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Automatic Calibration

Mobileye Vision Technologies

Automatic Calibration

User Manual

Mobileye Automatic Calibration User Manual v0.8 July, 2012

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

1 Automatic Calibration ................................................................................... 3
1.1 How does Automatic Calibration work? ........................................................ 3
2 Activating the Automatic Calibration (via Mobileye Setup Wizard) ................. 4
3 Activating the Automatic Calibration (after first system Configuration) .......... 6
3.1 Activating Automatic Calibration on Mobileye 5 and C2-270 via EyeWatch: 6
3.2 Activating Automatic Calibration on Mobileye 5 without EyeWatch: ........... 7
4 Exiting Automatic Calibration mode (unlocking the camera) .......................... 7
4.1 Error 13: ......................................................................................................... 8

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this User Guide. However, Mobileye Vision
Technologies makes no expressed or implied warranty or representation based on the enclosed information.
Mobileye Vision Technologies reserves the right to alter the equipment specifications and descriptions in this publication
without prior notice. Any errors or omissions may be reported to Mobileye Technical Support.
Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

1 Automatic Calibration

Automatic Calibration is a method of On-Road Calibration (without TAC
target) for the Mobileye 5 series and Mobileye C2-270 systems.
The Automatic Calibration was developed to offer quick system calibration for
Service and Installation Points performing maintenance for Mobileye systems.
Using the Automatic Calibration mode, Service and Installation Point technicians can
perform system calibration without a need for TAC target or laptop computer (for
systems already configured upon first installation).
Automatic Calibration also allows technicians to perform Calibration without TAC
Target in cases it is not available (use of laptop is still required for first installation).

1.1 How does Automatic Calibration work?
Automatic Calibration is a method of On-Road Calibration. The system calculates the
correct calibration after a few minutes of driving. Road and Driving conditions affect
the Automatic Calibration calculation. Automatic Calibration can work on any road
although for best performance Mobileye recommends that Automatic Calibration is
performed on straight stretches of road with 2 parallel lane markings. A steady and
stable driving fashion also contributes to faster Automatic Calibration calculation.
- Automatic Calibration can be activated by the Mobileye Setup Wizard
- When Automatic Calibration is active no System Warnings are issued.
- Automatic Calibration duration is between 5 minutes to 15 minutes of driving
depending on the road conditions.
- Automatic Calibration is available during the Daytime (day light).
- Automatic Calibration calculation is active only above 35km/h (22mph)
- During Automatic Calibration calculation, the system will emit a short beep
every 5 seconds and the EyeWatch will display CL and a numerical counter.
When reaching 99% calculation, the system will automatically restart and
resume normal operation.
Automatic Calibration is available only from Firmware version: AWS2 2.10 V1.5
To Download the AM QC App for updating Firmware version click here

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

2 Activating the Automatic Calibration (via Mobileye Setup Wizard)

Automatic Calibration is available only for Mobileye systems that have already been
configured to fit the vehicle they are installed in.
If the Mobileye system you are installing has not been configured yet, you need to follow the
instructions below:
1- Install the system as instructed in the Mobileye Installation Manuals
2- Open the Mobileye Setup Wizard application and enter all the required data.
3- When reaching the Camera Calibration step (12/17), you will be asked to choose
your preferred method of Camera Calibration:
Automatic Calibration or Manual Calibration (TAC)
4- Press the button for the wanted calibration method.

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

5- If you Press Automatic Calibration you will skip the Camera Calibration process
and be directed automatically to the Signals Test and configuration Step (or to the
Alerts configurations step if you have appropriate permissions).
6- During this time all the new system configurations you entered will be uploaded to
the Mobileye System
7- You will then conduct the Signals Test as usual and continue to the Test Drive.
8- Once you confirm all Signals are configured correctly, are active, and the Speed is
correct, you should press next.
9- Before exiting the application you will be asked if you want to switch to Automatic
Calibration mode and perform On-Road Calibration.

10- If you press Yes the system will enter Automatic Calibration mode and will stay in
this mode until it is successfully calibrated (even if vehicle Ignition is turned Off and
back On).

In Automatic Calibration mode, CL is visible on EyeWatch, and a percentage counter
from 0% to 99% is also shown

On Mobileye 5 systems without EyeWatch display, a short beep emitted every 5 seconds
from the system loud speaker will be evidence of Automatic Calibration mode activation.

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

3 Activating the Automatic Calibration (after first system Configuration)

The Automatic Calibration mode can be used for System Calibration on systems that have
previously been installed and configured.
This is usually done on vehicles that require a second calibration due to calibration
Since the Mobileye system in the vehicle is already configured there is no need for a laptop
computer to enter Automatic Calibration mode at this stage.
To enter Automatic Calibration mode without using a laptop computer and without running
the Mobileye Setup Wizard application follow the instructions below:

3.1 Activating Automatic Calibration on Mobileye 5 and C2-
270 via EyeWatch:

1- Enter the EyeWatch Technical Mode by Pressing and holding the (+) button and then
immediately pressing on the (-) button for 1.5 sec (this is possible only when vehicle
speed is Zero vehicle is stationary).
A red car icon will start flashing and the numerical display will show.
2- Press the ( ) Button twice to enter Automatic Calibration mode.
3- Automatic Calibration mode will be indicated by CL on the display unit
4- Press the (+) button once to Activate Automatic Calibration (1 will show on the
display unit)

Automatic Calibration mode is operational when CL appears on EyeWatch and a
counter from 0% to 99% is shown

If AC mode was activated by mistake, the only way to Cancel (Exit AC
mode) is through the Mobileye Setup Wizard application (see section 4
below) or by successfully completing a Calibration Drive.
Switching the vehicle Ignition Off and back On in order to Cancel AC
mode will not work.

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

3.2 Activating Automatic Calibration on Mobileye 5 without

1- Turn OFF the vehicle Ignition to power OFF the system
2- Press the Camera buttons (+) and (-) together and keep them pressed
3- Turn ON the vehicle Ignition to power ON the system (while keeping the volume
buttons pressed)
4- Wait until system enters Automatic Calibration mode.
5- Automatic Calibration mode activation is indicated by a short beep emitted every 5
seconds from the system loud speaker.

4 Exiting Automatic Calibration mode (unlocking the camera)

After Automatic Calibration mode has been activated the system will boot in Automatic
Calibration mode until it has been calibrated successfully.
If you wish to Exit Automatic Calibration mode (for any reason) follow the instructions
1- Connect the system to laptop computer and run the Mobileye Setup Wizard
2- When the system is identified by the Mobileye Setup Wizard application in Step 4
(System Information) a Pop-Up window will show, asking you if you want to Unlock
the Camera (from Automatic Calibration mode).
3- Press Yes to Unlock Camera (Exit Automatic Calibration mode)

Automatic Calibration
Mobileye Vision Technologies

4- After a few seconds a pop-up window will notify you that the Camera was
unlocked (meaning you have Exited Automatic Calibration mode). Press OK to

4.1 Error 13:

If Automatic Calibration is not successful after the first try, the Automatic
Calibration process will automatically start Calibration again (the Automatic
Calibration counter will start again from 0% to 99%).
If after the second try Automatic Calibration is still not successful Error 13 will
If Error 13 appears you need to Exit Automatic Calibration mode as described in
section 4 above.
If Automatic Calibration fails, it usually means that the Camera Angle is not adjusted
To adjust the camera angle you will need to Exit Automatic Calibration mode and
adjust the camera angle as instructed in the Mobileye Installation Manuals.

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