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Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA5262 Film & Television Projects 1b 2 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinators
Athina Tsoulis Athina Tsoulis, Dan Wagner
Marker(s) Moderator(s)
Athina Tsoulis Dan Wagner
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Date Return Date
2 Blocking Test 40% 18 September 19 October

Course aim:
To enable students to employ fundamental theories, concepts and techniques in practice-based
settings to develop their creativity and artistic growth through experiential exploration of film and
television technologies and processes.

Learning Outcomes:
2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of fundamental screen processes associated with continuity and blocking.
3. Demonstrate discipline specific professional behaviour and practices.

Take an online test about the procedures involved in scene blocking, its significance in
motion picture production and the roles and responsibilities each specialty brings to the
blocking process.

Marking Criteria:
Relate technical, operational and procedural skills in a written test.
(16 questions – 100%)


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