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FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014

Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 1

ISSN: 2053-4426
MORE than 3,200 people
have vi ewed Fri ends
Gazette on-line according
to an official report.
The news comes as the magazine,
launched in January 2013, continues
to build its direct mail list
and pass-on readership to
more than a further 1,000.
F G f ea t ures on t he website which
prepared the report.
The site also hosts such
notable publications as the
New York Times.
Editor Steve Ward said:
This is no mean feat and
represents amazing growth
from when we started in
January last year.
FG is the read of choice
for thousands of alternative
life-stylers and Id like to thank all our
contributors, advertisers commercial
supporters and, not least, our readers
for this welcome boost.
FG is a professional and officially
registered publication which operates
within national journalistic standards.
We stand apart from the string of
blogs, amateur websites and other
social media currently infecting the
internet as testament that well-
written, accurate reporting is and
always will be valued.
Top FG vi ews were of t he
November issue which lead with
Gurus Visit Cancelled which netted
over 1,313 views alone.
The alternative-lifestyle magazine
features news and features by guest
and regular contributors including
historians, authors and film-makers as
well as journalists.
In its April issue it experimented
with foreign-language reporting, with
a political feature entirely in French.
Said Ward: Europe is becoming
more and more integrated and we
are proud to bring close neighbours
closer together.
In Europe we all share a similar
culture and background and the way
forward is to stress our similarities
rather than our differences.
We have had positive feedback on
our experiment with foreign
language reporting and it is
somethi ng I d l i ke to see
continue and grow.
The FG is registered as a official
UK periodical and has been
gr ant ed an I nt er nat i onal
Standard Serial Number by the
British Library.
Thi s number has to be
prominently featured in every
Part of the requirement to
obtain registration is to have an
internet presence.
FG does this by being a member
of t he Scri bd. com publ i shi ng
community where issues can be
accessed irrespective of date.
Back issues as far back as July last
year can be downloaded at any time
by anyone in the world.
Scribd is compatible with all
devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle
Fire and any web browser. !
See Friendly Comment on (p4)
Alternative lifestyle magazine the read of choice of thousands of people all over the world
Alternative life!stylers log!in to view Friends Gazette on!lin#
FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014
Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 2
THE LONDON Lighthouse
has been sold for 5m after
a bidding war in which the
price went up and up and
up and committees and
trustees had to be herded
like cats.
The iconic London landmark, the
first major centre in the UK for
people with HIV/Aids, and visited by
Princess Diana, was initially valued at
But over the last few months the
price has jumped handsomely by an
impressive 3.4m.
In an exclusive interview with FG
Mark Foster, estates manager at the
Terrance Higgins Trust which owns
the Lighthouse, said: "We went to an
open bidding process. [The price]
went up and up and up.
"I was hoping to be done by now
but dealing with committees and
trustees is like herding cats.
"We cannot discuss who the final
bidders are at the moment."
"It is very unlikely to remain in the
HIV sector although it might be that
service might still be provided from
the building."
The London Li ght hous e, i n
Lancaster Road, Ladbroke Grove,
opened in 1988 and was the UKs
first major centre for people with
It offered respite and terminal care
on its residential unit and day care
services for people with Aids-
related dementia, and drop-in
services giving advice, information
and counselling.
All three areas offered a broad
range of complementary therapies
i ncl udi ng hypnot herapy and
relaxation therapy.
In August 1998, the residential unit
closed due to the changing climate
(new combination drug therapies
and reduced funding from the
government and health authorities)
and the reduced need for its services.
Today, the building is called THT-
Lighthouse, having merged with the
THT an HIV/ Aids charity.
It now offers a reduced drop-in
Diana first visited the building in
1 9 8 9 a n d o f t e n t u r n e d u p
unannounced to talk to patients, as
we l l a s ma k i ng hi g h- pr of i l e
appearances for the charity. Princes
Wi l l i am and Harry have both
continued to express support for the
THT and the battle against Aids/HIV.
Sir Elton John and the late Dame
Elizabeth Taylor also visited the
centre. It boasts an award-winning
garden where the ashes of some
patients have been buried. !
