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Greater Chicago Club

Managers Association

Annual Meeting
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Inverness Golf Club

Greater Chicago Club Managers Association
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1. Call the Meeting to order

2. Reading of the minutes and verification of quorum
3. Report of the 2009 President
4. Report of the Vice-President/Secretary
5. Report of the Strategic Long Range Planning Committee
6. Report of the Treasurer
7. Report of the Managing Director
8. Report of the Education Committee
9. Report of the Advertising Committee
10. Report of the ECS Committee
11. Report of the Technology Committee
12. Report of the Publicity/Newsletter Committee
13. Report of the Entertainment Committee
14. Report of the Tournament Committee
15. Report of the Membership Committee
16. Report of the Student Development Committee
17. Report of the Wine Committee
18. Report of the Community Involvement Committee
19. Report of the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee
20. Report of the Chicago Club Managers Foundation
21. Old Business
22. New Business
23. Report of the Nominating Committee
24. Election of Officers and Directors
25. Induction of Officers and Directors
26. 2010 President’s Message
27. Adjournment

Greater Chicago Club Managers Association
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Standard Club of Chicago

The Annual Meeting of the Greater Chicago Club Managers Association was held on November
11, 2008 at The Standard Club of Chicago. The following Board Members were in attendance:

David Gould, CCM John Guy Jim Petersen, CCM, CCE

Jim Cardamone, CCM Judy Higgins, CCM Thomas McHugh, CCM

Hal Axelrod, CCM Millie Cadd Janice M. Lorman

Also in attendance was Kinda Schinto, Managing Director and incoming Board Members
Dwight Jenson, CCM, Robert Sergent, CCM, CCE and Morris McCann, CCM.

Absent: Joseph Travaglio, CCM, John Hallberg, Jeff Cohen, CCM, Thomas Barbrow and
Thomas Bartek, CCM.

A quorum was affirmed and the November 2007 Annual Meeting minutes was approved.

David Gould, CCM, President, welcomed everyone. He then introduced the Past Presidents in
attendance Jim Dziekan, CCM, Jim Peterson, CCM, Todd Marsh, CCM, Nancy Slatin,
CCM, Alan Slatin, CCM, Clarence Watson, CCM, Victor Chigas, CCM and Karl
Hallerberg, CCM. He noted that this is the first year the Annual Meeting reports have been sent
in a digital format and that it is a significant saving for the Chapter. He recognized the passing of
Past President Gerald Marlatt, CCM by reading a biography graciously prepared by Past
President Karl Hallerberg. He then asked for a moment of silence. He reported that it has been
a very productive year and that our “business” has not been immune to the economic challenges
that many of our clubs and member’s businesses have faced over the past year. Our Board was
faced with difficult financial decisions balancing the necessity for a fiscal prudence and
responsible budgeting with delivering the quality programs and activities that our Chapter has
come to expect. Overall, this group of volunteers performed far beyond his expectations and he
thanked them all for their time and talent. He then gave a review of his written report. He then
asked that all Chapter members get more involved by attending one of the many Chapter events,
serving on a committee or on the Board.

John Guy, Vice President/Secretary & Strategic Long Range Planning Committee, thanked
all who served on his committee. He noted that the committee continued to follow the path from
the previous year’s committee and then gave a review of the following topics that the committee
concentrated on this year: Role of the Managing Director, Board Member Term Length,
Demographic Study, Partner with Vendors to Offer Club Training Programs, Education,
Formation of a Finance Committee, Recommend Foundation Goals in Distribution of Funds,

Consider/Recommend a Foundation Culinary School Student Scholarship and Fund Hospitality
Faculty to Attend Selected GCCMA Education Events. In addition, a new issue arose earlier in
the year related to the role of vendors with the Chapter. This issue was reviewed and the results
were noted in the written report.

Joseph Travaglio, CCM, Treasurer, was not present. His report was submitted as written.

Kinda Schinto, Managing Director, thanked everyone for attending and for the opportunity to
work for this great Chapter. She noted that a list of her job duties is included in the written report
to offer a better understanding of her position. In addition, a list of projects accomplished this
year are included.

Judy Higgins, CCM, Education Committee, thanked her committee and noted that there were
57.5 educational credits offered this past year. It was noted that the education budget reflects a
negative variance due to lower than budgeted attendance for events. She encouraged everyone to
participate in as many events as possible.

Jim Cardamone, CCM, Advertising Committee, thanked the committee and noted that despite
all the hard work the 2008 Expo had disappointing results compared to 2007, but it was and will
continue to be a profitable event for the Chapter. Due to shortcomings versus the budget the
committee was already making major changes to the 2009 show starting with the venue.

Janice M. Lorman, Executive Career Services, gave a review of her written report and also
gave an update on a few opportunities available within our industry.

Kinda Schinto, Technology Committee, submitted the report as written.

Kinda Schinto, Newsletter Committee, thanked the committee for their hard work to bring
quality issues of The Chapter Communicator throughout the year and especially the proofing
eagle eyes. The goal of the Committee continues to be bringing the Chapter articles with
substance and great photos of our members while at the same time keeping the membership
updated with the many activities of the Chapter.

John Hallberg, Entertainment Committee, was not present. His report was submitted as

Jeff Cohen, Membership Committee, was not present and submitted his report as written.

