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HR Transaction Codes

Master Data
PA10 Personnel File
PA20 Display HR Master Data
PA30 Maintain HR Master Data
PA40 Personnel Events
PA41 Change Hiring Data
PA42 Fast Data Entry for Events
PRMD Maintain HR Master Data
PRMF Travel Epenses! Feat"re TR#FD
PRM$ %et Co"ntry &ro"ping via Pop"p
PRMM Personnel Events
PRM' Travel Epenses! Feat"re TR#C'
PRMP Travel Epenses! Feat"re TR#PA
PRM% Display HR Master Data
PRMT (p)ate Mat*h*o)e
P%'3 +nfotype overvie,
P%'4 +n)ivi)"al -aintenan*e of infotypes
Time Management
PA.1 Display Ti-e Data
PA.3 Display Ti-e Data
PA/1 Maintain Ti-e Data
PA/2 $ist Entry of A))itional Data
PA/3 Maintain Ti-e Data
PA/4 Calen)ar Entry
PA00 Fast Data Entry
PA01 Fast Entry of Ti-e Data
P1A1 Maintain va*an*y assign-ents
PT01 Create 2or3 %*he)"le
PT02 Change 2or3 %*he)"le
PT03 Display 2or3 %*he)"les
PC00 R"n Payroll
PC10 Payroll -en" (%A
PE00 %tarts Transa*tions PE014PE024PE03
PE01 %*he-as
PE02 Cal*"lation R"les
PE03 Feat"res
PE04 Create f"n*tions an) operations
PE.1 HR for- e)itor
PRCA Payroll *alen)ar
PRCT C"rrent %ettings
PRC( Printing Che*3s (%A
PRD1 Create DME
%M31 Maintain Ta5les
%M12 $o*3e) %e*essions
T%TC Ta5le loo3"p
%PR0 +M&
%E1/ Data 1ro,ser 6Ta5le reports7
PP03 PD Ta5les
PP0M Change 'rg (nit
P013 Maintain Positions
P'03 Maintain 8o5s
PA9. 1enefits : Call RP$1E;11
PA9/ 1enefits : Call RP$1E;00
PA90 1enefits : Call RP$1E;0<
PA9< C'1RA A)-inistration
PA<0 1enefits Enroll-ent = +n)ivi)"al
PA<1 1enefits : For-s
PA<2 1enefits Ta5les : Maintain
PA<3 1enefits Ta5les : Display
PA<4 1enefits : A**ess Reporting Tree
PA<. 1enefits +M& : 8"-p to #ie,s
PA</ 1enefits reporting
PA<0 %alary A)-inistration : Matri
PA<9 %alary A)-inistration
PA<< Co-pensation A)-in> : rel>*hanges
PACP HR:CH! Pension f"n)4 interfa*e
PM00 Men" for HR Reports
PM01 Dialogs in HR : Create *"sto- infotypes
PRF0 %tan)ar) For-
P%#T Dyna-i* Tools Men"
PAR1 Flei5le e-ployee )ata
PAR2 E-ployee list
PD - Organizational Management
PP0M Change 'rg (nit
P'03 Maintain 8o5s
P'13 Maintain Position
P'10 Maintain 'rgani?ational (nit
PP01 Maintain Plan Data 6-en":g"i)e)7
PP02 Maintain Plan Data 6'pen7
PP03 Maintain Plan Data 6event:g"i)e)7
PP0. ;"-5er Ranges
PP0/ ;"-5er Range Maintenan*e! HRADATA
PP00 Tas3s@Des*riptions
PP/< Choose Tet for 'rgani?ational (nit
PP<0 %et (p 'rgani?ation
PP'1 Change Cost Center Assign-ent
PP'2 Display Cost Center Assign-ent
PP'3 Change Reporting %tr"*t"re
PP'4 Display Reporting %tr"*t"re
PP'. Change '5Ae*t +n)i*ators 6'@%7
PP'/ Change '5Ae*t +n)i*ators '@%
PP'A Display Men" +nterfa*e 6,ith )yn>7
PP'C Create 'rgani?ational (nit
PP'M Maintain 'rgani?ational Plan
PP'% Display 'rgani?ational Plan
PB01 Events for 2or3 Center
PB02 Events for Training Progra-
PB03 Events for 8o5
PB04 Events for 1"siness Event Type
PB0/ $o*ation Events
PB00 Reso"r*e Events
PB09 Events for Eternal Person
PB0< Events for 1"siness Event &ro"p
PB10 Events for 'rgani?ational (nit
PB11 Events for B"alifi*ation
PB12 Reso"r*e Type Events
PB13 Events for Position
PB14 Events for Tas3
PB1. Events for Co-pany
P%'. PD! A)-inistration Tools
P%'A 2or3 Center Reporting
P%'C 8o5 Reporting
P%'& 'rgManage-ent &eneral Reporting
P%'+ Tools +ntegration PA:PD
P%'' 'rgani?ational (nit Reporting
P%'% Position Reporting
P%'T Tas3 Reporting
P110 +nit>entry of appli*ant -aster )ata
P120 Display appli*ant -aster )ata
P130 Maintain appli*ant -aster )ata
P140 Appli*ant events
P1.0 Display appli*ant a*tions
P1/0 Maintain appli*ant a*tions
P190 Eval"ate va*an*ies
P1A0 Eval"ate a)vertise-ents
P1A1 Appli*ant in)e
P1A2 $ist of appli*ations
P1A3 Appli*ant va*an*y assign-ent list
P1A4 Re*eipt of appli*ation
The Transaction Codes for your reference
Code Description
P1B1 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B2 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B3 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B4 Transfer table T588Z infotype 4!!!