See - We just couldnt do it (p5)
Diana visits the London Lighthouse in 1996.
Pioneering beacon ! The London Lighthous#
in Ladbroke Grov#
FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014
Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 3
DOZENS of competitive
FG readers with a taste
for a good curry and an
eye for a free offer have
bombarded the paper
with entries to a mouth-
watering competition?
Over the last two editions readers
have jumped at the chance to benefit
from a partnership with well-known
london curry house, Mazala Zone and
Friends Gazette.
Answering five questions, gleaned
from the text of an article run in FG,
the entrants have tested their
observation skills and battled each
other in a bid to scoop 50 worth of
free curry in the competition.
We got many more entries than
we expected, many from new readers
who only recently joined up.
Unfortunately only one can be the
lucky winner, the FG said.
A date for the draw has been set
and the results will be announced in
the June edition of FG!
Marketing manager, Joe Sripitana
told FG: The group is in the midst of
refurbishing the restaurants to raise
the decor standard up to match the
food in order to appeal to a wider
range of clientele.
We are happy to offer your
readers an opportunity to win this
voucher and experience a real taste
of India at Masala Zone.
We offer genuine Indian food from
the true sources the gourmet
homes and street stalls across Indias
regions prepared by skilled chefs
from those regions.
FG editor Stephen Ward said:
We are glad to be able to offer
readers this opportunity.
We are always pleased to work
with our partners who spot the value
of tapping into our engaged, diverse
and rapidly growing readership.
We are familiar with Masala Zone
and its a favourite destination with
many of our readers.
Masala Zone branches can be found
at Bayswater: 75 Bishops Bridge
Road, W2 5BG Tel: 020 7221 0055.
Camden Town: 25 Parkway, NW1
7PG Tel: 020 7267 4422. Covent
Garden: 48 Floral Street, WC2E 9DA
Tel: 020 7379 0101. Earls Court: 147
Earls Court Road, SW5 9RQ Tel: 020
7373 0220. Islington: 80 Upper
Street, N1 0NU Tel: 020 7359 3399.
Soho: 9 Marshall Street, W1F 7ER Tel:
020 7287 9966. Selfridges: Garden
Cafe, 4th Floor, Selfridges, 400
Oxford Street, W1U 1AT.
The winner will be selected at
random from correct answers.
They will be notified privately and
an official presentation is set to take
place, probably in London, next
The judges decision is final. !
"50 prize
# irresistible!
Below: Camellia Panjabi MBE ! Masala
Zone founder. Bottom: A masala zone thali.
FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014
Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 4
SOMETIMES you regret jumping in
with both feet. Dont you?
You know, when you volunteer
to help your mate move house -
then realise hes got enough junk
to fill a mansion.
But when I offered to do a
cooking demonstration at this
weekends VegFestUK in Bristol I
really must have lost it.
Im up against dyed-in-the-wool
cookies (the culinary variety not
the internet one) who really know
their onions. Luckily onions are
going to be my main ingredient -
whether I know them or not!
Im falling back on my colonial
childhood, sort of, here.
Our faithful cook used to knock
out the most delicious falouries
for tea, breakfast, lunch or dinner.
They were so yummie you
tended to devour them at any and
every time of day.
Of course he used fresh besan
(gram flour); fresh chillies which
made your mouth water just
looking at them and crystal clear
ghee which boiled at temperatures
usually found in the suns corona.
Anyway Im having a go at
following in his footsteps.
All in the name of spreading the
Friends Gazette word.
Theyd better appreciate it!
(See the full report next time)
SO whats with all this bloody
Franglais, I hear you ask.
There was a long piece from
Victor Donadei last month and
this month you can see Guillaume
Laplauds response on this page.
Well, I just saw a young English
guy greeting a couple off the bus at
Victoria coach station, London!
He kissed the girl on both
cheeks and shook the blokes
In France the guy would have got
two kisses and another for luck, as
well as the girl, I hasten to add.
Egalit, fraternit, libert! ED !
ISSN: 2053-4426
Published by Stephen Ward
Publications, London, England.
I WAS interested to read your
article about Jasmine Harman (No
Harman it; FG April 2013).
