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Committee against Torture

Concluding observations on the initial report of the Holy See

1. The Committee against Torture considered the initial report of the Holy See
(CAT/C/VAT/1) at its 122
and 122!
meetings" held on # and $ %ay 21&
(CAT/C/S'.122 and CAT/C/S'.122!)" and adopted the follo(ing concluding
o)ser*ations at its 12&#
" 12&$

meetings (CAT/C/S'.12&#" CAT/C/S'.12&$
and CAT/C/S'.12&+) held on 21 and 22 %ay 21&.
A# ntroduction
2. The Committee (elcomes the initial report of the Holy See (CAT/C/VAT/1)" (hich
follo(s the Committee,s -uidelines on the form and content of initial reports
(CAT/C/&/'e*.!) re.uired under article 1/ on the measures they ha*e ta0en to gi*e effect
to their underta0ings under the Con*ention against Torture and other Cruel" 1nhuman or
2egrading Treatment or 3unishment. Ho(e*er" it regrets that the report (as su)mitted nine
years late.
!. The Committee also appreciates the open and constructi*e dialogue (ith the high4
le*el delegation of the State party and the supplementary information pro*ided during the
e5amination of the report.
$# %ositive aspects
&. The Committee (elcomes the fact that follo(ing the ratification of the Con*ention"
the State party acceded to the Con*ention against Transnational 6rgani7ed Crime" on 2#
8anuary 212.
#. The Committee also (elcomes the State party,s efforts to re*ise its legislation in
areas of rele*ance to the Con*ention" including9
(a) The issuance motu proprio )y 3ope :rancis of an Apostolic ;etter <6n the
8urisdiction of 8udicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal %atters=" on 11 8uly
21!. The letter (as promulgated and entered into force on 1 Septem)er 21!" esta)lishing
the e5ercise of penal >urisdiction )y the 8udicial Authorities of Vatican City State o*er
crimes (hose prosecution is re.uired )y international agreements ratified )y the Holy See.
This modified Vatican City State legislation" specifically ;a( ?o. V111 on Supplementary
?orms on Criminal ;a( %atters" (hich )ecame effecti*e 1 Septem)er 21!" and (hich
incorporates into the legal system the crime of torture" crimes against humanity and a
definition of crimes against minors@ and ;a( ?. 1A (hich amends the Criminal Code and
the Code of Criminal 3rocedure to pro*ide for >urisdiction o*er offenses committed )y
pu)lic officials and citi7ens a)road and to set standards go*erning e5tradition" >udicial
cooperation" mutual legal assistance" and other matters rele*ant to the Con*ention.
()) The issuance )y the Congregation for the 2octrine of the :aith of a Circular
;etter to Assist Bpiscopal Conferences in 2e*eloping -uidelines for 2ealing (ith Cases of
Se5ual A)uses of %inors 3erpetrated )y Clerics" on ! %ay 211" (hich confirms" as
esta)lished in the 21 Motu Proprio Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela" that Cishops and
%a>or Superiors are to refer all credi)le allegations of se5ual a)use of minors )y clerics to
the Congregation for the 2octrine of the :aith. The Circular ;etter also esta)lishes" in its
o(n (ords" that <the prescriptions of ci*il la( regarding the reporting of such crimes to the
designated authority should al(ays )e follo(ed.=
$. The Committee also (elcomes the efforts of the State party to amend its policies"
programmes and administrati*e measures to gi*e effect to the Con*ention" including9
(a) The clear condemnation" in the Holy See,s report" of the use of torture and
other acts of cruel" inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment as contrary to the
dignity" integrity and identity of the human person and its references to the statements )y
se*eral 3opes against torture and against the death penalty" including 3ope Cenedict AV1,s
reminder" in 2+" to mem)ers of the 1nternational Commission for Catholic 3rison
3astoral Care" (hich represents prison chaplains from $2 countries" stating that <1 reiterate
that the prohi)ition against torture cannot )e contra*ened under any circumstances=@
()) The esta)lishment of a Special 6ffice (ithin the -o*ernorate of the Vatican
City State to o*ersee the implementation of international agreements to (hich the Vatican
City State is a party" on 1 August 21!@
(c) The creation of the 3ontifical Commission for the 3rotection of %inors" on #
2ecem)er 21!" to ser*e as an ad*isory committee to the 3ope" and its mem)ers, statement
on ! %ay 21& that they *ie( ensuring accounta)ility as especially important@
(d) The statement )y 3ope :rancis" during a meeting (ith the 1nternational
Catholic Child Cureau on 11 April 21&" ac0no(ledging the damage done )y the se5ual
a)use of children )y some priests" in (hich the 3ontiff affirmed that <(e (ill not ta0e one
step )ac0(ard (ith regards to ho( (e (ill deal (ith this pro)lem and the sanctions that
must )e imposed. 6n the contrary" (e ha*e to )e e*en stronger.=
+. The affirmation )y the head of the delegation that international treaties" including
the Con*ention" ratified )y the Holy See and agreements made )y the Holy See (ith other
international su)>ects or other States ta0e precedence o*er the domestic la( of the Vatican
City State#
C# %rincipal sub&ects of concern and recommendations
Scope of Application of the Convention
D. The Committee notes the 1nterpretati*e 2eclaration made )y the Holy See in