Millie Cadd, Student Development Committee, thanked her committee and the Scholarship
Committee. She then gave a review of the activities held throughout the year. It was noted that
$16,000 was awarded in scholarships between 12 candidates. She reported that the next National
Student Education Conference will be held on October 31st – November 2nd in Charlotte, North

Hal Axelrod, CCM, Wine Committee, thanked the committee for laying the groundwork for the
direction the committee wants to take. The goals for the year were to increase International Wine
Society membership, set up two wine dinners for the membership in the spring and fall, wine
education for the Chapter and to collect wine for the CMAA annual wine auction at conference.

Thomas McHugh, CCM, Community Involvement Committee, gave a review of his written
report and the three initiatives of the committee.

Jim Peterson, CCM, Legislative and Regulatory Committee Report, submitted his report as

John Spidalette, Foundation President, was not present. Alan Slatin, CCM gave a review of
the written report. He explained the newly approved policy of fund distribution. He noted that
another major change this year was the decision to have the Foundation take the lead in planning
and overseeing the Foundation Golf Outing.

Old Business, there was no old business.

New Business, A motion was made to approve the 2009 budget. It was approved with no

Jim Peterson, CCM, Nominating Committee, the 2009 Board of Directors slate was read. A
motion was made to approve and induct the 2009 slate. They were then asked to come forth. The
induction of the new Board of Directors was read.

David Gould, CCM then introduced the 2009 President, John Guy. He was then asked to
formally take over as the new GCCMA President. He thanked everyone for their support in
electing him as Chapter President. He noted that it is an honor to represent this Chapter because
it is a Chapter that includes some of the finest talent in the club management field and certainly is
one of the flagship Chapters of CMAA. Plaques were presented to the following Board Members
whose tenure was up: Jeff Cohen, CCM, Jim Peterson, CCM, CCE. John Guy then presented
awards and a gift to the outgoing President David Gould and thanked him for his hard work and
commitment to the Board. He then mentioned what role each of the Board Members would be
responsible for in the next year. He encouraged the membership to show their support by signing
up for a committee and attending education and social events. He noted that the strength of the
Chapter is contingent on not so much the Board, but the level of involvement from our Chapter
Members at large. He gave a brief review of how he came to be involved with the GCCMA and
based on what a great experience it has been. He noted that he wished he had been involved with
his previous Chapters where he worked. The four of the main focuses as President will be as
follows: continue the work of the SLRP and the Corporate Partner Program, review the
Education and SLRP to see how we can add value to education, be fiscally prudent during these
challenging economic times and to continue to work with our current Managing Director to
further evolve this role into a true leader as the General Manager is in our clubs. He then closed
by thanking Kinda Schinto for all her work with the Board and his wife Deb for being such a
supportive spouse and wonderful mother. A motion was made to adjourn the 2008 Annual
Meeting. It was approved with no opposition.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kinda Schinto
GCCMA Managing Director

John Guy

It has been my pleasure to serve as President of the Greater Chicago Club Manager’s
Association over the past year. It has been a very productive year for your Board of
Directors, as a result of their dedication, time commitment, and effort to continue our
legacy of being one of the premier Chapters within CMAA.

The club business has been challenged this year by the recession. Yet, your board of
directors, along with Kinda Schinto as our Managing Director, achieved amazing results!
I thank each of them for their time, talent and accomplishments.

Strategic Long Range Planning Committee

Joe Travaglio and the Committee took the lead from the previous year and compiled a
number of action items that reach across many areas of influence throughout the Chapter.
These items include:
1. Opened some dialogue with the Club Chefs Association to ascertain any
potential synergy opportunities between our two organizations.
2. Reviewed the concept of packaging education into dues (in which the result
was to maintain our current separate pricing of dues and education).
3. Review of the Chapter’s vision statement.
4. Consideration of a local, confidential benchmarking survey of operations and
management compensation.
5. Consideration of creating a cookbook to showcase our clubs and chefs.

Finance Committee
Please see the treasurer’s report for more detailed information on the Chapter’s finances.
As a result of some tough decisions last year to balance the budget, as well as a very
successful Expo, the Chapter exceeded its net income budget and prior year.

2009 Expo
This year’s EXPO returned to Drury Lane, where we could take advantage of reduced
costs and increased value to our vendors. The result was increased vendor participation,
more positive feedback about Drury Lane, and net income from EXPO that was above
budget and prior year.

Midwest Regional Education Forum

GCCMA served as host to this year’s Midwest Regional Education Forum. Although
attendance was lower this year, due to the economy, the committee’s efforts and the help
of host clubs should be applauded for a successful event. The quality and value of the
education offered at the Forum were not sacrificed.

Chapter Education

The Chapter Education calendar featured 36 credit hours of education. Tom Barbrow and
his committee compiled unique education offerings that met the challenges we all face in
our so called New Normalcy environment. In addition, the Chapter received a $250
education grant from National as a result of being awarded 2008 Excellence in Education
Report. I hope everyone will commit to attending at least two educational events in

Chapter Entertainment
Highlights this year were not only our holiday party hosted by Bryn Mawr Country Club
and the NRA Reception held at the Mid-America Club, but more smaller and unique “a la
carte” social events that were planned by Morris McCann and his committee. This
concept received a blue ribbon award at CMAA’s National Leadership Conference.