I am an avid viewer of Place in the
Sun the property programme she
I didn't know she was a vegan or
even a vegetarian.
My partner and I are thinking
about moving to Torremolinos in
Spain and it's interesting to watch
the programme and see how
people cope with leaving the UK
and finding somewhere abroad.
I have known Steve Ward for a
long time and he never fails to
come up with juicy and interesting
stuff. !
Sylvia Pillay
Une spirale ngative
LE PRINCIPAL problme des
franais, est leur manque de joie,
leur manque de confiance et leurs
peurs. (Manuel Valls est sur un volcan
FG April 2014).
Les franais sont dans une spirale
ngative, et il ny a pas une journe
sans un sondage ngatif: les
franais ont peur de leur avenir,
peur pour leurs enfants, peur de la
jeunesse, peur des roms, des
populations musulmanes, du pact
atlantic, de lEurope . . .
Depuis trop longtemps nos
hommes politiques avec
maladresse avancent sans penser
lintrt national, sans penser
lchange des cultures, et
nombreux franais pensent qutre
franais se limite tre blanc et
sappeler Dupont.
Manuel Vals a tous les pouvoirs
mais face lennemi numro un de
Hollande (la finance), il nen a
Car en France comme ailleurs, le
vrai pouvoir est financier. Les
anglais lont compris et tirent cette
ralit leur avantage en ouvrant
les bras aux entrepreneurs. Faire
fortune nest pas forcment
accept en France, mais finalement
comme tre arabe.
Le tableau nest pas tout noir et
en Manuel Valls il y a un homme
qui est lui mme issu de
limmigration. En lui il y a certaines
sensibilits. Il place aussi ses pions
pour 2017, je sais.
Il est finalement le premier a
frener le train de vie de ltat,
dans son fonctionnement profond
(moins de rgions, suppression des
dpartements . . .)
Je suis un ternel optimiste et je
vais croire que les choses peuvent
sarranger. Alors que les franais se
rveillent enfin et puissent avancer
et retrouver de bonnes valeurs . . .
Guillaume Laplaud
Avignon !
Juicy and interesting?
Of course!
The feature article in FG last month (April) was incorrect when it
referred to asylum seekers in two places. Entitled Seeking refuge it
appeared on pages 12,13 &14. In its strap line the article should not
have referred to asylum seekers looking for work. This should have
read Transitions London is a community interest company tasked with
finding work for refugees in London. Asylum seekers are not allowed
to work in Britain. And on the second page (13) reference to asylum
seekers being unemployed, unemployable and homeless should
have referred to refugees instead.
FG aims to be accurate, fair and balanced in all reports. If we get
anything wrong we are keen to put things right as soon as possible.
FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014
Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 5
ISSN: 2053-4426
THE CARA Trust seriously
wanted to snap up the
Lighthouse, the iconic
building in Ladbroke
Grove, west London, the
first centre for people with
Aids/HIV in the UK.
wanted to
transform it
into Europes
first and only
dedicated day
centre for
older people
with HIV.
building and
provide the
ideal space
and setting for our vision of a dedicated
day centre for older people with HIV,
they said in their on-line campaign.
We will have counselling and therapy
rooms, a food bank and space to run
our specialist support programmes for
women, African gay men, children and
local residents.
The HIV community is ageing. In 2012,
1 in 4 adults accessing HIV care was
aged over 50, compared to 1 in 8 in
2003, they pointed out.
But there was the small task of raising
a massive 1.6m to clinch the deal.
And despite every effort the job
proved too much.
We just couldnt do it! The campaign
has been withdrawn, a disappointed
volunteer told FG this week.
In the end the building has gone for
the impressive sum of 5m in a bidding
war which pushed the price up and up
and up.
But it is
hoped (see
main story
p2) that
the new
owners are
not part of
the HIV
some of the
offered will be allowed to continue.
Well have to wait and see!
" The Lighthouse has been the
London home for Radha Soami
Satsang Beas India UK (Science
of the Soul) an Indian spiritual
group for many years.
Around 60 members meet every
Sunday morning in the large hall to listen
to a speaker.
