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to help us test products and

services and inform consumers
with our unbiased reports. Your
contribution helps us to maintain
our no-advertising policies.
Great for You
Great for Us
Tell memoreabout theConsumer Reports Charitable Gift Annuity"
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I amthinking of donating to establish my
Consumer Reports Charitable Gift Annuity.
Mail to:EdPitaroConsumer Reports 101TrurnanAvenue 'Yonkers,NY' 10703or e-mail to
Youreceiveincome for life
through our Consumer Reports Gift
Annuity program. With acharitable
donation of $10,000 or more to
Consumer Reports, you will receive
very favorable, fixed rate annuity
payments for your lifetime(s) that are
unaffected by economic downturns.
Single Life Yearly Rate
62 4. 5%
73 5. 5
81 7. 0
90 9. 0
TwoLives YearlyRate
76/ 73 5. 0%
83/ 80 6. 0
Askusabout additional rates
and deferred annuities.
Your charitable donation
iseligible for certain tax benefits and a
portion of your annuity payments may be
tax free. Inaddition, youwill receive alife-
time subscription toConsumer Reports.
For more information, please return the
no-obligation slip or call Ed Pitaro for
aconfidential personal benefits profile:
This is not legal advice. Any prospective donor should seek
the advice of aqualified estate and/or tax professional to
determine the consequences of his/her gift. or fax to: 914-378-2916
Because of her
geuerous gift,
Leslie Winters
receives lifetime
Vitamin C.. :rhere'ssorne.evmence.tnarj,
200 milligrams or' more of vitamin .'
day might improve cold symptoms
smokers and seniors,' though it
prevent c colds. V.itamin C can <:HJ"o.'H'''1i'~:,'
iron a~sorption7 so a~oid"high doses if
you have hemochromatosis.s a condition
in whjch tlig"b'od,y absorbs and stores too
--Vitamin D. If youget 'somemidday-sun
, exposure during the warmer months and
regularly consume vitamin Drrich foods,
such as. fatty fish, eg~s". and fortified
daify~pr9.ducJ's"YQuprdbably d~m't need 'J'i'
. to take a-,s.upplement. P,eoplewlro are , '
middle-aged or older, are overweight, or"
have darker skin might need supple-
ments. If you-'htunsure about yo;urvita-
min D stitus,;- ask your doctor about
havingarblood test.: 1,\,';'" ~
little'as'400 IVaday,toasmall but statisti-
eall~"sign[ficant~.incr~'1:sedn' mortality.
Moreoyel',tJ;ne'vitamin-may .iilbibit blood-
clotting, SO 'ilkshouItln't' be"taken 'with
bloodthinnersru " -,. ~.
Multivitamins. -Large diniqal trials
l1averepeate41yfoup'dxbilt ID1i\ltivit}rhins,
dorr't impro'{~tlje health.oftlte average
person!'tGroups ;\i.hOfmightneed amulti
vitamin,(indlide women who are preg-
nant, breast-feeding, Qj:!zyingtoconceive;
dieters consuming:lewer than 1,200 calo-
ries a-day or , c :!;lru , rig 'Out an entire food
group (~a:rbs, for example); and people ':'
with"me;di"~conditions that affect diges- '
tiori ana fooctabsorytion. '
Great for You
Great for Us
IThis is not legal aclVice. All~prospeC~ve donor should seek
tHeadvice of.aqualified estate and/or tax pl'ofessionalto
determine the co~e~u'll:'ces of his/hior>giJr.
r f - : ' ~ ~ ~ - - - -
Tellme'IDoreaboutthe;,Consumer Reports Charita~le Gift'.Annuitys~
IN~(s)' .,:~.,~ " "J "
Adili~ss" 'jj ., ' , -
f ciiY/State/ZIP_' -'--"-~;-;:-;-r:---.--:-:--."""'-:--;---""---''--'-'----~=:-
..,.....,..~ f 4-
1_ Date(s) of Birth~~~-i':'-_"-- __ -'--''''-----'''---c ---',--'-:'--''
""E-;rrtail_-'-'-'-'- __ --"-"-'-'---'-''-- __
I1-amthinking ofilcinafing.) ,to 'esfablisll my'
G 'onstil'ner' Repolfts ~li~itcible~G iftArinili~ , til $,J; , -. " .
I,l'4itil to:Ed;Pit~' CollSufu&;~~P.Oits'. 101~~AveJ~Y~&m:. 10703.' i> r e~miillt';
'epifaro'@collSUmer,orgorfaXid:914-378-2916 , j' ( :a.,j ".<jIl1" ,
Ii., , ~ ._ i~ ~ ~ J~ " .,~
. You receive income for life
through our Consumer Reports Gift
Annuity program. With a charitable
donation 0$10,00Q or more to .
Consumer R~,ports, you will receive
very favorable, fixed rate annuity
pay,;mems for your lifetirnejs) that are
unaffected by economic downturns.
Y O U r c h r u d m b l e d o n a t i o n
, '
iseligible fQrcerraihJax benefits and a
portion of yOW annuity payments may be,
'tax free. Inaddition, )lOH will receive ~life-
time subscription toConsutner' Reports,
For-more information, please rerum ihe
nQ::-obligarionslip o~call E~Pitaro for
aconfide.nrial personal benefi~ profile:
We receive f u r i W n g
to help us test products and,
services and inform consumers
with our unbiased reports. YOqf
eontri15ut.ionhelps us to malp.tllih
omno-advertising policies.

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