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Civil Engineering Company Limited

Final Issue
Telephone: 01278 764100
Fax: 01278 764111
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 2 of 13
1 Introduction Page 3
2 Options Page 4
3 Outline Method Statement Page 8
4 Specification Page 10
5 Environment Agency Page 11
6 Budget Estimate Page 12
7 Conclusion Page 13
Report Status/Issue No Date Issued Summary of Change
Final Issue 2 30.09.08 Text to pages 3-8 inclusive & 12, plus client Q&A
including sample MS as Appendix 3
Draft Issue 1 10.09.08 -
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 3 of 13
1 Introduction
Devon County Council are to replace the existing leachate rising main which connects their
Ashley Landfill site pumping chambers to their existing discharge tank within South West
Waters Tiverton Sewage Treatment Works. Hydraulically, they require a 125mm ID
diameter HPPE pipe to be installed as a pumping main.
The preferred route is approximately 1.1 kms in length and travels from the landfill site along
the A396 up to a field access gate. From here is it directed through a field, to the east of the
highway beneath the River Exe using HDD techniques and exits either within the STW,
adjacent to the existing rising main or outside the STW in a field at the opposite end of the
site. From either of the proposed HDD exit locations the pipeline will continue in open cut to
the existing discharge tank.
Delta Civil Engineering has been asked to carry out a feasibility study to determine the most
cost effective and practical solution for crossing the River Exe using HDD techniques due to
the environmentally sensitive nature of the River Exe and its surrounding area. Currently we
are able to table three HDD options (A, B and C) to minimise impact on the river and river
banks during the drilling operations. The three routes are shown on sketch/drawing
J765/SK01 Rev 0 in the Appendices section of this report and each option is described in
detail on the following pages.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 4 of 13
2 Options
Option A
Launch location is situated in the field adjacent the A396 near the boundary hedge and
travels parallel to the existing outlet channel to an exit point located near the top of the
embankment just past the circular concrete filter tank and before the outfall into the STW
outlet channel.
A predicted HDD profile (VSH drawing T783091-R-X-01) has been prepared for this original
option and is included for your perusal. The drill length is 147.3 and is between 9.3m to
11.4m below the river bed as it travels beneath the River Exe. This has been based on the
ground information provided and should mitigate the breakout of drilling fluids into the River
Exe during the drilling operation.
Probably shortest route available.
Exits a short distance from existing tank approximately 70m.
Sufficient space for the welding and stringing out of pipeline within the STW, and safe
from flooding.
Reasonably flat drive with (53.67 L to 53.59 E).
Launch location approximately 280 to 300m from field gate across very soft, wet field.
Security arrangements for welfare, materials and machinery.
Access and reinstatement costs would be high.
Complete field below flood plain levels supplied by the Environment Agency which
will involve the mitigation of risk to flooding, protection of machinery, materials and
welfare facilities. The Environment Agency advise that these items are not kept in
the field.
Exit location close to existing mains.
Laying of open cut to existing tank will be laid within sloping bank, above existing
outfall into channel with access and working areas for machinery extremely tight.
Option B
The Launch location is within an existing hard standing inside the STW and travels beneath
the River Exe on a line towards the field access gate to an exit location approximately 70m
from the river and a further 100m from access gate. The river is approximately 25m wide at
this crossing point.
The ground is approximately 2.5m higher than the exit level at Option A and would increase
the drive length to approximately 200m based on an exit drilling profile of 15 degrees.
The exit pit will be located approximately 100m from farm the gate with the welding and
stringing out of the 160mm PE pipe taking place along the back of the field adjacent to A396,
which can be tied to tree trunks or imported fence posts to secure in case of flooding prior to
installation. This pipe stringing location is on the very edge of the flooding map supplied by
the Environment Agency (enclosed in Appendix 2).
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 5 of 13
Option B Continued
Launch location above the flood plain levels.
Good security for welfare, materials and equipment.
No access road required or reinstatement costs, however drilling contractors will
need to look closely at access route to and through the STW to ensure that
machinery can be transferred to the drill site location.
Shorter access route (probably 100m) to exit location with minimal machinery
required to excavate a small exit pit.
Welding and stringing of pipeline will take place at top of field near hedge adjacent to
the A396 and will be secured in case of flooding although it is on the edge of the
flood plain.
No articulated vehicles can get to launch location.
Longer drive length.
May block off access route from field into STW for the farmer and may prohibit South
West Waters site machinery.
Will have to offload and reload drilling machinery and recycling plants suitable for a
35t machine, possibly at beginning of access track near Tiverton. However, as a fall-
back, if this was not considered cost effective or vehicles would struggle to access
the launch location, the drive could commence on the other side of the river. This
would however increase the access costs, size of working area, but most importantly
will be located close to the river and in the flood plain and against Environment
Agency recommendations.
Approximately 2.5m higher than exit location which will involve re engineering to
prevent the drilled hole from emptying of drilling fluid during drilling operation (see
Q&A appendix 3 technical Q1).
Open cut route from launch location to tank will interfere with South West Waters
vehicular movements and will involve bends (not good practice for rising mains) and
additional manholes and thrustblocks.
Option C
This option has flexibility on its actual launch location. From our survey point, approximately
33m from the STW exit gate post, it is approximately 85m to river bank, on a line to the field
gate on opposite side of river. The ground falls quite rapidly for the first 20 to 30m and it
would help if we could launch as near to the river as possible along this route, to avoid
excessive level differences and keep the drilling fluid in the hole, without further engineering.
The actual drill length, based on a 2m difference in levels and on the same profile as Option
A, would increase the minimum drill length to approximately 155m, but the exit position will
determined by the 11.4m cover to river bed, rising ground and similar drill profile of 15
The exit pit will be located approximately 100m from farm the gate with the welding and
stringing out of the 160mm pipe taking place along the back of the field adjacent to A396,
which can be tied to tree trunks or imported fence posts to secure in case of flooding. This
pipe stringing location is on the very edge of the flooding map supplied by the Environment
Agency (enclosed in Appendix 2).
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 6 of 13
Option C Continued
Launch location mostly above the flood plain levels.
Good security for welfare, materials and equipment.
Short access and stoned working area to launch location, approximately 20 x 30m
required, with minimal reinstatement costs, however drilling contractors will need to
look closely at access route, to and through the STW, to ensure that machinery can
be transferred to the drill site location.
Shorter access route (probably 100m) to exit location with minimal machinery
required to excavate a small exit pit.
Open cut route from launch location to tank is quite straight forward and can be
accommodated by directing the pipeline underneath the boundary security fence on a
line with the outside of the existing tank inlet (approximately 170m to 180m) mostly
through natural ground and with very little interference to South West Waters works
No additional manholes and thrustblocks.
No articulated vehicles can get to launch location.
Will have to offload and reload drilling machinery and recycling plants suitable for a
35t machine, possibly at beginning of the STW access track near Tiverton. However,
as a fall-back if this was not considered cost effective or vehicles would struggle to
access the launch location, the drive could commence on the other side of the river.