P1B5 Transfer opt" archi#e for applicant
P1B$ Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B% Con#ersion T%5!B
P1&' Transfer (ettings for &pt"'rchi#ing
P2!1 Transfer T514D)* fro+ Client !!!
P2,1 Transfer -ncenti#e ,age 'ccounting
P2,2 Copy -ncenti#e ,age .or+s
P4(, /elease notes B,P
P5P1 'ddition of -T!122 to T588B
P5P2 Delete entries in T588B
P'!! -nitial P' 0aster Data 0enu
P'!3 0aintain Personnel Control /ecord
P'!4 0aintain 1/ 2u+ber /anges
P'!5 2u+ber /ange 0aintenance3 /P4C&-.T
P'!$ 2u+ber /ange 0aintenance3 PD4(5642/
P'!% 0aintain 2u+ber /ange3 /P47'/250
P'!8 0aintain 2u+ber /ange3 /P47'/2(8B
P'1! Personnel .ile
P'2! Display 1/ 0aster Data
P'3! 0aintain 1/ 0aster Data
P'4! Personnel 'ctions
P'41 Correct 'ctions
P'42 .ast 5ntry for 'ctions
P'4$ -+port fro+ /esu+i:
P'4% 5:port to /esu+i:
P'48 1iring fro+ non;('P syste+
P'51 Display Ti+e Data
P'53 Display Ti+e Data
P'$1 0aintain Ti+e Data
P'$2 <ist 5ntry of 'dditional Data
P'$3 0aintain Ti+e Data
P'$4 Calendar 5ntry
P'%! .ast 5ntry
P'%1 .ast 5ntry of Ti+e Data
P'88 Benefits
P'9% 0atri: 0aintenance
P'98 Co+pensation 'd+inistration
P'99 Co+pensation 'd+in" ; /elease /eport
P''1 Call 'd;1oc 6uery
P'C' 1/;C13 P. ad+inistration
P'CB 1/;C13 P. account +aintenance
P'CC 1/;C13 P. calculator
P'C5 1/;C13 Pension fund 3 Postings
P'C= 1/;C13 Pension fund
P'C2 2u+ber range +aint3 1/C1P=&2T&
P'CP 1/;C13 Pension fund interface
P'CT PC para+eter +aintenance
P'>P Call reporting tree ; >apan
P'<1 Create (ales /epresentati#e
P'<2 Display (ales /epresentati#e
P'<3 0aintain (ales /epresentati#e
P'<4 Create Buyer
P'<5 0aintain Buyer
P'<$ Display Buyer
P'/1 .le:ible e+ployee data
P'/2 5+ployee list
P'T1 Personnel 'd+inistration infosyste+
P',1 ,ho is ?ho
PB!! /ecruit+ent
PB!4 2u+ber /ange 0aintenance3 /P4P'P<
PB1! -nit"entry of applicant +aster data
PB2! Display applicant +aster data
PB3! 0aintain applicant +aster data
PB4! 'pplicant actions
PB5! Display 'pplicant 'cti#ities
PB$! 0aintain 'pplicant 'cti#ities
PB8! 5#aluate #acancies
PB'! 5#aluate ad#ertise+ents
PB'1 'pplicant inde:
PB'2 <ist of applications "
PB'3 'pplicant #acancy assign+ent list
PB'4 /eceipt of application
PB'5 /ecurring tas@s3 Print letters
PB'$ /ecurring tas@s3 Print letters
PB'% /ecurring tas@s3 Data transfer
PB'8 /ecurring tas@s3 Transfer data
PB'9 <ist of planned actions
PB'' 5#aluate recruit+ent instru+ent
PB'B 0aintain #acancy assign+ents
PB'C 'pplicant statistics
PB'D /ecurring tas@s3 Print letters
PB'5 'pplicant pool
PB'. *acancy assign+ent list
PB'7 (creening
PB'1 Decision
PB'- 'll applicants #ia Aualifications
PB'> /ecruit+ent info syste+
PB'= /ecurring Tas@s3 Print <abels
PB'< Bul@ processing
PB'0 *ariable 'pplicant <ist
PB'2 'd 1oc 6uery
PB'& 'B'P 6uery
PB'P -nternal 'pplicants *ia 6uals
PB'6 5:ternal 'pplicants *ia 6uals
PB'T Choose ('Pscript or ,in,ord
PB'8 0aintain T%5!C
PB'* Display T%5!C
PB', 0aintain T%5!B
PB'B Display T%5!B
PB'C 0aintain T%5!B
PB'Z Display T%5!B
PBCB Cust" 'ccount 'ssign" /eference D00E
PBCC Cust" 'ccount 'ssign" /eference D.BE
PBCZ Cust" 'ccount 'ssign" /eference DD5E
PB,1 Career Center
PB,2 Career Center3 (tatus trac@ing
PB,, Custo+iFing standard te:t in ,in,ord
PC!! 0enu for 1/ Payroll
PC!1 Payroll 0enu3 7er+any
PC!2 Payroll 0enu3 (?itFerland
PC!3 Payroll 0enu3 'ustria
PC!4 Payroll 0enu3 (pain
PC!5 Payroll 0enu3 2etherlands
PC!$ Payroll 0enu3 .rance
PC!% Payroll +enu Canada
PC!8 Payroll 0enu3 7reat Britain
PC!9 Payroll 0enu3 Den+ar@
PC1! Payroll 0enu3 8('
PC12 Payroll 0enu3 Belgiu+
PC14 Payroll 0enu3 8('
PC1$ Payroll 0enu3 (outh 'frica
PC1' 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 'ustria
PC1B Payroll 0enu3 Belgiu+
PC1C 0enu for 1/ Payroll (?itFerland
PC1D 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 7er+any
PC15 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for (pain
PC1. 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for .rance
PC17 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 7reat Britain
PC1> 1/ +enu 3 Payroll for >apan
PC1= 1/ Payroll 0enu for Canada
PC10 1/ payroll +enu Den+ar@
PC12 1/ 2<3 Payroll 0enu
PC16 1/ Payroll 0enu ; 'ustralia
PC1/ 1/;(73 Payroll 0enu per periods
PC1( 0enu for 1/ Payroll (?eden
PC1T 1/ Payroll 0enu for CFech /epublic
PC18 1/ Payroll 0enu for 8('
PC1, Payroll 0enu3 (outh 'frica
PC1B Payroll 0enu3 -nternational *ersion
PC22 Payroll 0enu3 >apan
