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maria catanzarite

twitter @MariaReports
phone (574) 607-7455
Reporter/Producer, Syracuse, N.Y.
NCC News, u!. "0#$-present
Mu!timedia %ourna!ist turnin& day-o' and !on&-'orm
pac(a&es) *+,-+.s) and correspondin& we/
stories. 0nterprise story ideas usin& community
contacts. 1nc2or and produce newscasts.
Instructional Associate, Syracuse, N.Y.
.2e New2ouse -c2oo!, 1u&. "0#$-present
.rain students to use cameras and editin&
so'tware. .rou/!es2oot e3uipment and so'tware.
0n&ineer radio newscasts.
Reporting Intern, East Syracuse, N.Y.
4-5R-.*, an. "0#4-May "0#4
-2adowed reporters. 0nterprised stories to des(
and news director. 4rote pac(a&e scripts. -2ot
stand-ups and !oo(-!i6es.
Freelance Reporter, Syracuse, N.Y.
410R-7M) u!. "0#$-May "0#4
7i!ed radio wraps and sound 'or pu/!ic radio
station. 8itc2ed stories or wor( &enera!
assi&nment. Reported !i6e durin& 7a!! e!ection and
9i!!ary C!inton:s Co!&ate ;ni6ersity 6isit.
Associate Producer, South Bend, Ind.
4N<;-.* <.) <ec. "0#$-an. "0#4
4rote we/ stories. Cut newscast 'oota&e usin&
1n6ato. Ran .e! durin& e6enin&
newscasts. 8itc2ed stories to news director.
News/Weather Reporter, Ithaca, N.Y.
4*=R-7M) an. "0#$-May "0#$
Reported state,!oca! news and weat2er 'orecast.
4rote we/ stories..
Newsroom Intern) Washington, D.C.
C=- .2is Mornin&, an. "0#"-May "0#"
Coined t2e se&ment name >?on& -tory -2ort)@ a
s2ow se&ment 'eaturin& t2e most popu!ar dai!y
we/ 2ead!ines. Created researc2 summaries 'or
producers. ?o&&ed press con'erences and
de6e!oped inter6iew 3uestions.
Newsroom Intern, Mishawaka, Ind.
4-=.-.*, -ummers "0## A "0#"
Conducted inter6iews and wrote *+,-+.s 'or
WSBT News at 5!" and #. Ran .e! 'or
noon s2ow. Contri/uted story ideas durin& mornin&
Writing & reporting /roadcast) we/) A print
!hooting -ony NB5; camera
"diting 1do/e C8remiere A 1uditionD) 1udacity
Producing 0N8-
!ocial #edia 7ace/oo() .witter) -ocia! News <es()
Ensta&ram) 4ordpress) C!ic(a/i!ity) 1n6ato) 5ou.u/e)
#iscellaneous Microso't +''ice -uite (4ord) 0Fce!)
88.)) <e%ero !i6e e3uipment) app!ied media researc2
(content ana!ysis)) consumer /e2a6ior (indi6idua! and
&roup /e2a6iora! trends)
!$I$ Newhouse !chool o% Pu&lic 'ommunications
M.S. Broadcast $ Digita% &ourna%is', (ugust )"*+
'ornell (ni)ersit*
B.S. Co''unication, May )"*!, Magna Cu' ,aude
honors & awards
New 5or( -tate 18 =roadcasters 1ssociation >=est
News -tory (Co!!e&e)@ 7ina!ist G 1ssociation o'
9ea!t2care ourna!ists G -ociety o' 8ro'essiona!
ourna!ists G 7ormer mem/er o' Corne!! trac( team
Frank 'urrier, -ro.essor o. -ractice /Newhouse Schoo%0
1or'er CBS Corres2ondent
' HH ($#5) 447-0"#I
+err* #cFadden, (nchor, WND34T5
tmc' HH (574) "J4-$0#6
!uzanne ,*sak) (ssistant -ro.essor /Newhouse Schoo%0
1or'er 6CBS4T5 /,os (nge%es0 Senior -roducer
s!ysa( HH ($#5) 44$-I"7#
!ean -allitz, (ssociate -roducer, CBS This Morning
&a!!itzs@c/ HH (4#4) $#5-0#$6

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