This would however increase the access costs, size of working area, but most
importantly will be located close to the river and in the flood plain and against
Environment Agency recommendations.
Approximate drive length between 155m to 180m.
The level difference between the drilling profile exit level on Option A is 1.2 to 1.7m
higher compared to possible launch Option C levels, but this can be dealt with by re-
engineering to prevent the drilled hole from emptying of fluid during drilling operation.
Preferred Option
The preferred route is Option C. Although additional approximate survey information has
been obtained along the route from the launch location to the river, a full topographical
survey has not yet been carried out for this preferred alignment. Estimates have therefore
been made of the ground levels along this route and the exit/entry points.
The soils investigation report by Frederick Sherrell Limited 2962.NS.JR, dated 3 August
2007 has been taken into consideration to determine the optimum drilling profile and in
particular the necessary clearance beneath the river.
Initial assessment of the borehole data and laboratory test results in relation to the horizontal
directional drilling method shows following relevant information:
Presence of gravel layer of 1.6 to 2.2m thick: dense fine to coarse.
Mudstone/sandstone is fractured and thinly bedded with moderate permeability.
The rock strength indicated requires the use of rock tools: mud-motor with mill tooth tri-cone
bit for the pilot drilling and hole-opener/rock reamer for the reaming phase.
The minimum drilling radius selected for these tools is approximately 200m which results in a
minimum drilling length of approximately 155m.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 7 of 13
Preferred Option Continued
Due to the poor quality of the rock it is not possible to carry out accurate mud pressure
calculations. However, the cover to the river bed of 9.3m to 11.4m (as shown on HDD
profile drawing enclosed) is considered to be a safe cover for crossing the river in the
anticipated soil conditions. The Environment Agency normally specifies minimum cover of
5m for HDD crossings beneath sensitive rivers and have approved in principle our predicted
drill profile.
It is anticipated that a drilling length of between 155 and 180m (dependent upon agreed
launch position) would enable us to achieve a similar clearance under the river bed as
shown on the enclosed HDD profile drawing. This needs to be confirmed following a full
topographical survey along the preferred option route C and sinking of an additional
borehole to 15m deep on the STW side of the river and on the opposite side of the drill to
Taking into account the depth of the crossing, the gravel and rock layers present and the
environmental sensitivity of the crossing it is proposed to install a PE160mm PE100 SDR9
(wall thickness 17.8m) with a nominal internal diameter of 124mm. Pressure rating required
by Devon County Council to be confirmed.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 8 of 13
3 Outline Method Statement
A working area will be established at the drilling site on land immediately south of the STW.
Top soil will be removed and an area of hardstanding equal to about 600m (20 x 30m) will
be provided on which the drilling and soil separation equipment will be established.
A temporary road/access route, 100 to 150m in length, will be constructed between the A396
and the drill exit point in the low lying field to the east of the roads. A temporary compacted
soil platform/bund will be provided at the exit point to reduce the impact of the flooding from
the river. The PE pipe will be welded into a single string at a suitable location in this field,
probably on the higher ground nearer to the road. It is thought that no ground surface
preparation will be needed for the welding operation.
The drilling equipment will be brought to the drilling site on several heavy vehicles travelling
along the narrow access road from Tiverton and through the STW. Careful selection of
vehicles and consideration should be given to double handing due to the constricted nature
of the access route.
A drilling of this length and diameter would typically require an 18 ton drilling rig. However,
based on potential hole stability problems in gravel and poor quality rock it is recommended
to utilise a 35t drilling rig as a minimum. This type of rig has generally speaking not only
more pulling force and rotational torque, but also a larger pump and better mud mixing
capabilities. By using the larger rig the operation will be completed quicker and therefore
reduce the risk of drilling fluid migrating into the river during more protracted operations.
The drilling rig will be set-up at the entry point with the correct entry angle as determined by
the designed drilling profile.
Drilling fluid (mud) will be prepared using a mixing plant assembled alongside the drilling rig.
The main ingredient will be bentonite, an inert powdered clay, although additives may be
used to adjust the physical characteristics of the mud. Chemicals which could be
environmentally damaging will not be used. An ample water supply will be required for mud
mixing and it is probable that the best source will be the river. An abstraction licence will be
obtained from the Environment Agency. A mud cleaning facility to enable the drill cuttings to
be recovered will also be provided.
After equipment has been set-up, pilot drilling will commence utilising a mudmotor powered
by drilling fluid. The motor connected to the drill string will provide the rotation of the tri-cone
bit and necessary cutting action. The mixture of drilling fluids and cuttings will flow back to
the rig through the drilled hole. Fluid and cuttings will be separated on mud mixing/recycling
unit and fluid will be re-used. Cuttings (gravel and rock chippings) to be used on site or to be
disposed off to a licensed site.
The mudmotor/tri-cone bit will be steered along the trajectory/profile using either our
tensor/true track steering system or our Digitrac survey system. Accuracy of both systems is
typically less than two metres.
Upon completion of the pilot, the hole will be reamed to approximately 250mm by connecting
a rock reamer/hole-opener to the drill string at the exit point. During reaming the pilot hole
will be enlarged by rotating the drilling string and reamer whilst pulling from the rig. Drilling
fluid will flow initially to exit point and at some point switch to entry point. All fluid will be
transported back to rig side for recycling using with vacuum tankers or mud return line
across the river.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 9 of 13
Outline Method Statement Continued
Upon completion of reaming operations, the product pipe string, laid out in line with the
drilled hole, will be pulled back using swivel and pulling head. The installed pipeline will be
pressure tested to the clients specification. After successful installation, all equipment will
be demobilised from the drilling site.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 10 of 13
4 Specification
It is strongly recommended that a Horizontal Directional Drilling machine with a minimum
pull-back capacity of 35 tonnes will be used with a high capacity mud pump and mud
mixing/recycling unit.
The constituents of the drilling mud will be non-environmentally damaging.
The mud processing system will be designed and established on site in such a fashion as to
mitigate the risk of mud escaping into the river or elsewhere.
The establishment and operation of the drilling equipment will be planned so as not to
interfere with South West Waters operations in the STW or their access to the works.
The field in which the exit point is located is highly susceptible to flooding. All equipment
taken into the field must be capable of being removed at a few hours notice. No equipment
may be left unattended unless located on a temporary platform at least one metre high.
(These arrangements are required by the Environment Agency.)
On completion of the works, drilling mud will be removed from the site to a licensed waste
disposal facility.
After removal of the drilling equipment the site will be cleaned-up and left tidy.
The product pipe will be black PE160mm PE100 SDR9 with a nominated bore of 124mm
(wall thickness 17.8mm). It will be welded in a single string before installation. After
installation within the drilled hole it will be tested in accordance with clients specification.
Attendances to be Provided by Main Contractor/Client
Preparation and fencing of works areas.
Licence to abstract water from the river for drilling purposes.
Final reinstatement of disturbed ground surfaces.