PC23 Payroll 0enu3 (?eden
PC25 Payroll 0enu3 (ingapore
PC2' 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC2B Payroll 0enu Cearly
PC2C 0enu for 1/ Payroll 'nnual (?itF"
PC2D 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC25 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC2. 'nnual Payroll 0enu D.E
PC27 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 7reat Britain
PC2> 1/ +enu 3 Payroll for >apan
PC2= 2e? Payroll 0enu DCanadaE
PC2< PC20 1/;D=3 'nnual payroll acti#ities
PC22 1/ 2<3 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC2/ 1/;(73 Payroll 0enu3 'nnual
PC2( 0enu for 1/ Payroll 'nnual (?eden
PC2T 1/ Payroll 0enu for CFech /epublic
PC28 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC2, 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC32 Payroll 0enu3 0e:ico
PC34 Payroll 0enu for -ndonesia
PC3' Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC3B &ther periods
PC3C 0enu for /P Payroll &ther per (?itF"
PC3D Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC35 Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC3. Payroll 0enu D.E3 &ther periods
PC37 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 7reat Britain
PC3> 1/ +enu 3 Payroll for >apan
PC3= Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods DC'E
PC3< PC30 Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC32 Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods D2<E
PC36 Pay (cale /eclassification 'ustralia
PC3/ Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC3( 0enu for /P Payroll &ther per (?eden
PC3T 1/ Payroll 0enu for CFech /epublic
PC38 Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC3, Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
PC4' 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC4B -ndependent Period
PC4C 0enu for /P Payroll &ther (?itF"
PC4D 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC45 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC4. Payroll 0enu D.E3 Period;unrelated
PC47 1/ 0enu3 Payroll for 7reat Britain
PC4> 1/ +enu 3 Payroll for >apan
PC4= 2e? Payroll 0enu DCanadaE
PC4< PC42 1/ 2<3 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC46 Pay (cale -ncrease 'ustralia
PC4/ Payroll +enue3 Period;-ndependent
PC4( 0enu for /P Payroll &ther (?eden
PC4T 1/ Payroll 0enu for CFech /epublic
PC48 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC4, 2e? Payroll 0enu
PC5> 1/ payroll +enu D>apanE ; (C&C&
PC56 Pay (cale -nc" 5:tended 'ustralia
PC$> 1/ payroll +enu D>apanE year;end adG
PC%> 1/ payroll +enu D>apanE ; retire+ent
PC8> 1/ payroll +enu (ocial -nsurance >P
PC99 -nternational Payroll 0enu
PCC! 0aintnce fa+"rltd"bonuses (?itF"
PCP! Post accounting data
PD'1 <ist of part;ti+e ?or@ for pensioner
PD'2 Construct transaction data list
PDB1 /elease -nfo 2"1' ; (tate+ents
PDB2 /eleaseinfo 2"2' (tate+ents
PD.! Con#ert for+ for re+un"state+ent
PD.2 .or+ table CC 94)95
PD.% Delete for+ in custo+er client
PD.8 Copy for+ fro+ ('P client
PD.9 Copy for+s ?ithin custo+er client
PD-1 Copy ,age Types fro+ (tandard Client
PD>1 1/ Change of Cear 93)94 DDE
PD>2 1/ .iscal year change 94)95 D (uppl"
PD>3 Bill of +aterials 3"!C
PD>$ 5#aluation)statistic obGect list
PD>% '*9$)9% Continued Pay
PD>8 Part;ti+e ?or@ by pensioners
PD=1 Copy ,"Types fro+ (tandard Clients
PD<= 1/ DD74E .or+ Tables f" Payroll'cct
PDP! Table entries for loans
PD(1 1ealth insurance funds
PD(D &bGect list Dyn0aHn ta: D
PD*' Copy *'7 ,age Types for -T !!93
P5!! (tarts Transactions P5!1P5!2P5!3
P5!1 1/3 0aintain Payroll (che+as
P5!2 1/3 0aintain Calculation /ules
P5!3 1/3 .eatures
P5!4 Creating .unctions and &perations
P551 1/ for+ editor
P5P0 Profile 0atchup
P5PP Profiles
P.!1 Test transact"
P.!2 Cust" test of #alue;based -0
P.!5 2u+ber /ange 0aintenance3 1/(&B>5CT
P.'C 0aintain standard role
P.'< 1/ '<53 Distr" infotypes co+pletely
P.C7 'cti#ity 7roup 0aintenance
P.CP Copy ,or@flo? Tas@s
P.CT Tas@ Catalog
P.C8 Tas@ Custo+iFing
P.&0 0aintain 'ssign+ent to ('P &rg"&bGs
P.&( Display 'ssign+ent to ('P &rg"&bGs
P.(5 (tart P.( fro+ /)3 (yste+
P.(& 8serIs &rganiFational 5n#iron+ent
P.T 0aintain Custo+er Tas@
P.TC 7eneral Tas@ 0aintenance
P.T/ (tandard Tas@ for Transaction
P.T( (tandard Tas@
P.8D 8ser 0aster Data /econciliation
P.,. 0aintain ,or@flo? Tas@ Dcusto+erE
P.,( 0aintain ?or@flo? te+plate P7&0 7raphical (tructure 0aintenance P-3!
