Astrological Newsletter (Sept 2012)

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Mithuna Twiins Astrological Sr!ics
"Ho# o$ th %hrigu &ro'ct(
)His Di!in Grac A*C* %ha+ti!,anta Swa#i &ra-hu.a,a
/oun,r Achar0a1 Intrnational Socit0 $or 2rishna Consciousnss
"3ision o$ th Goswa#is(
(Shriman Gopal Chandra Ghosh said) During these months when I would visit (Shrila
Prabhupada) in his rooms at Radha-Damodara he occasionally told me some special things that I
understood as secrets in his bhajan !nce I came early in the morning in wintertime "e was chanting
hari-nama very deeply and I saw tears coming #rom his eyes $hen I in%uired several times #or him to
tell me anything& he said that he had received a visit last night In the courtyard by Shrila Rupa
'oswami(s samadhi& he saw some very beauti#ul persons !ne was wearing only )aupina and was
chanting on large tulasi mala around his nec) "is eyes were large li)e lotus #lowers and he was
e*tremely e##ulgent +lso coming there was another personality& dressed similarly& but older and
taller& very )indly to him ,ehind them was a much younger sadhu& whose beauty and sweetness were
captivating Swami -aharaja told me they were Shrila Rupa 'oswami& Shrila Sanatana 'oswami and
their nephew& Shrile .iva 'oswami "e said they spo)e to him and gave him mercy and guidance #or
his writing and #or his #uture preaching I tried to as) more but this is all he would tell me/ 0
-/ro# Shrila Prabhupada: A Friend to All -0 Hr Grac S#t Mula.ra+riti ,!i ,asi*
Chant this mantra:
Har 2rishna Har 2rishna 2rishna 2rishna Har Har
Har Ra#a Har Ra#a Ra#a Ra#a Har Har
and your life will be sublime
In this issue:
Gloris o$ &urushotta#a Masa
Also1 IS2CON4s Lunar Caln,ar5 Shri#a, %haga!ata# Da05
Th 67 E+a,ashis an, 3isions o$ th /utur
Th Astrological Nwslttr (Please e-share it with your friends)
Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.
Abhaya Mudra Dasi
Jyotish hastris, !t".
#la$oev$rad, #ul$aria
2 Sept! 2"#2 ($%#) #hadra%ada shu)la e)adashi 123 'aurabda era "orres%ondin$
to the eleventh day of the wa&in$ Moon of the 'aishnava (onth of )rishikesh. hri
Parivartini Ekadashi
'isit us at* www.vedi"astrolo$ers.or$
+etters, "onsultations* dkrishna1,"o(
/o %eruse %ast issues* htt%*00ebooks.isk"ondesiretree.info0inde&.%h%123f!f3456%df
In &his Issue:
Dar &ra-hus1 Than+ You89999999999999****.ag 6
IS2CON4s Lunar Caln,ar999999999999*9** .ag :
Th Gloris o$ Shri &urushotta#a Month9999999*****.ag 7
%ha,ra &urni#a is Shri#a, %haga!ata# Da0999999*.ag ;<
Th Walth o$ E+a,ashi ;7
A ;=th Cntur0 Gli#.s into th / 6>
Th Co#ing /inancial Colla.s999999999999***.ag 66
Lttrs 99999999999999999999************.ag 6?
Than+ You8
'ear Prabhus5
Dandavats to the 4aishnavas and welcome to the
issue. 9ur last issue two (onths ba"k "arried a
%lea for your su%%ort, and by your $ra"e, dear
readers, we are ha%%y to re%ort that we are still
here in #ul$aria and servin$ hrila Prabhu%ada
with renewed vi$or. o(e old :odbrothers
who( ; have not seen in years res%onded
$enerously, in"ludin$ so(e very "o(%assionate
sannyasis< Another very kind donor fro( %ain "a(e forward with a (u"h
a%%re"iated donation of =>,, that literally blew us away. ?et another devotee, a
dis"i%le of )) hrila hivara(a wa(i, loaned whatever funds were not
"overed so that we "ould "lear all visa re2uire(ents with the #ul$arian
Disi"%les of our dear :urubhais sent in their (ite fro( @, Aussia, Euro%e and
;ndia and by their $ra"e we "rossed over the sea of the the rou$h %eriod. Be had
seen the a%roa"hin$ $loo( well in advan"e sin"e those were days of an e"li%se
in "or%io, a key si$n in ;CD98. u"h are the "y"les of e"li%sesEe&%e"ially
in "or%io when both Aahu and the Moon are debilitatedEwhen the brah(ini"al
"lass finds itself "hallen$ed fro( all sides. #ut by the $ra"e of s%iritual sat-
sangha& whi"h has the %ower to destroy all sinful rea"tions, the %roble(s were
ki"ked aside. /hat is the se"ret, for as hrila Prabhu%ada on"e told 'ishala das,
FFCrishna "an ki"k away 1,,,,, Aahus.G And )e did, throu$h your $ra"e<
#elieve (e, #ul$aria is like heaven and (ore devotees are needed in this se"ret
"orner of the Earth to %rea"h the san)irtan (essa$e of Maha%rabhu.Be ho%e
that by ne&t %rin$ weHll have the Denter with its $uest roo( u% and runnin$ so
that you (ay "onsider visitin$ us. Bhat $reater reward than the asso"iation of
PrabhusEyour kind asso"iation< +et (e say it a$ain, thank you< EnIoy the issue.
Always wishin$ you the very best in Crishna "ons"iousness,
Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.
&S /or thos who still wish to ,onat to th Nw Gau,a Man,ala %hu#i
an, %hrigu &ro'cts5 w ,o acc.t 0our +in, o$$rings through a nw
,onation -utton on our w-sit www*!,icastrologrs*org *
From the (ditor:
IS2CON4S Lunar Caln,ar
Shri Crishna infor(s ArIuna (#: 1J.1>), pushnami chaushadhih sarvah somo
bhutva rasama)ah* FF; be"o(e o(a (the de(i-$od of the Moon) and thereby
su%%ly the Iui"e of life to all ve$etables.G hrila Prabhu%ada "o((ents on this
verse* FF/he word rasama)ah is very si$nifi"ant. Everythin$ be"o(es %alatable
by the a$en"y of the u%re(e +ord throu$h the influen"e of the Moon.G
/his verse is the key to understandin$ astrolo$y. ;n fa"t, o(a is CrishnaHs
a$ent by whi"h )e $ives individual tastes or %ersonalities to ea"h livin$ entity
here in the (aterial world. Ea"h (aterially-"on"eived %ersonality refle"ts the
eternal s%iritual e$o. And that is why in 'edi" astrolo$y the Moon si$n, or rashi,
is %ara(ount over the un si$n. All %lanetary effe"ts are filtered throu$h the
Moon by CrishnaHs ulti(ate "ontrol. /hat is the (easure of individuality for all
in"redibly uni2ue jiva souls belon$in$ to hri Crishna, ea"h of who( refle"ts a
tiny fra"tion of )is in"on"eivable and unli(ited "a%abilities.
Even in those "ultures where there is no belief in astrolo$y, far(ers %lant by the
MoonHs "y"les. Bhereas uryanarayana re%resents the (as"uline as%e"t of
$overnin$ the universe, the Moon, Dhandradeva, is the $reat (other. ;n any
fa(ily, thou$h the father (ay be (ore visible, it is the (other who dis"reetly
(olds the ways of the household. And that is how the MoonHs role in su%%lyin$
tastes to ve$etables, %oten"y to healin$ herbs and individuality to all livin$
entities has $one unnoti"ed by the (aterialists. Prabhu%ada notes that althou$h
ele"tri"ity is everywhere, still an e&%ert ele"tri"ian is re2uired to harness that
ener$y and (ake it useful. i(ilarly, CrishnaHs %ersonified ener$ies, in"ludin$
those of the Moon %lanet, are always a"tive. #ut without the $ra"e of the
s%iritual (aster, how "an we understand these subtle workin$s of 8ature and the
de(i-$ods (what to s%eak of knowin$ the s%riritual kin$do( of 'aikuntha)1
;n ;CD98Eand throu$hout the world of 'edi" "ultureEwe follow a 'edi"
"alendar based u%on the MoonHs "y"les. 6ollowin$ it kee%s us in rhyth( with
the natural laws of the @niverse. /he $reatest %roble( with the (odern artifi"ial
so"iety is that it is wholly out of syn"h with the %ulse of 8ature. hrila
#haktivinoda /hakur, who was also a brilliant astrolo$er, "reated the :aurabda
Era year syste( based u%on the advent of Maha%rabhu and he na(ed the
(onths based u%on the for(s of +ord 8arayana. ;t was hrila :aur Cishore das
#abaIi MaharaIa who en"oura$ed his only dis"i%le, hrila hri #haktisiddhanta
araswati :oswa(i to %rodu"e a 8abadwi% Pan"han$ for the benefit of
devotees. And today ;CD98 "ontinues to follow this %ra"ti"e.