Liaison with land owners on both sides of the River Exe, including South West Water,
Highways and farmers.
Provision of access to all launch and exit locations including through the STW and the
preferred open cut connection route.
Consent from the Environment Agency for carrying out the works (River Exe crossing).
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 11 of 13
5 Environment Agency
We have made contact with the Environment Agency regarding their requirements and
obtained from them information, in respect of levels of flooding in the vicinity, which is
incorporated into this document and should be seriously considered.
We have also had a recent telephone conversation with Tom Walling and he has confirmed
that our predicted HDD profile, based on Option A with cover levels to river bed of between
7.3m and 9.4m, are acceptable to them and he needs no further information at this stage.
However, he recommended that we provide them as soon as possible with a Consent
Application Form for the works, which will have to include the Site Investigation and
Topographical Survey information upon which the predicted HDD profile is based, and route
alignment, so that approval can be obtained prior to tenders being sent out. These
documents can then be incorporated into the tender package*. A minimum of eight weeks is
required by the Environment Agency to formally approve any applications.
* It must be pointed out that whilst our recommended HDD profile can be included in
the contract documents, Delta Civil Engineering cannot accept any liability for the
feasibility information provided if the execution of the directional drilling works is
carried out by others. The profile is based on out own engineering and assumptions
and using our own equipment.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
J765 Feasibility Study for River Exe Crossing Rev A 30.09.08 Page 12 of 13
6 Budget Estimate
Because the exact route and distance has not yet been agreed, or the actual set up
locations for exit and entry pits which will determine quality and length/area of access routes
to stoned working area it is not yet possible to provide you with a reliable cost for the works.
However, an approximate budget band of 200K to 250K should be achievable (see Q&A
practical Q5 appendix 3).
This is dependent upon the information contained in the additional Site Investigation and
Topographical Survey (still to be commissioned), plus the actual launch and exit locations
and quality of access routes and reinstatements etc, for the preferred route.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Appendix 1
Drawing J765/SK01 Ashley Rising Main, Route Options
Drawing T783091-R-X-01 Ashley Rising Main, Predicted HDD Profile for Crossing of River Exe
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Appendix 2
Email Dated 13 August 2008 from Tom Wallingham, Environment Agency
Environment Agency Flood Depth Data Map
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Subject: RE: Preferrred Location of River Exe Crossing
From: "Walling, Tom" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:48:46 +0100
To: "Ian Forrest" <>
Many thanks for your email regarding the directional drill under the River Exe at Ashley, near
In line with the plan provided, the Agency's depth grid for the 100yr flood indicates a depth of
flooding of approximately 2.0m (range from 1.8m to 2.2m) on the floodplain at point A.
Unfortunately, I don't have any depth information for floods with a greater probability of occurrence.
>From an Environment Agency viewpoint, a compromise has to reached between the increase in
flood risk with a temporary structure in the flood plain and the reduced risks of pollution and damage
to the machinery through raising the height of the operating platform.
As a guide, I would say that it would be prudent to raise the working platform to approximately 1.0m
above existing ground levels. It would be your responsibility to ultimately decide a level and the
Agency cannot be held liable for any suggested levels.
The Environment Agency would certainly stipulate that any material used to create the working
platform would have to be removed from the floodplain on completion of works. In addition, the
aerial extent of the raised working platform should be kept to a minimum so as to reduce the impact
upon floodwater storage in the floodplain.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Appendix 3
Clients Queries and Answers
Sample 35t Machine Method Statement
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Dear Mike
Thank you for forwarding the draft feasibility study for the River Exe crossing and allowing us to
comment prior to full submission.
There are a couple of points that could do with developing and expanding and I have divided these
points into practical (ie the method statement needs expansion) and technical (to develop the
26 September 2008
Please see answers to all questions below:
Q1 Page 5 and 6 of your report. Can you confirm that it is possible to ensure the drilled hole
can be kept full of fluid during the drilling operation and how this is done please?
A There are a number of methods that can be used to ensure the hole is always full of drilling
mud. With this hole being relatively small in diameter and the small differential between rig
and pipe side the risks involved, if the short section of hole nearest to the rig was to become
empty, are very small.
Q2 Page 7 of your report (preferred option continued). Can you explain the significance and
possible implications of the lack of the mud pressure calculations? Will this add risk to the
A There is not a defined method of calculating mud pressure in rock formation. The purpose of
doing these calculations in other types of sub-soil is to ensure the down hole pressure is
controlled so as not to cause blow out situations. In rock the importance of designing a drill
profile that is in good stable formation.
Q3 Page 7 of your report: How the 10m figure has been arrived at and considered the
acceptable depth?
A The 10m depth was approximate and based upon the information at hand; however this will
be re-visited when the third borehole information is available. (The actual depth below river
varies from 9.3m to 11.4m and will be corrected in our final submission.)
Q4 Page 6 of your report: Can you provide backup information/specification to support the
selection of the 200m radius due to the drill tools required (due to the rock strength)? This
causes the HDD to be below the original borehole information. This additional information
will support the necessity to have the extra borehole.
A The 200m radius is dictated by the stiffness of the drill string and pipes which will have a
mud motor driving the drill bit.
Q5 Option A: based on ground information and should mitigate the breakout of drilling fluids.
(7.3m to 9.4m below river bed level.) (This should have read 9.3m to 11.4m and will be
corrected). How confident are you that the breakout would not occur? what is the risk of it
occurring? How does this relate to the 10m depth below the river bed criterion as raised in
page 7 of your report?
A Please see answer to question 3 above.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Q6 Can you state how the drill would be tracked and the accuracy of the drill exiting the exit
position required?
A) We would use a down hole steering package which is hard wired to the surface where our
surveyor monitors the drill profile to maintain the design profile and exit location. In simple
terms, the likely accuracy will be well inside your requirements for connecting to the open cut
sections at either end.
Q1 As I asked for in my letter (attached) of 22 May, I intend to submit the project specific
method statement and specification to the EA prior to contract being let and incorporating
this and a specification for the HDD into the spec for the tender documents, and hoping to
base it on your method statement. At the moment I don't have enough information.
A We are not prepared to provide a project specific method statement at this stage as this is
usually submitted by the successful contractor after award. Also another tendering
contractor may wish to undertake the drilling in a different way. However enclosed is a
sample method statement submitted to the EA for a similar scheme crossing under the
R Severn in Shrewsbury, using a 35t machine which should suffice.
Q2 How much arisings (from mud mixing and drill cuttings) would be generated? Are they water
saturated to such an extent that they would be difficult to remove from site or/and would
leave an unsightly mess if left on the farmers/SWW field? How are they normally dealt with?
And what type of licensed site is required?
A We presently calculate approximately 80cu/m of arising/drilling mud. The arising will be able
to go to a normal waste reception site with the correct paper work. The drilling mud will be
taken by road tanker by a licensed contractor to one of the EA designated sites. No
materials will be left on site.
Q3 Can you state the protection measures that could be taken to cover the exit hole from flood
(ie bunds and/or capping off of opening).
