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Meditating on the Mambashum, -69

Subtopic: Meditating on the Mambashum: 0:30:35

Identifying the various Portraits of the Mambashum, and seeing the meaning of their
Subtopic: Shum and the Shum Perspective: 0:30:35
Understanding the Shum Perspective in relation to ones everyday perspectcive!
Subtopic: "oo#ing at the Portraits of a Mambashum in $arious Positions: 0:30:35
%y ta#ing the Mambashum and re&'riting it so that the order of presentation is different,
one becomes fluid in understanding the flo' of their e(periences!
Subtopic: Meditating Posture and )ontrolling *our +a,e:
-o' to sit in meditation 'ith hands poised above the #nees, and ga,ing at the ob.ect of
meditation in /yammooef!
Subtopic: 0(periencing the Portraits of the Mambashum: 0:30:35
+urudeva ta#es us into a rigorous study of t'o Mambashum!
Subtopic: Meditating on the Mambashum: 0:30:35
-ere 'e are!
12aef 3emf 0m#aef 2anef oo Shumnam 2aef 3emf "emf Shum Shumef 2aef %ale#ana
/yammooef 3e#ashum 4maoona Shumale 3eem Shumef 3eem 2aef!1
I thin# I 'ill put "a'mf oo 5"ets put at the bottom 1oo "a'mf16, right under 2aef oo
"a'mf7 that gets that concept beginning to 'eave in there!
1Shumale 3eem Shumef 3eem 2aef!oo "a'mf /yammooef 2aef %ale#ana!1
8e found out "a'mf 'or#s into 2aef very neatly! It sits right in there, doesnt it9 *ou li#e
"a'mf, huh9 /hats the %eing, that beautiful %eing, the beautiful presence that you al'ays
feel 'hen Im around! -a, ha! 4ll right, here 'e go && a blue ha,e:
1/yammooef 2asimvum 2abe 2aef 4maoona 0m#aef 2aef 2anef!1
3o', a nice 'ay of loo#ing at 2anef is you can relate 2anef very nicely to the religious la's
of living a type of life that #eeps your mind uninvolved 'ith e(ternals 'hile living in
e(ternal life7 sort of li#e the )hristian religion in a 'ay! /hen you have Shumnam, 'hich
are the *oga principles! So, 2anef and Shumnam could be loo#ed at li#e the pulling
together of )hristian *oga!
/hen you have 2aef 3emf "emf Shum! /hese are the floating areas of consciousness 'here
a'areness flo's through various states of the mind! 4nd, remember that the paper is
supposed to represent the entire area of the mind7 and, it is available to you!
Subtopic: Shum and the Shum Perspective: 0:30:35
/hen, you come to Shumef, thats your Shum perspective! 4nd, notice there is nothing
'ritten under Shumef here, indicating that your a'areness doesnt loo# out from there!
/hats 'hy you cannot use Shum in all 'al#s of life, because the Shumef a'areness
'ouldnt allo' you to do certain things! *oud have to shift to another perspective and
another language in order to do, say, technical 'or#, or conduct a business! *ou couldnt
do it from the Shum perspective!
/omorro' 'ere going to 'or# on putting the Shum perspective into sentences! 8ere
going to ta#e an 0nglish sentence, a sentence in 0nglish, and then translate it in 0nglish to
the Shum perspective, and then into Shum from there! 4nd, that 'ill be easy tomorro', or
the ne(t day!
/hen, 'e have different 'ays to get into 2aef! 4maoona: Simply sit 'ith one 'ho has
e(perienced 2aef, and try to loo# 'ithin his mind and see 'hat he e(periences, feel the
"a'mf and "af vibration coming out of his pores as he is e(periencing 2aef, even if its .ust
briefly, there is a change that does ta#e place! /hen, through 3e#ashum, 'ithdra'ing your
energies in and remaining so steady that you are completely a'are that you are a'are!