Community Involvement
RIF – Reading is Fundamental, was our continued focus in which book collections took
place at various Chapter events throughout the year. In addition, used golf equipment
was donated to the Chicago Public Schools.

Golf Tournaments
The President-Manager Golf Outing was held at Kemper Lakes Golf Club. Olympia
Fields played host, for the second consecutive year, to another successful Foundation
Golf Outing.

14 new members were welcomed into our Chapter (exclusive of transfers), which
exceeded our national CMAA goal (12) by 2. In addition, a new faculty membership was
provided to Dr. Chris Roberts, the new Dean of DePaul University’s hospitality school.

Our new newsletter format and email communications have received many positive
comments and the new website will be launched soon. The GCCMA newsletter received
a blue ribbon award at CMAA’s National Leadership Conference.

This year, the Foundation board took responsibility for the Golf Outing. In addition, the
boards of the Chapter and the Foundation worked closely together regarding the
consideration of a Corporate Partner Program (CPP) that was discussed in my remarks a
year ago. This effort included a focus group with vendors and chapter members in April,
to understand if a CPP would be the correct program to further support the vendors who
support us. This review continues, as we have had to retain an attorney for advice as to
how such a program would work with the different tax status of our two organizations.

Finally, I would like to thank Kinda Schinto. Kinda has been the backbone of our
success. She has handled increased responsibilities with great success and makes our
board (especially myself) look great to National and you. Kinda touches everything we

do, keeps us on track, and provides steady oversight to the management of our Chapter.
Kinda, job well done.

Involvement is the key to the success of our Chapter. Think of how you can be involved
- - attend an education session, join a committee, and consider serving on the board. I
promise you that you will gain more than what you put in.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your 2008-2009 President.

John Guy

Joseph Travaglio, CCM

I would like to thank the following SLRP Committee Members for all their time and
commitment to GCCMA this past year;
Jim Cardamone, CCM, Lori Castro, David Coughlin, CCM, Mike Drury, John
Guy, Jim Kravcik, CCM, Nick Mokelke, CCM, Robert Nelson, CCM and Kinda
The Committee began the year focused on the Vision Statement of GCCMA. The Vision
Statement’s original objective, by the year 2009 we will have achieved “the Hallmark of
Success by. . .” as listed below. David Coughlin, CCM, the first chairman of the SLRP
Committee guided us through the key result areas of the Long Range Plan to assist in
identifying the past and current accomplishments of the Association. It was determined
that Greater Chicago Club Managers Association has indeed achieved its vision as
intended. Although the process was by and large objective, the accomplishments of
GCCMA over the last five years are numerous and undisputable.
Our next goal was to determine the future vision for our Association. We believed that
the Vision Statement outlines how our organization wants the world in which it operates
to be, concentrates on the future, is a source of inspiration and provides for a clear
decision-making criteria. The Committee and the Board of Directors agreed that the
current Vision Statement achieves all of the above. Therefore, our new vision statement;
GCCMA'S Mission Statement
"Greater Chicago Club Managers Association . . .
* Advances professional and social relationships
*Creates success through education"
GCCMA Vision Statement
"By 2009, t “ The Greater Chicago Club Managers Association will achieve
the Hallmark of Success by. . .
*Applying best business and organizational practices
*Embracing diversity and sharing resources
*Facilitating participation
*Offering cutting edge professional development programs"
We viewed the Strategic Long Range Plan as a living document that must be reviewed
and updated with the times. The current economic climate for example prompted new

goals for the chapter as outlined below. The Committee established the following
accomplishments/goals in concert with the Mission and Vision of GCCMA:
Executive Career Services: A recommendation was made to the Board of Directors to
expand our current program to include a GCCMA employment referral service package
to be sent directly to the Club with an opening. Further, to develop an employment center
section on the website for both GCCMA Members and potential employers. The
expanded services are in an effort to assist GCCMA members and employers in their
search directly for a nominal fee.

Value of Membership: In recent years our association has experienced colleagues who
incurred overwhelming expenses due to a medical hardship of a family member or
themselves. The committee has been discussing the development of a revenue source
similar to the Grounds Superintendents “Wee One Foundation”. The Foundation hosts a
Golf Outing once per year raising funds that directly benefit Superintendents and their
families in need. This idea has been submitted to the Club Foundation for consideration.
Considering the current economic climate, the committee also considered proposing
additional benefits for a GCCMA membership similar to our Allied Associations
retirement plans and life/disability insurance.
Self Image: “The identity and image of a professional association are among its most
important assets. The Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) depends upon a
strong name and reputation for success. To protect and enhance our brand and
reputation, it is vitally important to be consistent in how CMAA is presented to members,
prospective members, allied associations, industry vendors, the media, government and
all others associated with CMAA.” The enhancement of our local and national
association’s image has been a controversial topic of discussion for several years. CMAA
made it clear at the recent Legislative Conference that the protection and promotion of
our image is up to the local chapters.
The Committee felt this to be a very important subject considering the times and also
how our Allied Associations, in particular the PGA, is encouraging clubs to hire PGA
Professionals as their General Managers and also encouraging the PGA members to attain
General Manager positions through their enhanced educational offerings. We have
recommended that the GCCMA Board place an emphasis on this area and consider
working with local organizations such as the CDGA monthly magazine and local papers.
The Club Foundation’s recent scholarships and charitable contributions would be a good
example of self promotion.

