Vulnerable Adult Update

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News Release

On May 22, 2014, Investigators with the Madison Police Department

executed a search warrant at 1!" #a$eland Drive %ac$son, Ms and
10& 'herry #aurel #ane (idgeland, Ms in connection with an ongoing
investigation related to the photographing o) a vulnera*le adult
resident at +t, 'atherine-s .illage in the 'ity o) Madison, Ms, During
the course o) the investigation, o))icers arrested Mar$ +tevens
May)ield o) (idgeland, Ms and charged him with one count o)
'onspiracy to Photograph or /ilm 0nother without Permission where
there is an 1xpectation o) Privacy, %udge Dale Dan$s set Mar$
May)ield-s *ond at 22"0,000,00 dollars and he has waived his
preliminary hearing and posted a cash *ond, 0lso arrested in
connection with the investigation was (ichard 0llen +ager o) 1llisville,
Ms, +ager is charged with one count o) 'onspiracy to Photograph or
/ilm 0nother without Permission where there is an 1xpectation o)
Privacy and one count o) 3ampering with 1vidence, %udge Dale Dan$s
set (ichard +ager-s *ond at 22"0,000,00 per count )or a total o)
2"00,000,00 dollars, 3he date o) +ager-s preliminary hearing has not
2001 Main Street
Madison, MS 39110
Phone (601) 856-6111
Fa (601) 856-21!8
Contact: Major Robert Sanders
Phone: (601) 856-6111
ate: 05$%%$%01&
*een set at the time o) this release, %ohn 4eachman Mary o)
5atties*urg, Ms was arrested in connection with the investigation and
he was charged with two counts o) conspiracy to include the
1xploitation o) a .ulnera*le Person and the Photographing or /ilming
o) 0nother Person without Permission where there is an 1xpectation o)
Privacy, %ohn Mary was released on his own recogni6ance due to
extensive medical conditions a)ter consulting with his attorney and
the Madison7(an$in 'ounty District 0ttorney-s O))ice, 'harges on the
individuals were )ormulated and )iled a)ter consulting with District
0ttorney Michael 8uest and other mem*ers o) his sta)) along with the
'ity o) Madison Prosecutor 3rae +ims, Prior to 'layton 3homas 9elly-s
preliminary hearing, o))icers o) the Madison Police Department served
him with additional warrants )or Photographing or /ilming o) 0nother
Person without Permission where there is an 1xpectation o) Privacy
and 'onspiracy to Photograph or /ilm 0nother Person without
Permission where there is an 1xpectation o) Privacy, 9elly-s total
*ond was set at 2200,000,00 *y %udge Dale Dan$s, 3he result o) the
preliminary hearing on the count o) 1xploitation o) a .ulnera*le Person
was that the court )ound su))icient evidence to )orward the case to the
Madison7(an$in 'ounty District 0ttorney-s O))ice )or review *y the
8rand %ury, 0 date o) presentation has not *een set and the
investigation is ongoing,

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