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EUCO 37/13

EUROPEA COU CIL Brussels, 8 February 2013
EUCO 37/13
from : General Secretariat of the Council
to : Delegations
7/8 FEBRUAR 2013
Delegations will fin attache the conclusions of the Euro!ean Council "7/# $ebruar% &'13( as
regars the item )ultiannual $inancial $ramewor*+
,he conclusions on the other items can be foun in ocument 3/13+
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
EUCO 37/13 1
1+ O-er recent %ears the Euro!ean Union an its )ember States ha-e ta*en im!ortant ste!s in
res!onse to the challenges raise b% the economic an financial crisis+ .oo*ing to the future/
the ne0t )ultiannual $inancial $ramewor* ")$$( must ensure that the Euro!ean Union1s
buget is geare to lifting Euro!e out of the crisis+ ,he Euro!ean Union1s buget must be a
catal%st for growth an jobs across Euro!e/ notabl% b% le-eraging !roucti-e an human
ca!ital in-estments+ 2ithin the future )ultiannual $inancial $ramewor*/ s!ening shoul be
mobilise to su!!ort growth/ em!lo%ment/ com!etiti-eness an con-ergence/ in line with the
Euro!e &'&' Strateg%+ 3t the same time/ as fiscal isci!line is reinforce in Euro!e/ it is
essential that the future )$$ reflects the consoliation efforts being mae b% )ember States
to bring eficit an ebt onto a more sustainable !ath+ ,he -alue of each euro s!ent must be
carefull% e0amine ensuring that the Euro!ean 3e 4alue an 5ualit% of s!ening uner the
future )$$ are enhance not least b% !ooling resources/ acting as a catal%st an offering
economies of scale/ !ositi-e trans bounar% an s!ill6o-er effects thus contributing to the
achie-ement of agree common !olic% targets more effecti-el% or faster an reucing national
e0!eniture+ Sustainable growth an em!lo%ment will onl% resume if a consistent an broa6
base a!!roach is !ursue/ combining smart fiscal consoliation that !reser-es in-estment in
future growth/ soun macroeconomic !olicies an an acti-e em!lo%ment strateg% that
!reser-es social cohesion+ EU !olicies must be consistent with the !rinci!les of subsiiarit%/
!ro!ortionalit% an soliarit% as well as !ro-ie real ae -alue+
EUCO 37/13 &
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
&+ ,he future financial framewor* must not onl% ensure the a!!ro!riate le-el of e0!eniture/ but
also its 5ualit%+ ,he 5ualit% of e0!eniture will allow for a better e-elo!ment of the !olicies/
ta*ing full a-antage of the o!!ortunities the% !ro-ie in terms of Euro!ean -alue ae/ in
!articular in times of hea-% constraint on the national bugets+ 3ll funing instruments
shoul/ therefore/ be s!ent as effecti-el% as !ossible+ Efforts towars im!ro-ing the 5ualit% of
s!ening of the Union1s funs nee to inclue/ inter alia/ the better go-ernance of the !olicies
incluing certain conitionalities/ concentration an targeting of funing/ where-er !ossible
in all funing instruments an !rogrammes uner all 7eaings/ on areas that contribute most
to growth/ jobs an com!etiti-eness+ 8egular re!orting for the a!!raisal of results on all
!olicies an funing instruments at !olitical le-el shoul be ensure+ 9n aition/ elements
ensuring the a!!ro!riate 5ualit% of e0!eniture must inclue fle0ibilit%/ !ositi-e incenti-es/
concentration of funs on growth6enhancing measures/ e-aluation an re-iew/ em!hasis on
results/ sim!lification in eli-er%/ a!!ro!riate technical assistance/ a!!lication of com!etition
!rinci!le in selecting the !rojects/ an an a!!ro!riate use of financial instruments+ ,he
conclusions inclue a number of elements that !ro-ie for the a!!lication of the abo-e
!rinci!les+ $urthermore/ e-er% effort shoul be mae b% all institutions of the Union so that
the sectoral legislation of rele-ant funing instruments inclues !ro-isions aiming at
enhancing the 5ualit% of s!ening+
3+ ,o allow for a etaile assessment of the 5ualit% of s!ening an consistentl% with the annual
e-aluation re!ort on the Union1s finances !ro-ie b% the Commission uner 3rticle 31#
,$EU/ the Commission will transmit each %ear to the Council an to the Euro!ean :arliament
a summar% re!ort for the CS$ !rogrammes "base on the annual im!lementation re!orts of
the )ember States( as well as a s%nthesis of all a-ailable e-aluations of :rogrammes+ 9n
aition/ two strategic re!orts for the CS$ !rogrammes will be !resente uring the
!rogramming !erio+
;+ ,he new )$$ will co-er the se-en %ears between &'1; an &'&' an be rawn u! for a
Euro!ean Union com!rising &# )ember States on the wor*ing assum!tion that Croatia will
join the Union in &'13+
EUCO 37/13 3
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
<+ E0!eniture will be grou!e uner si0 7eaings esigne to reflect the Union1s !olitical
!riorities an !ro-iing for the necessar% fle0ibilit% in the interest of efficient allocation of
,he )ultiannual $inancial $ramewor* for the !erio &'1; to &'&' will ha-e the following
- Sub67eaing 1a =Com!etiti-eness for growth an jobs> which will inclue the
Connecting Euro!e $acilit%?
- Sub67eaing 1b =Economic/ social an territorial cohesion>?
- 7eaing & =Sustainable growth: natural resources> which will inclue a sub6ceiling for
mar*et relate e0!eniture an irect !a%ments?
- 7eaing 3 =Securit% an citi@enshi!>?
- 7eaing ; =Global Euro!e>?
- 7eaing < =3ministration> which will inclue a sub6ceiling for aministrati-e
- 7eaing A BCom!ensationsB+
A+ ,he Euro!ean Council has reache !olitical agreement that the ma0imum total figure for
e0!eniture for EU &# for the !erio &'1;6&'&' is EU8 959 988 million in a!!ro!riations for
commitments/ re!resenting 1+''C of EU GD9 an EU8 908 400 million in a!!ro!riations for
!a%ments re!resenting '+E<C of the EU GD9+ ,he brea*own of a!!ro!riations for
commitments is escribe below+ ,he same figures are also set out in the table containe in
3nne0 9 which e5uall% sets out the scheule of a!!ro!riations for !a%ments+ 3ll figures are
e0!resse using constant &'11 !rices+ ,here will be automatic annual technical ajustments
for inflation+ ,his is the basis on which the Council will now see* the consent of the Euro!ean
:arliament in accorance with 3rticle 31&"&( ,$EU which sti!ulates that the Council shall
ao!t the )$$ regulation after obtaining the consent of the Euro!ean :arliament+
EUCO 37/13 ;
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
9n orer to ensure that the Union can fulfill all its financial obligations stemming from
e0isting an future commitments in the !erio &'1;6&'&' in accorance with 3rticle 3&3
,$EU/ s!ecific rules for the management of the %earl% !a%ments ceilings will be lai own+
,he statistical ata an forecasts use to establish the eligibilit% an en-elo!es for the CS$
funs an also for the calculation of total GD9 are those use for the Commission u!ate of
the !ro!osal for the )$$ 8egulation in Ful% &'1& "CO)"&'1&( 3##(+
7+ 7a-ing in min the financial nees necessar% to e-elo! in-estment in Euro!e an the
objecti-e of ma0imising the le-erage effect of actions su!!orte b% the EU buget/ a more
wies!rea use of financial instruments incluing !roject bons will be mae as !art of the
im!lementation of the ne0t )$$+ $inancial instruments must aress one or more s!ecific
!olic% objecti-es of the Union/ o!erate in a non6iscriminator% fashion/ must ha-e a clear
en6ate/ res!ect the !rinci!les of soun financial management an be com!lementar% to
traitional instruments such as grants+ ,he financial liabilit% of the Union for such financial
instruments in the ne0t multiannual financial framewor* will be limite to the EU buget
contribution an will not gi-e rise to contingent liabilities for the Union buget+
$inancial instruments can onl% be im!lemente when the% meet strict conitions as lai own
in the new $inancial 8egulation+ $inancing from the EU buget for the !ur!ose of financial
instruments shoul onl% ha!!en on a reasonable scale an where there is an ae -alue+
EUCO 37/13 <
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
#+ ,he 83. "reste liquider( is an ine-itable b%6!rouct of multi6annual !rogramming an
ifferentiate a!!ro!riations+ 7owe-er/ for -arious reasons/ the 83. will be significantl%
higher than e0!ecte at the en of the financial framewor* for &''76 &'13+ 9n orer/ therefore/
to ensure a manageable le-el an !rofile for the !a%ments in all 7eaings se-eral initiati-es
are an integral !art of the agreement on the financial framewor* &'1;6&'&':
- the le-els of commitments are set at an a!!ro!riate le-el in all 7eaings?
- e6commitments rules will be a!!lie strictl% in all 7eaings/ in !articular the rules for
automatic e6commitments?
- !re6financing rates are reuce com!are to the !erio &''76&'13?
- no egressi-it% of annual commitments for regional =safet% net> arrangements uner
Cohesion :olic% in orer to contribute to the manageable !rofile of commitments an
E+ ,he EU has the res!onsibilit%/ through certain conitionalities/ robust controls an effecti-e
!erformance measurement/ to ensure that funs are better s!ent+ 9t must also res!on to the
nee to sim!lif% its s!ening !rogrammes in orer to reuce the aministrati-e buren an
costs for their beneficiaries an for all actors in-ol-e/ both at the EU le-el at the national
le-el+ 3ll sectoral legislation relating to the ne0t )$$ as well as the new $inancial 8egulation
an the 9nterinstitutional 3greement on coo!eration in bugetar% matters an on soun
financial management shoul therefore contain substantial elements contributing to
sim!lification an im!ro-ing accountabilit% an effecti-e s!ening of EU funs+ 3 !articular
effort will be mae/ both in the legislation an in its im!lementation/ to ensure that the
!rinci!les of subsiiarit% an !ro!ortionalit% are full% ta*en into account an that the
s!ecificities of small !rogrammes in Bmono6regionB )ember States are ta*en into account in
the efinition of lighter rules+
EUCO 37/13 A
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1'+ ,he o!timal achie-ement of objecti-es in some !olic% areas e!ens on the mainstreaming of
!riorities such as en-ironmental !rotection into a range of instruments in other !olic% areas+
Climate action objecti-es will re!resent at least &'C of EU s!ening in the !erio &'1;6&'&'
an therefore be reflecte in the a!!ro!riate instruments to ensure that the% contribute to
strengthen energ% securit%/ builing a low6carbon/ resource efficient an climate resilient
econom% that will enhance Euro!e1s com!etiti-eness an create more an greener jobs+
11+ 9n orer to allow the EU buget to !la% its crucial role in fostering growth/ jobs an
com!etiti-eness/ the following legislati-e te0ts now nee to be ao!te as soon as !ossible
following the !roceures enshrine in the ,reat% an res!ecting the role of the ifferent
institutions+ 9n !articular:
the 8egulation la%ing own the )$$ for the %ears &'1;6&'&'?