GCCMA Operations and Compensation Survey: One of the best tools in a Club
Manager’s arsenal is a benchmarking survey. Unfortunately, the past year we have been a
part of mass misinformation provided by several outside sources. Many of these sources
provided this misinformation directly to our club memberships. The Committee has been
investigating the potential of an all encompassing survey that would be sponsored by
GCCMA and conducted by an outside source. We hope to have the particulars by year’s

Dues and Education: The Committee was appointed to review the current dues structure
and fully funding education. A survey was completed comparing other chapter’s dues and
funding education. The survey indicated that GCCMA was one of the top chapters with a
large educational budget. The recommendation to the Board was to educate our
membership, the majority of the dues currently go towards their education and most
events are merely charging for Food & Beverage; in effect we are funding education.
Alternate Fundraising: Kinda Schinto raised the idea to publish a cook book that
showcases GCCMA Clubs, their chefs and their specialty recipes. It would be marketed
as contributing to our charity of choice, the Club Chef’s Association and the Club
Manager’s Association. It could be sold in all the clubs.

Respectively submitted by Joseph Travaglio, CCM


James Cardamone, CCM

Fortunately, due to a strong EXPO and good cost controls by each Committee Chair as
well as Kinda Schinto, the 2009 fiscal year is going to end on a positive note. Through
September 30, 2009 the chapter has realized a net profit of $11,531 versus a year end
budgeted profit of $528. These numbers are greatly improved over our 2008 numbers
which ended with a ($35,000) net loss. The 2009 EXPO proved to be the largest
difference maker coming in at $7,284 profit better than our original budgeted numbers.

Statement of Activities
[Based on 11 months actual and 1 month forecast]

Key Highlights compared to prior year:

 Income before Operations (Dues and Interest) experienced approximately a
$1,500 increase.
 Operations are up $11,000 due to the Expo net result and savings in Chapter
 Administration experienced a $2,000 decrease in expenses.

Balance Sheet
[As of 9/30/08]

Current Assets total $106,482.76. Cash in bank is $37,485.05 compared to $28,491.41

last year. The Chapter Investment CD has a current value of $61,502.43 that has been set
aside for a rainy day.

[FYE 2010]

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors believed it to be our fiduciary

responsibility to submit to its members a balanced budget for 2010. The 2010 Budget is
submitted reflecting basically a breakeven which can be accomplished by assessing a
three percent dues increase.

The Board of Directors recognizes that in order to maintain a base level of education,
social events and membership communications and submit a balanced budget, a dues
increase is necessary.

On the expense side of the budget equation, it is important to point out that the Board
unanimously agreed to maintain our chapter’s vision and continue to provide excellent
education with the assistance and leadership of a Managing Director. To this point,

education and administrative expenses were left at the 2009 operating levels. The holiday
party annual subsidy was reduced to $6k as the type and location of the party are still
being discussed.

A $2k subsidy has been put back into place for the NRA Reception that will tie in with
the NCA Conference to be held in Chicago in 2010. The Board approved the retainer of
Wolf & Company to complete a year-end audit per our bylaws.

I would like to thank Kinda Schinto and Robin Starnes, our bookkeeper for all their hard
work and dedication to our Chapter. I also would like to thank the membership and Board
of Directors for all their support and for the privilege and honor to serve. A special thank
you goes out to John Guy and Joe Travaglio, CCM for a great year of working with you.

James Cardamone, CCM

Kinda Schinto

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is an honor to work for this great association. Each year I continue to
be amazed at the extraordinary people who make up our membership and Board of Directors.
Every single person on this Board brings great individual strengths, talents, professionalism and
ideas. Sitting in the room at the education seminar last Tuesday I had a realization of how
incredible the amount of knowledge and power that was contained by the attendees within that
one room. Most impressive is the fact that these people do not settle for what they know today.
They continue to want to learn, be better at, to stay ahead of, to mentor, to make a difference, to
ask the what ifs and the why not, to not settle and to be the dreamers and engineers of the future
of club management.

The following is a summary of challenges and accomplishments from this year:

In 2008 I conducted a survey of which chapters had Corporate Partner Programs. Together the
Committee reviewed the various materials and put together a proposal for a CPP of our own. In
2009 a group of vendors and members that represented a broad spectrum were invited to attend a
focus group regarding the CPP. The vendors were honored that we included them and valued
their opinion. Only positive comments were the result of this meeting as it was felt to be a win –
win situation for both. This endeavor is awaiting legal review.

A considerable amount of time was spent working with the MREF Committee, securing
sponsorships, taking reservations and helping to administer all the various tasks that go into
hosting a conference. Again, I am impressed with the amount of time our members volunteer and
the consistent undertone of never settling for less than a first class event.

I have spent two years fully involved with orchestrating the Expo. As current and previous
chairman know it is a huge, job threatening undertaking for the Chair of this event. I am happy to
do everything possible to make this project easier for them. Being the go-to person is helping to
make things more consistent and create better time management as we don’t have to re-create
each aspect. Building vendor relationships is key to the success of this event. In the present
economy a great deal of time and patience is needed to lend a shoulder and an ear to our vendors
and let them know we understand their frustrations and concerns.

My weeks are filled with committee meetings. As you know meetings are time consuming.
Knowing what is going on within each committee, avoiding conflicts and offering past history to
make better decisions from makes it well worth the effort.

