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1) LlecLlon of Chalr and vlce Chalr

1be meetloq stotteJ ot 6.14pm wltb tbe lottoJoctloos ooJ btlef bockqtoooJ of eocb membet
1be commlttee cooJocteJ tbe selectloo of cbolt ooJ co-cbolt, Iespet Iotceooks (II) wos electeJ os tbe
cbolt ooJ 8tloo nofet wos electeJ os tbe co-cbolt

2) ulscuss and selecL a daLe for dellvery of a compleLed pollcy Lo Lhe clLy. (SepL/CcL 2014)

1be qtoop JlscosseJ tbe oeeJ to be tbotooqb wblcb pteveots tbe wotk ftom beloq Jooe by Iooe (os wos
soqqesteJ by tbe lott) bot olso tbe oeeJ to be efflcleot ooJ oot Jtoq tbe ptocess oot loJefloltely to ovolJ
losloq feJetol fooJloq by mlssloq lmplemeototloo JeoJlloes.

1betefote, by cooseosos, lt wos oqteeJ tbot tbe qool fot o flool ptoJoct woolJ be 5eptembet.

3) ulscusslon of lnLended ouLcomes
a) rlvacy pollcy for uAC addresslng aL leasL (buL noL llmlLed Lo):
l) lnformaLlon Sharlng AgreemenLs
ll) enalLles for Abuse
lll) AudlLlng
lv) uaLa 8eLenLlon
v) AnalyLlcs (CurrenLly noL parL of Lhe uAC - we could preempL fuLure pollcy
work on Lhls by havlng an oplnlon.)
vl) roLecLlon of WhlsLleblowers

Membet Aestetlx ooteJ tbot ooJet uoto keteotloo, tbe commlttee most locloJe !"#" %&'()*#+ to oJJtess
Joto bteocbes ooJ bow tbe clty wlll ptotect oqolost tbem.

Membet coqle ptovlJeJ o lettet fot tbe tecotJ teqotJloq tbls toplc tbot ls ottocbeJ to tbese mlootes fot
tevlew. ne exploloeJ tbot tbe loteot ls to oJJtess potpose speclflcotloo wblcb ls o tetm coloeJ J0-40
yeots oqo by tbe feJetol qovetomeot to belp cleotly Jefloe ptoqtoms ooJ teocb cooclosloos oboot toplcs
socb os Joto flow ooJ teteotloo petloJs.

Aootbet compooeot tbot wos oJJeJ wos ptovlJloq opptoptlote woys fot tbe pobllc to bove occess to tbe
Joto ooJ eosotloq tbe clty temolos tespooslve to ,(-.*' /&'0)12 /&3(&2#2 wblle stlll sofeqootJloq
ptlvocy of loJlvlJools. lost, tbe commlttee JlscosseJ ooqoloq evolootloo ooJ ooteJ tbot tbe obove llst ls
oot exboostlve ooJ coolJ cbooqe ovet tlme.

A pobllc speoket ooteJ tbot Jlspote tesolotloos betweeo tbltJ pottles coolJ be tbe coose of mooy lobllc
kecotJs tepoests ooJ tbe cbolt olso ooteJ tbot Joto coolJ be oseJ to ptove someooes loooceoce (os
opposeJ to qollt) ooJ tbetefote tbe pollcy otoooJ lobllc kecotJs tepoests becomes eveo mote

1be commlttee oooolmoosly oqteeJ tbot tbe pollcy woolJ oJJtess oll of tbe obove meotlooeJ ltems (l
tbtooqb vll) os well os !"#" %&'()*#+4 ,(-.*' /&'0)12 /&3(&2#2 ooJ wltblo tbot cootext, #5*)1 6")#+
1*26(#& )&20.(#*078

b) 8ecommendaLlon on Lhe scope of a rlvacy ollcy: Should Lhe ClLy have a prlvacy
pollcy for oLher clLy funcLlons ouLslde of Lhe uAC and lf so, whaL guldellnes should be
esLabllshed for drafLlng such a pollcy

1be commlttee JlscosseJ tbe scope of tbelt wotk ooJ Membet cboo oskeJ lf tbe commlttee boJ tbe
ootbotlty to Jevelop o pollcy fot ooytbloq ootslJe of tbe uAc. lt wos ooteJ tbot lo otJet to Jo so woolJ
toke oo octloo by tbe clty cooocll ooJ sbott of tbot, tbe commlttees wotk ls uAc speclflc. 5evetol
membets loJlcoteJ o Jeslte to see wbot otbet cltles bove Jooe ooJ lf tbete ote best ptoctlces fot tbls
type of pollcy tbe clty coo look ot socb os 8ostoo, New otk, ot los Aoqeles.

