004-5-MATH 361 Probability & Statistics

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E(Electrical)-unified curricula 2012

MATH-361 Probability &Statistics 1 PN Engineering College

Required Course MATH-361 Probability & Statistics
Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3-0.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Level Knowledge
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: 1. Introduction to Statistics R. E. Walpole
2. Basic Statistics Analysis S. C. Richard
3. Engineering Statistics Robert V. Hogg

Reference Books: Nil

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to enable the use of probability theory to analyze data for decision-
making and for the solution of problems in engineering, and computer research work. The students will be able to
evaluate the probabilities associated with outcomes obeyed by mathematical principles.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:

1. Use wide range of statistical tools in engineering, economics, accountancy, finance, and other social sciences
to analyze the different type data.
2. determine whether a relationship exists between two or more variables
3. Apply knowledge to predict the future behavior of the variable.

Topics: Week

1. Introduction to Statistical Concepts: Basic definitions & Concepts of statistics, importance of
statistics in practical life.
2. Statistical description of data: Frequency distributions, Graphical representations: Bar charts,
histogram, polygon, Symmetry and Skewness, Percentiles, deciles and quartiles.
3. Statistical measures of data: Measures of central location, Measures of Dispersion and
Chebyshev Theorem.
4. Probability: Sample space, events and Operation with Events, Counting sample pointes,
Probability of an event, Additive rule, Conditional probability, Multiplicative rules.
5. Random Variables: Concept of a random variable, discrete probability distribution Continuous
and Joint probability distribution, Mean and Variance of a random variable, Properties of the
Mean and Variance of a random variables.
6. Discrete Probability Distribution: Binomial distribution, Multinomial distribution, Hyper-
geometric distribution, Negative Binomial and Geometric distribution & Poisson distribution
7. Continuous Probability Distribution: Normal Curve, area under the normal curve, Normal
approximation to the Binomial Distribution, Applications of normal distribution.
8. Sampling Theory & Distribution: Sampling with and without replacement, Types of sampling,
sampling procedures, Sampling distribution of sample mean, Sampling distribution of differences
of sample means.
9 Regression and Correlation: Linear Regression. Regression Analysis and Inference of
Coefficient, Prediction and Test of Linearity, Exponential Regression, Multiple Regression,
Linear Correlation, Multiple and Partial Correlation, Rank Correlation, Examples with
engineering applications.

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, three sessional exams, and one final exam.
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%

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