One of the major changes in my contract for this year was to be fully involved with the budgeting
and financial processes. I believe this was an important and needed change which will benefit the
Chapter in the long run with my position being the one constant.

32 chapters now have Managing Directors. We meet on our own at the National Conference and
LLC as well as attend a formal meeting held at LLC by the CMAA staff. Each year we find there
just isn’t enough time to discuss all the issues we would like; let alone pick each other’s brains
and steal all the ideas we can. We have just begun to hold a monthly conference call that will

have a different topic each time. Such as foundations, certification, corporate partner
programs. . .

I continue to pass on my random thoughts and ideas regarding our Chapter in hopes that one
might ignite. I encourage everyone to send your ideas to us. Big or small it could make a
difference! This Chapter is responsible for many firsts. We played host to the first National
Conference in 1927, the first Assistant Managers Conference and the first National Student
Education Conference. All of which have gone on to be implemented into annual CMAA events.
We continue to forge the path as leaders in our industry. Our two first place wins at the LLC are
just another reminder of this.

Thank you once again for allowing me the privilege to manage the Greater Chicago Club
Managers Association of America.

“Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kinda Schinto
GCCMA Managing Director

Tom Barbrow

I would like to thank my fellow Education Committee members, Brian Carlson, Fred Fletcher,
Kate Newton, Susan Sheahan, Gavin Spears and co-chair, Dwight Jenson for their efforts and
commitment to chapter education. And most of all, thanks to Kinda Schinto for her stalwart
support, assistance and good counsel throughout the year.

GCCMA chapter members were offered ten programs and 36 educational credits from November
2008 through October 2009. Events included, Leadership in the Workplace, Points of Profit,
Lake Sonoma Wine Luncheon, Seminar on Employment Law, CDGA Workshop, and Email
Marketing and Survey Solutions last fall and winter, Midwest Regional Education Forum in
the spring and finally, Difficult Communications this fall.

Financially, chapter education is performing better than planned due in part to a Foundation
subsidy grant to help defer expenses from the Ron Yudd “Points of Profit” event for 86 attendees
back in January.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Barbrow, Education Committee Chairman

Thomas P. Bartek, CCM

On March 9th 2009 the GCCMA Expo returned to Drury Lane in Oakbrook to the delight
of both vendors and attendees alike. As reported in 2008, many felt that the Schaumburg
venue lacked the intimacy required to bring about the relationships our vendors were
looking to achieve. Thanks to the many vocal parties involved, the committee decided,
what in hindsight resulted in a stellar decision to return to Drury Lane.

In my first year as Chair of the Expo, I was blessed with a wonderful committee of
dedicated professionals to help in this task. Personal thanks to my Co-Chair Jan Lorman
and committee members Dan Cook, Paul Keith, Juan Aguilar, John Brennan and Jeff
Plain for serving as part of the committee. In addition, I want to recognize several
volunteers from my Club who gave up their day to help out; Yohlie Irlandez, Brenda
Prozanski, Debbie O’Connor and Ismael Rosas. Finally, a special thanks to Kinda
Schinto for guiding us through the details of the event. Your help and attention to detail
made this day all that it could be.

Results of our efforts this year were fruitful in many ways. Financially - the Expo had a
bottom line of better than $70,000 that will be used to fund the many educational and
social activities offered to our members. Vendor Support - we welcomed back almost
70% of our vendors from past years and were able to introduce our membership to 31
new service providers. GCCMA Support - we had a better than expected turnout of
managers and support staff who commented positively on the experience of the day and
the quality of the presenting vendors.

The 2010 Expo will be held on Monday, March 8 and will be better than last year. The
committee has already met twice and is actively recruiting vendors for this year’s event.
As we are only looking for the best and proven service providers, we are asking our
membership to let us know of any “Great” vendors that they use and would like to share
with the rest of us. The goal of this committee is not to fill booths, but to fill them with
the best providers in the industry which will best support our membership and their
Clubs. Early registration discounts are being offered and improvements to all aspects of
the Expo experience are being instituted including the roster book, which will be
available for pick-up at the Expo this year.

Thank you for the opportunity to Chair this wonderful event and I look forward to the
2010 year with great anticipation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thomas P. Bartek, CCM

2009 Advertising Chair

Janice M. Lorman

The Executive Career Services Committee serves as a liaison to those interested in

seeking employment opportunities within the local Chapter, as well as exploring the
national job market. The committee has also evolved into a contact source for recruiting
companies to locate position openings for their clients. By communicating local non-
senior management staff openings, via e-mail or the chapter web site, it enables area
clubs to attract qualified candidates and offer many of our members the possibilities of
advancing their careers.

For the manager who has lost his position with his club, the committee serves as support
with information regarding services still available and covered under their chapter
membership. Clubs are also contacted, informing them of the advantages of first looking
within our chapter for qualified club managers, before seeking persons outside this
specialty field. With the assistance of the Managing Director, Kinda Schinto, the
Managing Director, the Chapter is currant regarding position movement and openings.
Kinda’s efforts are invaluable in communicating any position information to the ECS

This year, our club business was facing a difficult period with positions available. Clubs
were releasing managers and either not replacing the position or utilizing lower level
employees to cover the immediate management duties, with Board members covering the
major management decisions.

There were 28 position postings with 20 received from clubs located out of state. There
were inquiries from 5 out of state managers seeking relocation to the Chicago area.

