondence portion of t#e current file ending 7it# t#e latest receipt or
issue, as t#e case may beD
;-< appendi8 to notes and correspondenceD
;.< Standing guard file, standing note or reference folder, if anyD
;/< ot#er papers, if any, referred to, e.g., e8tracts of notes or correspondence
from ot#er files, copies of orders, resolutions, ga?ettes, arranged in
c#ronological order, t#e latest being placed on t#e topD
;0< recorded files, if any, arranged in c#ronological order, t#e latest being placed
on t#e topD and
;!3< routine notes and papers arranged in c#ronological order and placed in a
separate cover.
(&. "eferencing /
;!< 5very page in eac# part of t#e file ;vi?., notes, correspondence, appendi8
to notes, and appendi8 to correspondence< 7ill be consecutively numbered in
separate series in pencil on t#e rig#t top corner. 'lan2 intervening pages, if any,
7ill not be numbered.
;$< 5ac# item of correspondence in a file, 7#et#er receipt or issue, 7ill be
assigned a serial number 7#ic# 7ill be displayed prominently in red in2 at t#e top
middle of its first page.
;&< "#e paper under consideration on a file 7ill be flagged GP1%B and t#e
latest fres# receipt noted upon, as G4RB. *n no circumstances, 7ill a slip, ot#er t#an
GP1%B and G4RB, be attac#ed to any paper in a current file. *f t#ere are more t#an
one G4RB t#ey s#ould be flagged separately as G4R *B, G4R **B, and so on.
;(< *n referring to t#e papers flagged GP1%B or G4RB, t#e relevant page numbers
7ill be ,uoted invariably in t#e margin. Ot#er papers in a current file 7ill be
referred to by t#eir page numbers only.
;)< Recorded files and ot#er papers put up 7it# t#e current file 7ill be flagged
7it# alp#abetical slips for ,uic2 identification. Only one alp#abetical slip 7ill be
attac#ed to a recorded file or compilation. *f t7o or more papers contained in t#e
same file or compilation are to be referred to, t#ey s#ould be identified by t#e
relevant page numbers in addition to t#e alp#abetical slip, e.g. GAB=$&.n, GAB=!..c,
and so on.
;-< "o facilitate t#e identification of references to papers contained in ot#er
files after t#e removal of slips, t#e number of t#e file referred to 7ill be ,uoted
invariably in t#e body of t#e note and t#e relevant page numbers, toget#er 7it#
t#e alp#abetical slip attac#ed t#ereto, 7ill be indicated in t#e margin. Similarly,
t#e number and date of orders, notifications and t#e resolutions, and, in t#e case
of acts, rules and regulations, t#eir brief title toget#er 7it# t#e number of t#e
relevant section, rule, paragrap# or clause, referred to 7ill be ,uoted in t#e body
of t#e notes, 7#ile t#e alp#abetical slips used, 7ill be indicated in t#e margin.
;.< Rules or ot#er compilations referred to in a case need not be put up if
copies t#ereof are e8pected to be available 7it# t#e officer to 7#om t#e case is
being submitted. "#e fact of suc# compilations not #aving been put up 7ill be
indicated in t#e margin of t#e notes in pencil.
;/< "#e reference slips 7ill be pinned neatly on t#e inside of t#e papers soug#t
to be flagged. @#en a number of papers put up in a case are to be flagged, t#e
slips 7ill be spread over t#e entire 7idt# of t#e file so t#at every slip is easily
((. 'in#ing of files
;!< *f t#e issues raised in t7o or more current files are so interconnected t#at
t#ey must be dealt 7it# toget#er simultaneously, t#e relevant files 7ill be lin2ed
in t#e manner indicated in ;$< belo7. Suc# lin2ing may also be resorted to if a
paper on one current file is re,uired for reference in dealing 7it# anot#er current
file unless a copy of t#e paper can be conveniently placed on t#e first file.
;$< @#en files are to be lin2ed, strings of t#e file board of t#e lo7er file ;but
not its flaps< 7ill be tied around t#e upper file and t#ose of t#e file board or flap
of t#e upper file tied underneat# it in a bo7 out of t#e 7ay so t#at eac# file is
intact 7it# all its connected papers properly arranged on its file board or flap.
;&< On receipt bac2 after completion of action, t#e lin2ed files 7ill be
immediately delin2ed after ta2ing relevant e8tracts and placing t#em on t#e lin2ed
files, 7#ere necessary.
;(< &n a computer environment the file trac#ing system has the facility for
easy lin#age of files and its subse)uent movement.
(). Use of urgency gradings /
;!< "#e t7o urgency gradings aut#orised for use on cases are G*mmediateB and
;$< "#e label G*mmediateB 7ill be used only in cases re,uiring prompt
attention. Amongst t#e rest, t#e GPriorityB label 7ill be used for cases 7#ic# merit
disposal in precedence to ot#ers of ordinary nature.
;&< @#ere 9o2 Sab#a=Ra>ya Sab#a labels for ,uestions, motions, bills are
used, it 7ill not be necessary to use, in addition, G*mmediateB or GPriorityB label.
;(< "#e grading of urgency assigned to a case 7ill be revie7ed by all
concerned at different stages of its progress and 7#ere necessary, revised. "#is is
particularly important for cases proposed to be referred to ot#er departments.
(-. !eneral "#e general principles governing t#e action on receipts given in para
$$ 7ill apply to t#e des2 officer system of functioning also. @#ile t#e general
drill for receipt, distribution and #andling of da2 #as been laid do7n in %#apters
*6, 6 and 6*, t#e special features t#at distinguis# t#e des2pattern from t#e
sectionbased functioning are given belo7.
(.. "eceipt of da# "#e central registry=*4% 7ill send da2 along 7it# invoice
;Appendi8 $< direct to t#e des2 functionary 7#o 7ill ac2no7ledge its receipt on
t#e invoice. 5ac# des2 functionary 7ill maintain a des2 diary ;Appendi8 &<.
(/. Action by des# functionary
;!< "#e des2 functionary 7ill e8amine t#e receipt and 7illC
in simple situations draft and issue a replyD and
in ot#er cases submit a draft to Deputy Secretary= Director= Moint
Secretary for approval=signature 7it#out any elaborate note.
*n case of any doubt #e 7ill ta2e appropriate action after discussion 7it# Deputy
Secretary= Director= Moint Secretary.
;$< Occasionally a communication may give rise to a problem re,uiring to be
solved. *n suc# cases t#e tec#ni,ue of 7riting a selfcontained note described in
para $0;$< 7ill be adopted.
;&< "#e supporting staff and t#e stenograp#er attac#ed to a des2 functionary
7ill inter alia assist #im inC
dealing 7it# simple cases including issue of ac2no7ledgements, for7arding
of papers etc.D
compilation of data in given formsD
maintaining codes, Manuals and ot#er relevant researc# and reference
records managementD and
typing 7or2.
(0. Maintenance of reference materials /
5ac# des2 functionary 7ill develop a reliable documentationcumreference
system ;manual or electronic form< comprising aids to processing described in
para &).
)3. ,orms of %ritten communications and methods of delivery *
"#e different forms of 7ritten communication and t#eir met#ods of delivery
generally used by a department are described belo7. 5ac# form #as a use and, in
some cases, a p#raseology of its o7n. Only blac2 or blue in2 7ill be used in
communications. A small margin of about one inc# 7ill be left on all sides ;left,
rig#t, top and bottom< of eac# page of communications to ensure better
preservations of records as at times t#e paper gets torn from t#e edges, ma2ing
reading of t#e documents difficult. Specimens of t#ese forms are given in
Appendi8 0.
;!< 9etter "#is form is used for corresponding 7it# 4oreign Governments,
State Governments, t#e 1nion Public Service %ommission and ot#er
constitutional bodies, #eads of attac#ed and subordinate offices, public
enterprises, statutory aut#orities, public bodies and members of t#e public
generally. A letter begins 7it# t#e salutation Sir=Madam as may be
;$< Demiofficial letter
;a< "#is form is generally used in correspondence bet7een
Government officers for an interc#ange or communication of opinion or
information 7it#out t#e formality of t#e prescribed procedures. *t may also
be used 7#en it is desired t#at t#e matter s#ould receive personal attention
of t#e individual addressed. Since demiofficial letter is 7ritten in t#e first
person in a personal and friendly tone, it s#ould be addressed by an officer
in a Ministry=Department 7#o is ordinarily not more t#an one or t7o levels
belo7 t#e officer to 7#om suc# communication is addressed.
:oteC 4or t#e purpose of determination of level, Secretary=Additional Secretary
and Director=Deputy Secretary 7ill be considered as one level.
;b< %ommunications to nonofficials can also ta2e t#e form of a demi
official letter.
;&< Office Memorandum "#is form is generally used for corresponding 7it#
ot#er departments or in calling for information from or conveying
information to its employees. *t may also be used in corresponding 7it#
attac#ed and subordinate offices. *t is 7ritten in t#e t#ird person and bears
no salutation or supersession e8cept t#e name and designation of t#e officer
signing it.
;(< *nterdepartmental note
;a< "#is form is generally employed for obtaining t#e advice, vie7s,
concurrence or comments of ot#er departments on a proposal or in see2ing
clarification of t#e e8isting rules, instructions etc. *t may also be used by a
department 7#en consulting its attac#ed and subordinate offices and vice
;b< "#e interdepartmental note may eit#er be recorded on a file
referred to anot#er department or may ta2e t#e form of an independent self
contained note. "#e sub>ect need not be mentioned 7#en recorded on t#e
;)< "elegram
;a< "#is form is used for communicating 7it# outstation parties in
matters demanding prompt attention. "#e te8t of t#e telegram s#ould be as
brief as possible.
;b< "elegrams are of t7o 2inds vi?. enclair telegrams and cyp#er code
telegrams. "#e former are 7orded in plain language. "#e latter are
e8pressed in secret language ;code or cyp#er or bot#< but a combination in
t#e same telegram of figures and letters #aving a secret meaning is not
permitted. *n editing, numbering and issuing of cyp#er=code telegrams, t#e
instructions issued by t#e Ministry of 58ternal Affairs in respect of e8ternal
telegrams and by t#e Ministry of +ome Affairs in t#e case of internal
telegrams, s#ould be carefully observed.
;c< "#ere are four gradings of urgency aut#orised for use in State
telegrams, vi? GS6+B, GMost *mmediateB, GOperation *mmediateB and
G*mmediateB. "#e use of t#ese gradings is regulated by t#e rules issued by
t#e Department of Posts. Relevant e8tracts from t#ese rules are contained in
Appendi8 !3.
;d< "elegrams, ot#er t#an cyp#er and code telegrams, s#ould normally
be follo7ed by post copies.
;-< 4a8 facility N *n urgent and important matters ;including legal and financial
messages<, departments may use fa8 facilities to send messages, 7#erever
Offices not connected t#roug# fa8 but #aving tele8 facilities, may send
urgent and important messages t#roug# tele8 instead of a telegram in
communicating 7it# outstation offices.
;.< Registered Post= Registered AD N "#is met#od of delivery is used in
communicating 7it# offices to ensure receipt of t#e communication and in t#e
case of Registered AD an ac2no7ledgement of t#e delivery is also received by t#e
issuing office.
;/< Speed Post N "#is met#od of delivery is used to ensure ,uic2 receipt of
messages 7arranting urgent attention at t#e receiving end and an
ac2no7ledgement of t#e delivery is also received by t#e issuing office.
;0< Office order "#is form is normally used for issuing instructions meant for
internal administration, e.g., grant of regular leave, distribution of 7or2
among officers and sections, appointments and transfers, etc.
;!3< Order "#is form is generally used for issuing certain types of financial
sanctions and for communicating government orders in disciplinary cases,
etc., to t#e officials concerned.
;!!< :otification "#is form is mostly used in notifying t#e promulgation of
statutory rules and orders, appointments and promotions of ga?etted officers,
etc. t#roug# publications in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia. "#e composition of t#e
ga?ette, t#e types of matters to be publis#ed in eac# part and section t#ereof,
t#e instructions for sending t#e matter for publication t#erein and for
sending copies t#ereof are indicated in Appendi8 !!.
;!$< Resolution "#is form of communication is used for ma2ing public
announcement of decisions of government in important matters of policy,
e.g., t#e policy of industrial licensing, appointment of committees or
commissions of en,uiry. Resolutions are also publis#ed in t#e Ga?ette of
;!&< Press communi,ue=note "#is form is used 7#en it is proposed to give 7ide
publicity to a decision of government. A press communi,ue is more formal
in c#aracter t#an a press note and is e8pected to be reproduced intact by t#e
press. A press note, on t#e ot#er #and, is intended to serve as a #andout to
t#e press 7#ic# may edit, compress or enlarge it, as deemed fit.
;!.<5ndorsement "#is form is used 7#en a paper #as to be returned in original
to t#e sender, or t#e paper in original or its copy is sent to anot#er department
or office, for information or action. *t is also used 7#en a copy of a
communication is proposed to be for7arded to parties ot#er t#an t#e one to
7#ic# it is addressed. :ormally t#is form 7ill not be used in communicating
copies to state governments. "#e appropriate form for suc# communication
s#ould be a letter.
;!/<%ircular N "#is form is used 7#en important and urgent e8ternal
communications received or important and urgent decisions ta2en internally
#ave to be circulated 7it#in a department for information and compliance by
a large number of employees.
;!0<Advertisement N "#is form is used for communicating 7it# t#e general public
to create a7areness and may ta2e t#e form of audiovisual or 7ritten
;$3<6*mail 9 This is a paperless form of communication to be used by department
having computer facilities supported by internet or intranet connectivity and
can be %idely used for sub7ects %here legal or financial implications are not
)!. Telephonic communications
;!< Appropriate use of t#e medium of telep#one may be made by departments
for intra and interdepartmental consultation and for communication of
information bet7een parties situated locally.
;$< *n matters of urgency, departments may communicate 7it# outstation
offices also over t#e telep#one.
;&< "#e provisions of para )3;)<;c< also apply to official trun2 calls.
;(< "elep#onic communications, 7#erever necessary, may be follo7ed by
7ritten communications by 7ay of confirmation.
;)< Resort to *SD= S"D and trun2 calls 7ill be regulated by departmental
)$. Correspondence %ith attached and subordinate offices
;!< ;a< Senior Officers= +ead of a subordinate= attac#ed office under an
administrative Ministry= Department 7ill correspond in respect of matters
involving intervention= approval of anot#er Ministry= Department in a note
form to t#eir concerned Ministry= Department.
;b< +ead of an autonomous body under an administrative Ministry 7ill
7rite in respect of matters involving intervention= approval of anot#er
Ministry= Department to t#e Secretary of t#e concerned Ministry=
Department in a letter form.
;c< *n bot# t#e cases, concerned Ministry= Department, if re,uired, 7ill
ta2e up t#e matter 7it# anot#er ministry.
;d< Attac#ed office= subordinate office may, #o7ever, see2 factual
information from anot#er Ministry= Department directly.
;e< An officer of a subordinate office= attac#ed office= autonomous body
7ill not correspond directly 7it# t#e Minister of anot#er Ministry
e8cept t#e #ead of a statutory body= regulatory aut#ority set up by an
Act of Parliament.
;$< *n t#e case of t#eir o7n attac#ed offices and subordinate offices placed
directly under t#em, i.e. 7it#out t#e intervention of an attac#ed office, as are
located in Del#i=:e7 Del#ireferred to #erein as G:onSecretariat OrganisationB
;:SO< for conveniencet#e departments 7ill introduce t#e Single 4ile System of
correspondence, details of 7#ic# are in para )&.
:O"5 C "#e Single 4ile System 7ill not apply to correspondence bet7een a
department and any statutory, corporate or ot#er autonomous body
7#ic# mig#t be o7ned or controlled by it.
)&. Single ,ile System -S,S.
;!< "#is 7ill apply to matters 7#ic# #ave to be referred by t#e :SO to t#e
department for see2ing a sanction=order, i.e. a decision not 7it#in its o7n
delegated po7ers.
;$< "#e file cover of a S4S case s#ould prominently s#o7 t#e name of t#e
;originating< :SO and li2e7ise indicate t#at it follo7s t#e S4S system.
;&< "#e S4S file need not bear a *.D. :o. or ot#er formal met#od of sending,
but 7ill be sent as t#oug# it is from one officer to anot#er in t#e same
;(< "#e S4S file s#ould be complete in all respects, so as to enable t#e
department to ta2e a decision e8peditiouslyD #ence t#e :SO 7ill ensure t#atC
;a< every point for decision=order is clearly broug#t outD
;b< all relevant connected papers are placed on t#e file, properly
arranged and referred toD
;c< draft orders=sanctions are put up, 7#ere t#ey are re,uired to be
approved by t#e department for issueD and
;d< t#e availability of funds, etc., is certified 7#ere additional
e8penditure is involved in t#e proposal.
;)< "#e officer last dealing 7it# t#e S4S case in t#e :SO 7ill mar2 it to t#e
appropriate officer in t#e department, by nameD policy files 7ill, #o7ever, be
referred to t#e department at appropriate levels to be determined by t#e
department and t#e :SO concerned, t#roug# a general order.
;-< All S4S files 7ill be invariably routed t#roug# t#e central registry of t#e
department concerned. "#eir receipt 7ill be entered in a separate register 7#ic#
7ill also record, against t#e relevant receipt entry, t#e despatc# of t#e file on its
return to t#e :SO.
;.< As a rule, all notings in t#e department 7ill be on t#e :SO file. +o7ever,
7#ere sensitive or delicate matters in t#e sp#ere of personnel, policy issues and
finance are involved, t#e recording of notes in GduplicateB files may be permitted
by issuing general or special orders by t#e department. "#is 7ill be done at a
particular stage of t#e S4S case or at or above a particular level, 7it# t#e final
decision t#ereafter being suitably recorded on t#e S4S file.
;/< As a convention, t#e secretariat noting on a S4S file 7ill start on a ne7
page and t#e noting done se,uentiallysave in matters of t#e nature referred to in
;.< above.
;0< Action to implement t#e government decision in S4S case, 7ill be
initiated in and by t#e :SO on t#e return of t#e file. Orders so issued s#ould
specifically state t#at t#ey #ave received t#e concurrence of Government in t#e
department concerned. %opies of every sanction=order so issued by t#e :SO, 7ill
be endorsed 7it#out fail to all t#e officers concerned in t#e department.
)(. &nter*departmental consultation
;!< *nterdepartmental consultation may ta2e t#e form of interdepartmental
notes, interdepartmental meetings or oral discussions.
;$< *n ma2ing 7ritten interdepartmental references, t#e follo7ing points
s#ould be observedC
;a< *nterdepartmental references, 7ill normally be made under t#e
directions of an officer not belo7 t#e ran2 of 1nder Secretary or as
may be provided by t#e departmental instructions.
;b< "#e points on 7#ic# t#e opinion of ot#er departments is soug#t or
7#ic# it is desired to bring to t#eir notice s#ould be clearly stated.
;c< 7#ere possible, t#e drafts of t#e orders proposed to be issued may
also be s#o7n to t#e departments soug#t to be consulted.
;d< @#en it is necessary to consult more t#an one department on a case,
suc# consultation may be effected simultaneously by selfcontained
interdepartmental notes unlessC
;i< it involves copying of a large number of documents available
on t#e fileD or
;ii< t#e need for consulting t#e second department 7ould arise only
after t#e vie7s of t#e first #ave become available.
;&< ;a< @#en suc# a reference re,uires concurrence of one or more
Ministries under t#e Government of *ndia ;"ransaction of 'usiness< Rules,
t#e follo7ing furt#er points s#ould be observedC
;i< "#e originating Ministry s#ould invariably prescribe a
timelimit 7#en calling for comments or concurrence from ot#er
;ii< *n case any of t#e Ministries so consulted is not in a
position to send its comments=concurrence 7it#in t#e prescribed
timelimitD it s#ould 7rite bac2 promptly, in any case before t#e
prescribed timelimit, and indicate t#e additional time t#ey 7ould
re,uire for furnis#ing t#eir final reply.
;b< @#en suc# a reference does not re,uire suc# concurrence under
t#e Rules, t#e originating Ministry need not 7ait for t#e comments of
ot#er Ministry beyond t#e prescribed timelimit, and it s#ould feel free to
go a#ead 7it# its sc#eme=proposal 7it#out 7aiting any longer.
;c< "#e initiating Ministry s#ould al7ays feel free to recall its file
from anot#er Ministry, to 7#ic# suc# a reference #as been made on a file,
if suc# a course is re,uired to be adopted for e8pediting t#e process of
decision ma2ing in t#e case. Suc# a decision to recall a file s#ould be
ta2en at a level not lo7er t#an t#at of a branc# officer in t#e originating
;(< *nterdepartmental meetings may be #eld 7#ere it is necessary to elicit t#e
opinion of ot#er departments on important cases and arrive at a decision 7it#in a
limited time. :o suc# meeting 7ill normally be convened e8cept under t#e orders
of an officer not belo7 t#e level of Moint Secretary. *n respect of suc# meetings, it
7ill be ensured t#atC
;a< t#e representatives attending t#e meeting are officers 7#o can ta2e
decisions on be#alf of t#eir departmentsD
;b< an agenda setting up clearly t#e points for discussion is prepared
and sent along7it# t#e proposal for #olding t#e meeting, allo7ing
ade,uate time for t#e representatives of ot#er departments to prepare
t#emselves for t#e meetingD and
;c< a record of discussions is prepared immediately after t#e meeting
and circulated to t#e ot#er departments concerned, setting out t#e
conclusions reac#ed and indicating t#e department or departments
responsible for ta2ing furt#er action on eac# conclusion.
;)< On occasions it may be necessary to #ave oral discussions ;including
teleconferencing or video conferencing< 7it# officers of ot#er departments, e.g.,
;a< a preliminary discussion bet7een t#e officers of t#e departments
concerned is li2ely to #elp in t#e disposal of t#e caseD
;b< it is desirable to reac# a preliminary agreement before proceeding
furt#er in t#e matterD
;c< interdepartmental noting reveals a difference of opinion bet7een
t7o or more departmentsD or
;d< it is proposed to see2 only information or advice of t#e department
to be consulted.
"#e result of suc# oral consultation s#ould be recorded in a single note on t#e file
by t#e officer of t#e department to 7#ic# t#e case belongs. "#e note 7ill state
clearly t#e conclusions reac#ed and t#e reasons t#ereof. A copy of t#e note 7ill
also be sent to t#e departments consulted in order t#at t#ey #ave a record of t#e
conclusions reac#ed.
;-< Reopening of decisions arrived at after proper interdepartmental
consultations s#ould normally be avoided. *n case ade,uate grounds e8ist for re
opening of suc# issues, it s#ould be settled after a ,uic2 reassessment.
;.< *n case t7o or more departments persist 7it# t#eir respective vie7points
leading to a deadloc2 or impasse, suc# issues s#ould be sorted out by raising t#e
level of consideration to a forum li2e t#e %ommittee of Secretaries #eaded by t#e
%abinet Secretary or to t#e level of Ministers concerned, to arrive at a ,uic2
decision 7it#out continuing 7it# protracted correspondence=discussions among
t#e disputing departments.
;/< :odal Ministries=Departments 7#ic# render advice to various departments
and do so t#roug# different Divisions, 7ill ensure t#at t#e vie7s e8pressed by
t#em at interdepartmental discussions are consistent, and t#ey are not found
deviating from t#eir vie7s on different occasions. "#e e8pression of conflicting
vie7s by t#e different Divisions of t#e same department during suc# inter
departmental discussions s#ould be discouraged.
)). 8odal Ministries/Departments *n order t#at t#e number of interdepartmental
references are minimised so as to facilitate reduced paper 7or2 and faster decision
ma2ing, nodal Ministries=Departments suc# as 9a7, 4inance, Personnel,
5lectronics, 5nvironment, Planning %ommission, Surface "ransport, Petroleum,
etc. may lay do7n clear guidelines on t#eir respective sub>ects for individual
departments to follo7. Guidelines s#ould be so framed t#at reference to nodal
departments 7ill be necessary in e8ceptional cases only.
)-. "eferences to the Attorney!eneral of &ndia References to t#e AttorneyGeneral
7ill be made only by t#e Ministry of 9a7, Mustice and %ompany Affairs.
).. "eferences to constitutional/statutory Authorities References to constitutional
and statutory aut#orities suc# as 5lection %ommission of *ndia 7ill normally be
made in t#e letter form addressed to Principal Secretary=Secretary. *n no case
office memorandum 7ill be sent to suc# aut#orities by t#e Ministries=
)/. "eferences to the Comptroller and Auditor !eneral of &ndia References to t#e
%omptroller and Auditor General of *ndia for #is vie7s or advice can be made
only by or t#roug# t#e Ministry of 4inance. *n matters of daytoday
administration, Ministries=departments may, #o7ever, correspond direct 7it# t#e
%omptroller and Auditor General of *ndia at t#eir discretion.
)0. "eferences to the Union Pubic Service Commission References to t#e 1nion
Public Service %ommission 7ill normally be made in t#e form of letters
addressed to t#e Secretary. *n certain matters, e.g., re,uisitions for recruitment,
formal references s#ould ordinarily be preceded by personal discussion at
appropriate levels.
-3. Correspondence %ith Union Territory Administrations All communications of a
routine nature 7#ic# clearly relate to t#e business of a particular department, 7ill
ordinarily be addressed to t#e Secretary in t#e appropriate department. Ot#er
important communications may be addressed to t#e %#ief Secretary or t#e
-!. Correspondence %ith State !overnments
;!< %ommunications on t#e sub>ects 7#ic# clearly relate to t#e business of a
particular department 7ill normally be addressed to t#e Secretary of t#at
department. Ot#er communications including t#ose of special nature or
importance 7arranting attention at #ig#er levels, may be addressed to t#e %#ief
Secretary. Demiofficial letters can also be sent to officers of State Governments.
*n case of demiofficial communications to t#e %#ief Secretary of a State, t#is
level 7ill not be belo7 t#e level of Moint Secretary.
;$< %ommunications ot#er t#an t#ose of a purely routine nature, e.g.,
ac2no7ledgements, 7ill not ordinarily be addressed to State Governments e8cept
7it# t#e prior approval and over t#e signature of t#e branc# officer. Purely routine
communications can, #o7ever, be signed by a section officer.
-$. Correspondence %ith the 'o# Sabha and the "a7ya Sabha Secretariats
%ommunications meant for t#e 9o2 Sab#a Secretariat or t#e Ra>ya Sab#a
Secretariat and re,uiring urgent or #ig# level attention may be addressed to t#e
Secretaries concerned and not to t#e Spea2er or t#e %#airman direct.
-&. Correspondence %ith Members of Parliament
;!< %ommunications received from Members of Parliament s#ould be
attended to promptly.
;$< @#ere a communication is addressed to a Minister, it s#ould, as far as
practicable, be replied to by t#e Minister #imself. *n ot#er cases, a reply s#ould
normally be issued over t#e signature of an officer of t#e ran2 of Secretary only.
;&< @#ere, #o7ever, a communication is addressed to t#e #ead of an attac#ed
or subordinate office, Public Sector 1nderta2ings, 4inancial *nstitutions
;including nationalised ban2s< Division='ranc# *nc#arge in a
Ministry=Department=Organisation, it s#ould be replied to by t#e addressee
#imself. *n routine matters, #e may send an appropriate reply on #is o7n. *n
policy matters, #o7ever, t#e officer s#ould #ave prior consultation 7it# #ig#er
aut#orities before sending a reply. *t s#ould, #o7ever, be ensured t#at minimum
level at 7#ic# suc# replies are sent to Members of Parliament is t#at of 1nder
Secretary and t#at also in letter form only.
;(< :ormally information soug#t by a Member s#ould be supplied unless it is
of suc# a nature t#at it 7ould #ave been denied to #im even if as2ed for on t#e
floor of t#e +ouses of Parliament.
;)< As far as possible, in corresponding 7it# Members of Parliament, pre
printed or cyclostyled replies s#ould be avoided.
;-< *n case a reference from an e8Member of Parliament is addressed to a
Minister or Secretary, reply to suc# reference may be sent by t#e concerned
Divisional +ead after obtaining approval of t#e Secretary of t#e Ministry=
department. *n case t#e reference is addressed to a lo7er level officer, reply to
suc# reference could be sent by t#e officer on #is o7n in nonpolicy cases and
after obtaining approval of t#e #ig#er aut#orities in policy cases. +o7ever, t#e
minimum level at 7#ic# reply could be sent s#ould be t#at of an 1nder Secretary
and t#at too in letter form only.
-(. Correspondence %ith Ministers of State !overnments "#e procedure laid do7n
in t#e above paragrap# may also be follo7ed in dealing 7it# communications received
from t#e Ministers of State Governments.
-). Correspondence %ith ,oreign !overnments and &nternational rganisations
%orrespondence 7it# 4oreign Governments and t#eir Missions in *ndia, +eads of *ndian
Diplomatic Missions and posts abroad and 1nited :ations and its specialised agencies
7ill normally be c#annelised t#roug# t#e Ministry of 58ternal Affairs. "#e e8ceptions
under 7#ic# direct correspondence may be resorted to are indicated in t#e instructions
entitled G%#annel of communication bet7een t#e Government of *ndia and State
Governments on t#e one #andD and 4oreign and %ommon7ealt# Governments or t#eir
Missions in *ndia, +eads of *ndian Diplomatic Missions and posts abroad and 1nited
:ations and its specialised agencies on t#e ot#erB issued by t#e Ministry of 58ternal
--. Prompt response to letters received
;!< 5ac# communication received from t#e Member of Parliament, a member
of t#e public, a recognised association or a public body 7ill be ac2no7ledged
7it#in !) days, follo7ed by a reply 7it#in t#e ne8t !) days of ac2no7ledgement
;$< @#ere ;i< delay is anticipated in sending a final reply, or ;ii< information
#as to be obtained from anot#er Ministry or anot#er office, an interim reply 7ill
be sent 7it#in a mont# ;from t#e date of receipt< indicating t#e possible date by
7#ic# a final reply can be given.
;&< *f any suc# communication is 7rongly addressed to a department, it 7ill
be transferred promptly ;7it#in a 7ee2< to t#e appropriate department under
intimation to t#e party concerned.
;(< @#ere t#e re,uest of a member of t#e public cannot be acceded to for any
reason, reasons for not acceding to suc# a re,uest s#ould be given.
;)< As far as possible, re,uests from members of public, s#ould be loo2ed at
from t#e userBs point of vie7 and not solely from t#e point of vie7 of 7#at may
be administratively convenient.
-.. Target date for replies *n all important matters in 7#ic# State Governments,
departments of t#e %entral Government, or ot#er offices, public bodies or
individuals are consulted, time limit for replies may ordinarily be specified. On
t#e e8piry of t#e specified date, orders of t#e appropriate aut#ority may be
obtained on 7#et#er t#e offices 7#ose replies #ave not been received, may be
allo7ed an e8tension of time or 7#et#er t#e matter may be processed, 7it#out
7aiting for t#eir replies.
-/. Procedure for drafting
;!< :o draft is re,uired to be prepared in simple and straig#tfor7ard cases or
t#ose of a repetitive nature for 7#ic# standard forms of communication e8ist.
Suc# cases may be submitted to t#e appropriate officer 7it# fair copies of t#e
communication for signature.
;$< *t is not al7ays necessary to a7ait t#e approval of t#e proposed line of
action and t#e draft 7ill be put up simultaneously along 7it# t#e notes by t#e
initiating level officer. "#e #ig#er officer may revise t#e draft if it does not
conform to t#e approved course of action.
;&< After a final decision is ta2en by t#e competent aut#ority #e may #ave t#e
fair communication made for #is signature and aut#orise its issueD ot#er7ise, #e
7ill prepare a draft and submit it to t#e appropriate #ig#er officer for approval.
;(< "#e officer approving t#e issue of a draft 7ill append #is initials 7it#
t#e date on t#e draft. *t is also e8pected of #im t#at #e passes orders on t#e file
simultaneously 7#et#er t#e draft so approved s#ould be 2ept on t#e file ;along
7it# t#e office copy of t#e communication issued in fair< or not.
;)< *nitial drafting 7ill be done in blac2 or blue in2. Modifications in t#e
draft at t#e subse,uent levels may be made in green or red in2 by t#e officers so
as to distinguis# t#e corrections made.
-0. !eneral instructions for drafting
;!< A draft s#ould carry t#e message soug#t to be conveyed in a language t#at
is clear, concise and incapable of misconstruction.
;$< 9engt#y sentences, abruptness, redundancy, circumlocution, superlatives
and repetition, 7#et#er of 7ords, observations or ideas, s#ould be avoided.
;&< Official communications emanating from a department and purporting to
convey t#e vie7s or orders of t#e Government of *ndia must specifically be
e8pressed to #ave been 7ritten under t#e directions of Government. "#is
re,uirement does not, #o7ever, imply t#at eac# communication s#ould start 7it#
t#e p#rase G* am directed to sayB or G"#e undersigned is directed to conveyB, 7#ic#
#as t#e effect of distancing t#e communicator from t#e reader at t#e very outset.
A more direct and tot#epoint format is to be preferred if some degree of rapport
is to be establis#ed 7it# t#e receiver of t#e communication. "#e obligatory
re,uirement can be met in a variety of imaginative 7ays. 4or instance, variations
of t#e p#rase can be added to t#e operative part of t#e letter to7ards t#e end as
.......OO.* #ave t#e pleasure to inform you t#at t#e government, on
reconsideration of t#e matter, #as decided to sanction an additional grant of........
O....O....*n t#e lig#t of t#e above developments, government conveys its inability
to accede to.........OO..
;(< %ommunications of some lengt# or comple8ity s#ould generally conclude
7it# a summary.
;)< Depending upon t#e form of communication t#e sub>ect s#ould be
mentioned in it ;including reminders<.
;-< "#e number and date of t#e last communication in t#e series, and if t#is is
not from t#e addressee, #is last communication on t#e sub>ect, s#ould al7ays be
referred to. @#ere it is necessary to refer to more t#an one communication or a
series of communications, t#is s#ould be done in t#e margin of t#e draft.
;.< All drafts put up on a file s#ould bear t#e file number. @#en t7o or more
communications are to issue from t#e same file to t#e same addressee on t#e same
date, a separate serial number may be inserted before t#e numeral identifying t#e
year to avoid confusion in reference, e.g., A!!3!!=);*<=$33!5st., A
;/< A draft s#ould clearly specify t#e enclosures 7#ic# are to accompany t#e
fair copy. *n addition, s#ort obli,ue lines s#ould be dra7n at appropriate places in
t#e margin for ready reference by t#e typist, t#e comparers and t#e despatc#er.
"#e number of enclosures s#ould also be indicated at t#e end of t#e draft on t#e
bottom left of t#e page t#usG5ncl. &B.
;0< *f copies of an enclosure referred to in t#e draft are available and are,
t#erefore, not to be typed, an indication to t#at effect 7ill be given in t#e margin
of t#e draft belo7 t#e relevant obli,ue line.
;!3< *f t#e communication to be despatc#ed by post is important ;e.g., a notice
cancelling a licence or 7it#dra7ing an e8isting facility< or encloses a valuable
document ;suc# as an agreement, service boo2 or a c#e,ue< instructions as to
7#et#er it s#ould be sent t#roug# registered post or speed post or in an insured
cover, 7ill be given on t#e draft by t#e section officer concerned 7it# its issue.
;!!< 1rgent communications 7it# bul2y enclosures to farflung areas li2e
Andaman & :icobar *slands 7ill be arranged to be despatc#ed by Air Parcel
t#roug# *ndian Airlines. "#e addressee 7ill also be advised t#roug# 7ireless to
ta2e delivery of t#e consignment. *nstructions to t#is effect 7ill be given by t#e
Divisional +ead='ranc# Officer=Section Officer at t#e time of approval of draft.
;!$< "#e name, designation, telep#one number, fa8 number, and email address
of t#e officer, over 7#ose signature t#e communication is to issue, s#ould
invariably be indicated on t#e draft.
;!&< *n 7riting or typing a draft, sufficient space s#ould be left for t#e margin
and bet7een successive lines to admit additions or interpolation of 7ords, if
;!(< A slip bearing t#e 7ords GDraft for approvalB s#ould be attac#ed to t#e
draft. *f t7o or more drafts are put up on a file, t#e drafts as 7ell as t#e slips
attac#ed t#ereto 7ill be mar2ed GD4A *B, GD4A **B, GD4A ***B and so on.
;!)< Drafts 7#ic# are to issue as G*mmediateB or GPriorityB 7ill be so mar2ed
under t#e orders of an officer not lo7er in ran2 t#an a Section Officer.
;!-< *nstructions contained in Appendi8 . 7ill be observed 7#ile drafting.
.3. Authentication of !overnment rders
;!< All orders and ot#er instruments made and e8ecuted in t#e name of t#e
President s#ould be e8pressed to be made in #is name and signed by an officer
#aving regular or e8officio secretariat status of and above t#e ran2 of 1nder
Secretary, or ot#er specifically aut#orised to aut#enticate suc# orders under t#e
Aut#entication ;Orders and Ot#er *nstruments< Rules, !0)/.
;$< @#ere t#e po7er to ma2e orders, notifications, etc., is conferred by a
statute on t#e Government of *ndia, suc# orders and notifications 7ill be
e8pressed to be made in t#e name of t#e Government of *ndia.
.!. Addressing communications to officers by name :ormally no communication,
ot#er t#an t#at of a classified nature or a demiofficial letter, s#ould be addressed
or mar2ed to an officer by name, unless it is intended t#at t#e matter raised t#erein
s#ould receive #is personal attention eit#er because of its special nature, urgency
or importance, or because some ground #as already been covered by personal
discussions 7it# #im and #e 7ould be in a better position to deal 7it# it.
.$. Drafting of demi*official letters
;!< As t#e ob>ective of 7riting a demiofficial ;d.o.< letter is to call t#e
personal attention of t#e addressee, t#e style of 7riting s#ould be direct, personal
and friendly. More usage of active voice is to be preferred. ;5.g., G* noticeB rat#er
t#an G*t is noticedB<. *t is e8pedient to come to t#e issue at t#e beginning itself e.g.
G* see2 your cooperation in t#e matter of........OOOA
;$< A d.o. letter s#ould preferably not e8ceed one page. *f t#e message to be
conveyed is lengt#y, it is better to condense it into one page in a fe7 small and
#ealt#y divided paragrap#s in a manner t#at #olds t#e interest of t#e addressee,
t#e detailed arguments can be set out in appendices.
;&< "#e colour code in d.o letter 7ill be as follo7s. A d.o. letter from a
Minister 7ill e8#ibit t#e :ational 5mblem in blue colour and t#at from an officer
7ill e8#ibit t#e :ational 5mblem in red colour.
.&. Mar#ing of drafts for issue
After a draft #as been approved, t#e section officer 7illC
;!< e8amine t#e draft to see t#at all corrections of spelling and grammar,
etc., #ave been properly carried out and t#at t#ere are no typograp#ical
;$< p#otocopy of signed communication 7ill be preferably 2ept as office
;&< ensure t#at copies of enclosures are attac#ed to t#e draft 7#ere t#ese
are available in t#e sectionD
;(< give clear indication on t#e draft, 7#ere a communication is to be
despatc#ed by a special messenger=fa8=speed post=registered post on
account of its special nature, importance or urgencyD
;)< mar2 t#e draft for GissueB ;if t#ere are more t#an one draft for issue from
t#e same file, indicate t#e total number of drafts, e.g., Gissue & draftsB<D
;-< mar2 t#e file for recording it in a case 7#ere t#e issue of said
communication constitutes final disposal of t#e case under
.(. ,airing of approved drafts All stages of action after t#e approval of drafts
ending 7it# signing of fair communications 7ill be performed in t#e section e8cept
7#ere centralised typing pool e8ists.
The same procedure may be follo%ed for issue of drafts generated through
.). Procedure to be follo%ed in sections C
;!< Section officer, 7#ile mar2ing t#e draft for typing and before passing on
t#e file to t#e diarist, 7ill ensure t#at clear indication #as been given 7#ere copies
of any papers contained in any file are to be typed or p#otocopied or a computer
printout ta2en as enclosure;s<.
;$< "#e diarist 7illC
;a< enter t#e number of t#e file mar2ed for recording Pas per para
.&;-<Q in column $ of t#e Bregister for 7atc#ing t#e progress of recordingB
;Appendi8 $(<D and
;b< pass on t#e file to t#e typist.
;&< "#e approved draft 7ill be fair typed, compared and got signed. General
instructions regarding typing given in para .. 7ill be observed.
;(< On return of signature pads, t#e section officer 7ill see t#at fair copies
#ave been duly signed by t#e officer and ma2e sure t#at corrections, if any, made
7#ile signing are carried out in all copies.
;)< "#e signed fair copies, toget#er 7it# office copies, drafts and relevant
file=files 7ill t#en be passed on to t#e diarist.
;-< "#e diarist 7illC
;a< enter t#e number of t#e fair communications and office copies in
messenger boo2D and
;b< send t#e fair communications and office copies, along 7it#
messenger boo2, to t#e despatc#er of t#e central issue section at
appropriate intervals during t#e day.
;.< "#e despatc#er 7illC
;a< remove t#e fair communications and office copiesD and
;b< ac2no7ledge receipt in t#e messenger boo2.
;/< *n case of urgent communications, da2 may be issued directly from t#e
section concerned at t#e discretion of t#e section officer.
.-. Procedure to be follo%ed in des#
;!< After a draft #as been approved or a letter #as been dictated by t#e des2
functionary for fair typing, t#e stenograp#er attac#ed to t#e des2 functionary 7ill
type t#e letter, get it compared and signed. General instructions regarding typing
given in para .. 7ill be observed by t#e stenograp#er.
;$< "#e stenograp#er 7ill add all relevant enclosures to t#e signed
communication and send it to t#e %entral *ssue Section for despatc# t#roug#
messenger boo2 after ma2ing necessary entries in it.
;&< A des2 functionary may dra7 on t#e services of t#e 7ing Registry,
7#erever setup, for attending to e8tra typing 7or2.
... !eneral instructions regarding typing
;!< 1rgent drafts 7ill be attended to first.
;$< 4air copies of all communications 7ill be typed on printed letter #eads of
suitable si?es. "#e name of t#e issuing departments 7it# full address including
P*: code, telep#one number, telegrap#ic address, tele8 code, 4a8 number and e
mail address if any, 7ill be got printed on t#e letter #eads.
;&< 4air copies 7ill be typed 7it# single spacing unless ot#er7ise directed.
;(< "#e obli,ue lines dra7n in t#e margin to indicate t#e number of
enclosures to be sent along 7it# t#e letter 7ill be indicated at t#e appropriate
;)< Stencils 7ill be cut 7#enever more t#an )3 copies of a communication are
;-< "#e typist 7ill type #is initials 7it# date in t#e left #and bottom corner
of t#e fair copy e.g., R%R=$33)$33!.
-:. &n a computer environment username along%ith path %ill be indicated
on the fair copy by the typist -e$cept classified documents./
./. Procedure %here centralised typing pool e$ists Steps from t#e mar2ing of drafts
for issue upto t#e stage of signing of fair communications under a centralised
typing arrangement #ave been laid do7n inter alia in paras .0 to /(.
.0. Mar#ing of drafts C
;!< Section officer, 7#ile mar2ing t#e drafts for issue and before passing on
t#e file to t#e diarist, 7illC
;a< indicate 7#et#er fair copies are to be signed by t#e officer
approving t#e draft or are to be aut#enticated for issue by t#e section
officer of t#e central issue section as per para /(D and
;b< 7rite t#e 7ords G7it# fileB on t#e draft 7#ere t#e file also is to be
sent to t#e central issue section, e.g., 7#ere copies of any paper contained
t#erein are to be typed as enclosures.
;$< "#e diarist 7illC
;a< enter t#e file number of t#e file Gmar2ed for recordB Pas per para
.&;.<Q in column $ is t#e Gregister for 7atc#ing t#e progress of recordingB
;Appendi8 $(<D
;b< remove t#e draft, unless t#e file itself is to be sent to t#e central
issue section, place it in t#e pad prominently mar2ed Gdrafts for issueB and
ma2e suitable entry ;e.g., sent for issue on $3&$33!< in t#e margin of t#e
notes portion of t#e fileD
;c< mar2 t#e movement of t#e file in t#e file movement register Ppara
!33;!< and Appendi8 $&Q, 7#ere t#e file is to be sent 7it# t#e draftD
;d< enter t#e number of drafts of communications and of t#e files ;if
t#e files are to be sent along 7it# t#e drafts of communications< in t#e
messenger boo2D
;e< send t#ese to t#e central issue section at appropriate intervals
during t#e dayD and
;f< report to t#e section officer, at t#e end of eac# day, t#e number of
drafts not received bac2 7it#in t7o days from t#e date t#ose 7ere sent to
t#e central issue section.
;&< "#e receipt of t#e drafts of communications in central issue section 7ill be
ac2no7ledged in t#e messenger boo2 and t#e messenger boo2 returned to t#e
section concerned.
/3. Stamping of drafts.On receipt in t#e central issue section, t#e drafts 7ill be
stamped 7it# t#e use of an automatic numbering mac#ine, #aving an ad>ustable date, as
per specimen given belo7.
%omparers OOOOOOO..
/!. Distribution of %or# among typists
;!< "#e drafts 7ill t#en be placed before t#e section officer of t#e central issue
section 7#o 7ill mar2 t#em to t#e typists for fair typing by indicating t#eir initial
letters ;e.g., "RM<, in t#e space provided in t#e stamp for t#e purpose. "o enable
#im to distribute t#e typing 7or2 among t#e typists e,uitably, #e 7ill maintain a
distribution c#art ;Appendi8 !$<.
;$< "#e typist 7ill enter in t#e typistBs diary ;Appendi8 !&< t#e drafts received
by #im for typing.
;&< "#e drafts 7ill be typed in accordance 7it# t#e instructions in para ...
"#ereafter at t#e end of t#e day, t#e typist 7ill submit t#e diary, toget#er 7it# t#e
unfinis#ed typing 7or2, to t#e section officer.
;(< "#e section officer 7illC
;a< complete t#e distribution c#artD
;b< arrange for t#e typing of urgent untyped 7or2 outside office #ours,
7#ere necessaryD and
;c< ta2e t#e arrears into account in allocating fres# 7or2 on t#e ne8t
7or2ing day.
/$. "egistration of draft
;!< 'efore t#e drafts are #anded over to t#e typists, t#ese 7ill be entered in t#e
issue diary ;Appendi8 !(<.
;$< Drafts of telegrams and ot#er communications mar2ed GimmediateB 7ill be
entered in red in2 to distinguis# t#ese from t#e rest.
;&< At t#e end of t#e day, t#e cler2 maintaining t#e issue diary 7ill submit #is
diary to t#e section officer for assessing arrears and for ta2ing appropriate action.
/&. Comparison "#e typed matter, along 7it# t#e drafts and relevant files, if any,
7ill be passed on by t#e typists to t#e comparers 7#o 7illC
;!< compare t#e fair copies 7it# t#e draftD
;$< initial ;7it# date< in t#e space provided for t#e purpose in t#e stamp
affi8ed on t#e draftD
;&< attac# enclosures, if any, and 7rite t#e 7ord Gattac#edB belo7 t#e obli,ue
line on t#e office copyD and
;(< send t#e fair copies, along 7it# enclosures and t#e duplicate office copy, if
any, toget#er 7it# t#e approved drafts, in a signature pad to t#e officer concerned
for signature ;vide para /(<.
/(. Signing of fair communications
;!< Departments may issue instructions aut#orising section officer of t#e
central issue section to aut#enticate specified categories of fair communications
for issue.
;$< Suc# aut#orisations, #o7ever, 7ill not e8tend toC
;a< orders and instruments issued in t#e name of t#e PresidentD
;b< financial sanctionsD and
;c< communications to Members of Parliament, State Governments,
public bodies and members of t#e public generally.
;&< Aut#entication by section officer of fair copies of communications for
issue, 7#ere permitted, 7ill be done in t#e manner indicated in Appendi8 !).
;(< Signing of fair communications and movement of Gsignature padsB 7ill
receive prompt attention.
;)< On return of signature pads, t#e section officer 7ill see t#at t#e fair copies
#ave been duly signed by t#e concerned officer and t#at corrections, if any, made
7#ile signing are carried out in all t#e copies. "#e signed fair copies toget#er 7it#
office copies, drafts and relevant files, if any, 7ill t#en be passed on to t#e
/). &ssue of signed communication "#e despatc#er of t#e central issue section 7illC
;!< date t#e fair copy, office copy and spare copies, if anyD
;$< affi8 t#e stamp G*ssuedB ;after ad>usting date< as per specimen given above,
on t#e office copy and initial itD
;&< 7#ere for any reason an enclosure #as to be sent separately, ma2e a note
to t#at officer on t#e communication ;bot# fair copy and office copy< and attac# a
slip to t#e enclosure indicating t#e number and date of t#e communication to
7#ic# it relatesD
;(< separate t#e communications to be sent by post, t#roug# electronic form,
as 7ell as t#ose to be delivered by #and, for furt#er processing in accordance 7it#
paras /- and /.D
;)< enclose communications meant for despatc# by post or t#ose addressed to
officers by name in covers of appropriate si?e ensuring at t#e same time t#at all
communications intended for t#e same addressee are placed in a single coverD
;-< use economy slips ;O&M &$< for all covers e8ceptD
;a< t#ose 7it# bul2y contentsD
;b< t#ose addressed to foreign governmentsD
;c< t#ose intended for despatc# under registered or insured coversD
;.< 7#ere 7indo7 envelopes are in use, fold t#e fair communications in suc#
a 7ay t#at t#e address typed t#ereon is visible t#roug# t#e 7indo7D
;/< 7#ere ot#er covers are used, 7rite t#e address and t#e number of t#e
communication on an economy slip or t#e cover, as t#e case may beD and
*nitials OOOOOOOOO..
;0< bring to t#e notice of t#e section officerC
;a< urgent communications 7#ic# could not be despatc#ed on t#e day
of t#eir receiptD and
;b< ordinary communications 7#ic# could not be despatc#ed even on