A The excavation of a bund area using the existing material would need to be constructed.
Q4 I need to confirm that a 35 tonne machine can get through the STW. Can you provide the
contact details for the HDD firm with the 35t machine? I could then try to assess how they
could get through.
A I am happy for you to talk to them but they have assured me that if a 6 or 8 wheeler can get
through the site then all their equipment is no wider than the trailer and therefore will get
through. Others may have wider equipment but will have to visit site during the tender
period, as we will. The decision as the where we off load and transfer to trailers will be taken
Q5 On the cost issue, can you confirm that the cost of 200K to 250K includes for excavation,
haul roads? Can you base it on the preferred option C.
A The price band indicated should cover the HDD works and does include a small stoned
access track (70 to 100m?) to exit location and access to launch location (30 to 50m which
will be part of the 600 sq m stoned working area. No haul road(s) were included in our
budgets. In our experience, if you are bit nervous, it may be prudent to add in a 5%
contingency. Your choice!
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Q6 I realise I didn't ask for this but could you give an indication of the length of time to carry out
option C? (I have allowed 12 weeks total inclusive of temporary haul roads and excavations
and clean up.)
A 5/6 weeks should be more than adequate for the HDD works only, including tidying up. But
the open cut works will also require the use of the stoned access/working areas and should
not be reinstated until the connections at both ends have been completed and tested.
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Sample 35t Machine Method Statement
Sheet 1 of 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
Horizontal Directional Drilling
River Severn Crossing
132kV cable ducts
Method Statement
Incorporating forward reaming S. Stone D. Lee S. Stone
0 8
August 2008 Issued for approval D. Sharpe G. Snikkenburg J.S. Wattel
Date Description Prepared Checked Approved
Method Statement
Directional Drilling cable ducts
CN- 087007-VSH-C1719-08.5 A
DOC no. Method Statement
CN- 087007-VSH-C1719-08.5 Page of
2 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
!""#$ & '(!) *+,+- ./01 2)3
Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
The persons, who have signed this page, declare having read this Method Statement explained
to them by the person in charge of the works. By signing these persons also declare they will
comply with the company procedures and the regulation and procedures mentioned in this
Method Statement.
The persons signing this page declare having the associated Risk Assessments explained and
discussed with them by the person in charge of this works. By signing these persons declare
that they have understood it and comply with the Company Policy on Health & Safety &
Date Name Occupation Company Signature
J.S. Wattel General Manager VSH
D. Fish SHE Manager VSH
D. Lee Contract Manager VSH
S. Stone Project Manager VSH
G Lister Site Foreman VSH
R Travis Rig Hand VSH
M Steele Surveyor Slimdrill
M Hodgkin Mud Tech VSH
Ian Woodhouse Rig Hand VSH
Hans Vlasblom Driller VSH
DOC no. Method Statement
CN- 087007-VSH-C1719-08.5 Page of
3 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
!""#$ & '(!) *+,+- ./01 2)3
Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
1. INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________ 5
1.1 SITE RULES _______________________________________________________________ 5
1.2 WELFARE FACILITIES ________________________________________________________ 5
1.3 WORKING HOURS ___________________________________________________________ 6
1.4 RESPONSIBILITIES __________________________________________________________ 6
1.5 PERSONNEL ON SITE_________________________________________________________ 6
2. DESIGN & ENGINEERING __________________________________________________ 7
2.1 ACCESS TO THE SITE ________________________________________________________ 7
2.2 WATER SUPPLY ____________________________________________________________ 7
2.3 MUD RETURN LINE __________________________________________________________ 7
2.5 IMPACT ON SURROUNDINGS ___________________________________________________ 7
2.6 SOIL INVESTIGATION, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION_________________________________ 8
2.7 DRILLING PROFILE __________________________________________________________ 9
2.8 MUD PRESSURE CALCULATION ________________________________________________ 10
2.9 PULLING FORCE ___________________________________________________________ 10
2.10 DRILLING FLUID ___________________________________________________________ 10
2.11 CONTINGENCIES___________________________________________________________ 11
3. WORK METHOD _________________________________________________________ 12
3.1 INTRODUCTION____________________________________________________________ 12
3.2 PRELIMINARIES____________________________________________________________ 12
3.3 TYPICAL SITE LAY-OUT / EQUIPMENT SET-UP ______________________________________ 13
3.4 RIG-UP__________________________________________________________________ 13
3.5 PILOT HOLE DRILLING _______________________________________________________ 14
3.6 REAMING AND PULLBACK ____________________________________________________ 15
3.7 REPOSITIONING ___________________________________________________________ 16
3.8 RIG DOWN _______________________________________________________________ 16
3.9 PROVING ________________________________________________________________ 16
3.10 CLEAR-UP _______________________________________________________________ 16
3.11 ABANDONING DRILLING ______________________________________________________ 16
DOC no. Method Statement
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4 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
!""#$ & '(!) *+,+- ./01 2)3
Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
4. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ___________________________________ 17
4.1 RISK ASSESSMENT _________________________________________________________ 17
4.2 TRAINING ________________________________________________________________ 17
4.3 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT____________________________________________ 17
4.4 EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS / FIRST AID________________________________________ 17
4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ____________________________________________________ 18
4.6 ARCAEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS ____________________________________________ 19
4.7 COSHH_________________________________________________________________ 19
4.8 MATERIALS_______________________________________________________________ 19
4.9 DOCUMENTATION __________________________________________________________ 20
4.10 DRAWING T783086-R-X-01 REV 0 _____________________________________________ 21
4.11 PHOTO OF HDD LOCATION ___________________________________________________ 22
DOC no. Method Statement
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5 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
!""#$ & '(!) *+,+- ./01 2)3
Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
Central Networks via its framework contractor Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions intends to replace
the existing overhead lines across the River Severn in Shrewsbury by underground cable circuits.
Three number horizontal directional drillings with a length of approx. 200m each are required to
install the necessary ducts. Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd, an underground cable & pipeline
infrastructure solution provider with in-house horizontal directional drilling capabilities has been
contracted via Delta Civil Engineering to design and install these crossings.
This method statement describes the horizontal directional drilling process including design &
engineering considerations. Separate detailed method statements will be issued on site for
activities like cranage, PE welding etc.
It should be noted that this Method Statement should be read in conjunction with the following
CN-087077-VSH-C1719-14.0: Health & Safety Plan construction phase
CN-087077-VSH-C1719-14.3: Environmental Plan construction phase
None of the works described in this document are to commence unless signed copies of these
documents are on site. All Signed copies of these documents shall be kept on file, available for
1.1 Site rules
At their first visit to site all personnel will undertake the VSH Site Specific Introduction, at which
the site organization, safety requirements and emergency arrangements will be explained. Also
the Central Networks, Balfour Beatty & Delta specific project requirements will be introduced
and adhered too.
A site register is to be completed at the start and end of each shift.
All visitors to site shall be subject to the same site rules as our employees.