The ECS position for the Greater Chicago Club Manager Association is a wonderful
opportunity to observe and learn about the personnel changes within the chapter. It
provides an overview of the goals and talents of our members matched with the
requirements and expectations of the clubs seeking professionals to manage their

Janice M. Lorman 2009 ECS Chairman

Robert Sergent, CCM, CCE
The Technology Committee met several times this year. A quick start guide was
completed and submitted to Clubessential to begin the process of building our new

Pictures were requested from the membership to be included in the new site. We are still
accepting clubhouse, golf course, fitness center, wedding shots or anything that you think
will complement the website.

The goal for the new site is to include much more information on the public side of the
site. We want perspective members, students, job seekers and vendors to be able to
access as much information about our chapter as possible. The following is an outline of
what you will find on the new public side of the website:


Who is the GCCMA
Local Job Postings - How to post a job posting
Out of Area Job Postings
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Allied Associations and links
Join GCCMA -Transfer Application, dues, New Member Application

Student Chapters
Student Membership
Alumnus Membership
Scholarships – rules and application
Past Scholarship Winners

How to get involved
Preferred Vendor Lists & Links
Corporate Partner Program
Tradeshow Information

Once the layout of the website was designed a project kickoff meeting was held to
discuss communication goals, brand identity (logos, color palette, fonts, and textures),
navigation and usability, imagery, page layout and website dimension.

A few alternative looks were designed and presented to us. With committee and Board
input we finalized the design.

We are at the content upload stage now. This will be a main focus for the incoming
Technology Committee. It will be a great new look with easier functionality once
complete. We thank you in advance for your patience as we work to finalize this project.

Robert Sergent, CCM, CCE

The goal of the Newsletter committee for 2009 was one of continuous improvement of
our GCCMA publication, The Chapter Communicator. Under the direction of Managing
Director Kinda Schinto the Bi-monthly publication received National recognition. A blue
ribbon was presented to the Chapter for the Newsletter entry in the Leadership
Conference Idea Fair.

The addition of Graphic Designer Sue Mihalovic and the transition to the electronic
magazine style format was very well received by Members and Vendors alike.

Funding for these improvements is provided through Business Card Vendor

advertisements in the publication. Member involvement in the solicitation of Vendor
support for this initiative is encouraged and appreciated. Business card sized Ads are in
limited supply and are currently available for $500.00 for 6 issues.

A real effort has been made to provide our members an interesting, timely and attractive
electronic publication and we would like you to consider providing noteworthy content
which your fellow GCCMA members may find interesting and enjoyable.

Members are encouraged to submit articles for consideration. Articles over 750 words
are eligible for 2 Association Activity credits towards CCM, Honor Society, CCE, or
MCM designations.

Special thanks to the GCCMA Board of Directors for supporting our plans for
improvement and to Newsletter committee members Jan Lorman, Kyra Poulos, Wendy
Bailey, and Chad Schultenover for their dedicated service.

Robert E. Sergent, CCM, CCE


Morris McCann, CCM, Chairman
Hal Axelrod, CCM – Co-Chair
Katz Newton, CCM
Lisa Essi
Joyce Halama, CCM
Bill Skelnik

It was a fun and exciting year for the Entertainment Committee starting off the year with
the Winter Holiday party hosted by Tom Bartek at the beautiful Bryn Mawr Country
Club. Then we began our all new Social a la Carte Programs which were very successful,
enjoyed by everyone and brought us a winning blue ribbon home from the Leadership

 Crystal Blue Holiday Party

Sunday, January 11, 2009, Bryn Mawr CC
79 guests @ $150 each
Event over budget by $2,390.45

 Cross Country Skiing

Monday, February 2, 2009
Had 6 skiers.
Apres Ski - Mickey Finn total of 10 showed up for food and fun.

 Millennium Park Family Ice Skate

Sunday, February 22, 2009
The 20 managers and family that came out had a wonderful time on the ice
and dined at the Gage Restaurant on Michigan Avenue.

 South Carolina Golf Trip, March 12

Four Club Mangers battled it out with the alligators.

 Post Mother’s Day Buffet at the Four Seasons

Monday, May 11, 2009
We had a table of 7 giving tribute to their mothers.

 NRA Recession Reception

Monday, May 18, 2009, Mid America Club
We had a modest yet festive group of 25/30 then finished off the evening
activities at the Gage.

 WGA Amateur Reception

Thursday, August 6, 2000 hosted by Todd Marsh at Conway Farms
A beautiful afternoon with 15 Managers in attendance.

 Road America – Wisconsin
Sunday, August 16, 2009
2 Managers and family attended their spectacular display of high speed.
This is a great venue and exciting event.

 Cog Hill BMW Championship

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hosted by Nick Mokelke. The renovated Dubs Dred took the spot light
this week.

Hal Axelrod, CCM – Chairman Tournament Committee
Todd Marsh, CCM – Chairman Chicago Club Managers Foundation Golf Outing

The Tournament Committee had a very successful year planning the President/Manager
golf outing and assisting with the Foundation Golf Outing.

We want to thank Janet Dobson and her staff at Kemper Lakes Golf Club for hosting the
President/Manager golf outing. The weather was perfect, the course in mid season form
and the food spectacular. Winners of the various divisions are as follows.

