100 Truthsjesus

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New Jersey Institute of Theological Studies

Suite 160
880A Whitehorse Pike
Atco NJ 0800!
100 Truths a"out Jesus
1. Jesus clai#ed to "e $od % John 8&'!( 8&)6%)* +see ,-odus
.&1!/( John 10&.0%..
2. Jesus is called $od % John 1&11!( '0&'8( 0ol1 '&*( Titus '&1.(
2e"1 1&8
3. Jesus is the i#age of the in3isi"le $od % 2e"1 1&.
4. Jesus a"ides fore3er % 2e"1 4&'!
5. Jesus created all things % John 1&1%.( 0ol1 1&1)%14
6. Jesus is "efore all things % John 1&1%.( 0ol1 1&14(
7. Jesus is eternal % John 1&11!( 8&)8( 5icah )&1%'
8. Jesus is honored the sa#e as the 6ather % John )&'.
9. Jesus is 7rayed to % Acts 4&))%60( 1 0or1 1&' with Psal#
116&!( +John 1!&1!/
10. Jesus is worshi77ed % 5att1 '&'11( 1!&..( John *&.)%.8( 2e"1
11. Jesus is o#ni7resent % 5att1 18&'0( '8&'0
12. Jesus is with us always % 5att1 '8&'0
13. Jesus is our only #ediator "etween $od and oursel3es % 1
Ti#1 '&)
14. Jesus is the guarantee of a "etter co3enant % 2e"1 4&''( 8&6
15. Jesus said 8I A5 the 9read of :ife8 % John 6&.)!1!8)1
16. Jesus said 8I A5 the ;oor8 % John 10&4*
17. Jesus said 8I A5 the $ood She7herd8 % John 10&111!
18. Jesus said 8I A5 the Way the Truth and The :ife8 % John
19. Jesus said 8I A5 the :ight of the world8 % John 8&1'( *&)(
1'&!6( :uke '&.'
20. Jesus said 8I A5 the True <ine8 % John 1)&1)
21. Jesus said 8I A5 the =esurrection and the :ife8 % John
22. Jesus said 8I A5 the 6irst and the :ast8 % =e31 1&14( '&8(
23. Jesus always li3es to #ake intercession for us % 2e"1 4&')
24. Jesus cleanses fro# sin % 1 John 1&*
25. Jesus cleanses us fro# our sins "y 2is "lood % =e31 1&)(
=o#1 )&*
26. Jesus forgi3es sins % 5att1 *&1%4( :uke )&'0( 4&!8
27. Jesus sa3es fore3er % 5att1 18&11( John 10&'8( 2e"1 4&')
28. Jesus discloses 2i#self to us % John 1!&'1
29. Jesus draws all #en to 2i#self % John 1'&.'
30. Jesus gi3es eternal life % John 10&'8( )&!0
31. Jesus resurrects % John )&.*( 6&!0!!)!( 11&')%'6
32. Jesus gi3es >oy % John 1)&11
33. Jesus gi3es 7eace % John 1!&'4
34. Jesus has all authority % 5att1 '8&18( John )&'6%'4( 14&'(
35. Jesus >udges % John )&'''4
36. Jesus knows all #en % John 16&.0( John '1&14
37. Jesus o7ens the #ind to understand scri7ture % :uke '!&!)
38. Jesus recei3ed honor and glory fro# the 6ather % ' Pet1 1&14
39. Jesus re3eals grace and truth % John 1&14 see John 6&!)
40. Jesus re3eals the 6ather % 5att1 11&'4( :uke 10&''
41. Jesus "ears witness of 2i#self % John 8&18( 1!&6
42. Jesus? works "ear witness of 2i#self % John )&.6( 10&')
43. The 6ather "ears witness of Jesus % John )&.4( 8&18( 1 John
44. The 2oly S7irit "ears witness of Jesus % John 1)&'6
45. The #ultitudes "ear witness of Jesus % John 1'&14
46. The Pro7hets "ear witness of Jesus % Acts 10&!.
47. The Scri7tures "ear witness of Jesus % John )&.*
