Analog Link Setup

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AIM: - Setting up a fiber optic analog link.
Fiber optic Trainer kit, function generator, fiber cable, .R.!.,
patc" cor#$.
Fiber optic link$ can be u$e# for tran$%i$$ion of #igital a$ &ell a$
analog $ignal$. 'a$icall(, a fiber optic link contain$ t"ree %ain ele%ent$,
a tran$%itter, an optical fiber) a recei*er. T"e tran$%itter %o#ule take$
t"e input $ignal in electrical for%) t"en tran$for%$ it into optical +lig"t,
energ( containing t"e $a%e infor%ation. T"e optical fiber i$ t"e %e#iu%,
&"ic" carrie$ t"i$ energ( to t"e recei*er. At t"e recei*er, lig"t i$
con*erte# back into electrical for% &it" t"e $a%e pattern a$ originall( fe#
to t"e tran$%itter.
-eep all t"e $&itc" fault$ in off po$ition.
.ake connection$ a$ $"o&n in fig. /"ile connecting t"i$ en$ure$ t"at t"e
po&er $uppl( i$ off.
onnect function generator to trainer kit.
-eep t"e 0u%per$ 1P2 )1P3 on F4-53 a$ $"o&n in fig. S&itc" on t"e
po&er $uppl(.
onnect t"e 2 -67, 28pp Signal fro% F9. A$ a con$tant $ignal to t"e I:
po$t of t"e Analog 'uffer on F4-53.
onnect t"e output of Analog 'uffer po$t !UT to po$t T; I:.
Slig"tl( un$cre& t"e cap of 4ED SF6<=>8. Do not re%o*e t"e cap fro%
t"e connector. !nce t"e cap i$ loo$ene#, in$ert t"e fiber into t"e cap. :o&
tig"ten t"e cap b( $cre&ing it back.
Slig"tl( un$cre& t"e cap of R;2 P"oto Dio#eSF62=58. Do not re%o*e
t"e cap fro% t"e connector. !nce t"e cap i$ loo$ene#, in$ert t"e fiber into
t"e cap. :o& tig"ten t"e cap b( $cre&ing it back.
!b$er*e t"e output $ignal fro% t"e #etector at A:A4!9 !UT po$t on
!$cillo$cope b( a#0u$ting !ptical po&er control Pot 3 in clock&i$e
#irection an# (ou $"oul# get t"e repro#uction of t"e original tran$%itte#
?5. To %ea$ure t"e analog ban# &i#t" of t"e link, keep t"e $a%e
connection an# *ar( t"e fre@uenc( of t"e input $ignal fro% ?55 67
on&ar#$. .ea$ure t"e a%plitu#e of t"e recei*e# $ignal for eac"
fre@uenc( rea#ing.
Plot a grap" of 9ainAFre@uenc(. .ea$ure t"e fre@uenc( range for &"ic"
t"e re$pon$e i$ flat.
?. Slig"tl( un$cre& t"e cap of 4ED. Do not re%o*e t"e cap fro% t"e
connector. !nce t"e cap i$ loo$ene#, in$ert t"e fiber into t"e cap. :o&
tig"ten t"e cap b( $cre&ing it back.
2. Bou "a*e to prepare eac" en# of t"e fiber cable *er( carefull( $o it
tran$%it$ lig"t effecti*el(.
3. ut of t"e en#$ of t"e cable &it" a $ingle-e#ge ra7or bla#e or $"arp
Tr( to obtain a preci$e C5 #egree angle.
D. Per%i$$ible a%bient te%perature range for R! #uring operation i$ 5-
D5+c t"e 8entilation "ole$ $"oul# not be co*ere#.
?. 9i*e t"e na%e of fabrication %et"o# of optical fiberE
2. /"at are t"e application$ of optical fiberE
3. /"at are $tep in#eF fiber ) 9ra#e# in#eF fiberE
D. /"at are $ingle %o#e fiber ).ulti%o#e fiberE

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