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Eastern DRC remains in
vicious cycle for thou-
sands of civilians for
whom fghting and vio-
lence are a mainstay of
daily life. North Kivu and
South Kivu account for
65% of the 2.6 million of
IDPs in the country, with
more than 967,000 in
North Kivu alone (as of
July 13). Amid competing
international crises, the
humanitarian statistical
trends over the last two
quarters community has
received 50% of funding
vital to provide relief to
thousands of people.
Multi-Sectorial Assessments (MSA)
During the 2012/13 RRMP, 465 MSA were carried out,
helping to gauge the needs of more than 3 million
people affected by population movement. More than
650 MSA are projected to be completed as part of the
2013/14 program.
Non-Food Items (NFI)
More than 900,000 people vulnerable as a result of
population movement were provided with essential
household items in 2012/13. Between April - Novem-
ber, 2013 more than 525,000 people have benefted
from NFI distributions or voucher-based NFI fairs.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
RRMP WASH activities reached almost 500,000 in
2012/13. Aiming to reach more than 700,000 in the
2013/14 program, with more than 500,000 people
gained safe access to water and sanitation facilities
through RRMP between April - November, 2013.
Health / Nutrition
41,000 individuals in North Kivu benefted from the
RRMP emergency health care in 2012/13. Now health
activities have been integrated into the RRMP in both
North and South Kivu for 2013/14, with the number of
benefciaries expected to rise to more than 230,000.
Education / Child Protection
Providing crisis affected children with activities such
as catch-up classes, school kits and Child Friendly
Spaces (CFS) and rehabilitating schools and train-
ing teachers, the number of Education benefciaries
is expected to rise from about 90,000 in 2012/13 to
more than 120,000 in 2013/14.
The humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Re-
public of the Congo continues to be a grave concern,
with ongoing violence and displacement since the be-
ginning of 2012. Across the East, confict continues to
be characterized by grave human rights violations in-
cluding killing, maiming, sexual violence, family sep-
aration and forced recruitment of children into armed
groups and destruction of homes and schools. In addi-
tion to the well-publicized fghting near Goma between
the M23 rebels and the Congolese Army (FARDC), sev-
eral less-publicized conficts have contributed to the
majority of the estimated 2.7 million displaced in eastern
DRC today - up nearly 400,000 from a year ago.
The Rapid Response to Movements of Population
(RRMP) mechanism, co-led by UNICEF and OCHA,
working through six stand-by INGO partners in Province
Orientale, Katanga, North and South Kivu provinces
of eastern DRC, assisted more than 1.6 million people
affected by displacement, return and/or natural disas-
ters with Non-Food-Item (NFI), Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene (WASH), Health/Nutrition, or Education/Child
Protection activities through the RRMP last year.
Partnering to Respond
Throughout the duration of the RRMP, The European
Commissions Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection de-
partment (ECHO) has been a key donor, having contrib-
uted more than $25 million towards the program since
2010. ECHO funding helped the RRMP to provide 1.6
million people with multi-sectorial emergency support
between February 2012 and February 2013. In 2013/14
RRMP activities are projected to reach 1.8 million peo-
ple with emergency support.
A Dynamic Response
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partnership in eastern DRC

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