48. The 6ather will honor us if we ser3e Jesus % John 1'&'6 see
0ol1 .&'!
49. The 6ather wants us to fellowshi7 with Jesus % 1 0or1 1&*
50. The 6ather tells us to listen to Jesus % :uke *&.)( 5att1 14&)
51. ,3eryone who?s heard @ learned fro# the 6ather co#es to
Jesus % John 6&!)
52. We co#e to Jesus % John )&)0( 6&.).4!)6)( 4&.4(
53. The 6ather draws us to Jesus % John 6&!!
54. The :aw leads us to 0hrist % $al1 .&'!
55. Jesus is the =ock % 1 0or1 10&!
56. Jesus is the Sa3ior % John !&!'( 1 John !&1!
57. Jesus is the Aing % 5att1 '&1%6( :uke '.&.
58. In Jesus are the treasures of wisdo# and knowledge % 0ol1
59. In Jesus we ha3e "een #ade co#7lete 0ol1 '&10
60. Jesus indwells us % 0ol1 1&'4
61. Jesus sanctifies % 2e"1 '&11
62. Jesus lo3es % ,7h1 )&')
63. We sin against Jesus % 1 0or1 8&1'
64. We recei3e Jesus % John 1&1'( 0ol1 '&6
65. Jesus #akes #any righteous % =o#1 )&1*
66. Jesus sends the 2oly S7irit % John 1)&'6
67. Jesus offered u7 2i#self % 2e"1 4&'4( *&1!
68. Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins for all ti#e % 2e"1 10&1'
69. The Son of $od has gi3en us understanding % 1 John )&'0
70. Jesus is the author and 7erfector of our faith % 2e"1 1'&'
71. Jesus is the A7ostle and 2igh Priest of our confession % 2e"1
72. Jesus is 7re7aring a 7lace for us in hea3en % John 1!&1%!
73. Jesus is the :ight of the world % John 8&1'
74. Jesus has e-7lained the 6ather % John 1&18
75. Jesus was crucified "ecause of weakness % ' 0or1 1.&!
76. Jesus has o3erco#e the world % John 16&..
77. Truth is in Jesus % ,7h1 !&'1
78. The fruit of righteousness co#es through Jesus 0hrist % Phil1
79. Jesus deli3ers us fro# the wrath to co#e % 1 Thess1 1&10
80. ;isci7les "ear witness of Jesus 0hrist % John 1)&'4
81. Jesus died for us % 1 Thess1 )&10
82. Jesus died and rose again % 1 Thess1 !&1!
83. Jesus was a ranso# for #any % 5att1 '0&'8
84. The 0hristian dead ha3e fallen aslee7 in Jesus % 1 Thess1
85. Jesus rendered the de3il 7owerless % 2e"1 '&1!
86. Jesus is a"le to sa3e co#7letely % 2e"1 4&')
87. Jesus ca#e to ser3e % 5att1 '0&'8
88. Jesus ca#e to "e a high 7riest % 2e"1 '&14
89. Jesus ca#e to sa3e % John .&14( :uke 1*&10
90. Jesus ca#e to 7reach the kingdo# of $od % :uke !&!.
91. Jesus ca#e to "ring di3ision % :uke 1'&)1
92. Jesus ca#e to do the will of the 6ather % John 6&.8
93. Jesus ca#e to gi3e the 6ather?s words % John 14&8
94. Jesus ca#e to testify to the truth % John 18&.4
95. Jesus ca#e to set us free fro# the :aw % =o#1 8&'
96. Jesus ca#e to die and destroy Satan?s 7ower % 2e"1 '&1!
97. Jesus ca#e to fulfill the :aw and the Pro7hets % 5att1 )&14
98. Jesus ca#e to gi3e life % John 10&10'8
99. Jesus ca#e to taste death for e3eryone % 2e"1 '&*
1001 Jesus ca#e to 7roclai# freedo# for "elie3ers % :uke !&18

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