Freelance Public Relations Pitches

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1ls' 1he Season lor A Palr "uC"

Pl xxx,

uoes beauLlful, lush halr make your season brlghLer? !"#$%&' )*$+, one of Lhe leadlng
premlum halr exLenslon brands ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, wanLs your readers everywhere Lo
feel absoluLely fabulous Lhls hollday season.

uurlng such a franLlc Llme of year, your halr should be one less Lhlng Lo obsess abouL ...
for once. lor a qulck, easy and volumlnous LransformaLlon Lo your halr wlLhln mlnuLes,
!"#$%&' )*$+ ls [usL Lhe rlghL soluLlon. WlLh lLs new S1uulC CollecLlon producL - !"#
%#&'#() *+, *+-./#(# (0/. /1 2#) - your halr wlll dazzle wlLhln a snap.

WlLh a hollday consclous prlce range of $179-$229, Lhe erfecL 10 allows for versaLlllLy
and ease of use ln Lwo sleek LexLures: 345678 9#0:;#< =)&:/>") and %598 ?:@A. 1en
lndlvldual wefLs on easy Lo manage cllps, allows you Lo add lnsLanL volume and lengLh Lo
dlfferenL secLlons of your halr, wlLhouL Lhe commlLmenL. lndlque Palr exLenslons can
also be re-used up Lo a year or longer as long as your lusclous locks are properly
malnLalned. So, updaLe your halr Loday for a fabulous hollday and rlng ln Lhe new ?ear
relnvenLed! We hope you agree.

1hanks for conslderlng and l'll be ln Louch agaln soon Lo dlscuss any posslble coverage.
ln Lhe meanLlme, lf you have any quesLlons, please don'L heslLaLe Lo call.

,-./0 !12!3/4 ),!5
WlLh a wlnnlng comblnaLlon of halr experLs and sLyllsLs, and more Lhan 23 years of
lndusLry experlence, lndlque Palr provldes 100 percenL vlrgln human halr LhaL ls naLural
and of Lhe hlghesL quallLy. WlLh an lmpresslve cllenL base LhaL conslsLs of Lady Caga,
kourLney kardashlan, Lala vasquez, Angela Slmmons, Clara, !lll ScoLL, 1eyana 1aylor and
more, lndlque Palr's unlque lndlan vlrgln and naLural human halr exLenslons are lusLrous
and Langle free. lndlque Palr ls Lhe only company LhaL produces halr exLenslons aL Lhe
source, wlLh headquarLers ln lndla, and four freesLandlng bouLlques ln 8osLon, new ?ork
(Soho & Cueens), and nashvllle. lor more lnformaLlon vlslL
Cn uecember 13Lh, CelebrlLy 8logger 1'678' -$96:$' hosLed "B1 8@#1/1>
?/)" C-9:)#< DE2/F1 G/HE#E&" aL famed eaLery Pebru 8rand aL Lacuna ArLlsL
LofL ln Chlcago, lL. ALLendees of Lhe dlnner lncluded Chlcago key
lnfluencers, LasLemakers, nlghLllfe promoLers and medla.

CuesLs were LreaLed Lo llghL refreshmenLs and C-9:)#< DE2/F1 G/HE#E&
cockLalls such as LAx and x-8ose whlle Lhey rocked ouL Lo Lhe beaLs
splnnlng by famed u! Love !ones.

IJ K:2 &#:00A #;(/)#< )F "F2) : </11#& K/)" C-9:)#< DE2/F1 G/HE#E& /1
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Lnclosed below are lmages from Lhe evenL.

hoLo CredlL:

*FOR CONSIDERATION* - Plus Size Fashion Expert Monif Clarke


I hope this email finds you in fantastic spirits in the New Year. I thought this would be a
great segment idea for the [show].

Amid the recent media explosion surrounding the spread in the January issue of
the PLUS Model Magazine which features plus size model Katya Zharkova and a straight
size model in the nude beside each other to "open the minds of the fashion industry",
we'd like to quickly introduce you to a leading expert in this field, Monif Clarke.

Albeit a very body-conscious fashion industry, there is room for acknowledgment and
encouragement of the full-figured woman. The reality is ... we are straying from reality.
Monif is available to give insight on what has been occurring in the fashion industry over
the years and what is to come in the plus size market. She would be a terrific source to
speak to the issues surrounding retailers' hesitancy to appeal to the plus-size arena that
mirrors ... actuality.

Monif Clarke is also the founder of Monif C. Plus Sizes, a high-end clothing brand that
appeals to the young, contemporary, fashion forward plus size woman, which has been
featured in Glamour, Marie Claire, Lucky, Seventeen, Essence and more. As a plus size
specialist, Monif has been featured on Fox Business, ABC News, Crain's New York
Business and more.

I would be more than happy to forward you additional information upon your request.
Thanks so much for your consideration XXXX and I look forward to hearing from you!

*FOR CONSIDERATION: Monif C. Plus Sizes' Spring 2012


I hope you are doing fantastic. I wanted to forward you images of Monif C. Plus
Sizes' Spring 2012 Collection for consideration in InStyle upcoming features.

Voted "Best Plus Size Designer" by Full Figured Fashion Week 2011 - Monif C. Plus
Sizes is a high-end clothing brand that appeals to the young, contemporary, fashion
forward plus size woman. With a fresh and vibrant collection complete with fashion
week palette favorites - Monif C. is full of beautiful and bright spring colors such as
corals, purples, teals and whites.

Monif C. has been featured in Glamour, Marie Claire, Lucky, Seventeen, Essence,
ABC's The View, The Today Show, and many more.

I would be more than happy to forward you additional information upon your
request. Thanks so much for your consideration Dana and I look forward to hearing
from you!

vluLC: CelebrlLy Palr SLyllsL 1ara SmlLh and CelebrlLy lashlon ueslgner SLacy lgel 1rade
8eauLy & SLyle SecreLs

Pl xxx,

As your readers geL ready for Lhe upcomlng hollday husLle, surely Lhey are golng Lo need
a few qulck halr and sLyllng Llps. 1he lasL Lhlng Lhey wanL Lo worry abouL durlng Lhe
season of glvlng ls Lhelr own baslc upkeep and LhaL's why Lhey should be lnLroduced
Lo "#$%&' ($# )#*+, -%.$ ).*/0 12#3 4#*.56%&2 /#3#76%.0 $*%6 ,.03%,. (*6* )+%.$. 1hls
cheery and good-humored segmenL feaLures Lhe ladles Lradlng off on Lhelr besL-kepL
beauLy and sLyle secreLs. SLacy glves chlc fashlon-forward advlce whlle 1ara offers on
Lhe go halr Llps LhaL whlle qulck are flawless and fabulous.

"#$%&' ($# )#*+, -%.$ ).*/0 12#3 %, *& 86%2%&*3 /8&.#&. 9#7 ,#6%#,: #;/35,%<#30
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l have lncluded a llnk Lo Lhe aforemenLloned plece wlLh SLacy lgel and 1ara SmlLh as well
as embed code Lo Lhe vldeo below. ?ou can also leL your readers know LhaL by slgnlng
up for Lockerz and waLchlng Lhe full vldeo Lhey'll earn polnLs (1Z) Lo use Lowards
merchandlse on Lhe slLe. Pappy shopplng!

1hanks ln advance for your Llme and conslderaLlon.

8ehlnd 1he Seams WlLh SLacy lgel leaLurlng 1ara SmlLh

Lmbed Code:
LC" wldLh="640" helghL="332" Lype="appllcaLlon/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="Lrue"

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