Incident Management

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Incident Management Guide

......................................................................................................................................................... Cvervlew 2
........................................................................................................................................................ Logglng ln 2
.................................................................................................................................. Cpenlng a new lncldenL 3
.................................................................................................................................... lleld 8equlremenLs 3
................................................................................................................................. SupporL[uuke llelds 4
........................................................................................................................ Compleung Lhe lncldenL lorm 4
.......................................................................................................................................................... Caller 4
............................................................................................................ lmpacL Locauon and lmpacL hone 6
......................................................................................................................... CaLegory and SubcaLegory 6
..................................................................................................................................... Congurauon lLem 6
.................................................................................................................... lmpacL, urgency, and rlorlLy 6
................................................................................................................ ConLacL 1ype and lncldenL SLaLe 7
........................................................................................... AsslgnmenL Croup and lndlvldual AsslgnmenL 7
................................................................................................................................................... WaLch LlsL 7
..................................................................................................................................................... CuanuLy 7
........................................................................................................................................ ShorL uescrlpuon 7
...................................................................................................... Addluonal CommenLs and Work noLes 7
............................................................................................................................................... AuachmenLs 8
........................................................................................................................................................ SubmlL 8
........................................................................................................ Sensluve LlecLronlc lnformauon (SLl) 8
.............................................................................................................................................. uslng 1emplaLes 8
...................................................................................................................................................... Lscalauons 8
................................................................................................................................... Worklng on an lncldenL 9
..................................................................................... vlewlng lncldenLs Asslgned Lo ?ou or ?our Croup 9
.............................................................................................................. Asslgnlng Lhe lncldenL Lo ?ourself 9
.................................................................................................................. Sendlng updaLes Lo CusLomers 9
.......................................................................................................................................... vlewlng AcuvlLy 9
....................................................................................................................................... 8esolvlng lncldenLs 10
................................................................................................... Creaung a knowledge 8ase Submlsslon 10
................................................................................................................................. Searchlng for lncldenLs 10
.................................................................................................................................... Addluonal 8esources 10
........................................................................................... Appendlx A: Common Congurauon lLems (Cls) 11
................................................................................................................................ Appendlx 8: Lscalauons 12
Servlcenow has been selecLed Lo replace uuke's 8emedy lncldenL and knowledge
managemenL sysLems, Lhe uuke-branded Lool ls SupporL[uuke. l1 supporL users
(former 8emedy users) have an !"!# %&'( role ln SupporL[uuke. 1hls role provldes
access Lo Lhe modules currenLly congured ln SupporL[uuke. AL go llve, lncldenL
managemenL, Lhe knowledge base, and self-servlce wlll be congured. 1hls gulde ls
wrluen for l1lL users, and descrlbes how Lo creaLe, updaLe, and resolve uckeLs
(lncldenLs) ln SupporL[uuke.
Logging In
Any uuke employee wlLh a uuke neLlu can access SupporL[uuke. 1o log ln, do Lhe
1. lrom a Web browser, vlslL hups:// 1he Duke S|gn In
screen appears.
2. ln Lhe NetID box, Lype your uuke neLlu.
3. ln Lhe assword box, Lype your neLlu password.
4. Cllck Lnter. 1he SupporL[uuke home page appears.
Notes: ln Lhe Sw|tch to page ||st (upper rlghL), selecL anoLher page Lo vlew.
Many funcuons wlLhln SupporL[uuke uullze a rlghL-cllck. users of Mac
Lrackpads may need Lo use a Lwo-nger cllck Lo perform a rlghL-cllck.
Incident Management Guide 2
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Opening a New Incident
1o open a new lncldenL (uckeL), from Lhe le navlgauon (referred Lo as Lhe App||canon
Nav|gator), under Serv|ce Desk, cllck Create New Inc|dent. A new lncldenL screen
1o famlllarlze yourself wlLh Lhe screen, read Lhe secuons below.
I|e|d kequ|rements
Colored eld labels dlerenuaLe eld requlremenLs:

Crange (Go|d) - 8ead only (noL edlLable), for example, Number

ked - 8equlred, for example, Ca||er

L|ght ked (|nk) - 8equlred eld LhaL has a saved value, for example, Impact

Green - A eld LhaL has been modled buL noL saved

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SupportQDuke I|e|ds
use Lhe Lable below Lo compare how SupporL[uuke elds on Lhe lncldenL screen relaLe
Lo 8emedy elds.
Support@Duke Remedy
!"#$%& '()% +,
'(--%& !(#%
+#.(/0 12/(0324 5
'(0%62&7 '()% 87.%
9"$/(0%62&7 +0%#
'24:36"&(0324 +0%# 87.%
+#.(/0 5
;&6%4/7 5
<&32&307 <&32&307
=.%4%> '&%(0% 83#%
'&%(0324 ?&2". ?&2". 9"$#300%> $7
=.%4%> $7 9"$#300%> $7
'240(/0 07.% 92"&/%
+4/3>%40 )0(0% 90(0")
@))364#%40 6&2". @))364#%40 ?&2".
@))364%> 02 @))364#%40 +4>3A3>"(-
B(0/C -3)0 5
B2&D 420%) -3)0 5
E42F-%>6% 5
9C2&0 >%)/&3.0324 9"##(&7
B2&D 420%) B2&D 126
Completing the Incident Form
lollow Lhe lnsLrucuons provlded below Lo compleLe Lhe new lncldenL form.
Note: SupporL[uuke's Lype-ahead" funcuonallLy can oen be used wlLhln a
eld Lo dlsplay a llsL of opuons.
ln Lhe Ca||er eld, Lype Lhe caller's uuke neLlu, or parL of hls/her rsL or lasL name.
MaLchlng resulLs are dlsplayed ln a llsL, selecL Lhe deslred resulL.
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1o vlew Lhe caller's user record, hover your mouse over Lhe User lcon .
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Impact Locanon and Impact hone
1he Impact Locanon reecLs Lhe place where Lhe cusLomer ls experlenclng servlce
lnLerrupuon or requesung asslsLance, Lhls may dler from Lhelr omce, resldence or work
locauon. 8egln Lyplng ln Lhe eld Lo presenL a llsL of maLchlng opuons, or cllck Lhe
magnlfylng glass Lo vlew a compleLe llsL.
1he Impact hone should reecL Lhe besL Lelephone number aL whlch Lo reach Lhe caller
abouL Lhe lncldenL. LdlL as needed.
Category and Subcategory
use Lhe CaLegory and SubcaLegory llsLs Lo classlfy Lhe lncldenL. valld caLegorles are:

Serv|ce Interrupnon - 1he caller ls unable Lo access a servlce

Serv|ce kequest - 1he caller ls requesung servlces be provlded, changed or

removed for Lhem

Informanon kequest - 1he caller ls requesung general lnformauon

now to - 1he caller needs lnsLrucuons or help wlLh a servlce

lf Serv|ce Interrupnon or Serv|ce kequest ls selecLed, a Subcategory ls requlred.
Conhguranon Item
Congurauon lLems (Cls) are speclc appllcauons or Lools. ln Lhe Conhguranon |tem
eld, begln Lyplng Lo presenL a llsL of maLchlng opuons, or cllck Lhe magnlfylng glass Lo
vlew a compleLe llsL. SelecL Lhe Cl approprlaLe Lo Lhe caller's lncldenL. lor a llsL of
common Cls, see )**'+,-. )/
Impact, Urgency, and r|or|ty
SupporL[uuke uses Lhree meLrlcs for deLermlnlng Lhe order ln whlch lncldenLs are

Impact - An lncldenL's eecL on Lhe buslness

Urgency - 1he exLenL Lo whlch Lhe lncldenL's resoluuon can bear delay

r|or|ty - Pow qulckly Lhe servlce desk should address Lhe lncldenL
osslble values for r|or|ty are:

1 - Crlucal

2 - Plgh

3 - ModeraLe

4 - Low
Incident Management Guide 6
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r|or|ty ls deLermlned by Urgency and Impact accordlng Lo Lhe Lable below.
Urgency Urgency Urgency
Impact 1 - Plgh 2- Medlum 3 - Low
1 - Crlucal 2 - Plgh 3 - ModeraLe
2 - Plgh 3 - ModeraLe 4 - Low
3 - ModeraLe 4 - Low 4 - Low
?ou may change an lncldenL's r|or|ty. When you do so, an explanaLory noLe musL be
enLered ln Lhe Work notes eld.
Contact 1ype and Inc|dent State
ln Lhe Contact type llsL, selecL from Lhe avallable opuons: 01234 562-74 58'+34 91:+'4
;'7<=&'(8->'4 ?:->'62-7 and @27A=-+.
1he Inc|dent state for a new lncldenL ls always B'C/ Addluonal opuons lnclude )>D8'
(equaLes Lo 8emedy's @:(A -+ 9(:E('&&)4 "(2+&<'((',4 )C2-D+E 9(:F7'64 )C2-D+E %&'(
!+<:4 )C2-D+E 58-,'+>'4 G'&:78', and 07:&',/ lf you asslgn a uckeL Lo anoLher group,
change Lhe Inc|dent state Lo B'C/ G'&:78', lncldenLs become 07:&', aer 10 days of
Ass|gnment Group and Ind|v|dua| Ass|gnment
1he Ass|gnment Group ls requlred. lf you are noL sure whaL group Lo asslgn Lhe lncldenL
Lo, buL you know Lhe lndlvldual Lo whom you wlsh Lo asslgn lL, cllck ln Lhe Ass|gned to
eld and Lype Lhe lndlvldual's name. 1he Ass|gnment Group eld wlll dlsplay Lhe groups
of whlch Lhe lndlvldual ls a member, selecL Lhe deslred group. unless an lndlvldual ls
expecung an lncldenL, only asslgn lL Lo a group.
Watch L|st
?ou may waLch" an lncldenL so LhaL you recelve an emall noucauon when lL ls
updaLed. 1o add yourself Lo Lhe Watch L|st, cllck ),, 6' .
1he uannty defaulL ls H/ lf Lhe lncldenL relaLes Lo performlng Lhe same work on
muluple lLems, change Lhe quanuLy accordlngly. lor example, you may have a requesL
Lo congure Lhree new Wlndows lapLops. ?ou may use one lncldenL Lo Lrack all Lhree.
Short Descr|pnon
1ype a brlef descrlpuon of Lhe lssue ln Lhe Short descr|pnon eld. lor a llsL of
suggesuons, cllck ;IEE'&D:+ .
1o search Lhe knowledge base for an arucle relaLed Lo Lhe shorL descrlpuon, cllck
;'2(>1 A+:C7',E' / ln Lhe know|edge search resu|ts wlndow, selecL a resulL.
1o auach Lhe arucle Lo Lhe lncldenL, cllck Auach to Inc|dent. 1he arucle wlll
appear under Acnv|ty.
Add|nona| Comments and Work Notes
Incident Management Guide 7
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1ype any commenLs you wlsh Lhe cusLomer Lo see ln Lhe Add|nona| comments eld. ln
Lhe Work notes eld, lnclude compleLe deLalls abouL Lhe lncldenL, along wlLh all
Lroubleshooung sLeps you may have Laken. Work notes are only vlslble Lo l1lL users.
?ou may add an auachmenL Lo an lncldenL by cllcklng Lhe papercllp ln Lhe upper
rlghL. ln Lhe Auachments wlndow, browse and selecL Lhe deslred auachmenL, Lhen cllck
Auach. Close Lhe Auachments wlndow.
1o save Lhe lncldenL, cllck Subm|t (upper rlghL). A llsL of all lncldenLs wlll dlsplay. 1o
creaLe a new lncldenL, cllck New.
Sens|nve L|ectron|c Informanon (SLI)
Sensluve lnformauon (SLl) ln SupporL[uuke ls handled ln much Lhe same way as lL was
ln 8emedy. SLl lncludes pauenL daLa, credlL card numbers, non-dlrecLory sLudenL or
employee lnformauon, and any oLher resLrlcLed daLa. 8efore you can add sensluve
lnformauon Lo an lncldenL, you musL rsL save lL (Subm|t). 1o add SLl Lo an lncldenL,
cllck Lhe Sens|nve L|ectron|c Informanon Lab. 1he lnformauon you enLer ls only vlslble
Lo Lhe Creanon Group and Ass|gnment Group. lf you are noL on Lhe uuke neLwork, you
wlll noL be able Lo vlew sensluve lnformauon, use Lhe vn Lo galn access.
Important! uo noL enLer Sensluve LlecLronlc lnformauon lnLo any oLher eld ln
Lhe sysLem.
Using Templates
SupporL[uuke supporLs Lhe use of LemplaLes for lncldenLs, allowlng you Lo qulckly
creaLe lncldenLs for lssues LhaL you frequenLly encounLer. 1o vlew avallable LemplaLes
for your group, ln a new lncldenL wlndow, rlghL-cllck on Lhe lncldenL banner and selecL
1emp|ates > App|y 1emp|ates. A llsL of LemplaLes for your group wlll dlsplay, selecL Lhe
deslred LemplaLe.
?ou may also creaLe LemplaLes for your own use. 1o creaLe a new LemplaLe, do Lhe
1. 8lghL-cllck on Lhe lncldenL banner and selecL 1emp|ates > Ld|t 1emp|ates.
2. ln Lhe 1emp|ates wlndow, cllck New.
3. ln Lhe Name eld, Lype a name for Lhe LemplaLe.
4. ln Lhe Short descr|pnon eld, Lype a descrlpuon.
3. Cllck Lhe Choose I|e|d llsL Lo selecL Lhe deslred elds. 8epeaL Lhls sLep unul you
have all Lhe elds you need.
6. Cllck Subm|t.
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1he escalauon process ln SupporL[uuke ls very slmllar Lo 8emedy's, see )**'+,-. J/
1here are four maln dlerences:

Lscalauons and noucauons Lo managemenL only occur when Lhe Inc|dent state
ls B'C/ When reasslgnlng an lncldenL Lo anoLher group, seL Inc|dent state back
Lo B'C/

1o sLop escalauons, change Lhe Inc|dent state Lo Acnve.

Whenever Lhe Inc|dent state or r|or|ty ls updaLed, an enLry ln Lhe Work notes
eld ls requlred.

?ou can asslgn a uckeL Lo yourself by Lyplng your name ln Lhe Ass|gned to eld.
Working on an Incident
1he followlng secuons provlde deLall on how Lo manage uckeLs LhaL are asslgned Lo you
or your group.
V|ew|ng Inc|dents Ass|gned to ou or our Group
1o vlew lncldenLs asslgned Lo you, from Lhe Appllcauon navlgaLor, under Serv|ce Desk,
cllck My Work. 1o vlew lncldenLs asslgned Lo your group, cllck My Groups' Work. ln Lhe
llsL of dlsplayed lncldenLs, cllck Lhe lncldenL number Lo dlsplay Lhe lncldenL's deLalls.
Ass|gn|ng the Inc|dent to ourse|f
lf you wlsh Lo accepL responslblllLy for managlng an lncldenL, change Lhe Inc|dent state
Lo Acnve and ln Lhe Ass|gned to eld, enLer your name. Save Lhe uckeL by cllcklng
Send|ng Updates to Customers
1here are Lwo ways Lo send lnformauon Lo a cusLomer regardlng Lhelr lncldenL:

Compose an emall. ln Lhe banner, cllck Lhe envelope . An emall wlndow

opens. ?ou may lnclude addluonal emall addresses and auach a le, lf deslred.

Cn Lhe Notes Lab, use Lhe Add|nona| comments eld. unllke Lhe Work notes,
Lhls eld ls vlslble Lo Lhe cusLomer. When Lhe lncldenL ls updaLed, any
lnformauon enLered ln Add|nona| comments wlll be senL vla emall Lo Lhe caller.
use Lhls eld Lo keep Lhe caller lnformed abouL progress on Lhe lncldenL.
V|ew|ng Acnv|ty
near Lhe bouom of an lncldenL wlndow, all acuvlLy relaLed Lo lL ls dlsplayed. ?ou can
lLer Lhe acuvlLy so LhaL you vlew only Lhe acuvlLy you wlsh Lo see. 8eslde Acnv|ty, cllck
>>. Cllck Lo clear any checkboxes relaLed Lo acuvlLy you do noL wlsh Lo vlew.
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Resolving Incidents
When you change an Inc|dent state Lo keso|ved, Lhe C|osure Informanon Lab lndlcaLes
red (requlred). ln order Lo resolve Lhe lncldenL, Lhe keso|unon CI, C|ose code, and C|ose
notes elds musL be compleLed. ueLalls on Lhese elds are provlded below.

keso|unon CI - Should reecL Lhe Congurauon lLem LhaL was ldenued as Lhe
problem. 1hls may noL maLch Lhe lncldenL's orlglnal Congurauon lLem.