/yammooef: *ou could e(perience 2aef .ust by 'al#ing around through establishing
/yammooef as a practice and the ability! 4nd, through %ale#ana: /hat becomes very
natural! %ale#ana: *ou can get into 2aef! So, lets no' &&
13eem 2abe Mambashum 2aef 2asimvum /yammooef! 0m Shum!1
Subtopic: "oo#ing at the Portraits of a Mambashum in $arious Positions: 0:30:35
-eres something that you might ma#e a note of, and I thin# this 'ould be very good to do!
/his Mambashum 'ould go on that page in ma#ing a Mambashum! 4nd, if you study
intently a Mambashum, and use it over a long period of time, ma#e four copies of it! 2eep
the spacing and lines the same, but turn the paper upside do'n as 'ell as the portrait!
/hen, do the same on each side until you have four e(act copies! /his, then, prevents
impressing the subconscious too strongly 'ith an up&do'n concept, or too firmly in
relationship! ;or, in the mind, in the fourth, fifth, si(th, seventh areas are more inside one
another than side by side, such as a distinct color may come out of another distinct color,
'ithout mi(ing one 'ith another! 4s heat and light e(ists in the same room 'ithout
mi(ing, but are not side by side!
I thin# this 'ill be very valuable! So, all 'e do is .ust ma#e four drafts of this format and
.ust turn it to the side and dra' everything in so it reads this 'ay7 turn it to the side so it
reads that 'ay7 turn it to side so that it reads this 'ay! 4nd, then 'e #eep it fluid and the
pattern going! 4nd, 'e dont get a static relationship that 0m#aef relates e(actly this
distance from 2aef, and this is over here on that side7 and 'e get the idea that al'ays has
to be over there7 and all lists in the same order, 'hereas it could be in that order!
+ive me a piece of paper and Ill dra' one and sho' you! *ou dra' the e(act same thing!
*ou .ust dra' your lines in! 4nd, all these lines! /hen, you put everything in this 'ay!
%ale#ana! /his is your 2aef! *ou put them in the same place, but you ma#e the 'hole thing
read that 'ay! *ou get the idea9 Its sort of a pivot as you turn it around! /he lines all stay
the same! /he relationships stay the same, but you .ust turn everything around! So then,
2aef 'ould be on the bottom and these 'ould all read li#e this, as if they 'ere here! *ou
see9 /hen, you become more fluid in loo#ing at it! /hat is, if youre going to study a certain
mural for a couple of 'ee#s7 something youre 'or#ing on! Ma#e four different copies, and
then you can s'itch from one to another, and you 'ill get a ne' loo# at that area of the
mind! Itll open ne' things to you,! I 'ant to ma#e a point of that! "ets paste this mural &&
in fact, lets ta#e all the murals that 'e have to ma#e four e(act copies and turn them
around and see ho' they loo# to us, and study that! 8e 'ill get together tomorro' and see
ho' 'e have done! 4ny <uestions9 *es, #eep all the si,es the same and everything! =ust
pivot them! So, if its here, you .ust pivot each one around, so its all standing up straight!
Interesting, I meditated on that for <uite a'hile7 about eight months ago7 it .ust popped
bac#! 4ny <uestions on this mural9 Isnt it a beautiful mural9 2aef is more homey no'9
8ay out there9 3othing is 'ay out there anymore! 2eep trying to e(perience 2aef! *ou are
generally doing 3e#ashum, Simshumbese, 2aef! /hen, you go to Simshumbese! 4nd then,
it is easy to go from Simshumbese to get 2aef!
Subtopic: Meditating Posture and )ontrolling *our +a,e: 0:30:35
I also discovered today, too, everybody is starting to have their hands so neat and nice, and
both hands are .ust standing up 5referring to the raised hands position poised 'hile in
meditation6! *ou #no' 'hat is holding them up, once you get into Simshumbese9 Its the
magnetism bet'een the t'o hands! *ou can feel one resting on the magnatism of the other!
4nd, it creates a little force field, a magnate of po'er there! 4s soon as you get in you
develop that magnetism! 4nd, if you .ust ipush do'n on this hand a little bit bounces bac#!
