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Matthew Feng

English 9 Period 9
Mrs. Wilder
12 October 2013
The Aolitia Masacr!
"#i$e is a ga%e& so $ight $or 'o(r s(rial and see i$ 'o()re worth it.*
+t is the 'ear ,023. The world has co%e together as one& with the -(.re%e #eader haing
co%%and oer all the citi/ens. Eer' 'ear& in order to re%ind to .eo.le o$ the s($$ering that the' had
gone thro(gh in order to achiee world .eace& the ann(al Aolitia Masacr! is held. One high school
class is rando%l' selected and .laced on a re%ote island& where the' %(st $ight $or their lies. Onl' the
last re%aining s(rior can ret(rn ho%e alie.
"Wa0e (.& +0ini0or(1* 2e3i0o%i whis.ered.
+0ini0or( o.ened one e'e& then the other. 4e $elt as i$ the world was swirling aro(nd hi%. When
his e'es $inall' ad3(sted to the dar0ness& he loo0ed at 2e3i0o%i.
"What ha..ened5 The last thin0 + re%e%ber is that we were on o(r wa' to o(r $inal $ield tri.
be$ore school ended.*
"+)% not s(re...* 2e3i0o%i re.lied& as a loo0 o$ (nease $lic0ered across her $ace& b(t then 6(ic0l'
-(ddenl'& a bright light t(rned on aboe the%& ill(%inating the roo% the' were in. All o$ their
class%ates were .resent as well. Each o$ the% had a %etal nec0lace stra..ed to their nec0. Eer'one
loo0ed con$(sed and disoriented. O(tside& a helico.ter had descended& and then the' heard the
"Welco%e& 7lass A o$ the -hi0i%i 8istrict. We are e9tre%el' .leased that 'o( hae co%e to
.la' o(r ga%e. :e$ore an' o$ 'o( as0& 'es& this is the Aolitia Masacr!. 7ongrat(lations.*
-t(nned& the st(dents in the classroo% stared ahead& d(%bl'.
-(ddenl'& the classroo% door b(rst o.en. -oldiers clad in ca%o($laged s(its r(shed in&
s(rro(nding the st(dents.
"Wa0e (.& 'o( la/' .ric0s. This isn)t na.ti%e.*
The da/ed st(dents were 3arred to attention b' the stern& co%%anding oice o$ their $or%er -in3i0i.
"Pa' attention& st(dents. This is 'o(r $inal lesson. We)ll be .la'ing a ga%e1 Watch this ideo to
0now what to do. ;ee. 'o(r $ilth' %o(ths sh(t.*
4e t(rned to the teleision that had been bro(ght into the roo% and t(rned it on. As he was
inserting the ideo cassette into the <7=& he heard two girls whis.ering behind hi%.
Th(%.. :e$ore an'one had een reali/ed& -in3i0i had thrown a 0ni$e at one o$ the girls
$orehead& slicing her brain cleanl' in hal$.
"+)% sorr'. + told 'o( g('s to be silent. #et (s en3o' the ideo& shall we5*
The st(dents loo0ed at each other& the blood drained $ro% their $aces.
"4ello& eer'one1* The teacher in the ideo e9clai%ed& a bit to e9citedl' $or the c(rrent %ood.
"Welco%e to the ,,th ann(al Aolitia Masacr!. As +)% s(re 'o( are all aware& 'o( are the l(c0' 7lass
to be chosen to .artici.ate. +)% here to introd(ce a $ew r(les o$ the ga%e& and then 'o()ll be o$$ on 'o(r
own. >ood l(c01*
"All right& let)s start with basics. The goal o$ the ga%e is to 0ill. More s.eci$icall'& to 0ill all
'o(r class%ates (ntil there is onl' one s(rior le$t. The ga%e will oer three da's. +$ there is no
ictor b' the end o$ the third da'& then eer'one will die.* The teacher in the ideo too0 a breath.
