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1)fatuous adjective \ fa-ch-s, -ty-\

: foolish or stupid *Ignoring the avalanche warnings,

the fatuous skiers continued on their course.
2)jaunty adjective \ jon-t, j!n-\
: lively in "anner or appearance : having or suggesting a lively and
confident #uality *$e struck a jaunty pose for the ca"era.
3)melancholia noun \ "e-ln- k%-l-\
: a feeling of sadness and depression * I &elieve your daughter is
suffering fro" an acute case of "elancholia
4)insipid adjective \in- si-pd\
: not interesting or e'citing : dull or &oring( lacking strong flavor *
)he soup was rather insipid.

5)twaddle noun \ tw!-d

: foolish words or ideas **e don+t &elieve that twaddle any"ore.
6) sanctimonious adjective \ sa,-k.-t- "%-n-s, -nys\
: pretending to &e "orally &etter than other people * If you gru"&le
a&out his sancti"onious eating ha&its, take a closer look at your
own health.
7)sufeit noun \ s-ft\
: an a"ount that is too "uch or "ore than you need * )he event ended
up with a surfeit of volunteers who si"ply got in each other+s way
!)desuetude noun \ de-swi- td, - tyd, di- s--, - sy-\
" discontinuance fro" use or e'ercise " /I0102 * /espite the long
years of desuetude, the old "anual typewriter see"ed to work just
#)copious adjective \ k%-p-s \
: very large in a"ount or nu"&er * )he stor" produced
a copious a"ount of rain.
1$) di3gress intransitive verb \d%- &es' d-\
: to speak or write a&out so"ething that is different fro" the "ain
su&ject &eing discussed
*$e digressed so often that it was hard to follow what he was saying.
11) delineate transitive verb \di- li-n- 4t, d-\
: to clearly show or descri&e -so"ething. *)he report
clearly delineates the steps that "ust &e taken.
12) chicaney noun \- k4n-r, - k4-n-\
: actions or state"ents that trick people into &elieving so"ething that
is not true : deception or trickery *)hat candidate only won the
election through chicanery.
13)couscate intransitive verb \ kor-- sk4t, k!r-\
" to give off or reflect light in &right &ea"s or flashes " 0567892 *$er
dress coruscated in the spotlight.
14) coalesce verb \ k%-- les\
: to co"e together to for" one group or "ass *)he ice
"asses coalesced into a glacier over ti"e.
15) cicumspect adjective \ sr-k

"- spekt\
: thinking carefully a&out possi&le risks &efore doing or saying
so"ething *0he has a reputation for &eing #uiet and circumspect in
investigating charges of child a&use.
16) suly adjective \ sr-l\
: rude and unfriendly )the surly receptionist told us we+d have to wait
outside in the rain.
17) milieu noun \"l- y-r., - y, - y:( "l- y\
: the physical or social setting in which people live or in which
so"ething happens or develops *;oung, innovative artists thrive in
the freewheeling milieuthat a &ig city offers
1!) so(i)uet noun \ s%-&ri- k4, - ket, s%-&ri- \
: a na"e or phrase that descri&es the character of so"eone or
so"ething * )hey tagged her with the sobriquet <peanut= &ecause of
her di"inutive si>e.
1#*) connoisseu noun \ k!-n- sr also - sur\
: a person who knows a lot a&out so"ething -such as art, wine, food,
etc.. : an e'pert in a particular su&ject. * 0he is a connoisseur of
6frican art.
2$*)candid adjective \ kan-dd\
: e'pressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way. * $e
was #uite candid a&out his past.
21*)caus-tic adjective \ kos-tik\
: a&le to destroy or &urn so"ething &y che"ical action( very harsh and
critical. * )he che"ical was so caustic that it ate through the pipes.
22*) pefunctoy adjective \pr- f,-k.-t--.r\
:used to descri&e so"ething that is done without energy or enthusias"
&ecause of ha&it or &ecause it is e'pected. * )he violinist delivered
a perfunctory perfor"ance that displayed none of the passion and
war"th he was once known for.
23*)popitious adjective \pr- pi-shs\
: likely to have or produce good results. * ?ow is a propitious ti"e to
start a &usiness.
24*)as-tute adjective \- stt, a-, - styt\
: having or showing an a&ility to notice and understand things clearly :
"entally sharp or clever. * Astute readers will notice the error.
25*) pefidy noun \ p-f-d+\
: the act of &etraying so"eone or so"ething : the state of not &eing
loyal. * )hey are guilty of perfidy.
26*) ennui noun \ ,n- w+\
: a lack of spirit, enthusias", or interest. * )he kind of ennui that
co"es fro" having too "uch ti"e on one+s hands and too little will to
find so"ething productive to do.
27*) eleemosynay adjective \ e-li- m,-s- ne-+' - m--. - m,-
" of, relating to, or supported &y charity. * $e used his vast fortune
for esta&lishing and funding a host of eleemosynary institutions.
2!*) enmity noun \ en-m-t+\
: a very deep unfriendly feeling. * *e need to put aside
old enmities for the sake of peace.
2#*) condone transitive verb \0n- d-n\
: to forgive or approve -so"ething that is considered wrong. : to allow
-so"ething that is considered wrong. to continue. * $e is too #uick
to condone his friend+s faults.
3$*) fick3le adjective \ fi-0l\
: changing opinions often. * $e &la"es poor sales
on fickle consu"ers.
concomitant adjective \0n- 0,-m-tnt' 0,n-\
: happening at the sa"e ti"e as so"ething else. * )he drug+s risks
increase with the concomitant use of alcohol.
32*) cupidity noun \0yu- pi-d-t+\
: a strong desire for "oney or possessions. * )he evidence revealed
the cupidity of the co"pany+s directors.
35*) depa1ity noun \di- pa-1-t+ also - p2-\
: a very evil #uality or way of &ehaving( an evil or i""oral act.
*5eople were shocked &y the depravity of her actions.
36*) oneous adjective \ ,-n-s' --\
: difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with. *)he govern"ent
i"posed onerous ta'es on i"ports.
37*) onus noun \ --ns\
: the responsi&ility for so"ething. *$e perpetually tries to shift
the onus for any "istakes onto other tea" "e"&ers.
3!*) pee&inate verb \ pe--&- n2t\
" to walk or travel over. *6 couple of &ackpacking college students
who decided to spend the su""er peregrinating around Ireland.
ta1ese verb \tr- vrs also tra- or tra-- .\
: to "ove across -an area.. *)he candidates traversed the state
throughout the ca"paign.
4$*) acimonious adjective \ a-0- m--n+-s\
: angry and &itter. *$e went through an acrimonious divorce.
41*) officious adjective \- fi-shs\
:used to descri&e an annoying person who tries to tell other people
what to do in a way that is not wanted or needed. *6n officious little
"an in the is always telling everyone else how to do their jo&s.
42*) pueile adjective \ pyu3-)-l' - %3-)l\
: silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness
or good judg"ent. )he officer-in-charge told the teenagers that
such puerile &ehavior would not &e tolerated during the cere"ony.
43*) )ueulous adjective \ 0we-y-ls' --ls also 0wi-\
: co"plaining in an annoyed way. @ar trips were fre#uently spoiled &y
a couple of querulous passengers in the &ack.
44*) epine intransitive verb \i- p%n\
" to feel or e'press dejection or discontent. 4)here is no
use repining over a love that+s &een long lost.
45*) )uell transitive verb \ kwel\
: to end or stop -so"ething. usually &y using force( to cal" or reduce
-so"ething, such as fear or worry.. *)he principal held up her hand
to quell the students so they could hear the urgent announce"ent.

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