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Inquiry Circles

Reflective Storytelling Protocol

Adapted from the NSRF CFG Work

Overall Purpose: To generate robust inquiry questions that can lead our work in support of
teachers and students as powerful learners.

Supporting Goals:
To place inquiry at the heart of our work
To support reflective practice
To encourage the development of an evidence-based, positive narrative culture
To build on the good
To develop a vision-based professional voice

Phase 1: Storytelling Circles - Small Groups (90 minutes 5-15 minutes for each person)

Participants initiate the collaborative inquiry process by telling their stories of their Inquiry and
Process. Individuals will take turns telling and documenting stories.

The presenter tells and shares evidence of their Inquiry Process for 5 minutes.
The group records notes capturing important features of the story being shared.
The group then discusses what they heard for 5 minutes: They talk further about what this
evidence tells them about the question, raising additional interpretations. They pose
probing/reflective questions and they talk about what other evidence they would find helpful
in considering this question. *The presenter listens and takes notes, but does not participate in
the discussion.

The presenter reflects back to the group what s/he heard that was particularly interesting,
and if there is time, engages the group in further conversation about next steps.

The group continues to move around the circle and switch roles for the duration of the

Phase 2: Personal Reflection = Revising and Creating an Inquiry Question (20-30 minutes)

Participants will collect the notes generated from the group and take the time to reflect and
synthesize the information and Inquiry Circle experience into a culminating plan that will guide
their next steps and Inquiry Process for the next year.

A summative process reflection sheet will be completed and turned into the VPA Coordinators by
the end of this protocol.

Inquiry Circle Process Notes
Presenter: _________________ Listener:________________
I heard

I wonder

Have you considered

Inquiry Circle Process Notes
Presenter: _________________ Listener:________________

I heard

I wonder

Have you considered
Inquiry Circle Process Reflection Sheet
VPA Focus Group
May 23, 2014
Name :___________________________________ Department: ______
As a result of todays collaborative sharing, what is your Inquiry Question for
the 2014-2015 school year?

How does this Inquiry Question / Topic support your professional development
and the overall goals and vision of the VPA?

How did the Inquiry Circle help you? (Please explain)

Any feedback or comments you would like to share about todays protocol and

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