1.2 Welfare Facilities
Welfare facilities in accordance with Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007
shall be installed and maintained throughout the duration of the works.
The location of the welfare facilities will be at the rig side working location. The facilities shall be
accessible to all directly and indirectly involved personnel including representatives of Central
Networks, Balfour Beatty and Delta.
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
1.3 Working hours
V&SH tries to adhere to the European Working hour's directive with adequate rest breaks and
days off for our employees.
Standard working hours are from 07:00 to 19:00 hours. However, in some cases the nature of
the drilling process might cause us to work days in excess of 12 hours and Employers / Main
Contractors attendance could be required. However, this is not normal practice and if this arises
will be communicated with parties involved.
1.4 Responsibilities
The Project Manager is responsible for safety on the site.
The general duties of all employees are:
To ensure that work is carried out so that accidents and ill health to themselves or
others are avoided.
Too be responsible for there own actions.
Co-operate with the Company to ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with
current Regulations.
Report unsafe situations to their Supervisor without delay.
Do not misuse anything provided for Health and Safety.
1.5 Personnel on site
Our site personnel will consist of, but not limited to, the following disciplines:
Occupation Total number on
Project Manager 1 person
Site Supervisor 1 person
Driller 35t rig 1 person
Drilling crew 3 persons
PE welder 1 person
PE welding operative 1 person
Excavator operator 1 person
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
2.1 Access to the Site
Access to the entry site will be from Sydney Avenue, North of the River Severn. It is foreseen to
temporary remove part of the existing fence in order for the equipment to enter the field.
Temporary road and hard standing for equipment will be created by steel plates or timber mats.
Access to Sydney Avenue is via Newpark Road, care must be taken in Newpark Road as it is
not only a built up area a school is also situated along this road.
Access to the exit points and stringing area will be through the new Oswell Road development,
south of the River Severn. It is foreseen to remove part of the hedge on the edge of the flood
plain and create access across the kerb and services down to the flood plain by hardcore
covered by steel plates or timber mats. Access through Oswell Road is again through a built up
area and care must be taken with all transport movements.
2.2 Water Supply
Client / Main Contractor has obtained water abstraction license from the River Severn. The
Abstraction point is on the river bank just south of the rig site working area. A temporary water
supply line will be installed across the road and protected against passing traffic.
2.3 Mud Return line
Initially the pre-reaming operation will utilise the forward reaming method and initially avoid the
transportation of drilling fluid from the exit point back to the drilling rigs location on Sydney
Avenue. However if drilling conditions dictate that conventional backward reaming is required
the drilling fluid will be transported around vacuum trucks will be used for the first crossing, for
crossings 2 and 3 it is foreseen to use one of the ducts installed in crossing no.1.
2.4 Interference and Cooperation with Other Contractors
No other activities are foreseen during the installation of the duct bundles. However, connecting
duct work could be carried out at the same time. For safety reasons, no work by other
contractors should be carried out within fenced off working areas or within 10m of stringing
area. Cable installation cannot commence until all duct bundles have been installed and
2.5 Impact on surroundings
Due to the closeness of Regents Drive, Bramley Close and New Park Road properties to the rig
site working area some noise nuisance could be expected. Whilst VSH drilling equipment is
sound proofed it is proposed to inform above properties at early stage to advise on planned
activities and programme. An Environmental noise impact assessment will be carried out at the
early stages of the drilling process.
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
Whilst no noise nuisance is foreseen to properties at Oswell Road and Arden Close near exit
points and stringing area, access to these working areas is arranged through the new Oswell
Road Development with a limited number of articulated lorries and other vehicles requiring
access during the construction period. Nuisance cannot be completely avoided and residents
should be informed timely on planned activities and programme. Contractors vehicles parking
will be controlled and restricted by site supervision.
Selected entry & exit point locations as well as stringing area are on local council owned land
currently used as recreational area by local residents. All personnel should be briefed on use of
the land outside the working areas by general public of all ages and measures taken to limit
endangerment and disturbance. Gates of sites should be kept close at all times and fencing
should be marked / signposted accordingly.
The project involves working on and near the floodplain of the River Severn. Whilst no flooding
is expected during the construction period and / or has been witnessed during any of the site
visits, rainfall would soon change this. Appropriate measures will be required to avoid run-off
from sites into watercourse in case of unexpected flooding.
The exit point of HDD no. 1 is close to the 14m swing clearance of the existing overhead lines.
Appropriate marking in accordance with applicable GS6 safety standard is required. The
stringing area crosses the overhead lines and special care should be taken during reaming &
pull back operations where excavators are required, height restrictors will be fitted if
assessments demes this requirement. All personnel working on site are to be made aware and
reminded of the dangers of working near overhead lines.
2.6 Soil Investigation, assessment and evaluation
In total 3 no. boreholes were taken including laboratory testing (see for full details report
PN071431 April 2007 and report PN081792 July 2008). Boreholes BH03 (near entry) and BH02
(some distance from exit) have been used for the design of the crossings
The borehole data can be summarized as below:
BH03 (near entry point)
- Gl to 1.3m Made ground
- 1.3m to 5.6m Clay
- 5.6m to 9.1m Gravel and gravelly coarse sand
- 9.1m to 21,5m Weak mudstone with some thin sandstone layers (medium strong).
Horizontal section of drilling profile is situated in this layer
-21,5 to 30m Medium strong sandstone with some weak mudstone layers.
BH02 (near exit point)
- Gl to 0.4m Top soil
- 0.4m to 9,5m Sandy / Gravelly clay
- 9,5m to 23m Weak sandstone
Horizontal section of drilling profile is situated in this layer
-23 to 32m Weak mudstone/sandstone/siltstone
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
Assessment of the drilling logs and laboratory test results shows the requirement for utilizing a
mud motor with mill tooth bit for drilling the mudstone / sandstone and the use of low torque
hole openers with mill tooth cutter sets for the reaming operations.
The use of the mud motor in combination with length and diameter of the drilling has resulted in
selection of a 35t drilling to execute the works.
2.7 Drilling Profile
The following information was available for the design of the crossings:
- Soil investigation as detailed above
- Topographical survey of area including River Severn
- EA Flood Defense Consent under WRA 1991 with site specific conditions
- Oswell Road Development lay-out drawings with proposed drainage and electrical
No other consent or stat (services) information has been provided.
