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Ameiican Cultuie

Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan
Nateiial mouifieu fiom: "The values Ameiicans Live by" By Robeit Kohls
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1.) When you think of the "equality," what comes to minu.

2.) What uo you think equality means foi the people in a univeisity, a city,
anu a countiy.

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Equality is, foi Ameiicans, one of theii most /0*#,10*+ values. This
concept is so impoitant foi Ameiicans that they have even given it a #*2,.,3&1
4"1,1. They say all people have been "cieateu equal." Nost Ameiicans believe
that uou views all humans alike without #*."#+ to intelligence, physical
conuition oi economic status. In 1*/&2"# teims this belief is tianslateu into the
asseition that all people have an equal oppoitunity to succeeu in life. Ameiicans
uiffei in opinion about how to make this iueal into a ieality. Yet 5,#6&"227 all
agiee that equality is an impoitant civic anu social goal. The equality concept
often makes Ameiicans seem stiange to foieign visitois.
Seven-eighths of the woilu feels quite uiffeiently. To them, #"-8 "-+
16"6&1 anu authoiity aie seen as much moie uesiiable consiueiations -- even if
they peisonally happen to finu themselves neai the bottom of the social oiuei.
92"11 "-+ "&603#,67 seem to give people in those othei societies a sense of
secuiity anu ceitainty. People outsiue the 0niteu States consiuei it ieassuiing to
know, fiom biith, who they aie anu wheie they fit into the complex system calleu
Nany highly-placeu foieign visitois to the 0niteu States aie ,-1&26*+ by
the way they aie tieateu by seivice peisonnel (such as waiteis in iestauiants,
cleiks in stoies, taxi uiiveis, etc.) (Infoimality) Ameiicans have an "5*#1,3- to
tieating people of high position in a +*:*#*-6,"2 mannei, anu conveisely, often
tieat lowei class people as if they weie veiy impoitant. Newcomeis to the 0niteu
States shoulu iealize that no insult oi peisonal inuignity is intenueu by this lack
of +*:*#*-/* to iank oi position in society. A foieignei shoulu be piepaieu to be
consiueieu "just like anybouy else" while in the countiy.

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S.) When you meet a peison that is famous, oi iich, uo they expect you to
tieat them uiffeiently.
a. When you meet someone who is pooiei that you, uo you expect
them to tieat you uiffeiently.

4.) In Koiea cultuie, how impoitant is social status.
a. Bow is that social status maue. (Foi example, is it baseu on youi
paients wealth. What you accomplish. The kinus of clothes you

S.) Equality is one of the most impoitant values of Ameiica. Is it also tiue foi
Ameiican Cultuie
Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan
Nateiial mouifieu fiom: "The values Ameiicans Live by" By Robeit Kohls

6.) Ameiicans all agiee that equality is impoitant, but uisagiee on how to
make this a ieality. In Koiea touay theie aie many foieign woikeis, theie
aie still many pooi people, anu theie is a big pioblem of getting young
giauuates jobs. What uo you think people shoulu uo to make Koiea "moie

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