5265 Brief-1 Camera

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Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA5265 Film & Television 1A 1 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinator
Dan Wagner, Alan Locke Victor Grbic
Marker(s) Moderator(s)
Dan Wagner, Alan Locke Victor Grbic
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Date Return Date
1 Camera – Written & Practical Tests 15% various 26/7
Learning Outcome(s):
3. Explore the various roles and professional practices involved in creating work for screen.
- Demonstrate technical, operational and procedural skills to a basic standard in set exercises for Camera
- Demonstrate knowledge of the technologies associated with film and television production
- Demonstrate professional practice

1A. Written Test
This will consist of either multichoice or simple answer questions, based on information presented in
lectures and operational knowledge required to achieve a basic standard of camera work with the
PASA Year 1 camera equipment.

The Written assessment will be on Monday 6th April 10:30 am.

1B. Practical Test

You will be divided into teams of four
• Person 1: Camera Operator – You’ll build the camera, operate the shot to specifications, then wrap the
camera gear;
• Person 2: Lighting Technician – You’ll set up the light, the C-stand and the cutter. You’ll also fulfill the
role of actor;
• Person 3: Camera Assistant / Lighting Assistant – You’ll maintain workplace tidiness (incl. cases and
cables), keep camera logs, be the slate artist. Additionally, you’ll stand by to be of any specific
assistance called-for by the Camera Operator or Lighting Technician. You’ll also stand in for the ‘actor’.
• Person 4 – Will be the Sound Recordist. The routine and criteria for this position is detailed in the
Sound 1 Assessment Brief [#5B], and will be marked by the Sound tutor.
The same 4 students will revolve, after a 15 minute period in order for each student to complete all four roles.

The Practical assessment will proceed over 4 x half days; Tues.2nd June & Wed. 3rd June
-please report at the time designated on the published assessment schedule.


1. Correctly, efficiently and safely set up tripod, camera and monitor. (5%)
2. White Balance camera and set Time Code, Iris and Zoom Servo to specified settings. (5%)
3. Demonstrate conversancy with the Panasonic 202 camera. (Be able to make called-upon adjustments to the
camera’s basic settings.) (5%)
4. Execute the called-for shots smoothly and accurately (fluid pans & tilts; feather in and out positively; no head-
bumps or haircuts; avoid boom). (10%)
5. Apply theoretical knowledge of shot sizes and framing. (10%)
6. Complete a series of rehearsals and shots within a set time frame. (5%)

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7. Maintain an orderly workplace, ensuring cases are stowed neatly and that all cables are dressed safely. (5%)
8. Demonstrate correct Slating procedures (accurate scene/slate#/take information clearly written on slate; slate
held in correct place; scene information called appropriately; marker hit correctly). (5%)
9. Correctly and clearly maintain Camera Log. (5%)


10. Correctly, efficiently and safely set up Light, C-Stand and Cutter. (5%)
11.Using a stand-in, focus the light as specified and cut it off the wall as specified. (5%)


12. Relate technical, operational and procedural skills in a written test

(multichoice or simple answer questions) (35%)

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