PP;P- &ptions for /elease 3"! P-5! Transfer selected /)2 orders P-51 Transfer
current /)2 orders P-$! Transfer confir+ations to /)2 P-D1 1/;-D3 Payroll 0enu
per periods P-D2 1/;-D3 Payroll 0enu3 'nnual P-D3 Payroll 0enu3 &ther Periods
P-D4 Payroll +enue3 Period;-ndependent P-02 1u+an resources infor+ation
syste+ P=!! =anban P=!1 Create control cycle P=!2 Change control cycle
P=!3 Display control cycle P=99 .unction 'ccess #ia Transaction P=BC Chnge
Container (tatus ?ith Bar Code P=C1 Process cost controlling P=71 Copy
entries for garnish+ent C' P=,1 =anban board ,,, P0!! 0enu for 1/
/eports P0!1 5nhance -nfotypes P0!3 0aintain 2u+ber /ange .eatures P01!
(tate+ents (election P011 (tate+ents ; (ingle Data 5ntry P012 (tate+ents ;
.ast Data 5ntry P013 (tate+ents ; Print P0'/ Change plan for appropriation
reA" P0B1 P0B2 P0B3 P0B4 P&!1 0aintain ,or@ Center P&!2
0aintain Training Progra+ P&!3 0aintain >ob P&!4 0aintain Business 5#ent
Type P&!5 0aintain Business 5#ent P&!$ 0aintain <ocation P&!% 0aintain
/esource P&!8 0aintain 5:ternal Person P&!9 0aintain Business 5#ent 7roup
P&1! 0aintain &rganiFational 8nit P&11 0aintain 6ualification P&12 0aintain
/esource Type P&13 0aintain Position P&14 0aintain Tas@ P&15 0aintain
Co+pany P&1$ 0aintain (er#ices P&1% 0aintain /eAuire+ents Profile P&18
0aintain /esource /oo+ P&19 0aintain 5:ternal
-nstructor P&-1 (tart Do?nload of 0aster Data P&-< *ie? /ecei#ed Data <og
P&-0 (tart Do?nload of 0aster Data P&-T (tart Do?nload of Transaction Data
P&-8 (tart /ecei#ing Changes to Data P&TB Para+eters for &TB PP!1
0aintain Plan Data D+enu;guidedE PP!2 0aintain Plan Data D&penE PP!3
0aintain Plan Data D'ction;7uidedE PP!5 2u+ber /anges PP!$ 2u+ber /ange
0aintenance3 1/'D'T' PP!% Tas@s)Descriptions PP2! Career and (uccession
Planning PP23 PD Cost Planning3 /eset Pass?ord PP2$ Plan (cenario
'd+inistration PP2% /elease of plan scenarios for C& PP28 PersCostPl3 2e?
(cenario PP29 PersCostPl3 /esu+ption PP2B PD CostPl"3 Plan Basic Pay Direct
PP2D PD CostPl13 Delete Payroll /esults PP2P PD CPl3 Plan Payroll /esults Direct
PP3! ('P /oo+ /eser#ations Planning PP31 ('P /oo+ /eser#ations Planning3
Data PP32 ('P /oo+ /eser#ations3 (er#ices PP4! Correspondence PP$1
(hift Planning PP$2 (hift Planning3 /eAuire+ents 0enu PP$3 /eAuire+ents
Processing PP$4 Choose Plan *ersion PP$5 5dit an 5ntry &bGect PP$$ (hift
Planning3 5ntry Profile PP$8 (hift Planning3 Current (ettings PP$9 Choose Te:t
for &rganiFational 8nit PP$' Personal (hift Plan PP$B 'ttendance <ist PP%!
&rganiFational 0anage+ent PP%2 (hift Planning PP%4 Personnel Cost Planning
PP%5 'ssess+ent PP%( &rganiFational 0anage+ent PP9! (et 8p &rganiFation
PPC- Copy -nfotype PPC& -nitial (creen3 &rganiFational Plan PPCP Career
Planning PPCT Tas@ Catalog PP50 PD3 Display &rganiFational (tructure PP-!