The drilling routes and profiles of the 3 no. crossings have been designed within the following
- Minimum depth under firm river bed over the width of the river and 5m at each side of
the channel of 3m as stipulated in EA consent
- Minimum combined bending radius imposed by mud motor in anticipated soils and
drilling rods of 35t rig
- Available fields for rig site working area and for stringing area
- Avoiding trees both at entry & exit point and in drilling route wherever possible
- Entry points close together and inline to minimize relocation of drilling rig spread
between individual drillings and which reduces safety risks (CDM)
- Exit points as close as possible to edge of flood bank to minimize risk of disturbance by
- Duct bundles required: 4no. PE160 or 3no. PE160 & 2 no. PE110
- Maximise distance to overhead power lines crossing the river
- Minimum depth required by down hole mud pressure calculation
- Minimum risk of drilling fluid blow outs near entry & exit point
Drawing T783086-R-X-01 Rev0 show the proposed drilling profiles with the following
Drilling Entry Angle : 15 15 - 17 Degrees
Drilling Exit Angle : 15 Degrees
Vertical Radius Entry : 200 250 - 300m
Vertical Radius Exit : 200 250 - 300m
Horizontal Radius : 0 300 - 400m
Combined Radius : 200 -212 -212m
Horizontal Drilling Length : 215 209 - 204m
Depth under river : 10 11.5 9.9m
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
2.8 Mud Pressure Calculation
Typically VSH will carry out mud pressure modeling calculation in accordance with NEN
3650:2003 (in the absence of applicable EN-BS standard). The calculation is carried out for the
pilot hole drilling as the down-hole pressures in the annulus will be higher than during any other
phases of the horizontal drilling. Prior to start of each operational phase, a flow test will be
carried out to enable calculation of the maximum allowable mud pressure for each drilling
Due to the quality of the rock it is not possible to calculate the maximum allowable mud
pressure in this case. Standard practice is to carry out flow test and monitor mud pressure
carefully during drilling for unexplained pressure increases.
2.9 Pulling Force
Pulling force check calculations of the cable duct bundles have been carried out in accordance
with the NEN 3650:2003.
2.10 Drilling Fluid
The drilling fluid has several functions which include the following:-
Transportation of drilled solids and fluid out of the borehole
Keeping the solids in suspension when circulation stops to prevent deposition of
Stabilisation of borehole by static pressure against soil formation
Creation of a filter cake to minimize the penetration and loss of drilling fluid into the
formation and the flow of groundwater into the borehole.
Lubrication of the product pipe / ducts during pull back, reducing the pull force on the
pipe / ducts
Cooling and lubrication of the drilling equipment, tools and drill pipe
Additional requirements:
Minimum impact on surrounding soil formations
No harmful impact on environment and groundwater
No harmful impact on drilling equipment and product pipes / ducts
Our assessment of the soil investigation data has resulted in utilising a drilling fluid based on
high quality OCMA bentonite mixed with fresh river water at a concentration of 80 kg/m3.
At this stage no additives are foreseen but small adjustments to the drilling fluid might need to
be made subject to locally encountered circumstances (See also section 5 Drilling Fluid
Drilling fluid breakouts that may occur will be dealt with by containing the flow within a small
bunded pit. The mud is then either pumped back to the holding pits / tanks, or collected by a
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Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
vacuum tanker. Any residual mud can then normally be cleaned up. The normal practice to
have a supply of filled sandbags on site to contain any such breakouts will be followed.
In case of break out under the River Severn the EA will be contacted directly and specific
measures to mitigate environmental impact and to avoid re-occurrence will be proposed
Drilling fluid and cuttings are tested during drilling for contamination and possible re-use or
disposal after the work has been completed. The drilling mud and cuttings will be transported to
an appropriate licensed waste disposal site. Only licensed waste carriers will be used for
transportation of any drilling fluids.
2.11 Contingencies
The following major events can be identified:
1,Borehole instability and possible abandonment of down-hole equipment.
2,Breakdown of major equipment components
3,Product pipe stuck in borehole during pull-back
4,Break-out and / or unidentified loss of drilling fluid
Mitigating measures:
In depth assessment of the soil information by in-house geologist, expert drilling fluid
engineering, high class quality bentonite and polymers, dedicated drilling fluid engineer on site
at all times, constant monitoring of drilling and fluid characteristics and experienced drilling crew
will reduce chances of borehole instability considerable.
However, in case adverse soil conditions are encountered, the hole collapses and drilling tools
become stuck, it might be required to abandon the hole and tools and fill remaining annulus
with high density drilling fluid or grout. After careful analysis of the event, a new plan of action
will be developed.
VSH owns and operate a large number of rigs and has a strict maintenance regime for all its
drilling equipment including standard maintenance in our own workshops after every project
and periodic check of drilling tools by external party. All rigs are built to our own specification
taking into account many years of experience in specialist field of directional drilling.
In the unlikely event of a major breakdown of a rig which cannot be repaired by our dedicated
on-site engineer within an acceptable timeframe, we will try to mobilize one of our other rigs to
complete the drilling.
To successfully install the pipe a number of factors are of importance: clean hole, correctly
ballasted pipe, profile design in line with pipe characteristics and expert drilling fluid
engineering. Subject to drilling parameters experienced during the final reaming phase, it will be
decided whether a final wiper trip to clean the borehole is necessary and or required.
During the pull back, all above factors will be constantly monitored and action taken were
required. In case pulling forces vary unacceptable from pre-calculated values as a result of a
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Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
hole collapse or obstruction, it might be necessary to pull back the bundle to the stringing area
by winch or bulldozers.
In case of a major mud break out or loss of drilling fluid, all operations will cease until an action
plan has been developed.
3.1 Introduction
This project will be carried out with one of our 35tons midi drilling rigs. For the rig and ancillary
equipment an area of approx. 500 600 m
is required, which is located on the entry side at the
west side of the River Severn and Sydney Avenue.
At the exit points on the east side of the River near the new Oswell Road housing development
an area of approx. 100 m
is required (not including the area necessary for making up and
storage of the pipeline).
In the following paragraphs the separate phases of the drilling operation will be described. A
proposed drilling profile drawing is submitted along with supporting calculations.
No drilling work will commence until Central Networks / Balfour Beatty / Delta has approved
method statements, drawings and risk assessments.
The Visser & Smit Hanab drilling operations comprise of the following major phases:
1. preliminaries
2. rig-up
3. pilot-hole drilling
4. pre-ream
5. pullback
6. rig-down
During the entire operation, activities will be reported daily in the drillers logbook, including
drilling/ pulling rates, mud properties, push/ pull force, torque etc.
3.2 Preliminaries
Prior to the rig mobilizing, the access arrangements and working areas will be prepared and the
pipe strings welded. The exit, entry and mud storage pits shall be identified and, where
possible, dug prior to the rig mobilizing.
Reference is made to section 2.1 & 2.2 for access arrangements. No top soil stripping is
foreseen and working areas will be constructed from steel plates or timber mats offloading from
articulated lorry by excavator or tele-handler and directly laid on the grass. The working areas
will be fenced off by Heras type fencing and appropriate signs will be installed.
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
A separate method statement on PE welding and pipe stringing will be issued.
3.3 Typical site lay-out / equipment set-up
The sketch below shows a typical lay out of rig side working area for 35t drilling spread.
Please note that the above plan is for a typical HDD site, and that at the proposed locations on
this project changes might be made to suit the specific site, create safe working area, minimizes
impact on environment and cause the minimal of disturbance to the general public, other
workers and traffic.