;CD98Hs 'aishnava Dalendar ervi"e htt%*00www.vaisnava" re$ularly sends out
1J,,,, re(inders to devotees all over the world re$ardin$ 'aishnava festivities,
ea"h of whi"h are "al"ulated a""ordin$ to the lunar %hase for %arti"ular "ities.
And hri(an Jaya /irtha DharanHs )are Crishna 8etwork site www.sala$ra(.net has a
e&"ellent 'aishnava "alendar (panchang or panji)a) with infor(ative links
about ea"h holy day. 6or any 'edi" $entle(an, it is i(%ortant to be aware of the
lunar %hases, or tithis, and to live in obedien"e to the will of the +ord by
observin$ the holy days di"tated by the MoonHs "y"les like Ekadashi.
Ea"h of the arti"les that follow in this issue of Th Astrological Nwslttr
"overs "ertain as%e"ts of the lunar "alendar. /here is an arti"le on Adhik-(asa or
Purushotta(a (onth by hrila #haktivinoda /hakur. An arti"le by Abhaya
Mudra Dasi des"ribes ea"h one of the the twenty-si& Ekadashis in a nutshell.
And there is a re%ort on the i(%ortan"e of $ivin$ Shrimad ,hagavatams on
hri(ad #ha$avata( Day, the full Moon in #hadra, whi"h is fast a%%roa"hin$.
A /w Wor,s on A,hi+a Masa @A,hi#asaA
Th Intrcalar0 Month o$ &urushotta#a
On 1L e%t. we %assed out of Purushotta(a (onth, whi"h hrila #haktivinoda
/hakur "alls FFthe (ost outstandin$ (onth for trans"endental a"tivities.G )is
arti"le on this subIe"t, whi"h follows these introdu"tory words of ours, has been
re%rinted fro( 5he "armonist of hrila #haktisiddhanta araswati :oswa(i. ;n
it, our $reat $reat $rand :uru MaharaIa e&%lains everythin$ you ever wanted to
know about the inter"alary (onth of Purushotta(a (but were afraid to ask). An
understandin$ of the lunar "alendar is a %rere2uisite to understandin$
Purushotta(a-(asa. And sin"e we as 'aishnavas follow the lunar "alender,
therefore knowin$ how it fun"tions is i(%ortant for all devotees.
in"e ti(e i((e(orial there have been two ty%es of "alendars, solar and lunar.
/he solar "alendar is (easured fro( the ti(e the un enters the first si$n of
Aries or Mesha in (id-A%ril of ea"h year. /his solar year lasts for
a%%ro&i(ately >LJ.5K55 days, the ti(e it takes the un to travel throu$h ea"h of
the twelve si$ns of the Modia". /hese solar (onths are na(ed for the
"onstellations, (onth of Mesha, (onth of 'rishabha, Mithuna, et".
As far as the lunar "alendar is "on"erned, it is (easured by the MoonHs
traversin$ the twelve si$ns twelve ti(es. Ea"h ti(e the Moon be"o(es full, it
"onIoins a different (inor "onstellation or na)shatra. /hese na)shatras are very
i(%ortant and are res%e"ted as the twenty-seven wives of Dhandra. Ea"h lunar
(onth derives its na(e fro( the na)shatra that the Moon "onIoins (or is near)
on purnima or the full Moon day of ea"h (onth.
6or e&a(%le, in the 'ita Crishna tells ArIuna masanan margashirsoham* FF9f
(onths ; a( Mar$ashirsha.G Mar$ashirsha is the (onth around De"e(ber ea"h
year when the full Moon is "onIoined Mri$ashirsha, the FFdeerHs headG
na)shatra under whi"h hrila Prabhu%ada a%%eared. /o these lunar (onths
hrila #haktivinoda /hakur $ave the na(es of the for(s of +ord 8arayana that
we 'aishnavas adorn ourselves with ea"h ti(e we a%%ly sa"red tila)a. 6or
hrila #haktivinoda /hakur, Mar$ashirsha be"a(e Ceshava, and so forth. /he
na(es of the 'edi" lunar (onths and their :audiya "ounter%arts are $iven in the
followin$ table for easy referen"e*
Chaitra 3ishnu
3aisha+ha Ma,husu,an
B0stha Tri!i+ra#
Asha,ha 3a#ana
Shra!an Sri,hara
%ha,ra Hrsi+sh

Ashwina &a,#ana-ha
2arti+a Da#o,ar
Mrgasirsha 2sha!a
&ausha Nara0ana
Magha Ma,ha!a
&halgun Go!in,a
/he lunar year is shorter than its solar "ounter%art sin"e Dhandra "o(%letes his
round of twelve si$ns of the Modia" in only >JK.>N days. )en"e there is a
dis"re%en"y in ti(e between the lon$er solar year and the shorter lunar year by
a%%ro&i(ately ten days. /o a(end this differen"e in the two "alendars, an
inter"alary (onth is added about every three years "alled Purushotta(a, or
Adika-(asa. /his year witnessed a Purushotta(a-(asa added in the lunar (onth
of #hadra, hen"e it is known as #hadra Purushotta(a.
Be :audiya 'aishnavas be$in our lunar "alendar ea"h (onth with the first day
of the wanin$ Moon, the day after the full Moon. /his is the sensible purnima-
anta syste(. ;n the outh, the (onth is ended (anta) at the dark of the Moon
day, a fortni$ht after our (onth ends. /his is the amavashya-anta syste(. ;t is
(ore reasonable to end the (onth on the full Moon day sin"e the (onth is
na(ed for the na)shatra that the Moon "onIoins when full, and not the
"onstellation that Dhandra sits ne&t to on the day of the dark Moon (amavashya).
#esides, a (onth should be ended when %roIe"ts are brou$ht to full "o(%letion,
as refle"ted by the full Moon, not when the Moon has entered amavashya and is
invisible. /his is the intelli$en"e behind the purnima-anta syste(.
/ake for e&a(%le, the (onth now in for"e, #hadra or )rishikesh. /his (onth
be$ins on the day after the full Moon of hridhara (or hravana-(asa). 9n the
ei$hth day of #hadra in the )rishna pa)sha or dark fortni$ht, +ord Crishna
advented )i(self for the salvation of the world. )en"e this day is known as
Jan(ashta(i. 9ne fortni$ht later, in the bri$ht half of #hadra, hri(ati
Aadharani a%%eared. )en"e #hadra shu)la ashtami or Aadhashta(i is the
a%%earan"e of hri CrishnaHs eternal "onsort. :enerally there are fifteen days
between the dates of advent of the divine "ou%le. /his year the (onth of
Purushotta(a was added into the (onth of #hadra fro( the day after the dark of
the Moon or amavashya for one (onth. )en"e this o""uran"e of Purushotta(a
in the (onth of #hadra se%arated Aadhashta(i fro( Jan(ashta(i by an e&tra
lunar "y"le (in"reasin$ the 'aishnavasH desire to serve hri Aadha and Crishna
in the (ood of se%aration). 8ow let us %ro"eed to the revered #haktivinoda
/hakuraHs learned e&%osition of the subIe"t.
Th Gloris o$ Sri
&urushotta#a Month
Srila Shri @;>CA Sacci,anan,a %ha+ti!ino,a Tha+ura
Two ,i!isions o$ shastra: smarta an, paramartha
The 'edi" arya-sastras are divided into two /he 'edi"
arya-sastras are divided into two se"tions*Gsmarta
(literature based on smrti) and paramartha (trans"endental literature based on
sruti). /hose who are eli$ible (adhi)ari) for the smarta se"tion do not have any
natural in"lination or taste for the paramartha-sastras. /he thou$hts, %rin"i%les,
a"tivities and life $oal of every hu(an is "onstituted a""ordin$ to his res%e"tive
ruci (in"lination). :enerally, smartas a""e%t those s"ri%tures whi"h are in
a""ordan"e with their res%e"tive ruci. )avin$ $reater adhi)ara for smarta-
sastra& they do not de(onstrate (u"h re$ard for paramarthi)a-sastra.