"?o( are c(rrentl' located on a island li0e this. The di%ensions are @0 acres b' @0 acres. To the
2orth& there are the %o(ntains. To the so(th& the .lains. There is $orest in the West and desert in the
East. A rier .asses thro(gh the 2orth to the -o(th& and another $ro% East to West. There is a illage
located at the center o$ the island& where 'o( can $ind s(..lies. :(t be warned& 'o(r class%ates will
also go their and challenge 'o( $or those s(..lies.*
"There)s %ore. The %a. is s.lit into 2@ sanctions& each denoted b' a letter and a n(%ber. ?o(
will see this when 'o( receie 'o(r %a.s. There will be A danger /ones on the %a.. +$ 'o( are ca(ght
in an' o$ there danger /ones& 'o( will be instantl' 0illed.*
"4ow can 'o( be so s(re that 'o( will 0ill (s5* One o$ the st(dents in6(ired.
":e 6(iet& she will get to that right now.* -in3i0i re.lied.
"The danger /ones will rotate eer' , ho(rs. An ho(r be$ore the danger /one changes& the new
/ones will be anno(nced thro(gh a lo(ds.ea0er& to gie 'o( ti%e to $ind a sa$e location.*
"+n case 'o( were wondering how we will 0ee. trac0 o$ 'o(& + wo(ld li0e to bring notice to the
%etal nec0 braces 'o( are wearing.*
The st(dents loo0ed down& reali/ing that the' were wearing a strange& %etal nec0lace.
"This nec0lace contains >P- and heartBrate signals. We will be able to 0ee. trac0 o$ 'o(r
c(rrent location and 'o(r state o$ health. +$ 'o( ha..en to brea0 an' o$ the r(les& the nec0lace will
detonate and 'o( will be instantl' 0illed.*
":e$ore 'o( g('s are set $ree& 'o( will be gien a bac0.ac0 with s(..lies. +nside& 'o( will $ind
a %a.& a .en& a co%.ass& a canteen o$ water& and one energ' bar. There will also be a rando% wea.on
$o(nd inside.* The teacher .(lled o(t an a9 $ro% her bag. "This one is s(((.er l(c0'.*
"That wra.s (. the whole ga%e. ?o( are allowed to ta0e whateer 'o( hae on 'o( c(rrentl'
into the ga%e. Oh& and i$ an' o$ 'o( were thin0ing abo(t b' the school& thin0 again. A$ter
three ho(rs& the school will beco%e a .er%anent danger /one.*
"+$ 'o( hae an' 6(estions& as0 the% now.* The recording sto..ed& leaing the roo% an eerie
"Wh'5* One o$ the st(dents cried.
"+t doesn)t %atter wh'. C(st .la' the ga%e.* -in3i0i sna..ed. "+$ none 'o( hae an' other
6(estions& let)s get started. Male st(dent D1 Aihano -hina.*
Aihano 3(%.ed (.& grabbed his bac0.ac0& and as he e9ited the classroo% door& was thrown a
"Fe%ale st(dent D1 2agisa ?(ri.*
2agisa rose slowl'& grabbing her st($$& when she was .(shed a soldier to h(rr' (.. -he was also
thrown a bac0.ac0 be$ore she le$t the roo%.
The teacher droned on& as each o$ the $ort'Btwo st(dents were called (. and gien their da'
"Male st(dent D21 +0ini0or( -h('a.*
+0ini0or( stood (.& snatched his st($$ and a bac0.ac0& and headed o(t into the battle$ield.
"Fe%ale st(dent D21 2e3i0o%i 2isa.*
2e3i0o%i carried her st($$ and a bac0.ac0& and wal0ed o(t.
=ight as +0ini0or( wal0ed o(tside the door& he saw an arrow $l' b' his head& close eno(gh that
he co(ld $eel the air r(sh .ast the arrow. +0ini0or( 0new what this %eantF he dashed s(ddenl'& 0nowing
that the attac0er wo(ld $ollow. As he headed towards the $orest& he hid in a shr(b and waited. Male
st(dent D,& 7h('a wal0 .ast hi%. 7h('a)s hands were tre%bling with a %i9t(re o$ $right and adrenaline
r(shing thro(gh his blood. +0ini0or( $ollowed 6(ietl' behind hi%& with no wea.ons& onl' a treat' $or
.eace. -(ddenl'& 7h('a t(rned aro(nd.