Transfer of Table 5ntries PP-( 1u+an /esources -nfor+ation (yste+ PP<B
5#aluate Careers PP05 Change 0atri: &rganiFation PP00 Personnel Planning
PP0( Display 0atri: &rganiFation PP&1 Change Cost Center 'ssign+ent PP&2
Display Cost Center 'ssign+ent PP&3 Change
/eporting (tructure PP&4 Display /eporting (tructure PP&5 Change &bGect
-ndicators D&)(E PP&$ Change &bGect -ndicators &)( PP&' Display 0enu
-nterface D?ith dyn"E PP&C Create &rganiFational 8nit PP&0 0aintain
&rganiFational Plan PP&( Display &rganiFational Plan PPPD Display Profile
PPP5 'rea 0enu3 Personnel De#elop+ent PPP0 Change Profile PP61 .ind
&bGects for 6ualifications PP62 .ind &bGects for /eAuire+ents PP6D Display
6ualifications Catalog PP/< Change 0aterial ,hen Profile Deleted PP/P
/eporting3 Personnel De#elop+ent PP/* Change 0aterial ,hen Profile Changed
PP(C Create (tructure PP(0 Change (tructure PP(P (uccession Planning
PP(( Display (tructure PP(T (tructure 5#aluation PP8P (ettings3 8ser
Para+eters P6!1 'ctions for ,or@ Center P6!2 'ctions for Training Progra+
P6!3 'ctions for >ob P6!4 'ctions for Business 5#ent Type P6!$ <ocation
P6!% /esource 'ctions P6!8 'ctions for 5:ternal Person P6!9 'ctions for
Business 5#ent 7roup P61! 'ctions for &rganiFational 8nit P612 'ctions for
/esource Type P613 'ctions for Position P614 'ctions for Tas@ P615 'ctions
for Co+pany P61% 'ctions for /eAuire+ent Profiles P618 'ctions for /esource
/oo+ P619 'ctions for 5:ternal -nstructor P6'1 Transaction for 'd 1oc 6uery
P6<* 'ustralian <ea#e Processing P6/D /edundancies 'ustralia P6T0
Ter+inations 'ustralia P/!! Trip Costs P/!1 0aintain -nternational Tra#el Data
P/!2 .ast 5ntry3 -nter"Trip Costs Data P/!3 5dit 'd#ances P/!4 5dit ,ee@ly
/eports P/!5 /eceipt 5ntry P/1! 2u+ber /ange 0aint"3 /P4/5-2/ P/11
P/12 2u+ber /ange 0aint" for Posting /uns P/%1 Custo+iFing Coding Bloc@
1%!1 P/%2 Custo+iFing Coding Bloc@ 1%!2 P/%3 Custo+iFing Coding Bloc@
1%!3 P/9! -nitial (creen3 Public (ector P/91
Display3 Trips ?ith Periods P/92 Display3 Trips ?ith Periods P/93 Change3 Trips
?ith Periods P/'' 'uto+atic *endor 0aintenance P/'P 'ppro#al of Trips
P/C2 Custo+iFing Coding Bloc@ 12!! P/C% Custo+iFing Coding Bloc@ 1%!!
P/CC Credit Card Clearing P/CD Delete)Copy Trip Countries P/CT Current
(ettings P/C8 Chec@ Printing 8(' P/D1 Create D05 P/D5 Delete)/estore
Trip Pro#"*ariant P/D1 5+ployees ?ith 5:ceeded Trip Days P/DB Call
Country *ersion D05 Pre"Progra+ P/5C Trip Costs 'ccounting Progra+ P/.!
(tandard .or+ P/.1 (u++ariFed .or+ 1 P/.2 (u++ariFed .or+ 2 P/.-
Posting to .inancial 'ccounting P/., -nco+e;rel"5:penses (tate+ent P/1D
0a:i+u+ *alue Deli+itation for 0eals P/11 (cale 0a:i+u+ '+ounts for 0eals
P/1P (cale Per Die+s for 0eals P/-2 -nde: for Personnel 2u+ber in *endor
P/0C Trip Costs3 .eature T/*CT P/0D 0aintain 1/ 0aster Data P/0.
Trip Costs3
.eature T/*.D P/0< (et Country 7rouping #ia Dialog Bo: P/00 Personnel
'ctions P/0( Display 1/ 0aster Data P/0T 8pdate 0atchcode T P/&.
Profit Center 'ccounting P/PD Deli+itation of Per Die+s for 0eals P/PC
Transfer to Payroll 'ccounting P//, Post 'ccounting Data P/(T Period
(tatistics P/*T *'T /eco#ery P(!! Basic data P(!1 ProGect -nfor+ation
(yste+ P(!2 &perati#e (tructures P(!3 ProGect Planning P(!4 ProGect
'ppro#al P(!5 ProGect 5:ecution P(!$ ProGect Cost Controlling P(81 Call 8p
/eport Tree P(81 D-nd"&#er#E P(9! Call 8p /eport Tree P(9! D&#er#ie?E P(91
Call 8p /eport Tree P(91 DCostsE P(92 Call 8p /eport Tree P(92 D/e#enuesE
P(93 Call 8p /eport Tree P(93 D.inancesE P(94 Call 8p /eport Tree P(94 D<ine
-t+sE P(95 Call 8p /eport Tree P(95 D(u+"o#er"E P(9$ Call 8p /eport Tree P(9$
D(u+"costsE P(9% Call 8p /eport Tree P(9% D(u+"re#"sE P(98 Call 8p
/eport Tree P(98 D(u+"fin"E P(C P( Basic data3 current settings P(C! (et Plan
*ersion *alid for Cost Plan P(C2 P( &p"structures3 current settings P(C3 P(
planning3 Current settings P(C5 P( -+ple+entation3 8pdate (ettings P(CP (et
plan #ersion P(-C Curr"settings 1/ infor+ation syste+ P(>1 1o@ensya (antei
'dGust+ent P(&! (et Plan *ersion for &rg0anage+ent P(&1 (et 'spect for
&rg0anage+ent P(&2 P( (yste+)Database Tools P(&3 -nfotype o#er#ie?
P(&4 -ndi#idual -nfotype 0aintenance P(&5 PD3 'd+inistration Tools P(&'
,or@ Center /eporting P(&C >ob /eporting P(&7 &rg0anage+ent 7eneral
/eporting P(&- Tools -ntegration P';PD P(&& &rganiFational 8nit /eporting
P(&( Position /eporting P(&T Tas@ /eporting P((D Chec@ B2< flo? types
P(*! Change ) Display /esources P(*1 Dyna+ic 'ttendance 0enu P(*2
Dyna+ic Business 5#ent 0enu P(*3 Dyna+ic -nfor+ation 0enu P(*4 (et
Plan *ersion P(*5 -nfo3 'ttendances P(*$ /eporting3 Business 5#ents P(*%
/eporting3 /esources P(*8 Create 'ttendee P(*9 Change ) Display 'ttendee
P(*' (et 'spect P(*C Training and 5#ents3Current (ettings P(*< (et
Business 5#ent <anguage P(*& Change ) Display &rganiFer P(*P Dyna+ic
Planning 0enu P(*/ Dyna+ic /esource 0enu P(*T Dyna+ic Tool 0enu
PT!! Ti+e 0anage+ent PT!1 Create ,or@ (chedule PT!2 Change ,or@
(chedule PT!3 Display ,or@ (chedule PT1! PT11 2u+ber /ange
0aintenance3 PT0468&2/ PT12 2u+ber /ange 0aintenance3 1/''4PD&C
PT4! PDC 5rror Transaction PT41 Co++unication Para+eters PT42 (upply
Personnel Data PT43 (upply 0aster Data PT44 8pload /eAuest PT45 Post
Person Ti+e 5#ents PT4$ Post ,or@ing Ti+e 5#ents PT5! <ea#e 'ccrual PT$!
