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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only

WA500-7 vs. 980K Competitive Testing V-Cycle
Loading Application

This Marketing News will highlight the results of the WA500-7 testing versus the Caterpillar
980K. The WA500-7 is well positioned to compete with the other machines in its size class. The
following summarizes the productivity and fuel consumption test results versus the CAT 980K.

Machine Configuration

Cperat|ng We|ght kg |bs 34730 76,611 31913 70,360
Lm|ss|ons 1|er
D|sp|acement L |n
13.24 930 12.3 763
kW n 263 3S3 274 367
8ucket Capac|ty m
3.6 7.3 3.7 7.S
8ucket W|dth mm |n 3400 13S 3447 136
Work Lqu|p. Contro|s
Steer|ng 1ype
Max NL1 ower ] kM
8M 1600 1900
1ler 4 lnLerlm 1ler 4 lnLerlm
C13 ACL81 SAA6u140
1|re S|ze --
-- Lockup 1C
xPA2 29.3823 xPA2 29.3823
Mlchelln Mlchelln
Lockup 1C
-- 2 lever 2 lever
-- Wheel & !SS !SS

June 3, 2013

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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only
Test Overview

Fuel Consumption and Production

The WA500-7 was found to use less fuel in both V-Cycle and Load and Carry applications
than the CAT 980K. However, due to CATs bucket shape and quick acceleration, the 980K
was able to achieve higher production values than the WA500-7. Overall fuel efficiency was
equal between the two machines.


The WA500-7 uses mainly passive regeneration with no impact to performance. Active
regeneration happens automatically and does not interfere with machine operation.
The CAT 980K has a slightly different T4 interim solution than Komatsu. The C13
ACERT engine uses the CAT Regeneration System which uses a flame to achieve
regeneration. The CAT system is automatic, like the Komatsu.
Refer to Marketing News KMN2012003 Face Off 2012 Tier 4 Engine Review for
additional regeneration information.

Testing Parameter Definitions and Descriptions

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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only
V-Cycle Loading

Test Details
Machines were tested under similar conditions while V-Shape loading. The same material,
set up and distances were used. Fuel consumption was measured and material was
weighed during each test. Both machines were tested in both E and P-Modes.

The CAT 980K consumes up to 8% more fuel than the WA500-7.

V-Shape Loading E-MODE
!"#$%&' ()*
+),--./ 01-!
gallons / hr 13.9 13.0
raLlo 1.00 1.08
Lons / hr 1443 1312
raLlo 1.00 1.03
Lons / gal 103.7 100.8
raLlo 1.00 0.97
23"4'5%676%8 CA1 980k moves 3 more maLerlal
9':; =>>656:?58 WA300-7 ls 3 more efflclenL
9':; ("?&'#C%6"? CA1 980k burns 8 more fuel

V-Shape Loading P-MODE
!"#$%&' ()*
+),--./ 01-!
gallons / hr 13.0 13.6
raLlo 1.00 1.04
Lons / hr 1310 1372
raLlo 1.00 1.04
Lons / gal 100.6 100.6
raLlo 1.00 1.00
2'34 ("6&'#7%8"6
2'34 ?@@8<836<>
CA1 980k burns 4 more fuel
CA1 980k moves 4 more maLerlal
Cverall efflclency ls Lhe same ln -Mode

The WA500-7 optimizes fuel consumption with Komatsu Smart Loader Logic (KSLL)
giving it better fuel consumption than the 980K.
The 980K has faster travel speed settings and quicker acceleration (overall and in each
The CAT bucket is designed to optimize productivity with less spillage.
The quick cycle time and optimized bucket means that the 980K has superior productivity
than the WA500-7.
Overall fuel efficiency is nearly the same on both machines.

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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only

Case Study Fuel Savings

The WA500-7 employs KSLL to automatically reduce fuel consumption when torque is not

V-Shape Loading E-MODE
!"#$$%& '($)
*+,-./ 1,2. 3+45,6789+4 !"#$% &'() &*
:;9./ 1,2. 3+45,6789+4 !"#$% &&& &+,
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"44,;. 1,2. 3+58 !-% -&&&0+,, -&+,0,,,
"<<989+4;. 1,2. 3+58 !-% 1 -/0/,,

8 hours per day, assumes 80% utilization
2000 Hours per year, $4 per gallon fuel cost

V-Shape Loading P-MODE
!"#$$%& '($)
*+,-./ 1,2. 3+45,6789+4 !"#$% &'() &'(*
:;9./ 1,2. 3+45,6789+4 !"#$% &+) &+'
:;9./ 1,2. 3+58 !,% -.) -//
"44,;. 1,2. 3+58 !,% ,&+)0))) ,&+-0.))
"<<989+4;. 1,2. 3+58 =5 >%6+<2 !,% 1 ,-0.))
"<<989+4;. 1,2. 3+58 =5 ?%6+<2 !,% ,.0.)) ,&20*))

8 hours per day, assumes 80% utilization
2000 Hours per year, $4 per gallon fuel cost

While operating in E-Mode, the WA500-7 consumes 13.9 gallons for the 980Ks 15.0
gallons. While this may not seem like a significant difference, over the course of a year, this
can result in $8,800 difference in fuel cost.