t#e day follo7ing t#e day of t#eir receipt.
/-. Despatch of postal communications
;!< "#e despatc#er 7ill #and over communications to be sent by post to t#e
peon=daftry, 7#o 7illC
;a< separate t#ose to be sent by foreign post from t#e restD
;b< paste t#e telegrams, if typed on plain paper, over t#e printed form
of telegram supplied by t#e Department of Posts and affi8 service postage
stamps of t#e appropriate value t#ereonD
;c< if a credit deposit account is maintained for issuing telegrams, affi8
rubberstamp indicating t#e credit deposit account number assigned to t#e
department in t#e space provided for affi8ing postage stampsD
;d< affi8 postage stamps of t#e appropriate value on covers, pac2ets,
etc. 7#ere necessary after 7eig#ing t#em, using ordinary postage stamps
for foreign post and service postage stamps for inland postD
;e< 7#ere postal fran2ing mac#ines are in use, fran2 t#e covers, etc.
instead of affi8ing postage stampsD
;f< stamp t#e covers 7it# a rubberstamp bearing t#e name of t#e
departmentD and
;g< return t#e communications to t#e despatc#er.
;$< "#e despatc#er 7ill enter t#e particulars of t#e communications and t#e
value of stamps affi8ed t#ereon in t#e despatc# register ;Appendi8 !-<. This can
be generated automatically in a computer environment/
;&< *n t#e case of telegrams, t#e serial number assigned to t#em in t#e
despatc# register 7ill be noted at a convenient place on t#e top receipt portion of
t#e printed telegram form to facilitate t#e lin2ing of t#e telegram receipts to t#e
relevant entries in t#e despatc# register.
;(< Departments despatc#ing registered post e8ceeding a daily average of !3
7ill use postal registration boo2s so t#at t#e outgoing registered communications
could straig#t7ay be entered in t#at boo2 instead of in t#e despatc# register. 5ac#
entry in suc# a boo2 7ill t#en be got stamped by t#e post office.
;)< *f a communication is to be sent by registered post ;ac2no7ledgement
due<, t#e number of t#e communication 7ill be 7ritten on t#e Gac2no7ledgement
cardB also so t#at, 7#en received bac2, it can be sent to t#e section concerned.
;-< Receipts for telegrams, speed post, registered and insured post, etc. 7ill be
c#ec2ed carefully by t#e despatc#er. "#ese 7ill be filed properly for reference in
t#e event of need.
;.< *n offices 7#ere despatc# 7or2 is #eavy and 7#ere central despatc#
registers are maintained in detail, t#e procedure for maintenance of service
postage stamps account 7ill be given in Appendi8 !..
/.. Despatch of non*postal communications
;!< :onpostal communications 7ill be sorted out according to t#e location of
t#e addressees, entered in messenger boo2s and #anded over to messenger for
delivery to t#e addressees.
;$< Messenger boo2s 7ill be numbered serially and an ade,uate number of
suc# boo2s allotted to eac# department=office or several departments=offices
grouped conveniently according to t#eir location.
;&< 1rgent communications 7ill be despatc#ed promptly. "#e time of
despatc# 7ill invariably be noted in t#e messenger boo2. "#e receipts 7ill
similarly be re,uired to indicate t#e time of t#eir receipt. Ordinary
communications 7ill be despatc#ed at least t7ice a day at suitable intervals.
;(< Only urgent communications 7ill be despatc#ed outside office #ours. :o
communication 7ill be sent to an officer at #is residence unlessC
;a< it is of suc# a nature t#at action t#ereon cannot 7ait till t#e
commencement of t#e ne8t 7or2ing dayD
;b< it is mar2ed GimmediateB and addressed to t#e officer by nameD and
;c< its delivery to t#e officerBs residence #as been aut#orised by t#e
branc# officer concerned at t#e despatc#ing end.
;)< After t#e communications #ave been delivered, t#e despatc#er 7ill
e8amine t#e messenger boo2s to see t#at all t#e communications entered t#erein,
#ave been duly ac2no7ledged by t#e recipients under dated signatures, 7ritten in
in2. *nstances 7#ere t#e communications #ave not been ac2no7ledged 7ill be
immediately broug#t to t#e notice of t#e section officer of t#e central issue section
for investigation and furt#er suitable action.
a/ Urgent communications sent through fa$ %ill generate a confirmation
slip of delivery on the fa$ machine4 %hich %ill be recorded on the file along %ith
the office copy/ The original communication sent through fa$ %ill subse)uently
be sent in a routine manner also/
b/ 6* mail %ill be used in offices having computers supported by internet
or intranet connectivity/ Messages received through e*mail %ill ordinarily be
replied to in the same form by the officer receiving the message or his
subordinate/ 6*mail correspondence may also be initiated to cut do%n the time
ta#en in communications on issues not having financial or legal implications/ All
points emerging during e*mail correspondence %ill be recorded through a note
on the file concerned/
//. "eturn of papers * After issue of fair communications t#e despatc#er 7ill ma2e
over office copies, toget#er 7it# drafts and relevant files, if any, to t#e cler2
maintaining t#e issue diary. "#e latter 7ill return t#e papers to t#e diarists of t#e
sections concerned after ma2ing entries in column & of t#e issue diary.
/0. &ssue of inter*departmental notes
;!< Drafts of selfcontained interdepartmental notes 7ill be issued in t#e
same manner as any ot#er draft.
;$< *nterdepartmental notes soug#t to be recorded on files 7ill be fair typed
and compared in t#e sections=des2s concerned but despatc#ed t#roug# t#e central
issue section.
;&< 'efore sending t#e files to t#e central issue section for despatc# t#e diarist
;a< mar2 t#e movement in t#e file movement register -%here relevant4
in electronic form. in t#e case of sectionBs o7n file and in t#e section diary
in ot#er cases ;movement is to be updated against file or diary number<D
;b< in respect of sectionBs o7n files, prepare a c#allan ;O&M !3< in
duplicate and place one copy on t#e file and ma2e over t#e ot#er to t#e
dealing #and concernedD
;c< enter t#e file in t#e messenger boo2D and
;d< send it to t#e despatc#er of t#e central issue section.
;(< *n t#e des2 system, t#e >obs corresponding to ;a< to ;d< 7ill be performed
by t#e stenograp#er=assistant attac#ed to t#e des2 functionary.
;)< "#e despatc#er 7illC
;a< remove t#e file for despatc# to t#e addresseeD
;b< ac2no7ledge its receipt in t#e messenger boo2D and
;c< return t#e messenger boo2 to t#e section concerned.
03. Stamps Account register
;!< "#e despatc#er 7ill maintain an account of t#e postage stamps in t#e form
given in Appendi8 !/.
;$< "#e Section Officer 7ill c#ec2 t#e entries made in t#e register every day
and append #is dated signature in to2en of #is #aving done so. +e 7ill also
conduct surprise test c#ec2s of envelopes ready for despatc# by post to ma2e sureC
;a< t#at t#e value of stamps affi8ed t#ereon tallies 7it# t#at s#o7n in
t#e despatc# registerD and
;b< t#at t#e re,uired value #as been secured by using t#e minimum
number of stamps of appropriate #ig#er denominations.
;&< "#e branc# officer inc#arge of t#e central issue section 7ill also inspect
t#e t7o registers once a mont# and verify t#at t#e value of stamps in #and tallies
7it# t#at s#o7n in t#e register. &n the computerised environment this information
%ill be generated once a month/
0!. Action after issue
;!< On receipt of papers after issue, t#e diarist 7illC
;a< c#ec2 t#at t#e office copies bear t#e stamp issuedD
;b< ma2e sure t#at files and ot#er papers sent 7it# t#e drafts to t#e
central issue section #ave been received bac2D
;c< ma2e entries about t#e return of files in t#e file movement registerD
;d< ma2e entries in section despatc# register ;Appendi8 !0<D
;e< place office copies, 7it# drafts, if any, on t#e relevant filesD and
;f< pass on t#e files to t#e dealing #ands concerned.
;$< "#e dealing #and 7illC
;a< doc2et t#e communication;s< issued along 7it# t#e original of t#e
approved draft;s< 7#ere so re,uired.
;b< e8amine 7#et#er t#e case is fit for inclusion in any of t#e
follo7ing reports and obtain orders of t#e appropriate officerC
;i< 7ee2ly statement of cases -automatically generated in
computer environment., ot#er t#an t#ose of a routine nature,
disposed of 7it#out reference to t#e Ministerinc#arge ;Appendi8
$3<, to be submitted to t#e Minister in accordance 7it#
departmental instructionsD and
;ii< mont#ly summary of t#e principal activities of t#e
department to be furnis#ed to t#e %abinet Secretariat in accordance
7it# t#e instructions issued by it.
;c< initiate action to record t#e file 7#ere it #as been mar2ed for
record by t#e section officer Pvide part .&;-<Q.
;d< if a reply to t#e communication issued is to be a7aited or furt#er
action on t#e file is to be resumed at a later date
;i< mar2 t#e file for being broug#t for7ard on t#at date. &n
computer environment an entry %ill automatically generate a
reminder on that dateD
;ii< ma2e a note of it in t#e engagement calendar and diary or
t#e relevant dateD and
;iii< pass on t#e file to t#e diarist for recording its movement in
t#e file movement register vide para !33 PSimilar action 7ill be
ta2en also on duplicate copies of c#allan in respect of files referred
to ot#er departments vide para /0;&<;b<Q.
;&< "#e section officer 7ill scrutinise t#e section despatc# register ;Appendi8
!0< once a 7ee2 to see t#at it is being properly maintained and append #is dated
initials in to2en of scrutiny. &n computer environment he %ill generate %ee#ly
report through the computer/
;(< *n t#e des2 system, all activities outlined in subparas ;!< to ;&< above 7ill
be performed by t#e des2 functionary 7it# t#e assistance of t#e
stenograp#er=assistant attac#ed to #im.
0$. "eference lists
;!< "o facilitate ,uic2 despatc# of papers t#e central issue section 7ill
maintain t#e follo7ing lists and directoriesC
;a< residential addresses and telep#one numbers of officers and staff of
t#e departmentD
;b< departments 7#ic# #ave arrangements 7it#in t#e central registry
for receipt of da2 outside office #ours ;7it# name and telep#one number
of t#e official inc#arge<D
;c< residential addresses and telep#one numbers of officers of ot#er
departments designated to receive urgent da2 outside office #ours Pvide
para !$ ;$< ;b<QD
;d< residential addresses and telep#one numbers of officers of ot#er
departments designated to receive parliamentary papersD
;e< postal addresses of all offices under t#e department, attac#ed
offices, subordinate offices, autonomous bodies, etcD 7#ic# deal directly
7it# itD
;f< telegrap#ic and email addresses, and telep#one and fa8 numbers of
State Governments and ot#er outstation offices fre,uently
;g< Members of Ra>ya Sab#a and 9o2 Sab#a ;including %ouncil of
;#< Del#i Official Directory issued by t#e PresidentBs SecretariatD
;i< Official Directory issued by t#e Ministry of +ome AffairsD
;>< 9ist of *ndiaBs Representatives Abroad issued by t#e Ministry of
58ternal AffairsD
;2< Diplomatic 9ist issued by t#e Ministry of 58ternal AffairsD and
;l< Sc#edule of postal rates.
;m< Postal P*: code directory
;$< "#ese lists 7ill be 2ept up to date and displayed prominently for easy
consultation by t#e despatc#er, t#e resident cler2 and ot#er officials on duty.
0&. ,ile numbering system A proper file numbering system is essential for
convenient identification, sorting, storage and retrieval of papers. "#e t7o
systems no7 in use in t#e secretariat are described belo7.
0(. ,unctional file numbering system
;!< *n t#is system t#e range and dimensions of t#e sub>ects falling under t#e
scope of business allocated to a department are analysed in t#e follo7ing
;a< t#e main functions of t#e departmentD
;b< t#e activities in eac# of t#ese functionsD
;c< t#e aspects or operations involved in eac# of t#ese activitiesD and
;d< t#e factors to be ta2en into consideration relating to eac# of t#ese
aspects or operations.
;$< "#e scope of business of a department is t#us analysed under four
#ierarc#ical divisions, and accordingly t#e follo7ing four standard lists of
#eadings are preparedC
;a< functional #eads 7#ic# may be called Gbasic #eadsBD
;b< activity #eads 7#ic# may be called Gprimary #eadsB as related to
eac# functional #eadD
;c< aspect or operation #eads 7#ic# may be called Gsecondary #eadsB
as related to activity #eadsD and
;d< factor #eads 7#ic# may be called Gtertiary #eadsB as related to
aspects or operation #eads.
;&< 'ased upon t#e above lists of #eads, a functional file inde8 for t#e various
substantive sub>ects dealt 7it# by a department toget#er 7it# an identifying file
numbering system is t#en developed in accordance 7it# Appendi8 $!, 7#ic#
e8plains t#e essentials of suc# a system.
;(< 4or opening files relating to establis#ment, finance, budget and accounts,
office supplies and services, and ot#er #ouse2eeping >obs common to all
departments, t#e standardised functional file inde8 including its filenumbering
system, issued by t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances 7ill be follo7ed.
0). ,ile numbering system based on sub7ect classification
;!< 5ac# section 7ill maintain approved lists ofC
;a< standard #eads, i.e. main sub>ect #eadings concerning itD and
;b< standard sub#eads, i.e. aspects of t#e main sub>ect #eadings.
;$< "#e standard #eads 7ill bear consecutive serial numbers. :o suc#
numbers, #o7ever, 7ill be allotted to standard sub#eads.
;&< "#e lists of standard #eads and sub#eads 7ill be revie7ed at t#e
beginning of eac# year and revised, if necessary, 7it# t#e approval of t#e branc#
officer concerned. "#e serial numbers once allotted to t#e standard #eads s#ould
not ordinarily be c#anged.
;(< 'efore opening a ne7 file, t#e dealing #and 7ill ascertain t#e standard
#ead to 7#ic# t#e paper under consideration relates. +e 7ill t#en propose a
suitable title of t#e file for t#e approval of t#e section officer. "#e title 7ill consist
;a< standard #eadD
;b< sub#ead 7#ic# 7ill be more indicative of t#e precise sub>ect t#an
t#e G#eadB, ;7#ere it is necessary to #ave more t#an one sub#ead in a title
t#e general s#ould usually precede t#e specific<D and
;c< a brief content indicating t#e ,uestion or issue under consideration
in relation to t#e standard #ead and sub#ead and 7#ere necessary, t#e
specific institution, person, place or t#ing involved.
;)< "#e title s#ould be as brief as possible but s#ould give at a glance
sufficient indication of t#e contents of t#e file so as to serve as an aid to its
identification. *t s#ould be articulated, i.e. bro2en up into components, eac#
consisting of t#e minimum possible substantive 7ords and e8pressing an element
in t#e sub>ect matter. 5ac# part 7ill begin 7it# a capital letter and 7ill be
separated from t#e preceding one by a bold das#.
;-< As far as possible, t#ere s#ould be a separate file for eac# distinct aspect
of t#e sub>ect. "#e title of a file s#ould not be couc#ed in very general or 7ide
terms 7#ic# mig#t attract large number of receipts on different aspects of t#e
matter, t#ereby ma2ing t#e file un7ieldy.
;.< *f t#e issue raised in a fres# receipt or in t#e note on a current file goes
beyond t#e original scope, a ne7 file may be opened to deal 7it# it, after placing
t#e relevant e8tracts or copies t#ereon.
;/< 5very file 7ill be assigned a file number 7#ic# 7ill consist ofC
;a<t#e serial number allotted to t#e standard #eadD
;b<t#e serial number of t#e file opened during t#e year under t#e standard
;c<t#e year of opening t#e file ;all four digits i.e., $333, $33!, etc.<D and
;d< an abbreviated symbol identifying t#e section.
;)< "#e first t#ree elements in t#e file number 7ill be separated from one
anot#er by a slant stro2e and t#e last t7o by a das#. "#us, files opened in,
say, Scientific Researc# Section during $333 under t#e standard #ead
bearing serial number G&B, 7ill be numbered consecutively as &=!=$333SR,
&=$=$333SR and so on, 7#ere GSRB represents t#e section.
8ote; &n a computer environment file numbering %ill be done electronically in
either of the systems mentioned in Paras <= and <3/ A uni)ue file number %ill be
automatically generated %henever a fresh file is opened.
0-. &nstances %here files need not be opened :ormally, no ne7 files 7ill be opened
for dealing 7it# receipts of a purely routine nature ;e.g. re,uests for supply of
unclassified factual information, notices of #olidays, miscellaneous circulars<
;!< can be disposed of straig#ta7ay by noting t#e reply on t#e source receipts
and returning t#em to t#e originatorsD or
;$< are unli2ely to generate furt#er correspondence and t#erefore can be
placed in a miscellaneous file to be destroyed at t#e end of t#e year, or placed in
t#e folder of circulars, etc.D if on t#e sub>ect.
0.. ,ile register A record of files opened during a calendar year 7ill be 2ept in a file
register ;Appendi8 $$< to be maintained by t#e diarist. A list of approved standard
#eads along 7it# t#e serial numbers identifying t#em s#ould be pasted at t#e
beginning of t#e register. "#e pages allotted to t#e standard #eads in t#e registers
s#ould also be indicated against eac#. 6lectronic file register %ill also be
maintained in a computer environment/
0/. Part file
;!< *f t#e main file on a sub>ect is not li2ely to be available for some time and
it is necessary to process a fres# receipt or a note 7it#out 7aiting for its return, a
part file may be opened to deal 7it# it. "#is device may also be resorted to 7#ere
it is desired to consult simultaneously t7o or more sections or officers and it is
necessary for eac# of t#em to see t#e receipt noted upon.
;$< A part file 7ill normally consist ofC
;a< receipt or note dealt 7it#D and
;b< notes relating t#ereto.
;&< @#ere t7o or more part files are opened, eac# 7ill be identified by a
distinct number, e.g., part file *, part file ** and so on.
;(< A part file 7ill be merged 7it# t#e main file as soon as possible, duplicate
papers, if any, being removed.
-3. Appropriate electronic entry for opening of part file %ill be made in a
computer environment4 so that easy trac#ing is facilitated for the purpose
of merging of the part file on to the main file on its return/
00. Transfer4 reconstruction and renumbering of files @#enever 7or2 is transferred
from one department=section to anot#er, t#e former 7ill promptly transfer all t#e related
records including files, bot# current and closed, to t#e latter. "#e department=section
ta2ing over t#e records 7ill not divide, reclassify or renumber t#e closed files transferred
to it. *n t#e case of current files, t#e endeavour s#ould be to close t#em at t#e earliest
possible stage and to open ne7 files according to t#e departmentBs=sectionBs o7n sc#eme
of classification for dealing 7it# t#e matter furt#er.
A file 7ill be reconstructed if it is misplaced. "#e file number and t#e sub>ect
7ill be obtained from t#e file register and t#e copies of correspondence 7ill be
soug#t from t#e corresponding department. On receipt of all suc# papers t#ey
7ill be arranged in c#ronological order on t#e file and a selfcontained note 7ill
be prepared on t#e basis of t#e copies of correspondence, and placed on t#e notes
portion of t#e reconstructed file.
!33. Movement of files and other papers
;!< Movement of files 7ill be entered in t#e file movement register ;Appendi8
;$< @#en current files are lin2ed as per para ((, t#e movement of t#e lin2ed
files 7ill be mar2ed in t#e space allotted in t#e file movement register for t#e file
7it# 7#ic# t#ese are lin2ed and also individually in t#e space allotted in t#e file
movement register for eac# of t#e lin2ed files in t#e manner illustrated in notes $
and & under Appendi8 $&.
;&< @#en recorded files are put up 7it# a file, t#e movement of t#e recorded
files 7ill be mar2ed in t#e space allotted in t#e file movement register for t#e file
7it# 7#ic# t#ese are put up in t#e manner illustrated in note ( under Appendi8 $&.
*t 7ill also be ensured t#at t#e procedure regarding re,uisitioning of recorded files
as laid do7n in para !!) is observed.
;(< Movement of files received from ot#er departments=sections and ot#er
receipts 7#ic# #ave not been broug#t on to a file in t#e receiving section, 7ill be
noted in t#e Gremar2sB column of t#e section diary.
;)< :o current file 7ill be issued to ot#er sections e8cept against 7ritten
re,uisition and after mar2ing its movement in t#e file movement register.
;-< 4iles and ot#er papers mar2ed by t#e 1nder Secretary to ot#er officers,
sections or departments 7ill be routed t#roug# t#e section for noting t#eir
;.< @#en t#e files are #anded over personally by t#e 1nder Secretary to ot#er
officers, #e 7ill inform t#e section officer accordingly 7#o 7ill ensure t#at t#e
movement of suc# files is mar2ed in t#e file movement register.
;/< "#e personal staff of officers of t#e ran2 of Deputy Secretary and
above 7ill maintain t#e movement of papers received by t#eir officers in t#e
respective personal section diary ;Appendi8 (<. Movement of any file #anded
over personally to a #ig#er officer or to t#e Minister 7ill similarly be noted by t#e
personal staff. Papers=4iles mar2ed by t#em to ot#er departments, #o7ever, 7ill
be routed t#roug# t#e section concerned, for noting t#eir movement in t#e file
movement register or section diary as appropriate.
-<. &n a computer environment the movement of files %ill be recorded
electronically at every stage/
!3!. ,iling system under des# pattern "#e provisions of paragrap#s 0& to !33 7ill
also be applicable to t#e des2 pattern of functioning. Assistant=stenograp#er
attac#ed to a des2 functionary 7ill assist #im in maintaining a proper filing
system and movement of files.
!3$. Activities involved in records management N
;!< Records management covers t#e activities concerning recording, retention,
retrieval and 7eeding out.
;$< 5ac# record creating agency 7ill nominate a Departmental Records
Officer ;DRO< 7#o is not belo7 t#e level of a Section Officer for overall
records management.
!3&. Stage of recording 4iles s#ould be recorded after action on t#e issues considered
t#ereon #as been completed. +o7ever, files of a purely ep#emeral nature ;suc# as
casual leave records or circulars of temporary nature< containing papers of little
reference or researc# value may be destroyed after one year 7it#out being
formally recorded.
!3(. Procedure for recording
;!< Action for RecordingC
After action on t#e issue;s< considered on t#e file #as been completed, t#e dealing
#and=initiating officer, in consultation 7it# #is supervisory officer, s#ould close
and record t#e file in t#e manner prescribed belo7C
;a< indicate t#e appropriate category of record ;vide para !3) belo7<
and in t#e case of category G%B, also specify t#e retention period and t#e
year of destruction on t#e file coverD
;b< 7#ere necessary, revise t#e title of t#e file so t#at it describes
ade,uately t#e contents at t#at stageD
;c< get t#e file inde8ed ;vide para !3. belo7< unless it is to be retained
for less t#an !3 years from t#e date of closingD
;d< e8tract from t#e file, copies of important decisions, documents, etc.
as are considered useful for future reference and add t#em to t#e standing
guard file=precedent boo2D
;e< remove from t#e file all superfluous papers suc# as reminders,
ac2no7ledgements, routine slips, 7or2ings#eets, roug# drafts, surplus
copies, etc. and destroy t#emD
;f< complete all references and, in particular, mar2 previous and later
references on t#e sub>ect on t#e file coverD
;g< pass on t#e file to t#e record cler2D
;$< Action on Recorded 4iles
"#e record cler2 7ill t#ereafterC
;a< complete columns ( and ) of t#e file register and correct t#e entry
in column $ 7#ere necessaryD
;b< enter t#e file number in column $ of t#e register for 7atc#ing
progress of recording ;Appendi8 $(<D
;c< 7rite t#e 7ord GrecordedB prominently in red in2 -ma#e suitable
entries in computer environment., across t#e entries in t#e file movement
;d< indicate page numbers and ot#er references ;e8cept references to
alp#abetical slips< in in2 7#ic# 7ere earlier made in pencilD
;e< indicate t#e year of revie7 on t#e file cover in respect of category
G%B filesD
;f< prepare fres# covers, 7#ere necessary, 7it# all t#e entries already
made t#ereonD and
;g< #and over t#e file to t#e daftry=peon.
;&< "#e daftry=peon 7ill repair t#e damaged papers, if any, stitc# t#e file and,
s#o7 it to t#e record cler2 for ma2ing entries in t#e register for 7atc#ing progress
of recording ;Appendi8 $(< before 2eeping it in t#e bundle of recorded files.
!3). Categorisation of records 4iles may be recorded under any one of t#e follo7ing
;!< Category >A> meaning >#eep and microfilm> "#is categori?ation 7ill be
adopted forC
;a< files 7#ic# ,ualify for permanent preservation for administrative
purposes ;vide part GAB of Appendi8 $)< and 7#ic# #ave to be microfilmed
because t#ey containC
;i< a document so precious t#at its original must be preserved
intact and access to it in t#e original form must be restricted to t#e
barest minimumD or
;ii< material li2ely to be re,uired for fre,uent reference by
different parties.
;b< files of #istorical importance suc# as t#ose listed in Part G'B of
Appendi8 $).
;$< Category ?+> meaning ?#eep but do not microfilm>"#is category 7ill cover
files re,uired for permanent preservation for administrative purposes, suc#
as t#ose listed in part GAB of Appendi8 $). *t 7ill, #o7ever, e8clude t#e
nature of material falling under t#e category described in ;i< or ;ii< of sub
para ;!< ;a< above and t#erefore need not be microfilmed.
;&< Category ?C> meaning ?#eep for specified period only>"#is category 7ill
include files of secondary importance and #aving reference value for a
limited period not e8ceeding !3 years. *n e8ceptional cases, if t#e record
is re,uired to be retained beyond !3 years it 7ill be upgraded to '
!3-. Stage of inde$ing 4iles 7ill be inde8ed at t#e time of t#eir recording. Only t#ose
files 7#ic# are categorised as GAB and G'B ;vide para !3)< 7ill be inde8ed.
!3.. Manner of inde$ing
;!< @#ile preparing a file for record ;vide para !3(< t#e dealing #and or t#e
des2 assistant 7ill underlineC
;a< t#e Ginde8 #eadB, i.e., t#e standard #ead or t#e most important catc#7ord in
t#e standard #ead 7#ic# 7ill naturally occur to any official searc#ing for t#e
file and 7#ic# 7ill determine t#e position of t#e relevant inde8 slip in t#e
consolidated inde8D and
;b< t#e Ginde8 sub#eadB, i.e. t#e catc# 7ord or catc#7ords in t#e standard sub
#eads and= or t#e GcontentB of t#e title 7#ic# 7ill give a furt#er and more
specific clue to t#e file under searc#.
;$< @#ere t#e functional filing system is follo7ed, files need not be inde8ed
under t#e basic, primary, secondary and tertiary #eads for 7#ic# t#e classification
sc#eme itself 7ill provide t#e master inde8. +o7ever, suc# files 7ill #ave to be
inde8ed under t#e catc#7ords used in t#e content part of t#e title 7#ic# falls
outside t#e standardised #eadings.
;&< After inde8 #eads and sub#eads in t#e title #ave been approved by t#e
section officer=des2 functionary, t#e record cler2=des2 assistant 7illC
;a< type out, in duplicate, as many inde8 slips as t#ere are inde8 #eads and sub
#eads underlined in t#e titleD
;b< distinguis# t#e inde8 #eads from t#e sub#eads by typing t#e former in
capital lettersD
;c< indicate at t#e top of t#e inde8 slips all t#e #eads and sub#eads mentioned in
t#e title, one belo7 t#e ot#er, follo7ed by t#e complete title of t#e file and
t#e file number, as per specimens in Appendi8 $-D
;d< allot a pair of slips to eac# inde8 #ead and sub#ead by scoring out entries
relating to t#e ot#ers as per specimens in Appendi8 $-D
;e< arrange t#e inde8 slips in t7o sets, one in alp#abetical order of t#e #eads=sub
#ead for use in t#e section, and t#e ot#er in t#e se,uence of file numbers for
t#e use of t#e compiler of t#e departmental inde8D
;f< 2eep eac# set of a paper inde8 slips in separate spring clip folders for eac#
yearD and
;g< indicate t#e date of inde8ing on t#e file cover and initial it in t#e space
provided for t#e purpose.
;(< *nde8 slips 7ill normally be typed on good ,uality paper. *n t#e case of
important files re,uiring fre,uent and urgent reference, #o7ever, card inde8es
could also be prepared. 5ven #ere, t#e duplicate set meant for incorporation in t#e
departmental inde8 7ill be typed on good ,uality paper. %ard inde8es, 7#ere
maintained, 7ill be 2ept according to an alp#abetical order of t#eir respective
catc#7ords, in a single series for all t#e years. 5ac# department 7ill issue
departmental instructions specifying t#e categories of files in respect of 7#ic#
card inde8es 7ill be maintained.
;)< "o ensure consistency and facilitate consolidation of departmental inde8,
files relating to parliamentary business 7ill be inde8ed not only under t#e
appropriate standard #eads and sub#eads but also, under t#e nature of suc#
business, e.g. parliament ,uestions, cutmotion, resolutions etc.
!3/. Custody of inde$ slips
;!< *nde8 slips 7ill remain in t#e custody of t#e record cler2.
;$< After all t#e files relating to a year #ave been recorded, t#e set of inde8
slips in respect of t#at year meant for use 7it#in t#e section ;vi?, t#at arranged in
alp#abetical order< 7ill be neatly stitc#ed and t#e stitc#ed compilation 2ept at a
convenient place for reference by all concerned.
!30. Compilation of departmental inde$
;!< "#e inde8 slips pertaining to files relating to a year 7ill be sent to t#e
compiler of t#e departmental inde8 one year after t#e close of t#e year to 7#ic#
t#ey relate. *f some files of t#at year still remain current even at t#e time of
sending t#e inde8 slips as envisaged above, t#e dealing #and 7it# t#e approval of
t#e section officer 7ill prepare inde8 slips in respect of suc# files as are li2ely to
be retained for !3 years or more from t#e date of recording. "#ese 7ill also be
added to t#e set of slips being sent to t#e compiler of t#e departmental inde8.
;$< "#e compiler of t#e departmental inde8 7illC
;a< edit t#e inde8 slips byC
;i< allo7ing t#e full title to appear only on t#e main inde8 slips, i.e.
t#ose inde8ed under t#e inde8 #eadsD and
;ii< scoring out t#e title on t#e subsidiary inde8 slips, i.e. t#ose
inde8ed under t#e inde8 sub#eads and giving a cross reference to
t#e relevant inde8 #ead, as per specimen in Appendi8 $-D
;b< arrange t#e inde8 slips received from different sections, in
alp#abetical order in a single series for t#e department as a 7#oleD
;c< arrange for t#e printing or cyclostyling of t#e consolidated
departmental inde8 for eac# year.
/ 8T6 ; &n a computeri5ed environment4 inde$ing %ill facilitate easy retrieval/
!!3. Precedent +oo# 5very section 7ill maintain a precedent boo2 in t#e prescribed
form ;Appendi8 $.< for 2eeping note of important rulings and decisions #aving a
precedent value for ready reference. 5ntries in t#is record 7ill be made at t#e
earliest opportunity and, in any case, at t#e stage of recording t#e file.
!!!. "ecord "etention Schedule
;!< "o ensure t#at files are neit#er prematurely destroyed, nor 2ept for periods
longer t#an necessary, every department 7illC
;a< in respect of records connected 7it# accounts, observe t#e
instructions contained in Appendi8 !& to t#e General 4inancial RulesD
;b< in respect of records, relating to establis#ment, personnel and
#ouse2eeping matters common to all departments, follo7 t#e Gsc#edule of
periods of retention for records common to all departmentsB issued by t#e
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public GrievancesD
;c< in respect of records prescribed in t#is Manual, observe t#e
retention periods specified in Appendi8 $/D and
;d< in respect of records connected 7it# its substantive functions, issue
a departmental retention sc#edule prescribing t#e periods for 7#ic# files
dealing 7it# specified sub>ects s#ould be preserved in consultation 7it#
t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia.
;$< "#e above sc#edules s#ould be revie7ed at least once in ) years.
!!$. Custody of records
;!< Recorded files 7ill be 2ept serially arranged in t#e sections=des2s
concerned for not more t#an one year, after 7#ic# t#ey 7ill be transferred to t#e
departmental record room. 4or files due for suc# transfer t#e register at Appendi8
$( 7ill be consulted.
;$< *n t#e event of transfer of 7or2 from one section to anot#er, t#e relevant
files also 7ill be transferred, after being listed in duplicate in t#e form at
Appendi8 $0. One copy of t#is list 7ill be retained by t#e section ta2ing over t#e
files for its record and t#e ot#er ac2no7ledged and returned to t#e section
transferring t#em.
;&< 4iles transferred by a section to t#e departmental record room 7ill be
accompanied by a list of files ;Appendi8 $0< in duplicate. "#e departmental
record room 7ill verify t#at all t#e files mentioned in t#e list #ave been received,
retain one copy of t#e list and return t#e ot#er, duly signed, to t#e section
concerned. *n t#e record room, t#ese lists 7ill be 2ept section7ise in separate file
;(< "#e departmental record room 7ill maintain a record revie7 register
;Appendi8 &3< in 7#ic# a fe7 pages 7ill be allotted for eac# future year. %lass
G%B files mar2ed for revie7 in a particular year 7ill be entered in t#e pages
earmar2ed for t#at year in t#e register.
;)< 4iles surviving t#e revie7 underta2en on t#eir attaining t#e $)t# year of
life Pvide para !!&;&<Q 7ill be stamped prominently as Gtransferred to :A*B and
retired to t#e :ational Arc#ives. 4iles transferred to t#e :ational Arc#ives 7ill be
accompanied by a list ;in triplicate<, one copy of 7#ic# 7ill be returned by t#e
:ational Arc#ives, duly signed, to t#e departmental record room.
;-< Record rooms 7ill be properly ventilated, 7it# ade,uate lig#ting and fire
safety e,uipment and avoid e8posure to moisture. "#e records 7ill be arranged
serially section7ise and 7ill be regularly dusted. 4or proper preservation t#e
records 7ill be periodically fumigated and mot#balls 7ill be used.
;.< &n a computeri5ed environment4 it %ould be useful to maintain list of
records in electronic form4 in the Departmental "ecord "oom/
!!&. "evie% and %eeding of records
;!< A category H%A file 7ill be revie7ed on t#e e8piry of t#e specified
retention period and 7eeded out unless t#ere are sufficient grounds 7arranting its
furt#er retention. Mustification for retaining a file after revie7 7ill be recorded on
t#e file 7it# t#e approval of branc# officer=divisional #ead concerned. Retention
after a revie7 7ill be for a period not e8ceeding ten years, including t#e period
already retained. *f a file 7as originally retained for a period of !3 years, any
furt#er retention 7ill re,uire upgradation of t#e category.
;$< %ategory HAA and category H'A files 7ill be revie7ed on attaining t#e $)t#
year of t#eir life in consultation 7it# t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia. *n t#ese
revie7s, t#e need for revising t#e original categori?ation of category H'A files may
also be considered.
;&< "#e year of revie7 of category H%A files be rec2oned 7it# reference to t#e
year of t#eir closing and t#at for category HAA and category H'A files 7it#
reference to t#e year of t#eir opening.
;(< 'eginning in Manuary eac# year, t#e departmental record room 7ill send to
t#e sections=des2s concerned t#e files due for revie7 in t#at year, toget#er 7it# a
list of files in t#e form at Appendi8 &!, in four lotsin Manuary, April, Muly and
;)< ;i< 4iles received for revie7 7ill be e8amined by, or under t#e direction of,
t#e Section Officer or t#e des2 functionary concerned and t#ose files 7#ic#
are no longer re,uired 7ill be mar2ed for destruction. Ot#er files may be
mar2ed for furt#er retention vide subparas ;$< & ;&<. *t may, #o7ever, be
ensured t#at in case an in,uiry #as been initiated departmentally or by a
%ommission of *n,uiry or as a result of %ourt proceedings #aving a bearing
on t#e sub>ect matter contained in t#e files=documents concerned or t#e
files=documents 7#ic# are re,uired in connection 7it# t#e implementation of
order=>udgement of any court of la7, suc# files=documents 7ill not be
destroyed, even if, suc# files=documents #ave completed t#eir prescribed life
as per t#e Record Retention Sc#edule.
;ii< 4iles=documents referred to above may be, destroyed only after
submission of t#e Report by t#e %ommission or completion of in,uiry or
implementation of t#e >udgement=order of t#e court;s<, 7it# t#e approval of
t#e concerned Moint Secretary=+ead of t#e Department. *n case t#e
implementation of t#e court order #as been c#allenged=appealed against
eit#er by t#e Government or by t#e applicant in a #ig#er court, t#e concerned
files=documents 7ill not be 7eeded until suc# time t#e appeal=c#allenge is
considered and finally decided. *n suc# cases t#e limitation period prescribed
for appeals s#ould also be 2ept in mind.
;-< After revie7 t#e record cler2=des2 assistant 7ill ma2e entries of revised
categori?ation=retention period in t#e file registers and return t#em to t#e
departmental record room along 7it# t#e list ;Appendi8 &!< after completing
column & t#ereof.
;.< "#e departmental record room, under t#e supervision of Departmental
Record Officer ;DRO<, 7illC
;a< transfer category GAB and category G'B files surviving t#e revie7
underta2en at t#e $)t# year of t#eir life vide subpara ;&< above, to t#e
:ational Arc#ivesD
;b< in t#e case of ot#er filesC
;i< destroy t#ose mar2ed for destruction, after completing
column ( of t#e list of files ;Appendi8 $0<D and
;ii< restore t#e rest i.e. t#ose mar2ed for furt#er retention, to t#e
departmental record stac2s after ma2ing t#e re,uired
entries in t#e record revie7 register in t#e case of category
G%B filesD
;/< Records not falling 7it#in t#e definition of file, e.g., publications, spare
copies of circulars, orders, etc., 7ill also be sub>ected to periodic revie7s at
suitable intervals and t#ose no longer needed s#ould be 7eeded out. "o facilitate
suc# revie7s eac# section 7ill maintain a register in t#e form at Appendi8 &$.
;0< %onsidering t#e urgency to reduce t#e volume of records no7 being
retained 7it#out any significant need for t#eir retention, t#e follo7ing measures
may be ta2en in t#e Ministries=DepartmentsC
;a< A special drive may be launc#ed every - mont#s to record=revie7 all old
files and to 7eed out t#ose no longer needed. "#e results of suc# special
drives 7ill be sent to DAR&PG in t#e proforma s#o7n in Appendi8 &&D
;b< 5ac# Moint Secretary may revie7 every ,uarter t#e state of
inde8ing=recording=revie7=7eeding out of files in #is 7ing and allot time
bound tas2s to7ards t#is and to t#e members of t#e staffD
;c< *nspecting officers may be as2ed to pay special attention to t#e stage of
Records Management in t#e sections as 7ell as t#e Departmental Record
Rooms during t#eir inspections.
;!3< "#e follo7ing manner of @eeding=Destruction of records 7ill be adoptedC
;a< Routine files=records 7ill be manually torn into small pieces and
;b< %lassified files=records 7ill be destroyed by use of s#redder, and .
;c< Secret files=records 7ill also be incinerated after being s#redded as
per provision under HDepartmental Security *nstructionsA issued by
t#e Ministry of +ome Affairs.
!!(. "ecords maintained by officers and their personal staff 5ac# department may
issue departmental instructions to regulate t#e revie7 and 7eeding out of records
maintained by officers and t#eir personal staff.
!!). "e)uisitioning of records
;!< :o recorded file 7ill be issued from t#e sectional, departmental or
Arc#ival records e8cept against a signed re,uisition in form prescribed under
Public Records Act, !00& in t#e case of Arc#ival records and in t#e form at
Appendi8 &( in t#e case of ot#er records.
;$< Re,uisitions for files belonging to ot#er departments and in t#e custody of
t#e :ational Arc#ives 7ill be got endorsed by t#e department concerned before
t#ey are sent to t#e Arc#ives. *f t#e re,uisitioned file #appens to be a confidential
one, t#e Arc#ives 7ill not supply t#e file direct to t#e re,uisitioning department
but route it t#roug# t#e department to 7#ic# it belongs.
;&< "#e re,uisition 7ill be 2ept in t#e place of t#e file issued.
;(< *f t#e re,uisitioned file is one t#at #as been microfilmed or printed,
normally a microfilmed or printed copy and not t#e original 7ill be issued to t#e
re,uisitioning department.
;)< *f a re,uisitioned file initially obtained for being put up in one case is
subse,uently put up on anot#er, a fres# re,uisition s#ould be given to t#e section
daftry or sent to t#e departmental record room or t#e :ational Arc#ives, as t#e
case may be, for replacing t#e original re,uisition 7#ic# 7ill be returned to t#e
office concerned. *n t#e case of records obtained from t#e :ational Arc#ives, t#e
fres# re,uisition slip 7ill be prominently mar2ed Gc#ange slipB.
;-< On return, t#e re,uisitioned file 7ill be restored to its place and t#e
re,uisition returned to t#e section=official concerned.
;.< 4iles obtained by a section from t#e departmental record room 7ill
normally be returned 7it#in & mont#s. *f t#ey are not received bac2 7it#in t#is
period, t#e departmental record room 7ill remind t#e section concerned. 4or t#is
purpose, t#e record room 7ill maintain a simple register for 2eeping a record of
t#e files issued to t#e various sections eac# mont#. A similar register 7ill be
maintained by eac# section as a record of files borro7ed from it by ot#er sections.
;/< 4iles obtained by a department from t#e :ational Arc#ives 7ill not
normally be retained for more t#an - mont#s e8cept 7it# t#e latterBs specific
2no7ledge and consent.
!!-. Unauthorised communication of official information 1nless aut#orised by
general or specific orders, no official 7ill communicate to anot#er official or a
nonofficial, any information or document;s< -including electronic document-s..
7#ic# #as come into #is possession in t#e course of #is official duties.
!!.. Treatment of classified papers
;!< "#e provision contained in t#is manual apply primarily to unclassified
papers. *n #andling classified papers, t#e official concerned 7ill #ave to e8ercise,
special care and follo7 t#e provision under GDepartmental Security *nstructionsB
issued by t#e Ministry of +ome Affairs. Since, according to t#ese instructions,
classified papers ;ot#er t#an confidential< are e8pected to be #andled eit#er by
officers t#emselves or in sections designated as GsecretB or Gtop secretB, it is
essential t#at in sections not so designatedC
;a< a separate set of registers and ot#er records ;e.g., da2 register, section
diary, file register, file movement register, precedent boo2, inde8 slips,
various arrears and disposal statements, electronic media, floppies, %Ds,
etc.<, is maintained by section officer #imselfD and
;b< t#e recording of suc# files and t#eir revie7 is also underta2en by #im
personally, 2eeping in vie7 t#e provision under t#e Departmental Security
;$< 5very classified file 7ill be revie7ed once in five years for
declassification. A declassified file considered fit for permanent preservation 7ill
be transferred to t#e :ational Arc#ives.
!!/. Confidential character of notes/ files
;!< "#e notes portion of a file referred by a department to anot#er 7ill be
treated as confidential and 7ill not be referred to any aut#ority outside t#e
secretariat and attac#ed offices 7it#out t#e general or specific consent of t#e
department to 7#ic# t#e file belongs. &f the information is in the electronic form
it %ill be handled by the authorised official only/
;$< @#ere t#e general consent #as been obtained under subpara ;!< above,
suc# consent 7ill, #o7ever, e8clude classified files or to files in 7#ic# t#e officer
to 7#om t#e file is supposed to be referred or s#o7n, is personally affected, or in
7#ic# #is official conduct is under consideration.
;&< 4or t#e purpose of attending meetings=discussions outside office an officer
not belo7 t#e level of Section Officer=Des2 Officer may carry %onfidential
papers=files or an officer not belo7 t#e level of 1nder Secretary may carry Secret
papers=files in a special circumstance 7it# t#e 7ritten aut#orisation of Moint
Secretary concerned. "#e aut#orisation 7ill be produced by t#e officer on
!!0. Communication of information to the press
;!< Official information to t#e press and ot#er ne7s media, i.e. radio and
television, 7ill normally be communicated t#roug# t#e Press *nformation 'ureau.
;$< Only Ministers, Secretaries and ot#er officers specially aut#orised in t#is
be#alf may give information or be accessible to t#e representatives of t#e press.
Any ot#er official, if approac#ed by a representative of t#e press, 7ill direct #im
to t#e Press *nformation 'ureau or 7ill see2 t#e permission of t#e Secretary of t#e
department before meeting t#e press.
;&< @#enever it is proposed to release an official information to t#e press, or
to #old a press conference or press briefing, or to give publicity to an official
report, resolution or any ot#er publication, t#e department concerned 7ill consult
t#e accredited information officer in advance. "#e accredited information officer
7ill meet t#e aut#orised officials from time to time and collect information
7ort#y of publicity.
;(< Detailed procedure in respect of matters mentioned in t#is para, as laid
do7n by t#e Ministry of *nformation and 'roadcasting, s#ould be follo7ed.
!$3. Use of restrictive classification for printed reports etc.
;!< "#e restrictive classification G4or official use onlyB 7ill not be assigned to
any printed report, pamp#let or compilation unless it contains information 7#ic#
it 7ould not be desirable in t#e public interest to disclose. *n doubtful cases, t#e
test t#at may be usefully applied is 7#et#er t#e publication, 7#ose circulation is
proposed to restrict to official use only, is suc# t#at t#e Minister 7ould be
>ustified in refusing to lay it before t#e Parliament.
;$< :o official publication ;including in electronic form< 7ill be mar2ed G4or
official use onlyB e8cept 7it# t#e prior approval of t#e branc# officer, 7#o 7ill
obtain t#e orders of t#e Secretary or Minister in doubtful cases.
!$!/ Time limits "ime 9imits 7ill be fi8ed for disposal of as many types of cases as
possible #andled in t#e Department t#roug# departmental instructions. As a general rule,
no official s#all 2eep a case pending 7it# #im=#er for more t#an seven 7or2ing days
unless #ig#er limits #ave been prescribed for specific types of cases t#roug# departmental
instructions. *n case of a case remaining 7it# an official for more t#an t#e stipulated time
limit, an e8planation for 2eeping it s#all be recorded in t#e note portion by #im=#er. "#e
system of e8ception reporting 7ill be introduced to monitor t#e disposal of receipts.
!$$. (andling of Public/Staff !rievances
;!< All officers of t#e level of Deputy Secretary and above 7ill redress public
grievances pertaining to t#e divisions under t#eir c#arge. "#ey 7ill vie7 public
grievances 7it# sympat#y and ma2e special efforts to decide on suc# cases
;$< 5ac# Ministry= Department= Public Sector 1nderta2ing= Autonomous 'ody of
t#e government 7ill set up *nternal Grievance Redress Mac#inery for public as
7ell as staff.
;&< A senior officer of t#e level of Moint Secretary or above s#ould be designated
as Moint Secretary= Director of Public Grievances. An officer of t#e level of
Deputy Secretary=Director s#ould be designated as t#e Staff Grievance Officer.
;(< "#e name, designation, room number, telep#one number, etc., of t#e Director
of Grievances s#ould be displayed prominently at t#e Reception and some ot#er
convenient place in t#e office building of Ministry=Department= Public Sector
1nderta2ing= Autonomous 'ody so t#at t#e public are made fully a7are of it.
;)< 5very @ednesday of t#e 7ee2 s#ould be observed strictly as a meetingless
day. "#e Director of Grievances and ot#er officers of t#e level of Deputy
Secretary and above s#ould remain in t#eir offices during specified #ours ;!333
#ours to !&33 #ours< on every @ednesday to receive and #ear grievances of t#e
members of t#e public.
;-< "#e receptionists, security personnel and peons 7ill be given suitable
instructions about t#e meetingless day so as to allo7 t#e members of t#e public to
meet officers on t#at day 7it#out prior appointment.
;.< A loc2ed complaint bo8 7ill be placed at t#e Reception for convenient
registration of complaints by members of t#e public 7#ic# must be opened by t#e
designated officer at regular intervals.
;/< *n t#e interest of e8peditious disposal of grievances t#e Director of
Grievances 7ill be empo7ered to call for papers= documents of cases pending for
more t#an t#ree mont#s and ta2e decisions 7it# t#e approval of t#e Secretary of
t#e Ministry= Department or +ead of t#e Public Sector 1nderta2ing= Autonomous
;0<;a< 5ac# grievance petition 7ill be ac2no7ledged 7it#in !) days. 5ven if no
action is 7arranted on a petition, a reply intimating t#e stand of t#e organisation
must be sent to t#e petitioner.
;b< "ime limits 7ill be fi8ed for disposal of various types of public=Staff
grievances 7#ic# are #andled in t#e department 7it# due regard to t#e minimum
time needed for eac# type, t#roug# departmental instructions.
;c< @#ile sending replies communicating final decision re>ecting a grievance
petition, t#e reason or t#e rule;s< under 7#ic# it #as been re>ected 7ill be
communicated to t#e petitioner along7it# details of t#e appellate aut#ority
7#erever applicable.
;!3< Ministries=Departments 7ill analyse grievances received by t#em 7it# a
vie7 to identifying t#e ma>or grievance prone areas and devising corrective
measures so as to reduce t#e scope of recurrence of grievances. Assistance of t#e
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances may be obtained to
study t#ese areas for improvement.
;!!< Publicity 7ill be given about t#e grievance redress mac#inery in t#e
Ministries=Departments= Public Sector 1nderta2ings= Autonomous 'odies.
;!$< "#e feedbac2 mec#anism and t#e monitoring system for grievance redress
7ill be strengt#ened, in vie7 of t#e time limits fi8ed as per sub para 0 above.
Ministries=Departments 7ill also ensure timely submission of reports= returns
about t#e redress of grievances to t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and
Public Grievances.
;!&< "#e mac#inery and 7or2 relating to public grievances and t#e statistics
relating to receipt=disposal of public grievances s#all form a part of t#e Annual
Action Plan and t#e Annual Administrative Report of t#e Ministry=Department.

