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1. If Do is a deer, a female deer, what is Ti ?
: A drink with jam & bread.
2. What do the letters www in Internet addresses mean ?
: World Wide Web.
3. What in riket is ! "# wide and 2$# lon% ?
:The bat.
!. Whih &art of the world an be aessed from 'ew (ork b) diallin% **+13,-3+ ?
: Di%boi.
-. A.DI/: Saaz. Who direted the m0si in this son% ?
: .stad 1akir 20ssein
$. A.DI/: Wonderful Tonight. A &o&0lar n0mber on the l0b meet ni%hts. 3) whom ?
: 4ri 5la&ton.
,. A.DI/: (o0 ha6e heard him on this sta%e. 70st identif) the 6oie.
: Zubin Garg.
8. 9he:s ;antasti, made of &lasti mirohi&s in her brain. Who is she ?
: <ike) =awson of 9mall Wonders.
+. 70st om&lete the line > ?(o0 are some bod) s&eial at >>>>?
: Di%boi 5l0b.
1*. 9hahr0kh @han didn:t s0ffer from malaria. What did he sa) he s0ffered from ?
: =o6eria.
11. 9&orts, An /l)m&i swimmin% &ool is -* meters lon%. 2ow lon% is o0r l0b &ool ?
: 2- meters
12. Aiddles, What is 2A=; 5IA5=4 ,;.== 5IA5=4, 2A=; 5IA5=4 AB 2A=; 5IA5=4, ;.==
5IA5=4, AIC2T A'C=4 A.?
: 5/5A 5/=A, written in a&itals.
13. 2ow m0h is 2-.! millimetres in 3ritish s)stem of meas0rements ?
: /ne inh.
1!. <ID4/: Who is the lad) in 3l0e ?
: Alka Yajnik.
1-. <ID4/: Who is the sin%er ?
1$. <ID4/: Whih mo6ie ?
: Aap Ki Kaa!
A. /n who:s death did Ceor%e 3arnard 9haw 5omment ?2is death shows how dan%ero0s it is to be
%ood.# ?
" #ahat!a Gandhi.
3. A.DI/: Who is the lad) ?
: $ekha.
5. Who reentl) said ?I am shaken in m) belief on what a mahine an do.# ?
" Gar% Kaparo&.
D. Whih brand of ID;= is named after a 9ottish wind instr0ment ?
" 'agpiper Whike%.
4. <ID4/: ;amo0s son of a famo0s father. 'ame both.
: (u)k% Ali* #eh!ood.
;. =I<4 : / <ideshi 3andh0. 70st sin% the 2indi 6ersion of this son%.
" Sha! Dhale +an #e.
A.DI4'54: Who said, and the st)le is a %i6ewa),
?9ta) in olle%e, %et the knowled%e, sta) there till )o0:re thro0%h.
If the) an make &eniillin o0t of mo0ld) bread, the) s0re an make somethin% o0t of )o0.#
: D0hammad Ali.
3. Whih de6ie when first set 0& wei%hed 3* tons, took 0& 3*** sE.ft s&ae and ons0med 1-* @W
&ower ?
" ,NIA-* the firt !odern )o!puter.
5. <ID4/. In football )o0 sore %oals. What do )o0 sore in A0%b)
: Tou)hdo.n.
D. In riket, what is a 9A'D92/4 5A.924A ? : An Yorker.
4. =I<4: Dr. 3h0&en 2aFarika in the son% 3ajali 7e Gem&ati, names the 0&&er and lower %arments
of the dress )o0 j0st saw. What is the name of the 0&&er %arment or the 5hador.
" $ibi Gaheng.
;. In fition, what was %o6erned b) the 94<4' 5/DDA'DD4'T9 ?
" The Ani!al /ar!.
A. A.DI/.: ;rom 9wabhiman. H0estion is who is the sin%er.
: Sunita $ao.
5. What omes in **, $*, 12*, 132, 1$* and 3$* %rades ?
" Zarda.
D. <ID4/: 5o&ied from Codfather. Identif) the mo6ie.
: Dhar!at!a.
4. If 3ill 5linton li6es in the White 2o0se, who li6es in the 'a6al /bser6ator) ?
" Al Gore.
;. A.DI/: Theme son% of a famo0s 2indi film. Identif).
: Salaa! 'o!ba%.
A. =I<4
3. A G//= 92AA@ is an eI&ert at whih %ame ? : 3illiards.
D. A.DI/. ;irst lines of a best>seller b) ;rederik ;ors)th. Whih one ?
: The /it 0f God.
4. Whih metal is a Golieman in Amerian slan% ?
: 5o&&er.
;. In %olf, what is ?4nterin% 3) the Tradesman:s 4ntrane ?
" 1oling out fro! the far end after o&erhooting.