the 9nterinstitutional 3greement on coo!eration in bugetar% matters an on soun
financial management?
the Decision on the s%stem of own resources of the Euro!ean Union as well as its
im!lementing measures+
On the basis of the le-els of commitments in this agreement/ an noting the inicati-e figures
!ro!ose b% the Commission for the objecti-es uner all the 7eaings/ the Council an the
Euro!ean :arliament are in-ite to come to a timel% agreement on the a!!ro!riate funing of
each of the !ro!ose instruments/ !rogrammes an funs finance uner the )$$/ incluing
the !ossibilit% of a re-iew+
8ecalling the intensi-e contacts hel o-er the !ast months with the Euro!ean :arliament/ both
in the margins of the meetings of the General 3ffairs Council an at the le-el of the
9nstitutions1 :resients in line with 3rticle 3&; ,$EU/ the Euro!ean Council in-ites the
:resienc% to ra!il% ta*e forwar iscussions with the Euro!ean :arliament+
,he Commission is in-ite to !ro-ie all assistance an su!!ort it eems useful to further the
ecision6ma*ing !rocess+
EUCO 37/13 7
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1&+ ,he Euro!ean Council calls on the co6legislators to ao!t swiftl% the financing !rogrammes
im!lementing the &'1;6&'&' )ultiannual $inancial $ramewor* so as to ensure their timel%
roll6out from 1 Fanuar% &'1;+ 9t recalls the share objecti-e an res!onsibilit% of the
9nstitutions an the )ember States to sim!lif% the funing rules an !roceures+ ,he
Euro!ean Council welcomes !rogress mae in the on6going negotiations an urges the co6
legislators to agree on !rogrammes that are sim!ler/ that mar* a clear reuction in
aministrati-e buren for !ublic authorities an for beneficiaries+ ,his woul ma*e the
!rogrammes more accessible/ more fle0ible an strongl% focuse on the eli-er% of results in
terms of growth an jobs/ in line with our Euro!e &'&' strateg%+
! UB ,-E A+I ' 1a . C O #PET IT IVE E! ! FO R 'RO $T - A + / OB !
13+ Smart an inclusi-e growth corres!ons to an area where EU action has significant -alue
ae+ ,he !rogrammes uner this 7eaing ha-e a high !otential to contribute to the
fulfilment of the Euro!e &'&' Strateg%/ in !articular as regars the !romotion of research/
inno-ation an technological e-elo!ment? s!ecific action in fa-our of the com!etiti-eness of
enter!rises an S)Es? in-esting in eucation an in human s*ills through the E83S)US for
all !rogramme? an e-elo!ing the social agena+ 9n allocating funing within this 7eaing/
!articular !riorit% shall be gi-en to eli-ering a substantial an !rogressi-e enhancement of
the EU1s research/ eucation an inno-ation effort/ incluing through sim!lification of
1;+ Gi-en their !articular contribution to the objecti-es of the Euro!e &'&' Strateg%/ the funing
for 7ori@on &'&' an E83S)US for all !rogrammes will re!resent a real growth com!are
to &'13 le-el+
EUCO 37/13 #
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1<+ ,he le-el of commitments for this sub67eaing/ will not e0cee E! 125 "14 #illion :
SUG67E3D9DG 1a 6 Com!etiti-eness for growth an jobs
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
1< A'< 1A 3&1 1A 7&A 17 AE3 1# ;E' 1E 7'' &1 '7E
1A+ ,here is a critical nee to reinforce an e0ten the e0cellence of the UnionHs science base+
,he effort in research an e-elo!ment will therefore be base on e0cellence/ while ensuring
broa access to !artici!ants in all )ember States? this/ together with a thorough sim!lification
of the !rogramme/ will ensure an efficient an effecti-e future Euro!ean 8esearch :olic% also
ensuring better !ossibilities for S)Es to !artici!ate in the !rogrammes+ 3ll !olicies will be
calle u!on to contribute to increase com!etiti-eness an !articular attention will be !ai to
the coorination of acti-ities fune through 7ori@on &'&' with those su!!orte uner other
Union !rogrammes/ incluing through cohesion !olic%+ 9n this conte0t/ im!ortant s%nergies
will be neee between 7ori@on &'&' an the structural funs in orer to create a =stairwa% to
e0cellence> an thereb% enhance regional 8I9 ca!acit% an the abilit% of less !erforming an
less e-elo!e regions to e-elo! clusters of e0cellence+
17+ 9nterconnecte trans!ort/ energ% an igital networ*s are an im!ortant element in the
com!letion of the Euro!ean single mar*et+ )oreo-er/ in-estments in *e% infrastructures with
EU ae -alue can boost Euro!eHs com!etiti-eness in the meium an long term in a
ifficult economic conte0t/ mar*e b% slow growth an tight !ublic bugets+ $inall%/ such
in-estments in infrastructure are also instrumental in allowing the EU to meet its sustainable
growth objecti-es outline in the Euro!e &'&' Strateg% an the EU1s B&'6&'6&'B objecti-es in
the area of energ% an climate !olic%+ 3t the same time measures in this area will res!ect
mar*et actorsH main res!onsibilities for !lanning an in-estment in energ% an igital
EUCO 37/13 E
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
,he f i n a n c i a l e n- e l o!e for the im!lementation of the Connecting Euro!e $acilit% for the
!erio &'1; to &'&' will be E! 29 299 #illion incluing EU8 10 000 #illion that will be
transferre from the Cohesion $un as !ro-ie in "a( below+ ,hat total amount will be
istribute among the sectors as follows:
"a( trans!ort: E! 23 174 #illion/ out of which EU8 10 000 #illion will be transferre
from the Cohesion $un to be s!ent in line with the CE$ 8egulation in )ember States
eligible for funing from the Cohesion $un?
"b( energ%: E! 5 12" #illion?
"c( telecommunications: E! 1000 #illion$
,he t ra ns f e r from the Cohesion $un for trans!ort infrastructure uner the Connecting Euro!e
$acilit% will co6finance !re6ientifie !rojects liste in the anne0 to the CE$ 8egulation?
until 31 December &'1A/ the selection of !rojects eligible for financing shoul be carrie out
res!ecting the national allocations transferre from the Cohesion $un to the Connecting
Euro!e $acilit%+ ,hereafter/ an% unuse funs coul be ree!lo%e to new !rojects through
new com!etiti-e calls for !ro!osals+
1#+ ,he three large i n f ra s t r u c t u r e !rojects of Galileo/ 9,E8 an G)ES will be finance uner
sub67eaing 1a with an amount of E! 12 793 #illion+ 9n orer to ensure soun financial
management an financial isci!line/ the ma0imum le-el of commitments for each of these
!rojects will be lai own in the )$$ 8egulation as follows:
a( Galileo: EU8 A 3'' million
b( 9,E8: EU8 & 7'7 million
c( G)ES: EU8 3 7#A million
EUCO 37/13 1'
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1E+ 9n orer to su!!ort nuclear safet% in Euro!e a su!!ort will be grante to the ecommissioning
of the following nuclear !ower !lants
- EU8 ;'' million to 9gnalina in .ithuania for &'1; 6 &'&'?
- EU8 &'' million to Gohunice in Slo-a*ia for &'1; 6 &'&'?
- EU8 &A' million to Jo@lou% in Gulgaria for &'1; 6 &'&'+
! UB ,-E A+I ' 1b . E CO O #IC, !O CIAL A + TE RRITO RIAL CO-E! IO
&'+ One im!ortant objecti-e of the Euro!ean Union is to !romote economic/ social an territorial
cohesion an soliarit% among )ember States+ Cohesion !olic% is in this res!ect the main tool
to reuce is!arities between Euro!e1s regions an must therefore concentrate on the less
e-elo!e regions an )ember States+ Cohesion !olic% is a major tool for in-estment/ growth
an job creation at EU le-el an for structural reforms at national le-el+ 9t accounts for an
im!ortant share of !ublic in-estments in the EU/ contributes to ee!ening of the internal
mar*et an thus !la%s an im!ortant role in boosting economic growth/ em!lo%ment an
com!etiti-enes+ $urthermore Cohesion !olic% shall contribute to the Euro!e &'&' Strateg% for
smart/ sustainable an inclusi-e growth throughout the Euro!ean Union+ ,hrough the
Eu r o! ea n 8 e g i on a l D e - e l o! m e nt $ un "E8D$(/ the Eu r o! e a n S o c i a l $ un "ES$( an the
C oh e s i on $ un "C$(/ it will !ursue the following goals: B9 n- e s tm e nt f o r g r o w t h a n j obs B in
)ember States an regions/ to be su!!orte b% all the $uns? an BEu r o ! e a n t e rr it o r i a l
c oo! era ti o n B/ to be su!!orte b% the E8D$+ ,he Cohesion $un will su!!ort !rojects in the
fiel of en-ironment an trans!ort trans6Euro!ean networ*s+ ,he necessar% su!!ort to human
ca!ital e-elo!ment will be ensure through an ae5uate share of the ES$ in cohesion !olic%+
2ithout !rejuice to : the :rotocol Do+ ; on the 9gnalina nuclear !ower !lant in .ithuania an
:rotocol nKE on unit 1 an unit & of the Gohunice 41 nuclear !ower !lant in Slo-a*ia attache
to the 3ct of accession of the C@ech 8e!ublic/ the 8e!ublic of Estonia/ the 8e!ublic of
C%!rus/ the 8e!ublic of .at-ia/ the 8e!ublic of .ithuania/ the 8e!ublic of 7ungar%/ the
8e!ublic of )alta/ the 8e!ublic of :olan/ the 8e!ublic of Slo-enia an the Slo-a* 8e!ublic+
"OF . &3A/ &3+'E+&''3/ !+ E;;+( as well as the :rotocol concerning the conitions an
arrangements for amission of the 8e!ublic of Gulgaria an 8omania to the Euro!ean Union+
EUCO 37/13 11
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
&1+ 3s regars the s t r u c t u r e of the 7eaing an consiering the s!ecificities of cohesion !olic%/
cohesion e0!eniture will be containe within a sub67eaing uner 7eaing 1 uner the title
>Economic/ social an territorial cohesion>+
%&erall le&el o' allocations
&&+ ,he le-el of commitments for sub67eaing 1b =Economic/ social an territorial cohesion> will
not e0cee E! 325 149 #illion :
SUG67E3D9DG 1b: Economic/ social an territorial cohesion
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
;; A7# ;< ;'; ;A ';< ;A <;< ;7 '3# ;7 <1; ;7 E&<
&3+ 8esources for the B9 n- e s t m e nt f or g r o w t h a n j ob s B goal will amount to a total of E! 313
197 #illion an will be allocate as follows:
"a( a total of EU8 1A; &7E million for less e-elo!e regions?
a total of EU8 31 A77 million for transition regions?
a total of EU8 ;E ;E& million for more e-elo!e regions?
a total of EU8 AA 3A& million for )ember States su!!orte b% the Cohesion $un?