Likewise, a $4,800 savings can be found while operating in P-Mode. The WA500-7 in E-
Mode can save over $13,000 a year when compared to the 980K operating in P-Mode.

12% difference
compared to E-Mode
8% difference compared
to E-Mode

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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only
Additional Comparisons

komatsu CA1
WAS00-7 980k
new roomy cab, auLo A/C & PeaL. lull slze
secondary exlL. Lasy to access, |ow effort
sw|tches. Aux lnpuL and (2) 12v ouLleLs
AuLo A/C & heaL. lnsLrumenL panel on 8P A-
plllar wlLh many swlLches and buLLons. Aux
lnpuL and (3) 12v ouLleLs.
Steer|ng Steer|ng whee| and Ioy St|ck !oy SLlck only
Alr suspenslon, heaLed, ad[usLable dampener
suspenslon, ad[usLable arm resLs
Alr suspenslon, heaLed, ad[usLable dampener
Mach|ne Mon|tor
7" LCD co|or, Lab sLyle w/ easy Lo scroll
Lhrough menus. Lrgonomlc poslLlon.
Mono-color same as 1ler 3 wlLh analog needle
gauges. navlgaLlon ls noL easy Lo undersLand
kear V|ew Camera
SLandard, clear lmage, can be always on or on
only when ln reverse
SLandard, not a cr|sp, h|gh qua||ty |mage.
kear V|ew Camera
SeparaLe from machlne monlLor. Lrgonomlc
poslLlon on 8P slde of machlne monlLor
SeparaLe from machlne monlLor. Mounted
h|gh on kn A-p|||ar. MusL look up Lo see
Cood vlslblllLy Lo fronL, sldes, rear and fronL
oor rear v|s|b|||ty due Lo hlgh hood and
exhausL sLack

Demo Tips and Takeaways

Below is a quick guide for demo tips. For a complete guide, reference the Komatsu
Marketing News KMN2013012 New Dash 7 Midsize Wheel Loader Demo Tips.

!"##$%& '()*+%+#$,% -"%".$#
ower = for maxlmum power
such as needed for demos
ower mode provldes Lop machlne
Lconomy = for fuel savlngs or
for llghL appllcaLlons
Lconomy mode reduces fuel use ln llghL
duLy appllcaLlons
P = Plgh englne 8M shlfL polnLs
=> Pllls
L = Low englne 8M shlfL polLs
=> Level ground
Manual = manual shlfLlng
Cn = auLomaLlcally engage
1orque converLer.
Cff = lock up engages as
condlLlons allow
Cn = for load and carry
Cn wlll provlde smooLh rlde ln rough
Cff = for v-Shape Loadlng Cff ls besL used durlng levellng
'*"/#0,%$/+**1 3,%#0,**"4
!56)"%6$,% !16#"7 8'3!!9
Cn / Cll
P ls recommended for demos slnce lL
provldes maxlmum performance.
:,/;<=) >,0?5" 3,%@"0#"0 Cn / Cll
Lock-up 1orque ConverLer acLlvaLlon wlll
provlde hlgher Lravel speeds and lower
fuel consumpLlon
A,B"0 C '/,%,71 / L
>0+%67$66$,% !D$.# E,4"
P, L or

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The Komatsu marketing news contains Komatsu and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies.
All rights in the intellectual property contained in this marketing news, including copyright, trademarks, test results, are reserved. Access to this
marketing news does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Komatsu. For Internal Use Only

CAT has increased the torque on the 980K compared to the 980H resulting in good
This combined with good work equipment speed and fast steering speed results in
better productivity than the WA500-7.
The 980K is offered only with joy-stick steering.
o While smooth and efficient response at low speeds, it was found to be overly
sensitive at high speeds.
Overall fuel consumption of the WA500-7 is better than the 980K.
o However, fuel efficiency is about equal between the two machines.
The WA500-7 has superior creature comforts.
o The WA500-7 is more comfortable and quiet than the 980K while inside the
o The 980K is extremely loud outside.
o The WA500-7 has a better rear view camera and monitor with greater
The 980K had a feeling of imbalance when moving heavy loads. This is due to a
greater load on the front axle from our weight study.
Komatsu offers both a steering wheel and joy stick steering (JSS) to allow for
flexibility in different applications.

This information has been gathered to provide data on the performance of KOMATSU and competitive
machines under actual job conditions. Every effort was made to ensure reliable results. However, because
of the many variables peculiar to each job (including material characteristics, operator efficiency, labor and
other costs, haul road conditions, and altitude), neither KOMATSU LTD., nor any of its subsidiaries or
distributors can or does warrant expressly or implicitly that Komatsu or competitive equipment referred to
will achieve the performance or incur the costs indicated under other, though similar, circumstances.

The information contained herein is intended for circulation only to Komatsu employees and to those
distributor employees, whose duties require knowledge of such reports, and is intended solely for the
information and training of these readers. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS HEREBY
reproduction of this release without the foregoing explanation is prohibited.

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