acceding to the Con*ention and statements in the report of the State party reinforced )y the
delegation during the dialogue" e5pressing the *ie( that the Con*ention applies e5clusi*ely
to the Vatican City State. The Committee further notes that the 21! amendments to la(s
of the Vatican City State" referred to a)o*e" esta)lish that pu)lic officials of the Vatican
City State include" among other persons" (a) mem)ers" officials and personnel of the
*arious organs of the 'oman Curia and of the 1nstitutions connected to it and ()) papal
legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See. The Committee,s -eneral Comment ?o.
2 recalls that States )ear international responsi)ility for the acts and omissions of their
officials and others acting in an official capacity or acting on )ehalf of the State" in
con>unction (ith the State" under its direction or control" or other(ise under colour of la(.
This responsi)ility e5tends to actions and omissions of the pu)lic ser*ants of a State party
deployed on operations a)road. The Committee reminds States parties to the Con*ention
that they are o)ligated to adopt effecti*e measures to pre*ent their officials and others
acting in an official capacity from perpetrating or instigating the commission of torture or
ill4treatment and from consenting to or ac.uiescing in the commission of such *iolations )y
others" including non4state actors" in any situation in (hich they e5ercise >urisdiction or
effecti*e control.
The Committee notes that the nterpretative Declaration made by the State party is
not consistent (ith the above)mentioned norms under their o(n la( as (ell as the
Convention# The Committee invites the State party to vie( the nterpretative
Declaration in light of the aforementioned considerations* not e+cluding the possibility
of reinterpretation or (ithdra(al# The Committee recalls that the State party,s
obligations under the Convention concern all public officials of the State party and
other persons acting in an official capacity or under colour of la(# These obligations
concern the actions and omissions of such persons (herever they e+ercise effective
control over persons or territory#
Definition of torture
/. The Committee (elcomes the adoption of ;a( ?o. V111 of 11 8uly 21! (hich
contains a definition of torture and other elements set forth in the Con*ention. The
Committee notes that this ;a( refers to =the pu)lic official ha*ing >udicial" >udicial police
or la( enforcement functions" as (ell as (hoe*er performs in an official capacity a similar
or analogous role" and (hoe*er" under their instigation or (ith their consent and
ac.uiescence = The Apostolic ;etter of 11 8uly 21! states in paragraph ! that the
follo(ing persons are deemed pu)lic officials9 <(a) mem)ers" officials and personnel of the
*arious organs of the 'oman Curia and of the 1nstitutions connected to it. ()) papal legates
and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See. (c) those persons (ho ser*e as representati*es"
managers or directors" as (ell as persons (ho e*en de fact manage or e5ercise control o*er
the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the registry of canonical
>uridical persons 0ept )y the -o*ernorate of Vatican City State. (d) any other person
holding an administrati*e or >udicial mandate in the Holy See" permanent or temporary"
paid or unpaid" irrespecti*e of that person,s seniority.= The Committee also recalls that
article & of the Con*ention re.uires States parties to ensure that <an attempt to commit
torture and an act )y any person (hich constitutes complicity or participation in torture= is
an offence under its criminal la(. The Committee has e5pressed in its -eneral Comment
?o. ! that statutes of limitations should not )e applica)le to the crime of torture. (arts.1and
The Committee see-s confirmation that the State party fully complies (ith the
re.uirements of the Convention that /all public officials or persons acting in an
official capacity0 are covered in line (ith article 1 of the Convention# t invites the
State party to adopt effective measures to ensure that its definition of torture applies
to all public officials* as established in the Convention and that the State party
discharges all its obligations under the Convention# The Committee further see-s
clarification that /an attempt to commit torture and an act by any persons (hich
constitutes complicity or participation in torture0 is prohibited under its criminal la(#
The Committee reminds the State party that 2eneral Comment No# 3 states that
statutes of limitations should not be applicable to the crime of torture and re.uests
that the State party clarify that there is no statute of limitations for the offence of
%revention of torture and cruel* inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment
1. The Committee notes that since 21 Holy See officials ha*e re.uired mandatory
reporting of all credi)le allegations of se5ual a)use of minors )y clergy to the Congregation
for the 2octrine of the :aith in Vatican City State. The Committee appreciates the data
pro*ided )y the delegation indicating that the Congregation for the 2octrine of the :aith
confirmed !&2 credi)le allegations of se5ual a)use )y priests )et(een 2&421!"
