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Reading Is Ageless with Elbert Head Start

Devotion with Ms. Taylor

May 2014
May Birthdays
Mr. Dodd May 9
Mrs. Fairfield May 7
Mrs. Favors May
Ms. !a"es May #
Mr. Mar$s May %&
Ms. 'el"s May (
Mrs. Reeves May %)
Mrs. Rowlette May %
Mrs. S*ott May
Ms. Stanley May %
Mr. Taylor May %9

Birthstone Emerald
The emerald is the birthstone for May. This
stones name was derived from the Greek word
smaragdos, which is a general term that was
applied to several kinds of green stones. In
the Middle ges, it was believed that the stone
held the power to foretell the f!t!re.
It was also believed to c!re epilepsy and fever
and to protect the wearer from panic. Emeralds
fre"!ently occ!r inside shale, a fine#grained
sedimentary rock. They have been fo!nd in
$ra%il, &akistan, 'orway, !stria, (ambia, India,
and !stralia. )ome are even fo!nd in 'orth
*arolina. +owever, *ol!mbia is known to mine the
largest and highest "!ality emeralds and is the
home of the most famo!s emerald mine. This
mine is named M!%o, after the M!%o Indians,
who were the original discoverers of the mine.
May 2014
May 2014
Those born between May ,-. are
$!lls of Ta!r!s. $!lls show a steady
persistence in both professional and
personal endeavors. fter working
hard, they like to reward themselves
for a /ob well done.
If yo! were born between May -,
0,, yo! are a Twin of Gemini. Geminis
make comm!nicative and lively
companions. Intellect!al and
imaginative, they are the ones to sit
near at a party.
Resident Center
Mrs. Arrington
Patriotic Pinwheel Pins
by Mrs. Arrington
Show your patriotism with mini pinwheel pins
made with scrapbook paper and a button center.
You will need:
1. 2 1/2" square of double-sided heavy
scrapbook paper in patriotic colors (red
white and blue for !.S. holidays" red and
white for #anadian holidays$
%utton (1/&" to 1/2"$
2. Small 'lue (ots
). *leene+s ,acky 'lue
&. -in clasp (1" to 1 1/2" lon.$
Cheese and Butter Monkey Bread
/ #ookin. spray
/ )/& cup -armesan cheese
/ 1 tablespoon 0talian seasonin.
/ 1/) cup butter melted
/ 2& re.ular-si1ed uncooked dinner
rolls thawed (such as 2hodes$
1. -reheat oven to )3456. Spray a 7-inch
sprin.form pan with
cookin. spray.
2. #ombine cheese and seasonin. in a small
bowl. -lace butter in
another small bowl.
). #ut each roll into fourths. 2oll each dou.h
ball one at a time
first in butter and then in cheese mi8ture. -lace
in the prepared
sprin.form pan.
&. -our any remainin. butter and cheese
mi8ture over the top of
the dou.h pieces.
3. %ake for )49&4 minutes until .olden.
:. ,ransfer to a coolin. rack. ;hen pan is
warm to the touch
release the s,ringfor" ,an and re"ove the
S+nday Monday T+esday -ednesday Th+rsday Friday Sat+rday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17

19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

3ehabilitation245---4-..607.89hc location:timeline

61;8 3eality
510. =evotion2
*offee with
Michael =awson
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. Table Games
;1.. =aily *hronicle

61;8 3eality
9:30 Resident
,.1.. $ingo
,.1.. 3esidents
Mother Goose
=ay at
Elbert +ead
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. &et Therapy
01.. *rafters

,.1.. &raise with
$aptist @3AB
,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. )ports TA

,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )acred +eart
*atholic *h!rch

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )plash

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ible )t!dy
with Mrs. Taylor
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. Mothers =ay
;1.. =aily *hronicle
;1.. M!sic Therapy
61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. )atin +ands
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )plash
01.. ?ii Games
;1.. =aily *hronicle
;1.. M!sic Therapy

61;8 3eality
510. =evotion2
*offee with
Michael =awson
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. +appy +o!r
;1.. =aily *hronicle
;1.. M!sic Therapy

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. +ymns with
+armony Aoices
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. &et Therapy
01.. Eadies 3ed +at
;1.. =aily *hronicle
,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. )ports TA

,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )acred +eart
*atholic *h!rch
3:00 Mothers Day

'!rses =ay

Tacky =ay

Game =ay

M!sic Era =ay
*hip =ay

Twin =ay

+awaiian =ay

with Gentiva
Hi"h #chool
Color Guard

,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )acred +eart
*atholic *h!rch