3.4 Rig-up
Prior to starting any activities the VSH Project Manager will hold a project induction and toolbox
meeting with all personnel on site outlining planned activities, specific risks and any other
issues concerning Health, Safety & Environment.
Drilling rig and ancillary equipment will arrive on site by using Sydney Avenue. Trailers will be
unloaded at the drilling location by mobile crane or Hiab lorry. Crane documentation and lifting
plan will be in place prior to any lifting activities taking place.
The entry and exit points will be confirmed prior to rigging up.
Upon completion of the HDD checklist, the drilling rig will be aligned along the project centerline
and elevated to the requisite designed vertical entry angle of approx.15 degrees.
The recycling unit, mud tanks, pumps and generators will be set-up and connected to the
drilling rig, concurrent with the rig-up and the setting of the down-hole survey instruments which
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Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
are employed for monitoring the pilot hole. These need to be calibrated at the drilling location
before the drilling bottom hole assembly will be made up.
Each instrument unit shall be separately aligned along the drilling route centerline at a location
free of magnetic interference. During the calibration, the instrument shall be physically
positioned relative to the pre-surveyed control points and the instrument bearing shall be
measured and stored in the "up-hole computer unit". On completion of the alignments, the
recorded bearings (as stored in the computer) will be correlated with the survey bearings of the
control points.
An additional component of the directional measuring system is known as the Tru-Tracker. This
system creates its own magnetic field which largely reduces the influence of the earth magnetic
and gravitational fields and is used to verify the steering instruments readings, thereby assuring
accuracy at the exit location. The Tru-Tracker utilizes a wire grid located on the ground surface
at both entry and exit points. Whilst drilling in areas not covered by the Tru-Tracker grid,
steering will be carried out via natural magnetic bearings.
Concurrent to the survey head the Eclipse sonde will be calibrated as an alternative survey unit.
3.5 Pilot hole drilling
After rig-up is completed, VSH will commence drilling a 6-1/2 pilot hole along the design
profile. Drilling mud, consisting of a mixture of fresh water and the drilling compound will be
pumped down the drill string to the mud motor creating a rotary cutting action and drilling fluid
with cuttings will flow back to the entry pit through the drilled hole.
In order to minimize the risk of mud blow outs whilst carrying out the drilling operations, care
shall be taken to keep the mud pressures between the minimum and maximum calculated
It is envisaged that the required quantity of water for mixing drilling fluid will be delivered to site
utilizing a 6 pump located on the bank of the River Severn and 6 hose will deliver the water to
the working area.
Directional control is accomplished by rotating the drill string to orientate a bent housing on the
down-hole assembly, thereby creating a steering bias in the direction and plane of the bent
housing. If a change in direction is required, the drill string is rotated, thereby changing the bent
housing to the desired orientation.
The trajectory of the pilot hole is determined by taking periodic surface readings of the
inclination and azimuth of the bottom-hole assembly. These readings in conjunction with
measurements of the distance drilled since the last survey are used to calculate the horizontal
and vertical co-ordinates of the bottom-hole assembly relative to the entry point at the surface.
Surface readings are taken by a survey, which is placed in a non-magnetic drill collar connected
to the down-hole assembly. Inclination and azimuth are obtained by sensing the angles
between the reference frame in the down-hole survey package and the earth's magnetic and
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Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
gravitational fields. This information is transmitted as a signal to the surface computation unit
where it is reduced to the X, Y and Z coordinates of the down-hole sensors; i.e. the bottom-hole
assembly. Directional surveys are taken every six meters when a joint of drill string is added, or
more often if required. Survey coordinates are plotted along the design plan and profile
drawings to monitor the course of the drill bit. If unacceptable deviations occur, the drill string is
withdrawn sufficiently to re-drill the pilot hole within acceptable limits. Deflections of the bore-
hole path will be held to a tolerance equivalent to the minimum radius of curvature, allowable.
During the crossing of the River Severn no Tru-tracker readings can be taken.
After the bottom-hole assembly exits in the stringing area at an exit angle of approx. 15
degrees, the down-hole assembly is removed at the exit point and the location will be surveyed
and recorded for the as-built drawing.
During pilot hole, drilling and during the other phases of the horizontal drilling operation the
drilling fluid will flow out of the drilled hole at the entry point or during reaming at entry and exit
point. The mud will be directly pumped from where the fluids reach the surface into temporary
mud-storage and recycled.
To further enhance the progress of the drilling, any drilling fluid break outs that may occur will
be dealt with by containing the flow within a bunded pit. It may also be possible to increase the
viscosity of the drilling compound to help stem any flow. The normal practice to have a supply
of filled sand bags on site to contain any drilling fluid breakouts will be followed.
The mud is then either pumped back to the holding pits/tanks, or collected by a vacuum tanker.
Any residual mud will be cleaned up.
3.6 Reaming and Pullback
Once the pilot hole has been completed, a series of reaming sessions will follow. These will be
determined based on the experiences gained from the pilot hole. The hole will be enlarged by
attaching gradually bigger hole-openers to enlarge the hole to the required size. The following
reaming diameters are foreseen: 14and 22. Initally forward reaming will be utalised to avoid
additional traffic though the built up areas. However if drilling conditions dictate that backward
reaming should be required vacuum tankers will be utalised as described in section 2.3
Once the hole is at the required diameter, a wiper trip to clear the hole of any cuttings might be
carried out if required in preparation for the pull back operation.
The cable duct installation pass known, as the "pullback" will follow. Prior to pullback
preparations, the borehole contains a continuous string of drill pipe from the pipe side to the rig.
The pull back assembly, to be determined on site, based on conditions during the pilot drill and
reaming operations, will be attached to the drill pipes. A swivel connects the down-hole
assembly to the duct to prevent torsional stress from being transmitted to the cable ducts.
The actual pulling force will be measured during the pullback operation on the rig. The pullback
duct configurations will be as follows, HDD crossing No1 = 3 x 160mm and 2 x 110mm. HDD
crossing No2 = 4 x 160mm. HDD crossing No 3 = 3 x 160mm and 2 x 110mm.
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Rev. no. A
3.7 Repositioning
Upon successful completion of the first bore, the rig is repositioned and the process as
described in paragraphs 3.3 to 3.5 will be repeated for the second bore and third boring.
3.8 Rig down
Upon completion of the pullback operation of the third bore, the down-hole assembly is
removed from the pipeline and the rig and ancillary equipment will be disassembled. After
disassembly of the equipment, it will be loaded on to trucks and demobilised from the work
areas in accordance with the program.
3.9 Proving
On completion of the duct installation, the ducts will be proved by pulling a mandrel and foam
pig through, with a draw cord that will be later left in each duct ready for the cable installation.
Ducts ends will be temporary capped and left above ground for tie-in to connecting duct work.
3.10 Clear-up
Upon successful proving of the ducts, the working areas will be cleared and debris removed.
Final reinstatement will be carried out by Main Contractor upon completion of tie-in / cable
installation. Prior to final demobilization from site, the working areas shall be inspected by a
representative of the Client / Main Contractor and any outstanding works will be rectified.
