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A.S.Rao Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg.

Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences

Tutorial Sheet 2
Subject: Digital Communication Branch: III ECE II sem
1. A Television signal having a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is transmitted using binary PCM system. Given
that the number of quantization levels is 512. Determine (i) code word length (ii) transmission
bandwidth (iii) final bit rate (iv) output signal to quantization noise ratio.
2. The bandwidth of an input signal to the PCM is restricted to 4 KHz. The input signal varies in
amplitude from -3.8V to +3.8V and has the average power of 30mW. The required signal to noise
ratio is given as 20dB. The PCM modulator produces binary output. Assuming uniform quantization,
(i) find the number of bits required per sample (ii) output of 30 such PCM coders are time
multiplexed. What would be the minimum required transmission bandwidth for this multiplexed
3. The information in an analog signal voltage waveform is to be transmitted over a PCM system with
an accuracy of 0.1% (full scale). The analog voltage waveform has a bandwidth of 100 Hz and an
amplitude range of -10V to +10V. (i) Find the minimum sampling rate required (ii) find the number
of bits in each PCM word (iii) find minimum bit rate required in the PCM signal (iv) find the
minimum absolute channel bandwidth required for the transmission of the PCM signal.
4. A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder. The bit rate of the
system is equal to 50X10
bits/sec. (i) what is the maximum message signal bandwidth for which
the system operates satisfactorily? (ii) Calculate the output signal to quantization noise ratio when
a full load sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input.
5. The information in an analog waveform with maximum frequency f
=3 KHz is to be transmitted
over an M-level PCM system where the number of quantization levels is M=16. The quantization
distortion is specified not to exceed 1% of peak to peak analog signal. (i) What would be the
maximum number of bits per sample that should be used in this PCM system? (ii) What is the
minimum sampling rate and what is the resulting bit transmission rate?
6. A signal having bandwidth equal to 3.5 KHz is sampled, quantized and coded by a PCM system. The
coded signal is then transmitted over a transmission channel of supporting a transmission rate of
50 kbps. Determine the maximum signal to noise ratio that can be obtained by this system. The
input signal has peak to peak value of 4 volts and rms value of 0.2V.
7. Consider an audio signal consisting of the sinusoidal term given as ) 500 cos( 3 ) ( t t x .
(i) Determine the signal to quantization noise ratio when this is quantized using 10 bit PCM
(ii) How many bits of quantization are needed to achieve a signal to quantization noise ratio of
at least 40dB?
8. A 7 bit PCM system employing uniform quantization has an overall signalling rate of 56kbps.
Calculate the signal to quantization noise that would result when its input is a sine wave with peak
amplitude equal to 5V. Find the dynamic range for the sine wave inputs in order that the signal to
quantization noise ratio may be less than 30dB .what is the theoretical maximum frequency that
this system can handle?
9. A delta modulator system is designed to operate at five times the Nyquist rate for a signal having a
bandwidth equal to 3 KHz bandwidth. Calculate the maximum amplitude of a 2 KHz input sinusoid
for which the delta modulator does not have slope over load. Given that the quantization step size
is 250 mV. Also, derive the formula that you use.
A.S.Rao Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg.

Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences

10. In a binary PCM system, the output signal to quantization noise ratio is to be held to a minimum
value of 40dB. Determine the number of required levels, and find the corresponding output signal
to quantizing noise ratio.
11. A DM system is designed to operate at 3 times the Nyquist rate for a signal with a 3 KHz bandwidth.
The quantizing step size is 250mV. (i) Determine the maximum amplitude of a 1 KHz input sinusoid
for which the delta modulator does not show slope over load. (ii) Determine the post filtered
output signal to quantization noise ratio for the signal of part (i).
12. The pulse rate in a DM system is 56,000 per sec. The input signal is 5 cos(2 1000t) + 2 cos(2
2000t) V, with t in sec. Find the minimum value of step size which will avoid slope overload
distortion. What would be the disadvantages of choosing a value of larger than the minimum?
13. A DM system is tested with a 10 KHz sinusoidal signal with 1V peak at the input. It is sampled at 10
times the Nyquist rate. (i) What is the step size required to prevent slope over load? (ii) What is the
corresponding SNR?
14. In a single integration DM scheme the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 KHz. The maximum
signal amplitude is 2V. Voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 KHz. Determine the minimum value of step
size to avoid slope over load and calculate granular noise power.
15. In a single integration DM scheme, the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 KHz. The maximum
signal amplitude is 1V, voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 KHz. (i) determine the minimum value of step
size to avoid slope overload. (ii) Determine granular noise N
. (iii) Assuming signal to be sinusoidal,
calculate signal power and signal to noise ratio. (iv) Assuming that noise signal amplitude is
uniformly distributed in the range (-1,1), determine the signal power and signal to noise ratio.
16. Consider the speech signal with maximum frequency of 3.4 KHz and maximum amplitude of 1V.
This speech signal is applied to a DM whose bit rate is set at 20kbps. Discuss the choice of
appropriate step size for the modulator.
17. When m
=20V and 256 quantizing levels are employed, what is the voltage between levels when
there is no compression? For =255, what is the smallest and what is the largest effective
separation between levels?
18. Consider an audio signal with spectral components limited to the frequency band of 300 to 3300
Hz. A PCM signal is generated with a sampling rate of 8000 samples/sec. The required output signal
to quantizing noise ratio is 30dB. (i) what is the minimum number of uniform quantizing levels
needed, and what is the minimum number of bits per sample needed? (ii) calculate the minimum
system bandwidth required (iii) repeat parts (i) and (ii) when a -law compander is used with
19. Consider the binary sequence 0100101. Draw the waveforms for the following signalling formats.
(i) Unipolor NRZ signalling format
(ii) Bipolar NRZ signalling format
(iii) Unipolor RZ signalling format
(iv) Bipolar RZ signalling format
(v) Split Phase signalling format
(vi) AMI (alternate mark inversion) RZ signalling format

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