"Aieeee1* +0ini0or( 'elled as he tac0led 7h('a to the gro(nd& 0noc0ing the crossbow awa'
$ro% either bo')s reach.
"-to. it1* +0ini0or( cried.
7h('a see%ed to hesitate $or a %o%ent& b(t then contin(ed to tr' to $ight +0ini0or(& .inning
hi% to the gro(nd and atte%.ted to strangle hi%.
"7an)t... breath...* +0ini0or( s(ddenl' sla%%ed his $ist into 7h('a %eat' $ace& st(nning hi% and
ca(sing 7h('a to retreat. +0ini0or( then .roceeded to tac0le 7h('a once again& and both started to roll
down the hill in their str(ggle.
+0ini0or( $inall' sto..ed rolling and landed another .(nch s6(are between 7h('a)s e'es. 7h('a
too0 a $ew ste.s bac0& witho(t reali/ing that there was a cli$$ behind hi%& and $ell to his death.
+0ini0or( stared& shoc0ed at what he had done. Far awa'& at the to. o$ the hill& $e%ale st(dent D3& 2ori
+chiba& watched the whole $ight (n$old.
1 down& ,1 to go.
+0ini0or( ret(rned to the school gro(nds& loo0ing $or 2e3i0o%i when he was .(lled aside.
"4el.1* 4e 'elled.
"Will 'o( be 6(iet5 ?o()re going to alert eer'one o$ where we are1* 2e3i0o%i whis.ered bac0.
"WhaB Oh.* +0ini0or()s $ace t(rned a slight shade o$ .in0& and he loo0ed awa'. "+ didn)t reali/e
that it was 'o(.*
"+t doesn)t %atter. 7o%e on& we need to h(rr' be$ore we get blown to s%itherins standing b' the
school. 8o 'o( hae eer'thing5*
"All right then& let)s go. We sho(ld head $or the %o(ntains& + thin0 the')ll be less .eo.le there.*
Meanwhile& at the so(thern ti. o$ the island& another $ight was (n$olding.
"Master& what wo(ld 'o( li0e (s to do5*
"7hec0 'o(r bags and d(%. eer'thing 'o( hae onto the gro(nd.*
"?es. Eer'thing. 8on)t hide a thing& or be .re.ared to $ace .(nish%ent.*
The $ollowers o$ the %aster did as the' were told& d( the contents o$ their bac0.ac0s onto
the grass. There was a s(b%achine g(n& a handg(n& two grenades& a sa%(rai sword& and a b(llet.roo$
"<er' nice. <er'& er' nice.* The %aster .ic0ed (. the s(b%achine g(n. +t was $(ll' loaded.
"Than0 'o( all $or assissting %e this $ar& b(t + won)t need 'o( an' longer.*
"What do 'o( %ean& Master5*
Witho(t a word& the %aster raised the s(b%achine g(n& and shot eer'one aro(nd hi% to death.
4e then .roceeded to ta0e all the wea.ons and ar%or he needed& be$ore wal0ing awa'.
12 down& 30 to go.
+0ini0or( and 2e3i0o%i wal0ed $or what see%ed li0e ages& when a lo(ds.ea0er blared.
"Three ho(rs hae .assed since 'o( hae all entered the island. 4ere is a stat(s (.date on the
death roster.*
+0ini0or( co(ldn)t bring hi%sel$ to listen to who had died& his $riends and class%ates that had
been together $or twele 'ears.
"And now& ti%e $or the (.date on the danger /ones. The new danger /ones are as $ollowsG A1&
A,& :2& :,& 81& 83& E3& and E@. >ood l(c0& and hae $(n.*
+0ini0or( clenched his $ists together. "Who do the' thin0 the' are& threatening (s and $orcing (s
to .la' their ga%e li0e lab rats in a %a/e5*
2e3i0o%i shr(gged. "There)s no ti%e $or wondering things li0e that. + heard g(nB$ire near here.