Providen"e is the a$ent behind the "reation of these two divisions. /herefore,
undoubtedly the (aintainer of the world (ust have a hidden %ur%ose in havin$
(ade su"h an arran$e(ent.
As far as ; understand, the %ur%ose is that the jivas se2uentially (ake %ro$ress in
their level of "ons"iousness by re(ainin$ steadfast in their res%e"tive adhi)ara.
#y deviatin$ fro( oneOs adhi)ara, one falls down. A""ordin$ to oneOs a"tivities,
a %erson attains two ty%es of adhi)ara6)armadhi)ara and bha)ti-adhi)hara As
lon$ as one (aintains his )armadhi)ara, he derives benefit fro( the %ath shown
by the smarta se"tion. Bhen he enters bha)ti-adhi)ara, by trans$ressin$ the
)armadhi)ara, then he develo%s a natural ruci (in"lination) for the
paramarthi)a, or trans"endental, %ath. /herefore, %roviden"e has (ade these
two divisions of sastra* smarta and paramartha.
Th ruls an, rgulations o$ smarta sastra ar co##itt, to )arma
/he smarta sastra has (ade various ty%es of rules and re$ulations in order to
hel% one attain nistha, steadfastness, in )armadhi)ara. ;n (any instan"es, it
even de(onstrates indifferen"e towards paramartha sastra to (ake %eo%le
attain s%e"ifi" nistha in su"h rules and re$ulations ;n reality, althou$h sastra is
one, it (anifests in two ways for the %eo%le. ;f the jiva $ives u% adhi)ara-
nistha& he "an never attain aus%i"iousness. 6or this reason, the sastras have been
divided into two* smarta and paramartha.
Adhimasa @Dtra #onthA5 also call, mala masa @i#.ur #onthA5 is ,!oi, o$
all aus.icious acti!itis
#y dividin$ the whole year in twelve %arts, the smarta-sastras have as"ertained
the aus%i"ious, or reli$ious, a"tivities for these twelve (onths. All the )arma&
reli$ious a"tivities whi"h are %art of the varnasrama syste( when allotted to the
twelve (onths, leave the e&tra (onth (adhimasa) devoid of any su"h a"tivity.
/here is no reli$ious %erfor(an"e in adhimasa. ;n order to kee% lunar (onths
and solar (onths in tally, one (onth has to be e&"luded every >5 (onths. /he
na(e of that (onth is adhimasa (e&tra (onth).P Smartas have dis"arded this
e&tra (onth, "onsiderin$ it abo(inable. /hey $ave it na(es su"h as mala masa
(i(%ure (onth), chora masa (thievin$ (onth), and so on.
P ;t is stated in Sri Surya Siddhanta that in one mahayuga there are 1,JQ>,>>L e&tra (onths and
J1,-K,,,,, solar (onths. Thr$or5 thr is on Dtra #onth a$tr !r0 :6 #onths5 ;7 ,a0s an,
? hours o$ th solar caln,ar*
/ro# th .rs.cti! o$ paramartha*sastra5 adhimasa is su.rior an,
a,!antagous $or +ari*bha,ana
9n the other hand, the (ost worshi%able paramartha-sastra a""lai(s adhimasa
as the (ost outstandin$ (onth for trans"endental a"tivities. in"e life in this
world is te(%orary, it is not %ro%er to s%end any %art of oneOs life (eanin$lessly.
;t is i(%erative for the jiva to re(ain "ontinuously en$a$ed in hari-bhajana at
every (o(ent. /hus, the adhimasa& whi"h "o(es every third year, (ay also
be"o(e useful for hari-bhajana. /his is indeed the dee% (eanin$ of
paramartha-sastras. Even thou$h )armis %er"eive this (onth to be devoid of all
aus%i"ious a"tivities, for the deliveran"e of all the jivas, paramartha sastra& on
the other hand, has as"ertained that %eriod as the (ost "ondu"ive for hari-
bhajana Paramartha sastra says, "e jiva7 Durin$ this adhimasa why should
you re(ain laMy in hari-bhajana1 ri(ad :olokanatha )i(self has as"ertained
that this (onth is the best of all. ;t is su%erior even to the $reatly %ious (onths
of Carttika, Ma$ha and 'aisakha. ;n this (onth, you should %erfor( arcana of
ri ri Aadha-Crishna with s%e"ial rules, or (oods, for bhajana. ?ou will
thereby attain all ty%es of %erfe"tion.
Th histor0 an, gloris o$ adhimasa
An, how it rci!, th na# &urushotta#a
/he $lories of adhimasa are (entioned in the thirty-first "ha%ter of the
8aradiya Purana. Adhi(asa "onsidered the soverei$nty of the twelve (onths
and saw that he was bein$ sli$hted. )e went to 'aikuntha and related his
dile((a to ri 8arayana. 9ut of "o(%assion, 'aikuntha-%ati took Adhi(asa
with )i( and a%%eared before ri Crishna in :oloka. After hearin$ about the
distress of malamasa (the i(%ure (onth), ri CrishnaOs heart (elted and )e
s%oke thus*
aham etair yatha lo)e prathitah purushottamah
tathayam api lo)esu prathitah purushottamah
asmai samarpitah sarve ye gunamayi samsthitah
mat-sadrsyam-upagamya masanamadhipo bhavet
jagat-pujyo jagat-vandyo maso ayam tu bhavisyati
sarve masah sa)amas ca nis)amo ayam maya )rtah
a)amah sarva)amo va yo adhimasam prapujayet
)armani bhasmasat )rtva mam evaisyaty asamsayam
)adacin-mama bha)tanamaparadheti ganyate
purushottama-bha)tanam naparadhah )adacana
ya etasmin-maha mudha japa-danadi-varjitah
sat-)arma-snana-rahita deva-tirtha-dvija-dvisah
jayante durbhaga dustah para-bhagyopajivanah
na )adacit su)ham tesam svapne api sasa-srngavat
yenahamarcito bha)tya mase asmin purusottame
dhana-putra-su)ham bhun)tva pascad-golo)a-vasabha)
FF)e Aa(a%ati< Just as ; a( "elebrated in this world by the na(e Purushotta(a,
si(ilarly, this Adhi(asa too will be renowned in the world by the na(e
Purushotta(a. 8ow ; offer all My 2ualities to this (onth. #e"o(in$ like Me,
fro( today onwards, this Adhi(asa is the (onar"h of all the other (onths, and is
the (ost worshi%able and (ost adored in the world. All other (onths are
sa)ama, that is, they will $rant worldly desires. /his (onth, however, is
nis)ama. /hose who worshi% this (onth, either without any desires (a)ama) or
with all ty%es of desires, will have all their )armas burnt. /hen they will a"hieve
Me. My bha)tas so(eti(es "o((it offenses, but in this Purushotta(a (onth,
they will be %rote"ted fro( "o((ittin$ any offense. ;n this adhimasa& those
$reatly foolish %ersons who ne$le"t to %erfor( aus%i"ious a"tivities, su"h as
japa, $ivin$ in "harity, visitin$ and bathin$ at the holy %la"es, and who are
envious of the dvijas (brahmanas) are dee(ed wi"ked, unfortunate and livin$ at
the "ost of others. /hus, they will not attain a s"ent of ha%%iness, even in their
drea(s. Donversely, those who are filled with bha)ti will take advanta$e of this
Purushotta(a (onth to %erfor( arcana to Me. After enIoyin$ worldly ha%%iness,
su"h as wealth, sons and so on, they will eventually attain residen"e in :oloka.G
Th gloris o$ &urushotta#a #onth in th contDt o$ Drau.a,iEs histor0
Many e%isodes fro( the Puranas are narrated in the "onte&t of the $lories of
Purushotta(a (onth. 9ne su"h e&a(%le is Drau%adi. ;n her %revious life, she
was the dau$hter of Medha Asi. Even after hearin$ of the $lories of
Purushotta(a (onth fro( Durvasa Asi, she ne$le"ted to observe that (onth. As
a result, she attained (any sufferin$s in that life and be"a(e the wife of five
husbands in her birth as Drau%adi. Durin$ their e&ile, the Pandavas followed ri
CrishnaHs instru"tions to observe Purushottama-
masa-vrata and thus "rossed over all their sufferin$s.