1st place President/Manager – River Forest Country Club

2nd place President/Manager – Cog Hill Golf Club

1st place 2 Best Balls of Foursome – Conway Farms Golf Club and Skokie Country Club
2nd place 2 Best Balls of Foursome – Midlothian Country Club

Closest to the Pin for Presidents – Ken Weiss, Twin Orchard Country Club
Closest to the Pin for All – Dan Charlton, Evanston Country Club

Long Drive Presidents – De Mudd, Conway Farms Golf Club

Long Drive for All – Trey Robbins, Flossmoor Country Club

Thanks again for all those that were able to attend this event. It’s a great time spent
networking with your Presidents and Boards away from work. We look forward to seeing
more of you next season.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for all involved with the Greater Chicago
Club Managers Foundation Golf Outing at Olympia Fields Country Club. Without the
support of our Vendor Partners and our chapter members, we would not have achieved
the success and camaraderie of the outing. We raised over $50,000 dollars to support our
scholarship process for students majoring in hospitality in Club Management, The
Autism Society of Illinois and the First Tee of Chicago. Thank you to all for your care
and support.

We had a great attendance with 240 golfers and 250 for the dinner portion. We want to
thank Russell Ruscigno and his staff at Olympia Fields Country Club for hosting a
tremendous golf outing. The weather was perfect; both courses were in great condition.
The food and wine was spectacular. Congratulations to the following winners of the

South Course Results

1st Place:-14 (58) Harris Golf Cars Guests

2nd Place:-14 (58) Marc Raymond, Mark Rudins, Mayno Lutekhans, Andy Dauksas, Mike
Metcalf Tim Connors

Longest Drive Hole #10: Hal Axelrod

Closest to the Pin Hole #3: Marty Kene

North Course Results

1st Place:-15 (56) Mike Murphy, Jon Bailey, Roger Cole, Steve Kashul
JR Rudgers

2nd Place:-11 (60) Troy Becker, Steve Mason, Jim Williamson, James Petersen
Jeff Paeth, Rick Dewling

Longest Drive Hole #1: Pete Kiraly

Closest to the Pin Hole #13: Tom O’Malley

We deeply value your support and we look forward to sharing this magnificent
opportunity with you next year on September 13th, 2010 at the renovated 36 holes of golf
at Twin Orchard Country Club in Long Grove, IL

Report submitted by Judy Higgins, CCM
With two months remaining in the membership year, the Greater Chicago Chapter has
exceeded our new member recruitment goal of twelve, which is set by the National

1. William O’Malley – Palos Country Club
2. Jessica Trzop – Kemper Lakes Golf Club
3. Tom Walberg – The Chicago Club
4. Kenneth Vranek – Rolling Green Country Club
5. Belisario (Billy) Castillo – Northmoor Country Club
6. Dennis Fisher – Kishwaukee Country Club
7. Frank Vignocchi – Shoreacres Country Club
8. Thomas Birmingham – Flossmoor Country Club
9. Dale Klein – Bryn Mawr Country Club
10. Adam Nickerson – Olympia Fields Country Club
11. Mike Farmer – Naperville Country Club
12. Hilary Kowaleski – Naperville Country Club
13. Abdon Garay – Glen Oak Country Club
14. Michael Mischeck – Sand Creek Country Club

1. Dr. Chris Roberts – DePaul University

1. Gary Behan, CCM, CCE – Country Club of Peoria
2. Brian Silver – The Mid America Club
3. Nathaniel Mather – Bull Valley Golf Club
4. Michael Leising – Exmoor Country Club
5. John M. Peterson – Youche Country Club
6. Jonathan M. Kruse – The Winter Club of Lake Forest
7. Marcus Bright – Pottawattomie Country Club

2009 2008 2007
Active 128 120 124
Provisional 27 45 50
Retire 12 8 8
Honorary 13 13 13

Surviving Spouse 2 3 4
Associate 1 2 1
Faculty 2 1 0
Non-Resident 11 13 11
Continue-Unemployed 6 4 0
Alumnus 4 4 0
Student 1
Total Members 207 213 211

Number of CCM’s 65 62 57
CCE’s 3
MCM’s 1 1

Millie Cadd

Millie Cadd – Rolling Green CC – Chair
Judy Higgins – Valley Lo Club – Co-Chair
Jan Lorman – Ridge CC
Mike Drury - Shoreacres
Marc Raymond – Glen Oak CC
Paul Keith - Northmoor
Corbin Boyt – Medinah CC
Tom Slepicka
Fred Fletcher

 Monday, May 18th - Mid-America Club Reception

We only had around 15 interns present for the reception. This was much lower than in years past.
I was able to collect their email addresses and contact information. I have been communicating
with many interns via email.

 Monday, June 22nd - Vendor Tour in the Northwest Suburbs – Sysco, Wirtz Beverage, Dave
and Busters

We had 13 students in attendance for this event. Todd, from Sysco, did an excellent job. He
spoke about the changing economy and how it effects menu planning, budgets, etc… Wirtz also
allowed us a special tour inside the packing facility. This was a great tour! Afterwards we
decided to go to Dave and Busters for some games and fun! Overall, the event was great.

 Monday July 6th - City Club Tour - The University Club and The Union League Club

As of Friday, July 3rd, we only had 6 interns signed up. I chose to cancel the event. I felt that it
would be an imposition on both clubs and their managers to host us with such a small group. I
also understand that the students that were coming were being “forced” into the tour. I hope to
reschedule this tour for next year.

