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Inlet Gas

From Field
Design of LNG Plant Facilities.
N.Bandyopadhyay . Consulting Engineer
3 Phase
Mole Sieve
Gas /Gas !eat
Cold Separator
De propaniser
De ethaniser
*i+ propane
*i+ ethane
De methaniser
*i+ methane
%&r'o e#pander
Driven compressor
Fin,an Coolers
-esid&al lean $as
%o shipment
,or sale or
internal &se
Process loss
12.#10/0 1%2
33 #10/0 1%2
1.0#10/0 1%2
1120#10/0 1%2
Feed Gas
1.5.#10/0 1%2
*ean Gas
3.#10/0 1%2
'her(al Balance on Daily throughput.
Free 6ater
7noc8 o&t
4G* o&t
)i(plified Process Flo* Diagra( of LNG Plant
)ynopsis .
*i+&e,ied 4at&ral Gas :*4G; is a means o, transportin$ lar$e vol&me o, nat&ral $as in li+&id ,orm
thro&$h properly desi$ned '&l8 tan8ers to a distant location %he ,easi'ility o, settin$ &p o, s&ch a plant
needs to 'e st&died in details as it involves hi$h capital investment and re+&ires e#treme health < sa,ety
and environmental sa,e$&ards %he process is e#pensive 'eca&se o, needs ,or settin$ &p &pstream and
do6nstream ,acilities ,or li+&e,action < transportation at the prod&ction end and re$assi,ication at the
receivin$ terminals %he paper 6ill to&ch some ,a&ndamentals o, the ,acilities to 'e set &p ,or prod&ction
and re&se o, *4G %hease are 'ased on the +uthor,s past e-perience on such plants
Funda(entals of LNG .
*4G is prod&ced 'y li+&e,yin$ Methane component : C= ; o, nat&ral $as 6hich constit&tes 50> to 02>
'y vol&me o, the $as prod&ced %he appro#imate ratio o, $as vol&me to li+&id vol&me is 325 to 350 <
dependin$ on the $as composition %h&s < it is possi'le to transport lar$e vol&me o, $as as *4G %here
are several technolo$ies availa'le ,or prod&ction o, *4G ,rom nat&ral $as these are< Cascade Cycle
process :CCP; ,or li+&e,yin$ the methane component 'y a com'ination o, %&r'o e#pansion and
re,ri$eration thro&$h li+&e,ied methane < ethane and propane circ&its < Propane Mi#ed -e,ri$eration
process :PM-P;6hich is the most commonly &sed technolo$y and the latest D&al Mi#ed -e,ri$eration
:DM-P; process developed 'y Shell %he schematics o, the Process Flo6 Dia$ram &sin$ Cascade Cycle
process and a typical %hermal 1alance < are sho6n a'ove
Design of the Facilities .
%he main ,acilities incl&de the 2pstream < Mid stream and Do6nstream &nits %he 2pstream ,acilities
incl&de Gas -eceivin$ and Meterin$ &nits < Field Separators < M"? and %"G &nits ,or separation o, S@2 <
C@2 < 6ater < Molec&lar Sieve < -esid&al Gas %reatin$ &nits < disposal o, 6aste 6ater and ,lare o, these
$ases or s&lph&r recovery :e#cl&ded ,rom the scope o, *4G ;
%he Midstream ,acilities incl&de the main prod&ction &nits 6hich incl&de inlet $as coolin$ < cold
separators < t&r'o e#pansion < mi#ed re,ri$erant coolin$ in three circ&its < ,iltration and *4G prod&ction
%he Do6nstream ,acilities incl&de collection and stora$e o, *4G < *i+&,ied "thane and *PG :Propane
and 1&tane ,ractions; and their evac&ation
Common services ,or all the streams incl&de 6ater < po6er < compressed air < pipin$ < '&ildin$s < sa,ety
e+&ipment < str&ct&res < pipe s&pports < ,ire ,i$htin$ < internal roads < paved areas < storm 6ater draina$e <
sec&rity ,encin$ and concrete constr&ction
%he capacities and n&m'er o, e+&ipment re+&ired ,or *4G plants 6ill depend &pon the re+&ired
prod&ction capacity < $as composition and evac&ation o, the prod&cts
'he Plot Plan .
Inlet Gas Meterin$ Separator S@2 / C@2 *PG "thylene *4G
Strippers Stora$e Stora$e Stora$e
@,,ice -e,ri$eration 2nits
Plant "ntrance Mole Sieve
Cold 1o#
Aor8shop "lectrical
?dmin @,,ice S&'station

