NAME: Flowers For Algernon Partner Reading Study Guide Answer The

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Flowers For Algernon Partner Reading Study Guide

Answer the questions below as you and your partner read progress reports 4 through 8
in Flowers For Algernon.

1. What is Algernon’s motivation? What traits show Charlie’s motivation?

2. Write down 5 of the words that Charlie couldn’t get when Dr. Nemur said them.

3. How does Charlie’s idea of luck compare and contrast with Dr. Strauss’s idea of

4. In what ways are Charlie and Algernon alike?

5. Why does Charlie get frustrated in Progress Report 7?

6. What does Charlie learn about the experiment in Progress Report 8?

7. What will Charlie’s IQ be if the experiment is successful?

8. How do Charlie’s coworkers treat him? Why do you think they behave like this?

9. What is the purpose of Dr. Strauss’ tool that Charlie describes as a “little

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