3.11 Abandoning drilling
Owing to the fact that drilling shall always occur in parts of which the underground is largely
unknown, there is always a slight change that the drilling can not be completed.
However, in the unlikely event that the drilling can not be completed as anticipated for whatever
reason there are in principle two scenarios to be followed:
Mobilize a different rig (larger) and re-design drilling
Abandon drilling; recover the equipment, backfill the drilled section, find alternative
crossing option.
Depending on the cause of the abandonment, the most suitable solution shall have to be
selected. The technical decision shall be made in close relation with the designers and the
Project Management team.
Before works are to recommence approval shall be sought from all the stakeholders. Under no
circumstances shall the Drilling Operator deviate from the approved plan without prior written
consent from the stakeholders.
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Rev. no. A
The following paragraphs contain issues relating to health safety and environment.
4.1 Risk Assessment
VSH1 Abrasive Wheels VSH15 Power Tools
VSH2 Excavations VSH16 Mobile Cranes
VSH3 Underground Services VSH17 Work on or Near Water
VSH4 Hot Work Fire VSH18 Working at Height
VSH6 Use of Compressed Air Equipment VSH19 Housekeeping
VSH7 Site Fencing Operations VSH22 Hand Tools
VSH8 Highly Flammable Liquids VSH23 Reversing Vehicles
VSH9 Control of Diesel VSH25 Electricity
VSH11 Mobile Plant VSH27 Drilling Plant
VSH12 Roadwork VSH38 Mud Pits
VSH14 Overhead Electrical Cables VSH39 Lone Worker Site
See CN-087077-VSH-C1719-14.0: Health & Safety Plan construction phase for copies of the
above Risk Assessments
4.2 Training
All personnel are fully trained to a minimum of Safety Awareness and individuals on request
can produce certification. A site induction meeting is carried out on a job by job basis and VSH
will operate an ongoing site induction course for all visitors.
Be advised that all Main Contractor's and Clients staff will be required to be inducted by a VSH
representative before they are allowed access to the working rig site.
4.3 Personal Protective Equipment
Minimum PPE requirement of hardhat, safety footwear and high visibility clothing are to be worn
at all times on site. Additional PPE, such as eye protection, ear defenders and gloves are
available on site and will be worn as directed.
4.4 Emergency Arrangements / First Aid
At their first visit to site all personnel will also undertake the VSH Site Specific Induction, at
which the site organization, safety requirements and emergency arrangements will be
explained. First Aid kits and trained First Aiders are available on site and will be clearly
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Copies of the emergency information sheet will be displayed at locations on site: welfare
facilities / canteen.
4.5 Environmental issues
Comply at all times with current environmental legislation and the requirements of Clients site
Environmental Plans, Environmental Impact Assessment, Pollution Prevention Control Plan and
Central Networks Environmental policy
V&SHs drilling equipment is very frequently used in environmentally sensitive areas like nature
reserves etc., as well as in very densely populated areas like housing estates. Both areas call
for equipment and crew to adapt to and consider the world outside of the site. All equipment is
therefore insulated for noise, equipped with fully enclosed motor compartments to ensure no oil
leakage takes place and using, wherever possible, environmentally friendly oils and lubricants.
The Foreman will be responsible for checking the integrity of all fencing twice a day and report
any breaches to the principal contractor. A heras type fence complying with HSG151 will be
erected around all drilling operations.
Waste Management
Identify none hazardous waste and hazardous waste. For none hazardous waste, ensure that
waste transfer note is completed; ensure, under the duty of care, consignment notes are
completed giving full details of waste and that persons receiving waste are holders of waste
management license or a registered carrier of waste. All operations are undertaken to conform
with the List of Waste Regulations 2005 and Waste Consignment Note Requirements Sept
Environment Agency informed prior to consignment/transfer to registered waste carrier or waste
management license holder.
Environmental Protection
Care will be taken that existing watercourses and ponds are not polluted, dirtied or obstructed
during the construction period. A ditch watch will be maintained with an Emergency Response
crew available during all working times.
Burning of rubbish on site will not be allowed.
All existing footpaths and rights of way are to be kept clear at all times.
Diesel and fuel storage tanks will be double skinned or bunded.
Static plant will be placed on drip trays the capacity of which will be 110% of the combined oil
and fuel capacity of the plant item.
All VSH drilling & auxiliary equipment is silent packed to limit noise levels.
Undertake weekly environmental site inspection and continuous monitoring.
DOC no. Method Statement
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Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
4.6 Arcaeological Considerations
In the absence of archeological information no allowance has been made in our method for
additional activities.
CA.08 Gas Oil
CA.13 Marker paint
CA.14 Tool joint compound
CA.16 Bentonite
CA.17 WD-40 Aerosol
CA.20 Copper anti seize grease
CA.23 Fuel oil
CA.24 Propane Gas
CA.25 Acetylene (dissolved)
CA.26 Oxygen
CA.29 Butane Gas
See CN-087077-VSH-C1719-14.0: Health & Safety Plan construction phase for copies of the
COSHH Assessment relating to the above index.
4.8 Materials
All materials delivered to site will be delivered by dedicated vehicles and offloaded by
competent, certified slinger to a designated lay down area ready for use.
Drilling Compound
This material will be delivered to site in 25kg bags or in one tonne bags complete with lifting
straps and will be removed from the 40' articulated unit by an excavator or telescopic handler
with a minimum SWL of 2 tonnes. The material itself is an inert substance and data sheets are
attached to COSHH assessment.
Residual drilling compound is to be transported from each location by approved licensed
The necessary water shall be supplied from River Severn. A copy of the EA abstraction license
(including specific requirements) organized by Client / Main Contract will need to be available
on site.
DOC no. Method Statement
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Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
All electrical equipment to be utilized on site will be labeled and certified and all current
calibration certificates are to be on site for inspection.
All major electrical rig connections will be made via a junction box into a fuse box arrangement
and through to earth by a qualified electrician.
4.9 Documentation
All relevant documentation relating to drilling parameters and forces are recorded on site
continually and are available for inspection on contact of the Project Manager or Supervisor
DOC no. Method Statement
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Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
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Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
4.10 Drawing T783086-R-X-01 Rev 0
DOC no. Method Statement
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22 22
Central Networks / Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions
!""#$ & '(!) *+,+- ./01 2)3
Method Statement:
Directional Drilling Cable Ducts
Rev. no. A
4.11 Photo of HDD location
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Appendix 4
Photographs Options A, B and C Exit and Launch Locations, Plus Open Cut Routes
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Access to and Launch Location Route A
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Exit Location Route A
(and Open Cut Extension to Tank)
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Launch Location Route B
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Launch Location Route C
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Proposed Vehicular Access Route to
Launch Locations B & C
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Exit Location Route B & C
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Open Cut Route from Launch Location C to
Settlement Tank
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
Example of River Levels
June & August 2008
Delta Civil Engineering Company Limited
11 June 2008
12 August 2008

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