resulting in the implementation of numerous canonical penalties meted out through an
ecclesiastical penal process" including the defroc0ing of D&D priests and disciplining of
2#+2 others such as through imposition of a life of prayer or penance. 1n its -eneral
Comment ?o. 2 the Committee recalls that State authorities or others acting in official
capacity or under colour of la( ha*e an o)ligation to e5ercise due diligence to pre*ent
*iolations of the Con*ention" including )y non4State officials or pri*ate actors under their
effecti*e control" (hene*er they 0no( or ha*e reasona)le grounds to )elie*e that *iolations
of the Con*ention are )eing committed.
1n this regard" the Committee regrets the State party did not pro*ide re.uested data on the
num)er of cases in (hich the State party pro*ided information to ci*il authorities in the
places (here the cases arose and in the places (here the priests concerned are currently
located. The Committee (elcomes the assurance made )y the delegation that Catholic
clergy are instructed to report allegations of se5ual a)use of minors perpetrated )y clergy
mem)ers to the ci*il authorities as (ell as to the Congregation for the 2octrine of the :aith.
?e*ertheless" the Committee is concerned )y reports that the State party,s officials resist
the principle of mandatory reporting of such allegations to ci*il authorities.
The Committee is further concerned )y numerous reports of cases in (hich clergy accused
or con*icted )y ci*il authorities of such offenses (ere transferred to other dioceses and
institutions (here they remained in contact (ith minors and others (ho are *ulnera)le" and
in some cases committed a)use in their su)se.uent placements. Such allegations appear in
the reports of commissions and in*estigations underta0en in di*erse countries. 2uring the
dialogue (ith the State party" the Committee raised the case of :ather 8oseph 8eyapaul" the
case of :ather 3eter Eramer" and the findings reached )y a grand >ury in 3hiladelphia"
FSA" in 2#" as illustrati*e of these concerns. (art. 2)
The State party should ensure that Holy See officials and other public officials of the
Vatican City State ta-e effective measures to monitor the conduct of individuals under
their effective control* to stop and sanction such conduct in any case (here they
become a(are of credible allegations of violations of the Convention* and to ta-e other
measures (ithin their control to prevent the commission of subse.uent violations by
the individuals concerned* including to4
5a6 Continue to develop and implement programmes and policies to prevent
violations of the Convention7
5b6 Ensure that individuals that are sub&ect to an allegation of abuse
brought to the attention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the 8aith or other
officials of the State party are immediately suspended from their duties pending the
investigation of the complaint* to guard against the possibility of subse.uent abuse or
intimidation of victims7
5c6 Ensure effective monitoring of the placements of all clergy that are
under investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the 8aith and prevent the
transfer of clergy (ho have been credibly accused of abuse for the purposes of
avoiding proper investigation and punishment of their crimes# 8or those found
responsible* apply sanctions* including dismissal from clerical service7
5d6 Ensure that all State party officials e+ercise due diligence and react
properly to credible allegations of abuse* sub&ecting any official that fails to do so to
meaningful sanctions7
5e6 Ta-e effective measures to ensure that allegations received by its officials
concerning violations of the Convention are communicated to the proper civil
authorities to facilitate their investigation and prosecution of alleged perpetrators#
The State party should provide data to the Committee in its ne+t periodic report on
the number of cases in (hich it provided information to civil authorities both in the
places (here cases arose and in the places (here the persons concerned are currently
11. Ghile the Committee appreciates the confirmation pro*ided regarding the ongoing
in*estigation under the Vatican City State Criminal Code of allegations of se5ual a)use of
minors )y Arch)ishop 8osef Gesolo(s0i" former papal nuncio to the 2ominican 'epu)lic.