As it is said*
evam sarvesu tirthesu bhramantah pandunandanah
purushottama-masadya-vratam cerur vidhanatah
tadante rajyam atulam avapur gata-)anta)am
purne caturdase varse sri )rsna-)rpaya mune
FF"e Muni< Durin$ the %eriod of their e&ile, the
Pandavas traveled throu$hout all the holy %la"es,
and by the (er"y of ri Crishna they observed ri
Purushotta(a vrata with all rules and re$ulations.
As a result of this they "o(%leted their fourteen years of e&ile without any
obsta"les and at the end attained an un%aralleled kin$do(.G
Th account o$ 2ing Dr,ha,han!a as s.o+n -0
3al#i+i rgar,ing &urushotta#a 3rata
Purushotta(a-(asa is $lorified in the a""ount of
Cin$ DrdhadhanvaOs %revious birth. At
#adarikasra(a, 8arada heard the %ro"edure of the
vrata fro( 8arayana Asi, whi"h 'al(iki Muni then
related to Cin$ Dridhadhanva in answer to the kin$Os
2uestions. Just as the rules of ahani)a (gayatri
mantras) for brahmanas are as"ertained in dharma-
sastras, si(ilarly, the obli$atory a"tivities for one
observin$ Purushotta(a vrata are also delineated,
be$innin$ fro( the brahma-muhurta hour.
Ruls $or -athing in th #onth o$ Sri &urushotta#a
Ae$ardin$ the rules for bathin$ durin$ Purushotta(a (onth, it is said*
samudraga nadi-snanam-uttamam pari)irtitam
vapi-)upa-tadagesu madhyamam )athitam budhaih
grhe snanam tu samanyam grhasthasya pra)irtitam
FF/here are three ty%es of baths as de"lared by the wise. #ath in the rivers whi"h
(eet the o"ean is the to%(ost. #ath in lakes, %onds and wells is the se"ond best,
and bath in oneOs ho(e is an ordinary bath.G

6or one who is observin$ ri Purushotta(a vrata& after takin$ bath he should
observe the followin$*
sapavitrena hastena )uryad acamana-)riyam
acamya tila)am )uryad-gopi-candana-mrt-snaya
urddhvapundra mrjum saumyam danda)aram pra)alpayet
san)ha-ca)radi)am dharyam gopi-candana-mrtsnaya
FFAfter bathin$ one should %erfor( acamana with "lean hands. 9ne should then
(ake %aste of gopicandana "lay and wear si(%le, beautiful, strai$ht
urddhvapundra tila)a on his forehead and the (arks of "on"h, dis" and so on, on
his body.G
Th Dclusi! worshi. o$ Sri Sri Ra,ha)2rishna is O-ligator0 in
&urushotta#a #onth
/he worshi% of ri Crishna is the obli$atory a"tivity of Purushotta(a (onth.
purushottama-masasya daivatam purushottamah
tasmat sampujayed bha)tya sraddhaya purushottamam
'al(iki said, "e Drdhadhanva< Purushotta(a ri Crishna is the %residin$ deity
of the Puroshotta(a (onth. /herefore, bein$ filled with bha)ti-sraddha& you
should worshi% Purushotta(a ri Crishna with si&teen ty%es of %ara%hernalia
every day of this (onth. As it is said* sodasopacarais ca pujayet
purusottamFF/he worshi% of the divine "ou%le ri ri Aadha-Crishna is indeed
obli$atory in Purushotta(a (asa.G
agaccha deva devesa sri )rsna purushottama
radhaya sahitas catra grhana pujanam mama
Acti!itis $or-i,,n in th #onth o$ &urushotta#a
All the rules and re$ulations re$ardin$ ri Purushotta(a vrata& whi"h we have
%resented above fro( these sastras& should be followed by reli$iously devoted
%ersons of all the varnas ("astes). /he 8aradiya Purana "on"ludes by sayin$
that in the holy %la"e of 8ai(isaranya, ri uta :osva(i s%oke to the asse(bled
devotees as follows*
bharate janurasadya purusottam-uttamam
na sevante na srnvanti grhasa)ta naradhamah
gatagatam bhajante 9tra durbhaga janmajanmani
putra-mitra-)alatrapta-viyogad duh)ha bhaginah
asmin mase dvija srestha nasacchastrany udaharet
na svapet para-sayayam nalapet vitatham )vacit
parapavadan na )rayan na )athancit )adacana
parannanca na bhunjita na )urvita para)riyam
FFEven after takin$ birth in ;ndia, those who are the lowest of (ankind re(ain
atta"hed to household life and never hear the $lories of ri Purushotta(a vrata:
nor do they observe it. u"h unfortunate %ersons under$o the sufferin$ of
re%eated birth and death and the distress infli"ted by the se%aration fro( sons,
friends, wife and other relatives.
FF9 best of the dvijas< ;n this Purushotta(a (onth, one should not uselessly
dis"uss worldly literature or (undane %oetry. 9ne should not slee% on the bed of
others nor indul$e in dis"ussions of worldly sense enIoy(ent. 9ne should not
"riti"iMe others, eat foodstuffs "ooked by others, or %erfor( a"tivities %res"ribed
for others.
Th o-ligator0 acti!itis in th &urushotta#a #onth
vittasathyam a)urvano danam dadhyad dvijataye
vidyamane dhane sathyam )urvano rauravam vrajet
dine dine dvijendraya dattva bhojanam-uttamam
divasasyastame bhage vrati bhojanam acaret
indradyumnah satadyumno yauvanasvo bhagirathah
purushottamam aradhya yayur bhagavadanti)am
tasmat sarva prayatnena samsevya purushottamah
sarva sadhanatah sresthah sarvartha phala-daya)ah
govardhana-dharam vande gopalam gopa-rupinam
go)ulotsavam-isanam govindam gopi)a-priyam;
)aundinyena pura pro)tam imam mantram punah punah
japan-masam nayed bha)tya purushottamam-apnuyat
dhyayen-navaghana-syamam dvibhujam muralidharam
lasat pita-patam ramyam sa-radham purosottamam
dhyayam dhyayam nayen-masam pujayan purushottamam
evam yah )urute bha)tya svabhistam sarvam apnuyat
FF:ivin$ u% (iserliness, one should $ive in "harity to the brahmanas. ;f a %erson
re(ains (iserly even thou$h he has wealth, his (iserliness will be the "ause of
his $oin$ to Aaurava (one ty%e of hell). Everyday one should feed the 'aisnavas
and brahmanas with the best foodstuffs. A %erson who is followin$ the vows
should take his food in the ei$hth %art of the day. ;ndradyu(na, atadyu(na,
?auvanasva and #ha$iratha attained samipya& "lose asso"iation of #ha$avan by
worshi%in$ the Purushotta(a (onth. 9ne should %erfor( servi"e to
Purushotta(a with all of oneOs endeavors. u"h servi"e to Purushotta(a is
su%erior to all ty%es of sadhana and fulfills all variety of desires. ;n a %revious
a$e, Caundilya Muni re%eatedly "hanted the mantra 9govardhana-dharam vande9.
#y "hantin$ this mantra with devotion durin$ ri Purushotta(a (onth, one will
attain ri Purushotta(a )i(self. 9ne should devote Purushotta(a (onth to
"onstantly (editatin$ u%on nava-ghana dvibhuja muralidhara pitambara ri
Crishna with ri Aadha. /hose who do this with devotion will have all their
"herished desires fulfilled.G
P ; worshi% the lifter of :ovardhana, :o%ala, who has the for( of a gopa. )e is the festival of :okula
(go)ula-utsava), the u%re(e Dontroller of all (isvara), and )e is :ovinda the beloved of the gopis
Th o-sr!anc $or transcn,ntalists ) s-anistha. paranistha an, nirape)sa
/here are three ty%es of trans"endentalists* svanistha - those who are steadfast in
their %ersonal vowsR paranisthita - those who are steadfast in followin$ the vows
set forth by their res%e"tive acaryasR and nirpe)sa - those who are indifferent to
the above two ty%es of steadfastness.P All the a"tivities (entioned above for
Purushotta(a (onth are %res"ribed for svanistha trans"endentalists.
Paranisthita bha)tas are eli$ible to observe Purushotta(a vrata a""ordin$ to the
rules and instru"tions of Carttika vrata %res"ribed by their res%e"tive acaryas.
8irape)sa bha)tas re%e"t this sa"red (onth by daily honorin$ sri bhagavat
prasad with one-%ointed attention, followin$ so(e routine for sravana and
)irtana of sri harinama a""ordin$ to their "a%a"ity.
