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a. Distributive property (distribytiv)- In the distributive property

you distribute the number outside of the parentheses to the numbers
inside of the parentheses.
Easy way to think of it: The person outside the parentheses is
distributing candy to the kids inside the parentheses on Halloween
Example: 5(x+7)
Step 1: 5(x+7)

Step 2: 5(x+7)

Equation: 5x+35

b. Associative property- In the associative property, you associate the
numbers. You have to move the parentheses in the equation in the
associative property. However, the numbers dont change. The purpose
of the associative is to make the equation easier.

**addition: (8+19)+28+(19+2)
**multiplication: 32(45)(32)45

c. Commutative property- In the commutative property, the numbers
switch places. Example, on his daily commute, your father takes the
ferry and then bikes to work. On his way home, he bikes, then takes the

**addition: 4+11+8=4+8+11
**multiplication: 98=89

4 (7x - 3) + 2x
Step 1: Distribute 4 (7x - 3)
Solution: 28x 12
Step 2: Combine like terms
Result: 9x 12

III. 7x 10 9x = -13

Step #1: Combine like terms
Step #2: 7x 9x= -2x
Step #3: -2x 10 = -13
+10 +10
Step #4: -2x= -3
Step #5: -3-2= 1.5
Answer: x= 1.5


Step 1: Find a common denominator
Step 2: Cross multiply, and come up with a simple equation

V. 2 x
Step #1: Multiply 5 and 2
Answer: 10 X

Closed points: Closed points signify whether the equation was an
equation that used or
Open points: Open points signify whether the equation used < or

VI. -4x + 4 -8
- 4 -4 -4x -12
-12 -4 -4
Step #1: Use inverse operations on 4 to get rid of it. Therefore, subtract
it from -8
Step #2: -4x -12
Step #3: Get rid of the coefficient* and divide -12 by -4 (3)
Step #4: Your answer is X 3, but since we are dividing -12 by a
negative number, you must flip the inequality sign. That is because in
equations like this you must flip the sign if you are multiplying or
dividing with a negative number

Closed points: Closed points signify whether the equation was an
equation that used or
Open points: Open points signify whether the equation used < or

o Chris wants to buy a bicycle that costs $160. If he saves $12
each week what is the fewest number of weeks he must save
in order

Mark worked on math homework less than 1/3 the amount
that his brother did. If mark spent 25 minutes on his math
homework, how much time did his brother spend on

One third of a number, decreased by thirty-six is at most
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