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R.J. Delgadillo
Mrs. Garza
English II 5
May 21
, 2014
Elizabethan Era and the Nineties
The Elizabethan era and the Nineties were two very different times in history. The
Elizabethan era was a time of elegance, and a time of kings and queens. The Nineties, on the
other hand, was a time of new and rising technology. As you can probably guess, they are very
far away from each other. The Elizabethan era is associated with the time of Queen Elizabeths
reign, that being from 1558 to 1603. The Nineties, as the name implies, refers to the time period
of 1990 to 1999. Although the Nineties and the Elizabethan era are two very different times, they
both contributed things that changed the world forever.
The Elizabethan era is considered to be the golden age in English history (Elizabethan
era). This is because this is when writers like Shakespeare and others were at their peak in this
time period. The theatre scene was flourishing. This time period is also highly praised because of
the periods before it. This was the first time of peace after many battles between the Protestants
and the Catholics (Elizabethan era). As I said before, it was a great time of elegance, and
London was the center of England, and it showed all the great things the Elizabethan era had to
offer. London was the center of culture and commerce in this era (Elizabethan England).
Much like the Elizabethan era with English, the Nineties was the golden age of
technology; or the start of it, at least. From the Nineties spawned something that people say they
cannot live without: the Internet. The Internet, also known as the World Wide Web, was born in
1992 (American Culture History). It was a great time for television and movies. Statistics
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showed that in 1998, 98 percent of household had televisions (American Culture History).
Movies such as Forest Gump, Schindlers List, and Titanic are great examples for movies that
were popular in the nineties (American Culture History). Downloading MP3s was also very
popular in the nineties, but also very controversial due to the fact that anyone could share their
music online for others to download for free (90s Technology). As you can see, many of the
things in the nineties are still used today, but can now be made even better due to our
technological advancements since then.
You can now see that the Elizabethan era and the nineties are two very different time
periods. Just about everything was different; clothing, music, technology, etc. Although, one
could say the demand for entertainment was just the same. In the Elizabethan era, plays would be
held in theatres, and thousands of people would come to watch the play. When you think of plays
in the Elizabethan era, the first that comes to your mind is probably Shakespeare. This is because
he is the most known playwright of that era (Elizabethan Era). He wrote plays such as Romeo
and Juliet and The Taming of the Shrew. This can relate to the nineties, because as I said,
television and movies were huge in the nineties. Some of the movies that are considered the
greatest of all time came out of the nineties. So the entertainment world of both eras can be
looked at as similar.
Yes, its hard to compare the eras, because of how remotely different they are from each
other. Although, as I said before, both have offered something that has been of great use to this
day. With the nineties, its obvious to see the things weve collected from then. Currently, just
about everyone downloads their music now. We now have smart phones, and we can even access
the internet from those very phones. And we are still continuing to advance our technology. As
for the Elizabethan era, I feel that the writings and way of life have helped educate our modern
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society. Shakespeares plays and writings are still studied in schools to this day, and I think thats
because of how educated the society was back in those times. Reading Shakespeare can be a
tough thing to do, and I think that if you learn how to read it without any help, then youve
achieved something. I feel that both of these periods in time delivered something great to our
society, and that we will continue to learn about them and take something from them.

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Works Cited
Elizabethan era. Princeton. N.P., N.D.. Web. May 18
, 2014.
Elizabethan England. Shakespeare Resource Center. N.P., April 30
, 2014. Web. May 18
2014. <>
American Cultural History. Kclibrary. Whitley, Peggy, 1999. Web. May 18
, 2014.
90s Technology. 90s 411. N.P. 2014. Web. May 18
, 2014. <
Theater In The Age Of Shakespeare. English Online. N.P., N.D.. Web. May 18
, 2014

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