"b( a total of EU8 1 3#7 million as aitional funing for the outermost regions ientifie
in 3rticle 3;E of the ,reat% an the northern s!arsel% !o!ulate regions fulfilling the
criteria lai own in 3rticle & of :rotocol Do A to the ,reat% of 3ccession of 3ustria/
$inlan an Sween+
&;+ 8esources for the BEu r o ! ea n t e r r it o r i a l c oo! e r a ti o n B goal will amount to a total of E! 8 948
#illion which will be istribute as follows:
"a( a total of EU8 A A&7 million for cross6borer coo!eration?
"b( a total of EU8 1 #&& million for transnational coo!eration?
"c( a total of EU8 <'' million for interregional coo!eration+
EUCO 37/13 1&
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
&<+ '+3<C of the global resources will be allocate to technical assistance at the initiati-e of the
Commission+ ,echnical assistance shall in !articular be use to su!!ort institutional
strengthening an aministrati-e ca!acit% builing for the effecti-e management of the $uns
an su!!rting )ember States in ientif%ing an carr%ing out useful !rojects within the
o!erational !rogrammes for o-ercoming current economic challenges+
&A+ EU8 33' million of the Structural $uns resources for the 9n-estment for growth an jobs
goal will be allocate to inno-ati-e actions at the initiati-e of the Commission in the area of
sustainable urban e-elo!ment+
(e'initions and eli)ibility
&7+ 8esources for the B9 n- e s t m e nt f or g r o w t h a n j ob s B goal will be allocate to three t%!es of
regions/ efine on the basis of how their GD: !er ca!ita/ measure in !urchasing !ower
!arities an calculate on the basis of Union figures for the !erio &''7 to &''E relates to the
a-erage GD: of the EU6&7 for the same reference !erio/ as follows:
"a( less e-elo!e regions/ whose GD: !er ca!ita is less than 7< C of the a-erage GD: of
the EU6&7?
"b( transition regions/ whose GD: !er ca!ita is between 7<C an E'C of the a-erage GD:
of the EU6&7?
"c( more e-elo!e regions/ whose GD: !er ca!ita is abo-e E' C of the a-erage GD: of
the EU6&7+
&#+ ,he C oh e s i on $ un will su!!ort those )ember States whose gross national income "GD9( !er
ca!ita/ measure in !urchasing !ower !arities an calculate on the basis of Union figures for
the !erio &''# to &'1'/ is less than E' C of the a-erage GD9 !er ca!ita of the EU6&7 for the
same reference !erio+
EUCO 37/13 13
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
&E+ $or c r oss 6 bo r e r c oo ! er a ti on / the regions to be su!!orte will be the DU,S le-el 3 regions of
the Union along all internal an e0ternal lan borers/ an all DU,S le-el 3 regions of the
Union along maritime borers se!arate b% a ma0imum of 1<' *m/ without !rejuice to
!otential ajustments neee to ensure the coherence an continuit% of coo!eration
!rogramme areas establishe for the &''76&'13 !rogramming !erio+
3'+ $or t ra ns n a ti on a l c oo! e r a ti on / the Commission will ao!t the list of transnational areas to
recei-e su!!ort/ bro*en own b% coo!eration !rogramme an co-ering DU,S le-el & regions
while ensuring the continuit% of such coo!eration in larger coherent areas base on !re-ious
31+ $or i n t er re g i on a l c oo ! er a ti on / su!!ort from the E8D$ will co-er the entire territor% of the
3&+ 3t the re5uest of a )ember State/ Duts le-el & regions which ha-e been merge b%
Commission 8egulation "EU( 31/&'11 of 17 Fanuar% &'11/ an where the a!!lication of the
moifie DU,S classification results in changes in the eligibilit% categor% status of one or
more of the regions concerne/ shall be !art of the categor% etermine at the le-el of the
moifie DU,S region+
*llocation #et+od
3ll ocati on m et ho for l e ss e-el o!e re gi ons
33+ ,he s!ecific le-el of allocations to each )ember State will be base on an objecti-e metho
an calculate as follows :
Each )ember State1s allocation is the sum of the allocations for its ini-iual eligible regions/
calculate accoring to the following ste!s:
EUCO 37/13 1;
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
"i( etermination of an absolute amount "in euro( obtaine b% multi!l%ing the !o!ulation of
the region concerne b% the ifference between that region1s GD: !er ca!ita/ measure
in !urchasing !ower !arities "::S(/ an the EU &7 a-erage GD: !er ca!ita "::S(?
"ii( a!!lication of a !ercentage to the abo-e absolute amount in orer to etermine that
region1s financial en-elo!e? this !ercentage is grauate to reflect the relati-e
!ros!erit%/ measure in !urchasing !ower !arities "::S(/ as com!are to the EU &7
a-erage/ of the )ember State in which the eligible region is situate/ i+e+:
L for regions in )ember States whose le-el of GD9 !er ca!ita is below #&C of the EU
a-erage: 3+1<C
L for regions in )ember States whose le-el of GD9 !er ca!ita is between #&C an
EEC of the EU a-erage: &+7'C
L for regions in )ember States whose le-el of GD9 !er ca!ita is o-er EEC of the EU
a-erage: 1+A<C?
"iii( to the amount obtaine uner ste! "ii( is ae/ if a!!licable/ an amount resulting from
the allocation of a !remium of EU8 1 3'' !er unem!lo%e !erson !er %ear/ a!!lie to
the number of !ersons unem!lo%e in that region e0ceeing the number that woul be
unem!lo%e if the a-erage unem!lo%ment rate of all the EU less e-elo!e regions
"i-( ,here will be no urban !remium+
3;+ ,he result of the a!!lication of this methoolog% is subject to ca!!ing+
3 ll o ca ti on m e t ho f or t r a ns iti on re g i ons
3<+ ,he s!ecific le-el of allocations to each )ember State will be base on an objecti-e metho
an calculate as follows :
Each )ember State1s allocation is the sum of the allocations for its ini-iual eligible regions/
calculate accoring to the following ste!s:
EUCO 37/13 1<
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
"i( etermination of the minimum an ma0imum theoretical ai intensit% for each eligible
transition region+ ,he minimum le-el of su!!ort is etermine b% the a-erage !er ca!ita
ai intensit% !er )ember State before A'C regional safet% net allocate to the more
e-elo!e regions of that )ember State+ ,he ma0imum le-el of su!!ort refers to a
theoretical region with a GD: !er hea of 7<C of the EU&7 a-erage an is calculate
using the metho efine in !aragra!h 33"i( an "ii( abo-e+ Of the amount obtaine b%
this metho/ ;'C is ta*en into account?
"ii( calculation of initial regional allocations/ ta*ing into account regional GD: !er ca!ita
through a linear inter!olation of the regionHs relati-e wealth com!are to EU6&7?
"iii( to the amount obtaine uner ste! "ii( is ae/ if a!!licable/ an amount resulting from
the allocation of a !remium of EU8 1 1'' !er unem!lo%e !erson !er %ear/ a!!lie to
the number of !ersons unem!lo%e in that region e0ceeing the number that woul be
unem!lo%e if the a-erage unem!lo%ment rate of all the EU less e-elo!e regions
"i-( ,here will be no urban !remium+
3A+ ,he result of the a!!lication of this methoolog% is subject to ca!!ing+
3 ll o ca ti on m e t ho f or m o r e e - e l o ! e r e g i ons
37+ ,he total initial theoretical financial en-elo!e is obtaine b% multi!l%ing a-erage ai intensit%
!er hea an !er %ear of EU8 1E+# b% the eligible !o!ulation+
3#+ ,he share of each )ember State concerne is the sum of the shares of its eligible regions/
which are etermine on the basis of the following criteria/ weighte as inicate:
- total regional !o!ulation "weighting &<C(/
- number of unem!lo%e !eo!le in DU,S le-el & regions with an unem!lo%ment rate
abo-e the a-erage of all more e-elo!e regions "weighting &'C(/
EUCO 37/13 1A
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
- em!lo%ment to be ae to reach the Euro!e &'&' target for regional em!lo%ment rate
"ages &' to A;( of 7<C "weighting &'C(/
- number of !eo!le age 3' to 3; with tertiar% eucational attainment le-el to be ae to
reach the Euro!e &'&' target of ;'C "weighting 1&+<C(/
- number of earl% lea-ers from eucation an training "age 1# to &;( to be subtracte to
reach the Euro!e &'&' target of 1'C "weighting 1&+<C(/
- ifference between the obser-e GD: of the region "in ::S( an the theoretical regional
GD: if the region woul ha-e the same GD:/hea as the most !ros!erous DU,S&
region "weighting 7+<C(/
- !o!ulation of DU,S le-el 3 regions with a !o!ulation ensit% below 1&+< inh+/*mM
"weighting &+<C(+
,here will be no urban !remium+
3 ll o ca ti on m e t ho f or t h e C oh e s i on $ un
3E+ ,he total theoretical financial en-elo!e is obtaine b% multi!l%ing the a-erage !er ca!ita ai
intensit% of EU8 ;# b% the eligible !o!ulation+ Each eligible )ember State1s a ,riori
allocation of this theoretical financial en-elo!e corres!ons to a !ercentage base on its
!o!ulation/ surface area an national !ros!erit%/ an obtaine b% a!!l%ing the following
"i( calculation of the arithmetical a-erage of that )ember State1s !o!ulation an surface
area shares of the total !o!ulation an surface area of all the eligible )ember States+ 9f/
howe-er/ a )ember StateHs share of total !o!ulation e0cees its share of total surface
area b% a factor of fi-e or more/ reflecting an e0tremel% high !o!ulation ensit%/ onl%
the share of total !o!ulation will be use for this ste!?