Car parking spaces are available as is a
separate childrens room.
The corridor is used for books, tapes,
and photo sales and for donations.
We just couldnt
do it # volunteer
DONT miss the VegfestUK Bristol 2014 - the UK's
biggest vegan event.
This event is a unique hybrid of vegan food/info during
the day, and headline music in the evenings.
The show runs for three days, opening its gates today
at 6pm until 11pm, and then again tomorrow, Saturday,
from 11am - 6pm and from 6.30pm - 11pm and 11am -
10pm on Sunday, May 25th.
The Marquees are not open on Friday, and they shut at
6pm on Saturday and Sunday.
recipe of the month
Ingredients: 2 cups atta
(wholemeal) flour, 1 cup white
flour, a few ounzes of butter or
ghee (Indian clarified butter),
pinch of salt, water as required.
Method: Sift the flours together
in a large bowl with a little salt.
Add the water little by little
until the mixture turns the
consistency of soft plasticine.
If it gets too sticky just add
more flour.
Separate this mixture into
small balls the size of large golf
balls (let stand for five mins).
Coat a rolling pin with some
flour and sprinkle a bit on to a
wooden board or table-top.
Roll out each ball into a round
shape or similar about the size
of a 45rpm single or a large
compact disc.
Now coat the surface with
butter, marge or ghee. Ghee is
best. Now fold the circle into a
semi-circle. Coat again.
Then fold again. You now have
a triangle with a curved edge.
Roll out until fairly thin -
depending on taste. Now fry in
a little ghee until nicely brown.
Flip and do the same. Eat hot
with curry, daul, or a dollop of
strawberry jam (yum)! !
The large hall at the Lighthous#
FG NEWS 23 MAY 2014
Why he had to go? I dont know; he wouldnt say . . . Yesterday ! The Beatles 6
Beautiful Bronwy!
set for national glory
AN FG reader has been
selected as the New South
Wales finalist for Miss World
Here in her own words Bronwyn
OLeary from Sydney tells her story.
I am finding it difficult to find
words to explain my feelings but Im
very excited, nervous and mostly
humbled by this grand opportunity to
say the least. I am hoping I will make
it to the next sage; national finalists,
but one step at a time.
A big part of this amazing journey
is supporting and raising money and
awareness for charity. After all, it is
Beauty with a Purpose.
The charity that I am raising
money and awareness for is VARIETY
Charity - the Childrens
Charity. Variety is a national not-for-
committed to
children who
are sick,
or have special
needs to live,
laugh and
learn. By giving practical equipment,
programmes and experiences, Variety
helps children in need to overcome
whatever obstacles they face and live
life to the fullest.
Please consider supporting me and
my charity by donating to this
amazing cause.
It would mean the absolute world
to me to have your support and I
would be forever grateful! There is
no amount too big or too small -
every cent counts!
There will be media involvement.
And I will be using my social media
platforms to raise awareness, and
thank my donors for their kindness.
Myself and a few other NSW finalists
are in the midst of organising to
be interviewed by local papers.
And I also
hope to mention all
my major donors there.
Readers who want to donate
should make deposits directly into
the Miss World Australia account.
Please ensure you name BWPVC
Bronwyn O'Leary as the transaction
Please also inform Bronwyn of all
your transaction details such as date,
time, amount.
Account: Miss World Australia
BSB: 083 004
Account Number: 115 915 091
All donations over $2 are
tax deductible. Variety will provide
tax receipts by 30 June 2014.
If readers would like to attend the
state final its on the 1st June, 2014
and the tickets are $45 each.
Bronwyn will buy these on behalf of
anyone that would like to attend.
So if you would like, we can
arrange a time for me to pick up the
funds for this. Thanks again for your
support!!! I appreciate everything. Im
so excited :)
To contact Bronwyn email in the first
IF YOU find time for healthy eating,
youll find yourself spending less
time down at the doctors.
My motto for healthy living is
keeping all things natural.
Nature is the best medicine; if it
grows, it goes.
A day without juice is a day
without sunshine - fruits and
vegetables are natures pleasant
little treat, so get creative and find
your flavour!

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