;!(<;a< All public grievances received directly or t#roug#
MPs=6*Ps=Directorate of Public Grievances ;%abinet Secretariat<=Department of
AR&PG=email etc. 7ill be registered and processed in t#e computerised Public
Grievance Redress And Monitoring System ;PGRAMS<. Action to ac2no7ledge
and dispose of t#e grievances according to time norms fi8ed 7ill be ta2en.
Ac2no7ledgement 7ill contain registration number of t#e grievance.
;b< "#e progress and final disposal of t#e grievance 7ill be indicated in
PGRAMS so t#at t#e petitioner can access t#e information t#roug# *nternet.
;!)< "#e record of grievances 7ill be retained in t#e computer for one year
after t#e date of final disposal of t#e grievances.
!$&. @ee#ly arrear statement
;!< On t#e first 7or2ing day of every succeeding 7ee2, eac# section officer
7ill give particulars of receipts=cases pending 7it# eac# dealing #and for
more t#an . days in t#e form at Appendi8 &).
;$< "#e section officer 7ill also prepare similar statement in respect of
receipts=cases re,uired to be dealt 7it# by #im and pass t#em on to t#e
;&< "#e diarist 7ill consolidate t#e above statements in t#e form at Appendi8
&- and submit t#e consolidated statement to t#e section officer on t#e same day.
&n a computeri5ed environment the Section fficer %ill generate a pendency
statement from the computer on the first %or#ing day of every %ee#/
;(< "#e section officer 7ill C
;a< c#ec2 t#e consolidated arrear statement for accuracyD
;b< scrutinise t#e statement of receipts=cases 7#ic# is more t#an one
7ee2 oldD
;c< give #is remar2s or instructions, 7#ere necessaryD and
;d< submit t#e statements to t#e branc# officer.
;)< "#e branc# officer 7ill 7atc# t#e progress of 7or2 in t#e section and,
7#ere necessary, give suitable directions for e8peditious #andling of delayed
;-< On receipt bac2 in t#e section action 7ill be ta2en as per directions.
!$(. Monthly statement of cases pending disposal for over a month
;!< 5very section 7ill prepare, eac# mont#, a statement indicating briefly t#e
position of eac# case pending disposal for over a mont#.
;$< On t#e last 7or2ing day of eac# mont#, t#e diarist 7illC
;a< go t#roug# t#e case s#eets ;Appendi8 &.< of pending cases for t#e
preceding mont# and indicate t#e latest position of eac# case included in
column $ of t#e statementD
;b< prepare fres# case s#eets for cases opened during t#e preceding
mont# but not yet finally disposed of, by completing columns ! and $ of
t#e form and top fi8ed entriesD and
;c< #and over t#e case s#eets to t#e dealing #ands concerned.
;&< "#e dealing #and 7illC
;a< scrutinise entries in t#e first t7o columns of t#e case s#eetsD
;b< dra7 a red line across case s#eets of cases t#at #ave been finally
disposed of or transferred to call boo2 ;para !$) and Appendi8 &0<D
;c< complete column & of ot#er case s#eetsD and
;d< return t#e case s#eets to t#e diarist by t#e $nd of t#e mont#
follo7ing t#at to 7#ic# t#e statement relates.
;(< "#e diarist 7illC
;a< remove t#e case s#eets of files t#at #ave been finally disposed of or
transferred to call boo2 vide para !$) ;!< for being 2ept in a separate
;b< arrange t#e remaining case s#eets in c#ronological order of t#e
dates of t#e commencement of cases, t#e latest being on topD
;c< place t#e case s#eets in a file cover mar2ed GMont#ly statement of
cases pending disposal for over a mont#BD
;d< prepare in duplicate a numerical abstract in t#e form at Appendi8
&/D and
;e< submit t#e mont#ly statement and t#e t7o copies of t#e numerical
abstract to t#e section officer by t#e &rd of t#e mont#.
;)< "#e section officer 7illC
;a< scrutini?e t#e case s#eets and, 7#ere necessary, add #is remar2sD
;b< c#ec2 t#e numerical abstract for accuracyD
;c< submit t#e mont#ly statement and one copy of t#e numerical
abstract, 7it# a brief for7arding note, to t#e branc# officer by t#e )t# of
t#e mont#D and
;d< send t#e second copy of t#e numerical abstract to t#e internal 7or2
study unit.
;-< 1nless ot#er7ise provided in t#e departmental instructions, t#e mont#ly
statement toget#er 7it# t#e numerical abstract 7ill go up to t#e Moint Secretary.
5ac# of t#ese officers mayC
;a< add suc# remar2s as #e 7ould li2e to ma2e about latest position of
a caseD
;b< in suitable cases give directions or ma2e suggestions for
e8peditious disposal.
;.< "#e Moint Secretary may bring any case included in t#e mont#ly statement
to t#e specific notice of #ig#er officers or Minister, eit#er t#roug# submission of
t#e mont#ly statement itself or ot#er7ise, as deemed fit.
;/< "#e internal 7or2 study unit 7illC
;a< post t#e figures in t#e numerical abstract, in t#e form at Appendi8
&0 and return t#e abstract to t#e section concernedD
;b< prepare t#e consolidated statement for t#e department as a 7#ole
by totalling t#e columns vertically in t#e form at Appendi8 &0D
;c< analyse t#e trend of disposal of casesD and
;d< bring to t#e notice of t#e O&M officer and t#e Secretary, any
significant trend.
!$). Call +oo#
;!< *f a current case #as reac#ed a stage 7#en no action can or need be ta2en
to e8pedite its disposal for at least - mont#s ;e.g., cases #eld up in la7 courts<, it
may be transferred to t#e call boo2 ;Appendi8 (3< 7it# t#e approval of an officer
not belo7 t#e level of 'ranc# Officer= Divisional +ead.
;$< %losed cases in 7#ic# a revie7 is contemplated after a period of - mont#s
or more may also be included in t#e call boo2.
;&< %ases transferred to call boo2 vide subpara ;!< above, 7ill be e8cluded
from t#e mont#ly statement of pending cases mentioned in para !$( till t#ey are
reopened vide subpara ;(< belo7.
;(< @#en a case included in t#e call boo2 becomes ripe for action or if action
#as to be restarted as a se,uel to an une8pected development, e.g., receipt of a
communication from t#e party concerned earlier t#an e8pected, it 7ill be revived
and its progress 7atc#ed in t#e usual 7ay t#roug# t#e mont#ly statement of
pending cases. "#e date of commencement of suc# reopened cases, #o7ever, 7ill
be t#e date of occurrence of t#e development or t#at of t#e first note leading to t#e
reopening of t#e case.
;)< "#e section officer 7ill scrutinise t#e call boo2 in t#e last 7ee2 of every
mont# to see t#at t#e cases 7#ic# become ripe for furt#er action during t#e
follo7ing mont# are broug#t for7ard and action initiated on due dates. "#e call
boo2 7ill be submitted to t#e branc# officer= Divisional +ead once a ,uarter, i.e.
during t#e mont#s of Manuary, April, Muly and October. +e 7ill satisfy #imself t#at
no case on 7#ic# action could #ave been ta2en suffers by its inclusion in t#e call
boo2 and, in suitable cases, give directions for t#e action to be ta2en.
!$-. Monthly progress reports of recording and revie% of files
;!< On t#e first 7or2ing day of eac# mont#, t#e record cler2 7ill prepare, in
duplicate, progress reports on t#e recording and revie7 of files for t#e preceding
mont#, in t#e forms at Appendices (! and ($ and submit t#em, toget#er 7it# t#e
follo7ing records, to t#e section officerC
;a< register for 7atc#ing t#e progress of recording ;Appendi8 $(<D and
;b< lists of files received for revie7 ;Appendi8 &!<.
;$< "#e section officer 7ill c#ec2 t#e t7o statements, submit one copy of t#e
report to t#e branc# officer and send t#e ot#er to t#e internal 7or2 study unit.
;&< "#e internal 7or2 study unit 7illC
;a< post t#e figures in t#e forms at Appendices (& and (( and return
t#e reports to t#e section concernedD
;b< prepare t#e consolidated statement for t#e department as a 7#ole
by vertically totalling t#e columns in t#e form at Appendices (& and ((D
;c< 7atc# t#e progress of recording and revie7 7or2 generallyD and
;d< bring to t#e notice of t#e designated O & M officer and t#e
Secretary, any significant trends in t#e matter.
!$.. @atch on disposal of communications received from Members of Parliament
;!< "#e personal section of eac# Moint Secretary=Director ;if t#e Director
submits cases direct to Secretary=Additional Secretary< 7ill maintain a separate
register of communications received from Members of Parliament in t#e form
given in Appendi8 (). "#e serial number at 7#ic# a letter is entered in t#is
register 7ill be prominently mar2ed on t#at letter toget#er 7it# its date of
registration e.g., B!$)=MS=;P<MPBSS
;$< "o 2eep a special 7atc# on speedy disposal of communications received
from Members of Parliament, eac# section 7illD
;a< maintain a register as in form at Appendi8 (-D and
;b< mar2 out prominently t#ose communications finally disposed of by
rounding off t#e serial numbers of t#e register in red in2.
;&< *f for any reason an M.P.Bs letter is received by a section 7it#out being
registered in t#e personal section of t#e Moint Secretary=Director, immediate steps
7ill be ta2en to get it registered t#ere.
;(< On t#e first 7or2ing day of eac# mont#, eac# section 7ill submit t#e
register along 7it# t#e report in t#e form at Appendi8 (. to t#e 1nder
Secretary=Deputy Secretary. "#e report, 7it# t#e remar2s of 1nder
Secretary=Deputy Secretary, 7ill be submitted to t#e Director=MointSecretary and
register 7ill be returned to t#e section.
;)< "#e personal section of t#e Moint Secretary=Director 7ill c#ec2 7#et#er all
t#e communications entered in its register figure in t#e reports sent by t#e
sections. *f any discrepancy is found, it s#ould be reconciled. "#ereafter, t#e
report 7ill be submitted to t#e Moint Secretary=Director for scrutiny and for suc#
ot#er action as #e may consider appropriate.
;-< Ministries may, t#roug# departmental instructions, include additional
columns in t#e forms at Appendices (), (- and (. to suit local needs.
!$/ @atch on disposal of communications received from A&Ps
A special 7atc# on communications received from 6*Ps ;illustrative list at
Appendi8 (/< 7ill be 2ept along t#e lines mentioned in para !$..
!$0. Monitoring of Court/CAT cases and implementation of Court/CAT rdersC
;!<"#e Personal section of eac# Moint Secretary=Director ;if t#e Director submit
cases direct to Secretary=Additional Secretary< 7ill maintain a separate register of
%ourt=%A" %ases from t#e date of filing t#e petition=application in %ourt=%A" in
t#e form given in Appendi8 (0. "#e serial number at 7#ic# a petition is entered
in t#e register 7ill be prominently mar2ed on t#e petition=application toget#er
7it# its date of registration e.g.
!$=MS=%ourt=%A" %ase