"ii( ajustment of the !ercentage figures so obtaine b% a coefficient re!resenting one thir
of the !ercentage b% which that )ember State1s GD9 !er ca!ita "::S( for the !erio
&''#6&'1' e0cees or falls below the a-erage GD9 !er ca!ita of all the eligible )ember
States "a-erage e0!resse as 1''C(+
EUCO 37/13 17
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
;'+ 9n orer to reflect the significant nees of )ember States/ which accee to the Union on or
after 1 )a% &'';/ in terms of trans!ort an en-ironment infrastructure/ their share of the
Cohesion $un will be set at one thir of the total final financial allocation after ca!!ing
"structural funs !lus Cohesion $un( recei-e on a-erage o-er the !erio+
;1+ ,he )ember States full% eligible for funing from the Cohesion $un in the !erio &''76
&'13/ but whose nominal GD9 !er ca!ita e0cees E' C of the a-erage GD9 !er ca!ita of the
EU6&7 will recei-e su!!ort from the Cohesion $un on a transitional an s!ecific basis+ ,his
transitional su!!ort will be of EU8 ;# !er ca!ita in &'1; an will egressi-el% be !hase out
b% &'&'+
;&+ ,he result of the a!!lication of this methoolog% is subject to ca!!ing+
3ll ocati on m et ho for BE uro!ean t e rrit ori al coo! er ati onB
;3+ ,he allocation of resources b% )ember State/ co-ering cross6borer an transnational
coo!eration/ is etermine as the weighte sum of the share of the !o!ulation of borer
regions an of the share of the total !o!ulation of each )ember State+ ,he weight is
etermine b% the res!ecti-e shares of the cross6borer an transnational strans+ ,he shares
of the cross6borer an transnational coo!eration com!onents are 77+E C an &&+1 C+
3ll ocati on m et ho for ou t erm ost / s!arsel % !o!ul at e re gi ons an i sl ans
;;+ Outermost regions an northern s!arsel% !o!ulate DU,S le-el & regions will benefit from an
aitional s!ecial allocation with an ai intensit% of EU8 3' !er inhabitant !er %ear+ 9t will be
istribute !er region an )ember State in a manner !ro!ortional to the total !o!ulation of
these regions+ ,he s!ecial situation of islan regions also nees to be ta*en into account+
EUCO 37/13 1#
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
;<+ 9n orer to contribute to achie-e ae5uate concentration of cohesion funing on the least
e-elo!e regions an )ember States an to the reuction of is!arities in a-erage !er ca!ita
ai intensities/ the ma0imum le-el of transfer to each ini-iual )ember State will be set at
&+3< C of GD:+ ,he ca!!ing will be a!!lie on an annual basis/ an will 6 if a!!licable 6
!ro!ortionall% reuce all transfers "e0ce!t for the more e-elo!e regions an BEuro!ean
territorial coo!erationB( to the )ember State concerne in orer to obtain the ma0imum le-el
of transfer+ $or )ember States which accee to the Union before &'13 an whose a-erage
real GD: growth &''#6&'1' was lower than 61C/ the ma0imum le-el of transfer shall be
increase b% 1'C !roucing a ca!!ing of &+<E C+
;A+ ,a*ing into account the !resent economic circumstances/ the ca!!ing rules cannot result in
national allocations higher than 11'C of their le-el in real terms for the !erio &''76&'13+
-a'ety nets
;7+ $or all regions whose GD: !er ca!ita for the &''76&'13 !erio was less than 7<C of the EU6
&< a-erage/ but whose GD: !er ca!ita is abo-e 7<C of the EU6&7 a-erage/ the minimum
le-el of su!!ort in &'1;6&' uner B9n-estment for growth an jobsB goal will corres!on
e-er% %ear to A'C of their former inicati-e a-erage annual allocation uner the Con-ergence
allocation/ calculate b% the Commission within the multiannual financial framewor* &''76
;#+ ,he minimum total allocation "Cohesion $un an Structural $uns( for a )ember State shall
corres!on to <<C of its ini-iual &''76&'13 total allocation+ ,he ajustments neee to
fulfil this re5uirement are a!!lie !ro!ortionall% to the allocations of the Cohesion $un an
the Structural $uns/ e0cluing the allocations of the Euro!ean ,erritorial Coo!eration
EUCO 37/13 1E
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
;E+ Do transition region shall recei-e less than what it woul ha-e recei-e if it ha been a more
e-elo!e region+ 9n orer to etermine the le-el of this minimum allocation/ the allocation
istribution metho for more e-elo!e regions will be a!!lie to all regions ha-ing a
GD:/hea of at least 7<C of the EU&7 a-erage+
%t+er s,ecial allocation ,ro&isions
<'+ 3 number of )ember States ha-e been !articularl% affecte b% the economic crisis within the
euro6area which has ha a irect im!act on their le-el of !ros!erit%+ ,o aress this situation
an in orer to boost growth an job creation in these )ember States/ the Structural $uns
will !ro-ie the following aitional allocations: EU8 1+37< bn for the more e-elo!e
regions of Greece/ EU8 1+' bln for :ortugal/ istribute as follows : EU8 ;<' million for
more e-elo!e regions of which EU8 1<' million for )aeira/ EU8 7< million for
transition region an EU8 ;7< million for the less e-elo!e regions/ EU8 1'' million for
the Gorer/ )ilan an 2estern region of 9relan/ EU8 1+#&; bn for S!ain/ out of which
EU8 <'' million for E0tremaura an EU8 1+< bn for the less e-elo!e regions of 9tal%/ out
of which EU8 <'' million for non6urban areas+
<1+ 9n orer to recognise the challenges !ose b% the situation of islans )ember States an the
remoteness of certain !arts of the Euro!ean Union/ )alta an C%!rus shall recei-e/ after the
a!!lication of !oint ;#/ an aitional en-elo!e of EU8 &'' million an EU8 1<' million
res!ecti-el% uner the B9n-estment for growth an jobsB goal an istribute as follows: one
thir for the Cohesion $un an two thirs for the Structural $uns+ Ceuta an )elilla shall
be allocate an aitional en-elo!e of EU8 <' million uner the Structural $uns+ ,he
outermost region of )a%otte shall be allocate a total en-elo!e of EU8 &'' million uner the
Structural $uns+
EUCO 37/13 &'
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
<&+ ,o facilitate the ajustment of certain regions either to changes in their status or to long6
lasting effect of recent e-elo!ments in their econom% the following allocations are mae:
Gelgium "EU8 133 million/ out of which EU8 AA+< million for .imburg an EU8 AA+<
million for 2allonia(/ German% "EU8 71' million/ out of which EU8 <1' million for the e06
con-ergence regions an EU8 &'' million for .ei!@ig(+ Dotwithstaning !oint ;</ the less
e-elo!e regions of 7ungar% shall be allocate an aitional en-elo!e of EU8 1+<A' billion/
the less e-elo!e regions of the C@ech 8e!ublic an aitional en-elo!e of EU8 E'' mln "out
of which EU8 3'' million will be transferre from the rural e-elo!ment allocation of the
C@ech 8e!ublic( an the less e-elo!e region of Slo-enia an aitional en-elo!e of EU8 7<
mln/ uner the Structural $uns+
<3+ 3 total of EU8 1<' million will be allocate for the :E3CE :rogramme+
!e&ie. clause
<;+ ,o ta*e account of the !articularl% ifficult situation of Greece an other countries suffering
from the crisis/ in &'1A/ the Commission will re-iew all )ember States1 total allocations
uner the B9n-estment for growth an jobsB goal of cohesion !olic% for &'176&'&'/ a!!l%ing
the allocation metho efine in !aragra!hs 33 to ;E on the basis of the then a-ailable most
recent statistics an of the com!arison between the cumulate national GD: obser-e for the
%ears &'1;6&'1< an the cumulate national GD: estimate in &'1&+ 9t will ajust these total
allocations whene-er there is a cumulati-e i-ergence of more than N/6<C+ ,he total net
effect of the ajustments ma% not e0cee EU8 ; billion+ ,he re5uire ajustment will be
s!rea in e5ual !ro!ortions o-er the %ears &'176&'&' an the corres!oning ceiling of the
financial framewor* shall be moifie accoringl%+
EUCO 37/13 &1
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
Co/'inancin) rates
<<+ ,he co6financing rate at the le-el of each !riorit% a0is of o!erational !rogrammes uner the
B9n-estment for growth an jobsB goal will be no higher than:
"a( #< C for the Cohesion $un?
"b( #< C for the less e-elo!e regions of )ember States whose a-erage GD: !er ca!ita
for the !erio &''7 to &''E was below #< C of the EU6&7 a-erage uring the same
!erio an for the outermost regions?
"c( #'C for the less e-elo!e regions of )ember States other than those referre to in
!oint "b( eligible for the transitional regime of the Cohesion $un on 1 Fanuar% &'1;?
"( #'C for the less e-elo!e regions of )ember States other than those referre to in
!oints "b( an "c(/ an for all regions whose GD: !er ca!ita for the &''76&'13 !erio
was less than 7<C of the a-erage of the EU6&< for the reference !erio but whose GD:
!er ca!ita is abo-e 7<C of the GD: a-erage of the EU6&7/ as well as for regions efine
in article #"1( of the 8egulation 1'#3/&''A recei-ing transitional su!!ort for the !erio
"e( A' C for the transition regions other than those referre to in !oint "(?
"f( <' C for the more e-elo!e regions other than those referre to in !oint "(+
,he co6financing rate at the le-el of each !riorit% a0is of o!erational !rogrammes uner the
BEuro!ean territorial coo!erationB goal will be no higher than #<C+ $or those !rogrammes
where there is at least one less e-elo!e region !artici!ating the co6financing rate uner the
BEuro!ean territorial coo!erationB goal can be raise u! to #<C+
,he co6financing rate of the aitional allocation for outermost regions ientifie in 3rticle
3;E of the ,reat% an the DU,S le-el & regions fulfilling the criteria lai own in 3rticle & of
:rotocol Do A to the ,reat% of 3ccession of 3ustria/ $inlan an Sween will be not higher
than <'C+
EUCO 37/13 &&
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
<A+ 9ncrease in !a%ments for )ember State with tem!orar% bugetar% ifficulties+
3 higher co6financing rate "b% 1' !ercentage !oints( can be a!!lie when a )ember State is
recei-ing financial assistance in accorance with 3rticles 13A an 1;3 of the ,$EU/ thus
reucing the effort re5uire from national bugets at a time of fiscal consoliation/ while
*ee!ing the same o-erall le-el of EU funing+ ,his rule shall continue to a!!l% to these
)ember States until &'1A when it shall be reassesse within the framewor* of the re-iew
foreseen in !aragra!h <;+
!e)ional *id
<7+ 8egional state ai rules must not istort com!etition+ ,he Euro!ean Council encourages the
Commission to !rocee to the 5uic* ao!tion of the re-ise 8egional 3i Guielines which it
has launche+ 9n that conte0t/ the Commission will ensure that )ember States can
accommoate the !articular situation of regions borering con-ergence regions+
<#+ ,he su!!ort for ai for most e!ri-e !eo!le will be EU8 & <'' million for the !erio &'1;6
&'&' an will be ta*en from the ES$ allocation+
EUCO 37/13 &3
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
<E+ On se-eral occasions the Euro!ean Council stresse that the highest !riorit% shoul be gi-en
to !romoting %outh em!lo%ment+ 9t e-ote a s!ecial meeting to this theme in Fanuar% &'1&
an ga-e it a strong em!hasis in the Com!act for Fobs an Growth+ 9t e0!ects the Council to
ao!t soon the recommenation on a Oouth Guarantee+ 9t in-ites the Commission to finalise
the 5ualit% framewor* for traineeshi!s/ to establish the 3lliance for 3!!renticeshi!s an to
ma*e !ro!osals for the new EU8ES regulation in the coming wee*s+ ,he EU buget shoul
be mobilise in su!!ort to these efforts+ 8ecognising the !articularl% ifficult situation of
%oung !eo!le in certain regions/ the Euro!ean Council has ecie to create a Oouth
Em!lo%ment 9nitiati-e to a to an reinforce the -er% consierable su!!ort alrea%
through the EU structural funs+ ,he 9nitiati-e will be o!en to all regions "DU,S le-el &( with
le-els of %outh unem!lo%ment abo-e &<C+ 9t will act in su!!ort of measures set out in the
%outh em!lo%ment !ac*age !ro!ose b% the Commission in December &'1& an in !articular
to su!!ort the Oouth Guarantee following its ao!tion+ ,he su!!ort for the 9nitiati-e will be
EU8 A ''' million for the !erio &'1;6&'&'+
A'+ EU8 3 ''' million will come from targete in-estment from the Euro!ean Social $un in the
eligible DU,S le-el & regions/ !ro!ortionall% to the number of unem!lo%e %outh in these
regions/ an EU8 3 ''' million from a eicate Oouth Em!lo%ment buget line uner sub6
heaing 1b(+ Eligibilit% an number of unem!lo%e %outh will be etermine on the basis of
Union figures for the %ear &'1&+ $or e-er% inter-ention of the ES$ in the eligible region/ an
e5ui-alent amount will be ae from the eicate buget line+ ,his matching amount will
not be subject to the ca!!ing rules uner !aragra!hs ;< an ;A+
EUCO 37/13 &;
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
-E A+I ' 2 , ! U!T AI ABL E 'RO $T- ) AT URAL RE!O URCE !