"#pander B Compressor 2nits *ean Gas
Fin Fan Coolers
Sec&rity Fence / Compo&nd Aall
Facilities re.uired for a 23& 'PD LNG Plant. :?ll appro#imate;
*and 12<000 S+m : 20 ?cres;
Pieces o, maCor process e+&ipment B machineries 30
Process pipin$ o, vario&s siDes and materials 3500 Dia Ein
Po6er and Instr&mentation ca'lin$ vario&s siDes and ratin$s 1200 m
Fire Fi$htin$ e+&ipment and accessories 1 lot
"lectrical po6er 500 76Fhr / D
!ealth < Sa,ety and "nvironmental control 1 lot
Aater s&pply :4o process 6ater re+&ired ; 20 7ls /D
)ario&s '&ildin$s :?dmin o,,ice < stores < sec&rity etc; .00 S+ m
First aid post 1 2nit
Maintenance 6or8shop 6ith vario&s machineries 1.0 s+ m
Plant roads and paved areas 3500 s+ m
Plant str&ct&res < pipe s&pports < tan8s < plat,orms etc 500 %
4at&ral $as s&ply :Inc&des prod&ction ,eedstoc8; 550 < 000 C&m / D
Plant Capital Cost :200. 'ase "#cl&des land and $as ; 2S G 250 Million
Constr&ction period ,rom rceipt o, land and all clearances 2H to 30 months
Pro/ect 0(ple(entation Planning .
Present technolo$y has made it possi'le to desi$n and constr&ct *4G plants o, vario&s siDes and $as
compositions 6ith ma#im&m e,,iciency Small s8id mo&nted plants at 6ell heads or on o,,shore
plat,orms can &tilise mar$inal $as ,ields and 'rin$ ret&rns on investments to the e#tent o, 30 > to 30 >
!o6ever < lon$ term contracts ,or sale o, *4G need to 'e made 'e,ore a plant is set &p
'he +uthor.
Mr 4irmalend& 1andyopadhyay is an Indian Civil "n$ineer < $rad&ated ,rom Calc&tta 2niversity :India;
in 1050 !e has over .. yearsI international e#perience in maCor "PCM proCects ,or oil < $as < po6er<
hydrocar'on processin$ plants < iron and stel plants < mines development < mineral procesin$ plant and
in,rastr&ct&re ,acility desi$n and constr&ction in vario&s co&ntries across the 6orld !e has 6ritten many
papers 6hich have 'een p&'lished in leadin$ ?merican and Indian ma$aDines ?t present he is a Freelance
Cons&ltin$ "n$ineer and can 'e contacted at "Mail J n'andyopadhyay9yahoocom
Period in months 0 3 12 15 2. 30
-eceipt o, land B Clearances
Collection o, all In,ormation
F""D B Detailed "n$ineerin$
1ids and a6ard ,or civil 6or8s
Civil Constr&ction
1ids and a6ard ,or maCor Plants
Man&,act&rin$ < delivery and
Field erection o, maCor plants
Inte$ration o, all prod&ction plant
PreFprod&ction testin$
Final Commissionin$ and hand
'he +uthor


Inlet Scrubber
Fin Fan Coolers

Fuel Gas for Internal
Turbo Expanders


Ethane ropane

!G" #ut $eceiver
FEE% Gas
from Field

Tan& 'apour $ecover(

"!G Storage
"!G Tan&er


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