The Committee notes that the 'epu)lic of 3oland has reportedly re.uested the e5tradition
of Arch)ishop Gesolo(s0i. The Committee is concerned that the State party did not
identify any case to date in (hich it has prosecuted an indi*idual responsi)le for the
commission of or complicity or participation in a *iolation of the Con*ention (arts. &" #" $"
+ and D).
The State party should ensure that its competent authorities proceed to a prompt and
impartial investigation of Archbishop :esolo(s-i and any other persons accused of
perpetrating or being complicit in violations of the Convention (ho are nationals of
the State party or are present on the territory of the State party# f (arranted* the
State party should ensure such persons are criminally prosecuted or e+tradited for
prosecution by the civil authorities of another State party# The Committee re.uests
the State party to provide it (ith information on the outcome of the investigation
concerning Archbishop :esolo(s-i#
Cooperation (ith civil and criminal proceedings
12. The Committee is concerned )y reports it has recei*ed of cases in (hich the State
party has declined to pro*ide information to ci*il authorities in connection (ith
proceedings relating to allegations that clergy mem)ers committed *iolations of the
Con*ention" despite the fact that since 21 the Congregation for the 2octrine of the :aith
in the Vatican City State has had responsi)ility for recei*ing and in*estigating all
allegations of se5ual a)use of minors )y Catholic clergy. The Committee e5presses concern
a)out allegations that in 21! the papal nuncio to Australia in*o0ed diplomatic immunity in
refusing to pro*ide archi*al documentation to assist the ?e( South Gales Special
Commission of 1n.uiry into se5 a)use. The Committee recalls that article / of the
Con*ention o)ligates States parties to <afford one another the greatest measure of
assistance= in connection (ith criminal proceedings related to *iolations of the Con*ention"
<including the supply of all e*idence at their disposal necessary for the proceedings= (art.
The State party should ta-e effective steps to ensure the provision of information to
civil authorities in cases (here they are carrying out criminal investigations of
allegations of violations of the Convention perpetrated by Catholic clergy or
ac.uiesced to by them# The State party should ensure the procedures for re.uesting
such cooperation are clear and (ell)-no(n to the civil authorities and that re.uests
for cooperation are responded to promptly#
$asic ;egal Safeguards
1!. The Committee appreciates the information pro*ided )y the State party in its report
and at the dialogue concerning legal protections for persons depri*ed of their li)erty in the
State party pro*ided in the Criminal Code" Code of Criminal 3rocedure" and 212 draft
regulations of the 2epartment of Security Ser*ices and Ci*il 3rotection. The Committee
regrets that information (as not pro*ided as to (hether these documents incorporate the
particular legal safeguards against torture that the Committee has called on all States parties
to ensure for all persons depri*ed of their li)erty (arts. 2" 1!" 1# and 1$).
The State party should ensure that its la(s and regulations provide for the right of all
persons deprived of their liberty to en&oy the legal safeguards against torture
enumerated in the Committee=s 2eneral Comment No# '* including ensuring the right
of all detainees to receive independent legal assistance* independent medical
assistance* and to contact relatives from the moment of deprivation of liberty# The
State party should monitor the provision of such safeguards by its public officials and
ensure that any failure to provide such safeguards as re.uired results in disciplinary
or other penalties#
Complaints and prompt* thorough and impartial investigations
1&. The Committee (elcomes the amendments to the Criminal Code and Code of
Criminal 3rocedure of the Vatican City State that ma0e it clear that authorities should
prosecute allegations of *iolations of the Con*ention )y citi7ens and officials. The
Committee also (elcomes information pro*ided that the 3ontifical Commission for the
3rotection of %inors" esta)lished )y 3ope :rancis" (ill see0 to ensure accounta)ility and its
mem)ers ha*e announced that they plan to ma0e specific proposals on raising a(areness
<regarding the tragic conse.uences of se5ual a)use and of the de*astating conse.uences of
not listening" not reporting suspicion of a)use" and failing to support *ictims/sur*i*ors and
their families=. To date there has )een no information pro*ided to the Committee as to the
3ontifical Commission,s term" in*estigati*e po(ers" and a)ility to report pu)licly (arts.12
and 1!).
