PJ Agenda 2012-2013

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Pro Justice Team Agendas 2012-2013

Tips on leading PJ
Be ready to let go of your plan
Assign roles for the retreats by partners, do it in a way that everyone can be practicing their roles
simultaneously in the meeting. If one students has too many roles their partner has to wait around for them.
Take time to see where the students are at, what do they want to learn about, what have they already learned
Look for leadership opportunities based on the strengths of the students.
A typical PJ Meeting
Warm up- non topic related just for fun exercise
A specific topic is introduced
Exercise- related to the topic
TO exercise
Debrief time
GV Circle- allow students to give feedback. This format will be adjusted according to the feedback.

September: Introduction to PJ and Systematic Oppression
Week 1
Start to get to know each other, share stories
Establish group vision and goals for this years PJ
Understand what they are expected to do at meetings, and what their goals are for the year.
Understand the difference between popular and traditional education, and know when they are appropriate to
Understand more about Systematic Oppression, particularly definitions of words

6:00 Ice Breaker- Names and what you like to do.
6:15 Energizer- Zip, Zap, Zoop?
6:30 Mark and Tiffany-What is PJ?
a. Our expectations
b. Use of binders/resources
c. Personal Introductions
6:40 What is PJ? As a group brainstorm
Natural planning model (Print this out for each student and have them go over this for PJ)
1. Purpose/Guiding Principles: guiding criteria for why we are in PJ.
Why is this being done? What would on purpose really mean? What rules
do we play by?
2. Mission/Vision/Goal/Successful Outcome
What would it be like if PJ were totally successful? How would we know?

What would that success look or feel like for each of us?
3. Brainstorming
What are all the things that occur to us about this? What do we know? What do we not know?
What should we consider? What havent we considered?
Be complete, open, nonjudgmental, and resist critical analysis.
4. Organizing: Identifying components (subprojects), sequences, and/or priorities.
What needs to happen to make the whole thing happen?
5. Next Actions: What should be done next, and who will do it?
How can we accomplish these goals this year?

7:00 Establish as a group expectations and agreements.
a. Go over intro packet
b. Rides
c. Note taking
d. Point person?
e. Other needs?
f. Food?
7:15 Break
7:20 Pair and share- Get to know your partner and introductions.
7:30 Basics of Dialogue and learning to gain understanding as opposed to convincing each other.
a. Listen to try to understand their point of view
b. Silence is conducive to greater understanding
c. Ask questions reflecting feeling and meaning to make sure you heard what they said
d. Use I statements
e. How do we deal with conflict?

7:40 Popular education vs. Traditional Education
Review and define differences between popular and traditional
Popular: Education comes from the people; everyone contributes to the common knowledge base
Traditional: Education comes from a teacher; knowledge is produced by a single source
In pairs
What type of education is used in your school?
What do these types of educations look like?
What type of education is the most common?
What type of education are you the most comfortable with and why?
What are the pros and cons of each?
Discuss why popular education is used in GV & PJ (allows for multiple diverse perspectives to be heard)
7:50 GV Closing circle asking for feedback and responses to the first meeting

Week 2: Ageism
Goals/objectives: Begin to explore systematic oppressions- begin with Ageism.
Lay a foundation for the issues of social justice we will be talking about this year.


6-610 Introduce Ageism (what does it mean, how is it part of systematic oppression)
Warm up- Ageism Power Shuffle
For each of the categories below, say the following: "Please step to the other side of the room if an adult has
ever... [The category]. [Pause.] Notice who's standing with you. Notice who's not. [Pause.] Notice how you
feel. [Pause.] Come back together again.
Yelled at you.
Talked down to you.
Said derogatory things about teenagers or kids in your presence.
Talked about you with another adult like you werent there.
Told you you wouldnt understand.
Ignored you.
Asked you to leave a public place, like a restaurant or store.
Stereotyped youall teenagers are ____________.
Not told you the truth.
Not listened to you when you needed to tell them something.
Not believed you even though you were telling the truth.
Ordered you around.
Kept something from you because you were not old enough to hear it.
Told you that you were not allowed to do something until you were older (not including things that the
law prevents you from doing until you reach a certain age such as driving, voting in an election, or
drinking alcohol).
610-620: PJ Business
- Address Popular Education Model, how we as PJ are going to work against Ageism this year.
- Talk about feedback
- Pass out binders
- Pj Email day?
- One students each week to do warm up activity, is it alright to do one each hour?
620-650 Tour of El Centro
650- 710 Review Chart of Oppression
What does oppression mean to you?
Oppression=Power+ Prejudice