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )plash
01.. *rafters *orner
;1.. =aily *hronicle
61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ible )t!dy
with Mrs. Taylor
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. Ice *ream
;1.. =aily *hronicle

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. )atin +ands
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )plash
01.. C!n with Cood
;1.. =aily *hronicle
;1.. M!sic Therapy

61;8 3eality
=evotion2*offee with
Michael =awson
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. Movie F
;1.. =aily 'ostalgia

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,-1.. 3esident &i%%a
-1.. &et Therapy
-10. )ing#long with
'eal )mith
;1.. =aily *hronicle

,.1.. &raise with
,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine

,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )acred +eart
*atholic *h!rch

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. )plash
61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ible )t!dy
with 3ev. +atton
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. Garden *l!b
;1.. =aily *hronicle

61;8 3eality
510. =aily =evotion
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. )ing#long with
3ev. +!ddle
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. ?heelchair
01.. Table Aolleyball

61;8 3eality
=evotion2*offee with
Michael =awson
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. ?ine and
;1.. =aily 'ostalgia

61;8 3eality
510. =aily
51;8 3estorative
,.1.. $ingo
,.10. )mall Gro!p
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
-1.. &et Therapy
01.. $irthday
;1.. =aily
*hronicle @3AB

,.1;8 )ocial +o!r
,-1.. ?alk to =ine
01.. )ports TA

&eachblet is planning e>citing events all week.
ll family and vol!nteers are welcome to share in these events
'ational +igh $lood &ress!re Ed!cation Month
May 0.
&eachbelt will be doing free vital signs checks
Cor the comm!nity, so feel free to stop by.
<!r Mother
$y Gimery and Tamera
<!r Mothers health began to decline a few years ago and she became more and more dependent on !s for her ever
increasing care needs. ?hen it became clear that we co!ld no longer ade"!ately manage those needs at home, we
made the diffic!lt decision to place her in yo!r care. <!r biggest concern was that she wo!ld not HconnectI or
interact with anyone else and remain withdrawn. nd tho!gh it took her awhile to find her way, yo!r love, kindness,
patience and h!mor seemed to have bro!ght her back to life. )he is a fiercely independent, st!bborn and witty
woman @as yo! no do!bt have seen '= heardB, who does and says what she wants. nd while we are s!re that
makes her a do!ble handf!l at times, its who we remember as Mom.
?hat stands o!t abo!t her care is not /!st meeting her physical challenges, b!t meeting her emotional need for
belonging and comm!nity. Its evident that yo!r love and care for her as a person is gen!ine and a!thentic. )he
may not know each of yo! by name, b!t there is a familiarity that makes her light !p and smiles when yo! wave,
speak, or /!st to!ch her on the sho!lder. That HconnectionI, that interaction, means more to !s than yo! will ever
know. It helps !s en/oy peace of mind that she is in great hands and she is where she needs to be. ?e dont care
abo!t e>ternal HtrappingsI, we only care that Mom is treated with respect, dignity, grace and compassion. ?e see
evidence of all of those things every time we walk thr! the door.
The long goodbye is hard eno!gh for any family, we are very thankf!l that Mom is s!rro!nded by so many wonderf!l
caregivers who make each and every one of those days have meaning. Do! make her feel precio!sJ

3esident *o!ncil
K!dith Morey
Aice &resident
Kohn Easern
)andra )cott
$ettye Eobe
$%ercise o& Ri"hts
3esidents have the right and freedom to e>ercise their rights as a resident of
this facility and as a citi%en or resident of the Lnited.
Eive witho!t fear of discrimination, restraint, interference, coercion or reprisal.
3esidents are able to act in yo!r own behalf, if !nable the person appointed !nder
state law to act on their behalf.
< = > ? @ A S 2 - ' , * 0 , B
6 = C D * S C ; E , % - ! @ S
< > E ' ? S 0 0 ! A B @ * = A
0 ( 0 S # 2 0 = 0 B * , 0 D B
S B > 6 F # * 2 6 ! < B = ( '
A < , 6 @ G @ * - 2 > ? H F F
# F ' F F % # H * F 2 C ' F 0
- # ; C 2 0 H B , S 2 0 S 2 -
% F G * ? 6 F 6 D , F A ' 6 *
? A F 0 * H F # * 2 F A ? G A
A , , * 0 ' * 2 C * D # F > ,
0 > - , G H > - F 0 * @ ( < S
B D 0 # 2 F D # 2 B E , A 0 B
! # = # A ! @ # C , # 2 G > S
* 6 G 2 < B = @ B ( ; F ' ' >
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(0S#20=0B*,0DB 6*#0?0,> 62FF(D=
0B,F26F2FB#F 2F-20S*? 2FS,2*0B,

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