;$< "o 2eep a 7atc# on status of *mplementation of %ourt=%A"
>udgements=orders, eac# section 7illC
;a< maintain a register as in form at Appendi8 )3D and
;b< mar2 out prominently t#ose %ourt=%A" cases finally
implemented by rounding off t#e serial numbers of t#e register in red in2 and give
date of implementation of %ourt=%A" orders.
;&< *f for any reason %ourt=%A" case is received by a section 7it#out being
registered in t#e personal section of t#e Moint Secretary=Director, immediate steps
7ill be ta2en to get it registered t#ere.
;(< On t#e !st & !)t# day of eac# mont#, eac# section 7ill submit t#e register
along 7it# t#e reports in t#e form at Appendices (0 to )! to t#e 1nder
Secretary=Deputy Secretary. "#e report, 7it# t#e remar2s of 1nder
Secretary=Deputy Secretary, 7ill be submitted to t#e Director=MointSecretary and
register 7ill be returned to t#e section.
;)< "#e personal section of t#e Moint Secretary=Director 7ill c#ec2 7#et#er all
t#e %ourt=%A" cases entered in its register figure in t#e reports sent by t#e
sections. *f any discrepancy is found, it s#ould be reconciled. "#ereafter, t#e
report 7ill be submitted to t#e Moint Secretary=Director for scrutiny and for suc#
ot#er action as #e may consider appropriate.
;-< Ministries may t#roug# departmental instructions include additional
columns in t#e forms at Appendices (/, (0 and )3 to suit local needs.
!&3. "egister of Parliamentary Assurances
;!< 5ac# section in a department 7ill 2eep a record in t#e form at Appendi8
)$ of Assurances given by a Minister to eit#er +ouse of Parliament, 7#et#er in
replies to ,uestions or in t#e course of discussions on bills, resolutions and ot#er
motions. A separate register 7ill be maintained for eac# +ouse and entries t#erein
7ill be made session7ise.
;$< "#e Section Officer 7illC
;a< scrutini?e t#e registers once a 7ee2D
;b< ensure t#at necessary follo7up action is in fact being ta2enD and
;c< submit t#e registers to t#e branc# officer every fortnig#t if t#e
+ouse concerned is in session and once a mont# ot#er7ise, dra7ing #is
special attention to t#e Assurances 7#ic# are not li2ely to be implemented
7it#in a period of t#ree mont#s.
;&< "#e branc# officer 7ill 2eep t#e #ig#er officers and t#e Minister informed
of t#e progress made in t#e implementation of promises and underta2ing given by
#im in Parliament. %ases, in 7#ic# t#ere is li2ely to be any delay in t#e
implementation of a promise or an underta2ing, s#ould be particularly broug#t to
t#eir notice.
!&!. Chec#*list of periodical reports
;!< "o ensure timely receipt, preparation and despatc# of periodical reports,
eac# section 7ill maintain t7o c#ec2lists, one for incoming reports and t#e ot#er
for outgoing reports, in t#e forms at Appendices )& and )(. All periodical reports
7ill be listed in column $ of t#e appropriate c#ec2list in t#e order of t#eir
fre,uency, 7ee2ly reports being entered first, fortnig#tly reports ne8t, and so on.
;$< "#e c#ec2lists 7ill be prepared at t#e commencement of eac# year,
approved by t#e section officer, s#o7n to t#e branc# officer and displayed
prominently on t#e 7all.
;&< "#e section officer 7ill go t#roug# t#e c#ec2lists once a 7ee2 to plan
action on items re,uiring attention during t#e ne8t 7ee2 or so. After a periodical
report #as been received or despatc#ed t#e relevant entry in t#e date column of t#e
appropriate c#ec2list 7ill be rounded off in red in2.
!&$. "evie% of periodical reports/returns
;!< All periodical reports and returns relating to eac# section 7ill be revie7ed
at t#e level of Moint Secretary or above every t#ree years 7it# t#e follo7ing
to eliminate t#ose t#at are unnecessaryD
to redesign t#ose t#at do not provide information=data in usable formD
to rationalise=simplify t#e essential ones by combining t7o or more of
t#em 7#en possibleD and
to revise t#e fre,uency in relation to t#e need 7it# due regard to constraint
of time re,uired for collection of information=data from field levels.
;$< "#e results of t#e revie7 during eac# year 7ill be reported by t#e section
to t#e *nternal @or2s Study 1nit by t#e .t# of April.
;&< "#e *nternal @or2s Study 1nit 7ill consolidate t#e reports received from
t#e various sections and send a report covering t#e Ministry=Department as a
7#ole, to t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances by
t#e &3t# of April as per item - of Appendi8 --.
!&&. "esponsibility of e$peditious disposal of %or#
;!< "#e primary responsibility for e8peditious disposal of 7or2 and timely
submission of arrear and disposal statements rests 7it# t#e Section Officer. "o
t#is end, #e 7ill inspect t#e section diary and t#e assistantBs diaries, and ta2e suc#
ot#er action as may be necessary to ensureD
;a< t#at no paper or file #as been over loo2edD and
;b< t#at no receipt or case actually pending 7it# t#e dealing #and #as
been e8cluded from t#e relevant arrear statement.
;$< "#e branc# officer also 7ill 2eep a close 7atc# on t#e progress of 7or2 in
t#e sections under #is control. *n particular, #e 7ill ensure t#at t#e prescribed
arrear and disposal statements are submitted punctually and regularly.
!&(. Chec#s on delays under des# officer system "#e provisions of paragrap#s !$! to
!&& 7ill also govern t#e des2 pattern of functioning.
!&). Purpose and periodicity
;!< 5ac# Section=Des2 in t#e Department 7ill be inspected once a year to
ascertain to 7#at e8tent t#e provisions of t#is manual and t#e instruction issued
t#ereunder are being follo7ed. 5ac# Department 7ill also inspect once a year all
attac#ed and subordinate offices under t#eir administrative control t#roug# t#eir
designated senior officers. Euestionnaires at Appendices )) and )- 7ill be used
for t#is purpose.
;$< "#e Record Room in t#e Department 7ill be inspected in association 7it#
t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia once a year. Euestionnaire at Appendi8 ). 7ill be
used for t#is purpose.
;&< *n addition to t#e information mentioned at subparas ;!< and ;$<, t#e
Administration= 5stablis#ment section 7ill also generate information in t#e form
given at Appendi8 )/ 7#ic# 7ill be updated mont#ly and 7ill be used by t#e
Department as a tool of Management *nformation System.
;(< "#e information generated in t#e form at Appendices )- and )/ for t#e
entire Department 7ill be consolidated by t#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit. "#e
information culled from t#e above 7ill t#en be submitted to t#e Secretary of t#e
Department in t#e form given at Appendi8 )0 ;58ecutive Summary< every ,uarter
to facilitate monitoring of 2ey issues.
;)< Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances 7ill also
underta2e a study in t7o or t#ree Departments eac# year for s#aring ideas and
e8periences in t#e field of 5stablis#ment, Administration, Public Grievance
redress, Audit and O&M for mutual benefit.
!&-. &nspecting authorities As far as possible, t#e inspection 7ill be conducted by an
officer of or above t#e level of 1nder Secretary=Des2 officer 7#o does not #andle
any part of t#e 7or2 of t#e Section=Des2 to be inspected.
!&.. &nspection programme
;!< "#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit 7ill dra7 up in advance every year, for t#e
approval of t#e Secretary, a mont#ly programme of inspection of Sections=Des2s
to be underta2en during t#e follo7ing year, indicating t#e names of t#e inspecting
officers and t#e mont#s in 7#ic# t#e inspections 7ould be carried out.
;$< "#e programme 7ill also include a fe7 Sections=Des2s to be inspected by
t#e officer in c#arge of t#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit.
;&< "#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit 7ill also arrange for a >oint inspection of
record room by an officer of t#e Department and a representative of t#e :ational
Arc#ives of *ndia, besides t#e officer in c#arge of *@S1.
;(< At t#e end of every ,uarter, t#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit 7ill submit to
t#e Secretary, a report indicating 7#et#er t#e programme of inspections for t#e
previous ,uarter 7as carried out.
!&/. &nspection report
;!< "#e inspecting officer 7ill present #is report to t#e #ig#er officer
concerned endorsing a copy eac# to t#e Divisional +ead, t#e O&M officer and t#e
Section Officer=Des2 functionary concerned. *n t#e case of record room, a copy of
t#e inspection report 7ill also be endorsed to t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia.
;$< "#e Section Officer=Des2 functionary 7ill ta2e necessary action to rectify
t#e defects pointed out in t#e inspection report and submit a compliance report to
#is superior 7it#in fifteen days, endorsing a copy to t#e Divisional +ead and t#e
O&M officer. "#e Divisional +ead 7ill revie7 t#e action ta2en on inspection
;&< "#e #ig#er level, to 7#ic# t#e inspection reports and t#e compliance
reports s#ould be submitted, 7ill be governed by departmental instructions.
;(< "#e O&M officer 7ill report t#e significant points, if any, emerging from
t#e inspection reports to t#e Secretary. *n addition, #e 7ill bring to t#e notice of
t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances by t#e &3t#
April eac# yearC
;a< number of sections=des2s=units inspected during t#e preceding financial yearD
;b< name of t#e attac#ed= subordinate offices inspectedD
;c< deficiencies noticed in t#e e8isting proceduresD
;d< suggestions received for improvement of procedures common to all
departments, toget#er 7it# #is comments t#ereonD and
;e< any ot#er points of general application emerging from t#e inspections.
!&0. Supplementary inspection
;!< Apart from t#e annual general inspection ;vide para !&)<, departmental
instructions may prescribe supplementary inspections for all or any of t#e
Sections=Des2s, 7it# special reference to t#e nature of t#eir 7or2.
;$< Surprise inspections may be organised in accordance 7it# suc#
instructions as t#e Secretary may lay do7n.
!(3. Periodic inspections by supervisory officers "#e inspections as provided in
paras !&) to !&0 s#ould be supplemented by periodic inspections by t#e 'ranc#
Officer=Deputy Secretary=Moint Secretary 7#o is responsible for t#e effective
functioning of t#e Sections=Des2 in #is c#arge.
!(!. Purpose of office automation 1se of modern office e,uipment in of business in
t#e disposal Government departments is intended to facilitate faster processing
and delivery of information, accurate analysis of facts and figures, #ig#er
efficiency and productivity, and elimination of fatigue arising from performing
repetitive >obs manually.
!($. Areas amenable to automation "#e follo7ing areas of office 7or2 are suitable
for automationC
;a< storage and retrieval of informationD
;b< processing and delivery of informationD
;c< document creation and duplicationD and
;d< faster communication.
!(&. Computer and peripherals such as printer4 scanner4 server4 CD %riter4 &SD8
server4 etcN
;!< A computer may be used for storing, retrieving and processing of large
,uantities of information of all types in a fast and accurate manner. *t facilitates
,uic2 updating and transmitting of information.
;$< %omputers can be broadly classified into t7o categories vi?., mainframes,
and personal computers. "#e most appropriate computing system for a department
7ill be decided in consultation 7it# t#e :ational *nformatics %entre ;:*%< under
t#e Ministry of *nformation "ec#nology.
!((. 6lectronic type%riter An electronic type7riter can be used for storing, altering
and rearranging in a desired manner, pages of te8t sub>ect to display and memory
limitations. "#is 7ill be replaced increasingly 7it# personal computer.
!(). Photocopier
;!< A p#otocopier produces copies of any document on plain paper faster t#an
;$< As p#otocopying is relatively e8pensive, it is advisable to use t#e facility only
7#en t#e number of copies needed does not e8ceed fifty. +o7ever,
monitoring and supervision of t#e use of t#e p#otocopying mac#ine s#ould be
t#e responsibility of 'ranc# Officer=Divisional +ead under 7#ose c#arge t#e
mac#ine is placed.
!(-. Dictaphone "#is is a compact mac#ine 7#ic# enables an officer to record
dictation at #is convenience 7it#out #aving to 7ait for #is stenograp#er. "#e
cassette containing t#e dictated message can be #anded over later to t#e
stenograp#er 7#o 7ill type t#e matter straig#ta7ay 7it#out ta2ing it do7n in long
or s#ort#and first.
!(.. Microfilming of records A microfilm is a largely reduced p#otograp#ic image of
a document 7#ic# can be magnified to any desired degree in order to be read or
printed. *t is amenable to computer aided retrieval systems. Microfilming of
records can bring about nearly 0/ percent savings in t#e space occupied by
original records, besides assuring t#eir longevity. *t may be used in offices 7#ere
a large number of records are re,uired to be maintained permanently.
!(/.;a< &nternal Communication Aids 5lectronic Private Automatic 58c#ange ;5PAT<
provides fast and efficient internal communication facility and #elps in reducing
t#e fre,uent movement of persons and files 7it#in t#e office. *n computeri?ed
offices 9ocal Area :et7or2 ;9A:< is anot#er means of faster internal
;b< 6$ternal Communication Aids 5lectronic Mail;5Mail< facility 7#ic# 7or2s
t#roug# internet and 4AT facility 7#ic# 7or2s t#roug# telep#one lines, provide
,uic2 and reliable e8ternal communication and #elp in reducing paper 7or2 as
7ell as delays involved in postal communication.
!(0/ Paper +inding 6)uipment Paper collators, cutting and stitc#ing mac#ines, and
binding mac#ines are some of t#e devices 7#ic# save time and labour involved in
activities suc# as setma2ing, stitc#ing of files and reports
!)3. Document shredder N "#is is a mac#ine to dispose off un7anted records by
!)!. "isograph N "#is may be used 7#en duplication of material is to be done in large
numbers and t#e output ,uality is #ig#er t#an cyclostyling.
!)$. verhead pro7ector4 Slide pro7ector4 'CD pro7ector4 Aideo pro7ection system N
"#ese mac#ines are used for ma2ing presentations to large gat#erings.
!)&. Aideo Conferencing 6)uipment N "#is mac#ine is used to #old conferences 7it#
t#e participants being at different geograp#ical places t#roug# an *SD: line.
!)(. 8eed for electronic support system @it# a gradual s#ift to automated
environment in %entral Secretariat offices, t#ere e8ists a case for adopting a completely
electronic support system incorporating t#e basic procedures ens#rined in t#e Manual by
any Department, provided t#e purpose be#ind t#e procedures are fulfilled. "#e system
7ill also ensure easy storage, processing and ,uic2 retrieval of information at any point
of time and by all relevant functionaries, t#ereby ensuring increase in overall efficiency
and productivity of t#at Department.
"#e system 7ill operate 7it# t#e #elp of computer #ard7are installed 7it# all sections
and personal staff, in addition to t#e officers, and supported by matc#ing soft7are, t#e
availability of 9ocal Area :et7or2 ;intranet< being a prere,uisite. All personnel re,uired
to operate t#ese computers 7ill be trained to ensure #undred percent data entry, to 2eep
daily bac2ups, generating periodic reports, ta2ing #ard copies 7#ere necessary, and
revie7ing progress of 7or2ing on t#e system.
!)). Procedures to be follo%ed in an electronically supported system "#e soft7are for
supporting office procedures 7ill preferably be a simple menu driven system, #aving in
built c#ec2s, 7#ic# gives administrative support to a 7ide range of activities to address
t#e re,uirement of a variety of users. "#ese features of t#e soft7are are discussed in t#e
follo7ing paragrap#sC
;!< Diarising of Receipts 5ac# fres# receipt 7ill be diarised t#roug# t#e
computer eit#er by t#e %entral Registry or by t#e personal staff of officers
resulting in a uni,ue diary number, 7#erever it is done in t#e office. *t 7ill
t#en be recorded on t#e body of t#e receipt.
;$< Movement of Receipts @#enever a diarised receipt travels, t#e movement
7ill need to be recorded electronically by t#e relevant official, 7#et#er t#e
%entral Registry, t#e section #andling t#e receipt, or t#e personal staff of t#e
officer, to facilitate its subse,uent trac2ing.
;&< 1pdating Receipt status as and 7#en it c#anges "#e status of t#e receipt 7ill
need to be constantly updated and electronically recorded by eac# official
#andling it at every stage.
;(< 9in2ing t#e Receipt to a file @#en t#e receipt reac#es t#e dealing #and in t#e
section it 7ill be ascertained 7#et#er a file on t#e sub>ect already e8ists. *f
so, t#e receipt 7ill be placed on t#e relevant file. *f not, a fres# file 7ill be
opened and t#e receipt placed on it. *n eit#er case, t#e dealing #and 7ill
furnis# t#e status to t#e diarist 7#o 7ill t#en reflect t#is action electronically
by recording t#e file number at t#e place provided for it against eac# receipt.
;)< Opening of ne7 files @#en t#e dealing #and indicates t#e need for a ne7 file
to be opened against any receipt, t#e diarist 7ill electronically enter t#e data
and t#e file name and generate a uni,ue file number t#roug# t#e computer
7#ic# 7ill be also recorded on t#e body of t#e file.
;-< Recording Movement of 4iles @#enever a file travels, 7#et#er 7it#in t#e
Department or to=from anot#er Department, its movement 7ill be
electronically recorded to reflect its current status.
;.< 4inal Disposal of 4iles* Once action on a file is complete, t#e file 7ill be
mar2ed closed on t#e computer. "#is system 7ill ensure t#at all t#e lin2ed
receipts are closed automatically. *f t#e files needs to be revie7ed at a latter
date, t#e mont# and year of revie7 7ill be recorded on t#e computer, so t#at a
reminder is available 7#en it is due.
;/< 9in2ing and Delin2ing of 4iles *f some files need to be lin2ed temporarily
7it# main file, t#e system 7ill provide a facility for t#e same. 4or all
subse,uent movements of t#e main file, t#e system 7ill display all lin2ed files
and depending on t#e re,uirement t#e files 7ill be 2ept lin2ed or may be
;0< Revie7 and Monitoring t#e pending 4iles= Receipts "#e system 7ill
incorporate a mec#anism for revie7 and monitoring by t#e officers
concerned ;or by #is superior< of t#e status of disposal of a receipt or a file.
"#is revie7 and monitoring 7ill be underta2en periodically by t#e supervisor
officer, and necessary follo7up action on instructions recorded 7ill be
pursued to ensure speedy disposal.
;!3< "imely Disposal of 4iles=Receipts As far as possible t#e time limits laid
do7n for disposal of cases 7ill be ensured. Any case e8ceeding t#e time
limits 7ill be treated as priority and all efforts 7ill be made for its early
disposal. "ime bound reminders can also be generated automatically.
;!!< Despatc#ing t#e letters=files t#roug# %entral Registry or directly 'efore
despatc#, any letter or file 7ill need to be diarised electronically 7#et#er at
t#e %entral Registry, t#e Section, or by t#e personal staff of t#e officer. "#e
despatc# details 7ill also be electronically recorded.
;!$< Retrieval of information t#roug# Self,uery "#e electronic ,uery system
allo7s for t#e easy retrieval of information 7#enever re,uired. "#e system
s#ould, t#erefore, incorporate a range of standard ,ueries.
;!&< Automatic generation of Reports "#e Pendency Revie7s and Eueried
*nformation 7ill lend itself readily to Report 4orm and 7ill be automatically
generated electronically. *f necessary #ard copies of t#ese Reports 7ill also
be ta2en for records.
;!(< Precedent boo2 entry "#e soft7are may incorporate t#e provision for a
precedent boo2 option. "#e files #aving precedence value and important
policy issues, after getting closed 7ill be entered in t#e precedent boo2. "#e
decision ta2en 7ill be fed in t#e system along 7it# t#e decision date. "#is
7ould #elp in ma2ing policy decisions. Also t#e relevant file numbers and
7#ere t#e file may be accessed may be indicated.
;!)< Attac#ing catc#7ords 7it# files 4iles could be assigned some 2ey 7ords to
ma2e subse,uent retrievals easy. Rey 7ords are for identifying a file on t#e
basis of a fe7 relevant 7ords pertaining to t#e file. "#e 2ey 7ords can be used
t#roug# t#e ,uery system to access and retrieve file 7#en re,uired.
;!-< Overall Records Management *n t#e electronic system complete data 7ill be
available for furt#er analysis and records management. *nde8ing procedure
7ill be simple and a facility of free te8t searc# on all t#e te8tual fields ;name,
sub>ect, letter reference number etc< 7ill facilitate ease of operation. *t 7ill
also be easily integrated 7it# an electronic records storage, arc#ival and
retrieval system. "#e pac2age can provide for creation processing and
recording of files in totally computer environment.
!)-. Annual Action Plan
;!< 4ormulation *n order t#at t#e programmes and pro>ects underta2en by a
Department are implemented in a systematic manner, eac# Department 7ill
formulate an Annual Action Plan in t#e mont# of Manuary. "#e Action Plan 7ill
reflect t#e manner and timeframe of action 7it# mont#7ise brea2up of targets
to be ac#ieved in respect of eac# of t#e activities to be performed during t#e
ensuing financial year.
;$< Accountability "#e action plan 7ill identify t#e levels of accountability, bot#
direct and supervisory, for implementation of eac# action point. Ac#ievement of
action plan targets 7ill form an important element of performance appraisal of
eac# employee.
;&< Revie7 5ac# officer 7ill revie7 t#e progress made against action points
pertaining to #is c#arge every 7ee2 and ta2e appropriate steps for effective and
timely implementation of t#e tas2s assigned. Secretary of t#e Department 7ill
revie7 t#e performance of t#e Department as a 7#ole in respect of t#e Action
Plan items in a mont#ly meeting 7it# senior officers.
!).. Citi5enBs/ClientBs Charter
%iti?enAs=%lientAs %#arter is a document 7#ic# represents a systematic effort to focus on
t#e commitment of t#e Organisation to7ards itAs %iti?ens=%lients in respect of Standard
of Services, *nformation, %#oice and %onsultation, :ondiscrimination and Accessibility,
Grievances Redress, %ourtesy and 6alue for Money. "#is also includes e8pectations of
t#e Organisation from t#e %iti?en=%lient for fulfilling t#e commitment of t#e
A %#arter comprises of t#e follo7ing components N
;i< 6ision and Mission statementD
;ii< Details of 'usiness transacted by t#e OrganisationD
;iii< Details of %ustomers=%lientsD
;iv< Statement of services provided to eac# citi?en=client group
;v< Details of Grievances Redress Mec#anism and #o7 to access
t#e sameD and
;vi< 58pectation from t#e citi?en=client.
Activities relating to t#e %#arters as detailed belo7 7ill be included in t#e Annual
Report of t#e Ministry=Department.
;i< Action ta2en to formulate t#e %#arter for t#e Ministry=Department and its
subordinate formationsD
;ii< Action ta2en to implement t#e %#arterD
;iii< Details of "raining Programmes, @or2s#ops, etc. #eld for proper
implementation of %#arterD
;iv< Details of publicity efforts made and a7areness campaigns organised on
%#arter for t#e citi?ens=%lientsD
;v< Details of internal and e8ternal evaluation of implementation of %#arter in
t#e Organisation and assessment of t#e level of satisfaction among
%iti?en=%lientsD and
;vi< Details of revisions made in %#arter on t#e basis of internal and e8ternal
!)/. fficial language for purposes of !overnment %or# C
;!< *n accordance 7it# t#e provisions of Article &(& of t#e %onstitution, +indi
became t#e official language of t#e 1nion 7it# effect from t#e $-t# Manuary,
!0-). +o7ever, t#e Official 9anguages Act, !0-& permits t#e continued use of
5nglis# for specified purposes of Government 7or2 sub>ect to certain conditions.
"#e Official 9anguages Rules, !0.- #ave been framed under t#e Official
9anguages Act, !0-&. *nstructions are issued from time to time by t#e
Department of Official 9anguages to ensure compliance 7it# t#em. 5ac# year an
annual programme of action is also issued.
;$< 5ac# Department is e8pected to ensure t#at t#e provisions of t#e
abovementioned Act, Rules and instructions issued t#ereunder as 7ell as t#e
annual programme of action as prepared by t#e Department of Official 9anguages
are strictly observed. *n particular t#e follo7ing s#ould be ensuredC
;a< %ommunications to t#e offices of State Governments and t#e
Administration of t#e 1nion "erritories or persons residing in Region ;A<
i.e. 'i#ar, %#attisgar#, +aryana, +imac#al Prades#, M#ar2#and, Mad#ya
Prades#, Ra>ast#an, 1ttaranc#al and 1ttar Prades#, as 7ell as t#e 1nion
"erritories of Del#i and Andaman & :icobar *slands, and in Region ;'<
i.e. Gu>arat, Ma#aras#tra and Pun>ab as 7ell as t#e 1nion "erritory of
%#andigar# as defined in subrules ;$<;f< and ;g< of t#e Official 9anguages
Rules !0.-, s#all be made in +indi. *n case a person responsible for
drafting a letter does not #ave sufficient 2no7ledge of +indi t#e draft
prepared by #im in 5nglis# 7ill be translated into +indi and t#e letter 7ill
be issued in +indi.
;b< %ommunications to t#e offices of t#e remaining States and 1nion
"erritories as 7ell as persons residing t#erein may be made in 5nglis#.
;c< %orrespondence 7it# %entral Government offices located in all regions
s#all be made in +indi in t#e proportions as fi8ed in t#e Annual
Programme issued by t#e Department of Official 9anguages.
;d< All communications received in +indi, irrespective of t#eir source, s#all
be replied to in +indi.
;e< 4or noting as 7ell as drafting purposes ot#er t#an t#ose specified #erein
before an official is permitted to use +indi or 5nglis#, according to #is
;f< An official 7#o does not possess 7or2ing 2no7ledge of t#e language used
in a case, is provided 7it# a translation or a precis t#ereof in t#e language
#e 2no7s and employs for t#e purpose of Government 7or2.
;g< 'ot# +indi and 5nglis# are used forC
;i< Resolutions, general orders, rules, administrative and ot#er
representations, notifications and press communi,uesD
;ii< Administrative and ot#er reports and officials papers laid before a
+ouse of ParliamentD and
;iii< %ontracts and agreements e8ecuted as 7ell as licences, permits,
notices and form of tenders.
!)0. Departmental instructions
;!< "#is manual lays do7n t#e essential procedures for efficient paper7or2
management, i.e. processing, #andling and control of official papers, in t#e
%entral Secretariat. "o provide for sufficient fle8ibility, t#e manual suggests t#e
issue of departmental instructions 7#ic# could supplement or vary, 7it#in broad
limits, t#e prescribed procedures to suit special conditions and re,uirements. "#e
various provisions of t#e manual 7#ic# visualise issue of departmental
instructions are listed in Appendi8 -3.
;$< 5ac# section may devise suitable arrangements, including inspections to
ensure compliance 7it# departmental instructions issued by it.
!-3. Compilation/consolidation of orders/instructions C
;!< *n April every year, eac# section 7ill prepare a list of sub>ects in respect
of 7#ic# orders issued by it re,uire compilation=consolidation.
;$< "#e list 7ill be submitted to t#e Moint Secretary 7#o, after approval of list,
7ill fi8 a timebound programme for completion of compilation=consolidation
;&< A copy of t#is programme 7ill be sent to t#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nit.
;(< *nternal @or2 Study 1nit 7ill send t#e report on t#e progress made to t#e
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances by &3t# of April
every year.
!-!. "evie% of rules4 regulations and manuals C
;!< 5very section 7ill maintain an up to date list of rules, regulations and
manuals administered by it and ta2e action for t#eir revie7, every t#ree years.
;$< *nternal @or2 Study 1nit 7ill report t#e progress made in revie7 of rules,
regulations and manuals to t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances by &3t# of April every year.
!-$. Maintenance/transfer of records in the personal offices of MinistersC
;!< Procedure for maintenance of records in t#e personal offices of Ministers
;a< 4ollo7ing records 7ill be maintained by t#e personal offices of
;i< A diary register in t#e form at Appendi8 & to enter
particulars of reference received in t#e office and also to record
t#eir disposalD
;ii< A despatc# register in t#e form at Appendi8 -! to s#o7 t#e
letters=notes issued from t#e personal officesD
;iii< 4ile Movement Diary in t#e form at Appendi8 -$D and
;iv< 4olders containing office copies of orders issued by t#e
Minister=Private Secretary, serially numbered.
"#e above records 7ill be in addition to files and folders for papers of
secret nature connected 7it# t#e %abinet meetings, etc. and a separate
diary maintained for t#ese. Ministers may prescribe additional folders,
registers etc. if necessary, for instance for parliamentary debates, personal
speec#es made by t#em, etc. "#e personal staff 7ill also maintain suc#
ot#er registers as prescribed in t#e Manual of Office Procedure or
ot#er7ise from time to time, e.g., trun2call=S"D register, overtime
register, etc.
;b< instructions laid do7n by t#e %abinet Secretariat in t#e GRules of
Procedure in regard to t#e Proceedings of t#e %abinetB, and in t#e
GDepartmental Security *nstructionsB issued by t#e Ministry of +ome
Affairs s#all be follo7ed so far as maintenance of classified documents is
;$< Procedure for transfer of records=papers 7#en Ministers demit office C
;a< "#e instructions laid do7n by t#e %abinet Secretariat in t#e GRules
of Procedure in regard to t#e Proceedings of t#e %abinetB 7ill be
follo7ed so far as transfer of records pertaining to %abinet
meetings are concerned. As regards ot#er classified documents and
papers, t#e procedure prescribed in Departmental Security
*nstructions issued by t#e Ministry of +ome Affairs 7ill be
follo7ed. As per t#ese instructions, copies of classified papers
s#ould be passed on to t#e appropriate aut#orities. *n case of doubt
as to 7#om t#ese papers s#ould be transferred, t#e PS to Minister
7ill transfer suc# papers to t#e Secretary to t#e
Ministry=Department along7it# separate inventories of suc# papers
transferred to various aut#orities and to t#e Secretary. "#e register,
maintained for entering t#e particulars of secret papers 7ill also
similarly be transferred to t#e Secretary or #is Private Secretary.
"#e Secretary may, in turn, pass on all t#ese papers to t#e Moint
Secretary in c#arge of vigilance for safe custody. "#ese papers 7ill
be #anded over to t#e succeeding Minister as soon as #e ta2es over
t#e office.
;b< As regards ot#er papers, t#e follo7ing procedure 7ill be follo7ed C
;i< "#e folders containing office copies of orders issued by t#e
Minister=Private Secretary, serially numbered, 7ill be #anded over
to t#e O&M officer of t#e department by t#e PS to t#e Minister
7it# t#e list of suc# papers. "#ese papers 7ill remain in t#e safe
custody of t#e O&M officer. "#ese papers 7ill be periodically
revie7ed and 7eeded out as and 7#en t#ey are no longer re,uired,
7it# t#e approval of Secretary, so as to ensure t#at unnecessary
papers do not accumulate.
;ii< Records li2e t#e registers and diaries and ot#er papers s#all
also be ta2en over by t#e O&M officer of t#e department and
remain in #is custody till t#e ne8t PS of t#e succeeding Minister
ta2es over c#arge to 7#om t#ey may t#en be #anded over.
;iii< "#e entire records need not p#ysically be ta2en over by t#e
O&M officer but a list of records and papers left by t#e
relin,uis#ing PS to Minister may be made available by t#e latter to
t#e O&M officer, t#e records t#emselves being 2ept under loc2
and 2ey in t#e room generally occupied by t#e PS to Minister. "#e
O&M officer or #is section 7ill, #o7ever, c#ec2 t#at all t#e
records are t#ere in t#e almira#;s< as mentioned in t#e list.
;&< Miscellaneous
;a< "#e personal section s#all prepare at t#e end of every mont# a list
of files pending 7it# t#e Minister 7#ic# 7ill be submitted to PS 7#o 7ill
suitably remind t#e Minister for t#eir disposal.
;b< As soon as an officer leaves a file or any paper 7it# t#e Minister
for see2ing #is orders, or for any ot#er purpose, informally, PA=PS to t#at
officer 7ill report t#e brief particulars of t#e file etc. to t#e PS to Minister
in t#e form at Appendi8 -&. PS to Minister 7ill on receipt of t#ese
particulars, satisfy #imself t#at suc# a file #as been received by t#e
Minister and 7atc# its furt#er movement.
;(< *t s#all be t#e specific responsibility of t#e Private Secretary or 7#osoever
may be t#e senior most officer in t#e Personal Office of t#e Minister to ensure
t#at t#e instructions are observed.
!-&. "evie% of forms and procedures *t is necessary to set up a mec#anism for revie7
of measures already ta2en, at s#ort periodic intervals 7it# an eye to t#e possibility
of furt#er simplifying forms and procedures so as to ma2e t#em more transparent
to t#ose 7#o are involved in its use and ensure better enforcement of
accountability. 1nnecessary or avoidable obfuscation of issues and processes
t#roug# 7#ic# decisions are ta2en s#ould be avoided.
!-(. Modernisation of ffices "#e Department of Administrative Reforms & Public
Grievances #as been acting as a catalyst by providing funds to
Ministries=Departments and t#eir attac#ed offices and Statutory bodies located in
Del#i ;but not to "raining *nstitutions and Subordinate Offices< under a Plan
Sc#eme for modernisation of selected section=unit based on suitable layout plans.
"#e sc#eme envisages improvement in 7or2 environment by adopting a #olistic
approac# t#roug# optimum use of space, effective supervision, costeffective and
space efficient records management, efficient service to public, etc. "#is is a
model Sc#eme and is supplemental to t#e moderni?ation efforts being made by
t#e various Ministries=Departments.
!-). Procedure for processing reports of Commissions/Committees and other e$pert
*n order to ensure e8peditious processing and implementation of t#e
recommendations made in t#e reports of %ommission=%ommittees and ot#er
e8pert bodies including t#ose of t#e Department of Administrative Reforms and
Public Grievances, t#e procedure given in t#e Appendi8 -( s#ould be strictly
"#e main feature of t#is procedure is t#e appointment of an U5mpo7ered
%ommitteeU 7it# a representative on it from eac# of t#e Ministries concerned
7#ic# 7ill C
consider t#e report as a 7#ole directly 7it#out t#e traditional notebased
e8amination at a number of levels in every department or ot#er agency
ta2e firm decisionsD
submit concrete proposals for t#e MinisterBs=%abinetBs approval 7#ere
necessaryD and
ensure t#at t#e processing of t#e report is completed and firm decisions are
ta2en 7it#in & mont#s of its receipt as far as possible.
!--. Preparation of &nduction Material 5very Ministry=Department s#ould prepare
Binduction materialB under t#e guidance of t#e Moint Secretary of administration for
t#e use of not only t#eir officers but for t#e convenience of ot#er
Ministries=Departments also in ma2ing interdepartmental references. "#e
Ginduction materialB s#ould clearly spell out t#e functions and structure of t#e
organisation, detailed 7or2 distribution among various divisions and sections 7it#
t#eir names, room numbers, location, officers inc#arge, telep#one numbers, etc.
"#e Ginduction materialB s#ould be revised at periodic intervals so as to 2eep it up
!-.. Composition and functions of CM/&@S Units in the Ministries/Departments
;!< @#ile %entral organisation li2e Department of Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances can provide initiative, information, advice, and so on, t#e
main tas2 of evolving and implementing reform measures 7ill #ave to continue to
be t#e responsibility of O&M=*@S 1nit 7it#in Ministries=Departments.
"#erefore, if improvements in administration are to be effected, essential pre
re,uisite 7ill be t#e strengt#ening of t#e O&M 1nits in t#e
Ministries=Departments, and also in t#e attac#ed=subordinate offices and public
sector underta2ings=autonomous bodies.
;$< 4or t#e larger Ministries=Departments=Public Sector
1nderta2ings=Autonomous 'odies ;#aving &33 or more employees< ideally t#ere
s#ould be full time staff of one 1nder Secretary or Senior Analyst, one Section
Officer or Munior Analyst, one Researc# Assistant or Assistant and one Steno
typist, #eaded by a part time Deputy Secretary giving at least )3V of #is time to
t#is 7or2. 4or ot#er Ministries=Departments etc., t#e minimum si?e s#ould be full
time staff of one Section Officer or Munior Analyst, one Researc# Assistant or
Assistant and one Stenotypist #eaded by a part time Deputy Secretary=1nder
Secretary giving at least )3V of #is time to O & M activities=7or2 studies. *n
addition clerical assistance may be provided for secretarial 7or2. 5fforts s#ould
be made to strengt#en t#e O & M 1nit by reallocation of 7or2 in t#e different
units 7it# a vie7 to sparing t#e re,uired staff for O&M 7or2.
;&< An illustrative list of functions to be performed by *@S=O&M 1nits is
given in Appendi8 -). "#e Ministries=Departments and Attac#ed=Subordinate
Offices=Public Sector 1nderta2ings= Autonomous 'odies s#ould not assign suc#
functions to t#ese units 7it# 7#ic# t#ey are not concerned. "#ey s#ould also try
to computerise 7or2 relating to O & M functions for better monitoring and send a
report about O&M activities annually to Department of Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances in t#e proforma given at Appendi8 --. "#e Annual Report
7ill pertain to t#e period from !st April to &!st Marc# of t#e year and it s#ould be
sent to Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances by &3t# of
April of t#e follo7ing year.
;(< 4or O&M studies Ministries=Departments t#ey 7ill be guided by t#e
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. As regards t#e
7or2 relating to 7or2 measurement studies is concerned, t#e units 7ill be guided
by t#e Staff *nspection 1nit of t#e Department of 58penditure.
5. B.I.S. B#rea# o' I"%a S!a"ar"(
2. C.R. Ce!ra1 Reg%(!r*
3. CAT Ce!ra1 A"-%%(!ra!%,e Tr%0#a1
6. CS-MOP Ce!ra1 Se$re!ar%a! Ma#a1 o' O''%$e Pro$e"#re
7. D*. No. D%ar* N#-0er
8. D.O. De-% O''%$%a1
9. D.F.A Dra'! 'or A//ro,a1
:. DAR;P+ De/ar!-e! o' A"-%%(!ra!%,e Re'or-( ; P#01%$
<. D.R.R. De/ar!-e!a1 Re$or" Roo-
50. e--a%1 E1e$!ro%$ Ma%1
55. EPA3 E1e$!ro%$ Pr%,a!e A#!o-a!%$ E=$)age
52. +.P.F. +eera1 Pro,%"e! F#"
53. F.R. Fre() Re$e%/!
56. I.F.C. I'or-a!%o ; Fa$%1%!a!%o Co#!er
57. I.D. I!er De/ar!-e!a1
58. I.S.D. I!era!%oa1 S#0($r%0er D%a1%g
59. I.W.S.U. I!era1 Wor2 S!#"* U%!
5:. L.A.N. Lo$a1 Area Ne!>or2
5<. L.C.D. L%?#%" Cr*(!a1 D%(/1a*
20. M.P. Me-0er o' Par1%a-e!
25. M.O.P. Ma#a1 o' O''%$e Pro$e"#re
22. N.A.I. Na!%oa1 Ar$)%,e( o' I"%a
23. N.S.O. No-Se$re!ar%a! Orga%(a!%o
26. N.I.C. Na!%oa1 I'or-a!%$ Ce!re
27. O;M Orga%(a!%o ; Me!)o"(
28. O.M. O''%$e Me-ora"#-
29. O.H.P. O,er)ea" Pro@e$!or
2:. O.P.A. O''%$e Pro$e"#re A#!o-a!%o
2<. P.U.C. Pa/er U"er Co(%"era!%o
30. P.C. Per(oa1 Co-/#!er
35. P.S. Pr%,a!e Se$re!ar*
32. P.A. Per(oa1 A((%(!a!
33. R;I Re$e%/! ; I((#e
36. S...H. Sa'e!* o' H#-a L%'e AUrge$* +ra"%g % Te1egra-(B
37. S.T.D. S#0($r%0er Tr#2 D%a1%g
38. S.F.S. S%g1e F%1e S*(!e-
APP5:D*T !
Da2 Register
P6ide para !(;-<Q
S.:o. Particulars of da2 received 4rom 7#om
"o 7#om
:umber Date
! $ & ( ) -
APP5:D*T $
P6ide para !);!<Q
Department OOOOOO..
Section=Des2 OOOOO
Date %.R.=*4% :os.
of da2 sent
:umber of items of da2
"otal Signature of
registered in
:ot registered in
! $ & ( ) -
Section=Des2 Diary for Receipts
PAide para !.;!< and ;$<Q
:umber & date of
receipt 4rom
Replied to :o reply
:umber Date
$ & ( ) - . / 0 !3 !! !$
!. %olumn !, a Running Summary Sl.:o. 7ill be given date7ise.
$. %olumns $. 7ill be filled at t#e stage of diarising i/e/ before t#e receipts are made over to t#e dealing #ands.
&. Devnagri script 7ill be used for diarising +indi receipts. *n case +indi is used for all entries in t#e section
pdiary, +indi receipts may be suitably distinguis#ed by eit#er mar2ing G+indiA in %olumn !$ or using a
different colour of in2.
(. %olumn / 7ill be filled on t#e basis of entries in %olumn ) of t#e assistantAs diary. 4or t#is purpose, t#e diarist
7ill collect and consult t#e assistantBA diaries periodically, say once a 7ee2.
). %olumns 0 and !3 7ill be filled by diarist on receipt of office copy of issue.
-. %olumn !! 7ill be filled by t#e dealing #and after a decision #as been ta2en at an appropriate level t#at no
reply is necessary.
.. Movement of receipts mar2ed to officers for perusal 7ill be indicated in column !$.
/. *n t#e case of a des2, all t#e columns 7ill be filled, at appropriate stages, by t#e supporting staff attac#ed to t#e
des2 functionary.
Personal Section Diary
PAide para !/;!<Q
:umber and date of receipt 4rom 7#om
'rief sub>ect "o 7#om
:umber Date
! $
& ( ) - . /
!. %olumn ! a running S.:o.7ill be given date7ise.
$. %olumns $ to - 7ill be filled at t#e stage of diarising, i.e. before receipts are sent to officers.
&. %olumn . 7ill be filled after t#e receipts are seen and passed by t#e officers.
(. Subse,uent movement of papers, 7#en received bac2 from #ig#er officers, 7ill also be mar2ed in
column . after stri2ing off t#e previous entry.
). *mportant instructions recorded by t#e officers 7ill be briefly entered in column /.
Movement Slip
P6ide Para $3;&<Q
Diary :os. of receipts removed for
Processing Submission to #ig#er officers
;to be specified<
AssistantAs Diary
P6ide Para $&;$<Q
S.:o. Diary :o. or 4ile :o. Sub>ect 4ile :o. Date of
! $ & ( )
!. %olumn $ s#ould s#o7 Gdiary numberA or Gfile numberA according as t#e paper mar2ed to a dealing
#and is a receipt or a comebac2 case.
$. %olumn ( need be filled only in respect of diary numbers.
&. "#e date on 7#ic# receipts=files are received by t#e dealing #and s#ould be entered in red in2 across
t#e page above t#e entries to be made for t#e day.
P6ide paragrap# &$;!$<Q
S"J95 *: :O"5S A:D DRA4"S
"#e style in notes and drafts is as important as t#eir contents. "#e follo7ing 7ill be observed in drafting and
also in 7riting notesC
;!< K*nformationL is singular. *f information is called for on many points, it does not become
;$< "#e 7ords KPro8imoL, K*demL and K1ltimoL s#ould be avoided. "#ey are not necessarily even
abbreviations and t#ey possess no ot#er recommendations. On t#e contrary, t#ey lead to confusion and
one #as to ta2e t#e trouble of loo2ing at t#e date of t#e letter to find out 7#at t#ey mean. "#e names
of t#e mont#s must be used instead.
;&< K"#e sameL must not be used instead of KitL or some ot#er simple 7ord.
;(< Suc# needlessly formal 7ords as Kt#ereinL and Kt#ereonL s#ould not be used instead of Kin itA
or Kon itL.
;)< "#e preference for passive verbs over active verbs generally ma2e t#e style vague and
clumsy, as K*t is understoodL for K* do not understandL or K"#e date of issue of t#e order
s#ould be reported by #imL for K#e s#ould report 7#en #e issues t#e orderL.
;-< A simple or s#ort 7ord is to be preferred in place of a long p#rase. 58amples of needless verbosity are
preference of Kma2e t#e assessmentL to KassessL, Kpurc#aseL, to KbuyL, KcommenceL to KbeginL and
Komitted toL or Kfailed toL to t#e simple Kdid notL ;t#e t7o latter ones are very common<D Kma2e
en,uiresL for Ken,uireLD Kbuilding purposesL for KbuildingsL. @#ere
KomitL by itself is proper and sufficient. "#e love of suc# redundant p#rases is displayed as
K#as been omitted to be entered in t#e registerL instead of K#as been omitted from t#e
registerL. Anot#er 7idespread error is t#e use of Kfor beingL instead of Kto beL and Kfor
doingL instead of Kto doL and Kreturned for being stampedL instead of Kto be stampedL. *f t#e
Secretary orders t#at an assistant s#ould be punis#ed Kfor being corruptL it does not mean Kin
order to ma2e #im corruptL.
;.< 4oreign or classical 7ords and e8pressions s#ould be avoided as far as possibleD vernacular
7ords s#ould only be used 7#en t#eir meaning cannot be e8pressed e,ually 7ell in 5nglis#.
'orro7ed from an appendi8 of Government of Assam Manual of Office Procedure Secretariat, !0-/ 7#ic# #ad been adapted
from an appendi8 of t#e ;t#en< Government of Madras Secretariat Office Manual, !0-3.
;/< S#ort sentences s#ould be preferred to long ones KSecretaryAs attention is invited to O.MOOOO.
+e is re,uested ..L is better t#an K"#e SecretaryAs attention is invited to O.MOOOO and #e is
re,uestedL. K*n case in 7#ic#L is a clumsy p#rase for 7#ic# K7#enL, K7#ereL or KifL can
usually be substituted. "#e 7ord KnecessaryL is usually superfluous in suc# p#rases as Kt#e
necessary entriesL, Kt#e necessary correctionsL, Kt#e necessary instructionsL, etc.
;0< "#e p#rase Kdo t#e needfulL s#ould never be used. 5it#er state definitely 7#at is to be done
or say Kdo 7#at is necessaryL. "#e 7ord KavailL is very a727ard one, as it is refle8ive and
also ta2es KofL after it. *t is better avoided. Moreover, if you do use it, you must not say Kt#e
leave 7as availed ofL or K* availed of t#e leaveL, still less K#e is permitted to avail t#e
#olidaysL. Jou must say K* availed myself of t#e leaveL and so on. 'ut 7#y not simply say
Ktoo2 t#e leaveLF KAvailableL also is a bad 7ord. A register Knot readily availableL may
mean anyt#ing, for e8ample, t#at it 7as needed for reference by one of t#e members, or #ad
been sent some7#ere out of t#e office, or 7as loc2ed up and t#e 2ey 7as else7#ere. *t is
very annoying to #ave oneAs 7or2 increased by #aving to send a note bac2 to as2 7#at it
;!3< Split infinitives s#ould be avoided. @rite KRindly to stateL and not Kto 2indly stateL. A very
common and e,ually ob>ectionable feature of official communications is a similar splitting of
ot#er verbal p#rases. 4or instance, K"#e Deputy %ommissioner 7ill, in t#e circumstances
no7 stated, be re,uestedL is not good 5nglis#. *t is ,uite as easy to say K*n t#e circumstances
no7 stated, t#e Deputy %ommissioner 7ill be re,uested toOOOOOL.
;!!< Do not 7rite Kmarginally notedL 7#ic# could only mean K#aving marginal notesL. @rite Knoted in
marginL. Similarly KPlan mar2edL could only mean Kmar2ed 7it# plansL ;%ompare Kpoc2mar2edL<,
and Kplaint mentionedL neit#er does nor possibly could mean anyt#ing.
;!$< *nstead of suc# a p#ase as Kt#e figures for !0(0, !0)3 and !0)! 7ere $)-, $). and &(/ respectivelyL
7#ic# is confusing, 7rite Kt#e figure for !0(0 7as $)-, t#at for !0)3 7as $). and t#at for !0)! 7as
&(/L. "#is is a little, if at all, longer and is perfectly clear. K4ormerL and KlatterL s#ould also be
avoided as t#ey are constant sources of confusion.
;!&< Do not ride any p#rase to deat#. Some persons begin every letter 7it# t#e p#rase U7it# reference toL,
*t is better to vary t#e p#rase so as to ma2e it definite. Say K*n reply toL, KAs directed inL and so onD or
begin in narrative form K*n t#eir orderOOOO.. Government directedOOOOOL. Avoid t#e
p#rase K7it# advertence toL.
;!(< *n ordinary 5nglis# Kin caseL does not mean t#e same as KifL K* s#all ta2e my umbrella in case it
rainsL means Kso as to be prepared for rainL. :or does Kas 7ell asL mean t#e same as KandL. *t is
muc# more emp#atic. *t 7ould be absurd to say Ka man 7as ) feet / inc#es #ig# as 7ell as $! years of
ageL, 'ut you mig#t 7ell say t#at K#e 7as a good painter as 7ell as a remar2able musicianL.
;!)< "#e fondness for 7riting Kas 7ell asL for KandL and Kin caseL for KifL presumably arises from t#e
fondness of t#e users for a longer e8pression. K*n case ifL is a stage furt#er on t#e do7n7ard pat#. K*
am unable toL for K* cannotL and U#and overU for UgiveU are ot#er common e8amples of t#e preference
for t#e longer p#rase. U'y t#e timeU is sometimes 7rongly used for Ut#enU. U'y t#at timeU is
sometimes 7rongly used for Ut#enU. U'y t#at timeU is means Ut#enU. U'y t#e time t#atU means U7#enU.
Al7ays as definite as possible.
;!-< UAs suc#U is often misused. *t is correct to say UMr. A 7as t#en t#e Superintendent and as suc# 7as
bound to reportUbut UMr. A 7as not t#en t#e Superintendent and as suc# #e is not to be blamedU is
meaningless. U@#ile suc# being t#e caseU is a familiar embellis#ment of criminal complaints, etc.
U@#ileU is #ere redundant,.
;!.< "enses and moods are misused in almost every note or draft. "#e misuse of U#adU is one of t#e
commonest errors. "#e pluperfect U#adU is rig#tly used to emp#asi?e t#e priority of one event in t#e
past to anot#er. *t is correct to say U* #ad gone to bed 7#en t#e #ouse caug#t fireU but senseless to say
U* #ad gone to bed at !3 OBcloc2 last nig#tU ;U* 7entU is correct<unless t#e meaning is t#at you #ad
gone to bed before !3 OBcloc2. "#e present tense is 7rongly used for t#e incomplete perfect, as in U*
am record2eeper from !03-. U* #ave been record2eeper since !03-U is correct. UGovernment press
for a replyU s#ould be UGovernment are pressing for a replyU. U"#e follo7ing men no7 actU is 7rong.
*t s#ould be Uare no7 actingU. UActU means Uusually actU or,G#abitually actUDUare actingU emp#asi?es
t#e fact t#at t#ey are doing so no7.
;!/< UMust #aveU is sometimes misused for Us#ould #aveU or Uoug#t to #aveU. UMust #ave done itU means
t#at #e certainly #as done it. *t is not to be used to mean t#at #e #as not done it but s#ould #ave. U"illU
is commonly misused in a 7ay t#at it is positively misleading. U:o reply 7as received till Manuary
lastU implies t#at a reply 7as received on Manuary !st but it is erroneously used to mean t#at even on
Manuary !st no reply #ad been received. "o convey t#is latter meaning Uup toU 7it# t#e pluperfect is
t#e correct 5nglis#U1p to Manuary !st, * #ad received no replyU.
;!0< Distinguis# Uall t#e stamps #ave not been punc#edU 7#ic# is ambiguous from U:ot all t#e stamps
#ave been punc#edU or Ut#e stamps #ave not all been punc#edU, 7#ic# mean t#at some #ave been
punc#ed and some not. "#ese p#rases are commonly confused. U+e #as yet to collect Rs. !,333U, is
not ordinarily modern 5nglis#. UStill #asU is correct. UJetU may be used 7it# a negative, e.g., U#as not
yet appliedU and is only used 7it# a positive a verb in special p#rases suc# as U* #ave yet to learnU.
;$3< USoU is not e,uivalent to UveryU. *t is sometimes 7ritten Ut#e peon is so impertinentU U* 7arned #im so
many timeU meaning Uvery impertinentU,U very oftenU. U:ot so badU means Urat#er goodsB, but t#is is a
collo,uial p#rase. Similarly,U tooU #as generally a relative sense, t#at is, it implies e8acts relatively to
a certain standard or ob>ect not absolute intensity so to spea2 ;e8cept in a fe7 collo,uial p#rases suc#
as Uit is too badU<D but it is commonly 7ritten Uit is too #otU meaning Uit is very #otU.
;$!< "#e verb Uto #opeU implies pleasurable anticipation. *t is used sometimes instead of a natural 7ord
suc# as Ut#in2U, and t#ereby producing comically inappropriate p#rases suc# as U* #ope your #onour
is illU. Omission of articles ;a, an, t#e< i a common fault. *t is permissible in a telegram for reasons of
economynot else7#ere. 'ut articles must be used correctly. "#e statement Uappellant is t#e in#abitant
of Maipur,U implies t#at t#ere is only one in#abitant. UAn in#abitant of MaipurU is correct U"#is is
serious omissionU s#ould be U"#is is a serious omissionU.
;$$< UAs toU is common redundant form e.g. U"#e Deputy %ommissioner is directed to report as to
7#et#erU,U7#et#erU alone is sufficient. So also Uas againstUorUas compared 7it#U are commonly used
in comparing figures, 7#ere UagainstU or Ucompared 7it#U are sufficient and correct. *t is correct to
say Uas compared 7it# last #arvest, t#e yield 7as poorU, but not t#e Uyield 7as ( rupees as compared
7it# / rupees last yearU. UAsU mean, not#ing in t#e latter p#rase.
;$&< Pseudoaccuracy account for muc# unnecessary verbiage. U*t anyU is a common e8ample of t#is fault.
*t is ,uite unnecessary to say U"#e Deputy %ommissioner is re,uested to report t#e number of cases if
anyU. *f t#ere are none, t#e Deputy %ommissioner 7ill say so. *n t#e same 7ay it is unnecessary to say
U"#e Deputy %ommissioner is re,uested to report 7#et#er it is advisable or not toU.... "#e use of t#e
7ord Uas2U instead of UorderU or UdirectU produces a curiously important effect 7#en a lo7er
subordinate is referred to. U"#e S.D.O. may be as2ed to reportU sounds silly.
;$(< On t#e ot#er #and, t#e use of suc# p#rases as Uat allU, Uin spite ofU sometime sounds needlessly
discourteous as 7ell as unidiomatic. U*n spite of t#ere reminders t#e Deputy %ommissioner #as not at
all cared to replyU is rude as 7ell as un5nglis# U*tU 7ill be enoug# if t#e Deputy %ommissioner....U is
not 5nglis#. "#e more appropriate p#rase is Ut#e Deputy %ommissioner need onlyU. Avoid pretentious
7ords suc# as UpenultimateU. U9ast but oneU is ,uite good enoug#.
;$)< U* am directed to re,uest t#at you 7ill be so good as to furnis# me 7it# information as to 7#et#erU is
t#e sort of stuff t#at 7e come across fre,uently. U* am directed to en,uire 7#et#erU means e8actly t#e
same and is not unduly curt. :ever use several 7ords 7#ere one 7ill do. Do not 7rite Uma2e an
applicationU but UapplyU or Ua liable of t#e value of fifty paise onlyU instead of Ua fifty paise stampU.
Addition of t#e 7ord UonlyU after any sum of money is in place in a bill or c#e,ue not else7#ere.
;$-< U*n t#is connectionU at t#e beginning of a sentence is a favourite bit of #ac2neyed padding. *t means
not#ing at all. U*n returning #ere7it#U a favourite but inappropriate type of opening p#rase. *t is often
aggravated by ma2ing t#e sub>ect of t#e main sentence different from t#e implied sub>ect of
UreturningU or by c#anging to t#e passive construction. Jou can say U*n returning...* am directed to
point outU. Jou must not say U*n returning #ere7it# t#e statement received 7it# #is letter....t#e
Deputy %ommissioner is informedU. 'ut t#is is ,uite common. On t#e ot#er #and, suc# p#rases as
U"urning to may be observedU and so on ;URegardingU, U%oncerningU, U%onsideringU,
etc.<, are unob>ectionable t#oug# U"urning to paragrap# !U is no doubt more strictly correct.
;$.< A needless an8iety to avoid repetition gives rise to various faults. Sometimes, instead of repeating a
manBs name, an assistant 7ill say Ut#e individualU 7#ic# is not good 5nglis#. "#e use of Uformer and
latterU, UrespectivelyU and Ut#e sameU #ave been mentioned already and also come under t#is #ead.
;$/< "#e 7ords U%ompriseU, UcomposeU and UconsistsU are confused 7it# eac# ot#er. *t is 7ritten Ut#e land
comprises of & plotsU or Uis comprised ofU. "#e correct forms are Ut#e land comprises consists of is
composed of t#ree plotsU. *t is also 7ritten Ut#e old building 7as substituted by a ne7 oneU. Jou can
say Ua ne7 building 7as substituted for t#e old oneU UorU Ut#e old building 7as replaced by a ne7
oneU. UDispose it offU is a common error forU dispose of itU, also Utear offU for Utear upU and Ustic2 upU
for Ustic2 inU ;Jou can stic2 a t#ing UupU on a 7all of course but not UupU in a boo2<. UStic2 up tooU is
used for UStic2 toU itself a slang p#rase. U+e stuc2 up to t#e agreementU is 7rong. *t is also 7ritten
Uslips #ave been pastedU and t#e Upapers #ave been stitc#edU 7#ereas Upasted inU and Ustitc#ed ;or
preferable GSe7nB< toget#erU are correct.
;$0< UAgreeU and UtallyU cannot be used actively. 4igures may agree or tally. Jou cannot UagreeU figures or
UtallyU t#em. Generally use unpretentious 7ords rat#er t#an pompous ones. U* 7ent to campU not U*
proceededU, UliveU or Ud7ellU, not UresideU. U*nstead ofU is muc# more usual in ordinary 5nglis# t#an
Uin lieu ofU, 7#ic# is a p#rase used mainly in legal documents. UStampU is t#e ordinary 5nglis# not
UlabelUD and U5nvelopeU or GletterU not UcoverU.
;&3< Jou cannot say U+e told e8pressed t#at #e 7as un7illingU. *t must be #e told me t#at #e 7as
un7illingU, U#e e8pressed #is un7illingnessU, U#e e8pressed #imself strongly. U5noug# of moneyU is
not good 5nglis#. Say Uenoug# moneyUD Uof follo7s Uenoug#U 7#en for any reason it is necessary to
use Uenoug#U as a substantive, e.g. U* #ave #ad enoug# of t#isU U* donBt 2no7 enoug# of t#e language,
to....U but U* 2no7 enoug# 5nglis# to....U. U:oneU for Uno oneU is obsolete or poetical. Do not 7rite
U:one made any UofferU but Uno one made any offerU. Do not say Uit is not used by anyU but Ubut it is
not used by anyoneU. Do not say Ut#is is 2no7n to allU but Ueveryone 2no7s t#isU. U"#ere is no use of
sendingU is 7rong. *t s#ould be Uit is no use sendingU, Uit is no use to sendU or Ut#ere is no use in
;&!< Do not ,ualify e8pressions, needlessly. "o do so produces flabby style. @ords li2e Uit seemsU and Uit
appearsU are used 7#en t#ere is really no doubt. U+e 7as absent in #is #ouseU meaning t#at #e 7as
else7#ere t#an in #is #ouse, is a contradiction in terms. UAbsent fromU is correct, but t#e ordinary
5nglis# 7ould be U#e 7as not at #omeU, or simply U#e 7as a7ayU or U7as outU. UAlsoU is misused
7it# negatives. U+e did not address t#e letter and did not also stamp itU s#ould be Unor did #e stamp
;&$< K+e puts #imself up at OOOL or K#e is put up atL, are 7rong. "#e correct 5nglis# ;and it is
collo,uial< is K+e is putting up atL, K@ooden pieceL for Kpiece of 7oodL is a common error.
;&&< K* en,uired=en,uired into t#e 7itnessL is anot#er fre,uent mista2e. Jou Ke8amineL a 7itness and
Ken,uire intoL a case. 'ut one does not Kinvestigate into a caseL, one Kinvestigates itL. GMale
memberA s#ould not be used to mean KmaleL or KmanL. Jou can say Kt#e male members of my
familyL. Do not say Umy family membersU but Umembers of my familyU. K"#roug#L meaning KpastL
and KcrossL meaning K7ent pastL are fre,uently used e.g., K* 7ent t#roug# t#e templeL, or K* crossed
t#e templeL. Jou KcrossL a river or a road 7#en you go from one side of it to t#e ot#er.
;&(< Do not use suc# p#rases as K#as breat#ed #is lastL, or Kis no moreL, for Kis deadL. U*t is #ig# time to
do so and soL is an idiomatic 5nglis# p#rase. KAs it 7as #ig# time, t#e %ourt ad>ourned t#e case till
ne8t dayL is not 5nglis#.
;&)< K*n vie7 to doL so and so is 7rong. Jou can say K7it# a vie7 to reducingL meaning Kin order to
reduceL, and you can also say Kin vie7 of t#ese circumstancesL meaning K#aving regard to t#emL. K*n
vie7 toL is impossible.
;&-< KJou s#ould insist on t#e under secretary to replyL is 7rong. *t s#ould be Ks#ould insist on #is
replyingL. KAddressL is used sometimes as t#oug# it meant Kas2L. KGovernment 7ill be addressed to
reconsider t#eir orderL is, strictly spea2ing, meaningless.
;&.< KGovernment sanctioned a peon to t#e Deputy SecretaryL s#ould be Kfor t#e Deputy SecretaryL.
KPetitioner 7ants t#at t#e land s#ould be transferredL is 7rong. *t s#ould be K7ants t#e land
transferred=to be transferred.L
A//e"%= & 9.5
Pvide paragrap# &$;!(<Q
!. "#e copies of t#e :otes ()o#1" 0e -a"e o A6 (%Fe /a/erG
$. "#e copies of t#e :ote s#ould be made in bot# English and Hindi versions and both versions should be
made available together to the Cabinet Secretariat for placing before t#e body for 7#ose consideration it is
&. ;a< "#e :ote s#ould be typed in double space (in font size 12-14) and preferably bot# sides of t#e
paper s#ould be used. %are s#ould be ta2en to ensure t#at t#e impression is legible and clear in all t#e pages
in all t#e copies=p#otocopies.
;b< A ide margin (not less than 1!" inch) s#ould be left to7ards t#at edge of t#e paper ;t#e left edge
of t#e obverse and t#e rig#t edge on t#e reverse< 7#ic# is put in t#e pads for t#e meetingsD and
;c< All t#e Paragrap#s and sub paragrap#s of t#e :otes s#ould be appropriately numbered and bullets
and suc# mar2ings s#ould be avoided.
(. "#e :ote s#ould be securit# graded $Secret% or $&op Secret%' as re(uire! "#e copies of t#e note s#ould also
be numbered. @#ile giving t#e security grading, t#e proposed classification s#ould be properly evaluated
7it# reference to t#e sub>ect matter of t#e :oteD
). On t#e first page of t#e :ote security grading and belo7 t#at copy number s#ould be indicated on t#e top
rig#t side. 'elo7 t#at, in t#e centre, t#e file number and t#e name of t#e Sponsoring Ministry and
Department s#ould be indicatedD
-. "#e 7ords K)ote for the CabinetL or *)ote for Cabinet Committee+,-. on
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSL, as t#e case may be, s#ould appear belo7 t#e name of
Ministry=Department on t#e first pageD
.. 'elo7 t#e caption K:ote for t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittee=GOML, a brief sub/ect heading should be
given! "#e #eading s#ould be fully indicative of t#e proposals contained in t#e paperD
/. "#e :ote should bear a date on the top page, 7#ic# s#ould be t#e date on 7#ic# its copies are sent to t#e
%abinet Secretariat. *n t#ose cases 7#ere t#e :ote is re,uired to be rectified=revised and resubmitted, it
s#ould be given a fres# date accordinglyD
0. All t#e pages in t#e :ote, including anne8es, s#ould carry continues page numbers on t#e bottom e8treme
rig#t #and corner, simultaneously indicating total number of pages, in t#e manner Kpage 8 of yA, 7#ere H8A is
t#e running serial number of t#e page and HyA is t#e total number of pages in t#e noteD
!3. Each page of the note including its 0ppendi1 and 0nne1es should bear the continuous page numbering'
securit# grading' name of the sponsoring 2epartment and the file number! "#e fact t#at
appendices=anne8es are attac#ed 7it# t#e note s#ould be indicated at appropriate place in t#e main note.
%ontinuous page numbers of t#e Appendices=Anne8es s#ould also be indicated in brac2et against eac#. On
eac# Appendi8=Anne8 t#e relevant paragrap# of t#e main note s#ould be indicated, for easy reference.
!!. "#e penultimate paragrap# of t#e :ote s#ould state t#at $the Statement of 3mplementation Schedule in
respect of the above proposals has been given in 0ppendi1 to the note%! "#e Statement of *mplementation
Sc#edule mar2ed as Appendi8 s#ould be placed immediately after t#e main note it s#ould be follo7ed by
ot#er Anne8es. *t s#ould contain t#e follo7ing informationC
;a< Gist of t#e decision;s< soug#tD
;b< 9i2ely benefits arising out of t#e decisions ;in p#ysical=financial or social terms, e.g. employment
generation, development of bac27ard areas, benefits of target groups, etc.<D and
;c< "imeframe and manner of implementation of t#e decision and its reporting to t#e %abinet
!$. *t s#ould be indicated at t#e end of t#e body of t#e note ;last para< t#at t#e proposals made t#erein #ave t#e
approval of t#e Minsterinc#arge of t#e sponsoring MinistryD
(Specimen formats for the main note as ell as the Statement of 3mplementation Schedule are enclosed at
0ppendi1-4!1(a) and 0ppendi1-4!1(b)!
!&. "#e note as 7ell as Statement of *mplementation Sc#edule s#ould be signed b# an officer not belo the
ran5 of 6oint Secretar# in t#e main Ministry =Department sponsoring t#e noteD
!(. :ote s#ould be properly tagged or stapled. Spiral+hard binding of the note should be avoided7
!). "#e papers s#ould be sent to the Cabinet Secretariat ell in advance of the meeting at 7#ic# t#ey are
soug#t to be considered. *t s#ould be borne in mind t#at t#e papers are re,uired to be circulated by t#e
%abinet Secretariat among t#e members of t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittees normall# 42 hours before the
time of the commencement of their meeting7
!-. T)e !e1e/)oe o' !)e o''%$er 'or>ar"%g !)e o!e ()o#1" %,ar%a01* 0e %"%$a!e" % !)e 'or>ar"%g
!.. Special attention needs to be paid in regard to t#e drafting ,uality of t#e notes. &he main notes should be
self-contained' lucid' straight forard and contain onl# the relevant details! 3t should not in an# case
e1ceed the prescribed length of 4-8 pages in double space in font size 12-14! Most of t#e details, 7#ic#
s#ould also be brief as far as possible, s#ould be relegated to anne8es or appendices.
!/. *t may be ensured t#at all acronyms=abbreviations used in t#e te8t of a note are e8plained 7#en t#e term is
first used in t#e note by 7riting its full form, 7it# t#e acronym=abbreviation given in brac2ets. Acronyms
t#at are not commonly used may be avoided.
!0. &he approval para should be self-contained and it s#ould indicate specific point or points on 7#ic# t#e
approval=decision is soug#t, toget#er 7it# t#e recommendations of t#e Ministerin%#arge. 9eference to
proposals in earlier paras should be avoided7
$3. &he names as ell as the observations of the .inistries+2epartments consulted should be briefl# indicated
in the main note! "#e detailed comments if any along 7it# t#e observations of t#e sponsoring Ministry
t#ereon s#ould be tabulated and attac#ed as an anne8.
$!. "#ere #ave been instances in 7#ic# t#e data=information, based on 7#ic# proposals are formulated, #as
undergone significant c#anges by t#e time t#e proposals are actually considered by t#e %abinet=%abinet
%ommittees=GOM. *n suc# cases, it 7ould be advisable eit#er to 7it#dra7 t#e :ote for necessary updating
and revision or bring t#e facts to t#e notice of t#e %abinet Secretary=%abinet=%abinet %ommittees=GOM for
consideration, before t#e note is ta2en up for considerationD
$$. :umber of copies of t#e notes re,uired to be sent to %abinet Secretariat are indicated belo7C
:ote for consideration of t#e Cabinet 70 $o/%e( in 5nglis# and +indi plus additional copies
e,uivalent to t#e number of Departments consulted in t#e
:otes for Cabinet Committees 67 $o/%e( in 5nglis# and +indi.
,roups of .inisters 30 $o/%e( in 5nglis# and +indi.
$&. " copies each of the 0cts' -rdinance' rules and 9egulations referred to in the note s#ould be sent to t#e
%abinet Secretariat along 7it# t#e re,uisite number of copies of t#e :ote for placing before t#e
%abinet=%abinet %ommittees=GOMD
$(. ;a< As per t#e e8isting instructions, a HDra'! Pre(( Br%e'I on t#e assumption t#at t#e proposal 7ill be
approved by t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittee=GOM s#ould be prepared and 2 $o/%e( of t#e same be enclosed
7it# t#e communication for7arding t#e :ote for t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittee. *n case t#e HDraft Press
'riefA is not attac#ed to t#e note, t#e reasons for not doing so may be mention in t#e for7arding
communicationD and
;b< 3n the event there has been a lapse of 2 ee5s beteen the date of preparation of the
brief and the date on hich the item is ta5en up in the Cabinet meeting' and updated
brief inter alia indicating subse(uent developments' if an#' should be handed over the
Cabinet Secretariat on t#e date of t#e meeting for ta2ing furt#er necessary action. *n case
of any significant development, and updated brief may be given even if t#e gap bet7een
t#e preparation of t#e brief and t#e date of t#e meeting is less t#an $ 7ee2s.
;c< )o press brief ould be necessar# in respect of ordinances and proposals on purel#
administrative matters 7it# 7#ic# t#e public at large is not directly concerned.
;d< :hen ;arliament is in session' no draft press brief needs to be sent in respect of
proposals relating to ma/or (uestions of polic#!
.AAB Nor-a1 Pro$e"#reE
$). "#e sponsoring Ministry=Department s#ould consult all t#e Ministries=Departments 7#ic# may be concerned 7it# t#e
sub>ect matter and s#ould also s#o7 t#em, 7#erever necessary, t#e draft note in order to ensure t#at t#e
vie7s of ot#er Ministries=Departments are properly broug#t out in t#e note. "#e vie7s of consulted
Ministry=Department s#ould #ave t#e approval of t#eir Ministerinc#arge. *t is, t#erefore, essential t#at
7#ile conveying t#e vie7s on t#e proposals contained in t#e draft notes to t#e sponsoring
Ministries=Departments, t#e Ministries=Departments s#ould categorically state t#at t#e same #ave t#e
concurrence of t#eir Ministerinc#arge. "#e sponsoring Ministry=Department, on t#eir part, need to
invariably indicate in t#e final notes t#at t#e vie7s of t#e consulted Ministries=Departments broug#t out
t#erein #ave t#e concurrence of t#e Ministerinc#arge.
$-. :hen the differing .inistr#+2epartment%s remar5s are reproduced in- e1tenso in the final )ote' no
second reference to the differing .inistries+2epartments concern is necessar#! +o7ever, t#is is sub>ect to
t#e proviso t#at if any addition is made to t#e :ote by t#e sponsoring Ministry to rebut t#e arguments
advanced against its proposal, it s#ould be s#o7n to t#e differing Ministries=Departments. "#e obligation,
7ould, #o7ever, be limited only to s#o7ing t#e paper and not to securing t#e consent t#e vie7s e8pressed
by t#e sponsoring Ministry=Department in rebuttal. *n suc# cases, t#e fact t#at t#e note, in its final form, #as
been s#o7n to t#e differing Ministry=Department s#ould be reflected in t#e :oteD
$.. &he suggestion either in the )ote or in the forarding .emo to the effect that the vies of the
.inistries+2epartments concerned have not been received and the# ma# be obtained in the meetings ould
normall# be and unacceptable departure from the rules and instruction! "#e ad#erence to t#e Rules demands
t#at vigorous efforts are made to obtain t#e vie7s of t#e Departments concerned, t#e difference of opinion, if
any, is reconciled and t#e resultant position is incorporated in t#e :oteD
.A0B Urge! a" !%-e 0o#" /ro/o(a1(E
$/. *n t#e case of urgent and time bound proposals, t#e follo7ing procedure may be follo7C
;a< "#e Ministries=Departments s#ould furnis# t#eir comments=concurrence on %abinet proposals to t#e
administrative Ministry=Department ithin 1" (fifteen) da#s of receipt of the same7
;b< *n order to ensure t#at communications see2ing comments=concurrence of t#e
Ministries=Departments concerned on %abinet proposals received due attention at t#e appropriate
level, it #as to be ensured by t#e administrative Ministry=Department t#at at least one cop# of all
such communications is invariabl# addressed to the Secretar# of the 2epartment b# name' inter-
alia indicating the urgenc#7
;c< *n e8ceptional cases 7#en it 7ould not be feasible to furnis# comments 7it#in t#e stipulated period
of !) days, t#e Ministries=Departments consulted s#ould indicated t#is position immediately 7it#
reasons to t#e administrative Ministry=Department and t#e %abinet SecretariatD
;d< *n case t#e comments=concurrence are not communicated by t#e Ministries=Departments consulted
7it#in t#e stipulated !) days period and also no communication #as been received from t#at
Ministry=Department see2ing additional time for furnis#ing t#e comments, it 7ould be appropriate
if a d.o. to t#e Secretary to t#at Department is issued bringing to #is notice t#e lac2 of comments
from #is Department, so t#at t#ere is no communication gap. *t may also be mention t#erein t#e
note is proposed to be submitted to t#e %abinet Secretariat, by a given date. @#ile for7arding t#e
note to t#e %abinet Secretariat an advance copy of t#e note in t#e final form may also be sent to t#e
Departments concernedD and
;e< *f t#e comments are received after t#e note in final form #as been sent to t#e %abinet Secretariat,
and t#ese involve substantial difference or modification of t#e proposal, an attempt s#ould be made
to send a supplementary note dealing 7it# t#e comments at t#e earliest possible, but before t#e
proposal comes up for consideration in t#e %abinet.
.ACB Ca(e( $o(%"ere" 0* PIBDEFC e!$.
$0. %ertain types of cases are considered in interministerial meetings before t#eir consideration by t#e %abinet. *n
respect of t#e proposals considered by t#e follo7ing %ommittees vi?. %ore Group on Disinvestment ;C,2),
Public *nvestment 'oard (;3<), 58penditure 4inance %ommittee (E=C), 58panded 'oard (E<), 4oreign
*nvestment Promotion 'oard (=3;<), %entral 5mpo7ered %ommittee (CEC), +ig# Po7ered Price Monitoring
'oard (H;;.<) and 58port Promotion 'oard (E;<) a simplified procedure of interministerial consultation
7ould be follo7ed, 7#ic# is given belo7C
;a< Secretaries participating in t#e deliberations of t#e %GD, P*', 54%, 5', 4*P', %5%, +PPM' and
5P' s#ould obtain t#e orders of t#eir respective Ministries immediately after t#e 'oard=%ommittee
ta2es a decision and communicate t#eir comments, if any, to t#e Secretary of t#e Ministry
sponsoring t#e proposal ithin a ee5 of t#e receipt of t#e minutes of t#e 'oard=%ommittee
meeting failing hich the formal concurrence of their .inistr# ill be assumed7
;b< 3f the recommendations made by t#e %GD, P*', 54%, 5', 4*P', %5%, +PPM', 5P' are not
accepted eit#er by t#e Minister of t#e sponsoring Ministry or any ot#er Minister. *t 7ill be
obligatory for t#e sponsoring Ministry to s#o7 t#e :ote for t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittees=GOM
to all concerned Ministries before it is finali?ed for submissionD
;c< *n all ot#er $a(e(, namely, t#ose in hich the recommendations of t#e %GD, P*', 54%, 5', 4*P',
%5%, +PPM', 5P' are acceptable to all .inistries concerned' the sponsoring .inistr# ill send
the )ote for the Cabinet+Cabinet Committees+,-. together ith the minutes of the
<oard+Committee meeting as an anne1ure thereto to the Cabinet Secretariat ith the re(uest that
it ill be placed before the Cabinet+Cabinet Committee+,-. at the first meeting hich is held 4
da#s after its receipt! A copy of t#e :ote s#ould be simultaneously sent by t#e sponsoring Ministry
to all Ministries concerned. &he rationale of the proviso for holding bac5 submission that the
other .inistries should have an opportunit# to chec5 that their viepoint has been correctl#
reflected therein! &he notes for Cabinet+Cabinet Committees+,-. for 4 da#s after the receipt of
the )ote is that the other .inistries have an opportunit# to chec5 that their viepoint has been
correctl# reflected therein! "#e notes for %abinet=%abinet %ommittees=GOM being submitted
accordingly s#ould #ave t#e approval of t#e competent aut#orities as indicated belo7C
!. %ore Group on Disinvestment
Minister of Disinvestment
$. Public *nvestiment 'oard ;P*'<,
58penditure 4inance %ommittee
Ministerinc#arge of t#e Administrative Ministry and
4inance Minister.
&. 58panded 'oard ;5'< Minister of Rail7ays
(. 4oreign *nvestment Promotion
'oard ;4*P'<
Minister of %ommerce & *ndustry
). %entral 5mpo7ered %ommittee
Ministerinc#arge of t#e Ministry of t#e Statistics &
Programme *mplementation and Deputy %#airman,
Planning %ommission.
-. +ig# Po7ered Price Monitoring
'oard ;+PPM'<
Minister of %onsumer Affairs, 4ood and Public Distribution
or Minister of %ommerce and *ndustry depending on t#e
.. 58port Promotion 'oard ;5P'< Minister of %ommerce and *ndustry and 4inance Minister.
;d< S#ould t#e submission of a :ote to t#e %abinet=%abinet %ommittee=GOM be delayed by t#e
Administrative Ministry concerned for more t#an t#ree mont#s after t#e approval of t#e proposal by
t#e P*', P4%, 5', 4*P', %P%, +PPM', 5P', it 7ill be necessary to obtain fres# clearance from
t#e %#airman of t#e 'oard=%ommitteeD
;e< *n respect of urgent cases being submitted for consideration of t#e %abinet %ommittee on Prices
;%%P<, 7#ic# #ave not been considered by t#e +PPM', t#e Administrative Department may
normally give seven days time to all concerned to convey t#eir vie7s on t#e draft note before t#e
same is finali?ed and submitted for consideration of t#e %%P. +o7ever, in cases of e8treme
urgency, a s#orter period may be allo7ed depending on t#e situation. *n suc# cases, t#e
Administrative Department 7ill inform %abinet Secretariat as soon as suc# notes are circulatedD
JCa0%e! Se$re!ar%a! Me-o. No. 5D58D5D2002-Ca0. Da!e"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKL
;date of t#e note<
:O"5 4OR "+5 %A'*:5"
:O"5 4OR "+5 %A'*:5" %OMM*""55 O:
:O"5 4OR "+5 GRO1P O4 M*:*S"5R O:
;a< %ontents s#ould be typed in double space ; in font si?e of !$!(< not e8ceeding . to / pages. All pages of all
copies s#ould be legible.
;b< 5ac# para and subpara s#ould be appropriately numbered.
;c< "#e fact t#at Appendi8 and Anne8es are attac#ed 7it# t#e note s#ould be indicated at relevant place;s< in t#e
note. %ontinuous page numbers of t#e Appendices=Anne8es s#ould also be indicated in brac2et against eac#.
On eac# Appendi8=Anne8 t#e relevant paragrap# of t#e main note s#ould be indicated, for easy reference.
;d< "#e names of t#e Ministries=Departments consulted on t#e proposal;s< s#ould be indicated in a separate
paragrap#. "#eir vie7s toget#er 7it# t#e comments of administrative Ministry=Department t#ereon s#ould be
briefly indicated in t#e note. "#e details in t#is regard may be indicated in a tabular form in anne8es to be
attac#ed 7it# t#e note.
;e< "#ere s#ould be a separate approval para 7#ic# s#ould be selfcontained and see2 approval to t#e specific
;f< "#e penultimate s#ould indicate about t#e *mplementation Sc#edule attac#ed as Appendi8. ;"#is appendi8 is to
be placed immediately after t#e main note<.
;g< "#e last para s#ould indicate about t#e approval of t#e Ministerinc#arge to t#e proposal;s< contained in t#e
;:ot belo7 t#e ran2 of Moint Secretary in t#e
sponsoring Ministry=Department<
PCa0%e! Se$re!ar%a! Me-o. No. 5D58D5D2000-Ca0. Da!e"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKL
S"A"5M5:" O4 *MP95M5:"A"*O: S%+5D195
Gist of decision re,uired Pro>ect benefits=results "imeframe and manner of
*mplementation=Reporting to %abinet
;:ot belo7 t#e ran2 of Moint Secretary in t#e sponsoring Ministry=Department<
JCa0%e! Se$re!ar%a! Me-o. No. 5D58D5D2002-Ca0. "a!e"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKL
J ,%"e /aragra/) 32A57B L
*nstructions #ave been issued from time to time by t#e %abinet Secretariat regarding t#e procedures to be
follo7ed in t#e preparations and submission of papers for consideration of t#e %ommittee of Secretaries ;%OS<. "#e
instructions #ave been revised 7#erever necessary in t#e lig#t of past e8perience and are indicated belo7 in
consolidated form for t#e guidance of and compliance by all concerned.
+eera1 a" A!!e"a$e
!. Purpose of %OS Meetings C "#e %OS meets in t#e %abinet Secretariat to discuss important issues referred to
by t#e Departments=Ministries.
$. @#o is to attend Meetings of %OSC Since t#e meetings of %OS are fi8ed generally after ascertaining t#e
convenience and availability of t#e participating Secretaries, t#e invitee Secretaries are e8pected to attend t#em in
person and not 7it# or t#roug# t#eir representatives. *n case an invitee Secretary is not in a position to attend t#e
meeting on account of unforeseen circumstances and for compelling reasons, #e may depute a senior representative
;not belo7 t#e ran2 of Moint Secretary< of #is Department, after prior approval of t#e %abinet Secretary. *n suc# cases,
t#e officer attending t#e meeting s#ould be fully briefed and aut#ori?ed to enter into necessary commitments on be#alf
of t#e Secretary.
&. *t may be necessary, in rare cases, for invitee Secretary to be accompanied by anot#er officer to assist #im.
*n suc# cases also %abinet Secretary s#ould be 2ept inform in advance by t#e invitee NSecretary.
T*/e( o' $a(e( !)a! $a 0e 0ro#g)! 0e'ore COS
(. All cases of t#e nature specified belo7 can be broug#t before t#e %OSC
a. %ases pursuant to a specific direction of Prime Minister=%abinet=%abinet %ommittee=GOM.
b. %ases specifically referred to %OS for discussion.
c. %ases 7#ere t#ere is=are irreconciled difference;s< opinion bet7een t#e sponsoring Department and t#e
Ministries=Departments consulted at official level and 7#ere discussion in %OS 7ould be of #elp in
resolving of narro7ing do7n t#e differences.
d. %ases of very urgent nature re,uiring direction on policy or course of action 7it#in a prescribed time limit
regarding 7#ic# a consensus among t#e Ministries=Departments concerned is considered necessary.
e. %ases 7#ere decisions ta2en in a particular Ministry=Department could #ave repercussions on matters dealt
7it# in ot#er Ministries=Departments concerned and a discussions in %OS for evolving a coordinated
approac# is necessaryD
f. %ases in 7#ic# a Secretary of a Department desires advice of %OS on a sub>ect assigned to #is c#argeD and
g. %ases of ne7 policy initiatives or c#ange in policy 7#ere discussions in %OS concerned may be #elpful.
T*/e( o' Ca(e( NOT TO BE (#0-%!!e" !o COS
). "#e follo7ing cases are :O" "O '5 broug#t before t#e %OSC
a. "#ose cases 7#ic# are 7it#in t#e scope of t#e various %ommittees of t#e Government li2e P*', 4*P', etc.D
b. "#ose cases 7#ic# concern one or t7o Ministries only and 7#ere t#e issues can be resolved bilaterallyD
c. %ases 7#ere t#e issues can be resolved t#roug# interMinisterial meeting;s<D and 7#ere instructions e8ist for
consulting specific Departments=Agencies e.g. Department of 'an2ing, Reserve 'an2 of *ndia ,etc.D
d. %ases of routine nature relating to creation of posts etc.D
e. %ases involving large financial allocation in 7#ic# Ministry of 4inance #as not concurred.
Pre/ara!%o o' No!e( 'or COS
-. "#e essential procedural re,uirements 7#ic# s#ould be compiled for t#e preparation and submission of
:otes for %OS are as underC
a. "#e notes s#ould bear t#e name of t#e Ministry =Department at t#e top. *t must also carry 4ile :umber and
date. "#e 7ords K :ote for t#e %ommittee of SecretariesL s#ould appear belo7 t#e name of t#e Ministry or
b. "#e note must be Security Graded ;Secret or "op Secret as t#e case may be <, and t#e copies of t#e notes be
serially numbered. "#e Security Grading must appear on all page of t#e note D
c. A brief sub>ect #eading indicative of t#e proposals contained in t#e paper be given in all casesD
d. All t#e pages of t#e note, including t#e Anne8es, s#ould carry continuous page numbers on t#e bottom
e8treme rig#t #and corner of t#e pages, simultaneously indicating total number of pages in t#e manner KPage
8 of yL, 7#ere K8L is t#e running serial number of t#e page and KyL is t#e total number of pages in t#e note.
Co!e!( o' !)e COS No!e(
.. "#e follo7ing may be observed 7#ile preparing notes for %OSC
a. "#e notes s#ould be selfcontained. "#ey s#ould not be unnecessarily long and, in any case s#ould not
e8ceed fivesi8 pages. Ot#er relevant material s#ould be relegated to its anne8es=appendices orD
b "#e last para of t#e note must indicate t#at t#e note #as t#e approval of t#e Secretary of t#e sponsoring
Ministry =DepartmentD
c. "#e note must be signed by an officer of t#e ran2 of Deputy Secretary=Director or aboveD
d. "#e last but one para of t#e note s#ould contain t#e points on 7#ic# decisions =recommendations of t#e
%OS are soug#t , toget#er 7it# t#e vie7 of t#e sponsoring Ministry=DepartmentD
e. *n all cases , t#e Ministries=Departments concerned must be consulted before #and and t#eir vie7s or
comments be included in t#e %OS noteD
*n urgent and time bound cases, t#e opinion=comments of ot#er concerned Ministries be indicated in t#e note
for %OS if t#ey are 2no7n t#roug# previously convened meetings or interdepartmental consultations.
"#e interdepartmental consultations s#ould provide full opportunities to t#e Department concerned to list
t#eir ob>ections, and reservations, if any. "#e Ministries=Departments s#ould , t#erefore, avoid sending t#eir
comments to t#is Secretariat on t#e Agenda notes circulated to t#em and t#eir ob>ections, reservations may
be articulated in t#e meeting itself. *n cases, 7#ere it is necessary to sent t#e comments on Agenda notes to
t#e %abinet Secretariat, t#is must be as a supplementary note in t#e format prescribed for %OS notes under
t#ese instructionsD
f. Paragrap#s of t#e note must be numberedD
g. $3 copies of t#e note s#ould be sent to t#e %abinet SecretariatD
#. :otes s#ould be sent 7ell in advance so t#at t#ere is sufficient time to convene t#e meetingsD and
i. "#e notes must be typed on bot# sides of t#e paper in double space 7it# sufficient space ;not less t#an !.)L<
on t#e left edge of t#e obverse side of t#e paper and on t#e rig#t edge on t#e reverse of t#e paper.
/. All t#e papers pertaining to %OS are classified documents and t#e Departmental Security *nstructions must
be follo7ed scrupulously in regard to t#eir #anding and safe custody.
0. "#ese instructions may be strictly follo7ing =ad#ered to by all concerned.
JCa0%e! Se$re!ar%a! Me-o. No. 5D58D5D2002-Ca0. "a!e"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKL
[ vide paragraph 32(16)]
"$ %I&%-'E(E' !"))ISSI"NS#!"))ITTEES ET!.
The administrative Ministries/Departments are required to obtain the
approval of the Prime Minister through the Cabinet Secretary before High-evel
Commissions of committees are set up or their composition alter! The procedure
for processing the proposals is indicated belo"#-
2. De*i+i,i-+.-
The term $High-evel Committee/Commission% means a Committee or
Commission presided over by a high ran&ing dignitary' e!g! a Minister' a (udge
of the Supreme Court! ) *ice-Chancellor etc! "hich inter-alia includes
prominent persons in public life as members!
E=/1aa!%o 5E-
*n determining 7#et#er a %ommittee or %ommission is +ig#9evel or not, regard s#ould be #ad to t#e nature
of its terms of reference and t#eir importance from t#e economic, social or political stand points. *n ot#er 7ords, even
if t#e %ommission or %ommittee is presided over not by a #ig#level dignitary, but some one ot#er7ise prominent
and its terms of reference are important, it s#ould be regarded as +ig#9evel.
E=/1aa!%o IIE-
Proposals for setting up Public %ommissions or %ommittees of *n,uiries, i.e. %ommissions or %ommittees
set up under t#e %ommission of *n,uiry Act or ot#er %ommissions or %ommittees of *n,uiry 7#ic# may #ave to call
for information and evidence from t#e public are outside t#e purvie7 of t#ese instructionsD suc# proposals re,uired
t#e approval of t#e %abinet and s#ould be submitted in accordance 7it# t#e procedure prescribed for submission of
cases to t#e %abinet. +o7ever, s#ould any alteration in t#e composition of suc# %ommission=%ommittee become
necessary after t#eir establis#ment #as been approve by t#e %abinet, it 7ould be sufficient if t#e approval of t#e
Prime Minister is obtained to t#e proposed c#anges t#oroug# t#e %abinet Secretariat.
E=/1aa!%o IIIE-
Departmental or "ec#nical %ommittees presided over by, and composed principally of Government officials
or e8perts in different disciplines, even if one or more nonofficials are proposed to be included, are also outside t#e
purvie7 of t#ese instructions. +o7ever, s#ould suc# %ommittees include any Member of Parliament, t#e prior
approval of Prime Minister to t#eir inclusion must be obtained.
3. Pro$e"#reE-
;i< "#e ,uestion as to 7#et#er t#e proposed %ommission=%ommittee confirms to t#e definition of t#e
term K+ig#9evelL s#ould be carefully considered in accordance 7it# t#e guidelines in para $ above.
;ii< *f it is proposed to include Members of Parliament in t#e proposed %ommission=%ommittee, t#e prior
approval of Minister of Parliamentary Affairs s#ould be obtained to t#e nomination of t#e MPs.
;iii< 4ollo7ing receipt of a reply from t#e Department of Parliamentary Affairs in cases in 7#ic# MPs are
proposed to be included and abinitio in ot#ers, details regarding t#e terms of reference, composition
;MPs and ot#ers 7#et#er official or nonofficial< and tenure of t#e %ommission=%ommittee etc.
s#ould be for7arded to t#e %abinet Secretariat in t#e format of Anne8.
;iv< "#e consent of t#e proposed members, bot# MPs and ot#er, s#ould be obtained only after Prime
MinisterAs approval #as been communicated by t#e %abinet Secretariat.
;v< @#ere proposal relate to organi?ations li2e %S*R, *%AR and *%MR ;all registered societies<, any
c#ange in t#e composition of t#e members#ip of t#e society may be made 7it# t#e approval of t#e
Minister concerned 7it#in t#e frame 7or2 of t#e Memorandum of association of t#e registered
society and its rules and byla7s.
;vi< 4or bodies li2e t#e Atomic 5nergy %ommission, t#e Space %ommission, t#e 5lectronic %ommission
and t#e Planning %ommission, t#e Prime Minister is #imself t#e Ministerinc#arge. Members#ip of
t#e respective %ommissions, or any c#anges t#erein, 7ould t#erefore, in any case be sub>ect to #is
prior approval.
:oteC "#e proposed c#ange in composition may at times be limited only to t#e Members of Parliament and
not e8tend to ot#er members. 5ven in suc# cases, a reference to t#e %abinet Secretariat after
obtaining t#e formal approval of t#e Minister for Parliamentary Affairs is necessary. "#is is because
a c#ec2 is necessary to see 7#et#er t#e names already informally cleared by PM fit in 7it# t#e rest of
t#e members#ip of t#e #ig#level %ommission=%ommittee before formal approval is accorded.
(. "#ese instructions apply to all #ig#level %ommissions=%ommittees 7#et#er standing or ad#oc and
to all appointments 7#et#er parttime or 7#oletime.
JCa0%e! Se$re!ar%a! Me-o. No. 5D58D5D2002-Ca0. "a!e"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKL
Proforma for submitting proposals for constitution=
Reconstitution or c#ange in t#e composition of #ig#level
%ommission=%ommittees re,uiring approval of t#e Prime Minister
!. :ame of t#e Ministry=Department
$. :ame of t#e #ig#level %ommission=%ommittee
&. 'ac2ground information leading to t#e appointment of t#e
(. "erms of reference of t#e %ommission=%ommittee
). %omposition=Recomposition=c#ange in t#e composition of t#e
-. Period prescribed for completion of 7or2 assigned to t#e
.. @#et#er concurrence of t#e Department of Parliamentary Affairs #as been
obtained in respect of MPs included in t#e composition of t#e
/. @#et#er t#e proposal #as been approved by t#e Ministerinc#arge of t#e
&llustrative list of Acts4 rules and instructions of a general nature to be maintained by each section
P6ide para &);$<Q