Friday July 10th was the deadline for scholarship applications. We had 11 applicants. We
conducted interviews at Rolling Green Country Club on Wednesday, July 22, 2009. We were able
to distribute $20,600. We gave $20,000 in scholarship monies. These checks have been cut and
sent directly to each individual’s school. The committee included:

Mike Drury
Joseph Travaglio
Jim Kravcik
Millie Cadd
Jan Lorman
Sharon Meyer

 Monday, August 3rd - Scholarship award ceremony at Michigan Shores Club

We had 23 people attend. We had a lovely spread from Michigan Shores and a great day! There
were 8 of the 11 recipients present. John Spidalette offered an introduction and we followed with
awards. Each student was awarded a certificate and a CMAA shoulder bag (Jan Lorman). David
Coughlin gave a tremendous tour of the club. We finished the day with refreshments and bowling.
Thank you Michigan Shores!

The Following Students were awarded a scholarship:

Robert Anderson – Glen Oak CC – Northern Illinois University - $500

Stephen Hiuzenga – Flossmoor CC – Illinois State University - $500
Christopher Sealander – Rolling Green Country Club – Ferris State University - $500
Courtney Schejbal – Medinah CC - University of Central Florida - $1000
Sarah Sawasky – Milwaukee CC – University of Wisconsin Stout - $1000
Jared Love – Rolling Green Country Club – Ferris State University - $1000
Jennifer Kurland – The Union League Club of Chicago – Northern Illinois Univ. - $2500
Anna Worthington – Evanston Golf Club – Cornell University - $2500
Bailey Miller – Milwaukee Athletic Club – Kansas State University - $2500
Samantha Ellison - The Ivanhoe Club – Kansas State University - $3000
Dominika Guerra – The Ivanhoe Club – Kansas State University - $5000

 Establish a date to conduct a meet and greet reception for all of our local hospitality schools. We
plan on inviting the faculty and students who are interested in CMAA and club management. I
have already spoken with John Spidalette about hosting the reception at his club in the early
months of 2010. A small committee will be formed for this event. We will conduct a planning
meeting soon.

 Discuss the thought of naming a scholarship after John Spidalette. He was the first recipient of the
scholarship from GCCMAA.

John Hallberg

The committee will be targeting GCCMA members for membership into the IWS. We are
pursuing a February 2010 a wine luncheon with the wine maker of Kenwood Estates.

We are beginning our efforts to collect wine for the annual auction held during World
Conference. Our chapter helps contribute substantially to the auction. We are asking our
chapter members to check their wine cellars for slow moving bottles they might want to
donate to the auction. So please dust off some of your bottles and donate them for a good

John Hallberg
2009 Wine Committee Chair

Thomas McHugh, CCM

I. Golf Equipment Donation

During the month of May, club managers, in conjunction with golf professionals
and club managers, collected used golf equipment for the benefit of the Chicago
Public Schools golf teams. Over 200 clubs were donated and we are in the
process of collecting them for distribution.

II. Reading Program

At the 2009 Greater Chicago Club Managers Association Expo, new books were
collected for the Reading is Fundamental program. This program provides
children with the opportunity to choose books to read and keep. It is an ongoing
program and has been well received.


Thomas F. McHugh, CCM

General Manager
Park Ridge Country Club
636 N. Prospect Avenue
Park Ridge, IL 60068
847-823-3340 (direct)


David Gould, CCM

There was no report.

John Spidalette, Foundation President

There was no report.

David Gould, CCM
I would like to thank Paul Geallis, CCM, Bill Duy, CCM and Jeff Cohen, CCM for
serving on the Nominating Committee this year.

The Committee considered 25 candidates for the Board of Directors, conducted

individual phone interviews with 11 candidates and conducted a group interview with the
7 finalist. The Committee also considered candidates both on the current Board and
individuals who had previously served on the Board for the position of Treasurer. After
completing this process the Nominating Committee recommends the election of the
following individuals:

Officers 2010
Joseph Travaglio, CCM - President
Inverness Golf Club

James Cardamone, CCM - Vice President/Secretary

Northmoor Country Club

Thomas Bartek, CCM - Treasurer

Bryn Mawr Country Club

For a Three-Year Term Expiring 2012

Marc Raymond, CCM
Glen Oak Country Club

Mike Drury

Brian Carlson, CCM

Royal Melbourne Country Club

For a One-Year Term Expiring 2010

Tom Slepicka
Ruth Lake Country Club

The Committee was also asked by the Board of Directors to begin preliminary
discussions on potential candidates to represent the Greater Chicago Chapter on the
CMAA National Board. At this point and time, no candidates have been approached to
run for office. If you are interested or feel strongly about a fellow manager being
considered as a candidate, please contact GCCMA Managing Director Kinda Schinto

Respectfully Submit,

David Gould, CCM

Cress Creek Country Club


Be sure to sign up for any committee that you would like to get involved
with. Your GCCMA Board of Directors truly values your ideas and input.
We look forward to working with all the 2010 committees.

If you would like to host an event in 2010 please sign the

form on the registration table.

If you have not had your picture taken yet please take a moment to do so.
This picture will be in our newly designed roster book.
You will also receive a copy to be used at your discretion.

We thank you for attending the meeting this evening!

Please join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed by dinner


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