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4. Imagine you are a cooking expert. What would you recommend to the
following families?
We are a vegetarian couple. We
strongly believe that eating animals
meat is a cruel and unhealthy thing to
We were actually from Italy but
came to the States 10 years ago.
However we are fond of Italian
We love healthy food, but when
you have ids its hard to mae
them eat vegetables all the time.
!hey love desserts and we are
een on cereals and foods that
contain a high energy value.
1. ow much do you know a!out healthy food?
My Favourite Restaurant
2. Complete the following paragraph using the works from the box.
I lie to eat out and I go to a "1#$$$$$$$$$$$ for dinner twice a wee. I "%#$$$$$$$$$$ with my husband,
'ur "(#$$$$$$$$$$$ restaurant is an Indian restaurant in )leveland Street in Surry Hills. It is not very big
"*#$$$$$$$$$$$ it is always busy. !here are only a "+#$$$$$$$$$$$ tables in the restaurant and there is a
white ",#$$$$$$$$$$$ on each table. !here is also a vase with "-#$$$$$$$$$$$ flowers on each table.
!here are plants in the ".#$$$$$$$$$$$. We usually "/#$$$$$$$$$$$ hot curries and eat them with rice. !he
food is "10#$$$$$$$$$$$ so we en0oy it very much. !he service is "11#$$$$$$$$$$$ and friendly.
&ill and I always have a "1%#$$$$$$$$$$$ evening at our favourite restaurant.

few restauran order tablecloth pleasan
delicious corners
lovely but 2uic
". #ircle the correct choice.
1. How many3much tea do you want4
%. How many3much vegetables do you eat per day4
(. How many3much tea do you want4
*. How many3much water do you drin4
+. How many3much bread do you eat at breafast4
,. How many3much slides of bread do you eat at
-. How many3much apples are there4
.. How many3much money do you need4
Cooking Verbs.
to add d agregar
to bake bik hornear
to beat bit batir
to blend blend combinar, meclar
to boil bil hervir
to bone bun deshuesar
to break brik romper
to broil bril asar a la parrilla
to chill chil refrigerar, enfriar
to chop chp picar, cortar en troos
to steam stim cocinar al vapor
to stew sti guisar, estofar
to stir ster fre!r
to stir"fry str-fri rehogar
to strain strin colar
to stuff staf rellenar, mechar
to thicken zken espesar
to trim trim recortar
to waste uist desperdiciar
to whisk usk batir
baked potatoes bikt potitous papas al horno
beef bif carne vacuna
beef steak bf stik bistec
cheese chis queso
cheeseburger chis-brguer hamburguesa de queso
chicken chken pollo
dessert disrt postre
french fries french fris papas fritas (de cocina)
fried chicken frid chken pollo frito
ham jm jamn
hamburger jmburguer hamburguesa
hot dog jot dog salchicha
mashed potatoes msht potitous pur de papas
mayonnaise meionis mayonesa
noodles nudls tallarines
omelet mlit tortilla
pasta psta pasta
pia ptza pizza
pork pork carne de cerdo
potato chips potitou chips papas fritas (en bolsa)
salad slad ensalada
sauce sos salsa
sausage ssidch salchicha, chorizo
scrambled eggs skrmbld ggs huevos revueltos
soup sp sopa
turkey trki pavo
apple #uice pl dchus jugo de manzana
can of Coke kan v kuk lata de Coca-Cola
champagne shampin champn
coffee kfi caf
hot chocolate jt chklit chocolate caliente
#uice dchs jugo, zumo
lemonade lmonid limonada
apple pl manzana
avocado avocdou palta, aguacate
banana banna banana
blackberry blk brri mora
cherry chrri cereza
coconuts kukonats cocos
grapes grips uvas
lemon lmon limn
mango mngou mango
melon mlon meln
orange rendch naranja
peach pich durazno, melocotn
pear par pera
pineapple pinpl pi!a
plum plam ciruela
raspberry rsp-brri frambuesa
strawberry strberri frutilla, fresa
tangerine tndcherin mandarina
watermelon utermlon sand"a

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