P Svanistha and paranisthita bha)tas are $enerally householders and nirape)sa bha)tas are
/he followin$ state(ent fro( 4isnu Rahasya& whi"h is the to%(ost instru"tion
of Sri "ari-bha)ti-vilasa, re"o((ends*
indriyarthesv-asa)tanam sadaiva vimala matih
paritosayate visnum nopavaso jitatmanah
FF/hose whose intelli$en"e has been %urified by bha)ti are deta"hed fro( the
in"lination for sense enIoy(ent. /he intelli$en"e of su"h %ersons is naturally
%ureR therefore, they are jitatma& they have "on2uered their (inds. ;t is by their
innate bha)ti& rather than by upavasa (fastin$) and other su"h a"tivities, that they
have %urified their (inds and are thus able to %lease ri Crishna at all ti(es.G
Th innat ru/i @inclinationA an, o-ligator0 acti!itis o$ e)anti)a bha)tas
/herefore, rila anatana :osva(i has "on"luded his book Sri "ari-bha)ti-
vilasa by %resentin$ the followin$ state(ents for one-%ointed devotees*
evam e)antinam prayah )irtanam smaranam prabhoh
)urvatam param-pritya )rtyam-anyan na rocate
bhavena )enacit presthah sri murter-anghri sevane
syad icchyaisam svatantrena sva-rasanaiva tad-vidhih
vihitesv eva nityesu pravartante svayam hite
ityady e)antinam bhati mahatmyam li)hitam hi tat
&urushotta#a #asa is Dclusi!l0 #ant $or th singl)#in,, worshi. o$ Shri Ra,ha)2rishna5 sn hr
in Thir /or#s as Ra,ha)Rasa-hari @with Shri Lalita an, 3isha+haA at Har 2rishna Lan,5 Buhu
<)anti)a bha)tas (one-%ointed devotees) of ri Crishna "onsider sri )rsna-
smarana and sri )rsna-)irtana alone to be the (ost fulfillin$ and valued
a"tivities. :enerally, they do not en$a$e in any other angas of bha)ti besides
these two, whi"h they "ultivate with $reat love and affe"tion. /heir ea$erness for
these angas is so stron$ that no other a"tivity "an "a%tivate their taste. /hey
develo% an intense desire to serve the lotus feet of ri Crishna in a s%e"ifi" (ood.
/herefore, they render servi"e to the lotus feet of ri Crishna with (oods whi"h
are favorable to their own rasa& alon$ with so(e inde%enden"e (to $ive u% the
inIun"tions whi"h are unfavorable to their "ultivation). /his alone is their vidhi
/he e)anti)a bha)tas are not bound to follow all the rules and re$ulations whi"h
have been %res"ribed by the rsis. /he (oods of the e)anti)a bha)ta9s inborn,
natural dis%osition $enerally re(ain %ro(inent. /his is their $lory.G
Adhimasa is ,ar to bha)tas
As thr is no ,istur-anc $ro# th )arma*)anda in this #onth*
/he bha)tas observe ri Purusott(a (onth a""ordin$ to their res%e"tive
adhi)araR this (eans a""ordin$ to the distin"tions of the (oods of svanistha&
paranisthita and e)anti)a bha)tas. #ha$avan 'raIanatha ri Crishna is the
soverei$n of this (onthR therefore, adhimasa is dear to every bha)ta. /his is
be"ause, in"identally, in this (onth no disturban"e fro( the )arma-)anda "an
"o(e to obstru"t the %erfor(an"e of oneOs bha)ti.
+oly 0hadra Purnima is
Shri#a, %haga!ata# Da0
&atita &a!ana ,as A,hi+ar0
@LA Th st o$ Shrila &ra-hu.a,a4s 0ha1a-atams ro0all0 nthron, $or th 2ing o$ Thailan,* @RA Th
soli, gol, .laFu ra,s GGAUM Maha)&urana Sri#a, %haga!ata# Srila AC %ha+ti!,anta Swa#i
Ea"h year hri(ad #ha$avata( Day, the day that is es%e"ially set aside for
distributin$ the "rest Iewel of all 'edi" literature, falls on the full Moon of
#hadra masa. /his year that date (for (u"h of the world) falls on 5Q e%t.
A""ordin$ to the ,hagavata itself (15.1>.1>), FF;f on the full Moon day of the
(onth of #hadra, one %la"es Shrimad ,hagavatam on a $olden throne and $ives
it as a $ift, he will attain the su%re(e trans"endental destination.G
9ne early dis"i%le of hrila Prabhu%ada, hri(an )rishikeshanandaP das
Prabhu, took that instru"tion very seriously. 9n hri(ad #ha$avata( Day of
1QQL, the 1,, year "elebration of hrila Prabhu%adaHs advent, Prabhu and his
wife (t. Dha(%aklata devi %resented a full set of hrila Prabhu%adaHs Shrimad
,hagavatams to )is Aoyal )i$hness, the Cin$ of /hailand. /hey s%ent lavishly
out of their own %o"kets to $et Prabhu%adaHs (essa$e to the hi$hest e"helon.
urely this a"t of devotional %rea"hin$ was ins%ired by none other than the +ord
of the heart hri Crishna )i(self.
After a"2uirin$ the kin$Hs ,hagavatams in Maya%ur, )rishikeshananda
"o((issioned a "usto( teak wood throne for the Cin$ of +iterature. /o assure
lon$evity, ten "oats of bla"k la2uer were a%%lied. /he na(e%late is %ure 5K "aret
$old and is set with a flawless blue sa%%hire (the $e( of %hiloso%hy and
vairyagya) and a %erfe"t yellow sa%%hire (the $e( of #rihas%ati, for devotion).
/he $old na(e%late, whi"h wei$hs several oun"es, is affi&ed with solid $old
s"rews, not $lue. )is MaIesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Rama IX re"eived the
re(arkable %resentation throu$h his Prin"i%le Private e"retary who es"orted
the devotees throu$h the usually %rivate roo( of the :rand /hrone. /he kin$
was $rateful to re"eive Prabhu%adaHs books and
re"i%ro"ated by offerin$ hrila Prabhu%adaHs
devotees a set of royal $ifts.
#hadra Purni(a is also worshi%%ed as the day when
hrila Prabhu%ada, the acharya of the (essa$e of
Shrimad ,hagavatam, a""e%ted sannyasa di)sha at
hri CeshavaIi :audiya Math in Mathura in 1QJ-.
Bhat are your %lans for hri(ad #ha$avata( Day1
Bill you distribute a volu(e, or a "anto, or a full set
of ,hagavatams on this day1
P)rishikeshananda das Prabhu first (et hrila Prabhu%ada when )is Divine :ra"e was stayin$ at a bea"hfront
house in tinson #ea"h, Dalifornia in 1QLN and he re"eived )ari 8a(a initiation later that year. )e is a well
known authority on $e(stones.
All twenty*si2 ()adashi*-ratas in a nutshell
Th Walth o$ E+a,ashi
A-ha0a Mu,ra Dasi
;. &a.a#ochani E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the )rishna pa)sha of the
(onth of Dhaitra 0 'ishnu (Mar"h-A%ril when the full Moon will "onIoin the
Dhitra star) is "alled Pa%a(o"hini. /he (ain Deities are Anirudha and )is wife
ushila. Mo$ra flowers and fruits should be used for the %rayers. A "alf should
be offered in "harity. /his Ekadashi destroys all sin.
6* 3i#ala @2a#a,aA E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of
Dhaitra0 'ishnu (onth $rants every wish. )en"e it is "alled 'i(ala or Ca(ada.
/he (ain Deities are +ord 'ishnu and )is wife Aa(aa. 6ruits (es%e"ially
(an$o), flowers and laddu of dal should be offered. 9ne should $ive sweets in
"harity. /his Ekadashi frees one fro( any sort of "urse. #e sure your )ama
(desire) is %ure (vimala).
:* 3aruthini E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of 'aishaka 0
Madhusudan (A%ril-May when the full Moon will "onIoin 'ishakha na)shatra)
is "alled 'aruthini. 9bservin$ it, the devotee be"o(es freed of all a""u(ulated
sins. 9ne should %ray unto +ord Purushotta(a and )is wife 8anda while
offerin$ fruits and champa)a flowers. 9ne (ay also offer land on this Ekadashi.
/his Ekadashi frees one fro( all %re-a""u(ulated sins.
?* Mohini E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of 'aishaka 0
Madhusudan (A%ril-May) is "alled Mohini Ekadashi. /he devotee should %ray
to +ord Madhusudana alon$ with )is wife Madhvi and offer lar$er varieties of
fruits alon$ with flowers and (ilk. :ive a bed in "harity. 9bservan"e of this
Ekadashi e2uals the (erit of $ivin$ away 1,,,, "ows.