!. %onstitution of *ndia.
$. Government of *ndia ;Allocation of 'usiness< Rules.
&. Government of *ndia ;"ransaction of 'usiness< Rules.
(. Aut#entication ;Orders & ot#er *nstruments Rules<
). Procedure in regard to submission of cases to t#e %abinet, issued by t#e Department of %abinet
-. Official 9anguages Act and instructions issued t#ere under.
.. Rules of procedure and conduct of business in 9o2 Sab#a.
/. Directions by t#e Spea2er under t#e rules of procedure and conduct of business in 9o2 Sab#a.
0. Rules of procedure and conduct of business in Ra>ya Sab#a.
!3. Procedure to be follo7ed by ministries in connection 7it# parliamentary 7or2, issued by 9o2
Sab#a Secretariat.
!!. Departmental security instructions issued by t#e Ministry of +ome Affairs.
!$. General instructions regarding type7riting, stencil cutting, carbon Mari folding, etc., issued by t#e
*nstitute of Secretariat "raining and Management.
!&. %#annel of communication bet7een t#e Government of *ndia and State Governments on t#e one
#and and 4oreign and %ommon7ealt# Governments or t#eir Missions in *ndia, +ead of *ndian
Diplomatic Missions and Posts abroad and 1nited :ations and its specialised Agencies on t#e ot#er,
issued by t#e Ministry of 58ternal affairs.
!(. Standardised functional file inde8 including its file numbering system relating to establis#ment
finance, budget and account, office supplies and services and ot#er #ouse 2eeping >obs common to
all departments, issued by t#e Department of Administrative Reforms an Public Grievances.
!). Sc#edule of periods of retention for records common to all departments issued by t#e Department of
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances.
!-. Manual for +andling Parliamentary 7or2 in Ministries.
!.. Manual of Office Procedure.
S/e$%-e 'or-( o' Co--#%$a!%o(
;6ide para )3<
A5B Le!!er A>%!) e"or(e-e!B
:o. OOOO..
Government of *ndia
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOO
;OOOOO.. 6ib#ag<
Ne> De1)%, !)eM.ADa!eB
Sub>ect C