Ti+e 5#aluation PT$1 Ti+e (tate+ent PT$2 'ttendance <ist PT$3 Personal
,or@ (chedule PT$4
'bsence <ist PT$5 7raphical 'bs")'ttendance &#er#ie? PT$$ Display Cluster
B2 PT$% Third;Party Payroll 'ccounting PT$8 'cti#ity 'llocation PT%! Ti+e
0anage+ent -nfo (yste+ PT%1 Tool (election for Ti+e 0anage+ent PT82 CC13
Do?nload 1/ 0ini 0aster /ecords PT83 CC13 Do?nload 5+ployee Ti+e Balances
PT84 'llo?ed 'bsence)'ttendance /easons PT85 'llo?ed 5:ternal ,age Types
PT8$ 'llo?ed Ti+e 5#ent Types PT8% 'llo?ed Positions PT51 7enerate Batch
-nput (ession PT52 Process Batch -nput (ession PT53 /eorganiFe -nterface .ile
P8!! Delete Personnel Data P8!1 Delete current payroll result P8!3 Change
Payroll (tatus P811 (upple+entary C( Benefits DDE P812 Connection to Third;
Party Payroll P813 Correction Chec@s P814 &n De+and Chec@ for /egular Pay
P815 &n De+and Chec@s DBonusE P82! Preperation for issuing of ta: for+s
P821 -ssuing of ta: for+s P822 1/ 'rchi#ing P823
('/' para+eters set for P'4C'<C P824 ('/' para+eters set for P'4T-05
P825 ('/' para+eters set for P';T/'*5< P83! ,age Type 0aintenance
P89! Delete applicant data P895 1/3 0aintain <og" *ie?s J ,T 7roups P89$
1/3 0aintain ,age Type 7roups P89% 1/3 <ogical *ie? 0aintenance P898
'ssign ,age Types to 7roups P8C! 1/;C13 0aintain 0' attributes P8C' 1/;
C13 PC ad+in" for P. P8C5 1/;C13 PC editor for P. P8C. 1/;C13 PC
+aintenance for+ P. P8C7 1/;C13 .unds;total copier P8C= 1/;C13 5ntity
copier for funds P8CP 1/;C13 PC para+eter +aint" for P. P8C* 1/;C13 5ntity
copier for PC obG" P8C, 1/;C13 0aint" of 1(C outputs for P. P871 1/;7B3
&n;de+and payroll P8<T Transport 1/ Tables for <ogistics P881 B(- Test Tool
P887 Change re+ittance due date P*!! Boo@ 'ttendance P*!1 /eboo@
'ttendance P*!2 Preboo@ 'ttendance P*!3 /eplace 'ttendance P*!4 Cancel
'ttendance P*!5 Boo@
<ist3 'ttendees)Business 5#ents P*!$ Preboo@ <ist3 'ttendees P*!% Boo@ <ist3
'ttendees P*!8 Boo@ <ist3 Business 5#ents P*!9 Plan Business 5#ents P*!-
Display Business 5#ent &ffer P*1! Create Business 5#ent ?ith /esources P*11
Create Business 5#ent ?)o /esources P*12 .ir+ly Boo@ ) Cancel Business 5#ent
P*14 <oc@ ) 8nloc@ Business 5#ent P*15 .ollo? 8p Business 5#ent P*1$
Preboo@ing <ist per 'ttendee P*1% Billing P*18 Cost 'llocation P*1'
Change Business 5#ent P*1B Display Business 5#ent P*1C Cost Transfer
P*1D Price Proposal P*1- 'ttendee Boo@ings D/)3 8sersE P*2$ Preboo@ <ist3
'ttendees)5#ent Types P*2- 'ttendee Boo@ings D,eb 8sersE P*32 'ppraisals
P*33 Business 5#ent 'ppraisal P*34 'ttendee 'ppraisal P*3- Display
Business 5#ent &ffer P*4- 'ttendee Boo@ings D,eb 8sersE P*5- 'ttendee
Boo@ings D/)3 8sersE P*$- 'ttendee Boo@ings D,eb 8sersE P*B!
Business 5#ent Budget P*B1 Create Business 5#ent Budget P*B2 Display
Business 5#ent Budget P*B3 Change Business 5#ent Budget P*B' Training J
5#ents3 Budget Co+parison P*BB Create)Change Training Progra+ P*CT
0aster Data Catalog P*D! Create)Change Business 5#ent Type P*.!