<* A.ara E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the )rishna pa)sha of Jyeshta 0
/rivikra(a (May-June when the full Moon "onIoins Jyeshta na)shatra) is "alled
A%ara Ekadashi. 9ne should %ray before /rayi and )er husband AdhokshaIa
with the flowers of fruit-bearin$ trees alon$ with offerin$s of (ilk and ri"e. 9ne
should $ive a "ow alon$ with her "alf for "harity. /his Ekadashi u%lifts one to
either heaven or even to the eternal s%iritual world of 'aikuntha.
7* Nir'ala E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of Jyeshta 0
/rivikra(a (onth is "alled 8irIala Ekadashi. 9ne (ay %ray to +ord /rivikra(a
alon$ with )is wife Pad(akshi while offerin$ /he( flowers su"h as (an$o,
water, flowers, in"ense and a bri$htly burnin$ la(%. 9fferin$s whi"h should be
$iven to a brahmana in"lude (ilk and ri"e alon$ with a water %ot and an
u(brella. /his Ekadashi $rants the results of all other Ekadashis.
H* Yogini E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that fall in )rishna pa)sha of Ashadha 0
'a(ana (June-July when the Moon, when full, will "onIoin Purvashadha) is
known as ?o$ini Ekadashi. /he devotee (ay su%%li"ate +ord 8arasi(hadeva
and )is wife Cshe(ankari with flowers and fruits. 9fferin$s of sweets should
be (ade. 9bservan"e of this Ekadashi-vrata is as (eritorious as feedin$ ei$hty-
ei$ht thousand brahmanas. ;t endows the devotee with all beauty and liberation.
C* D!asha0ani E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that fall in shu)la pa)sha of Ashadha
0 'a(ana (June-July) is known as Devashayani, hayana or Pad(a Ekadashi.
+ord 'a(ana and )is wife Ca(ala are su%%li"ated with flowers and "o"onut. A
well-de"orated "ow (ay be $iven in "harity. /his Ekadashi $rants %lenty of
foodstuffs and ri"hes. ;t also (arks the be$innin$ of chaturmasya-vrata and is
the be$innin$ of +ord 'ishnuHs sayana or rest.
=* 2a#i+a E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of the (onth of
hravana 0 hridhar (July-Au$ust when the Moon "onIoins hravana na)shatra
on the purnima day) is known as Ca(ika Ekadashi. +ord A"hyuta and )is wife
Ca(ika are %rayed with a $arland of PariIata flowers and fruits. 9fferin$s of
"lothes to (en and wo(en are $iven away as al(s. /his Ekadashi $rants
res%e"ts by all and liberation with no "han"e for future births in the (aterial
;>* &a!itro.ana E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of
hravana 0 hridhar (onth is also "alled Putrada Ekadashi. 9ne should
su%%li"ate Janardana alon$ with )is wife undari with flowers and fruits and
offerin$s of laddus (ade fro( brown su$ar. A buffalo (ay be $iven in "harity.
/his Ekadashi $rants a son.
;;* Anna,a E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the )rishna pa)sha of #hadra
0 )rishikesa (onth (Au$ust-e%te(ber when the full Moon is "onIoined
Purvabhadra%ada) is "alled Annada or AIa. +ord Crishna with )is wife
ulakshana are su%%li"ated with the flowers of sesa(e and "o"onut. 9fferin$s of
flowers, fruits, sweet ri"e and laddu (ade fro( brown su$ar are a%%ro%riate as
well as "harity of bull or buffalo. /his Ekadashi "an (ake a %oor (an ri"h.
;6* &ari!artini E+a,ashi* /he Ekadashi that fall in shu)la pa)sha of #hadra 0
)rishikesha (onth is also "alled Parshva, Jayanti or 'a(ana Ekadashi. 9fferin$
flowers %rofusely, one should %ray to )rishikesha alon$ with )is wife
A%araIitaa. /his is the day when +ord 'ishnu, slee%in$, turns u%on )is other
side. :ive a 2ualified %erson so(e yo$urt (i&ed with ri"e. /his <)adashi $rants
all kinds of ha%%iness.
;:* In,ira E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of the (onth of
Ashvina 0 Pad(anabha (e%te(ber-9"tober when the full Moon "onIoins
Ashvini) is "alled ;ndira Ekadashi. @%endra and )is wife ubha$aa are %rayed
to with durva $rass and the fruit of imli. Borshi% shaligram at noon, offer
oblations with ghee into the sa"red fire, and tarpana dire"ted to assist your
forefathers. 8e&t, feed 2ualified brahmanas prasadam (ade with a%%ro%riate
in$redients and offer the( "harity a""ordin$ to your (eans. 8ow take the pinda
whi"h you have offered to your forefathers, s(ell it, and then offer it to a "ow.
8e&t, worshi% +ord )rishikesha with in"ense and flowers, and finally, re(ain
awake all ni$ht near the Deity of +ord ri Ceshava. 9ffer jalebis as prasadam.
/his Ekadashi-vrata $rants freedo( fro( sins a""u(ulated fro( forefathers.
;?* &ashan+usha E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of
Ashvina 0 Pad(anabha (onth is "alled Pashankush Ekadashi. At this ti(e one
(ay %ray unto Pad(anabha and )is wife Pad(avati. +eaves, ghee and laddu
(ade fro( ri"e flour (i&ed with lar$e %ie"es of su$ar are $iven in "harity. /his
Ekadashi (akes one i((une to the sufferin$ $iven by ?a(araIa and $ives all
kinds of %leasures.
;<* Ra#aa E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of the (onth of
Carttika 0 Da(odara (9"tober-8ove(ber when the full Moon "onIoins Crittika)
is "alled Aa(aa Ekadashi. )ari and )is wife )irni are %rayed to with flowers.
#anana, a %ot of ghee and lar$e %ie"es of su$ar are offered. )e who observes
this Ekadashi (ay obtain a kin$do(.
;7* &ara-o,hini E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of
Carttika 0 Da(odara (onth is "alled Parabodhini, Devotthana or )aribodhini.
+ord Da(odara with )is wife Aadha are su%%li"ated with lotus flowers,
offerin$s of (un$ dal and lotus seeds. /he su%%li"ant (ust worshi% /ulasi Devi.
;f a devotee offers a sin$le yellow flower of the )eta)i, or wood-a%%le, tree to
+ord 'ishnu, Bho rides u%on :aruda, he is freed fro( the sins of ten (illion
births. 6urther(ore, one who offers +ord Ja$annatha flowers and also a
hundred leaves anointed with red and yellow sandalwood %aste will "ertainly
"o(e to reside in vetadvi%a, far beyond the "overin$s of this (aterial "reation.
Donate a "ow and da)shina to a brahmana as well as a bed. /his Ekadashi
$rants all wishes and $ives the result of 1,,,,, sa"rifi"es. /he +ord awakens on
this day.
;H* Ut.anna E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the )rishna pa)sha of
Mar$ashirsha 0 Ceshava (8ove(ber-De"e(ber when the full Moon "onIoins
Mar$ashirsha) is also "alled afla Ekadashi. 9ne should %ray to ankarshana
alon$ with )is wife unanda. 9ne should offer fruits, flowers fro( the
Ma$nolia tree and laddu (ade fro( brown su$ar. Dharity of $old is (eritorious
on this Ekadashi. /his Ekadashi is a $iver of a kin$do( and "an even free one
fro( the sin of killin$ a brahmana.
;C* Mo+sha,a E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls on the shu)la pa)sha of
Mar$ashirsha 0 Ceshava is "alled Mokshada Ekadashi. /he Deity to be %rayed is
+ord Ceshava alon$ with )is wife hrina(. Also known as :ita Jayanti, on this
day hri Crishna s%oke ,hagavad 'ita to ArIuna. 9ne should offer oran$es,
fried laddu and seven ty%es of $rains, et". (wheat, "orn, ri"e, sesa(e seeds,
barley, se(olina and dal) in "harity. /his Ekadashi $ives full and %erfe"t
liberation after death and u%lifts one fro( hellish "onditions.
;=* Sa.hala E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the )rishna pa)sha of the
(onth of Paush 0 8arayana (De"e(ber-January when the full Moon will "onIoin
Pushya(i) is "alled a%hala Ekadashi. /he (ain deity is 'asudeva alon$ with
)is wife hri%riya. 9ne should offer $ar(ents, flowers and sesa(e seeds as
"harity. /his Ekadashi $ives fa(e.