@it# reference to your letter :o. OOOOOOO dated OOOOOOO.on t#e sub>ect cited above
Jours fait#fully,
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"ele C :o. OOOOO.
%opy for7arded for information=necessary action to C
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"ele C :o. OOOO.
Ot#er alternative forms of t#e introductory p#rases commonly used are C
;i< *n continuation of my=t#is DepartmentAs letter :o. OOOOOOOOOOOO..
;ii< @it# reference to t#e correspondence resting=ending, 7it# your=t#is DepartmentAs letter
"o be typed on copies intended for ;!< and ;$< referred to in t#e endorsement.
APPENDI3 <- contd/
A2B De-%-O''%$%a1 1e!!er
De/#!* Se$re!ar*
"ele C :o.
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOO..
Ne> De1)% !)e 2000
My dear=Dear S#ri OOOOOOOO.
@e propose to dra7 up a model sc#eme for OOOOOOOOOOOOO A copy of t#e outline prepared
in t#is connection is enclosed.
* s#ould be grateful if you 7ould let me #ave your comments as soon as possible. * may add t#at 7e intend
circulating t#e drafts sc#eme formally to all departments in due course for t#eir comments.
@it# regards.
Jours sincerely
Deputy Secretary
Department of OOOOOOOOOO
;OOOOOOOOOO.. 6ib#ag<
Rris#i '#a7an,
:e7 Del#i !!333!.
APP5:D*T 0 N contd/
A3B O''%$e Me-ora"#-
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOOOO..
;OOOOOOOOO. 6ib#ag<
Ne> De1)%, !)e
Sub>ect C
Reference is invited to t#is Department O.M. :o. OOOOOOOOOOOO........................ dated
$. Doubts #ave been e8pressed 7#et#er t#e provisions of OOOOOOOO also apply to
OOOOOOOOOO *t is #ereby clarified t#at OOOOOOOO
1nder Secretary to t#e Govt. of *ndia
"ele. :o. OOOOO..
"#e Department of OOOOOO
;OOOOO. 6ib#ag<
Jo>ana '#avan
Parliament Street
:e7 Del#i !!333!.
APPENDI3 < & contd!
A6B I!er-"e/ar!-e!a1 o!e
;'#arat Sar2ar<
De/ar!-e! o' MMMMMM
;OOOOOOOOO 6ib#ag<
Sub>ect C
!. "#e present rules regulating t#e issue of identity cards provide inter alia t#at OOOOO
$. A ,uestion #as no7 arisen 7#et#er OOOOOOOOOOO..
). "#is department 7ill be grateful for t#e advice of t#e Department of 9egal Affairs on t#e issue raised in
para ( above.
De/#!* Se$re!ar*
"ele. :o.
De/ar!-e! o' Lega1 A''a%r( A.%")% 4ar*a .%0)agB, AS)r%MMMMB, S)a(!r% B)a>a, Ne> De1)%
Department of OOOO. ;6id#i Rarya 6ib#ag< *D :o. OOO. Dated OOOOOOO.
APPENDI3 < & contd!
A7B E$1a%r Te1egra-
:o OOOOO..
OOOOOOO R5O95"RJ95" M19J "5:"+ S"OP 5TP5D*"5 '1DG5"
:O" "O '5 "595GRAP+5D
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"el. :oOOOOO..
Department of OOOOOOO..
; OOOOOOO.. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
%opy by post in confirmation.
for Under Secretary to the !ovt/ of &ndia
"#e Director of %ensus Operations,
Ma#aras#tra Sac#ivalaya,
@#ere necessary
"elegrap#ic address of addressee=sender.
Stands for GReference our letter=Reference your letterA
:ote C "#e form of tele8 message 7ill be similar to t#at of telegram.
APPENDI3 < & contd/
A8B O''%$e Or"er
Specimen - 3
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOO..
;OOOOOO.. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
S#ri J.T.I., a permanent lo7er division cler2 in t#is department, is granted earned leave for
OOOOOOOO.. days from OOOOOO to OOOOOO. @it# permission to prefi8
OOOOOOOOOOO. A public #oliday, to t#e leave.
$. *t is certified t#at S#ri T.J.I. is li2ely, on t#e e8piry of t#is leave, to return to duty at t#e station from
7#ic# #e proceeded on leave.
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
Copy to ;
!. Office order file
$. %as#ier
&. Section concerned
(. S#ri T.J.I. 9.D.%.
S/e$%-e & II
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOO.
;OOOOOOO. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
*t #as been decided to transfer t#e 7or2 relating to OOOOOOOO.. from OOOOOOO. Section to
OOOOOOOO.. section.
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
Co/* !o E-
APP5:D*T 0 N contd/
S/e$%-e - I
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOO
;OOOOOOO 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the !0
Sanction of t#e President is accorded under rule !3 of t#e Delegation of 4inancial Po7ers Rules, to t#e 7rite
off irrecoverable loss of Rs. )333 ;Rupees 4ive "#ousands only< being t#e value of t#e follo7ing articles
belonging to t#is department.
;!< T T T T T
;$< T T T T T
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
%opy for7arded to C
!. "#e A.G.%.R., :e7 Del#i.
$. *nternal 4inance Section.
&. %as# Section.
S/e$%-e & II
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOO
;OOOOOOO 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the !0
S#ri OOOOO.......OOOOO lo7er division cler2 in t#e Department of OO...............OOO. is #ereby
informed t#at it is proposed to ta2e action against #im under rule ..................................
of ...........................................
$. S#ri OOOOOOOOOO is #ereby given an opportunity to ma2e suc# representation as #e may 7is#
to ma2e against t#e proposal.
De/#!* Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"el, :o. OOOOO..
S#ri 9.D.%.
APPENDI3 < & contd/
S/e$%-e - I
P"o be publis#ed in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia, Part *, Section $Q
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOOOOO.
;OOOOOOOOO. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
:o. OOOOOO. S#ri T.J.I., 1nder Secretary in t#e Department of OOOOOOOO.. is appointed to
officiate as Deputy Secretary in t#at Department vice S#ri OOOOOOOO transferred to t#e Department of
Oo%! Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"#e Manager,
Government of *ndia Press,
;'#arat Sar2ar Press< 4AR*DA'AD
:o. OOOOOOOO. 8e% Delhi4 the $333
%opy for7arded for information to C
U"er Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
S/e$%-e & II
P"o be publis#ed in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia, Part **, Section & Subsection ;ii<Q
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOOOO..
;OOOOOOOOO 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
:o. S.O. OOOOOOOOO. *n e8ercise of t#e po7ers conferred by Section ( of t#e Supply and Prices
of Goods Act, !0)3 ;9TT of !0)3< OOOOOOOOO.. t#e %entral Government #ereby fi8 t#e follo7ing
sc#edule of ma8imum price OOOOOOOOOOOOO P:o OOOOOOOOOO.Q
Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"#e Manager,
Government of *ndia Press,
;'#arat Sar2ar Press<
:e7 Del#i.
5ndorsement s#ould be typed on all copies e8cept t#e one intended for t#e press.
APPENDI3 < & contd/
;"o be publis#ed in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia, Part *, Section !<
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOO
;OOOOOO. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
"#e Government of *ndia #ave #ad under consideration t#e ,uestion of furt#er improving t#e efficiency of
t#e departments and services concerned 7it# t#e collection of revenue. As a first step in t#at direction t#e President
#as been pleased, under t#e po7ers vested in #im by previous to Article &30 of t#e %onstitution of *ndia, to decide
t#at a %lass * %entral PService to be 2no7n as G*ndia Revenue ServiceA s#ould be constituted 7it# effect from
Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,er-e! o' I"%a
ORD5R5D t#at a copy of t#e resolution be communicated to OOOOOOOOO
ORD5R5D also t#at t#e resolution be publis#ed in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia for general information.
Se$re!ar* !o !)e +o,!. o' I"%a
"#e Manager,
Government of *ndia Press,
;'#arat Sar2ar Press<
APPENDI3 < & contd/
A50B Pre(( Co--#%?#eDo!e
:ot to be publis#ed or broadcast before OOOOOO.. a.m.=p.m. on OOOOO day, t#e
*n response to public demand, t#e Government of *ndia #ave appointed a commission to go into t#e problem
of OOOOOOO.. and ma2e suitable recommendations to t#e Government.
$. "#e %ommission 7ill consist of S#ri OOOOOOOO.. as %#airman and t#e follo7ing as membersD
&. *n ma2ing its recommendations, t#e %ommission is e8pected to give consideration to t#e follo7ing
(. "#e %ommission is e8pected to submit its report to t#e Government by OOOOOOOO
Department of OOOOOOO..
;OOOOOOO 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
4or7arded to t#e Principal *nformation Officer, Press *nformation 'ureau, Government of *ndia, :e7 Del#i,
for issuing t#e communi,uZ and giving it 7ide publicity.
; A.'.% <
Moint Secretary
APPENDI3 < & contd/
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
Department of OOOOOOOO
;OOOOOOO. 6ib#ag<
8e% Delhi4 the $333
A copy eac# of t#e under mentioned papers is for7arded for information and necessary action.
Under Secretary to the !ovt/ of &ndia
"ele. :o. OOOOO
9ist of papers for7arded.
:O"5 C "#e above is a specimen of endorsement as an independent forms of communication. "#ere can,
#o7ever, be endorsement belo7 ot#er forms of communications also. e.g., letter, notification as s#o7n in specimen
forms ;!< and ;0<.
58tracts from t#e *ndian "elegrap# Rules and P & " Manual regarding classification and use of urgency
gradings for State "elegrams
PAide para )3;)<;c<Q
I"%a Te1egra/) R#1e(
R#1e 563. C1a((%'%$a!%o a" or"er o' Pr%or%!* 'or S!a!e Te1egra-( E
;!< "#e follo7ing classification indicates in descending order t#e priority 7#ic# regulates t#e disposal
of State telegrams, namely C
;i< S6+.
;ii< Most *mmediate and Operations *mmediate.
;iii< *mmediate.
;$< Officers empo7ered to send State telegrams aut#orised in t#is be#alf by t#e DirectorGeneral, may
use t#ese priority indications and obtain for t#eir telegrams precedence over all telegrams of a lo7er indication
a7aiting disposal. "elegrams in t#e course of transmission s#all not be interrupted e8cept to prevent delay in
disposal of telegrams classed G*MM5D*A"5A or #ig#er priority.
;&< "#ese indications s#all be 7ritten immediately before t#e address of t#e telegram and 7ill be
transmitted free.
;(< "elegrams bearing t#e same priority indications s#all be disposed of in t#e order in 7#ic# t#ey are
;)< "#e priority indications mentioned in subrule ;!< s#all operate in respect of telegrams to Sri 9an2a
and :epal in respect of foreign telegrams 7#ilst 7it#in *ndian limits.
R#1e 566. C)arge(. N MOS" *MM5D*A"5, OP5RA"*O:S *MM5D*A"5, *MM5D*A"5 A:D
@5A"+5R *MM5D*A"5, inland telegrams s#all be c#arged at double t#e rates for 58press telegrams. S6+
"elegrams s#all be c#arged at t#e rates for Ordinary "elegrams. 58press and Ordinary State telegrams s#all be
c#arged at t#e rates fi8ed for private telegrams of t#e same %lass ;Rule -3<.
Telegrams relating to safety of human life
R#1e 567. N "elegrams relating to t#e safety of #uman life in maritime or aerial navigation s#all bear t#e
service instruction KS6+L 7ritten by t#e sender or t#e office of origin and telegrams so 7ritten s#all be given
priority in transmission above BMost *mmediateB Priority "elegrams. Suc# telegrams s#all be delivered to t#e
addressee at once by t#e office of delivery. 5very office 7#ic# receives a telegram of t#is category classed eit#er as
a State "elegram or a Service "elegram or a Meteorological "elegram s#all #andle it 7it# topmost priority at all
P ; T Ma#a1 A.o1#-e 3I-Par!( I ; IIB
Para 256. Mo(! I--e"%a!e, O/era!%o( I--e"%a!e a" I--e"%a!e Te1egra-(. "#e indication
BOperations *mmediateB is reserved for messages directly connected 7it# naval, military or air emergency
operations. "#e remaining indications vi5/ Most *mmediate and *mmediate may be used for any Government
purpose 7#en t#e degree of urgency >ustifies. "#oug# S6+ telegrams in t#e *nland Service including telegrams to
Sri 9an2a or :epal are no7 c#arged at ORD*:ARJ rate, t#ey s#ould be given due priority as mentioned in *.".R.
APPENDI3 50--contd!
9ist of officials aut#orised to send Most *mmediate, Operations *mmediate and *mmediate telegrams are
given in Appendi8 0, in Part *** of t#is 6olume.
;a< A degree of priority aut#orised for use by any particular officer may be e8ercised by t#at OfficerAs
*mmediate deputy ;and no one else< 7#en t#e aut#orised Officer is a7ay from #ead,uarters.
;b< *n e8ceptional circumstances, any Officer may use any degree of priority #e considers necessary.
:O"5C "#e Department does not accept any responsibility for verifying t#at t#e Officer boo2ings a
telegram 7it# a particular degree of priority is actually aut#orised to do so but reasonable care
must be ta2en in c#ec2ing t#e aut#enticity of suc# telegramsD any case of clear infringement of t#e
order on t#e sub>ect s#ould be broug#t to t#e notice of t#e +eads of %ircle.
Para 257. "#e *nstructions given in *ndian "elegrap# Rule !(& regarding State messages of t#e degree of
priority *mmediate and above must be strictly enforced. +eads of offices 7ill be #eld responsible for any breac#
t#ereof. "#e 7ords Most *mmediate, Operations *mmediate or *mmediate 7#ic# are not c#arged for, s#ould be
signaled as Service *nstruction immediately before t#e address t#us. N Most *mmediate, Governor 'engal, S6+.
Most *mmediate, Operations *mmediate or *mmediate telegrams s#ould invariably be signaled in t#e presence of a
supervisor or a "elegrap# Master or t#e Senior official present. "o permit of t#is being done, t#e Signal %"M
s#ould follo7 t#e class Prefi8 or @arning Signal K333L. "#e Supervisor or "elegrap# Master or Senior official 7#o
supervises t#e prompt disposal of a Most *mmediate, Operations *mmediate, or an *mmediate telegram s#ould
initial t#e telegram form in to2en of #is #aving dealt 7it# it PSee also paras (- and $!0 ;iv<Q.
:ot reproduced, Secretariat officers of and above t#e ran2 of deputy secretary are aut#orised to use t#e grading
Composition of the !a5ette of &ndia and instructions for sending material for publication therein
PAide para )3;!!<Q
A. Co-/o(%!%o
Part Section "ype of matter to be publis#ed
;"o be publis#ed from 4aridabad<
;"o be publis#ed from Del#i<
:otifications relating to resolutions and nonstatutory
orders issued by t#e ministries of t#e Government of
*ndia ;ot#er t#an t#e Ministry of Defence<.
:otifications regarding appointments, promotions, etc.
of government officers issued by t#e ministries of t#e
Government of *ndia ;ot#er t#an t#e Ministry of
:otifications relating to resolutions and nonstatutory
orders issued by t#e Ministry of Defence.
:otifications regarding appointments, promotions, etc.
of government officers issued by t#e Ministry of
Acts, ordinances and regulations.
Publication of t#e aut#oritative te8ts in +indi
language of Acts, ordinances and regulations.
'ills and reports of Select %ommittees on 'ills.
Sub*Section -i. General statutory rules ;including
orders, byela7s, etc., of a general c#aracter< issued by
t#e ministries of t#e Government of *ndia ;ot#er t#an
t#e Ministry of Defence< and by central aut#orities
;ot#er t#an t#e administrations of 1nion "erritories<
Sub*Section -ii. Statutory orders and notifications
issued by t#e ministries of t#e Government of *ndia
;ot#er t#an t#e Ministry of Defence< and by central
aut#orities ;ot#er t#an t#e administrations of 1nion
APPENDI3 55 & contd/
Part Section "ype of matter to be publis#ed
;"o be publis#ed from 4aridabad<
;"o be publis#ed from 4aridabad<
;"o be publis#ed from 4aridabad<
Aut#oritative te8ts in +indi ;ot#er t#an suc# te8ts
publis#ed in section & or section (< of general
statutory rules and statutory orders ;including bye
la7s of general c#aracter< issued by t#e ministries of
t#e Government of *ndia ;including t#e Ministry of
Defence< and by central aut#orities ;ot#er t#an
administrations of 1nion "erritories<
Statutory rules and orders issued by t#e Ministry of
:otifications issued by t#e Supreme %ourt,
%omptroller and Auditor General, 1nion Public
Service %ommission, Rail7ay Administration, +ig#
%ourts and t#e attac#ed and subordinate offices of t#e
Government of *ndia.
:otification and notices issued by t#e Patent Office,
:otifications issued by or under t#e aut#ority of %#ief
Miscellaneous notifications including notifications,
orders, advertisements and notices issued by t#e
statutory bodies.
Advertisements and notices by private individuals and
private bodies.
Supplement s#o7ing statistics of birt#s and deat#s,
etc. bot# in 5nglis# and +indi.
:O"5 ! N :otifications to be publis#ed in subsection ;i< of Section & of Part ** are serial numbered by press
as GG.S.R. OOOOOO and t#ose publis#ed in subsection ;ii< as GSAO GOO.OOOOA "#e identification
numbers given by t#e ministries 7ill appear 7it#in brac2ets at t#e end of notification.A
:O"5 $ N @ee2ly statements of t#e Reserve 'an2 of *ndia publis#ed by t#e %entral Government under
Section )& ;i< of t#e Reserve 'an2 of *ndia Act, !0&( is publis#ed in subsection ;ii< of Section & of Part **.
:O"5 & N Part ** of t#e Ga?ette is publis#ed in octavo form so t#at eac# section mig#t, be bound at t#e end
of t#e year in a form convenient for reference.
APPENDI3 55 & contd!
B. I(!r#$!%o(
!. "#e part and t#e section of t#e ga?ette in 7#ic# t#e matter is to be publis#ed ;vide GAA.
*nstructionsA above< s#ould invariably be indicated on t#e top of t#e copy for t#e guidance of t#e press. *n case of
doubt as to 7#et#er a notification s#ould be treated as a statutory rule or order and publis#ed in subsection ;i< or
subsection ;ii< of section &, as t#e case may be, of Part **, t#e Ministry of 9a7 s#ould be consulted.
$. "#e original typescript copy, signed by a competent officer, s#ould alone be sent to t#e press.
%yclostyled copy, carbon copy or a copy 7#ic# does not bear t#e officerAs signature 7ill not be accepted by t#e
press. %orrections, if any, in t#e copy sent to t#e press, s#ould be legible and attested by t#e officer signing it.
&. 58traordinary issues of t#e Ga?ette can be publis#ed 7#enever necessary. :o matter s#ould be
re,uired to be publis#ed in a Ga?ette 58traordinary unless it is of suc# urgent nature t#at it cannot 7ait until t#e
publication of t#e ne8t ordinary issue of t#e Ga?ette.
(. *n fi8ing t#e date 7#ic# a Ga?ette 58traordinary s#ould bear, t#e timesc#edule prescribed by t#e
%#ief %ontroller of Printing and Stationery s#ould be observed. @#ere for any special reasons t#is is not
practicable, t#e Government Press s#ould be consulted before fi8ing a date.
). "#e notification to be publis#ed in a Ga?ette 58traordinary or t#e for7arding letter s#ould
invariably be signed by an officer not lo7er in ran2 t#an a >oint secretary.
-. All notifications intended for publication as Be8traordinary issuesB irrespective of t#e part, section,
or subsection, in 7#ic# t#ey are to appear, s#ould be sent to t#e Government of *ndia Press, :e7 Del#i. "#e part
and t#e section of t#e Ga?ette in 7#ic# t#e notification 7ould normally #ave been publis#ed 7ill be indicated by
t#at press in t#e issue itself.
.. !) copies of every notification of general public importance 7ill be sent by t#e department issuing
it to t#e Parliament 9ibrary at t#e same time 7#en it is sent for publication in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia. A copy of t#e
letter, for7arding t#e copies to t#e Parliament 9ibrary, 7ill be endorsed to t#e 9o2 Sab#a Secretariat and t#e Ra>ya
Sab#a Secretariat along 7it# a copy of concerned :otification to eac# of t#em.
/. :ot less t#an ten copies of every statutory :otification 7ill be sent by t#e department issuing it to
t#e 9egislative Department of t#e Ministry of 9a7, Mustice and %ompany Affairs, on t#e date on 7#ic# it is sent for
publication in t#e Ga?ette of *ndia.
Distribution Chart
PAide para /!;!<Q
:ame of typist 1nits ;pages< of typing 7or2 allotted
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3 !! !$ !& !( !) !- !. !/ !0 $3
!. @#en a typist is initially assigned typing 7or2 a red line of appropriate lengt# ;i.e. representing t#e
units of typing 7or2 allotted 7ill be dra7n against #is name. @#en a furt#er item of typing 7or2 is
given to t#e same typist, t#e red line already dra7n 7ill be e8tended by an appropriate lengt#.
$. Matter re,uired to be typed s#ould be measured in terms of pages according to t#e norms prescribed by
t#e staff *nspection 1nit.
TypistsB Diary
PAide para /!;$<Q
Date *ssue diary :o. of draft Date on 7#ic# typed
! $ &
*f t#e section officer reallocates t#e unfinis#ed 7or2 to any ot#er typist, #e 7ill score out t#e relevant entry
and attest it 7it# #is dated initials.
&ssue Diary
PAide para /$;!<Q
S.:o. Draft :o. "ypist to 7#om mar2ed Date on 7#ic# returned to t#e
! $ & (
!. 5ntries in t#is diary 7ill be made in t#e order of t#e mac#ine numbers stamped on t#e drafts so t#at
column ! & reflects t#e mac#ine numbers.
$. *f a draft is accompanied by a file, letter ;4< 7ill be added to t#e entry in t#is column, as !=&=0-O &
Specimen form for authentication of communications for issue
PAide para /(;&<Q
:o. $3=&=/.9etter !
GO65R:M5:" O4 *:D*A
;'#arat Sar2ar<
;OOOOOOOO.. ;6ib#ag< OOOOOO.
:e7 Del#i, dated OOOOOOOOOOO...
O44*%5 M5MORA:D1M
S1'M5%" C
Sub>ect to t#e e8igencies of 7or2, #eads of offices may permit Government employees 7#o 7is# to >oin t#e
public 7elcome to be accorded to OOOOOOOOO. on #is arrival in Del#i on OOOOOOOOOOO. to
absent t#emselves from offices bet7een OO.....................OOOOO. #ours and
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. #ours. "#ey s#ould ta2e positions round about t#e 6i>ay %#o72 and on
t#e t7o sides of t#e road bet7een :ort# and Sout# 'loc2s as OOOOOOOOOOOO is e8pected to pass t#at
7ay bet7een t#ese #ours.
All attac#ed and subordinate offices of t#e Ministry of 4inance etc., in :e7 Del#i may be informed
Sd= A.'.%.
Deputy Secretary to the !ovt/ of &ndia
"ele. :o. C
A1"+OR*S5D 4OR *SS15
Section fficer
All Ministries=Departments of t#e Government of *ndia, etc.
Despatch register for postal communications only
PAide para /-;$<Q
S.:o. :umber of
Addressee 6alue of stamps affi8ed
! $ & (
!. Separate registers 7ill be maintained for ;a< foreign post ;b< telegrams and ;c< ot#er inland post.
$. 5ntries in column ( 7ill be totalled up at t#e end of t#e day and t#e total indicated in red in2.
"evised procedure for maintenance of service postage stamp account
PAide para /-;.<Q
;!< All communications intended to be sent by post 7ill be placed in addressed envelopes, after observing
t#e provisions of para .0;)<.
;$< After affi8ing postage stamps of t#e re,uisite value t#e envelopes 7ould be sorted out into groups 7it#
t#e same value of stamps.
;&< "#e total number of envelopes in eac# groups 7ould be indicated in t#e GRegister of Daily Abstract of
Stamps 1sedA 7#ic# 7ould be maintained in t#e form as at Anne8ure to t#is Appendi8. "#is register is in lieu of
t#e despatc# register for postal communications at Appendi8 !- as per para /3;$<. "#e total value of t#e stamps
used during a day as added up in t#is abstract, 7ill be entered under column ( of t#e stamps account register
prescribed in Appendi8 !/ as per para /(;!<.
;(< "#e correctness of t#e entries of outgoing envelopes in t#e GRegister of Daily Abstract of Stamps 1sedA
7ould be c#ec2ed by t#e supervisor of t#e central R & * section at least once a 7ee2 by actual count of t#e covers
ready for despatc#. "#e c#ec2 s#ould be a surprise one and a certificate of t#e c#ec2 made and its results s#ould be
recorded in t#e register. "#e branc# officer in c#arge 7ould also ma2e a mont#ly c#ec2 of t#is register.
;)< *t is to be noted t#at t#e despatc# register for foreign da2 for 7#ic# ordinary postage stamps are used 7ill
continue to be maintained in t#e form at Appendi8 !-, as t#is procedure 7ill not apply to suc# da2.
A::5T1R5 "O APP5:D*T !.
Model ,orm
"egister of Daily Abstract of Service Postage Stamps Used
S.:o. 6alue of stamps on
eac# cover
:o. of covers "otal value
of stamps
*nitials of t#e section
! $ & ( )
WRegistered letters
W*nsured letters
Dated t#e &3
Mune, $33!
:O"5 C
*n case of registered and insured articles as 7ell as telegrams, t#e total number of suc# items despatc#ed 7ill be
s#o7n in %olumn & and t#e total value of stamps used during t#e day on t#e basis of postal receipts 7ill be indicated in column
Stamps Account "egister
PAide para 03;!<Q
6alue of stamps
'alance at close of
t#e day
;cols. $[&(<
Signature of
*n #and t#e
1sed during
t#e day
Despatc#er Section
! $ & ( ) - .
!. Separate registers s#ould be maintained for ;a< ordinary postage stamps and ;b< service postage
$. %olumn $ 7ill repeat t#e figure in column ) of t#e previous day.
&. *n t#e case of ordinary postage stamps, column ( s#ould reproduce t#e daily total struc2 in despatc#
registers for foreign da2. *n t#e case of service postage stamps t#is column s#ould reproduce t#e sum
of t#e daily totals struc2 in C
;a< despatc# register for telegrams.
;b< Despatc# register for inland post, and
;c< Postal registration boo2s PAide para /3;(<Q.
Section Despatch "egister
PAide para 0!;!<;d<Q
S.:o :umber
of t#e
Addressee *ssued
Remar2s:ature of
t#e issue e.g., letter
of telegram, etc.
*n +indi *n 5nglis# 'ilingually
! $ & ( ) - .
:ote C Put in t#e relevant column from among columns (-.
Statement of cases other than those of a routine nature disposed of %ithout reference to the minister*in*
PAide para 0! ;$<;b<;i<Q
Ministry=Department of OOOOOOOOO @ee2 ending OOOOO
S.:o. 4ile :o. 'rief Sub>ect :ature of
decision ta2en
9evel at 7#ic#
Date of
! $ & ( ) -
6ssentials of a functional file inde$ and an identifying file numbering system
PAide para 0(;&<Q
!. +asic heads *dentify and list basic functions of t#e department, t#ese may be called Bbasic ;or group<
#eadsB e.g. Blabour relationsB, BforeignersB, Bfertili?ersB.
$. Primary heads N 9ist under eac# function ;i.e. basic=group #eads< its main activities identifying t#em by
appropriate sub>ect #eadings called Bprimary #eadsB.
&. Secondary heads N Divide eac# primary #ead into subsub>ects or aspects called Bsecondary #eadsB.
(. Tertiary heads @#ere necessary, brea2 do7n eac# secondary #ead into its various 2no7n factors
called Btertiary #eadsB.
). ,urther subdivisions N *n t#is 7ay t#e process of brea2ing do7n t#e function could be e8tended to
several descending, consecutive ec#elons according to needs.
-. 6$amples N 58amples of basic, primary, secondary and tertiary #eads are given in t#e anne8ure.
.. "ational se)uence N *n dra7ing up lists of basic, primary, secondary and tertiary #eads and t#eir furt#er
subdivisions, 7#ere necessary, some rational se,uence in arranging t#e #eads in t#e same list may be follo7ed.
Suc# an arrangement may reflect organic or procedural relations#ip among t#e different #eads of to adopt any of
t#e follo7ing orders or a combination t#ereof as convenient C
- a step7ise process
- an alp#abetical order ;particularly 7#en representing regions, produces, commodities, clients,
organisations or institutions<
- descending levels of importance of #eads.
- diminis#ing fre,uency of occurrence of different events identified by suitable #eads.
"#e first t7o places in t#e list of secondary #eads under eac# sub>ect may be uniformly reserved for BgeneralB
and BpolicyB matters.
5ntries in eac# list of standardised #eads ;vi5. 1nder basic #eads, primary #eads, secondary #eads, tertiary
#eads and so on< may be arranged in alp#abetical order, if any ot#er type of se,uence as not been follo7ed.
/. &dentification of basic heads N *f t#e number of basic #eads be large, eac# may be identified by a group
of $ to & letters p#onetically selected. *f it be small not e8ceeding !3, t#ey may be identified by assigning
consecutive Roman numerals to t#em.
4or e8ample, in t#e field of agriculture, t#e basic #eads Bfertili?ersB, BseedsB, Bplant protectionB, etc. could be
symbolised by B4ortB, BSdB, BPpnB, etc., respectively.
APPENDI3 25 & $o!"/
0. &dentification of primary heads N :e8t, t#e primary #eads 7ill eac# be identified by a group of $digit
Arabic numerals beginning 7it# !! and continuing in consecutive order upto 00.
!3. &dentification of secondary and tertiary divisions N Similarly, eac# secondary #ead, as also eac# tertiary
#ead, 7ill be identified by a group of $digit Arabic numerals beginning 7it# !! and going upto 00.
!!. Deviations N *f t#e sub>ects be simple relating to a fres# or recent activity, t#ey may 7ell be covered by
one list of primary #eads alone or by a t7olevel list of primary #eads and secondary #eads. 5ac# primary #eads or
secondary #ead could t#en be identified as in / and 0 above.
Progressive increase in levels develops as t#e number of functions increases, so also 7#en t#e number of
activities under eac# function and t#e number of operations under eac# activity increase.
!$. 6$ception N *f a paper re,uiring filing is suc# as apparently does not relate to any of t#e approved lists,
t#e follo7ing ,uestions may be relevant C
;i< 7#et#er it can come under any factor #eading i.e. a tertiary #eading as related to a secondary #eadingD
;ii< 7#et#er it seems allied to a secondary #eading as related to a primary #eadingD and if not
;iii< 7#et#er it could be broug#t under an additional #eading placed at appropriate point in t#e list of
primary #eadings.
*f not#ing suggests, it may be temporarily placed in t#e list of primary #eadings as t#e last item.
!&. ,ile code N "#e file may t#en be assigned an alp#anumeric code symbol composed in t#e follo7ing
se,uence C
;i< a single letter or a group of $& letters, or a Roman numerical representing t#e basic #ead follo7ed by a
#yp#en as t#e separatorD
;ii< a $digit group of Arabic numerals representing primary #ead follo7ed by ?ero as t#e separatorD
;iii< a $digit group of Arabic numerals identifying t#e secondary #ead follo7ed by a slant stro2e as t#e
;iv< serial number of t#e file opened during t#e year under t#e secondary #ead, follo7ed by a slant stro2e
as t#e separatorD
;v< a $digit number representing t#e year, follo7ed by a #yp#en as t#e separatorD
;vi< a group of abbreviating letters representing t#e section.
*f t#e file opened relates to a standardised tertiary #ead, a $digit Arabic numeral identifying it, enclosed in
brac2ets, may be inserted before t#e serial number mentioned in ;iv< above and t#e slant stro2e preceding it.
APPENDI3 25 & $o!".
!(. 6$ample. N A file opened by 9abour Relations * section during !00- relating to a stri2e in colliery BTB
may #ave *6 !&3$(=)=0-=9R* as t#e file code 7#ere B*6B represents t#e functions group Blabour relationsB. !& t#e
primary #ead Bstri2esB, B3B t#e separator, B$(B t#e secondary #ead Bcoal minesB, B)B t#e serial number of t#e file opened
during t#e year under t#e secondary #ead Bcoal minesB to describe t#e colliery involved, B0-B t#e year of opening t#e
file and B9R*B t#e section concerned.
"o cite anot#er e8ample, a file opened by 4oreigners ** section to e8amine an application of Mr. 4errari, a
4renc# national, to visit *ndia may bear t#e coded number 4 !.3!$=$=0-4** 7#ere B4B represents t#e group #ead
B4oreignersB, B!.A t#e primary #ead Gvisa=endorsementA, GOA t#e separator, B!$A t#e secondary #ead B4renc#A B$B t#e
serial number of t#e file opened during t#e year under t#at #ead, B0-B t#e year of opening t#e file, and B4**B t#e
concerned section.
Similarly, in 4ertiliser *6 section, file relating to fertiliser imports could carry t#e code 4rt!03!$=&=0-4*6
#ere B4rtB 7ould denote t#e basic #ead BfertilisersB and t#e ot#er symbols 7ould be as e8plained in t#e above t7o
!). ,ile title. N A complete title of t#e file 7ill normally consist of t#e appropriate standardised #eads ;from t#e BbasicB
#ead do7n7ards eac# separated by a #yp#en< follo7ed by a very brief content to describe t#e particular ,uestion issue, event,
person, t#ing, place, etc. involved. "#e basic #ead, #o7ever, need not form part of t#e title, 7#en N
;a< t#e total number of suc# #eads is small and from t#eir identifying Roman numerals, t#ey can easily be
2no7nD or
;b< t#e basic #ead is identified by a letter or a group of letters p#onetically selected.
!-. &nde$ing. N *n inde8ing files opened under t#e functional filing system, inde8 slips need not be prepared
in respect of t#e standardised ;i.e., basic, primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.< #eads as t#e identification codes
assigned to t#em can easily be ascertained by reference to t#e standardised inde8 as developed. +o7ever, t#e
BcontentB of t#e file title ;i/e/ outside t#e standardised #eadings< may be inde8ed if it contains a catc# 7ord 7#ic# is
li2ely to #elp in recalling t#e case.
4or instance, a file 7it# t#e title U9abour relations N stri2es N %oal mines N Sing#b#um %olliery D#anbad N
report regarding NU need not be inde8ed under Blabour relationsB, Bstri2esB, and B%oalminesB 7#ic# are standardised
basic, primary and secondary #eads respectively. +o7ever, it may be inde8ed under BSing#b#umB and BD#anbadB,
t#e names of t#e particular colliery and place involved in t#e stri2e. "#e inde8 slip relating to files opened under
t#e same secondary, tertiary or t#e lo7est standardised division 7ill be maintained in a single series in t#e
alp#abetical order of t#e catc#7ords used in t#e titles.
*n t#e departmental inde8, t#ese inde8 slips could be very easily and briefly consolidated as follo7s by
indicating only t#eir subnumber and not t#e full file :o.
B9A'O1R R59A"*O:S N S"R*R5S N %oalmines. ;*6!&3$(<B
Arora Collieries ;.<
+anning of N Procedure ;&<
Duggal Collieries ;0<
8otice N Minimum period ;$<
Singhbhum Collieries4 Dhanbad ;!<
6$amples of basic4 primary4 secondary and tertiary heads
'asic +ead Primary +ead Secondary +ead "ertiary +ead
9abour Relations
Ad>udication of
Acts and Statutory
Special permits
58tension of stay
%oal mines
Oil fields
Passport ;entry into *ndia<
Registration of 4oreigners
4oreigners Act=Rules
%iti?ens#ip Act=Rules
4oreign e8c#ange
1 R credit
'arter=lin2 deals
,ile "egister
PAide para 0.Q
4ile :o. Sub>ect Date of %lassification ;and
year of revie7<
Opening %losing
! $ & ( ) -
!. 5ntries in columns !& 7ill be made at t#e time of opening files and t#ose in columns ( and ) at
t#e time of recording and revie7ing t#em.
$. Jear of revie7 in column ) is re,uired to be indicated only in t#e case of class G%A files.
&. *f as a result of t#e revie7, a file is mar2ed for furt#er retention, t#e year of t#e ne8t revie7 7ill be
7or2ed out and indicated in column ).
(. @#en a file is transferred to t#e departmental record room or to anot#er section department, t#e
fact of suc# transfer and t#e relevant date, 7ill be indicated in column - N e.g.
D.R.R. M.+.A
-!$33! !-$$33!
Similarly 7#en t#e file is mar2ed for destruction, an entry regarding t#e fact and t#e year of destruction 7ill be
made in t#is column.
F%1e Mo,e-e! Reg%(!er
P Aide para 2DD.E
To >)o- Da!e To >)o- Da!e To >)o- Da!e To >)o- Da!e
Space for recording movements of part files
:O"5S C ;!< Movement 7ill be mar2ed by indicating t#e officer, section or department to 7#ic# t#e file #as been sent 7it#
date of sending belo7 it, e.g.
4ile :o.
0;;E)23> 2? @ contd!
;$< Movement of t#e lin2ed files 7ill be mar2ed in t#e space allotted in file movement register for t#e file 7it#
7#ic# t#ese are lin2ed as illustrated belo7 N
4ile :o. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............................
9in2ed files C
SSSSSSSSS !. 4. :o. .........................................................................
!0$$33! $. 4. :o. ...........................................................
;&< *n t#e space allotted for eac# of t#e lin2ed files in t#e file movement register t#e movement 7ill be mar2ed
as illustrated belo7 N
4ile :o. .................................................................................................................................
SSSSSSSSS 9in2ed 7it# 4ile :o. ............................................................
;(< *n t#e space allotted in t#e file movement register for t#e file 7it# 7#ic# recorded files #ave been put up,
t#e movement 7ill be mar2ed as illustrated belo7 N
4ile :o. .................................................................................................................................
DS;:< 7it# recorded 4iles
!0$$33! !. 4. :o. ..........................................................................
$. 4. :o. ..........................................................................
"egister for %atching the progress of recording
PAide para !3(;$< ;b< and ;&<Q
Section OOOOOOOO. Mont# and year OOOOOOO..
4iles mar2ed for record during t#e mont# 4iles recorded during t#e mont#
S.:o. 4.:o. S.:o. 4.:o.
! $ & (
&llustrative list of records fit for permanent preservation because of -A. their value for administrative
purposes4 and -+. their historical importance/
PAide para!3) ;!<;a<, ;b< and ;$<Q
A & Re$or"( o' ,a1#e 'or a"-%%(!ra!%,e /#r/o(e(
Papers of t#e follo7ing categories 7ill normally be among t#ose re,uired to be 2ept indefinitely for
administrationAs use C
;!< Papers containing evidence of rig#ts or obligations of or against t#e government, e.g., title to property,
claims for compensation not sub>ect to a time limit, formal instruments suc# as a7ards, sc#emes, orders,
sanctions, etc.
;$< Papers relating to ma>or policy decisions, including t#ose relating to t#e preparation of legislation.
;&< Papers regarding constitution, functions and 7or2ing of important committees, 7or2ing groups, etc.
;(< Papers providing lasting precedents for important procedures, e.g., administrative memoranda, #istorical
reports and summaries, legal opinions on important matters.
;)< Papers concerning rules, regulations, departmental guides or instructions of general application.
;-< Papers relating to salient features of organisation and staffing of government departments and offices.
;.< Papers relating to important litigation or Gcauses celebresA in 7#ic# t#e administration 7as involved.
B & Re$or"( o' H%(!or%$a1 %-/or!a$e
Muc# of t#e material li2ely to be preserved for administrative purposes 7ill be of interest for researc#
purpose as 7ellD but papers of t#e follo7ing categories s#ould be specially considered as of value to #istorians C
;!< Papers relating to t#e origin of a department or agency of governmentD #o7 it 7as organisedD #o7 it
functionedD and ;if defunct< #o7 and 7#y it 7as dissolved.
;$< Data about 7#at t#e department=agency accomplis#ed. ;Samples by 7ay of illustration may be enoug#D
but t#e need for suc# samples may be dispensed 7it# 7#ere publis#ed annual reports are available<.
;&< Papers relating to a c#ange of policy. "#is is not al7ays easy to recognise, but 7atc# s#ould be 2ept for
;a< summary for a Minister, ;b< t#e appointment of a departmental or interdepartmental committee or
7or2ing group, and ;c< note for t#e %abinet or a %abinet %ommittee. Generally t#ere s#ould be a
conscious effort to preserve all suc# papers, including t#ose reflecting conflicting points of vie7. *n t#e
case of interdepartmental committees, #o7ever, it is important t#at a complete set of papers be 2ept only
by t#e departments mainly concerned N usually t#e one providing secretariat.
APPENDI3 27 & contd/
;(< Papers relating to t#e implementation of a c#ange of policy, including a complete set of instructions to
e8ecute agencies etc., and relevant forms.
;)< Papers relating to a 7ell2no7n public or international event or cause celebre, or to ot#er events 7#ic#
gave rise to interest or controversy on t#e national plane.
;-< Papers containing direct reference to trends or developments in political, social, economic or ot#er fields,
particularly if t#ey contain unpublis#ed statistical or financial data covering a long period or a 7ide area.
;.< Papers cited in or noted as consulted in connection 7it#, official publications.
;/< Papers relating to t#e more important aspects of scientific or tec#nical researc# and development.
;0< Papers containing matters of local interest of 7#ic# it is unreasonable to e8pect t#at evidence 7ill be
available locally, or comprising synopsis of suc# information covering t#e 7#ole country or a 7ide area.
;!3< Papers relating to obsolete, activities or investigations, or to abortive sc#eme in important fields.
;!!< Any ot#er specific category of records 7#ic#, according to t#e departmental instructions issued in
consultation 7it# t#e :ational Arc#ives, #ave to be treated as genuine source of information on any
aspect of #istory N political, social, economic, etc., or are considered to be of biograp#ical or anti,uarian
APP5:D*T $-
E1ample of titles of files and inde1 slips
JAide /ara( 509A3BA$B,A"B, a" 50<A2BAaBA%%BL
A-&itle ith inde1 heads and sub-heads distinguished
T%!1e o' '%1e T*/e" %"e= (1%/(
5 2 3
collieries' 2hanbad-9eport regarding
&MP"T '&C68S&8!*Capital !oods*Public
Sector Underta#ings*Application from (eavy
6lectricals4 +hopal
,AM&'F P'A88&8!*Aasectomy operations*
,inancial and other incentives for popularising
Singhbhum collieries
Stri2es%oalminesSing#b#um %ollieries, D#anbad
Report Regarding
*MPOR" 9*%5:S*:G
Capital goods
Public Sector Underta#ings
(eavy 6lectricals
*mport licensing%apital goodsPublic Sector
1nderta2ingsApplication from +eavy 5lectricals,
4AM*9J P9A::*:G
4amily planning6asectomy operations4inancial and
ot#er incentives for popularising.
APPENDI3 28-$o!".
5 2 3
B-3nde1 slip as the# ill appear before the# are included in
G Coalmines
G Singhbhum
G Dhanbad
Stri2es%oalminesSing#b#um collieries, D#anbadReport regarding
G Coalmines
G Singhbhum
G Dhanbad
Stri2es%oalminesSing#b#um collieries, D#anbadReport regarding
G Coalmines
G Singhbhum
G Dhanbad
Stri2es%oalminesSing#b#um collieries, D#anbadReport regarding
G Coalmines
G Singhbhum
G Dhanbad
Stri2es%oalminesSing#b#um collieries, D#anbadReport regarding
4AM*9J @594AR5
G Aasectomy
G &ncentives
4amily @elfare6asectomy operations4inancial and ot#er incentives for
APPENDI3 28-$o!".
5 2 3
d slip
G ,AM&'F @6',A"6
G &ncentives
4amily @elfare6asectomy operations4inancial and ot#er incentives for popularising
G ,AM&'F @6',A"6
W 6asectomy
4amily @elfare6asectomy operations4inancial and ot#er incentives for popularising
C-3nde1 slip as the# appear in the departmental 3nde1
Ma% %"e= (1%/ S#0(%"%ar* %"e=
Coalmines*Singhbhum Collieries
DhanbadReport regarding
4AM*9J @594AR5
Aasectomy operations
4inancial and ot#er incentives
for popularising
5. Coalmines
1/ Singhbhum collieries
See ?ST"&H6SB
&. Dhanbad
See ?ST"&H6SB
!. Aasectomy
See G4AM*9J @594AR5A
$. &ncentives
See G4AM*9J @594AR5A
P6ide para !!3Q
Decision or ruling in brief 4ile :o. Page :o. Date
2/ 6ntries in this boo# %ill be made under the appropriate standard*heads and sub*heads arranged in an alphabetical
order/ @here functional filing system is follo%ed4 entries %ill be made under the appropriate basic4 primary4 secondary and
tertiary heads.
$. "#e pages of t#e boo2 7ill be numbered serially and a fe7 pages allotted to eac# standardi?ed #eading under 7#ic#
entries are to be made vide ! above. At t#e beginning t#e boo2 7ill be pasted or 7ritten a list of suc# #eadings and pages
allotted to eac#.
APP5:D*T $/
Re!e!%o ($)e"#1e 'or re$or"( /re($r%0e" % !)e Ma#a1 o' o''%$e Pro$e"#re
PAide para !!!;!<;c<Q
Sl. :o. Description of record Reference to
relevant para of
t#e manual
Retention period ;years<
! $ & (
Da2 register . . . . . . . . . . . .
*nvoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section dairy . . . . . . . . . . . .
Movement slip of receipts . . . . .
AssistantAs diary . . . . . . . . . .
Standing guard files . . . . . . . .
Standing note . . . . . . . . . . .
Distribution c#art . . . . . . . . .
"ypistAs Diary . . . . . . . . . . .
*ssue diary . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Despatc# register . . . . . . . . .
Section Despatc# Register . . . . .
Postal registration boo2s . . . . . .
Receipts of telegrams . . . . . . .
A Register of daily abstract of stamps
used . . . . . . . . . . . .
Messenger boo2 . . . . . . . . . .
Stamps account register . . . . . .
@ee2ly statement of cases disposed of
7it#out reference to Minister . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
"o be destroyed after t#e relevant
receipts #ave been received in t#e
section concerned
Permanent. "#e earlier version of
t#ese records 7ill normally be
7eeded out as soon as t#e revised
version becomes available.
APPENDI3 2:-contd!
4ile register . . . . . . . . . . . .
4ile movement Register . . . . . .
Register for 7atc#ing t#e progress of
recording . . . . . . . . . . . .
and ;&<
*nde8 slips . . . . . . . . . . . . .
%onsolidated department inde8 . .
Precedent boo2 . . . . . . . . . .
9ist of files transferred to
;a< Departmental record room . . .
;b< :ational Arc#ives . . . . . . . . .
Record revie7 register . . . . . . . . . .
9ist of files received for revie7 . . .
Register of spare copies of publications,
circulars, orders etc.
Record re,uisition slip . . . . . . . . . .
Record re,uisition card . . . . . . . . .
@ee2ly arrear statement . . . . . . . .
%ase s#eets of cases pending disposal
over a mont# . . . . . . . . . .
:umerical abstract of cases pending
disposal for over a mont# . . . . . . . .
) years or till printed departmental
inde8 becomes available 7#ic#ever
is latter.
"o be destroyed after t#e
re,uisitioned file #as been returned
to t#e :ational Arc#ives.
"o be destroyed after all t#e space
for entries #ave been used and t#e
last file re,uisitioned #as been
returned to t#e sectional
departmental records.
APPENDI3 2:-contd!
%onsolidated numerical abstract of
cases pending disposal for over a mont#
in t#e various sections of t#e
department . . . . .
%all boo2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mont#ly Progress report on recording of
files . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reminder diary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Register for 2eeping a 7atc# on
communications received from M.Ps. . .
Register of Parliamentary Assurances . .
%#ec2lists for periodical reports . . .
*nspection reports . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! year after t#e date of ne8t
:oteC "#e retention period 7ill be rec2oned 7it# reference to t#e date from 7#ic# t#e record ceases to be
current=active. @#ere, #o7ever, it is proposed to 7eed out a register 7#erein certain entries are still current, e.g.,
file movement register 7#ere certain files entered t#erein #ave not been recorded or t#e register of assurances,
7#ere certain assurances #ave not been implemented, t#e current entries 7ill first be transferred to t#e ne7 register
and t#e old register 7eeded out t#ereafter.
APP5:D*T $0
9ist of files transferred to :ational Arc#ives of *ndia=departmental record rooms=sections=des2s
PAide para !!$;$< and ;&<Q
Ministry=Department ofOOOOOO SectionOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
4ile :o. Sub>ect %lassification and year
of revie7
Date of actual
! $ & ( )
APP5:D*T &!
9ist of files due for revie7
PAide para !!&;(< and ;-<Q
Sl. :o. 4ile :o. *nstruction of revie7ing aut#ority
! $ &
!. "#e departmental record room 7ill prepare t#is list in triplicate by completing columns ! and $ only.
$. "#e section responsible for revie7 7ill sign one copy of t#e list and return it to t#e departmental record
room by 7ay of ac2no7ledgement, retaining t#e ot#er t7o copies.
&. After revie7, t#e section concerned 7ill complete column & of t#e list in bot# t#e copies by indicating.
;a< t#e 7ord H2eepA in t#e case of t#e files proposed to be retained indefinitelyD
;b< t#e letter H@A in t#e case of files desired to be 7eeded outD and
;c< t#e precise year of 7eeding, in t#e case of class H%A files proposed to be retained for a furt#er period not
e8ceeding !3 years from t#e date of t#eir closing.
(. 'ot# t#e copies of t#e list s#ould accompany t#e files returned to t#e departmental record room, 7#ic# 7ill
sign one copy and return it to t#e section concerned by 7ay of ac2no7ledgement.
APP5:D*T &$
Register of spare copies of publications, circulars, orders etc.
IAide para 220-J.E
Sl.:o. Particulars of document :o. of spare copies available Remar2s
! $ & (
!. "#e register 7ill be essentially in t#e form of a list of document i.e., publications circulars, orders, etc. *f t#e
number of publication involved is large, register may be maintained in t7o parts one for publications and
t#e ot#er for circulars, orders, etc.
$. *n column $ 7ill be indicated t#e title of t#e publication or number and date of circulars, etc.
&. As far as possible, circulars, orders, etc., 7ill be entered in c#ronological order.
(. "#e number of spare copies of documents available may be ascertained at convenient interval say once a
year, for being indicated in column &. *f spare copies of a document are found to #ave been e8#austed or are
7eeded out, t#e relevant entry may be scored out in red in2 or c#al2. "#e register need not be re7ritten
e8cept 7#en absolutely necessary.
"esult of Special Drive Conducted on "ecords Management
Pvide Para !!&;0<;a<Q
Period of Special Drive
4rom .............. to ..............
Ministry=Department of ...........................................
:umber of
of files
of files
of files
:umber of files yet to be :umber of
files sent to
of files
sent to
of *ndia
Revie7ed @eeded
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3
APP5:D*T &(
Re$or" Re?#%(%!%o Car"
PAide para !!);!<Q
4ile :o.
4ile :o. or
Diary :o. 7it#
7#ic# to be put
ing official=
Signature of
Date of
*nitials of
! $ & ( ) - .
!. "#e form 7ill be printed on stiff paper of t#e t#ic2ness roug#ly of t#e file cover but of a colourdistinct from
t#at normally used for file cover.
$. @#ere it is not possible to indicate t#e file or diary :o. of t#e paper 7it# 7#ic# t#e re,uisitioned file is to be
put up column & s#ould indicate briefly t#e purpose for 7#ic# and=or officer for 7#om t#e re,uisitioned file
is re,uired.
S!a!e-e! ()o>%g /ar!%$#1ar( o' re$e%/!(D$a(e( % )a" 'or -ore !)a 9 "a*(
PAide para !$&;!<Q
:ame of Section=Des2OOOOOOOOOOO @ee2 endingOOOOOOOOO.
Diary :o. Date from
'rief sub>ect Reasons for
Remar2s of
section officer=
#ig#er officer
Action ta2en
on remar2s in
%ol. )
! $ & ( ) -
APP5:D*T &-
Wee21* Arrear S!a!e-e!
Co(o1%"a!e" 'or- 'or !)e (e$!%o a( a >)o1e
PAide para !$&;&<Q
N#-0er o' re$e%/!(D$a(e( *nitials of
'.4. from
during t#e
"otal of
cols. $
and &
Dealt 7it#
during t#e
I )a"
"otal Over .
! $ & ( ) - . /
Ca(e S)ee!
PAide para !$(;$<;a<Q
4ile=Diary :oOOOOOOOO. Date of commencementOOOOOOOO.
Mont# ending @it# 7#om pending and
since 7#en
Reasons for delay Remar2s of 1.S. and
#ig#er officers
! $ & (
!. A separate s#eet 7ill be maintained for eac# case.
$. "#e statement 7ill cover not only originating sectionAs=des2As o7n files but also files received by it from
ot#er section=des2s=departments and ot#er P.1.%s. for 7#ic# no file #as been opened. "#eir diary numbers
7ill identify t#e last t7o categories of cases.
&. "#e date of commencement of a case 7ill normally be t#e date of receipt of t#e P1% and can be ascertained
from t#e file register in t#e case of originating sectionAs=des2As o7n files and from t#e section=des2 diary or
assistantAs diary, in ot#er cases.
(. 5ntries in column $ 7ill be made on t#e basis of entries in t#e file movement register section=des2 diary.
0;;E)23> ?8
8umerical abstract of cases pending disposal for over a month
PAide para !$(;(<;d<
Section=des2OOOOOO.. JearO...OOOO.
As on t#e
last day of
:umber of cases ;ot#er t#an t#ose transferred to call boo2< pending
of cases
d to call
*nitials of
! & &
& & -
- mont#s
and one
! & $
$ years
"otal of
cols. $-
! $ & ( ) - . / 0
0;;E)23> ?C
Consolidated numerical abstract of cases pending disposal for over a month
PAide para !$(;/<;a< and ;b<Q
Ministry=Department ofOOOOOO.. Mont# endingOOOO.
Section :umber of cases ;ot#er t#an t#ose transferred to call boo2<
pending disposal
of cases
d to call
6ariation from previous
! & &
& & -
and one
! & $
over $
"otal of
cols. $-
in t#e
case of
in t#e case of
col. /
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3
0;;E)23> 4D
Ca11 Boo2
PAide para !$);!<Q
4ile :umber Date of
of file
Sub>ect Reason 7#y
no furt#er
action can be
ta2en for
over si8
Date on
action is
to be
Remar2s of
'.O.= divisional
#ead at t#e time
of revie7
Date of
! $ & ( ) - . /
0;;E)23> 41
Monthly progress report on recording of files
PAide para !$-;!<Q
Mont# ending :umber of files *nitials
'.4. from
previous mont#
mar2ed for
record during
t#e mont#
during t#e
remaining to be
recorded at t#e
end of t#e mont#
;col. $[&(<
! $ & ( ) - .
!. %olumn ! 7ill also indicate year
$. %olumn $ 7ill repeat t#e figure in column ) for t#e preceding mont#.
&. %olumn & and ( 7ill be filled on t#e basis of t#e register for 7atc#ing t#e progress of recording ;Appendi8
0;;E)23> 42
Monthly progress report on revie% of files
PAide para !$-;!<Q
:umber of files *nitials
'.4. from
t#e mont#
Revie7ed during t#e mont# Remaining
to be
at t#e end
of t#e
! $ & ( ) - . / 0
!. %olumn $ 7ill repeat t#e figure in column ) for t#e preceding mont#.
$. %olumn & and ( 7ill be filled on t#e basis of record revie7 register and lists of file received for revie7.
Co(o1%"a!e" -o!)1* /rogre(( re/or! o re$or"%g o' '%1e(
PAide para !$-;&<;a< and ;b<Q
Ministry=DepartmentOOOOOOOOO Mont# endingOOO
N#-0er o' '%1e(
6ariation of col. )
from col. $
'.4. from
mar2ed for
record during
t#e mont#
recorded during
t#e mont#
remaining to
be recorded at
t#e end of t#e
mont# ;col.
! $ & ( ) -
Co(o1%"a!e" -o!)1* /rogre(( re/or! o re,%e> o' re$or"e" '%1e(
PAide para !$-;&<;a< and ;b<Q
Ministry=DepartmentOOOOOOOOO Mont# endingOOO
N#-0er o' '%1e(
6ariation of col. )
from col. $
'.4. from
received for
revie7 during t#e
during t#e
remaining to
be recorded
at t#e end of
t#e mont#
;col. $[&[(<
! $ & ( ) -
"egister for #eeping a %atch on the disposal of communications received from Member of Parliament
;"o be maintained by personal sections of Moint Secretaries=Directors<
PAide para !$.;!<Q
Diary :o.
& Date
:o. and date of
:ame of
"o 7#om
! $ & ( ) - . /
"egister for #eeping a %atch on the disposal of communications received from Members of Parliament
;"o be maintained by sections=Des2s<
PAide para !$.;$<;a<Q