Create)Change <ocation P*.1 0aintain <ocation P*7! Create)Change /esource
P*71 Create)Change /oo+ P*72 <oc@)8nloc@ /esource P*73 0aintain
/oo+ P*1! Create)Change 5:ternal -nstructor P*11 Create)Change -nstructor
P*12 0aintain 5:ternal Person P*<! Create)Change Business 5#ent 7roup
P*02 Training J 5#ent 0anage+ent P*/! Create)Change /esource Type
P*/1 0aintain /oo+ 5Auip+ent P*8! Create)Change Co+pany P*81
0aintain Co+pany P**! Create)Change (er#ice P,!! -ncenti#e ,ages P,!1
0aintain -ncenti#e ,ages Data P,!2 Display -ncenti#e ,ages Data P,!3
5nter -ncenti#e ,ages Data P,41
7enerate Batch -nput (ession P,42 Process Batch -nput (ession P,43
/eorganiFe -nterface .ile P,$1 Ti+e <e#eling P,$2 5+ploy+ent Percentage
P,$3 /eassign+ent of Pay (cale 7roup P,%! /ecalculate -ndi#" -ncenti#e ,ages
P,%1 /ecalculate 7roup -ncenti#e ,ages P,8! -ncenti#e ,ages3 Current
(ettings P,91 -ncenti#e ,ages3 Control Para+eters P,92 -ncenti#e ,ages3 8ser
5:its P,93 -ncenti#e ,ages3 7roup Para+eters P,94 -nc" ,ages3 <ogistics
Para+eters P,95 -ncenti#e ,ages3 PDC Para+eters PB!1 Planning area e:ternal
plan" tool PB!2 Planning tool physical syste+ PB!3 Planning Tool PB!4
5:t"Planning Tool3 (tartPara+" ,in2T PC!! 0aintenance T%%P/ for /el"2otes 2!"'
PC!1 'dopt T%%/K fro+ release note 2!"' PC!2 'dopt T%%=< fro+ release
notes PC71 1/;7B3 Config" end of year filepaths PC72 1/;7B3 7enerate 5&C
/un the report /PDT/'!! lists tcodes in 1/"

Finding the list of HR module Tables
Is anybody is having a complete list of HR module tables?
'll personnel ad+inistration tables start ?ith P' and the infotype nu+ber behind it"
'll personnel de#elop+ent)&0 tables start ?ith 1/P and infotype De"g" 1!!!E behind it"
'll recruit+ent tables start ?ith PB and infotype nu+ber behind it"
There also are 1/ tables that start ?ith 1/' 1PD 1/T etc" The easy ?ay to get a list is
to use ('PIs I'pplication 1ierarchyI transaction (581 Dselect all 1/ +odes in the tree
that you are ?ant a list of tables for clic@ on the I-nfor+ation (yste+I button under 'bap
Dictionary ;;L Basic &bGs double clic@ on Idatabase tablesI increase your I+a:i+un no"
of hitsI and e:ecuteE"
8se transaction se11"""type in P'K do dropdo?n and enter do the sa+e for 1/PK and you
?ill ha#e +ost of the 1/ transaparent Tables" To access the+ loo@ for /P4read4K and
/P4pro#ideK in Table T/0'C to read a infotype or use the IselectI state+ent to access
the Transparent table"
Transaction (51$ Ddata bro?serE is also useful" 's +entioned abo#e the P' infotype
tables all begin ?ith P' and are follo?ed by the infotype nu+ber e"g" P'!!!1 for the &rg
0an infotype"
P'K ; P' infotype tables
PC<K ; 1/ clusters
PBK ; recruit+ent tables
PC5/T ; payroll posting runs
'nother useful table is C'T(DB for C'T( and PT5B2!!! for the C'T( transfer table
for infotype 2!!1)2!!2"
The rest of the 1/ Tables are as follo?s3
DD!1< Do+ains
DD!2< ('P tables
DD!3< Table .ields
DD!3T DD3 Te:ts for fields Dlanguage dependentE
DD!4< Data ele+ents
DD!4T /)3 DD3 Data ele+ent te:ts
DD!5( .oreign @ey fields
DD!$< Pool)cluster structures
DD2!< 0atchcode -ds
DD24( .ields of a +atchcode -D
T!!! Clients
T!!1 Co+pany Codes
T!!15 Co+pany code;dependent address data
T!!1P Personnel 'reas)(ubareas
T!12 1ouse ban@s
T!12= 1ouse ban@ accounts
T!12T 1ouse ban@ account na+es
T5!!< Personnel Country 7rouping
T5!!P Personnel 'reas
T5!!T Personnel Country 7roupings
T5!1 5+ployee 7roup
T5!1T 5+ployee 7roup 2a+es
T5!2T 0arital (tatus Designators
T5!3 5+ployee 7roups ) (ubgroups
T5!3= 5+ployee subgroup
T5!3T 5+ployee (ubgroup 2a+es
T5!4' Benefits ; Default *alues D2'E
T5!4B Benefit &ption Te:ts D2orth '+ericaE
T5!4C Benefit Type D2'E
T5!4D Benefit Credit 7roup '+ount
T5!45 Benefit '+ount
T5!4. Benefit Costs
T5!8' ,or@ (chedule /ules
T5!8T Te:ts for 5+ployee (ubgroup 7roupings for ,or@ (chedules
T51! Pay (cale 7roups
T51!' Pay (cale Types
T51!. 'ssign Pay (cale L Ti+e 8nit Currency
T51!7 Pay (cale 'reas
T51!1 Payroll Constants ?ith /egard to Ti+e 8nit
T51!- (tandard ,or@ing 1ours
T51!> Constant *aluations
T51!< <e#els
T51!0 *aluation of pay scale groups acc" to hiring date
T51!2 Pay (cales for 'nnual (alaries D2'E
T51!( Ti+e ,age Type (election /ule
T51!8 Pay (cale 7roups
T51!C (pecial /ules for ,age Type 7eneration
T511 ,age Types