A1+ ,he objecti-es of the Common 3gricultural :olic% "C3:( is to increase agricultural
!roucti-it% b% !romoting technical !rogress an b% ensuring the rational e-elo!ment of
agricultural !rouction an the o!timum utilisation of the factors of !rouction/ in !articular
labour? thus to ensure a fair stanar of li-ing for the agricultural communit%/ in !articular b%
increasing the ini-iual earnings of !ersons engage in agriculture/ to stabilise mar*ets/ to
ensure the a-ailabilit% of su!!lies an to ensure that su!!lies reach consumers at reasonable
!rices+ 3ccount shoul be ta*en of the social structure of agriculture an of the structural an
natural is!arities between the -arious agricultural regions+
A&+ 3gainst that bac*groun reforms must ensure 1( a -iable foo !rouction? &( sustainable
management of natural resources an climate action? an 3( balance territorial e-elo!ment+
$urthermore/ the C3: shoul be thoroughl% integrate into the Euro!e &'&' strateg%
objecti-es notabl% the objecti-e of sustainable growth/ while full% res!ecting the objecti-es of
this !olic% as set out in the ,reat%+
EUCO 37/13 &<
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
A3+ Commitment a!!ro!riations for this 7eaing/ which co-ers agriculture/ rural e-elo!ment/
fisheries an a financial instrument for the en-ironment an climate action will not e0cee
E! 373 179 #illion of which E! 277 851 #illion will be allocate to mar*et relate
e0!eniture an irect !a%ments:
SUS,39D3G.E G8O2,7 : D3,U83. 8ESOU8CES
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
<< ##3 << 'A' <; &A1 <3 ;;# <& ;AA <1 <'3 <' <<#
of which : )ar*et relate e0!eniture an irect !a%ments
;1 <#< ;' E#E ;' ;&1 3E #37 3E '7E 3# 33< 37 A'<
,he Common 3gricultural :olic% for the !erio &'1;6&'&' will continue to be base on the two
!illar structure:
- :ill a r 9 will !ro-ie irect su!!ort to farmers an finance mar*et measures+ Direct
su!!ort an mar*et measures will be fune entirel% an solel% b% the EU buget/ so as
to ensure the a!!lication of a common !olic% throughout the single mar*et an with the
integrate aministration an control s%stem "93CS(+
- :ill a r 9 9 of the C3: will eli-er s!ecific en-ironmental !ublic goos/ im!ro-e the
com!etiti-eness of the agriculture an forestr% sectors !romote the i-ersification of
economic acti-it% an 5ualit% of life in rural areas incluing regions with s!ecific
!roblems+ )easures in :illar 99 will be co6finance b% )ember States accoring to the
!ro-isions in !aragra!h 73/ which hel!s to ensure that the unerl%ing objecti-es are
accom!lishe an reinforces the le-erage effect of rural e-elo!ment !olic%+
EUCO 37/13 &A
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
P0ll ar I
0e&el and #odel 'or redistribution o' direct su,,ort / details o' con&er)ence across 1e#ber -tates
A;+ 9n orer to ajust the o-erall le-el of e0!eniture uner 7eaing & while res!ecting the
!rinci!les of !hasing6in of the irect !a%ments as forseen in the 3ccession ,reaties/ the EU
a-erage le-el of irect !a%ments in current !rices !er hectare will be reuce o-er the !erio +
Direct su!!ort will be more e5uitabl% istribute between )ember States/ while ta*ing
account of the ifferences that still e0ist in wage le-els/ !urchasing !ower/ out!ut of the
agricultural inustr% an in!ut costs/ b% ste!wise reucing the lin* to historical references an
ha-ing regar to the o-erall conte0t of Common 3gricultural :olic% an the Union buget+
S!ecific circumstances/ such as agricultural areas with high ae -alue an cases where the
effects of con-ergence are is!ro!ortionatel% felt/ shoul be ta*en into account in the o-erall
allocation of su!!ort of the C3:+
3ll )ember States with irect !a%ments !er hectare below E'C of the EU a-erage will close
one thir of the ga! between their current irect !a%ments le-el an E'C of the EU a-erage in
the course of the ne0t !erio+ 7owe-er/ all )ember States shoul attain at least the le-el of
EU8 1EA !er hectare in current !rices b% &'&'+ ,his con-ergence will be finance b% all
)ember States with irect !a%ments abo-e the EU a-erage/ !ro!ortionall% to their istance
from the EU a-erage+ ,his !rocess will be im!lemente !rogressi-el% o-er A %ears from
financial %ear &'1< to financial %ear &'&'+
Ca,,in) o' su,,ort to lar)e 'ar#s
A<+ Ca!!ing of the irect !a%ments for large beneficiaries will be introuce b% )ember States
on a -oluntar% basis+
EUCO 37/13 &7
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1et+od 'or 'inancial disci,line
AA+ 2ith a -iew to ensuring that the amounts for the financing of the C3: com!l% with the annual
ceilings set in the multiannual financial framewor*/ the financial isci!line mechanism
currentl% !ro-ie for in 3rticle 11 of the 8egulation 73/&''E/ !ursuant to which the le-el of
irect su!!ort is ajuste when the forecasts inicate that the sub6ceiling of 7eaing & is
e0ceee in a gi-en financial %ear shoul be maintaine/ but without the safet% margin of
EU8 3'' million+
2reenin) o' direct ,ay#ents
A7+ ,he o-erall en-ironmental !erformance of the C3: will be enhance through the greening of
irect !a%ments b% means of certain agricultural !ractices/ to be efine in the !e)ulation o'
t+e Euro,ean 3arlia#ent and o' t+e Council establis+in) rules 'or direct ,ay#ents to 'ar#ers
under su,,ort sc+e#es .it+in t+e 'ra#e.or4 o' t+e co##on a)ricultural ,olicy/ beneficial for
the climate an the en-ironment/ whilst a-oiing unnecessar% aministrati-e buren/ that all
farmers will ha-e to follow+ 9n orer to finance those !ractices/ )ember States will use 3' C
of the annual national ceiling/ with a clearl% efine fle0ibilit% for the )ember States relating
to the choice of e5ui-alent greening measures+ ,he re5uirement to ha-e an ecological focus
area "E$3( on each agricultural holing will be im!lemente in wa%s that o not re5uire the
lan in 5uestion to be ta*en out of !rouction an that a-ois unjustifie losses in the income
of farmers+
Fl e10b0l0 2y b e23 ee4 50ll ars
A#+ )ember States ma% ecie to ma*e a-ailable as aitional su!!ort for measures uner rural
e-elo!ment !rogramming finance uner the E3$8D/ u! to 1< C of their annual national
ceilings for calenar %ears &'1; to &'1E as set out in 3nne0 99 to the 8egulation on irect
!a%ments+ 3s a result/ the corres!oning amount will no longer be a-ailable for granting
irect !a%ments+
EUCO 37/13 &#
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
AE+ )ember States ma% ecie to ma*e a-ailable as irect !a%ments uner the 8egulation on
irect !a%ments u! to 1< C of the amount allocate to su!!ort for measures uner rural
e-elo!ment !rogramming finance uner the E3$8D in the !erio &'1<6&'&'+ )ember
States with irect !a%ments !er hectare below E'C of the EU a-erage ma% ecie to ma*e
a-ailable as irect !a%ments an aitional 1'C of the amount allocate to su!!ort for
measures uner rural e-elo!ment+ 3s a result/ the corres!oning amount will no longer be
a-ailable for su!!ort measures uner rural e-elo!ment !rogramming+
P0ll ar II
3rinci,les 'or distribution o' rural de&elo,#ent su,,ort
7'+ Su!!ort for rural e-elo!ment will be istribute between )ember States base on objecti-e
criteria an !ast !erformance/ while ta*ing into account the objecti-es of the rural
e-elo!ment an ha-ing regar to the o-erall conte0t of Common 3gricultural :olic% an the
Union buget+
71+ ,he o-erall amount of su!!ort for rural e-elo!ment will be E! 84 93" #illion+ ,he annual
brea*own will be fi0e b% the Euro!ean :arliament an the Council+ 3mounts for the
ini-iual )ember States will be ajuste to ta*e account of the abo-e mentione !ro-isions
in !aragra!hs A# an AE+
EUCO 37/13 &E
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
7&+ ,he istribution of the o-erall amount for rural e-elo!ment between )ember States will be
base on objecti-e criteria an !ast !erformance+
$or a limite number of )ember States facing !articular structural challenges in their
agriculture sector or which ha-e in-este hea-il% in an effecti-e eli-er% framewor* for :illar
& e0!eniture/ the following aitional allocations will be mae: 3ustria "EU8 7'' million(/
$rance "EU8 1''' million(/ 9relan "EU8 1'' million(/ 9tal% "EU8 1 <'' million(/
.u0embourg "EU8 &' million(/ )alta "EU8 3& million(/ .ithuania "EU81'' million(/ .at-ia
"EU8 A7 million(/ Estonia "EU8 <' million(/ Sween "EU8 1<' million(/ :ortugal "EU8 <''
million(/ C%!rus "EU8 7 million(/ S!ain "EU8 <'' million(/ Gelgium "EU8 #' million(/
Slo-enia "EU8 1<' million( an $inlan "EU8 A'' million(+ $or )ember States recei-ing
financial assistance in accorance with 3rticles 13A an 1;3 ,$EU/ this aitional allocation
will be subject to a co6financing rate of 1''C+ ,his rule shall continue to a!!l% to these
)ember States until &'1A when it shall be reassesse+
Co/'inancin) rates 'or rural de&elo,#ent su,,ort
73+ ,he rural e-elo!ment !rogrammes will establish a single E3$8D contribution rate
a!!licable to all measures+ 2here a!!licable/ a se!arate E3$8D contribution rate will be
establishe for less e-elo!e regions/ transition regions an for outermost regions an the
smaller 3egean islans within the meaning of 8egulation "EEC( Do &'1E/E3+ ,he ma0imum
E3$8D contribution rate will be:
- 7<C of the eligible !ublic e0!eniture in the less e-elo!e regions/ the outermost
regions an the smaller 3egean islans within the meaning of 8egulation "EEC( Do
- 7<C of the eligible !ublic e0!eniture for all regions whose GD: !er ca!ita for the
&''76&'13 !erio was less than 7<C of the a-erage of the EU6&< for the reference
!erio but whose GD: !er ca!ita is abo-e 7<C of the GD: a-erage of the EU6&7?