A. =ion Ajeet:s twins were named Geter and Ae&eater. /ne of the =ittle Dike) 3irds of n0rser)
rh)mes was named Geter, what was the name of the other ?
" 2aul.
3. <ID4/: Their best &erformane was in the mo6ie 9at0rda) 'i%ht ;e6er. Whih %ro0& is this ?
" 'ee Gee.
5. =I<4
4. A.DI/.: Who is the sin%er ?
: Khagen #ahanta.
;. If not the feminine of do%, what do the letters 3IT52 si%nif) re%ardin% a )o0n% woman ?
: 3ea0tif0l Indian Teena%er 5a0sin% 2eartahes.
A. <ID4/.: Who is the ator ? : Dhar!endra.
3. =I<4:
5. While reo6erin% from wo0nds a )o0n% A0ssian 9er%eant tho0%ht abo0t the lak of a0tomati
wea&ons in the A0ssian Arm) and later desi%ned a hea& mass &rod0ed a0tomati rifle whih
beame world famo0s. Who is he ? : Dikhail @alashniko6, the desi%ner of A@ series of rifles.
D. In a &o&0lar series of books and mo6ies, how do we 0s0all) refer to Admiral 9ir Diles Deser6) ?
: D, 7ames 3ond:s 3oss.
5=.49 A/.'D.J3.114AK
@ishore @0mar.
4letri Iron.
/l)m&i Cames.
;. <ID4/. : Identif) the ator in 3eard. : Anil Kapoor.
A. Whih reent e6ent saw the %irls Aosaline, Aohini, =a6an)a, 5hristabelle, 2ema, Goornima
Delanie and Tra) &erformin% a t)&iall) .9 ati6it) for the first time in India ?
" The -ri)ket #at)h bet.een India 3 2akitan at -hennai. The% .ere the )heerleader.
3. In 9i ;i, what does 5a&tain 7ames T @irk 5ommand ? " /ederation Starhip ,nterprie
5. A.DI/: Grel0de to a &o&0lar =ata n0mber. 70st sin% the first lines. " A%e Dil e Nadan.
D. =I<4
4. 7asbir Aana the ae shooter reentl) eE0alled an world reord. H0estion is in whih e6ent ?
" -entre /ire 2itol.
Whih lo6eable hild of omis is also known as <ile <alation, Daniel el Tra6isio & 2ankie
het 20is%a6atore ?
" Denni the #ena)e.
A ;=.TT4A3( was the earlier name of whih reat0re ?
" A 'utterfl%.
The name of whih Indian ar literall) means The Dornin% 9tar ?
: 5ielo.
A494A<4 H.49TI/'9:
2otel 5alifornia. The sin%er mentions a brand of ars b) name in this son%. Whih ?: Deredes 3enF.
Whih son% follows these words 4" 2anna Ki ta!!anna 1ai Ki 1eera #ujhe #il 5a%e.
Whih instr0ment is it ? " 'agpipe.
Ga)o 7i Deine. : Who is the lad) ? " #a%uri Kango 0f 2apa Kehte% 1ain.
5anet 5a)kon. Who is she ?
Af%anisthan is in news, thanks to Taliban. Tell 0s, whih Indian em&eror r0led Af%anisthan before
a&t0rin% the throne at Delhi ? " 'abur.
What is ser6ed 9.''( 9ID4 .G ? " A /ried egg.
Whih harater of TinTin omis is a self &rolaimed eI&ert at 9a6ate, the ;renh art of @ik
3oIin% ? " 2rof. -al)ulu.
What do )o0 %et if )o0 ha6e a @'.5=4 9A'DWIT52 ? " A 'lood% lip.
Whih ann0al award did the fo0nder of 3ofors %ro0& of ind0stries set 0& in his will ?
" The Nobel 2rize.
Whih e6ent in Indian histor) be%an after the arrest and &0bli h0miliation of some nati6e soldiers
at Deer0t 5antonment ?
" The /irt War of Independen)e* Sepo% !utin% to the 'rit
What is deorated with iin% ?
" -ake.
Who %oes Water 9kiin% on 9olomon & 'efertitti, &et dol&hins ?
" 2hanto!.
What does an 4Iothermi Aeation Grod0e ?
" 1eat.
When first s0r6e)ed, it was named Geak L<. 2ow was it later renamed ?
" #t* ,&eret.
The 3ronI, 3rookl)n, H0eens, Danhattan, Aihmond onstit0te whih it) ?
" Ne. York.
If Dike Gowel 2olds the world reord for the lon%est j0m&, who was the ham&ion lon% j0m&er
of 2ind0 m)tholo%) ?
" 1anu!an.
<ID4/: Identif) the s&orts star.
: Greg Nor!an.

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