T512/ Cu+ulation ,age Types in .or+s
T512( Te:ts for Cu+ulation ,age Types in .or+s
T512T ,age Type Te:ts
T512, ,age Type *aluation
T512Z Per+issibility of ,age Types per -nfotype
T513 >obs
T514( Table 2a+e Te:ts
T514T .ield 2a+e Te:ts
T51D2 ,age Type Classes
T51D3 /eduction /ules
T51D4 Cu+ulation /ules
T52%B &rganiFational 8nits
T528B Positions ; ,or@ Centers
T528C ,age Type Catalog
T528T Position Te:ts
T529' Personnel 5#ent
T529. .ast Data 5ntry for 5#ents
T529T Personnel 5#ent Te:ts
T52BT Te:ts .or 1/ &bGects
T52C! Payroll (che+as
T52C1 Payroll (che+as
T52C2 Te:ts for Personnel Calculation (che+as
T52C3 Te:ts for Personnel Calculation (che+as
T52C5 Personnel Calculation /ules
T52CC (che+a Directory
T52CD (che+a Directory
T52C5 Directory of Personnel Calculation /ules
T52CT Te:t 5le+ents
T52CB Cross /eferences #ia 7enerated (che+as
T52D1 *alid Processing Classes
T52D2 *alid *alues for Processing Classes
T52D3 *alid 5#aluation Classes
T52D4 Per+itted *alues for 5#aluation Classes
T52D5 ,age Type 7roups
T52D$ ,age Type 7roup Te:ts
T52D% 'ssign ,age Types to ,age Type 7roups
T52D8 *alid Processing Classes ; Te:ts
T52D9 *alid *alues for Processing Classes ; Te:ts
T53! /easons for 5#ents
T53!5 /easons for Changes
T53!. /easons for Changes
T53!< ,age Types for (pecial Pay+ents
T53!T 5#ent /eason Te:ts
T531 Deadline Types
T531( Deadline Type Te:ts
T533 <ea#e Types
T533T <ea#e Type Te:ts
T539' Default ,age Types for Basic Pay
T539> Base ,age Type *aluation
T539/ 5#ents for (tandard ,age 0aintenance
T539( ,age Types for (tandard ,age 0aintenance
T548 Date Types
T548( Date Con#ersion
T548T Date Types
T548C Date Types
T549' Payroll 'reas
T549B Co+pany .eatures
T549C Decision Trees for .eatures DCusto+ersE
T549D .eature Directory
T549< Date +odifiers
T5490 0onthly 'ssign+ent3 Payroll Period
T5492 Period 0odifiers
T549& Te:t for date +odifier
T549P *alid Ti+e 8nits for Payroll 'ccounting
T5496 Payroll Periods
T549/ Period Para+eters
T549( Payroll date types
T549T Payroll 'reas
T5490 0onthly 'ssign+ent3 Payroll Period
T5492 Period 0odifiers
T549& Te:t for date +odifier
T549P *alid Ti+e 8nits for Payroll 'ccounting
T5496 Payroll Periods
T549/ Period Para+eters
T549( Payroll date types
T549T Payroll 'reas
T554( 'bsence and 'ttendance Types
T554T 'bsence and 'ttendance Te:ts
T554* Defaults for 'bsence Types
T554C Ti+e Constraints in 1/ T-05
T555' Ti+e Types
T555B Ti+e Type Designations
T559' ,or@ing ,ee@s
T559B 2a+e of ,or@ing ,ee@
T5%2. 5#ent Te:ts
T5%27 'llo?ed *alues for 5#ents
T5%21 5#ent *alue Te:ts
T582' -nfotypes
T582B -nfotypes ,hich 're Created 'uto+atically
T582( -nfotype Te:ts
T582* 'ssign+ent of -nfotypes to *ie?s
T582, 'ssigns -nfotype *ie? to Pri+ary -nfotype
T582Z Control Table for P' Ti+e 0anage+ent
T584' Chec@ing Procedures ; -nfotype 'ssign+ent
T588' Transaction Codes
T588B -nfotype 0enus
T588C -nfotype 0enus)-nfo 7roups
T588D -nfogroups for 5#ents
T588> (creen 1eader Definition
T5880 -nfotype (creen Control
T5882 (creen 0odification for 'ccount 'ssign+ent Bloc@
T588& (creen 0odification for 'ssign+ent Data
T5886 (creen types for fast entry
T588/ (election /eports for .ast Data 5ntry
T588( (creen Types for .ast 5ntry
T588T 0enu and -nfogroup Designations
T588* Business obGect type
T588, 5#ent types for infotype operations
T588B Cust" co+posite definition of e#ent types for -T operations
T588Z Dyna+ic 5#ents
T591' (ubtype Characteristics
T591B Ti+e Constraints for ,age Types
T591( (ubtype Te:ts
T59$. 1/ (ubroutines
T59$7 Cu+ulation ?age types
T59$1 4Cu+ulation ?age type te:ts
T59$- Calculation rule for cu+ulation ?age types
T59$8 Con#ersion Table
T599B /eport Classes
T599C /eport Classes
T599D /eport Categories
T599. /eport Classes ; (elect &ptions
T%%%' Building 'ddresses
T%%%T -nfotypes
T%%%Z -nfotype Ti+e Constraints
T%%8T -nfotypes
T%%88 (ubtypes
5rror 0essages tables
T1!! 0essages
T1!!' 0essage -Ds for T1!!
T1!!C Control of +essages by the user
T1!!& 'ssign+ent of +essage to obGect
T1!!( Configurable syste+ +essages
T1!!T Table T1!!' te:t
T1!!* 'ssign+ent of +essages to tables)#ie?s
T1!!, 'ssign 0essages to ,or@flo?
T1!!B 5rror 0essages3 (upple+ents
Fast Links:
Finding the Basic Pay Table
Table 2a+es for Creating Basic Pay -nfotype
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