The State party should4
5a6 Establish an independent complaints mechanisms to (hich victims of
alleged violations of the Convention can confidentially report allegations of abuse and
(hich has the po(er to cooperate (ith the State party,s authorities as (ell as civil
authorities in the location (here the alleged abuse occurred7
5b6 Ensure that organs charged (ith carrying out investigations into
allegations of violations of the Convention by public officials of the Vatican City State*
including the "ffice of the %romoter of >ustice* are independent (ith no hierarchical
connection bet(een the investigators and the alleged perpetrators# Ensure that such
bodies carry out investigations promptly* thoroughly* and impartially7
5c6 Clarify (hether the %ontifical Commission for the %rotection of ?inors
established in December '@13 (ill have the full po(er to investigate cases of alleged
violations of the Convention* ensure that the results of any of its investigations are
made public and that they are promptly acted upon by officials (ith a prosecutorial
function* (ithin a specific deadline#
Concordats and other agreements
1#. The Committee is concerned at allegations that concordats and other agreements
negotiated )y the Holy See (ith other States may effecti*ely pre*ent prosecution of alleged
perpetrators )y limiting the a)ility of ci*il authorities to .uestion" compel the production of
documentation )y" or prosecute indi*iduals associated (ith the Catholic Church (arts. 2" 12"
1! and 1$).
The State party should consider revie(ing its bilateral agreements concluded (ith
other States* such as concordats* (ith a vie( to fulfilling its obligations under the
Convention and preventing the agreements from serving to provide individuals
alleged to have violated the Convention or believed to possess information concerning
violations of the Convention (ith protection from investigation or prosecution by civil
authorities as a result of their status or affiliation (ith the Catholic Church#
1$. Ghile noting that many dioceses and religious orders pro*ided financial settlements
to *ictims of a)use" the Committee remains deeply concerned at the reported ina)ility to
o)tain redress e5perienced )y many alleged *ictims of *iolations of the Con*ention
perpetrated )y or (ith the ac.uiescence of persons acting in an official capacity for the
State party. The Committee is particularly concerned a)out allegations of past instances in
(hich the State party has ac.uiesced to or authori7ed actions ta0en )y certain church
officials to protect assets from sei7ure )y ci*il authorities for the purpose of pro*iding
redress to *ictims. The Committee is also concerned a)out the State party,s response to the
continued refusal )y the four religious orders that ran the %agdalene laundries in 1reland to
contri)ute to a redress fund for indi*iduals su)>ected to a)use in those facilities. The
Committee recalls that in accordance (ith -eneral Comment ?o. !" the concept of redress
includes restitution" compensation" reha)ilitation" satisfaction and the right to truth" and
guarantees of non4repetition (arts. 12" 1!" 1& and 1$).
The State party should4
5a6 n accordance (ith article 19 of the Convention and 2eneral Comment
No# 3* ta-e steps to ensure that victims of se+ual abuse committed by or (ith the
ac.uiescence of the State party,s officials receive redress* including fair* ade.uate and
enforceable right to compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible* regardless of
(hether perpetrators of such acts have been brought to &ustice# Appropriate measures
should be ta-en to ensure the physical and psychological recovery and social
reintegration of the victims of abuse#
5b6 Encourage the provision of redress by individual religious orders to
victims of violations of the Convention carried out by them and ta-e additional steps
to ensure that victims obtain redress as needed* including in the case of the ?agdalene
Non)refoulement and asylum
1+. The Committee notes (ith appreciation the State party,s confirmation that the
Vatican City State (ould not e5pel" return or e5tradite a person to a State (here the person
might )e tortured" and that amendments to the Criminal Code and Code of Criminal
3rocedure attached to the 1! 8uly 21! Apostolic ;etter of 3ope :rancis ela)orate on this
matter. The Committee regrets" ho(e*er" that there (as no data pro*ided in response to
in.uiries concerning the num)er of asylum re.uests recei*ed and granted" particularly in
*ie( of the statement that asylum applications are dealt (ith and ad>udicated )y the 1talian
go*ernment,s authorities (art. !).