6>* &utra,a E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in the shu)la pa)sha of Pausha 0
8arayana (onth is "alled ananda, Mukkoti or 'aikuntha Ekadashi. 9ne should
%ray to 8arayana and )is wife Pad(a offerin$ $reen flowers or flowers of the
$u$$ul tree. 9ne should (ake flat bread and laddu out of halva. 9ne (ay offer
%o(e$ranates alon$ with a %ot of $hee in "harity. /his Ekadashi $ives a son.
6;* Tri.risha E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of the (onth
of Ma$ha 0 Madhava (January-6ebruary when the full Moon "onIoins Makha) is
also "alled at-tila Ekadashi. 9ne should %ray to Para(at(a Madhava and )is
wife 8itya. 9ne should use flowers and fruits. 9ne should $ive away sesa(e
seeds in any for(. 9ffer the +ord %u(%kin, "o"onut and $uava. /his Ekadashi
$ives as (any years in heaven as sesa(e seeds are donated.
66* %hai#i E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of Ma$ha0
Madhava (onth is also "alled Jaya Ekadashi. 9ne should %ray to Pradyu(na
and )is wife Dhi. /ulasi leaves should be used in the puja. +e(on should be
used in the puja. 6ootwear (ay be offered in "harity. ;ts observan"e $rants that
the one will never have to e&%erien"e a $hostly e&isten"e.
6:* 3i'a0a E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in )rishna pa)sha of the (onth of
Phal$una 0 :ovinda (6ebruary-Mar"h when the full Moon "onIoins
@ttara%hal$uni). ;t $rants vi"tory and is also known as Ma$hvadi Ekadashi. 9ne
should %ray to Pradyu(na and )is wife Dhi. 5ulasi leaves should be used in the
puja with offerin$s of le(on. 6ootwear (ay be $iven in "harity.
6?* Dhatri or A#ala+i E+a,ashi1 /he Ekadashi that falls in shu)la pa)sha of
Phal$una 0 :ovinda (onth is known variously as A(alaki Ekadashi. /he (ain
Deity is :ovinda and )is wife Dhandravati. 6lowers and a%ri"ot should be
offered. :ive a %ot of sesa(e seeds in "harity. /his Ekadashi $rants wealth
(either the wealth of this world or the ne&t).
6<I67* 2a#ala E+a,ashi1 /he two Ekadashis that fall in Adhik (onth or the
inter"alary (onth of Purushotta(a are "alled Pad(ini (shu)la pa)sha) and
Para(a ()rishna pa)sha). /he (ain Deity is +ord hri Purushotta(a. /hese are
(ost wonderful Ekadashis. Pad(ini Ekadashi $ives all Ioy and Para(a Ekadashi
is a $iver of ulti(ate liberation.
;f a %erson has no (eans to stri"tly follow the Ekadashi vrata, he should offer
tulasi leaves to hri Crishna and offer donation a""ordin$ to his "a%a"ity. 9ne
should $ive u% $reed, an$er and idleness on Ekadashi day. #y bowin$ before
and %rayin$ dire"tly to the Deities of hri hri Aadha-Crishna, the devotee has
%rayed to all of the above Deities as /hey all reside in the 6or( of the u%re(e
+ord of :oloka 'rindavana hri Crishna.
Th 6;st Cntur0
a//ordin1 to a series of Fren/h Post/ards from #344*#4#"
Here is an interestin$ set of FF%redi"tionsG about the world we are su%%osed to
be livin$ in now, as envisioned a "entury a$o. /hese 6ren"h artists were tryin$
to i(a$ine life en l(an deu* mille& in the year 5,,,. /o see the "o(%lete set of
"ards, $o to htt%*00fodder.en$au$e."o(05,150,Q01Q0fren"h-%ost"ards-of-the-future0
At last on l#nt o$ th .ictur is corrct5 , #o,rn a,!anc#nt in scinc5 #an4s consciousnss
r#ains on .ar with th $our)lgg,s* To,a0 #ost o$ th worl,4s tchnolog0 -co#s in!st, into a giant
an, snslss war #achin whrin #an+in, .ro!s that it has not !ol!, -0on, th Fua,ru.,4s
.ro.nsit0 $or $aring5 $ighting an, ,$n,ing* Loo+ing -ac+ insta, o$ aha,5 this lightr)than)air
warshi. coul, !n ha! -long, to asuras li+ In,ra'it in th Trta Yuga* Or it coul, ha! -n th
airshi. na#, Sau-a -longing to th ,#onic Sal0a in th Dwa.ara*
GGS+0. # tonight5 will 0ou &ra-hu'iJ( This is an arl0 .r,iction rgar,ing .ictur
tl.hons* As Shrila &ra-hu.a,a sa0s in th Gita5 GGSan'a0a was a stu,nt o$ 30asa5 an,
thr$or5 -0 th #rc0 o$ 30asa5 San'a0a was a-l to n!ision th %attl$il, o$ 2uru+shtra
!n whil h was in th roo# o$ Dhritarashtra*( In othr wor,s5 th ra,io5 tl!ision an,
intrnt ar #rl0 gross .h0sical #ani$stations o$ #0stical 0ogic siddhis*
It is tru that #o,rn #an has #a, tr#n,ous a,!anc#nt in th scinc o$ air tra!l* In,,
.rsonal air !hiclsKli+ 't .ac+s an, s+0 carsK,o Dist to,a0 that can .ro.l th a,!nturr #uch
li+ this .ro.htic ,rawing* %ut as long as a #an4s consciousnss r#ains on th sa# l!l as our wing,
$rin,s5 h can onl0 ho. to - r)-orn as .igon5 #osFuito or a hous$l0 in th !icious c0cl o$ samsara
onc his $lights o$ to#$oolr0 hr ar $inish,*
A 6;st Cntur0 hous hat, -0 a stic+ o$ ra,ioacti! nrg0J Ouch* W ha! witnss, th rsults o$
nuclar .owr $ro# th Chrno-0l an, /u+ushi#a trag,is* An, still ths ,#onic scintists cla#or $or
#or nuclar nrg0 to $, thir insatia-l ,sirs $or lust5 .owr an, sns grati$ication*
5ow for a 1enuine -ision of the future 6from eyes of the
Th Co#ing /inancial Colla.s
a//ordin1 to Shrila Prabhupada
Ra#sh!ara* /here was one 2uestion ; had, hrila Prabhu%ada.
?ou have written in the /hird 'olu(e of the 6irst Danto different
instru"tions for the a$e of Cali, how thereOll be "o(%ulsory
(arria$e and so on and so on. And you (entioned about the $old
standard, that this is very bad, this artifi"ial standard of (onetary
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* 9h, yes. ;t is very bad.
Ra#sh!ara* ;n the future this is so(ethin$ that we should try to
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* ?ou should introdu"e "oin, real (oney.
Hari)shauri* Aeal $old "oins. 8o %a%er.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* Anyone has $ot (oney... ;t is fa"t. And what is this nonsense,
kee%in$ so(e %a%er and thinkin$ he has $ot (oney1 )ow "heatin$ it is $oin$ on, fro(
$overn(entOs side. And therefore artifi"ial inflation. ?ou "an %rint, so the %ri"e is
in"reased. #e"ause you havenOt $ot to %ay hi( real (oney, you %rint and %ay hi(, and
he will ask, S:ive (e this (oney. /hen ;Oll su%%ly.S SAll ri$ht, take.S ?ou %rint and
Ra#sh!ara* ;tOs definitely a (eans that the $overn(ent has for "ontrollin$. #e"ause
they "an withdraw (oney, %ull it ba"k out of "ir"ulation by in"reasin$ the interest the
banks $ive, or they "an $et (ore (oney in...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* Anythin$ done artifi"ially.
RL#sh!ara* /hey "ontrol the a(ount of interest on loans. ;tOs all standardiMed fro(
what they "all the 6ederal Aeserve syste(. /his was introdu"ed durin$ the De%ression
by the bankers.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* Bhatever they do, when you re"eive (oney in the %a%er it has
no value. #ad (oney. ;t is bad (oney. ;t is not $ood (oney.
Ra#sh!ara* A"tually (ost %ur"hasin$ in A(eri"a is done on "redit now. Even a ste%
beyond %a%er (oney is "redit, no (oney, buyin$ on no (oney, loans.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* /hat is in ;ndia also.
Ra#sh!ara* Be donOt find these thin$s in 'edi" "ulture too (u"h.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* /here was never %a%er (oney.
