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Adam Vuong

Sir Allan Macnab/905-383-3337/Mr. Vukosa

U1A1 Par !
Pierre Trudeau
Nelson Mandela
Queen Elizabeth ll
Josef Stalin
Winston Churchill
Barac !ba"a
Mahat"a #andhi
$dolf %itler
Mao &edon'
(idel Castro
$dolf %itler led Nazi #er"an) throu'h a rei'n of terror and *as on
trac to tae o+er the *orld, -e) factors that hel.ed hi" in his .eriod of
success *ere his need for .o*er and his stubborn .ersonalit) that e.t
hi" in a tunnel/+ision, B) beco"in' dictator0 he banned e+er) other
.art) and left nothin' but the Nazi Part) to do *hate+er the) .leased,
%itler *as +er) strate'ic as *ell0 no*in' that 1ussia2s "ilitar) *as a
co".lete .o*erhouse and not *antin' the" to interfere *ith his .lans of
attac, So0 he si'ned a .eace treat) to "ae sure of all of this, 3ue to
sillful .lannin' and e4ecution0 Nazi #er"an) ended u. tain' o+er
3en"ar0 Nor*a)0 %olland0 Bel'iu" and (rance before fallin', This
failed "ission to tae o+er the *orld too countless a"ounts of innocent
li+es and left #er"an) in a bad na"e, Thou'h *hat $dolf %itler did *as
re"arable considerin' ho* "an) countries he *as able to tae o+er
Adam Vuong
Sir Allan Macnab/905-383-3337/Mr. Vukosa
U1A1 Par !
throu'h .ro.a'anda and fear0 his doin's *ere horrif)in'0 unnecessar)0
and unfor'i+in', %is na"e is des.ised b) the "a5orit) of .eo.le toda),
Charis"a7 a s.ecial .ersonal 8ualit) or .o*er of an indi+idual "ain' hi" of influencin' or ins.irin' lar'e nu"bers of .eo.le,
9 belie+e a 'ood leader is a .erson that is +er) +ocal0 true to their
*ord0 and can or'anize .eo.le *ithout "ain' the" feel lie the)2re on a
leash, Personall)0 9 .la) a lot of basetball and in 5ust one 'a"e of this
s.ort0 )ou can e4.erience e+er)thin' fro" the hi'h to the lo*, 3urin' the
hi'hs :i,e, *here )our tea" is sittin' *ith a co"fortable lead)0 e+er)one
see"s to be a leader ; s"ilin'0 co""unicatin'0 and .ositi+e, But0 it2s
durin' the ti"es of ad+ersit) *here the true leader *ill ste. u. and do *hat
he or she is "eant to do, 3urin' the lo*0 *hile the "a5orit) of .eo.le are
co".lainin'0 .ointin' fin'ers0 and losin' their ho.e0 the leader co"es
throu'h and .ro+ides "oti+ation and assists in the cli"b bac u. to the to.,
That is charis"a, Bein' a leader is not for e+er)one0 it is for the .eo.le *ho
in+ite stress and .ressure into their li+es and ha+e ada.ted to o+erco"in'
these .roble"s on a re'ular basis, When 9 ha+e to choose a leader0 it taes
ti"e, This is because 9 ha+e to 'et a feel for each .erson2s true character
:durin' ti"es of no stress to ti"es of hi'h ad+ersit)) and deter"ine *hether
or not their .ersonalit) fits the .osition,

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