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We, Satish T S (4NN08EC034), Manikanta M (4NN09EC029), Karthik Ranjan K S

(4NN10EC023) and Mahadev Prasad D C (4NN10EC027), hereby undertake that the project
work entitled EMDEDDED SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM is carried out by us
independently under the guidance of Mr. Harish S V ,Asst Prof, Department of Electronics
and Communication, NIE-IT, Mysore-18 , in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of BACHELOR OF ENGINERRING in Electronics and communication by the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. The project has been our original work and
has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other
similar titles.

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The satisfaction and ecstasy that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the humble mention of the people who have made the same possible.
We are grateful to Dr. Vidya Raj, Principal, NIEIT, Mysore for providing us the facilities
required for carrying out the project.
We profusely thank Dr. Usha Surendra, Head Of Department, Electronics and Communication,
NIEIT, Mysore for her constant support, frequent guidance and encouragement.
We profusely thank Mr. Harish S V, Asst Prof, Department of Electronics and Communication,
NIEIT, Mysore for his constant support.
We also extend our thanks to both teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department Of
Electronics and Communication, NIEIT Mysore who have encouraged us throughout this
We are very thankful to parents and friends who always helped us throughout our career.

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I. Undertaking i
II. Acknowledgement ii
III. Abstract iii
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.3 Hardware components 5
1.3.1 Microcontroller 5
1.3.2 LCD Panel 6
1.3.3 Current and Voltage sensors 7
1.4 Software Requirement 7
Chapter 2: System Analysis
2.1 Descriptive Block Diagram 9
Chapter 3: System Design
3.1 Solar Panel 11
3.2 Current sensor 11
3.3 Voltage sensor 13
3.4 Op-amp LM324 14
3.5 Microcontroller 15
3.5.1 Analog to Digital Conversion 16
3.5.2 Pulse Width Modulation 16
3.6 LCD Panel 17
3.7 Convertor 18

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3.7.1 SEPIC convertor 18
3.7.2 MOSFET Driver 20
3.8 Power Supply 22
Chapter 4: System Design Implementation
4.1 Implementation Algorithm 24
4.2 Analog to digital conversion 24
4.2.1 Operation of ADC 25
4.2.2 Starting a Conversion 26
4.2.3 ADC Conversion Result 27
4.2.4 Algorithm 27
4.3 Maximum Power Point Tracking 28
4.4 PWM 29
4.4.1 Modes of Operation 29
4.4.2 Algorithm 30
4.5 LCD Display algorithm 31

Chapter 5: Result and Conclusion
5.1 Tabulated readings of Direct load connection 33
5.2 Tabulated readings of Buck Converter 34
5.3 Tabulated readings of SEPIC Converter 35
5.4 Plot of Efficiency vs. Time of day 36
V. Advantages 37
VI. Applications 37
VII. References 38
VIII. Appendix I 39
IX. Appendix II 41
X. Appendix III 43
XI. Appendix IV 48

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1.1 Suns apparent motion 2
1.2 The average solar radiations receiver by different regions in India 4
2.1 Block Diagram of Tracking Section 6
2.2 Block Diagram of Monitoring Section 9
2.3 Solar tracking circuit diagram 11
2.4 Basic building blocks of a computer 12
2.5 A microcontroller based system 13
2.6 Pin Diagram of PIC16F877A 14
2.7 Instruction pipeline flow 15
2.8 Character LCD type HD44780 Pin diagram
2.9 Zigbee CC2500 17
3.1 Block diagram for Interfacing of PIC microcontroller 19
3.2 Embedded solar tracker Tracking part schematic 20
3.3 LM324 pin diagram 21
3.4 L293D pin diagram 21
3.5 Schematic of solar tracker receiver part 22
4.1 Embedded solar tracking Logic Flow 22
4.2 Tracker mode logic flow 28
4.3 Pin details of LCD Display 31
4.4 PWM pulses for servo motor 39
5.1 Message Display 41
5.2 Normal Panel 43
5.3 Panel is aligned to sun 48
5.4 Message Display 49

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