Hari-shauri* 8o. /hey used to...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* /hat barter syste(. ?ou have $ot ri"eR ; have $ot so(ethin$ else.
o ; $ive you so(ethin$R you $ive (e so(ethin$.
Hari)shauri1 #ut isnOt inflation %ossible even with "oins1 Even if you have $old "oins,
isnOt inflation still %ossible1
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* 8o, $old is a""e%table by everyone.
RL#sh!ara* /he (ain %oint is the barter syste(.
Hari- shauri* ?es, well its value is re"o$niMed by its %ur"hasin$ %ower.
Hari-shauri* o you "an alter... ay, you have one $old "oin. ?ou "an alter what it...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* 8o. ;f you introdu"e real (etal "oin, then there will be no
Hari-shauri* /hereOs only a "ertain a(ount of (etal.
Shrila &ra-hu.L,a* /hatOs all ri$ht. /he e&"han$e... /he (ore de(and, (ore %ri"e.
o su%%ose here is a s%e"ta"le. ; a( de(andin$ ten ru%ees. o both of you are
"usto(er, and you are askin$ for this s%e"ta"le. /hen ; a( in"reasin$ (y %ri"e. o if
you "an %ay (e by %rintin$ %a%er, youOll a""e%t any %ri"e. /hat (eans artifi"ially %ri"e
is in"reased. ;s it not1
Hari-shauri* o the idea is that with "oins the (an who has the $oods, he "anOt...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* /herefore... u%%ose he has $ot ten "oinsR you have $ot ten
"oins. ; a( wantin$ fifteen "oins. o there will be no "o(%etition. ; have to a""e%t
either fro( you or you, ten "oins.
Hari-shauri* Ai$ht. #e"ause thereOs only that (u"h (oney.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* #ut if ; in"rease %ri"e and if you %rint... ;f you have $ot %ower to
%rint, SAll ri$ht. /ake fifteen "oins, er, fifteen ru%ees.S #ut you %rint and %ay (e. #ut
if the $old, the "oin, is there, you "annot in"rease on that.
Hari)shauri* )e "anOt in"rease the %ri"e of the %rodu"t, and the (an who $ot..., O"ause
thereOs only a "ertain a(ount of (oney there.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* #ut ; "an in"rease the %ri"e %rovided you %ay (e. #ut by
%rintin$, it is easier. #ut if you have to "olle"t "oins, that will be diffi"ult, so there will
be no artifi"ial in"rease of...
Hari-shauri* ?es. Doins are a "he"k...
&ra-hu.a,a* ?es.
Hari-shauri* ...on "har$in$ too (u"h.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* /hat is wanted. And these ras"als, they are artifi"ially %rintin$
%a%er as (oney. And ; a( a ras"alR ;O( de(andin$ (ore be"ause ; have $ot "usto(er.
Ra#sh!ara* /he differen"e between 'edi" "ulture and..., the C a "ons"ious
"ulture and the (odern "ulture is very, very dra(ati", very bi$ differen"e. o the
transfor(in$ of so"iety...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* And besides that, if we "on"entrate in far( %roIe"t there will be
no need of e&"han$e, be"ause ;Oll be satisfied with (y %rodu"ts. /hatOs all. /here is no
need of e&"han$e. Bhatever ; need, ; $et in (y far(.
Ra#sh!ara* Beavin$, "loth.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* Everythin$ ; $et. o ; havenOt $ot to $o outside for e&"han$e. ;f
you are satisfied in your far(E; a( satisfiedEthen where is 2uestion of e&"han$e1
/here is no need of artifi"ial... o this bankin$, Sfankin$,S !r0thing will colla.s
auto#aticall0 . /here is no (oney, who is $oin$ to kee% (oney in the bank1
Hari-shauri* Bho needs it1
&ra-hu.a,a* (lau$hs) So this arti$icial wa0 o$ -an+ing5 that will - also -
Hari-shauri* /his is revolutionary.
Ra#sh!ara* ;tOs very hard for the (ind to ("o(%rehend)...
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* 8o, si(%ly do this.
Ra#sh!ara* u"h a dra(ati" transfor(ation of so"iety.
Shrila &ra-hu.a,a* ?es. Bhatever it (ay be. Be should be satisfied lo"ally by our
food, by our "loth, by our (ilk. /hatOs all. +et the whole world $o to hell. Be donOt
"are. ;f you want to save yourself also, you do this. )ere is an e&a(%le. ;f you want
artifi"ial life, "ity life, and hellish life, you do. #ut we shall live like this. /his is the
ideal life. Prasada(, Deity worshi%, devotional life./hen it will be all ri$ht. @r, $lagA
Lttrs to th E,itor
(<dited #or brevity)
"Won,r$ul Nws(
/his is the (ost wonderful are %erfe"tly ri$ht. ; had bad health
at the end of 5,,N, went bankru%t in 5,,- with the (arket "rashin$, and
then ho(eless for J years. ; tried to "o((it sui"ide twi"e in the last 5.J
years. /he last atte(%t was serious< Aedu"ed to nothin$ but %ain...; did
tre(endous austerities throu$h the last J years. B9B< ; didnOt know (about
sade sati) but now it all (akes sense. /hank you so (u"h< /hin$s are $reatly i(%rovin$ now.
?ou ro"k<<
C (@A)
"ow dare you call me a roc)7 Seriously& dear Prabhu& yes the sade sati cycle can be brutal
because Saturn return (to the -oon(s position) means )arma return <ven =ord Shri >rishna
underwent sade sati according to the Shani -ahatmyam& as seen by the episode o# the
Shyamta)a .ewel
5hose who are undergoing sade sati should regularly read that portion #rom the >rishna
,oo) and understand how the Supreme =ord& when paying the role o# an ordinary man& also
has a horoscope $ell& by Shri >rishna(s mercy you are out o# it now& Prabhu& and that bad
)arma is behind you7 ?ou have a very bright period ahead o# you& so please do not waste a
minute but get as close as you can to Prabhupada and do what you )now would be most
pleasing to our 'uru -ahraja with your ensuing good #ortune
Dear Patita Pavana das and Abhaya Mudra Dasi,
/hank you so (u"h for your $reat Iob. ; was a(aMed< ;nfor(ation in dashas fits the real life
fa"ts< /here is no way you would know it fro( other than astrolo$i"al sour"es. 6or instan"e, ;
did not tell you "ertain thin$s whi"h you knew. ?ou even knew what ; was hos%italiMed for in
that %eriod. As an i$norant %erson, ; thou$ht it was be"ause of (y %arentsEnow ;O( relieved
to know that all (y troubles already were %res"ribed. u"h a""ura"y about (y %ast (akes (e
believe that all the infor(ation in this readin$ is true. ;t also (akes (e ha%%y to know that the
best days of (y life are still ahead of (e, and ; have a real %ossibility to reunite with Crishna
"ons"iousness durin$ this lifeti(e.
; have 2uestions about Cetu dasha. ;t starts in 5,JK, when ;Oll be -5 years old. ;Ove seen (y
both $rand(others endin$ u% that way. ;Ove seen old ladies in the rest ho(e where ; was
workin$ livin$ a life in dia%ers and havin$ (entality of a 5 year old for 1,-1J years. (;
thou$ht (aybe Crishna %re%arin$ the( for the ani(al bodies, so the transition would be
s(ooth for these %oor souls.) /he (edi"ine for %rolon$in$ life of a body is $reat in A(eri"a,
but the (edi"ine for kee%in$ (inds in fun"tional order is away behind. ; want to die in the
ri$ht (indEthinkin$ of Crishna. /hank you so (u"h< #est re$ards,
: (@A)
Shrila Prabhupada said o# the devotees& 'enerally we do not #all ill/ It is a #act that we are
#ar less susceptible to diseases than the )armis +s long as you )eep to this >rishna
consciousnli#estyle and chant at least si*teen rounds daily o# the maha-mantra& those #ear#ul
situations you describe cannot be#all you 5his is guaranteed @<d
:ood (ornin$ and )are Crishna,
; have been %leasantly sur%rised and your words have $iven (e a lot of ho%e. at ri Akaal<
Cind re$ards,
)C (@C)
+strology scienti#ically shows us our situation in time according to past )arma5ime is short
and the goal is great Auite simply& the holy name o# the =ord is the only way out o# )arma
!ur only hope is to please the Supreme =ord Shri >rishna at the lotus #eet o# the bona #ide
Shri 'uru @<d

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