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The Ei gh t y – Thr ee

Volume 5, No. 2
October 2009
Area 83 Archives Newsletter

Stay a little longer, try a little harder,
October 2009
don’t leave before the miracle happens
gent work in collecting and recording his
How many times were these words history in A.A. The thousands of pieces
Inside this issue: heard in meeting after meeting where of correspondence, records, photographs,
Bob D. was. Known and loved by many cards, newspaper and magazine articles
for his eloquence, Bob spent 30 years at he collected demonstrate his great love
the Fellowship Group in Toronto and passion for the Fellowship. And the
Bob D.’s collection 1
(District 22) after which he spent the hundreds of thank you cards he received
remaining years of life in Barrie. He show the feeling was mutual. In the first
1948 Peterborough 2-3
was known to have kept a record of binder that was opened up there were
Examiner clippings every meeting he ever attended in his cards from his one year anniversary
over 40 years of sobriety. One of his with signatures from Marg M., Pete W.,
closest companions was Butch M. who and many more whose names we hear
traveled just about everywhere Bob almost reverently mentioned by our long
did—and Bob was everywhere. When timers
Bob passed away a few years back on
June 10, 2004, his family entrusted Even our wise ‘oldtimers’ were young
Wives Groups
Butch with what turned out to be an once and Bob was very involved in the
extensive collection of AA keepsakes. initial conferences and meetings of
Butch held onto these for awhile before Young People in AA. He has an exten-
Upcoming Events 4 he felt it was time to finally let go of sive collection of flyers, agendas and
these treasures. Bob was a very active badges from these early conventions
member for many years of the Archives along with many letters and cards from
- Hamilton Committee in Toronto so it was a natu- fellow attendees.
- Ottawa ral choice for these to be placed into the
- Toronto care of that AA Archives repository. No Bob’s commitment to service was legen-
one had any idea about the extent to dary and, as such, his collection is also
Ottawa Archives 4 which Bob went to record his life in AA. filled with thousands of articles, minutes
and announcements from the innumer-
4 The collection of over 30 binders re- able committees he served on.
From the Chair
quired special attention so a new volun- This desire to preserve a historical re-
teer was recruited to go through the cord for future generations is a tremen-
binders and begin the painstaking proc- dous gift and one that has provided us
Contributions to “The Eighty Three ess of conserving, preserving, filing and with another window into our past. The
” should be sent to: cataloguing these. All meticulously filed process of logging and recording the the many binders that stretch from 1956 many thousands of documents will take
to 2004 make it very evident that ‘Bobby a fair amount of time but it is a job that
D.’ was someone who loved to participate we feel honoured to have and eager to
See the Archivist’s Blog: in all aspects of the Fellowship and we do. Adam F.
are greatly indebted to him for his dili-
Page 2 The Eighty – Three

From 1948 Peterborough Examiner

From the Personals in the Thursday, April 1, 1948

Peterborough Examiner. It’s entirely possible that
these ads precede April 1, 1948. More research is re-

From the Thursday, May 27, 1948 Peterborough Examiner.

From the Friday, October 1, 1948 Peterborough Examiner.

From the Friday, October 15, 1948 Peterborough Exam-

iner. There was no mention of the October 17 Open
Meeting in the Peterborough Examiner before or after
that date. These Open Meetings were very important in
exposing the public to the AA message. As AA in Can-
ada was first established in Toronto, it was speakers
from there that helped “carry the message.” As noted in
the letter from Reginald C. to the AA Service Office,
over 800 people attended an Open Meeting in London,
ON, just prior to October 14, 1948. There was much
news on an Ontario-wide power shortage and subse-
quent power saving regulations that actually had busi-
nesses closed for days at a time in Ontario. Might this
have affected the meeting date or was it just not publi-
cized in the Examiner? Again, more research is re-
Volume 5, No. 2 Page 3

“Wives Groups” — The Pass It On Project in Ontario South

Mary Jane, the Archives Coordinator for Al-Anon’s “Lois Wilson was one of the 20th century's most
Area 86 Ontario South writes that her real under- important women. Her life has been somewhat
standing of her responsibilities began when she was overshadowed by that of her husband, but, in re-
invited to attend the 3rd Annual AA Area 83 Archives cent years, she has emerged more visible than be-
Workshop in Kingston in 2008 and the 12th Annual fore for her unique contribution to humanity. It is
Archives Workshop in Niagara Falls in that same through her tireless efforts and vision that Al-
year. The support and willingness given to Al-Anon Anon is the strong organization it is today and why
archives in Area 86 by the AA Area 83 Archivist has it continues to attract members through its
been great. With a territory that stretches north to message of hope and renewal.” (From The Story of
Parry Sound, south to Lake Ontario, east to Kingston Lois Wilson). When Lois and Bill came to Toronto
and west to Sarnia and 32 districts, the collection of in 1948 they met with the Toronto Wives Group
history is no small task. Mary Jane has instituted a and they talked about how the women were meet-
program called PROJECT PASS IT ON that is col- ing to help themselves. It was this meeting with
lecting oral histories, longtimer questionnaires, and the Toronto Wives Group that inspired Lois to
group histories. Al-Anon’s 60th Anniversary is in 2011and form a wives group when she went back home. The
this is one way for AA’s sister fellowship to help Pass It On. result was Al-Anon.
On that note Mary Jane reminds us that:

From 1948 Peterborough Examiner (cont’d)

Some Interesting and, in retrospect, informative arti-

cles collected from the 1948 Peterborough Examiner.
Remember the “Indian” List? This would not be a po-
litically correct term today, although that’s how it was
then commonly referred to!

Alcoholics Anonymous officially started in Peterbor-

ough in 1948, although the seed was planted in 1947
and possibly even earlier by two sources: interested
individuals traveling to and from Toronto, and vaca-
tioners in the Peterborough region from Ohio. It was
not uncommon in the early days of Peterborough AA
for members to travel to Akron, Ohio.
October 2009

Ottawa Archives
Upcoming Events:
14th Annual Hamilton & District Archives
Breakfast. Sunday April, 2010. Carmen’s The committee in Ottawa has been really busy in get-
Banquet Centre (1520 Stonechurch Rd East). ting their collection and space in order over the past
For more information call (905) 662—4096. year. One person, Leslie, has been planning and now
finalizing the layout of their space in the Intergroup
Ottawa Office. The Intergroup has been very gracious in allow-
7th Annual Longtimers Luncheon, November ing the committee a room in their office space. Plans
7, 2009. 10:00-2:00.Tickets $10. For more are underway to have a listening station where people
information. ( can listen to speakers during the Intergroup’s office
committees/archives/archives.html). hours. Leslie has been working on listening to and
cataloguing this fairly large audio collection. She has
Peterborough also been involved in cataloguing material like meeting
5th Annual Area 83 Archives Workshop, minutes from Ottawa groups and a Grapevine collec-
Peterborough Intergroup. April 3, 2010. 9-3:30 tion that dates back to 1960. She has also been looking
in to various different standards and methods for cata-
Toronto loguing, including possible electronic tracking sys-
25th Annual Archives Breakfast. November 8, tems. They have acquired a new computer and are in
2009. 9-12. Peter W., Oakville & Joy P., St. the process of setting this up. Another committee mem-
Catharine's. 1036 Lakeshore Road E., ber, Heather, has started amalgamating a history of
Mississauga. Tickets $25 AA in the Ottawa Area (Districts 48, 54, 58, 62 and 66).
She is building off the information currently available
The 14th Annual National Archives and is also looking for information from the member-
Workshop, Macon GA September 2010 ship. This also includes oral histories from some of our longtimers in AA.

From the Chair

Our Area 83 Archives Committee is completing its sixth interviews, and travel funds to attend the Area Ar-
year of existence. The Area Committee created this sub- chives Workshops in Kingston and Toronto.
committee and appointed an Area 83 Archivist to :
find out what items Intergroups and Districts currently The long term goals of our Area Archives Committee
have in their archives collections, encourage additional remain the same as when the original committee
districts to start archives efforts, and provide a resource was formed. Two projects I foresee in the near to
to answer “how to” questions. medium future are: Scanning Area minutes to an
electronic, searchable pdf format, and evaluating a
My home district, District 42 St. Lawrence Interna- suitable archives database software which can be
tional, has had an Archives “Chairist” (a cross between used to classify and record items contained in the
and Archivist and an Archives Chair) for about four various district archives and in the three Intergroup
years now. Gary G. has concentrated on a couple of ef- Archives (Toronto, Ottawa, Peterborough). And, as
forts - taping local “long-timers” and photographing always, we want to continue to encourage and sup-
groups’ meeting places. The latter he has used on a dis- port District and Intergroup archives activities.
trict map display, with each photo linked to the city/
town where that group meets. As Máire O’B completes her term as Area 83 Archi-
vist at the end of 2009 we thank her for getting us
He has demonstrated that it is possible to “start small” started on the “long march” to preserving our A.A.
and build in small steps. It is another demonstration of history. The longest journey starts with a single
the adage that “It’s’ better do to a little something than step, and Máire has led us a good way down that
think about doing a lot and do nothing.” Essential also road.
is our District’s willingness to fund his activities in Milner G.
terms of materials for displays, equipment to record

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