:ame of Section=des2OOOOOO
:o. &
= Director
:o. &
date of
Sub>ect Date of
4ile :o. Date of
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3 !! !$
Particulars of M/Ps/ letters pending for over a fortnight
PAide para !$.;(<Q
Sl. :o. :ame of M.P. Date from
'rief Sub>ect Reason
for delay
Remar2s of
ta2en on t#e
remar2s in
column -
! $ & ( ) - .
Details of Pending Court /CAT Cases
PAide para !$0;!<Q
Pe!%!%o D OA
>%!) "a!e
Na-e o'
Co#r! D
Be$) o'
Ma@or %((#e(
Da!e o >)%$)
A''%"a,%! >a(
Da!e o' '%1%g
a''%"a,%!(, %' a*
Pre(e! S!a!#(
o' !)e $a(e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
Status of &mplementation of Court/CAT Judgements
PAide para !$0;$<;a<Q




























W)e!)er !)e a//ea1D
re,%e> a//1%$a!%o
aga%(! !)e @#"ge-e!
)a( 0ee '%1e"
I"%,%"#a1, %' (o, !)e
"a!e !)ereo'






I' o a//ea1
e!$. )a( 0ee
'%1e", /re(e!
(!a!#( o'
a$!%o !a2e !o
%-/1e-e! !)e
'or "e1a*
%g !)e
W)e!)er a*
$o!e-/! /e!%!%o )a(
0ee '%1e" 'or "e1a* %
%-/1e-e!a!%o or
aga%(! !)e -aer o'
%-/1e-e!a!%o o' !)e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!<
APP5:D*T )!
8umber of Court/CAT Cases pending for
PAide para !$0;(<Q
Le(( !)a 8 -o!)( Be!>ee 8 -o!)(
!o 5 *ear
Be!>ee 5 !o 2
O,er 2 *ear( To!a1
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
0;;E)23> "2
Reg%(!er o' Par1%a-e!ar* A((#ra$e(
PAide para !&3;!<Q
Section=des2OOOOOOO. 9o2 Sab#a
Ra>ya Sab#a
Date Reference Sub>ect Assurance
+o7 fulfilled Date on 7#ic#
Sent to
y Affairs
9aid on
t#e table
of t#e
! $ & ( ) - . /
!. %olumn $ 7ill s#o7 t#e date on 7#ic# t#e assurance 7as given.
$. %olumn & 7ill indicate t#e :o. of t#e ,uestion, name of bill, resolution, motion, etc. in connection 7it#
7#ic# t#e assurance 7as given and also reference to t#e communication from t#e Department of
Parliamentary Affairs 7it# 7#ic# it 7as received.
0;;E)23> "?
C)e$2 1%(! 'or Wa!$)%g re$e%/! o' %$o-%g /er%o"%$a1 re/or!( 'or !)e *earMMMMMM.
PAide para !&!;!Q
Ministry=Department ofOOOOOOO Section=des2OOOOOOO
of t#e
& 4ile
Due date of Receipt
Man. 4eb. Mar. Apr. May Mune Muly Aug. Sept. Oct. :ov. Dec.
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3 !! !$ !& !( !)
!. *f t#e periodicity of a report is more t#an a mont#, t#e prescribed date;s< 7ill be s#o7n under t#e
appropriate mont#s only. 4or e8ample, if a ,uarterly report is due on !)
Manuary, April, Muly and
October, only cols. (, ., !3 and !& 7ill be filled by indicating t#e figure !) under eac#.
$. *f a report is to be received more t#an once in a mont#, t7o or more entries depending on t#e fre,uency
of t#e report 7ill be made in columns ( to !). "#us, for instance, fortnig#t report 7ill re,uire t7o
entries to be made under eac# mont#.
0;;E)23> "4
C)e$2 1%(! 'or Wa!$)%g "e(/a!$) o' o#!go%g /er%o"%$a1 re/or!( 'or !)e *earMMMMMM.
PAide para !&!;!<Q
Ministry=Department ofOOOOOOO Section=des2OOOOOOO
of t#e
& 4ile
Due date of Despatc#
Man. 4eb. Mar. Apr. May Mune Muly Aug. Sept. Oct. :ov. Dec.
! $ & ( ) - . / 0 !3 !! !$ !& !( !)
!. *f t#e periodicity of a report is more t#an a mont#, t#e prescribed date;s< 7ill be s#o7n under t#e
appropriate mont#s only. 4or e8ample, if a ,uarterly report is due on !)
Manuary, April, Muly and
October, only cols. (, ., !3 and !& 7ill be filled by indicating t#e figure !) under eac#.
$. *f a report is to be despatc#ed more t#an once in a mont#, t7o or more entries dispending on t#e
fre,uency of t#e report 7ill be made in columns ( to !). "#us, for instance, fortnig#t report 7ill
re,uire t7o entries to be made under eac# mont#.
I(/e$!%o ?#e(!%oa%re 'or $e!ra1 re$e%/! a" %((#e (e$!%o
PAide para !&);!<Q
Date of present inspection OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
AStaff position
S.O. Asstt. U
;to be specified<
!. Staff strengt# C
;!< Present
;a< sanctioned
;b< actual
;$< At t#e time of last inspection
;a< sanctioned
;b< actual
$. Deployment of staff on C
;a< receipt of da2
;b< opening and stamping of da2
;c< ma2ing a da2
;d< sorting of da2
;e< registration of da2
;f< distribution of da2 and
preparation of invoices.
;g< stamping of drafts
;#< mar2ing of drafts and
maintenance of
distribution c#art
;i< maintenance of issue diary
;>< typing
;2< comparing
;l< despatc#
;m< nig#t duty arrangements C
;i< for receipt, registration &
distribution of da2
;ii< for issue 7or2
APPENDI3 77 $o!".
B--S!a!e o' >or2
&. ;!< "otal number of sections in t#e
;$< :umber of sections catered to for
centralised C
;a< receipt of da2
;b< typing and comparing
;a< despatc#
(. Average daily volume of da2 C
;a< received
;b< registered
). Average daily number of C
;!< drafts=cases received for issue
;$< pages typed
;&< telegrams issued
;(< ot#er communications
;a< by registered=insured post
;b< by ordinary post
;c< ot#er7ise, t#roug#
-. Average number of communications
received per day by resident cler2=
nig#t duty cler2 7#ic# 7ere C
;a< distributed to officers=staff
on=late duty in office on t#e
same day
;b< sent to officerAs residences
;c< #eld over for distribution on t#e
ne8t 7or2ing day
.. Average number of drafts received
per day by t#e resident cler2=nig#t
duty cler2 for issue outside office
0. :ormal #ours of
distribution of ordinary da2 among
0. Office mac#ines C
;!< :o. of type7riters
;a< 5nglis#
;b< +indi
;$< :o. of duplicating mac#ines
;a< #and7or2ed
;b< po7er driven
-Signature of Section fficer.
APPENDI3 77-$o!".
PAR" ***:SP5%"*O: O44*%5RAS R5POR"
ADetailed observations on compliance %ith procedural instructions
!. Are t#e follo7ing ;a< maintainedF ;b< up to dateF ;c< #andyF
;!< 9ist of sub>ects dealt 7it# in eac# section
of t#e department
PAide para <-3.E
;$< 9ist of residential addresses and
telep#one numbers of officers and staff
of t#e department
PAide para JK-2.-a.Q
;&< 9ist of departments #aving arrangements
7it#in central registry, for receipt of da2
outside office #ours ;7it# name and
telep#one :o. of t#e official in c#arge<
PAide para/ JK-2.-b.Q
;(< 9ist of officers designated by ot#er
departments to receive da2 outside office
#ours and t#eir residential addresses
PAide para JK-2.-c.Q
;)< 9ist of telegrap#ic addresses of state
governments and ot#er outstation offices
fre,uently addressed
PAide para JK-2.-f.Q
;-< Residential addresses and telep#one
numbers of officers of ot#er departments
designated to receive parliamentary
APPENDI3 77 & $o!"/
;/< Del#i Official Directory
PAide para JK-2.-g.Q
;0< Official Directory
PAide para JK-2.-h.Q
;!3< 9ist of *ndiaAs representatives abroad
PAide para JK-2.-i.Q
;!!< Diplomatic list
PAide para JK-2.-7.Q
;!$< Sc#edule of postal rates
PAide para JK-2.-#.Q
$. Da# registers IAide para 0;-<Q
;!< :umber MaintainedF
;$< 'asis of distributionF
;&< 'asis rationalF *f not, improvement
;(< :eat and tidyF
;)< 5ntries completeF
&. &nvoices IAide para !3;!<Q
;!< Signed by recipientsF
;$< 4iled propertyF
(. Processing of da#
58amine a sample of )3 items of da2
entered in invoices, but a7aiting
distribution and indicate t#e numberC
;!< not datestamped
;$< not bearing identifying code of t#e
da2 register
;&< not mar2ed correctly
;(< Received C
;a< on t#e previous 7or2ing day
;b< t7o 7or2ing days earlier
APPENDI3 77-Co!"/
-. &ssue dairy PAide para .-;!<Q
;!< :eat and tidyF
;$< Scrutinised by section officer
;&< 58amine a sample of )3 more
t#an onemont# old entries and
indicate t#e number ;if any< of C
;i< incomplete entries
;ii< drafts returned to sections
after issueC
;a< 7it#in $ 7or2ing days of
t#eir receipt
;b< 7it#in & to ) 7or2ing
;c< over ) days.
.. Typing and comparison IAide
para .);&< and ..Q 58amine a sample of
$3 fair typed communications a7aiting
signature and indicate t#e number ;if
;i< not typed 7ell
;ii< not typed on paper of
suitable si?e
;iii< #aving enclosures but not
indicating number of
enclosures and obli,ue
;iv< of drafts not bearing
initials of typists and
/. Despatch IAide para .0, /3, and /!Q
;!< 58amine a sample of )3
communications ready for despatc#
and indicate t#e number ;if any<
;i< covers actually used
;ii< covers needlessly used
;iii< covers used 7ere not of
appropriate si?e
APPENDI3 77 & $o!".
;iv< economy of slips, alt#oug#
re,uired, not used
;v< addresses 7rittenC
;a< not neat=clear
;b< not complete.
;vi< 7indo7 envelope used but
addresses not visible t#roug#
t#e 7indo7
;vii< an unduly large number of
stamps of smaller denomination
;viii< covers meant for despatc#
under service postage stamps
not fran2ed 7it# facsimile
impression of t#e signature of
t#e officer in c#arge
;i8< covers mar2ed for despatc# by
registered A.D. 7it# AD cards
not bearing reference :o. of
t#e communication.
;8< t#e reference :o. of telegrams
ready for despatc# not
indicted in t#e receipt portions
of t#e telegrams
;$< Receipts for telegrams, registered
and insured covers filed properlyF
;&< "a2e a sample of ) office copies
of t#e communications
issued by t#e resident cler2=
nig#t duty cler2 after t#e closing
#ours on t#e previous day and
state t#e number ;if any< t#at
could #ave been #eld over for
issue till t#e ne8t 7or2ing day.
Daily4 Abstract of stamps
0. Despatc# register PAide para
;!< Separate despatc# registers
maintained for C
;i< telegramsF
;ii< inland postF
;iii< foreign postF
;$< :eat and tidyF
APPENDI3 77 & $o!"/
;&< 6alue of stamps of totalledF
;i< dailyF
;ii< correctlyF
;(< Postal registration boo2s used for
registered postF
!3. Stamps account register IAide
para /(;!<Q
;!< Separate registers maintainedC
;a< for ordinary postage stampsF
;b< for service postage stampsF
;$< "otals from despatc# registers and
postal registration boo2s=postedC
;a< dailyF
;b< correctlyF
;&< Scrutinised by section officer dailyF
;(< *nspection by t#e branc# officer
every mont#F
;)< Stoc2 of stamps available tallies
7it# t#e balance s#o7n in t#e
!!. Messenger boo#s IAide para /!;!<
;!< :umber of boo2s in useF
;$< :umber seriallyF
;&< 'asis of allocationF
;(< Allocation rationalF
;)< "ime of despatc# of
urgent communications
!$. General remar2s
;!< Ade,uacy and condition ofC
;a< type7riters
;b< duplicating mac#ines
;c< furniture
;$< Seating arrangement
;&< @or2ing conditions
including lig#ting, ventilation
APPENDI3 77 & $o!".
'\Summing up
W!&. 'rief recapitulation of defects or
s#ort comings noticed.
W!(. Suggestions for improvements
;a< by t#e inspecting officer
;b< received from t#e section
staff toget#er 7it# t#e
comments of t#e inspecting officer
W!). A general assessment of
performance of t#e section
including a comparative appraisal
7it# particular reference to t#e
picture revealed during t#e last
DateOOO. Signature of inspecting officer
GUse a continuation sheet4 %here necessary.
*nstructions for ans7ering t#e ,uestionnaire
Reference to part,
section and item in
t#e ,uestionnaire
&*+ = C 3
The daily average should be based on the information for the preceding
%ee# and should e$clude information relating to %or# handled by resident/night
duty cler# to be furnished separately vide S/ 8os/ KC :/
To be %or#ed out on the basis of figures contained in column 3 of the
invoices maintained for different sections/
To be %or#ed out %ith reference to the serial numbers assigned to the first
and the last entries in the da# registers/
To be %or#ed out %ith reference to the serial numbers assigned to the first
and the last entries in the issue diary/
&&*A 1-1.C-0.
To be assessed from the distribution charts and typistsB dairies/
To be %or#ed out %ith reference to the serial numbers assigned to the first
and the last entries in the despatch register for telegrams/
"o be 7or2ed out 7it# reference to t#e serial numbers assigned to t#e first and
t#e last entries in t#e despatc# register for registered post=boo2 of t#e postal
registration receipts.
To be %or#ed out %ith reference to the serial numbers assigned to the first
and the last entries in the despatch register for ordinary da#/
To be arrived at by counting the number of entries for a %ee# in a sample
of messenger boo#s and pro7ecting the result to the total number of messenger
boo#s in use for that %ee#
To be assessed on a test chec# to be carried out %ith reference to a ne%
latest #no%n changes/
To be ans%ered %ith specific reference to para <-:. of manual/
0;;E)23> "E
&nspection Luestionnaire on rganisation C Methods-CM.
PAide para !&);!<Q
;"o be filledin by all Sections = Des2s = 1nits<
!. Sub>ects allotted to Section = Des2 = 1nit, in brief C
$. ;a< :umber of Receipts received C
;b< :umber of :e7 4iles opened C
;c< Registers & 4olders
;i< @#et#er Section Diary Register, Assistant Diary, Despatc# Register, 4ile Register, 4ile Movement Register,
%all 'oo2, Guard 4ile, Reference 4olders, Precedent 'oo2, Sub>ect Distribution %#art, Reminder = Suspense
Diary, Register for %ommunicationsfrom MPs, Register for Parliamentary Assurances, etc. are being
maintained and 2ept neat and tidy. C
;ii< Registers = folders not being maintained along 7it# t#e reasons C
;d< %onsolidation of Orders and Revie7 of Rules = Manuals etc.
;i< @#et#er orders = instructions are being consolidated, if so, details of consolidation of orders made during t#e year C
;ii< @#et#er t#ere is any regular mec#anism for underta2ing revision of old rules, regulation, manuals, etc. C
;iii< Details of rules, regulations, manuals etc. revised = updated = reprinted during t#e year C
;e< @or2 5nvironment
;i< @#et#er 7or2 environment in office is congenial 2eeping in vie7 t#e general cleanliness, seating
arrangements etc. C
;ii< *f not, specify t#e areas of deficiency and action being ta2en to improve t#e same C
;f< *tems of 7or2 7#ic# #ave been computeri?ed C
&. Staff Strengt#
S1. No. Na-e o' Po(! D +ra"e Sa$!%oe" I /o(%!%o :umber of vacancies and date
from 7#ic# vacant
Ca#(e o' ,a$a$*
ATra('er, re!%re-e!, "ea!),
1og 1ea,e, e!$.B
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
(. Rotation of Staff -Details of persons %or#ing in the same section/unit for more than five years.
Na-e ; De(%ga!%o o'
Na-e o' Se$!%o D (ea! %
>)%$) >or2%g
Da!e 'ro- >)%$)
W)e!)er )%(D)er $a(e o' !ra('er >a(
O#(!%'%$a!%o 'or (#$) re!e!%o
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
). "raining of Staff




























































Area o' Tra%%g
(;lease indicate)
A%B O''%$e Pro$e"#re
A%%B Co-/#!er
A%%%B F%a$eDA#"%!
A%,B S!a!%(!%$(DRe(ear$)
A,B Maage-e!
A,%B O!)er (/e$%a1%Fe" '%e1"(
A,%%B A* o!)er Aspecif#B
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
+ro#/ & A
+ro#/ & B
+ro#/ & C
+ro#/ & D
-. Punctuality
;i< *s Attendance Register maintained properly ;Please specify, Manual or 5lectronic< C
;ii< *s late Attendance mar2ed s#o7ing t#e time of arrival of late comers C
;iii< *s Attendance Register c#ec2ed by an officer daily C
;iv< *s forefeiture of casual leave etc. done as per instructions C
;v< @#et#er surprise visits conducted by senior officersF *f so, fre,uency per mont# C
.. Security of Official Documents
;i< @#et#er %lassified files and papers ;ot#er t#an t#ose in #and< are being 2ept in loc2ed almira#sF C
;ii< @#et#er separate record ;e.g. section diary, file register, inde8 slip< is being maintained in respect of secret
papers ;unless t#e section itself is designated as secret or top secret< F C
;iii< @#et#er any instances of violation of prescribed instructions for treatment and safe guarding of secret = top secret
papers = information #ave come to notice and, if so, action ta2en t#ereon. C
;iv< @#et#er a periodical revie7 is done to declassify t#e e8isting classified documents and if so, t#e result t#ereof C
/. Processing, Submission and Monitoring of %ases
;a< Processing and Submission of Papers -Ta#e a sample of 3 current cases at draft stage.
;i< :umber of cases, 7#ic# 7ere properly referenced, flagged and enclosures clearly mar2ed C
;ii< @#et#er name, designation, complete address and telep#one number of t#e signatory 7ere mar2ed C
;iii< :umber of files 7#ic# 7ere found neat and tidy C
;iv< 58tent of computeri?ation of file movement = trac2ing of papers C
;b< Monitoring of Pending %ases
;i< @#et#er @ee2ly = Mont#ly statements of pending cases are being submitted on due dates C
;ii< :umber of Pending %ases
U/!o Oe -o!) Be!>ee 5 !o 3 -o!)( Be!>ee 3 !o 52 -o!)( O,er 5 *ear To!a1
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
;iii< @#et#er cases pending over a mont# are being broug#t to t#e notice of concerned Moint Secretary
or #ig#er officers C
0. %ompliance of Official 9anguage Policy
;i< :umber of letters received in +indi C
;ii< :umber of letters out of ;i< above replied in +indi C
;iii< Percentage of correspondence in +indi 7it# Government offices located in +indi Spea2ing States=1"s. C
;iv< @#et#er all t#e documents li2e orders, notifications, contracts, agreements etc. are issued bilingually C
!3. Records Management
;a< ;i< :umber of files due for recording C
;ii< :umber of files recorded C
;iii< :umber of files pending for recording C
;b< ;i< :umber of files received for revie7 C
;ii< :umber of files revie7ed C
;iii< :umber of files pending for revie7 C
;iv< :umber of files mar2ed for furt#er retention after revie7 and its percentage to ;ii< above C
;c< ;i< :umber of files 7eeded out C
;ii< @#et#er proper record #as been maintained of suc# files C
;d< @#et#er *nde8 Slips prepared for recorded files alp#abetically C
;e< ;i< :umber of files sent to Departmental Record Room C
;ii< :umber of files sent to :ational Arc#ives of *ndia ;:A*< C
;f< ;i< @#et#er Retention Sc#edule for records #as been dra7n up relating to substantive 7or2 C
;ii< *f yes, 7#et#er t#e sc#edule is revie7ed every ) years C
!!. Pending references from M.Ps. and ot#er 6.*.Ps.
:umber of references N#-0er o'
:umber of references pending for disposal
A'ro- "a!e o' re$e%/!B
O#! o' /e"%g re'ere$e(
#-0er o' $a(e( % >)%$)
a$2o>1e"ge-e! D %!er%- re/1*
)a( 0ee (e!
Rea(o( 'or /e"e$* o'
$a(e( o,er oe *ear
A% ea$) $a(eB























