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What You Need to Know about the Fujitsu LifeBook P1510 laptop Battery

he Fujitsu LifeBook P1510! pa"ks a #ean pun"h in a little pa"ka$e wei$hin$ in at %&%1 lbs& 't is
an inno(ati(e "reation fro# Fujitsu )ie#ens with a nu#ber of features that #akes it worth takin$
a se"ond look& oday* the Fujitsu LifeBook P1510 battery is our #ain "on"ern whi"h "ontinues
in the inno(ati(e spirit of the de(i"e and is #ounted on the front of the de(i"e& 't "o#es with both
the three+"ell and si,+"ell battery #odels and there is an e,tended si,+"ell unit&
-,pe"tations for the Batteries

he three+"ell battery has a three hour life while the si,+"ell battery al#ost doubles this
nu#ber pro(idin$ fi(e hours of battery life&

he e,tended si,+"ell battery for Fujitsu LifeBook P1510 will set you ba"k less than .50 and
pro(ides a bit #ore hand rest&

/dditionally* the e,tended battery does not fall or tilt ba"kwards the way others do when it is
fitted at the ba"k&

't is also li$htwei$ht and #aintains the total wei$ht of the de(i"e at just less than %&0 lbs&
he battery is Lithiu# ion and is "o(ered under the parts warranty1 labor that are (alid for a year
for both the parts and labor&
he Fujitsu LifeBook /dapter
he Fujitsu ac adapter LifeBook is in"luded in the pa"ka$e "ontents of the notebook and is
"o(ered under the parts warranty1 labor whi"h are (alid for a year& 'f the /2 adapter is older than a
year and has $one o(er the warranty period it "an be repla"ed for a "ost effe"ti(e pri"e and fro#
reliable sour"es& he /2 power adapter has an output power of 00 watts* an output (olta$e a#ount
of !2 103 and an output "urrent of 4&55 a#ps& he input (olta$e of the adapter is between 100(
and %603 /2& he power "ord is also just as i#portant as the adapter itself as it should be of the
appropriate len$th and not fi"kle or sus"eptible to heatin$ up espe"ially at the plu$ when the
Fujitsu adapter is plu$$ed in for e,tended periods& When the repla"e#ent is bou$ht fro# a
"o#pany that is reliable and trustworthy it should "o#e with a warranty (alid for an a""eptable
len$th of ti#e not less than a year&
Both the adapter and laptop battery for Fujitsu LifeBook are "o(ered under the parts warranty1
labor for a year whi"h #eans that for a year fro# the date of pur"hase the "o#pany is liable to
sortin$ any #anufa"turer fault proble# that happens& 7owe(er* your warranty "an be (oid if you
wron$sly used the adapter&
For more information about Sony VGP-BPS9 battery or Fujitsu LifeBook P1510 laptop
Battery, please go to http://wwwlaptopsbatterynetau
Fujitsu LifeBook P1510 battery, Fujitsu ac adapter, laptop battery for Fujitsu

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