We better $ind so%e.lace to ta0e coer and coo0 (. so%e $ood. That cae oer there loo0s a good
.lace to sta'. #et)s go.*
-(/(0i co(ldn)t beliee her good l(c0. -he had gotten a whole set o$ 0nies as her wea.on&
which incl(ded two throwing 0nies& one .oc0etB0ni$e& and a 0atana. -he had also .ic0ed (. a reoler
when she .assed b' the illage& getting o(t in ti%e be$ore that %aniac ca%e r(shing in with his
%achine g(n& holing (. the entire .lace.
-(/(0i s.otted the twin sisters& those .es0' girls who had ta(nted her da' in and da' o(t. -he
0new that the' were ho.eless& haing neer handled an'thing in li$e& %(ch less a ga%e o$ terror and
0illing. -he hid her 0nies in her bac0.ac0& and held her reoler behind her bac0.
"Wh' hello there& )$riends).* -(/(0i o(t& sarcasticall'.
"WhaBwhaBwhat do 'o(B(B( wantBt5* The twin sisters st(ttered o(t& at the sa%e ti%e.
"+ 3(st wanted to .(t 'o( o(t o$ 'o(r %iser'... a% + allowed to do that5*
"WhatBwhat do 'o( %ean5* The sisters said& their oice lowered to a their $aces a .ale
"+ don)t 0now. + tho(ght that we co(ld tea% (.& or %a'be 3(st ta0e so%e o$ 'o(r s(..lies.*
"WhBwh' do 'o( thin0 we wo(ld allow that5*
"Eno(gh 6(estions. + hae alread' decided what to do.*
C(st as she $inished s.ea0ing& she reealed her reoler& and in less than two seconds& the twin
sisters were twin sisters with two b(llets& each with one in their $orehead.
1, down& 2A to go.
The illage at the %iddle o$ the island was a b(stling .lace. One gro(. o$ class%ates& the sel$B
.roclai%ed "-(riors*& had co%e to the center and tried to raid the illage. The' were 6(ite
s(ccess$(l& so s(ccess$(l in $act that the' tho(ght it wo(ld be wise to ca%. there $or one night& not
0nowing that the lion was abo(t to a..ear. At a..ro9i%atel' 1 o) cloc0 at night& when the %oon had
been blac0ened o(t b' clo(ds& the shadow o$ a dar0& %as0ed $ig(re a..eared. 4e was carr'ing a
%achine g(n.
2, down& 1A to go.
+0ini0or( and 2e3i0o%i had set (. ca%. in the cae.
"What do 'o( hae in 'o(r bac0.ac05* +0ini0or( in6(ired.
"?o( %ean %' wea.on5 A .air o$ binoc(lars.* 2e3i0o%i re.lied $latl'.
"This has got to be a 3o0e. M' wea.on is a coo0ing .an.*
"Well& at least 'o( won)t stare& right5*
The' had b(ilt a $ire& and had snared so%e wild ga%e and $ish to coo0 (.. While the $ood was
coo0ing& the' disc(ssed what their ga%e .lan was.
"+ thin0 we sho(ld tr' to 0ee. the .eace.* +0ini0or( .roclai%ed.
"Me too. There is no wa' that + co(ld eer bring %'sel$ to 0ill an'one. =ight5*
+0ini0or( g(l.ed& as i%ages o$ the cli$$ and 7h('a $lashed thro(gh his brain. "=ight.*
"-o what sho(ld we do5* 2e3i0o%i 6(estioned.
"We sho(ld 3(st %oe aro(nd& la' low (ntil there)s onl' a $ew s(riors le$t. Then we can tr' to
a..roach the% with an alliance& and ho.e$(ll' $ind a wa' o$$ this island o$ terror.*
"That so(nds good. #et)s rest tho(gh. ?o( slee.& +)ll 0ee. watch. We can switch o$$ in three
:ac0 in the school& -in3i0i and the soldiers stared at the %onitors& their e'es gl(ed to the stat(s
%ar0ers that showed whether or not so%eone was doing so%ething illegal.
"WarningG Male -t(dent D1A tr'ing to esca.e. Warning.*
Aha. T(rns o(t that these children didn)t beliee in r(les and tho(ght that the' co(ld esca.e o$$
the island. -in3i0i s%iled& baring his teeth li0e a dog read' to 0ill.
