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The three wishes

Once upon a time a woodman and his wife lived in a Little house in the forest. T
hey were poor but very happy. They loved each other very much. They were always
ready to share everything they had with anyone who came to their door.
One day the woodman was working in the forest. His wife was working at home. An
old man came to their little house. He said he was very hungry. The woman had on
ly a little food, but she shared it with him.
The old man ate. Then he said. God sent me to test you. You and your husband shar
e everything you have with everyone. God wants to give you a special gift becaus
e you are so kind.
What's the gift?
What is the gift? asked the woman.
The old man answered. You and your husband can make any three wishes and they wil
l come true.
The woman was very happy. She said, I wish my husband could be here to hear you! I
n a minute her husband was there. Her first wish came true.
What happened? asked the woodsman. I was in the forest. Why am I here now? His wife
kissed him and explained.
The woodsman listened to her story. Then he became angry. He shouted at his wife
for the first time. You wasted one of our wishes. Now we have only two left. You
are so foolish! I wish you had donkey ears!
His wifes ears began to grow. They change into big donkey ears. The woman touched
her long ears and cried. Her husband felt very bad about what he said.
The family is happy again
The old man said, You never shouted at each other before. Now you are different.
You know you can have power and be rich. You have one wish left. Do you want to
be rich? Do you want to have beautiful clothes?
The woodsman said, We only want to be happy again, like before.
The donkey ears disappear. The woodsman and his wife thanked God. They were happ
y again.
The old man said, Poor people can be very happy and rich people can be very unhap
py. God will give you the biggest happiness a married couple can have.
A few months later the woodsman and his wife had a baby. The family lived happil
y ever after.
Los tres deseos
rase una vez un leador y su esposa vivan en una casa pequea en el bosque. Eran pobre
s , pero muy feliz. Se amaban mucho. Siempre estaban dispuestos a compartir todo
lo que tenan a nadie que vino a su puerta.
Un da, el leador estaba trabajando en el bosque. Su esposa estaba trabajando en ca
sa. Un anciano lleg a su casita . Dijo que estaba muy hambriento . La mujer slo te
na un poco de comida , pero ella lo comparti con l.
El anciano comi . Luego dijo . " Dios me ha enviado para que seis probados . Usted
y su esposo comparten todo lo que tienen con todo el mundo . Dios quiere darte
un regalo especial porque eres tan amable " .
Cul es el regalo ?
" Cul es el regalo ? " Pregunt la mujer.
El anciano respondi . " Usted y su esposo puede hacer cualquiera de los tres dese
os y que se harn realidad . "
La mujer era muy feliz. Ella dijo: " Me gustara que mi marido pudiera estar aqu pa
ra escucharte ! " En un minuto su marido estaba all. Su primer deseo se hizo real
idad .
"Qu pas ? " , Pregunt el hombre de los bosques . "Yo estaba en el bosque. Por qu estoy
aqu? " Su esposa le dio un beso y le explic .
El leador escuch su historia. Entonces l se enoj . l le grit a su esposa por primera v
ez . " Perdiste uno de nuestros deseos. Ahora tenemos ms que dos . Usted es tan t
onto ! Me gustara tener orejas de burro ! "
Odos de su esposa comenzaron a crecer . Ellos se transforman en grandes orejas de
burro . La mujer toc sus largas orejas y grit . Su marido se sinti muy mal por lo
que dijo.
La familia es feliz de nuevo
El anciano dijo : "Nunca grit el uno al otro antes. Ahora usted es diferente . Us
ted sabe que puede tener poder y ser rico . Usted tiene un deseo izquierda. Quier
es ser rico ? Usted quiere tener ropa bonita ? "
El leador dijo: " Nosotros slo queremos ser felices de nuevo, como antes. "
Desaparecen las orejas de burro . El leador y su mujer dieron gracias a Dios . El
los estaban felices de nuevo.
El anciano dijo: "Los pobres pueden ser gente muy feliz y rica puede ser muy inf
eliz. Dios te dar la felicidad ms grande de una pareja casada puede tener. "
Unos meses ms tarde, el leador y su esposa tuvieron un beb. La familia vivi feliz pa
ra siempre.

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