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Name Anthony Wei Jian Liu
NetID aliu027
Group Number: 85
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Olivia Tuesday 9am
Time Spent on
22 hours Word Count: 1602


Alcohol and public events (such as concerts and sports games) do not mix. There have been
many incidents reported after such events that have been linked directly to alcohol
consumption and drunkenness. We believe this problem needs to have a solution as this
problem causes unwanted damages to society and the economy.
3.1 Vision
To create affordable solutions that will optimally maximise security efficiency and make the
world a safer place.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Security and Surveillance Equipment Industry
Industry: Security and Surveillance Equipment Industry. An industry that produces
equipment for surveillance and security purposes.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High There are many security companies in New
Zealand to sell to. These companies include Icon
Group, Garrison Security, Chubb Security and
Redfern Security, just to name a few (New
Zealand small business directory and travel guide,
Supplier power: Low Many companies provide drug and alcohol testing
but they mainly provide them in labs, ambulance
and in hospitals, indicated by all the types of
equipment that is needed (U.S. screening source,

n.d.). Companies also provide breathaylsers but
nothing that can detect alcoholic beverages
(Global sources, n.d.).
Threat of new entrants: Low Threat of new entrances are low due to the large
amounts of money needed to create these
products and the needs of IT expertise, research
and development, testing, licensing and strict
regulations that need to be followed (Ministry of
justice, n.d.).
Threat of substitutes: Low As far as my research goes, there are no
substitute for our product. So far, there are only
breathalysers and alcohol testing equipment that
are fit for lab or hospital use.
Rivalry among existing
Low Our product is one of a kind. It covers
breathalysing and can detect whether or not a
beverage is alcoholic or not. However, rivalry may
grow as other companies are also coming up with
new ways, such as TruTouch Technologies.
(Trutouch technologies, n.d.).
Overall attractiveness of the industry: In a global scale, this industry is very attractive.
Security and surveillance is required in all areas where there are mass movements of people
and in areas of known or potential hostilities, from airports and borders to banks and public
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
For our specific product, our target customers are security personnel at public events. There
have been many reports and articles written about disorderly behaviour during and after

sports events (NZ hearld, n.d.), which indicates that they do not have sufficient facilities to
detect and confiscate alcoholic drinks snuck into such events. They would need equipment
that is quick and easy to use and yet accurate and efficient in detecting alcoholic drinks. This
would improve the outcome of such events and reduce unwanted drunken behaviour by
making their role more effective.
3.4 The Product and Service
During public events, security personnel needs to process the crowd for alcoholic beverages
accurately and efficiently. All they have really have at the moment, is their judgement and
observational skills, which are largely unreliable tools. They also dispose beverages that they
believe is alcoholic on the spot, which can lead to arguments with certain individuals. This
wastes time and holds up the crowd, causing problems with schedules and management. It
is clear that they are in dire need of a better way of processing crowds in public events.
The ABD (alcoholic beverage detector) will accurately and efficiently detect alcoholic
beverages. All that is required, is to dip a sterile slip of paper into the beverage, insert it into
the slot in the ABD, process the content and display the result; Pass (alcoholic) or fail (non-
alcoholic). The ABD is easy to use, portable and effective. It can even carry out breathalyser
tests which the security personnel can carry out on any individual(s) who appears to be
As a result, alcoholic beverages entering the events premises, will greatly reduce.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
To produce this product, we need suppliers. There are 2 important suppliers that we need; a
Raw material supplier and an IT manufacturing supplier. Raw materials will include plastic
compounds and metals. The raw materials will be gathered first. The gathered raw materials
will then be sent to IT manufacturing suppliers, who will produce chipboards, programs, LED
screens and the like, that will be put together to make the ABD.
Our possible partners could be event organisers and security companies. Event organisers
may want to gain access to the ABDs for their own security personnel and management,

when there is an event to take place. They can give us a schedule of their annual events and
we can organise the delivery of ABDs to them. Security companies may want to purchase
ABDs from us. They can also provide us feedback on any possible improvements that can be
3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership Strategy
The companys competitive scope is a board market, as it aims to make the world a safer
place through surveillance and security solutions, as indicated in its vision statement. The
companys cost strategy is a low cost strategy as it aims to provide effective, yet affordable
solutions to security companies, which is also stated in its vision statement. Thus, this
companys strategy is a Cost Leadership strategy.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology Development
The most important value chain activity for our business is Technology Development.
Our vision states that we want to optimally maximise security efficiency. In order to be the
leading company in maximising security efficiency, we need to conduct research and
develop our technology. In order to stay cost effective, our information for our research
development will be gathered from existing knowledge of security products. We need to
stay on top of this in order to deliver the best solutions to security companies.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. RESEARCH PROCESS This process is important to our vision. To be able to provide the
best security solutions, we need to conduct research on our product to see if there are any
possible improvements that could be made. Researching on the products that have been
made gives us more insight into the product.




3.8.2. TECHNOLOGI CAL PROCESS - This process is also important to our vision. To be able to
provide the best security solutions, we need to keep up with todays technological advances
and apply them to our product. Looking into new technologies may also provide the
potential to make more innovative features to the product.


3.9 Functionalities
Check if there are any possible aspects of the product that can be improved.
Identify any improvements that can be integrated into the product.
Search for any recent technological advances.
Identify if there are any technological advances that can be used to hone the
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Although research is important to improving the
companys product, it also needs to be managed. It is important that such research is
supervised, making sure that the research is relevant and feasible. Thus time will not be
wasted looking into areas that are unnecessary or inapplicable to its products and will keep
expenses at a minimum and in turn, its products can remain affordable.
3.10. 2. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Monitoring its product is also important to the
company. Making sure that the best possible technology and research development has
been incorporated into the product will maximise the products efficiency and value. It is
important to our company that the customers can rely on the products.
3.10. 3. TECHNOLOGY ANALYSI S SYSTEM To be a cut above, the company also needs to keep
an eye out for any technological advances, especially in todays world where technology
plays a massive part in our daily lives. As a result, technological advances can be made
often. It is important that the company can capture any technological advances and
integrate it into their products. Technological advances are often achieved to improve
existing equipment. So keeping up with technology can sharpened and improve our

3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. Research process 1. Check if there are any possible aspects of
the product that can be improved.

2. Identify any improvements that can be
integrated into the product.

Research management

Product management
Decision Support System

Decision Support System
2. Technological
1. Search for any recent technological

2. Identify if there are any technological
advances that can be used to hone the

Technology analysis system

Product management
Transaction Processing

Decision Support System

In todays society, the surveillance and security industry is one that largely depends on
technology. However, some areas in this industry, sorely needs assistance from the IT
industry. It is quite astounding, that today, the security personnel who are responsible for
preventing alcohol entering the premises of public events, are still using their judgement to
do their job. It is clearly not effective and the numerous articles that are written about
drunken behaviour during and after public events shows that. People are finding new ways
of sneaking alcohol past security and it is obviously working. The security personnel situated
in such places, definitely could use the ABD (Alcoholic Beverage Detector). It can detect
alcohol from beverages and can also conduct breathalyser tests. All this is also processed
quickly, allowing them to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. This would allow
social events to run more smoothly and safely, allowing people to enjoy themselves and
have fun. Achieving this would definitely take the company a step closer to its vision.

Global sources. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2014, from

Ministry of justice. (n.d.) Retrieved May 14, 2014, from

New Zealand small business directory and travel guide. (n.d.) Retrieved May 13, 2014, from

NZ hearld. (n.d.) Retrieved May 14, 2014, from

Trutouch technologies. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2014, from


U.S. screening source. (n.d.) Retrieved May 14, 2014, from

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