EUCO 37/13 3'
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
- A3C of the eligible !ublic e0!eniture for the transition regions other than those
referre to in the !re-ious inent?
- <3C of the eligible !ublic e0!eniture in the other regions?
- 7<C for o!erations contributing to the objecti-es of en-ironment an climate change
mitigation an aa!tation?
- 1''C for amounts transferre from !illar 9 to !illar 99 referre to in !aragra!h A# as
aitional su!!ort uner rural e-elo!ment+
,he minimum E3$8D contribution rate will be &'C+ Other ma0imum E3$8D contribution
rates to s!ecific measures will be set in the 8egulation on su!!ort for rural e-elo!ment b%
the Euro!ean 3gricultural $un for 8ural De-elo!ment "E3$8D(+
3 higher co6financing rate "b% 1' !ercentage !oints( can be a!!lie when a )ember State is
recei-ing financial assistance in accorance with 3rticles 13A an 1;3 of the ,$EU/ thus
reucing the effort re5uire from national bugets at a time of fiscal consoliation/ while
*ee!ing the same o-erall le-el of EU funing+ ,his rule shall continue to a!!l% to these
)ember States until &'1A when it shall be reassesse within the framewor* of the re-iew
foreseen in !aragra!h <;+
7;+ $inancing uner 7eaing & will also su!!ort the Common $isheries :olic% an 9ntegrate
)aritime :olicies/ in !articular through the Euro!ean )aritime an $isheries $un an an
en-elo!e for the international imension of the C$: as well as acti-ities in the fiels of
climate an en-ironment through the :rogramme for the En-ironment an Climate 3ction
EUCO 37/13 31
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
* ne. reser&e 'or crises in t+e a)ricultural sector
7<+ 3 new reser-e for crises in the agricultural sector/ to bring su!!ort in case of major crises
affecting agricultural !rouction or istribution/ will be inclue uner 7eaing & with an
amount of EU8 & #'' million+ ,he reser-e will be establishe b% a!!l%ing at the beginning
of each %ear a reuction to irect !a%ments with the financial isci!line mechanism+ ,he
amount of the reser-e will be entere irectl% in the annual buget an if not mae a-ailable
for crisis measures will be reimburse as irect !a%ments+
P R O V I ! I O ! R ELE VA T F O R T- E E R + F , T- E E! F , T- E C F , T- E E A F R + A + T- E
E # FF
5+e Co##on -trate)ic Fra#e.or4
7A+ ,he structural an cohesion funs will be brought together with the Euro!ean 3gricultural
$un for 8ural De-elo!ment "E3$8D( an the Euro!ean )aritime an $isheries $un
"E)$$( uner a the C o m m on St ra t e g i c $ r a m ew o r * 6 in orer to ma0imise their effecti-eness
an o!timise s%nergies+ ,his will in-ol-e efining a list of thematic objecti-es in line with the
Euro!e &'&' Strateg%+
1acro/econo#ic conditionality
77+ Establishing a closer lin* between cohesion !olic% an the economic go-ernance of the Union
will ensure that the effecti-eness of e0!eniture uner the Common Strategic $ramewor*
"CS$( $uns is uner!inne b% soun economic !olicies an that the CS$ $uns can/ if
necessar%/ be reirecte to aressing the economic !roblems a countr% is facing+ $or this
reason a graual macro6economic conitionalit% will be establishe in the CS$ 8egulation+
EUCO 37/13 3&
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
7#+ ,he Commission ma% re5uest a )ember State to re-iew an !ro!ose amenments to its
:artnershi! Contract an the rele-ant !rogrammes/ where this is necessar% to su!!ort the
im!lementation of rele-ant Council recommenations or to ma0imise the growth im!act of
CS$ funs in )ember States recei-ing financial assistance from the EU+ Such a re5uest ma%
be mae to su!!ort im!lementation of:
"a( recommenations uner the broa guielines of the economic !olic%?
"b( em!lo%ment recommenations?
"c( s!ecific measures aresse to euro area )ember States in accorance with
3rticle 13A"1(?
"( recommenations uner the e0cessi-e eficit !roceure?
"e( recommenations uner the e0cessi-e imbalances !roceure?
"f( union su!!ort uner the meium6term balance of !a%ments facilit%?
"g( union su!!ort uner the Euro!ean financial stabilisation mechanism?
"h( financial assistance uner the Euro!ean Stabilit% )echanism+
7E+ 9f a )ember State fails to ta*e effecti-e action in res!onse to a re5uest from the Commission
to re-iew an !ro!ose amenments to its :artnershi! Contract an the rele-ant !rogrammes/
!art or all of !a%ments ma% be sus!ene+
#'+ 2here it is conclue that a )ember State has not ta*en sufficient action uner:
"a( s!ecific measures aresse to euro area )ember States in accorance with 3rticle
"b( the e0cessi-e eficit !roceure?
"c( the macro6economic imbalances !roceure?
"( a !rogramme uner the meium6term balance of !a%ments facilit%?
"e( a !rogramme uner the Euro!ean financial stabilisation mechanism?
"f( financial assistance uner the Euro!ean Stabilit% )echanism+
!art or all of commitments an !a%ments shall be sus!ene+
EUCO 37/13 33
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
#1+ ,he !ro!osal to sus!en commitments shall be mae b% the Commission an will be
consiere automaticall% ao!te b% the Council/ unless the Council rejects such a !ro!osal
b% 5ualifie majorit% within one month+ ,he ecision to sus!en !a%ments shall b% mae b%
the Council/ on a !ro!osal from the Commission+ 3n% ecisions on sus!ensions will be
!ro!ortionate an effecti-e/ ta*ing into account the economic an social circumstances of the
)ember State concerne/ an res!ect e5ualit% of treatment between )ember States/ in
!articular with regar to the im!act of the sus!ension on the econom% of the )ember State
concerne+ :riorit% shoul be gi-en to the sus!ension of commitments? !a%ments shoul onl%
be sus!ene when immeiate action is sought an in case of non6com!liance+
#&+ ,he sus!ension of commitments shall be subject to a Bouble ca!!ingB methoolog%+
"a( a ca!!ing of ma0imum <'C of the CS$ funs in the first case of an e0cessi-e eficit
!roceure "ED:( an ma0imum &<C of the CS$ funs in the first case of an e0cessi-e
imbalance !roceure "E9:(+ ,he le-el of the sus!ension shoul be graual an increase
u! to a ma0imum of 1''C of the CS$ funs in the case of an e0cessi-e eficit
!roceure an u! to <'C of the CS$ funs in the case of an e0cessi-e imbalance
!roceure/ in line with the seriousness of the breach?
"b( a ca!!ing of a ma0imum '+<C of nominal GD: a!!l%ing to a first breach of an
e0cessi-e eficit !roceure "ED:( accoring to 3rt+ &1 "Ab( of the CS$ regulation an a
ma0imum of '+&<C of nominal GD: a!!l%ing to a first breach of an e0cessi-e
imbalance !roceure "E9:( accoring to 3rt+ &1 "Ac( of the CS$ regulation+ 9f non6
com!liance !ersists/ the !ercentage of this GD: ca! shoul be grauall% increase u! to
a ma0imum of 1C of nominal GD: a!!l%ing to a further breach of an e0cessi-e eficit
!roceure "ED:( accoring to 3rt+ &1 "Ab( of the CS$ regulation an a ma0imum of
'+<C of nominal GD: a!!l%ing to a further breach of an e0cessi-e imbalance !roceure
"E9:( accoring to 3rt+ &1 "Ac( of the CS$ regulation/ in line with the seriousness of the
EUCO 37/13 3;
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
#3+ 2ithout !rejuice to e6commitment rules/ the sus!ension of commitments will be lifte b%
the Commission+ Concerning !a%ments/ the ecision to lift the sus!ension is ta*en b% the
Council on a !ro!osal from the Commission+ $uns are mae a-ailable again to the )ember
State concerne as soon as the )ember State ta*es the necessar% action+
#;+ :aragra!h 7E relating to !aragra!h 7# "a(/ "b(/ "( an "e( an !aragra!h #' "b( an "c( shall
not a!!l% to the UJ as a conse5uence of the :rotocol "no 1<( anne0e to the ,EU an the
,$EU/ "see the re!ort BStrengthening economic go-ernance in the EUB b% the ,as* $orce
&1 October &'1'(+
3er'or#ance reser&e
#<+ 3ll )ember States shall establish a national !erformance reser-e for the 9n-estment for
growth an jobs goal of cohesion !olic%/ as well as for E3$8D an E)$$/ consisting of 7C
of their total allocation/ which will facilitate the focus on !erformance an the attainment of
the Euro!e &'&' objecti-es+ ,he amounts of commitments that are annuall% allocate to a
national !erformance reser-e are e0em!te from the nN3 e6commitment rule as long as the
reser-e is not allocate+ ,he allocation of the reser-e will be mae after the !erformance
re-iew in &'1E+
3re/'inancin) rates
#A+ ,he !re6financing !a%ment at the start of !rogrammes ensures that )ember States ha-e the
means to !ro-ie su!!ort to beneficiaries in the im!lementation of the !rogramme from the
start+ ,he following le-els of !re6financing shoul therefore a!!l%:
EUCO 37/13 3<
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
,he i n iti a l ! re6f i n a n c i ng amount will be !ai in instalments as follows:
"a( in &'1;: 1C of the amount of su!!ort from the $uns for the entire !rogramming !erio
to the o!erational !rogramme an 1+<C of the amount of su!!ort from the $uns for the
entire !rogramming !erio to the o!erational !rogramme when a )ember State has been
recei-ing financial assistance since &'1'/ in accorance with articles 1&&/ 1;3 of the
,$EU/ or from the E$S$/ or is recei-ing financial assistance on 31 December &'13 in
accorance with articles 13A an 1;3?
"b( in &'1<: 1C of the amount of su!!ort from the $uns for the entire !rogramming !erio
to the o!erational !rogramme an 1+<C of the amount of su!!ort from the $uns for the
entire !rogramming !erio to the o!erational !rogramme when a )ember State has been
recei-ing financial assistance since &'1'/ in accorance with articles 1&&/ 1;3 of the
,$EU/ or from the E$S$/ or is recei-ing financial assistance on 31 December &'1; in
accorance with articles 13A an 1;3?