"M1A and $riends tr'ing to esca.e. +nitiate 0ill se6(ence.*
30 down& 12 to go.
-(/(0i contin(ed her h(nt. -he had 0illed the brats& and now she was thirst' $or %ore blood.
The twin had had so%e good s(..lies& li0e $ood and water. -he wo(ld be set to win this ga%e. As she
EastBWest rier& she ca(ght sight a tent. "What $ools&* she tho(ght. "7o(ld 'o( %a0e 'o(r shelter an'
%ore obio(s5* As she a..roached& reoler in one hand& 0ni$e in the other& she tri..ed.
:ang& bang& bang. Three g(nshots rang o(t& and -(/(0i la' d'ing.
"ABa tBtBra.. -%BaBrBrBt.*
The rier ran red.
31 down& 11 to go.
Aiharo highB$ied his $riends. 4e co(ldn)t beliee that his tri.Bwire tra. had act(all' s(cceed.
While the adrenaline cho(rsed thro(gh his blood& he and his $riends went o(tside to reload the tra.. +$ it
had wor0ed once& it wo(ld wor0 again. C(st as he was reloading the last g(n and tightening the tri.B
wire& a shadow a..eared. Aiharo and his $riends .aid no attention& howeer& the' were too b(s' tending
to their elaborated established tra..
-(ddenl'& Aiharo t(rned aro(nd& shining the $lashlight on his s(rro(ndings. 4e was s(re he had
heard so%ething. "Who)s there5*
"?o(r grae.*
The birds in the trees $lew o$$ as so(nd o$ a g(n rang o(t& echoing into the de.ths o$ the $orest.
3H down& @ to go.
2agisa wal0ed ai%lessl'. -he wondered how she had %ade it so long into the ga%e& how she
had eaded death so easil'. #ast night howeer& she had a horrible drea%. -he i%agined hersel$ l'ing at
the botto% o$ the ocean& a hea' roc0 chained to her $oot. -he didn)t 0now wh' she was wal0ing
toward the ocean cli$$F was she tr'ing to 0ill hersel$5 -(ddenl'& a swi$t 0ic0 sent her $l'ing& $l'ing into
the cold& blac0& ic' ocean.
3A down& , to go.
At long last& she had $o(nd the%. 2ori had seen the $ire created b' +0ini0or( and 2e3i0o%i.
Following the s%o0e& she had located the% in the %o(ntains& hiding in a cae. +t was a good idea& she
tho(ght& b(t their good l(c0 wo(ld end here. The' hae 0illed her loer& 7h('a. -he was abo(t to get
> the 0atana that she had $o(nd on the gro(nd earlier& 2ori a..roached the two& the two
that had also acted so innocent& as i$ she didn)t 0now an' better. -he wo(ld %a0e the% .a' $or their
sins& and lie $oreer in hell.
"Wa0e (.& $ools.*
+0ini0or( and 2e3i0o%i both awa0ened& instantl' alert. "What do 'o( want5*
"+ want 'o(r li$e. -a' goodb'eF it)s ga%e oer.*
"Wait1 What did we do to %a0e 'o( so angr'5*
"8on)t .retend to act li0e 'o( don)t 0now. ?o( 0illed 7h('a. 2ow .re.are to $ace 'o(r doo%.*
+0ini0or( stared at 2ori. "+ didn)t 0ill hi% on .(r.ose1 4e attac0ed %e $irst& and + was 3(st tr'ing
to de$end %'seB*
":' 0ic0ing hi% o$$ a cli$$5 >ood de$ense 'o( hae there.* 2ori sna..ed bac0.
-(ddenl'& a dar0 shadow a..eared behind 2ori.
"Ih& 2ori... there)s so%eone behind 'o(.*
2ori t(rned aro(nd to be %et with the so(nd o$ g(n$ire. 4er dead bod' $ell onto the gro(nd with
a hard th(%..
+0ini0or( loo0ed at the $ig(re. "Than0s& b(t who are 'o(5*
"The winner.*
,1 down& 1 to go.

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