The Committee recommends that the State party provide in ne+t report data on the
number of asylum re.uests received by authorities of the State party located in its
territory or abroad since '@@'* as (ell as the number granted* and (hether any
asylum see-er (as returned or refused asylum and in (hich countries# The State
party should ensure its authorities monitor treatment of any persons see-ing asylum
(ho are sent to taly to ascertain that they are not subse.uently e+pelled to a place
(here they might be in danger of being sub&ected to torture or ill)treatment#
Training of the 2endarmerie Corps
1D. Ghile noting that the -endarmerie Corps recei*es training in human rights" the
Committee is concerned that they are not pro*ided (ith specific training on the pro*isions
of the Con*ention" including the a)solute prohi)ition of torture" and that medical
professionals dealing (ith persons depri*ed of li)erty and asylum4see0ers do not recei*e
training on the %anual on the Bffecti*e 1n*estigation and 2ocumentation of Torture and
6ther Cruel" 1nhuman or 2egrading Treatment of 3unishment (the 1stan)ul 3rotocol). (art.
The State party should ensure that training for the 2endarmerie Corps includes the
absolute prohibition of torture* other provisions of the Convention* and the
Committee,s conclusions* decisions and 2eneral Comments# t should also ensure that
the 2endarmerie Corps and medical professionals and relevant la( enforcement
officers in the State party receive training in the ?anual on the Effective nvestigation
and Documentation of Torture and "ther Cruel* nhuman or Degrading Treatment of
%unishment 5the stanbul %rotocol6#
Statistical data
1/. The Committee regrets the a)sence of comprehensi*e and disaggregated data on
complaints and in*estigations of cases amounting to *iolations of the Con*ention.
The State party should compile statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the
implementation of the Convention* including data on complaints and investigations of
cases amounting to violations of the Convention as (ell as on means of redress*
including compensation and rehabilitation* provided to the victims#
2. The Committee in*ites the State party to consider ratifying the core international
human rights instruments to (hich it is not yet a party" namely the Co*enant on Bconomic"
Social and Cultural 'ights and the Co*enant on Ci*il and 3olitical 'ights and their
6ptional 3rotocols as (ell as the Con*ention on the Blimination of All :orms of
2iscrimination against Gomen and its 6ptional 3rotocol" the Con*ention on the 3rotection
of the 'ights of All %igrant Gor0ers and %em)ers of Their :amilies" the Con*ention on
the 'ights of 3ersons (ith 2isa)ilities and its 6ptional 3rotocol" the Con*ention for the
3rotection of All 3ersons from Bnforced 2isappearance.
21. The State party is re.uested to disseminate (idely the report su)mitted to the
Committee and the Committee,s concluding o)ser*ations" in appropriate languages"
through official (e)sites" the media and non4go*ernmental organi7ations.
22. The State party is in*ited to su)mit its common core document" in accordance (ith
the re.uirements contained in the harmoni7ed guidelines on reporting under the
international human rights treaties (H'1/-B?.2/'e*.$).
2!. The Committee re.uests the State party to pro*ide" )y 2! %ay 21#" follo(4up
information in response to the Committee,s recommendations related to the pre*ention of
torture and cruel" inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment" and on impunity" as
contained in paragraphs 1 and 11 of the present document. 1n addition" the Committee
re.uests follo(4up information on complaints and in*estigations and redress" as contained
in paragraphs 1& and 1$ of the present document.
2&. The State party is in*ited to su)mit its ne5t report" (hich (ill )e the second periodic
report" )y 2! %ay 21D. :or that purpose" the Committee in*ites the State party to accept"
)y 2! %ay 21#" to report under its optional reporting procedure" consisting in the
transmittal" )y the Committee to the State party" of a list of issues prior to the su)mission of
the report. The State partyHs response to this list of issues (ill constitute" under article 1/ of
the Con*ention" its ne5t periodic report.


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