"c( in &'1A: 1C of the amount of su!!ort from the $uns for the entire !rogramming !erio
to the o!erational !rogramme+
9f an o!erational !rogramme is ao!te in &'1< or later/ the earlier instalments will be !ai in
the %ear of ao!tion+
%t+er re)ulatory ,ro&isions
#7+ 3ll !rogrammes will be submitte to a ecommitment !roceure establishe on the basis that
amounts lin*e to a commitment which are not co-ere b% !re6financing or a re5uest for
!a%ment within a !erio of DN3 will be ecommitte+
$or 8omania an Slo-a*ia/ the Euro!ean Council in-ites the Commission to e0!lore !ractical
solutions to reuce the ris* of automatic e6commitment of funs from the &''76&'13
national en-elo!e/ incluing the amenment of 8egulation 1'#3/&''A+
EUCO 37/13 3A
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
##+ On the basis !ro-ie in !aragra!h 3/ the General 3ffairs Council will iscuss e-er% two
%ears the im!lementation an results of the CS$ funs an will !ro-ie in!ut to the S!ring
Council1s o-erall assessment of all EU !olicies an instruments to eli-er growth an jobs
across the Euro!ean Union+
#E+ :rojects whose total eligible cost is more than EU8 <' million "EU8 7< million in the case of
trans!ort !rojects( will be subject to a more e0tensi-e e0 ante a!!raisal b% the Commission to
ensure that the% are consistent with the :artnershi! Contract/ the% contribute to the objecti-e
of the !rogramme/ an the% are economicall% soun+
E'+ ,he Commission an the )ember States must agree ambitious targets at the beginning of the
!rogramming !erio+ ,argets must be measurable an inclue financial an out!ut inicators+
,he Commission shall regularl% re-iew !rogress towars targets an re!ort to the Council an
Euro!ean :arliament accoring to !oint 3+ 2hen there is e-ience of significant failure to
achie-e the agree targets/ the Commission ma% a!!l% financial corrections+
*,,lication o' t+e co#,etition ,rinci,le to ,ro6ect selection
E1+ )ember States must ensure that the selection of !rojects is base on !roceures an criteria/
which are non6iscriminator%/ trans!arent an in full com!liance with Union an national
law so that onl% the best !rojects are chosen+
E&+ 43, shall not be eligible for a contribution from the CS$ $uns an from the EU8 1' '''
million transferre from the Cohesion $un to the Connecting Euro!e $acilit%+ 7owe-er/
43, amounts shall be eligible where the% are not reco-erable uner national 43,
EUCO 37/13 37
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
-E A+I ' 3 , !E CURI T A + CIT I6E !- IP
E3+ 3ctions uner this 7eaing constitute a i-ersifie range of !rogrammes targete to securit%
an citi@ens where coo!eration at Union le-el offers -alue ae+ ,his inclues in !articular
actions in relation to as%lum an migration an initiati-es in the areas of e0ternal borers an
internal securit% as well as measures in the fiel of justice+ :articular em!hasis will be gi-en
to insular societies who face is!ro!ortional migration challenges+ 3ctions within this
7eaing also su!!ort efforts to !romote citi@en !artici!ation in the Euro!ean Union/
incluing through culture/ linguistic i-ersit% an the creati-e sector+ $urthermore/ it co-ers
measures to enhance !ublic health an consumer !rotection+ Sim!lification of !rogrammes
will ensure a more efficient an effecti-e future im!lementation of actions in this area+
,he le-el of commitments for this 7eaing will not e0cee E! 15 "8" #illion :
7E3D9DG 3 6 SECU89,O 3DD C9,9QEDS79:
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
& '<3 & '7< & 1<; & &3& & 31& & 3E1 & ;AE
EUCO 37/13 3#
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
-E A+I ' 7 , 'LOB AL E URO PE
E;+ E0ternal !olicies are a major fiel of action for the EU/ which has been reinforce within the
new institutional framewor* of the .isbon ,reat%+ ,he )$$ must uner!in the EU1s
etermination to e-elo! its role as an acti-e !la%er on the international scene/ with regional
an global interests an res!onsibilities+ 9ts financing instruments will strengthen EUHs
coo!eration with !artners/ su!!ort the objecti-es of !romoting EU -alues abroa/ !rojecting
EU !olicies in su!!ort of aressing major global challenges/ increasing the im!act of EU
e-elo!ment coo!eration/ in-esting in the long6term !ros!erit% an stabilit% of the EU1s
Deighbourhoo/ su!!orting the !rocess of EU enlargement/ enhancing Euro!ean soliarit%
following natural or man6mae isasters/ im!ro-ing crisis !re-ention an resolution an
combating climate change+ 2here a!!ro!riate an subject to objecti-e criteria/ su!!ort to
!artners will be aa!te to their e-elo!ment situation an commitment an !rogress with
regar to human rights/ emocrac%/ the rule of law an goo go-ernance+ 9ncrease fle0ibilit%
within 7eaing ; an efficienc% in im!lementation will uner!in this+
,he le-el of commitments for this 7eaing will not e0cee E! 58 704 #illion:
7E3D9DG ; 6 G.OG3. EU8O:E
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
7 #<; # '#3 # &#1 # 37< # <<3 # 7A; # 7E;
E<+ 3 *e% !riorit% for )ember States is to res!ect the EU1s formal unerta*ing to collecti-el%
commit '+7C of GD9 to official e-elo!ment assistance b% &'1</ thus ma*ing a ecisi-e ste!
towars achie-ing the )illennium De-elo!ment Goals+ ,he Euro!ean Union shoul as !art of
this commitment therefore aim to ensure o-er the !erio &'1;6&'&' that at least E'C of its
o-erall e0ternal assistance be counte as official e-elo!ment assistance accoring to the
!resent efinition establishe b% the OECD De-elo!ment 3ssistance Committee "D3C(+
EUCO 37/13 3E
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
-E A+I ' 5 , A +#I I!T RAT IO
EA+ ,he nee to consoliate !ublic finances in short/ meium an long term re5uires a !articular
effort b% e-er% !ublic aministration an its staff to im!ro-e efficienc%/ effecti-eness an
ajust to the changing economic conte0t+ E0!enitures uner this 7eaing must ta*e account
of the ca!acit% of the 9nstitutions to carr% out their tas*s uner the ,reaties/ the EU1s growing
legal obligations an the ne0t enlargement of the EU+ ,he EU 9nstitutions must also !reser-e
their ca!acit% to attract an maintain a highl% !rofessional an geogra!hicall% balance EU
E7+ ,he le-el of commitments for this 7eaing will not e0cee E! "1 "29 #illion:
7E3D9DG < 6 3D)9D9S,83,9OD
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
# &1# # 3#< # <#E # #'7 E ''7 E &'A E ;17
E#+ 2ithin such a ceiling/ e0!eniture for aministrati-e e0!eniture of institutions/ e0cluing
!ensions an Euro!ean Schools/ will not e0cee E! 49 798 #illion uner the following sub6
Sub ceiling aministrati-e e0!eniture "e0cluing !ensions an Euro!ean Schools(
")illion euros/ &'11 !rices(
&'1; &'1< &'1A &'17 &'1# &'1E &'&'
A A;E A 7E1 A E<< 7 11' 7 &7# 7 ;&< 7 <E'
EUCO 37/13 ;'
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
EE+ ,hese ceilings inclue the effects of the following sa-ings:
a reuction a!!lie to all EU institutions/ boies/ agencies an their aministrations of
<C in the staff o-er the !erio &'136&'17+ ,his shall be com!ensate b% an increase
in wor*ing hours for staff without salar% ajustment+
reuctions in non6staff relate e0!eniture/ further reforms of the Staff 8egulation an
other internal aministrati-e measures+
3s !art of the reform of the Staff 8egulation/ the ajustment of salaries an !ensions
of all staff through the salar% metho will be sus!ene for two %ears+
,he sa-ings referre to abo-e shall be e5uall% share between all institutions as well
as other boies accoring to a istribution *e% an this shall be mae bining through
their insertion into the 9nter 9nstitutional 3greement on bugetar% isci!line an soun
financial management+ Each 9nstitution/ bo% or agenc% is e0!ecte to !resent
estimates of e0!eniture in the annual bugetar% !roceure consistent with the abo-e
orientations+ ,he e-elo!ment in costs for !ensions will also be aresse in the
reform of the staff regulations+ 3s !art of the reform of the Staff 8egulations/ the new
soliarit% le-% will be reintrouce at a le-el of AC as !art of the reform of the salar%
metho+ ,hese measures will ha-e a significant im!act on the cost for !ensions in the
mi6 an long6term+
1''+ ,he ceilings inicate abo-e set the framewor* for the co6ecision !rocess which will ecie
the concrete im!lementation of these an the other measures !ro!ose b% the Commission
"such as restrictions on earl% retirement/ the e0tension of the retirement age as well as the
metho for fi0ing annual ajustments(+
EUCO 37/13 ;1
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
-O RI6O T AL I!! UE! , I !T RU#E T ! OUT! I+E T- E #FF A + FLE *IBIL IT
1'1+ ,he )$$ will inclue/ as a rule/ all items for which EU financing is foreseen/ as a means of
ensuring trans!arenc% an a!!ro!riate buget isci!line+ 7owe-er/ gi-en their s!ecificities/
the $le0ibilit% 9nstrument/ the Soliarit% $un/ the Euro!ean Globalisation 3justment $un/
the Emergenc% 3i 8eser-e an the Euro!ean De-elo!ment $un will be !lace outsie the
1'&+ ,he Union must ha-e the ca!acit% to res!on to e0ce!tional circumstances/ whether internal
or e0ternal+ 3t the same time/ the nee for fle0ibilit% must be weighe against the !rinci!le of
bugetar% isci!line an trans!arenc% of EU e0!eniture incluing the agree le-el of
s!ening+ ,herefore/ the following fle0ibilit% instrument is built into the )$$: within
7eaing & a new reser-e for crises in the agricultural sector is create to bring su!!ort in case
of major crises affecting agricultural !rouction or istribution+
9t is in the nature of fle0ibilit% instruments that the% are onl% mobilise in case of nee+
1'3+ ,he Euro!ean Union Soliarit% $un/ the objecti-e of which is to bring financial assistance in
the e-ent of major isasters/ will continue to be finance outsie the )$$ with a ma0imum
annual amount of EU8 <'' million "&'11 !rices(+
1';+ ,he $le0ibilit% 9nstrument/ the objecti-e of which is to finance clearl% ientifie an
unforeseen e0!enitures/ will continue to be finance outsie the )$$ with a ma0imum
annual amount of EU8 ;71 million "&'11 !rices(+
1'<+ ,he Emergenc% 3i 8eser-e/ the objecti-e of which is to ensure ca!acit% to res!on ra!il%
to s!ecific an unforeseeable ai re5uirements of thir countries "humanitarian o!erations/
ci-il crisis management an !rotection/ migrator% !ressures(/ will continue to be finance
outsie the )$$ with a ma0imum annual amount of EU8 &#' million "&'11 !rices(+
EUCO 37/13 ;&
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
1'A+ ,he Euro!ean Globalisation 3justment $un will continue to be finance outsie the )$$
with a ma0imum annual amount of EU8 1<' million "&'11 !rices(+
1'7+ 3 Contingenc% )argin of u! to '/'3 C of the Gross Dational 9ncome of the Union shall be
constitute outsie the ceilings of the financial framewor* for the !erio &'1;6&'&'/ as a
last6resort instrument to react to unforeseen circumstances+ ,he ecision to mobilise the
Contingenc% )argin shall be ta*en jointl% b% the two arms of the bugetar% authorit%+ ,he
Council shall act b% 5ualifie majorit%+ 8ecourse to the contingenc% margin shall not e0cee/
at an% gi-en %ear/ the ma0imum amount foreseen in the annual technical ajustment of the
)$$ an shall be consistent with the own resources ceiling+ 3mounts mae a-ailable through
the mobilisation of the Contingenc% )argin shall be full% offset against the margins in one or
more financial framewor* heaings for the current or future financial %ears+ ,he amounts thus
offset shall not be mobilise in the conte0t of the financial framewor*+ 8ecourse to the
Contingenc% )argin shall not result in e0ceeing the total ceilings of commitment an
!a%ment a!!ro!riations lai own therein for the current an future financial %ears+
1'#+ ,he EU1s assistance to the 3C: countries has traitionall% been finance outsie the EU
buget for historical an legal reasons+ 9n the current circumstances/ with the Cotonou
agreement ue to e0!ire in &'&'/ the ED$ will remain outsie the &'1;6&'&' )$$+ 9t is
note/ that the Commission intens to !ro!ose the bugetisation of the ED$ as of &'&1+ ,he
total amount a-ailable for the ED$ will be EU8 &A E#; million+ ,he contribution *e% for the
11th ED$ is containe in anne0 &+
1'E+ S!ecific an ma0imum !ossible fle0ibilit% will be im!lemente in orer to com!l% with
3rticle 3&3 ,$EU to allow the Union to fulfil its obligations+ ,his will be !art of the manate
on the basis of which the :resienc% will ta*e forwar iscussions with the Euro!ean
:arliament in line with !oint 11+
EUCO 37/13 ;3
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
8#,ro&ed and increased E89 in&ol&e#ent
11'+ ,he E9G is alrea% su!!orting growth consierabl% e+g+ b% !ro-iing loans to )ember States
which otherwise coul not !ro-ie co6financing for structural funs or b% im!lementing joint
financial instruments+ E9G in-ol-ement shoul be enhance b%:
"a( in-ol-ing E9G e0!ertise earl% in !roject co6finance b% EU an E9G?