;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!<
!$.;a< Matters related to t#e Parliament -Pending Assurances given in the Parliament.
Par1%a-e! C#e(!%o
No. a" "a!e o >)%$)
N#-0er o'
Da!e o
>)%$) !)e
A((#ra$e /e"%g 'or Rea(o( 'or o-
'#1'%1-e! Pre(e! (!a!#(
Le(( !)a 8
Be!>ee 8 !o
52 -o!)(
More !)a
Oe *ear
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0<
!$.;b< Directions of Parliament %ommittees Pending %ompliance
Na-e o' !)e Co--%!!ee Da!e o >)%$)
"%re$!%o( g%,e
Na!#re o' "%re$!%o( Da!e 0* >)%$)
"%re$!%o( are !o 0e
Pre(e! (!a!#( o' $o-/1%a$e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
!&.;a< Disposal of representations from t#e Staff
:umber of Representations N#-0er o'
:umber of Representations pending for disposal Rea(o( 'or /e"e$* o' $a(e(
o,er (%= -o!)(
Broa" a!#re o'

























;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!<
!&. ;b< Disposal of %omplaints of @omen 5mployees regarding +arassment
:umber of %omplaints












Details of eac# pending %omplaint





N#-0er o'
Da!e o' re$e%/!
o' Co-/1a%!
W)e!)er a* )ear%g
)a( !a2e /1a$e, %' (o,
"a!e !)ereo'
W)e!)er !)e -a!!er >a(
"%($#((e" % !)e
Co--%!!eeDCe11 (e! #/ !o
1oo2 %!o (#$) Co-/1a%!(
Pre(e! S!a!#(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
!&.;c< Disposal of %omplaints of S%=S" 5mployees
:umber of %omplaints












Details of eac# pending %omplaint





Na-e o' !)e
Da!e o' re$e%/!
o' Co-/1a%!
Na!#re o' Co-/1a%! W)e!)er a* )ear%g )a(
!a2e /1a$e a" %' (o, "a!e
!)ereo' Pre(e! S!a!#(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
!(. Mec#anism of Public Grievances and "ransparency
;i< @#et#er a senior officer #as been appointed as t#e Director of Public Grievances C
;ii< @#et#er t#e office #as been empo7ered to pursue t#e matters represented to pursue t#e matters
represented and liaise 7it# all branc#es and sections C
;iii< @#et#er a day of t#e see2 #as been earmar2ed for attending to public grievances by senior officers C
;iv< @#et#er a complaint bo8 #as been placed at t#e reception C
;v< +ave suitable arrangements been made for visitors for lodging t#eir complaints C
;vi< +ave *nformation and 4acilitation %ounters been opened C
;vii< +as a %omplaint Register been opened and are t#e complaints being entered t#erein C
;viii< +as timeframe been fi8ed for disposal of complaints C
;i8< Does +ead of Office = Department revie7 t#e action ta2en for redressal of Public Grievances C
;8< @#et#er release of information to t#e public on DepartmentAs activities is ta2ing place t#roug# C
;a< 'oo2lets C ;b< *nformation & 4acilitation %ounters C ;c< *nternet C
!). Disposal of Petitions from t#e Public
:umber of Petitions N#-0er o'
Pe!%!%o( "%(/o(e"
:umber of Petitions pending for disposal
A'ro- "a!e o' re$e%/!B
Rea(o( 'or /e"e$* o' $a(e(
o,er (%= -o!)(
Broa" a!#re o' Pe!%!%o(

























;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!<
!-. Maintenance of Office Support Systems
;a< 5,uipments = Mac#ines ;li2e "ype7riters, %omputers, etc.<
E?#%/-e! W)e!)er % >or2%g or"er I' o! % >or2%g or"er, "a!e
'ro- >)%$) o! >or2%g
A$!%o !a2e 'or re/a%r%g !)e
W)e!)er !)e #-0er o'
e?#%/-e!( /ro,%"e" are
a"e?#a!e ,%(-P-,%(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
;b< 4urniture
Action ta2en for replacing t#e old furniture by modular furniture C
!.. Sc#eme ;s< of A7ards for Suggestions
;i< @#et#er any HSc#eme of %as# A7ards to t#e Staff = PublicA is in operation for suggesting innovative ideas=
ne7 met#ods = procedures = tec#ni,ues for improving t#e efficiency and productivity of t#e Organisation C
;ii< :umber of suggestions made by t#e Staff and Public separately during t#e year C
;ii< @#et#er any of t#e suggestions 7ere accepted for implementation and, if so, details of a7ardees and t#eir
!/. *nspection of Attac#ed = Subordinate Offices -Details of inspections conducted by the (ead of the Department / Senior fficers during the year.
Na-e o' O''%$e
Da!e A(B o'
Na-e ; De(%ga!%o o'
O''%$er( >)o $o"#$!e"
!)e %(/e$!%o
S#gge(!%o( D
Re$o--e"a!%o( D
De'e$!( /o%!e" o#! A%
+o7 many Suggestions =
#ave been
S#gge(!%o( D
Re$o--e"a!%o( o! (o
'ar %-/1e-e!e" a"
rea(o( !)ere'ore
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
!0. *mplementation of Suggestions = Recommendations of 9ast *nspection
;i< +ave all t#e suggestions = recommendations = defects pointed out in t#e previous inspection
been implemented = rectified C
;ii< *f not, specific reasons for not implementing t#e same in eac# case C
$3. 'rief recapitulation of defects or s#ortcomings noticed and any ot#er comments 7#ic# inspecting
Officer ;s< may #ave to ma2e C
;Section Officer = Munior Analyst<
*@S1 = O&M 1nit
*nspection Euestionnaire for Departmental Record Room
PAide para !&);$<Q
Date of present *nspectionOOOOOOOOOOOO..OOOOOOOOOOO
Date of last *nspectionOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..OOOOOOOOO..
PA"T &M!686"A'
4actual data to be furnis#ed by S.O.=
Asstt. =1D% *nc#arge of record
S.O. or e,uivalent Asstt. 1D%=9D% Daftry=Record Peon
grade li2e Arc#ivist Attendent= Record sorter
Sanctioned strengt#
Actual Deployment at t#e time of inspection
$. Physical condition of the "ecord "oom
;i< 9ocation suc# as e.g. 'asement=Ground
4loor=Ot#er floors.
;ii<Area occupied by records
;iii< Area occupied by staff.
;iv< "otal Area
*s t#ere sufficient space in t#e Record
Room for furt#er accrual and storage of recordsF
;v< :umber of s#elves
;a< Steel
;b< @ooden
;vi< Mode of 2eeping t#e record C
;a< Are t#e files 2ept in bundles 7it# ply7ood=
cardboard support or in carton bo8esF
;b< *f in bundles, #o7 t#ey are 2eptF ;#ori?ontal=
;c< Are t#e bundles properly labelled indicating
t#eir contentsF
;vii< Are t#ere proper ventilation and lig#ting arrangementF
;viii< Are t#ere security arrangement against fire #a?ards,
t#eft and pilferageF
;i8< *s t#ere enoug# space for reception and consultation
of recordF
;8< Does t#e Record Room #ave gang7aysF
APPENDI3 79-$o!".
;8i< @#et#er nap#t#alene bric2s=balls are being usedF *f not,
7#at are t#e ot#er arrangement for satisfactory preser
vation of record ;e.g. spray of *nsecticides li2e DD",
Pip and 4lit etc.
;8ii< *s vacuum cleaner being used for Record RoomF *f not,
state t#e arrangements for proper dusting and cleaningF
;8iii< @#et#er records are being fumigated periodicallyF
;8iv< @#at arrangement e8ists for mending and repair of
recordsF @#at materials are used for mending and
repair 7or2F PPara 0/;&<]
;8v< General condition of cleanliness and proper stac2ing
of files etc.
PA"T &&*"6C"D*H66P&8! A8D T(6&" P6"&D&CA' "6A&6@/APP"A&SA'
8umber of records; @#erever possible please furnis# t#e information for inclusive years ;i.e. oldest and t#e latest year<
;i< "otal number of record ;indicating t#e oldest and t#e
latest on t#e date of inspection<
;a< 4iles
;b< Registers
;c< Ot#er records li2e Maps=%#arts=Dra7ings=
;ii< "otal number of records 7#ic# are more t#an $) years
old at t#e time of inspection
;a< 4iles
;b< registers
;c< Ot#er records li2e Maps=%#arts=Dra7ings=
;iii< *f t#e Record Room is also accepting classified records
t#e arrangement for t#eir safe custody
;iv< Security arrangement for inspection of Secret Record
Room 7#ere t#ey e8ist.
;v< @#et#er all t#e files due for revie7 #ave been sent to
respective sections.
;vi< :umber of H%A category records sent for revie7 to
respective sections during t#e last year. PPara !3.;(<Q
;vii< :umber of record revie7ed during t#e last year.
PPara !3.;)<Q
;viii< :umber of records lying unrevie7ed indifferent sections.
;i8< :umber of records mar2ed for furt#er retention by
concerned sections and sent to departmental record room
PPara !3.;!< & ;)<Q
;8< Percentage of files mar2ed K2eepL to total files revie7ed
and 7#et#er it is e8cessiveF
;8i< *n case furt#er revie7 is called for ;if e8cessive percentage
#as been mar2ed for retention< number of files c#ec2ed
and advice or measure suggested for improvement.
APPENDI3 79--$o!"/
@eeding out ;
;8ii< :umber of files=records mar2ed for 7eeding out during
t#e year. PPara !3.;!<Q.
;8iii< @#et#er t#e records mar2ed for 7eeding out #ave been
destroyedF *f not, 7#en it is proposed to destroy t#em.
PPara !3.;.<;b<;i<Q.
;8iv< :umber of more t#an $) years old files appraised
by t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia during t#e last year.
PPara !3.;$<Q
;8v< @#et#er t#e files recommended for retention by
:ational Arc#ive of *ndia #ave been transferred
to t#at organisation. *f not, give reasons.
"etention Schedule;
;8vi< State if t#e Retention Sc#edule for substantive
records #as been complied. *f not, 7#en it is
proposed to be compiled. PPara !3);!<;d<Q
!. ,iles;
Please ta2e a sample of $3 files at random and e8amine
;i< @#et#er t#e files #ave been properly recorded
and classified into , H'A and H%A categories. +as
t#e retention period of H%A category files #as been
distinctly indicatedF ;Para 00Q
;ii< @#et#er t#ey #ave been stitc#ed properlyF
PPara 0/;&<Q
;iii< :umber of files not found at appropriate places in
bundles of recorded files.
;iv< Are t#e re,uisition slips 2ept in proper places in
bundlesF *f not, state reasons. PPara !30;&<Q
;v< :umber of files lying on t#e ground. *f so, indicate
number and reasons t#erefor.
;vi< @#et#er files opened under functional and conven
tional filing system are 2ept separately and arranged
section7ise, c#ronologically in a serial order.
$. "egister;
@#et#er t#e follo7ing registers are being maintained
properly and entries are uptodateC
;i< Record *ssue Register
;ii< Record Revie7 Register PPara !3-;(<D Appendi8 &3
;iii< Accession Register
;iv< Record "ransfer Register PPara !3-;$<D Appendi8$0Q.
APP5:D*T). contd.
;i< +as t#e departmental inde8 been compiled in t#e
consolidated formF PPara !3&Q
;ii< @#at types of finding aid ;Reference Aids=*nformation
retrieval< sets are available in t#e Record RoomF
PAR" 6 N *:SP5%"*:G O44*%5RSA R5POR"
;i< Additional functions, if any, being performed by t#e
Departmental Record Room.
;ii< General Remar2s of t#e *nspecting officers about t#e
state of Record Room.
;iii< Recapitulation of defects or s#ortcomings noticed and
any ot#er comments 7#ic# *nspecting officers may
#ave to ma2e.
;iv< !eneral "emar#s4 if any ;
S%ga!#re o' !)e I(/e$!%g O''%$er(
7it# date
One copy of t#e inspection report may be for7arded to t#e :ational Arc#ives of *ndia for t#eir information and record. PPara !&-;!<Q.
0;;E)23> "8
Management &nformation System-M&S<
PAide para !&);&<Q
;"o be filled by 5stablis#ment = Administration<
!. Position of 6acant Posts
Na-e o'














.a$a$%e( ar%(e #"er


























































Pro-o!%o Tra('erD
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!< ;!$<
$. Promotional Aspects
Na-e o'
N#-0er o' e-/1o*ee( >)o
)a,e 0ee >or2%g % !)e
(a-e /o(!Dgra"e o reg#1ar
0a(%( 'or
Rea(o( 'or o! ge!!%g
W)e!)er re-
?#%?#a%a1 $a"re
re,%e> o' "%''ere!
/o(!(Dgra"e( )a,e
0ee $o"#$!e",
>)ere,er a//1%$a01e
I' o!, !)e
"a!e o' 1a(!
Rea(o( 'or
o! "o%g
!)a 20
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
&.;a< Ad#oc Promotion
Na-e o'
o' a"-)o$
Rea(o( 'or re(or!%g !o a"-)o$
Date of
Le,e1 o' a#!)or%!*
>)o(e a//ro,a1 >a(
W)e!)er !)e
$o$#rre$e o' DOPT
e!$. >a( o0!a%e" 'or
$o!%#e" /ro-o!%o(
0e*o" oe *ear
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
&.;b< Details of re,uests received for Appointments made on %ompassionate Grounds
Na-e ;
"e(%ga!%o o'
(er,a! A(B
e=/%re", >)%1e %
Da!e o'
Da!e o'
re$e%/! o'
Re1a!%o()%/ >%!)
!)e +o,er-e!
(er,a! !o >)o-
a//o%!-e! >a(
g%,e D !o 0e g%,e
Po(! ; Pa*
S$a1e 'or >)%$)
>a( -a"e D !o
0e -a"e
Da!e o'
I $a(e /e"%g, rea(o( 'or
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/<
(. %ompletion of Probation
Details of cases in 7#ic# satisfactory completion of probation #as not been declared C
Na-e o'
N#-0er o'
N#-0er o' $a(e( %
>)%$) /ro0a!%o
/er%o" )a( 0ee
:umber of cases of
termination of
service during
period, if any.
N#-0er o'
re-a%%g $a(e(
Rea(o( 'or "e1a*( % ea$) $a!egor*
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<
). Recruitment Rules ;RRs< for t#e Posts
Po(!( 'or >)%$)
RR( !o 0e '%a1%Fe"
W)e!)er a$!%o )a( 0ee
%%!%a!e". I' (o, !)e /re(e!
Rea(o( 'or "e1a* %
'%a1%Fa!%o o' RR(
Po(!( 'or >)%$) RR( )a,e
o! 0ee re,%e>e"D-o"%'%e"
a( /er %(!r#$!%o(
Rea(o( 'or o-re,%e> %
ea$) $a(e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
-. Maintenance of Service 'oo2s
;a< "a2e a sample of !3 and service boo2s and note t#e follo7ing C
Are Ser,%$e Boo2(
a,a%1a01e 'or a11
$a!egor%e( o' (!a''Q
W)e!)er Ser,%$e
Boo2( are $o-/1e!e
a" #/!o "a!eQ
Are o-%a!%o
'or-( "#1* '%11e" %
a" a!!a$)e"Q
Are re$or"( o' Lea,e,
HBA, a#a1
%$re-e!( e!$.
Ha( ,er%'%$a!%o o'
(er,%$e 0ee "oe
/ar!%$#1ar1* 'or
o''%$%a1( re!%r%g %
e=! '%,e *ear(Q
W)e!)er Ser,%$e
Boo2( )a,e 0ee
()o> !o !)e /er(o(
$o$ere" e,er*
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
;b< @#ere Service 'oo2s are not complete, 7#et#er any special drive 7as underta2en C
and if so, t#e results t#ereof.
.;a< Details of Pending Disciplinary %ases
*n case of Pending Disciplinary %ases
Na-e ;
o' "e1%?#e!
Na!#re o' a11ege"
Da!e o'
re$e%/! o'
o' !)e
%%!%a!e" >%!)
"a!e %.e. "a!e o'
%((#e o' 'or-a1
$)arge ()ee!
Da!e o'
Da!e o'
o' re/or! 0*
!)e I?#%r*
C.C >a(
Pre(e! (!a!#( o'
!)e $a(e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0<
..;b< Details of Pending Revie7 = Appeal %ases
Na-e ;
"e(%ga!%o o'
"e1%?#e! o''%$%a1
Na!#re o' Pea1!* %-/o(e" Da!e o' re$e%/! o'
a//ea1 D re,%e>
Pre(e! S!a!#(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
/. :umber of 6igilance %ases Pending C GroupA C SSSSSSSD Group' C SSSSSSSSD Group% C SSSSSSSSD GroupD C
0. :umber of Suspension %ases Pending C
Group :umber of %ases Pending @#et#er %#arges#eet served 7it#in & mont#s, if not reasons t#ereof
!3. Revie7 for Premature Retirement Punder 4R )- ;M<Q
+ro#/ D Po(! N#-0er o' $a(e(
r%/e 'or re,%e>
N#-0er o' $a(e(
a$!#a11* re,%e>e"
N#-0er o' $a(e(
re$o--e"e" 'or
$o!%#a$e %
N#-0er o' $a(e(
re$o--e"e" 'or
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
Group A
Group '
Group %
Group D
!!. Details of %ases 7#ere Pension and Pensionary 'enefits #ave not been settled
;a< Pending %ases for Settlement of Pensionary 'enefits etc. to Persons Retired on Superannuation = 6oluntarily






































































































Pre(e! (!a!#(
















;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0<
;b< Pending %ases for Settlement of Pensionary 'enefits etc. to Persons Died in +arness in t#e office
Na-e ;
"e(%ga!%o o'
Da!e o'
Da!e o'
(a$!%o o'
Da!e o' re$e%/! o'
a1og>%!) "ea!)
$er!%'%$a!e a"
o!)er /a/er( 'or
(a$!%o o' 'a-%1*
Da!e o'
(a$!%o o'
De!a%1( o' o-(e!!1e-e!
o' $1a%-( 1%2e DCR+,
PF, C+EIS, e$a()-e!
o' 1ea,e, De/o(%! L%2
S/e$%'* !)e rea(o( 'or
o-(e!!1e-e! o' ea$)
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/<
!$. %ourt %ases -Pendency may be ta#en from the date of filing the petition/application in CAT/Court.
;a< :umber of %ourt %ases pending for
Le(( !)a 8 -o!)( Be!>ee 8 -o!)( !o 5
Be!>ee 5 !o 2 *ear( O,er 2 *ear( To!a1
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)<
;b< Details of Pending %ourt %ases
Pe!%!%o D OA No.
>%!) "a!e
Na-e o' Co#r! D
Be$) o' CAT
Ma@or %((#e(
Da!e o >)%$)
Co#!er A''%"a,%!
>a( '%1e"
Da!e o' '%1%g
(#0(e?#e! a''%"a,%!(,
%' a*
Pre(e! S!a!#( o' !)e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
;c< Status of *mplementation of %ourt Mudgements




























W)e!)er !)e a//ea1D
re,%e> a//1%$a!%o
aga%(! !)e
@#"ge-e! )a( 0ee
'%1e" 0*+o,er-e!D
I"%,%"#a1, %' (o, !)e
"a!e !)ereo'






I' o a//ea1 e!$.

)a( 0ee '%1e",
/re(e! (!a!#( o'
a$!%o !a2e !o
%-/1e-e! !)e
Rea(o( 'or "e1a*
% %-/1e-e!%g
!)e @#"ge-e!
W)e!)er a* $o!e-/!
/e!%!%o )a( 0ee '%1e"
'or "e1a* %
%-/1e-e!a!%o or
aga%(! !)e -aer o'
%-/1e-e!a!%o o' !)e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
!&. Delegation of Po7ers by t#e +ead of Department = Senior Officers
;i< @#et#er t#e Administrative = 4inancial Po7ers #ave been delegated to Subordinate Offices = Officers C
;ii< *f so, t#e order numbers and date vide 7#ic# suc# po7ers 7ere delegated C
;iii< @#et#er delegated po7ers are being e8ercised C
!(. Maintenance of Advance Registers and %as# 'oo2 -Ta#e a sample of five registers.
;a< ;i< @#et#er registers for longterm advances and s#ortterm advances being maintained properly C
;ii< @#et#er entries of all advances li2e GP4, +'A, Scooter=%ar advances are made in t#e
pay boo2 Register C
;iii< Are t#ese registers being submitted to officers C
;iv< @#et#er proper account of t#e *mprest Money is being maintained C
;b< ;i< *s t#e %as# 'oo2 being maintained as per rules = instructions C
;ii< Are all receipts and payments entered daily in t#e %as# 'oo2 C
;iii< *s p#ysical verification of %as# in +and done once in a mont# by t#e officers C
!). ;a< Audit Ob>ections
;i< *s internal Audit being done every year C
;ii< Date of last visit of e8ternal Audit "eam C
;b< Details of pending Audit Ob>ections
N#-0er o'
/e"%g A#"%!
Para(, 0ro#g)!
!o o!%$e 0*
A#"%! Tea-
N#-0er o'
A#"%! Para(
N#-0er o'
$a(e( o' -%(-
%' a*
N#-0er o'
A#"%! Para(,
/e"%g a$!%o
Pe"%g A#"%! Para(, %
Rea(o( 'or "e1a* %
!a2%g $orre$!%,e a$!%o
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/<
!-. 6e#icle7ise details of Petrol = Diesel consumption -Month*%ise consumption during the year may be given.
Ma2e o' .e)%$1e Reg%(!ra!%o
W)e!)er !)e Log
Boo2 %( -a%!a%e"
$o(#-/!%o o'
Pe!ro1 D D%e(e1
58cess, if any,
over t#e
ceiling of
W)e!)er e=$e((
$o(#-/!%o >a(
go! reg#1ar%Fe"
>%!) IFDI(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.<

1nder Secretary ;Admn.=5stt.<
*@S1 = O&M 1nit

6$ecutive Summary for Secretary
IAide para !&);(<Q
;"o be prepared by *@S1 = O&M 1nits<
!. Position of 6acant Posts






N#-0er o' ,a$a$%e( ar%(e o,er 3

.a$a$%e( ar%(e #"er












































;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3< ;!!< ;!$< ;!&<
$. ;a< Details of pending Disciplinary %ases
Na-e ;
"e(%ga!%o o'
Na!#re o'
Da!e o'
re$e%/! o'
o' !)e
%%!%a!e" >%!)
"a!e %.e. "a!e o'
%((#e o' 'or-a1
I $a(e o' -a@or /ea1!%e( /ro$ee"%g( Pre(e! (!a!#(
o' !)e $a(e
Da!e o'
%%!%a!%o o'
Da!e o'
(#0-%((%o o'
re/or! 0* !)e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0<
;b< Status of *mplementation of %ourt Mudgements




























W)e!)er !)e a//ea1D re,%e>
a//1%$a!%o aga%(! !)e
@#"ge-e! )a( 0ee '%1e"
0*+o,er-e!D I"%,%"#a1, %'
(o, !)e "a!e !)ereo'






I' o a//ea1 e!$. )a(

0ee '%1e", /re(e!
(!a!#( o' a$!%o !a2e !o
%-/1e-e! !)e
Rea(o( 'or "e1a* %
%-/1e-e!%g !)e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/<
). Pending References from M.Ps and ot#er 6.*.Ps.
:umber of references N#-0er o'
re'ere$e( "%(/o(e"
:umber of references pending for disposal
A'ro- "a!e o' re$e%/!B
O#! o' /e"%g re'ere$e( #-0er o'
$a(e( % >)%$) a$2o>1e"ge-e! D
%!er%- re/1* )a( 0ee (e!





"otal L




















;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
-. ;a< Matters relating to t#e Parliament-Pending assurances given in the Parliament.
C#e(!%o No. a"
"a!e o >)%$)
N#-0er o'
Da!e o
>)%$) !)e
A((#ra$e /e"%g 'or Rea(o( 'or o-
'#1'%1-e! Pre(e! (!a!#(
Le(( !)a
8 -o!)(
Be!>ee 8
!o 52
!)a Oe
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0<
;b< Direction of Parliament %ommittees Pending %ompliance
Na-e o' !)e Co--%!!ee Da!e o >)%$)
Na!#re o' "%re$!%o( Da!e 0* >)%$)
"%re$!%o( are !o 0e
Pre(e! (!a!#( o' $o-/1%a$e
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-<
.. Details of Pending Audit Ob>ections
N#-0er o'
a#"%! /ara(
0ro#g)! !o
o!%$e 0*
A#"%! Tea-
N#-0er o'
a#"%! /ara(
N#-0er o' $a(e(
o' -%(-
%' a*
N#-0er o'
a#"%! /ara(
Pe"%g a#"%!
/ara(, % 0r%e'
Rea(o( 'or "e1a*
% !a2%g $orre$!%,e
a$!%o A/ara->%(eB Re-ar2(
;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/<
/. Disposal of Petitions from t#e Public
:umber of Petitions N#-0er o' Pe!%!%o(
:umber of Petitions pending for disposal
A'ro- "a!e o' re$e%/!B
Rea(o( 'or /e"e$* o' $a(e( o,er
(%= -o!)(






"otal L




















;!< ;$< ;&< ;(< ;)< ;-< ;.< ;/< ;0< ;!3<
0. Details of any ot#er aspect;s< 7#ic# need t#e attention of t#e Secretary = +ead of Office ;may be added as Anne$ure..
Matters in respect of 7#ic# departments may issue departmental instructions
PAide para !)0;!<Q
S.:o. Sub>ect Reference to t#e
relevent para of
t#e Manual
! $ &
!. Designation of an officer to receive urgent da2 outside office #ours
;for departments #aving no resident cler2 or nig#t duty staff for t#e
purpose< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;$<;b<
$. %ategories of receipts 7#ic# s#ould be entered in t#e da2 register . 0;-<;#<
&. Processing of urgent da2 received by t#e central registry outside
office #ours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !3;)<
(. "ypes of receipts 7#ic# s#ould be seen by #ig#er officers before
t#ey processed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !!;&<
). "ypes of receipts, ot#er t#an t#ose mentioned in para !$;!< 7#ic#
s#ould not be diarised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !$;$<;2<
-. Designation of an officer to decide allocation of disputed receipts . !-
.. %ategories of Hroutine cases 7#ic# t#e section officer can dispose of
and types of Hintermediate actionA 7#ic# #e can ta2e on #is o7n . . !0;$<
/. %ategories of cases for 7#ic# standard process s#eets can be devised . $!
0. 9evels at 7#ic# different classes of cases may be finally disposed of . $$;!<
!3. 'oo2ing of telep#one trun2 calls ;or S"D< calls from telep#ones
provided in office and at residences of officers. . . . . . . . (-;)<
!!. %ases or classes of cases in 7#ic# attac#ed and Subordinate offices
under control of a department may correspond directly 7it# ot#er
departments and vice versa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (.;!<
!$. 9evels competent to ma2e or aut#orise interdepartmental references (0;$<;a<
!&. 4ormulation of guidelines by nodal ministries=departments . . . . . )3
!(. %lasses of cases in 7#ic# fair communications may be aut#enticated for
issue by t#e section officer of central issue section=section concerned . ./;(<
APPENDI3 80--contd/
! $ &
!). Procedure for submission of 7ee2ly statement of cases ot#er t#an
t#ose of routine nature disposed of 7it#out reference to t#e
Ministerinc#arge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /);$<;b<;*<
!-. %lasses of cases in respect of 7#ic# card indices may be maintained . !3!;(<
!.. Departmental record retention sc#edule prescribing retention periods
for different categories of records connected 7it# substantive functions . !3);!<;d<
!/. Procedure for revie7 and 7eeding out of records maintained by officers
and t#eir personal staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !3/
!0. "ime limits for disposal of cases . . . . . . . . . . . . !!)
$3. Declaration of meeting less day in t#e 7ee2 . . . . . . . . . !!-
$!. 9evels to 7#ic# t#e mont#ly statement of cases pending disposal for
over a mont# may be submitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . !!/;-<
$$. 9evels to 7#ic# t#e inspection reports and t#e compliance reports
s#ould be submitted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !&-;&<
$&. Supplementary inspections of sections 7it# special reference to t#e
nature of t#eir 7or2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !&.;!<
$(. %ategories of record to be treated as #istorical importance. . . . . *tem ;!!< of Part H'A of
Appendi8 $)
Despatc# Register to be maintained by t#e personal offices of Ministers
PPara !-$;!<;a<;ii<Q
:umber and date of
Sub7ect To %hom
! $ & ( )
4ile Movement Diary to be maintained by t#e personal offices of t#e Ministers
PPara !-$;!<;a<;iii<Q
4ile :umber Sub7ect ,rom %hom
received and date
To %hom
sent and date
! $ & ( )
W;4or files received from t#e Secretariat only<.
Particulars of files given informally to Minister
PPara !-$;&<;b<Q
4ile :umber +rief
Destination of
officer %ho handed
over the file
Date &nitials of
P/S/ to Minister
! $ & ( )
:oteC "#is s#all be prepared in duplicate. @#ile t#e original is #anded over to P.S. to Minister, 7#o 7ill
initial t#e duplicate in to2en of #aving received t#ese particulars, t#e duplicate 7ill be 2ept by PA=PS to
t#e officer concerned, till t#e file in ,uestion is received bac2 from t#e Minister.
Procedure to be follo%ed for processing of reports of Commissions/Committees and other e$pert bodies
Pvide para 2K3Q
!. On receipt of a report, it s#ould in t#e first instance, be e8amined at t#e level of Additional
Secretary= Moint Secretary and orders on t#ose recommendations 7#ic# do not re,uire consultation
7it# ot#er departments and can be accepted straig#t7ay s#ould be issued by t#em 7it#in one mont#
from t#e date of receipt of t#e report. "#e remaining recommendations in t#e reports s#ould be
processed t#roug# empo7ered committees.
$. "#e Ministry primarily concerned 7it# t#e implementation of a report s#ould appoint an
K5mpo7ered %ommitteeA 7#ic# may be presided over by t#e Secretary or AS=MS and may #ave
representative of Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. 4inance, Personnel
and suc# ot#er interests as need to be consulted, 7it# full aut#ority to commit t#eir respective
departments to a firm line of action. %omposition of t#e committee s#ould be fle8ible so t#at various
interests are given due representation.
&. Deputy or 1nder Secretary may be nominated in t#e Ministry concerned to #andle t#e secretariat
7or2 for t#e H5mpo7ered %ommitteeA. Depending on t#e 7or2load, #e may eit#er be a 7#oletime
or parttime officer. *n t#e later event, administrative arrangements s#ould be made to ensure t#at #e
can be given ade,uate time to t#is 7or2.
(. 58pect 7#ere t#e H5mpo7ered %ommitteeA so directs, t#ere s#ould be no noting para7ise,
recommendation7ise or c#apter7ise. :ormally t#e paper for consideration by t#e committee
s#ould be only t#e report itself. ;Study teams s#ould be as2ed to ensure t#at t#e department vie7
point is duly ta2en into account and broug#t out 7#ile formulating recommendations, t#is 7ould
reduce t#e need for noting later<.
). :ormally, processing of t#e report s#ould be completed 7it#in t#ree mont#s of its receipt. "#is limit
may be e8ceeded only in t#ose cases 7#ere collection of additional data and furt#er analysis is
involved. Recommendations, 7#ic# are capable of immediate acceptance and implementation,
s#ould not #o7ever be #eld up, even in suc# cases.
-. Recommendations involving financial implications are of t7o categories. 4or t#e simpler ones t#e
4inance Ministry representative s#ould be aut#orised to agree on be#alf of #is Ministry straig#ta7ay.
@#ere very ma>or issues are involved, #e s#ould be able to obtain instructions from #is Ministry
before t#e particular meeting in 7#ic# t#e matter is considered.
.. *f a recommendation involves policy re,uiring t#e orders of t#e Minister or t#e %abinet, t#e
H5mpo7ered %ommitteeA, s#ould function as a screening committee before t#e case goes up to t#at
/. @#ere t#e vie7point of t#e different interests remain unresolved, t#e issue s#ould be referred to t#e
%ommittee of Secretaries for consideration.
&llustrative list of functions to be performed by the &nternal @or# Study Units/CM Units
Ipara 2K:.-0.E
S. :o. *tem of 7or2
*. Organisation and Met#od Studies
;!< Rationalisation of structures and procedures suo moto or on re,uest, including t#ose relating to
activities 7#ere t#e public comes into contact 7it# governmental administration 7it# a vie7 to
obviating #arassment to t#e public. ;4or t#ese studies t#ey 7ill compile and maintain upto date
information concerning t#e organisation and functions of t#e Ministry=Department including an
organisational c#art<.
;$< *nformation system ;revie7 and rationlisation of reports and returns, devising procedures for
facilitating proper collection, transmission, distribution, processing, storage and easy and
prompt retrieval of information etc.<.
;&< 4orms design and control.
;(< Standardisation of forms of communication.
;)< Manner of processing certain types of repetitive 7or2.
;-< Revie7 of need for continuance of advisory bodies ;e.g. committees and councils<.
;.< Revie7 of delegation of financial and administrative po7ers.
;/< 4iling i.e.
;a< Developing appropriate systems of filing for various items or 7or2 or informationD
;b< Dra7ing up standardised file inde8es broadly based on functional designs and periodic
revie7 t#ereof.
;0< Records management i.e.
;a< 5nsuring preparation or revie7 of record retention sc#edules concerning substantive
functions of t#e Ministry=Department by t#e concerned sections and furnis#ing guidance
t#erefor as necessary.
;b< Scrutiny of mont#ly reports of arrears relating to recording, inde8ing, 7eeding, etc. of files
and suggesting remedial action re,uired.
;!3< Office layout.
**. @or# measurement studies i/e/
;a< 1nderta2ing 7or2 measurement studies, including scrutiny of proposals for creation of
posts received from ot#er sections=divisions, etc.
;b< Assisting Staff *nspection 1nit in 7or2 measurement studies.
;c< Dra7ing up and revie7ing output norms.
***. Controlling delays
Scrutiny of various arrears statements so as to bring to notice of appropriate officersA failures in
preparation or delays on submission.
*6. &nspections
Dra7ing up of a programme of inspections of sections and preparation of confidential roster of
surprise inspections and ensuring t#at t#ey are carried out by t#e officers concerned.
Scrutiny of t#e inspection reports, to locate t#e more common of serious defects 7it# a vie7 to
suggesting appropriate remedial action and=or for reporting to t#e Department of Administrative
Reforms as necessary.
6. Manualisation
Overseeing prompt compilation and maualisation of administration orders and instructions by t#e
section concerned.
6*. Reports of t#e administrative Reforms %ommission, Staff *nspection 1nit and ot#er e8ternal bodies
and t#eir processing and implementation.
"#ese reports 7ill be #anded by t#e *nternal @or2Study 1nits only if t#e recommendations
t#erein relate to t#e 7or2 allotted to t#e internal 7or2study units. *n all ot#er cases t#ey 7ill be
transferred to t#e sections concerned 7it# t#e substance of t#e reports.
6**. *dentification of problem areas in and under t#e Ministry=Department, including cases of delay,
eit#er 7#ile performing t#e functions under * to 6* above or ot#er7ise ;e.g. scrutiny of reports of
Parliamentary %ommittees, ot#er committees or commissions of en,uiry or at t#e instance of
#ig#er officers in t#e Ministry=Department< and study of suc# problems=cases, 7it# a vie7 to C
locating common types of defects and devising suitable remedies to prevent t#eir
recurrence, or
ta2ing up t#e matter 7it# t#e Department of Administrative Reforms, Public
Grievances, ma2ing suggestions, for improvement, if t#at is necessary.
;"#e revie7 of cases of delay 7ill not e8tend to fi8ing responsibility<
:otesC !. S#ould a problem relating to any of t#e above items concern all t#e
Ministries=Departments, it s#ould be remitted to t#e Department of Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances ;D=ARPG< for study.
$. @#en suc# studies are underta2en by t#e DAR&PG, t#e *nternal @or2 Study 1nits s#ould
participate as liaison agencies of t#e Department for assisting in collection and processing
of data, conducting case studies or surveys, etc. in t#eir o7n Ministries=Departments.
"eport on CM Activities
Ipara 2K:-0.E
Ministry=Department Jear 5nding
!. +ave t#e instructions been issued regarding fi8ation of final
levels of disposal of cases and c#annel of t#eir submission
;para $$ of MOP<.
*f yes, mont# & year of issue for t#e first time and subse,uent
revie7 done.
+ave t#ese instruction been e8tended to any ne7 type of
cases during revie7s.
$. @#et#er "el. :o. and complete address of officers signing
t#e communications, are being 7ritten ;para-&;!$< of MOP<.
&. Recording of 4iles ;Paras 0/00 of MOP<
"otal :o. of files 7#ic# are due for recording at t#e start of
t#e year.
@#ic# became due for recording during t#e year.
@#ic# 7ere recorded during t#e year.
@#ic# remained due for recording.
(. Ot#er aspects of Record Management
@#et#er indices are maintained for records retained
;Para !3! of MOP<.
@#et#er record retention sc#edule is being maintained
;Para !3) of MOP<.
:o. of special drives carried out during t#e year 4iles 7eeded
out during t#e drives ;Para !3. of MOP<.
). Revie7 of files ;Para !3. of MOP< "otal no. of files
@#ic# 7ere due for revie7 at t#e start of t#e year.
@#ic# became due for revie7 during t#e year.
@#ic# 7ere revie7ed during t#e year.
Out of revie7ed during t#e year.
:o. of files mar2ed for furt#er retention.
:o. of files mar2ed for destruction.
-. R56*5@ O4 P5R*OD*%A9 R5POR"S A:D R5"1R:S
;Para !$) of MOP<
"otal :umber Revie7ed Streamlined=Rationalised by
5liminated %urrently
in 1se
.. POS*"*O: O4 P5:D*:G %AS5S O65R O:5 J5AR ;Para !$- of MOP<
Period MP References %ourt cases Ot#ers "otal
!$ Jears old
$) Jears old
More t#an ) Jears
/. Annual *nspection of Sections ;Paras !&&!&/ of MOP<
"otal number of Sections
:o. of Sections inspected during t#e year
0. *nspection of Departmental Record Room ;DRR<
;Para !&& of MOP<
Date of *nspection
@#et#er DRR 7as inspected >ointly 7it# :A*
"otal no of files +eld in DRR
at t#e start of t#e year
at t#e end of t#e year
Out of t#e above, no. of files over $) years old
at t#e start of t#e year
at t#e end of t#e year
:o. of files revie7ed >ointly 7it# :A*
:o. of files transferred to :A* after revie7.
!3. %onsolidation of Orders=*nstructions
;Para !)! of MOP<
"otal :umber Due
!!. Revie7 of rules, regulations & Manuals
;Para !)$ of MOP<
"otal :umber
revie7ed during t#e year
revie7ed during last ) years
!$. Revie7=simplification of formsC
;Para !)( of MOP<
"otal number of forms in use
@#et#er 4orms %ontrol %ommittee #as been set up. *f so, 7#en
:o. of forms revie7ed and eliminated
:o. of forms revie7ed and simplified
!&. @#et#er *nduction material is maintained ;Para !). of MOP<
!(. @#et#er "ime limits #ave been fi8ed for disposal of various types of cases ;Para !!) of MOP<C
!). @#et#er any suggestions sc#eme #as been introduced C
!-. @#et#er any O&M study 7as conducted t#e year C
!.. %omposition of O&M="@S 1nit
fficers at the level of :ame and
Office Address 7it# Room :o.,
4loor :o., 'uilding=Road name
"ele :o.
Additional Secy.=Moint Secy. in
c#arge of O&M unit
O&M Officer
Dy. Secretary=Dir.
Senior Analyst=
1nder Secretary
Munior Analyst=
Section Officer
Researc# Asst.=
:otes C
!. "#is report duly filledins#ould be sent to DAR&PG ;O&M Division< by Apr. end every year.
$. Any additional information relating to Administrative Reforms introduced O&M studies underta2en
suggestions for improving efficiency in administration mig#t be given in a separate note.

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