C|ose code - lrom Lhe llsL provlded, selecL Lhe mosL approprlaLe reason for Lhe

C|ose notes - lndlcaLe Lhe sLeps LhaL were Laken Lo resolve Lhe lncldenL.
Creanng a know|edge 8ase Subm|ss|on
?ou can suggesL LhaL a knowledge base arucle be creaLed from an lncldenL. Cn Lhe
C|osure Informanon Lab, cllck Lhe know|edge checkbox. 1hls wlll generaLe a dra
(roposed Arnc|e) ln Lhe knowledge base, whlch an l1lL user wlLh Lhe K+:C7',E'
9IF7-&1 role may Lhen revlew. lor more lnformauon, refer Lo Lhe K+:C7',E' J2&' LI-,'/
Searching for Incidents
1here are muluple ways Lo search for lncldenLs ln SupporL[uuke. 1wo of Lhem are
descrlbed below:

ln Lhe le navlgauon, under Serv|ce Desk, selecL Inc|dents. All lncldenLs ln Lhe
sysLem wlll be dlsplayed. ?ou may sorL Lhe resulLs by any column (rlghL-cllck).

1o narrow Lhe search, ln Lhe Go to llsL (ln Lhe Inc|dents llsL header), selecL Lhe
deslred eld. ln Lhe blank box, enLer Lhe search value and press Lnter (or selecL
Lhe magnlfylng glass Lo dlsplay a llsL of posslble values).
Note: 1o search for a value LhaL appears anywhere ln an lncldenL, precede Lhe
search Lerm wlLh an asLerlsk.
Additional Resources
lor more lnformauon abouL lncldenLs, vlslL Lhe Servlcenow Wlkl aL hup://wlkl.servlce-
lor more lnformauon abouL SupporL[uuke, vlslL hup://
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Appendix A: Common Conguration Items (CIs)
1he followlng llsL of Cls ls provlded as a qulck reference Lo common Cls you can
assoclaLe wlLh an lncldenL.
Adobe AcrobaL rofesslonal
Adobe AcrobaL 8eader
Adobe 8reeze
Adobe Cold luslon
Adobe Creauve SulLe
Adobe llash layer
Adobe llash rofesslonal
Adobe llex
Adobe hoLoshop
Adobe Shockwave layer
Alr Card/Moblle PoLspoL
Androld hone
Cash 8eglsLer/olnL of Sale
Cordless hone
ueskLop ubllshlng
ulrecLory lnformauon
uuke CuesL
Lmall/lnLerneL klosks
e8eader (klndle, nook, eLc)
llleMaker ro
Pelp hone
lnLerneL Lxplorer
lSun hone
!abber cllenL (lChaL, Adlum,
!ava vlrLual Machlne
Long ulsLance Code
Mac Mall
Mac CS x
McAfee vlrusScan Console
Mlcroso Access
Mlcroso ueveloper SLudlo
Mlcroso Lxcel
Mlcroso Cmce
Mlcroso owerolnL
Mlcroso ro[ecL
Mlcroso ubllsher
Mlcroso vlslo
Mlcroso Word
Moblle LapLop CarL
neLwork (lCS)
Cperaung SysLem
CuLlook Lxpress
anlc 8uuon
CWS3270 lus
8eal layer
8ed PaL LnLerprlse Llnux
8uby on 8alls
S8700 hone
SafeLy 1ralnlng
SuSe Llnux
1ableL - CLher
1ermlnal (CS x)
Wlndows 2000
Wlndows 7
Wlndows Medla layer
Wlndows hone
Wlndows Server
Wlndows updaLe Server
Wlndows vlsLa
Wlndows x
Word rocesslng
WorksLauon - ueskLop
WorksLauon - LapLop
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Appendix B: Escalations
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