"b( ensuring that E9G is informe about !rojects recei-ing EU su!!ort?
"c( in-ol-ing the E9G in the e0 ante a!!raisal of large !rojects incluing through Fas!ers?
"( in-ol-ing the E9G where-er a!!ro!riate in acti-ities relate to technical assistance+
111+ ,he own resources arrangements shoul be guie b% the o-erall objecti-es of sim!licit%/
trans!arenc% an e5uit%+ ,he total amount of own resources allocate to the Union buget to
co-er annual a!!ro!riations for !a%ments shall not e0cee 1+&3C of the sum of all the
)ember States1 GD9s+ ,he total amount of a!!ro!riations for commitments entere in the
Union buget shall not e0cee 1+&EC of the sum of all the )ember States1 GD9s+ 3n orerl%
ratio between a!!ro!riations for commitments an a!!ro!riations for !a%ments shall be
maintaine to guarantee their com!atibilit%+
11&+ ,he new s%stem of own resources of the Euro!ean Union will enter into force on the first a%
of the month following recei!t of the notification of its ao!tion b% the last )ember State+
3ll its elements will a!!l% retroacti-el% from 1 Fanuar% &'1;+
5raditional o.n resources
113+ ,he s%stem for collection of traitional own resources will remain unchange+
7owe-er/ from 1 Fanuar% &'1;/ )ember States shall retain/ b% wa% of collection costs/ &'C
of the amounts collecte b% them+
EUCO 37/13 ;;
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
7*5/based o.n resource
11;+ ,he Euro!ean Council calls u!on the Council to continue wor*ing on the !ro!osal of the
Commission for a new own resource base on -alue ae ta0 "43,( to ma*e it as sim!le
an trans!arent as !ossible/ to strengthen the lin* with EU 43, !olic% an the actual 43,
recei!ts/ an to ensure e5ual treatment of ta0!a%ers in all )ember States+ ,he new 43, own
resource coul re!lace the e0isting own resource base on 43,+
F55/based o.n resource
11<+ On && Fanuar% &'13 the Council ao!te the Council Decision authorising enhance
coo!eration in the area of financial transaction ta0+ ,he !artici!ating )ember States are
in-ite to e0amine if it coul become the base for a new own resource for the EU buget+ ,his
woul not im!act non6!artici!ating )ember States an woul not im!act the calculation of
the Unite Jingom correction+
2:8/based o.n resource
11A+ ,he metho of a!!l%ing a uniform rate for etermining )ember States1 contributions to the
e0isting own resource base on gross national income "GD9( will remain unchange/ without
!rejuice to !oints 11< an 11#+
8#,le#entin) re)ulation
117+ On the basis of 3rt+ 311";( ,$EU/ a Council 8egulation la%ing own im!lementing measures
will be establishe+
EUCO 37/13 ;<
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
11#+ ,he e0isting correction mechanism for the Unite Jingom will continue to a!!l%+
$or the !erio &'1;6&'&' onl%:
the rate of call of the 43,6base own resource for German%/ ,he Detherlans an
Sween shall be fi0e at '+1<C?
Denmar*/ ,he Detherlans an Sween will benefit from gross reuctions in their
annual GD9 contribution of EU8 13' million/ EU8 AE< million an EU8 1#< million
res!ecti-el%+ 3ustria will benefit from gross reuction in its annual GD9 contribution
of EU8 3' million in &'1;/ EU8 &' million in &'1< an EU8 1' million in &'1A+
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
EUCO 37/13
A E * I
(EUR million - 2011 prices)
COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 !"a#t a$% I$&l'()*+ ,#o- t.
1a: Competitiveness for growth and jos
1: E!onomi!" so!ia# and territoria# !ohesion
2 !'(ta)$a/l+ ,#o- t.0 Nat'#al R+(o'#&+(
of whi!h: Mar$et re#ated e%pendit&re and dire!t pa'ments
1 !+&'#)t2 a$% &)t)3+$(.)4
4 ,lo/al E'#o4+
5 A%")$)(t#at)o$
of whi!h: Administrative e%pendit&re of the instit&tions
6 Co"4+$(at)o$(
60281 61725 62771 64218 65528 67214 69004
1()*+( 1*),-1 1*).-* 1.)*/, 10)1/+ 1/).++ -1)+./
11)*.0 1()1+1 1*)+1( 1*)(1( 1.)+,0 1.)(11 1.)/-(
55881 55060 54261 51448 52466 51501 50558
11)(0( 1+)/0/ 1+)1-1 ,/)0,. ,/)+./ ,0),,( ,.)*+(
2051 2075 2154 2212 2112 2191 2469
7854 8081 8281 8175 8551 8764 8794
8218 8185 8589 8807 9007 9206 9417
*)*1/ *)./1 *)/(( .)11+ .)-.0 .)1-( .)(/+
27 0 0 0 0 0 0
as a per!entage of 2NI
114118 115128 116056 117100 117866 119078 140242
1"+,3 1"+-3 1"++3 1"++3 +"//3 +"/03 +"/03
TOTAL 5A6MENT A55RO5RIATION! 128010 111095 111046 126777 129778 110891 110781 908400
as a per!entage of 2NI +"/03 +"/03 +"/.3 +"/-3 +"/,3 +"/,3 +"/13 +"/(3
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Emergen!' Aid Reserve
E&ropean 2#oa#isation 4&nd
So#idarit' 4&nd
4#e%ii#it' instr&ment
as a per!entage of 2NI
-0+ -0+ -0+ -0+ -0+ -0+ -0+
1(+ 1(+ 1(+ 1(+ 1(+ 1(+ 1(+
(++ (++ (++ (++ (++ (++ (++
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
-)/(- ,)0*0 ,)/11 ,)/*, 1)+-1 1)+/1 1)1.1
4151 5269 5112 5164 5425 5495 5575
+"+,3 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13
TOTAL MFF 9 OUT!I7E MFF 118671 140597 141168 142464 141291 144571 145817 996782
as a per!entage of 2NI 1"+*3 1"+*3 1"+13 1"+13 1"+,3 1"+-3 1"+-3 1"+13
EUCO 37/13
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
(EUR million - current prices)
COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 !"a #t a$% I$&l'()*+ ,#o- t.
1a: Competitiveness for growth and jos
1: E!onomi!" so!ia# and territoria# !ohesion
2 !'(ta)$a/l+ ,#o- t.0 Nat'#a l R+ (o'#&+(
of whi!h: Mar$et re#ated e%pendit&re and dire!t pa'ments
1 !+ &'#)t2 a$% &)t)3+ $(.)4
4 ,lo/al E'#o4+
5 A%")$)(t#at)o$
of whi!h: Administrative e%pendit&re of the instit&tions
6 Co"4+ $(at)o$(
61972 66812 69104 72142 75270 78751 82466
1*)1(. 1.)((, 10),1( 1/)./1 -1)+/( --)/-. -()+-*
1.)1,1 1/)1.1 (+)0*1 (-)11. (1)+*( (().+. (.),1*
59104 59598 59908 60191 60267 60144 60422
11)1,+ 11),*0 11)*-0 11)0*, 11)00/ 11)/1* 11)/1-
2179 2246 2178 2514 2655 2801 2950
8115 8750 9142 9412 9824 10269 10509
8721 9076 9481 9919 10146 10787 11254
.)+(* .),(+ .)*.0 0)++0 0),*+ 0).++ /)+.1
29 0 0 0 0 0 0
as a per!entage of 2NI
142519 146482 150215 154198 158161 162952 167602
1"+,3 1"+-3 1"++3 1"++3 +"//3 +"/03 +"/03
TOTAL 5A6MENT A55RO5RIATION! 115866 141901 144685 142771 149074 151162 156295 1021956
as a per!entage of 2NI +"/03 +"/03 +"/.3 +"/-3 +"/,3 +"/,3 +"/13 +"/(3
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Em ergen!' Aid Res erve
E&ropean 2#oa#is ation 4&nd
So#idarit' 4&nd
4#e%ii#it' ins tr&m ent
as a per!entage of 2NI
-/. ,+, ,+/ ,1( ,-- ,-0 ,,(
1(/ 1*- 1** 1*/ 1.- 1.* 1./
(,1 (11 ((- (*, (.1 (0* (/0
(++ (1+ (-+ (,1 (1- ((- (*,
,)1,- 1)10. 1),10 1)1*, 1)*-- 1)./* 1)/00
4752 5819 6001 6182 6175 6585 6812
+"+,3 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13 +"+13
TOTAL MFF 9 OUT!I7E MFF 147291 152121 156219 160580 164718 169517 174414 1125099
as a per!entage of 2NI 1"+*3 1"+*3 1"+13 1"+13 1"+,3 1"+-3 1"+-3 1"+13
Conclusions 7/8 February 2013
A E * II
1128 Eu r95 ea4 +e:el 95 ;e4 2 Fu4 < =94 2r0bu 20 94 > ey
GE 3/&<C
EUCO 37/13 ;#
3DDER 99

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