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(yo) I (me) ME
(t) YOU (te) YOU
(l) HE (lo) HIM
(ella) SHE (la) HER
(ello) IT (lo) IT
(nosotros) WE (nos) US
(vosotros) YOU (os) YOU
(ellos) THEY (los/las) THEM


(mo) MINE (mi) MY
(tuyo) YOURS (tu) YOUR
(suyo) HIS (su) HIS
(suyo) HERS (su) HER
(suyo) ITS (su) ITS
(nuestro) OURS (nuestro) OUR
(vuestro) YOURS (vuestro) YOUR
(suyo) THEIRS (su) THEIR


PRONOMBRES: Sustituyen a un nombre o a un pronombre personal.
ADJETIVOS: Acompaan a un nombre.

Ejemplo: 1. "MY CAR IS MINE" ("Mi coche es mo")

MY es adjetivo.
MINE es pronombre.

1. Complete these sentences with the correct Possessive Adjective.
b) Sandra does ________________ homework before she goes to bed.
c) My uncle loves ________________ children very much.
d) John and Sammy are cleaning ________________ fathers car.
e) We cleaned ________________ classroom this morning.
f) Is this ________________ pen?
g) The dog is eating ________________ bone.
h) Where did ________________ dad put jacket?
i) Take ________________ coat with you, its cold outside.
j) We are making ________________ lunch today.

2. Complete these sentences with the correct Possessive Pronoun.
a) This red jacket belongs to me, its ________________.
b) That green cap belongs to you, its ________________.
c) We found this dog in the park, it is ________________.
d) Give this book to Helen, it is ________________.
e) I finished my exercise but David didnt finish ________________.
f) I ate my sandwiches but the boys didnt eat ________________.
g) We bought that ball, its ________________.

3. Translate these sentences.
Ese coche no es tuyo.
Tu hermano no come patatas.
Vuestros libros no son mos.
Sus camisas son tuyas.
Dnde vive tu madre?
Vuestra madre ve la tele por la tarde.
Te quiero porque me quieres.
No puedo ir a tu casa.
Cantamos nuestra cancin maana.
No duermo porque me odias.
l duerme porque su novia le quiere.
Ella vende su casa porque l no la quiere.
Estos libros no son tuyos porque t no los compraste.
Tu casa no es ma.
Vuestra hermana no me quiere.
Este coche es tuyo.
Mi dinero es mo, pero mi corazn es tuyo.
No te quiero porque no me quieres.
Te quiero aunque ella te quiera a ti.
Por qu me odias?
No puedo dormir porque le odias.
l no duerme porque su novia no le quiere.
Estos lpices son tuyos porque yo no los compr.
A little: Solamente un poco de; para sustantivos no contables:

There is only a little water in the glass.
(Hay solamente un poco de agua en el vaso).

There is only a little butter in the fridge.
(Hay solamente un poco de mantequilla en el frigorfico).

A few: Solamente unos pocos; para sustantivos contables:

There are only a few children in the park.
(Hay solamente unos pocos nios en el parque).

There are only a few ducks on the pond.
(Hay solamente unos pocos patos en el estanque).


1. Complete these sentences with only a little only a few.
a) There is orange juice in the fridge.
b) There are children in the school playground.
c) There is cheese on the plate.
d) There are books in the library.
e) There are people in the shop.
f) There is chocolate on the cake.
g) There is snow on the mountain top.
h) There are pieces of bread in the basket.
i) There are windows in the house.
j) There is butter in the dish.
k) There are fish in the tank.

2. Answer these questions. Use only a little or only a few in your
a) Are there many children in your family?
b) Do you drink a lot of coffee?
c) Do you watch a lot of films?
d) Do you buy a lot of sweets?

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