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Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA7262 Film & Television Projects 3b 2 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinator
All TFTV Tutors Dan Wagner
Markers Moderator
All TFTV Tutors Athina Tsoulis
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Date Return Date
3 Negotiated Work 30% 20th Nov 7th Dec
Learning outcome(s):
4. Selectively employ creative techniques, processes and technology to realise a negotiated work.
- Effectively apply suitable styles/processes within established production parameters
- Interact effectively and professionally with crew, production team and cast to realise the work

To complete this assessment, you must choose one of two options. The intention is to allow you
to tailor your work to best suit your needs/workload (including both the realities of your schedule
and your end-product requirements).
Your specialist tutor will mark this assignment based on evidence obtained by their own (and/or
peer) observation of your work during the project, your interactions with others (including peers,
tutors and public), and the final product.

PART 1 (50%)
Choose from two options:


you can (Studio

if your in the role and be assessed OR 3) in the and be assessed
choose you can
major is… of… 50% for… role of 50% for…
EITHER… choose… …
Surround Post
technical Recordi
Sound Sound Sound
execution st
Project Designer Technical
technical Show
Editing Editor Editor Execution (Studio
execution Reel AND
Three) and Key
Productio Created Key Creative Role
key creative Three PM/AD
n Work Creative (Show Reel)
role / technical
Role /
Camera execution DOP

• Technical Execution includes: the precision with which you perform your tasks and the
quality of the work you turn in (dailies, edited/mixed final product, paperwork).
• If you initiated the project (such as an Experimental Film or a Music Video), or are creating
a Show Reel, your assessment is about the Key Creative Role you’re playing in creating,
designing and shepherding the project through to meet your vision.
• If the project was initiated by someone else, your assessment is on your role as HOD in
overseeing the technical requirements in your specialty.

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• Monday 14th September: This is your ABSOLUTE deadline to decide what you’re going to
do, to negotiate with your tutor what that will entail and then lock-in your choice. If you are
keen and wish to choose beforehand, so much the better.
• Monday 16th November: All projects must be in some broadcast form (Compile Master,
DVD, ProTools surround session) by this date.

PART 2 (50%)
Everyone will be assessed on their professionalism and project participation, regardless of choice.

Criteria that will influence the mark include the effort you put in to the project, your overall work ethic, your
time management and the quality of your collaboration.

All projects will be screened on the next-to-last Friday of the school year (20th November).

1. Applied suitable styles/processes within established production parameters (50%)

2. Interacted effectively and professionally with crew, production team and cast to realise the work
(50%). Including (but not limited to)
• the effort you put in to the project,
• your overall work ethic,
• your time management and
• the quality of your collaboration.

Your specialist tutor must sign below for your project to be approved.
Then, please make one copy of the section below for yourself and give the original to Dan Wagner (Course Coordinator)


Student Name: _________________________________________________

Project Choice (circle one): surround sound created work showreel/studio three

Describe the project and your participation in it:

Tutor Approval Signature: ____________________________ Date Signed:________________

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