/ry it ne(t time you are in!
8hile meditating on an ob.ect, .ust dont stare at it, .ust loo# around it! *ou dont have to
loo# at it all the time, because youre doing /yammooef! *oure loo#ing in! *ou loo# in,
bac# to it, and loo# a'ay, and then bac#! It is .ust a reminder of 'here you are on the
inside, so you 'ont get distracted and thin# about your 'ashing machine!
Subtopic: 0(periencing the Portraits of the Mambashum: 0:30:35
"ets no' go into this Mambashum again:
Simshumbese /yammooef 2asimum "emf 2aef /yammooef 2aef /yammooef 2aef
3e#a#ashum 2aef 4maoona 2aef %ale#ana 2aef 2anef Shumnam 2aef 2aef oo "a'mf
2aef >e 3emf 3emf >e Simshumbese 2aef >e 0mf 3emf oo 0mf $um 2aef 2a 2aef
2asimvum 2aef >emf 0m "emf Ming 0mshum!
?n this Mambashum lets put at the bottom of these lines here have them go into Ing and
Ming, but lin#ed in this 'ay! /he line that 3emf is by, this one over here ma#es that Ing,
and the other one that "emf is by ma#es that one 5they can touch a little bit6 3emf! =ust
depict them small there! 4nd, you you see "emf is in direct association 'ith Ming because
you can see that area through that area of the mind! It is really a picture area!
3o', lets ta#e our other Mambashum:
/yammooef 2asimvum Mambashum /yammooef Shumale 3eem Male Mambashum
/yammooef /yammooef "emf Ming oo Ing "emf oo Ing oo Ming "ing /ymmooef 2aef 3a
@ehneling /yammooef %ale#ana oo Melena#a 2aef 3emf "emf Shum "e Mambashum
%ale#ana 2asimvum Maoomf Mambashum %ale#ana %ale#ana /yammooef "emf 4le#a
@ehneling 2asimvum %ale#ana 2aef %ale#ana Melena#a 2alebasa 3e#ashum 0fta 3atyam
2alabasa 3eem 3ashum Maderehshum 3atyam 3eem Mene#ana Melena#a Shumale
3eem %ale#ana 2asimvum Maoom Mambashum 2aef Ing oo Ming oo 3emf oo "emf
3eem >e "emf oo 3emf oo >e Shumemf Shumef Shum 2aef 2anef 2aef Shumnam 2aef
Shumnam 2aef 0m#aef %ale#ana 2aef /yammooef 2aef 3e#ashum 2aef 4maoona 2aef
Shumnale 3eem Shumef 3eem 2aef oo "a'mf "a'mf ee 2aef 2aef >e "a'mf 2asimvum
Madereh 3atyam 0mshum!
If you ta#e a fe' minutes tonight and go out underneath the trees and ta#e these three
Mambashum and .ust sit and muse over them, and youll begin to feel, once you get a'ay
alone from other people, youll feel more and more these various areas of consciousness
8hen you are 'ith other people, you are in the auras of other people, too! 4nd, its a little
more difficult to get into to this particular type of meditation! %ut, if youre alone nobody
really #no's 'here you are! >o'n these steps out in bac# there is a little patio, 4nd, youll
'ill find some little places to be alone 'here you can .ust sit and .ust go into the rungs that
'e have opened up here, and youll be surprised at ho' much you #no', ho' much youre
a'are of, and really en.oy the inner %ese of 'here you are in consciousness and en.oy 2aef!
/onight 'e are going out, and I thin# you all are going to en.oy 'hat 'e are going to do!
-ope so! 4fter dinner you might 'ant to get a little rest because 'ell be up late, and 'ere
going to have a free morning so you can sleep late in the morning! 4nd, you probably are
not <uite in the proper mood to hear this right no'! -a, ha! %ut, any'ay:
2asimvum Ing oo Ming 0m "a'mf 2asimum "af oo "a'm!

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