1be commlttee oooolmoosly soppotteJ o motloo to ptovlJe tbe clty o fotmol tecommeoJotloo teqotJloq
tbelt scope by tbe eoJ of tbe uAc ltlvocy lollcy Jevelopmeot.

c) 8ecommendaLlon for a ClLy rlvacy Cfflcer (selecLlon, responslblllLles eLc.)

Membet nottls oskeJ wbot tbe otqomeot lo fovot of o ltlvocy Offlcet eotolleJ. vlce cbolt nofet
exploloeJ tbls ls o blqb level petsoo wltb tbe ootbotlty to tesolve Jlspotes, cooJoct ooJlts, tecelve ooJ
lovestlqote complolots, ooJ Jetetmloe opptoptlote occess to tecotJs ooJ Joto. Membet nottls oskeJ
oboot tbe cost ossocloteJ wltb oo offlcet ooJ Membet cboo ooteJ tbot tbe oeeJ fot o ltlvocy Offlcet ls
botb o ttost lssoe ooJ o boJqet lssoe fot tbe clty.

uepoty lollce cblef 8tesbeots poloteJ oot to tbe qtoop tbot tbey oeeJ to cooslJet tbe tole of o ptlvocy
offlcet lo eosotloq tbe effectlveoess of tbe uAc ooJ tbe lmpoct ooy ptoposeJ testtlctloos woolJ bove oo
tbot effectlveoess.

1be commlttee oooolmoosly posseJ o motloo to ptovlJe o tecommeoJotloo to tbe clty oo wbetbet ot
oot to bove o ltlvocy Offlcet.

4) Agree on sLrucLure for wrlLlng Lhe uAC rlvacy and uaLa reLenLlon pollcy:
,)0602".9 SLarL wlLh Lhe hlgh level values and ob[ecLlves, Lhen move Lo SLraLegles for
(a) Plgh Level:
(l) Core values/unbreakable prlnclples (consLlLuLlonallLy, 1ransparency,
resumpLlon of lnnocence eLc.)
1bese cote voloes wete JlscosseJ ooJ Membet nofet oskeJ lf clvll llbettles sboolJ be oJJeJ. Membet
nottls ooteJ evetytbloq Jooe sboolJ be coostltotloool bot oJJeJ tbot 5ofety, ltotectloo of OoklooJs
leople sboolJ be oJJeJ os well.
Membet cboo soqqesteJ tbot fflcleocy sboolJ be locloJeJ. ne woots to eosote tbe clty ls qettloq lts
mooeys wottb oot of tbls lovestmeot ooJ tbot lt oltlmotely teJoces ctlme.

8y cooseosos tbe followloq voloes wete locloJeJ. coostltotlooollty, 1toospoteocy, ltesomptloo of
loooceoce, 5ofety of cltlzeos, fflcleocy (lo tetms of cost/voloe of system), tbe oblllty to omeoJ tbe pollcy,
clvll llbettles ooJ tbe klqbt to ltlvocy.

(ll) Cb[ecLlves (whaL ls Lhe ClLy Lrylng Lo achleve wlLh Lhe uAC?, whaL klnd of
emergency response could use a uAC, whaL ls slgnlflcance Lo porL securlLy eLc.)

