Simple Holistic Hints To Improve Your Life

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Hol i sti c Hi nts



Si mpl e hol i sti c
ways to i mprove
your l i fe.


Hol i sti c Hi nts


Hol i sti c Hi nts

By: Muel l er Col l ege Staff
Coral Wel sh, Tool s4Heal ers Manager
Jacque Ratl i ff, PFT Program Di rector
Amanda Mattefs, Di r. Of Marketi ng

@mcmarketi ngmvn
@Coral Wel sh_MC

@j acqueral i ff

Hol i sti c Hi nts


Let' s be honest: l i fe can be chaoti c

From cleaning your house, to picking the kids up from school to working a 10-hour work day, you don't
always have time to treat yourself to a little R&R.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were little things you could do through out the day to improve your well-being?
Funny you ask- there are! That's why we've compiled a list of easy, pain-free, holistic ways
to improve your life on a daily basis! Take a look

1 . Breathe mi ndful l y

Just, breathe. The process of breathing is a form of
meditation; you just need to be mindful of it. If you start right
now and pay attention to how you are breathing, it is more
than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite shallowly.
That is known as linear breathing. What you need to start
doing is called circular breathing. It can be simple and feels
great. This kind of breathing enhances the deep, quiet
experience of just being there known as shikantaza. It is also very similar to the breathing method of

Hol i sti c Hi nts


Im sure youre thinking But how do I do that?

- Start out by just inhaling completely and then slowly exhaling completely. Take one minute to
just do this focused breathing each day, you will find that you feel better during that minute
- Then, consciously and carefully taking ten deep, slow breaths. Pull the breath up along your inner
back as you inhale through the nose. Then exhale through the mouth, feeling the breath push as
far down as possible.

You'll discover after a while that three quiet breaths
like that will be enough to center you and create a
sense of calm. Start with 10 breaths, train yourself
down to 3 then use 1 when needed!

2. Go Outsi de

Lighten your mental load. Try to go outside at least
once per day and notice the simple things: the weather, the trees, people walking by, the clouds passing
by this can clear your head, and give you a new sense of calm and perspective.
Hol i sti c Hi nts


3. Take Your Vi tami ns ( Yes, Fl i ntstone s chewabl es count ! )

Vitamin supplements can give your body the many nutrients it needs to boost your health! "Take
Chrolophyll and Omega 3 vitamins on a DAILY basis!"

4. Chromatherapy anyone?

Time to get some chromatherpy in your life! Color therapy or, Chromatherapy, is the use of colors to
stabilize energy levels in our bodies.
When light from the sun shines down onto our bodies it reflects to make the colors; violet, indigo, blue,
green, yellow, orange, and red. The energy we receive from color therapy is absorbed through our
magnetic energy fields, thus adjusting our energy levels. Each chakra does different things to your body,
spirit, and psyche and each color corresponding with 7 chakras.

Whats a

Chakra are believed to be
centers of the body from which
a person can collect energy.
They are connected to major
organs or glands that govern
other body parts.
Hol i sti c Hi nts


Here are each color and their meaning
Vi ol et (7
Chakra) = Spiritual connection to the universe, self-knowledge, enlightenment.
Indigo (6
Chakra) = Intellect, wisdom, self-reflection, sight, sound, and intuition.
Blue (5
Chakra) = Hearing, speech, spiritual communication,
truth, self-expression, and expression of thoughts and feelings.
Green (4
Chakra) = Love, compassion, forgiveness, and
Yellow (3
Chakra) = Personal power, responsibility, will, and
vital energy.
Orange (2
Chakra) = Sexuality, creativity, developing
relationships, emotions, nurturing, and creativity.
Red (1
Chakra)= Survival instincts, vigor, self esteem,
movement, and grounding ourselves.

Some of the items used to heal with these colors include flags
and banners, gems and crystals, candles and color therapy

Hol i sti c Hi nts

5. Stretchhhhhhhhh!

Full body stretching is an important component to a healthy lifestyle and should be done consistently,
said Jacque Ratliff, program director of Mueller Colleges Personal Fitness Trainer certificate program.
Too many people try to throw pills at the problem, when it could be alleviated by a simple movement or
static stretch. Medication can also carry the possibility
of negative side effects that are greater than what the
benefits are worth. So take a few minutes each day
and stretch that body!

6. Posture, Posture, Posture!

Sit up straight! How many times did your parents say that phrase to you? I know, a lot, but the thing is
theyre right. It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, so that your muscles do not strain
and contract. You want to keep the energy circulating throughout your body, so it is important to keep
your spine straight and nerves unobstructed.

Stretching with a
friend is fun too!
Hol i sti c Hi nts

7. *Yawn* Get some sl eep! *Yawn*

The best way to begin a great day is with a good nights sleep. Yes, we know, its hard to come by for
many people, lots of times because they find it difficult to get to sleep in the first place. With the
increasing stress in all of our lives, its easy to be kept awake by worry when we really need to fall

SO, once you get into bed,
l i e i n the most comfortabl e posi ti on you can.
Pay attention to how very good it feels to be there.
Every time your mind runs off to worry about
something, bring it back to the comfort you feel just
lying in bed. Do that as often as needed. You dont
have to work at this. Its easy.

The next thing you know, youre waking up after a
good nights sleep. Thats because directing your attention to good, calming physical feelings does more
than turn your conscious mind away from anxiety and worry. Your subconscious mind is comforted too.

And last but not least.


Hol i sti c Hi nts

8. Mental Cl eanse- We re tal ki ng HAPPY!

Be optimistic! Negativity is the root that destabilizes our happiness. The negative ideas we think can
turn into the words we speak on a daily basis. Obviously, we dont want that to happen! So, change your
thoughts to positive, hopeful, uplifting ones. Think goodness and kindness, joy and HAPPINESS.
Program your thought to be positive and your energy will absolutely reflect it!

Have additional questions?
Feel free to contact us anytime!

The happiest people dont have the best of
everything, they just make the best of
Hol i sti c Hi nts



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