uepoty lollce cblef tlc 8tesbeots spoke oboot bow Olu coolJ otlllze tbe uAc lo lts effotts ot teJocloq
ctlme ooJ qove some teol llfe exomples of wbete tbe uAc coolJ be osefol. ne olso exploloeJ o blt of tbe
blstotlc tblokloq os to wby tbe clty eotettoloeJ expooJloq tbe tole of tbe uAc beyooJ lott 5ecotlty. ne
ooteJ tbot becoose tbls stote of tbe ott system woolJ be ovolloble ooJ stoffeJ ot oll tlmes ooJ tbot lott
secotlty bteocbes ot mojot emetqeocles boppeo loftepoeotly, tbe clty sow oo oppottoolty to moxlmlze
tbe uAcs voloe by osloq lt oo o teqolot bosls fot ctlme teJoctloo. 1bls setves o secooJoty qool of keeploq
stoff ttoloeJ ooJ expetleoceJ osloq tbe tecbooloqy (wblcb bettet ptepotes tbem wbeo tbete ls o mojot
emetqeocy). lt olso coolJ belp moke emetqeocy tespoose fostet lo o oombet of sceootlos wbete cotteotly
tbe clty Joesot locotpotote tbls type of tecbooloqy.

Mlcboel O8tloo, beoJ of secotlty fot tbe lott of OoklooJ JlscosseJ tbe lotts oeeJs locloJloq ptotectloq
loftosttoctote llke btlJqes, tooJs, fettles, ooJ tbot tbe coost CootJ bos ltself ttoloeJ to mooltot tbe
wotet bot tbot lott ooJ looJ secotlty locloJe mocb mote tboo tbe wotet. ne ooteJ tbot wbeo tbe coost
CootJ lssoes o 1soooml wotoloq, tbete ote mooy ptoceJotes tbot ote oeeJeJ oo looJ lovolvloq mooy
oqeocles ooJ bovloq teol tlme Joto ftom Jlspotote sootces metqeJ loto ooe locotloo coolJ be exttemely
beoeflclol ot sovloq llves.

8otb Mlcboel O8tloo ooJ uc 8tesbeots toocbeJ oo tbe Joto teteotloo lssoe ootloq tbot tbelt oeeJ to
tetolo Joto beyooJ o sbott wloJow ls llmlteJ. 8ecoose tbe teol tlme lofotmotloo ls ctoclol Jotloq oo
eveot, ooJ oo lovestlqotloo (socb os fot o sbootloq) wlll qolo occess to tbe Joto wltblo o few boots ot
Joys, Olu ooJ tbe lott Jo oot woot to tetolo tbe Joto fot exteoJeJ petloJs. lt wos ooteJ tbot tbls looq
tetm Joto teteotloo lssoe ls o ptoblem wltb stote low, oot tbe Jeslte of tbe locol oqeocles.

8ottolloo cblef uotteo wblte ftom tbe OoklooJ llte uepottmeot olso pteseoteJ oo sevetol woys bls teom
coolJ otlllze tbe uAc. ne clteJ exomples socb os tbe tooket ttock tbot ovettotoeJ oo tbe 880 o few yeots
oqo, plooe ctosbes loto tbe boy, tbe cosco 8osoo sblp occlJeot, ooJ otbet Mcls ot Mojot ctltlcol

cboltpetsoo Iotceooks oskeJ 8c wblte bls tbooqbts lo teqotJ to Joto teteotloo ooJ lt wos exploloeJ tbot
fot flte lovestlqotloos, olJ Joto ls octoolly vety lmpottoot to tbe uepottmeot.

Membet nofet oskeJ oboot tbe Jlffeteoce betweeo tbe uAc ooJ tbe Oc. ne woolJ llke stoff to cteote o
llst of ptlotltles tbot tbe llte uepottmeot woolJ ose tbe uAc fot vetsos oo Oc octlvotloo. ne oskeJ wbot
tbe smollest loclJeot tbe uepottmeot coolJ coocelve of oeeJloq tbe uAc fot.

(b) ueLalled SLraLegles for how Lhe ClLy wlll meeL Lhe uAC ob[ecLlves wlLhouL vlolaLlng
Lhe core prlnclples.
(c) CperaLlonal SLraLegles for how Lhe ClLy wlll lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegles

1bese flool two ltems wete JlscosseJ, lo pott, Jotloq tbe ptevloos ltem. Next tbe commlttee boJ o btlef
Jlscossloo teqotJloq tbe sob-commlttees ooJ bow lt wotks lo tbe teolm of 8towo's Act.
lt wos ooteJ tbot tbe commlttee oeeJs to Jevelop o scbeJole os tepolteJ by tbe 5oosbloe OtJloooce ooJ
tbot scbeJole wlll be JetetmloeJ ot tbe oext meetloq.

Next Meetloq. Moy 22
, 6pm.

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