What are some examples of these oppressions? (refer to the document under retreat)
Allyship: If you do nothing you are still instigating the oppression.
710-715 Break
715- 725 Power shuffle exercise
1. You live in a country whose corporations and government dominates and control resources and labor
2. When interacting with people in other countries, people regardless of age will defer to your opinion.
3. Your country's military spending is ten times more than the combined total of the military spending of the
next top nine countries.
4. Your citizenship protects (i.e. The fact that you have a passport) in many countries.
5. The media (movies, TV, news) are powerful influences not only in your country but in many other
countries in the world.
6. Your culture, including what you eat, how you dress, your music, arts, politics, lifestyle, was of doing
business is exported on a grand scale to many other countries.
7. Your quality of life (i.e. The fact that you have access to clean water, food, education, employment) is
based on your government's systematic historical and currently. hegemony (invasion, domination and
exploitation) of other countries.
8. You live in a country whose citizens can afford not to learn another language.
9. Your country has invaded another country for natural resources or to exploit cheap labor.
10. You have studied from history books that shows your country as a promoter of democratic values in other

countries, not as an exploiter.
11. You have purchased clothes and other items produced in sweatshops.
12. is considered the most important or valuable to know.
13. Your Your language currency is accepted as legitimate currency in countries other that the country in
which it is produced.
14. You live in a country whose citizenry can afford not to know its history or politics.
725-745 Talk about cycle of oppressions in context
Assign students to specific group of people
Ask: How did your people get here What was going on? What was it like?
745-750 Journal
750-755 Debrief
755-800 GV Circle

October: Exploring the Systematic Oppressions chart
Week 3:

Goals/Objectives: Systematic oppression chart and you- each student will continue to develop an understanding
for the chart of oppressions and where they fit into that chart.

6-610 TO Activity- one person start out acting out a scene of something that really makes you mad, other respond
and start interaction. Pause and other person play off of the pose that they paused in.
- Debrief
610-620 Exercise PJ Brains- talk about whats hot for them for 10 minutes. We will cut off the conversation after
that time limit and it is okay. This is to get them to continue thinking about the wide variety of social justice issues
that are alive in the world.
620-630 PJ Challenge: Talk about speaking from their own perspective, things they have experienced, not hearsay.
Dialogue (have students share during this time)
630- 7 Discuss isms in schools
Have post its around with isms, students choose
Go around and write examples/what they see
Discuss how these are all connected
7- 705 Break
705-715 TO Activity-
715-720 Fill out personal sheets and share where they come from.
720-730 Share
730-740 Discuss who will be sharing next week and how to move forward.
745-750 Debrief

750-755 GV Circle
Week 4: Sexism

Objective: Further explore Sexism and the tangible ways it is expressed in our society.
6- 610 Exercise your PJ brain- we will do this every week so come with ideas of things that you are thinking about.
- This is a good time to have the snack, I liked this Monday.
610-620 TO energizer- How is your day? What do you hate? What do you love?
620- 650 Share- concerning those you have interviewed, what you have learned. Any ideas of the best way to do
650-655 Break
655-710 TO Exercise- Freeze Tag . Have someone act out a scene, freeze and then take over from that spot and
continue (fish bowl)
710-750 PowerPoint and reviewing sexism
750-755 Debrief
755-8 GV Circle- choose a different student to lead the closing circle with a reflective question at the end.

Week 5; Racism
Goal/Objective: Further explore racism through TO exercises and knowledge of its systematic nature.
6- 610 Exercise your PJ brain: discussion of things that came up from last week
610-625 TO Warm up one person you fear and one person is your protector
625- 640 How they saw racism in their school, interviews and experiences , IAT
640-655 Fill the space
Join arms by gender
By hair color
By eye color
By race
Common heritage
655- 710 Discussion- what is the difference between race, ethnicity, nationality.
710-715 BREAK
715-750: PowerPoint and discussion

750-755: Debrief
755-800: GV Circle
Week 6
Speaker Series
Objectives/Goals: As facilitators, based on the input we had received from the students, that it would be helpful to
bring people in that we actively doing something to fight against the isms we see in our society. This would answer
the question what are people doing about this and give students ideas of how they can start to get involved in the
fight now.
Week 7: Human Trafficking
Velma Veloria talk about International Trafficking in Women
6:00-6:10: PJ Introductions
6:20-6:30 Velma Veloria shares her journey in Social Justice
6:30-7:00: Q & A
7:00- 7:05: Break
7:05 - 7:15: Columbian Hypnosis (see activities)
7:15-7:40: Who remembers what about imperialism?
7:40 7:50: Review the next weeks agenda, ask students to look up information about our next speaker.
7:50-7:55: Debrief on meeting
7:55-8:00: GV Circle
Week 8: International Labor Rights
United students against sweat shops to talk about their initiatives
6:00-6:10: PJ Introductions
6:10-6:30 Velma Veloria shares her journey in Social Justice
6:30-7:00: Q & A
7:00- 7:05: Break
7:05 - 7:15: Columbian Hypnosis (see activities)
7:15-7:40: Who remembers what about imperialism?
7:40 7:50: Review the next weeks agenda, ask students to look up information about our next speaker.
7:50-7:55: Debrief on meeting

7:55-8:00: GV Circle
Week 9: National Labor Rights
6:00-6:10: PJ Introductions
6:10-6:30 OUR Walmart- Preston and Roisin Moonet present on their movement
6:30-7:00: Q & A
7:00- 7:05: Break
7:05 - 7:15: Blindly guided energizer
7:15-7:25: Reflection on activity and further thoughts about presenters
7:25 7:35: Have students discuss their reactions and thoughts as a result of looking at where their clothes were
7:35 7:50: Review chart displaying the relationship between workers and consumers in the US and abroad.
7:50-7:55: Debrief on meeting
7:55-8:00: GV Circle
Week 10: National Labor Rights
6:00-6:10: PJ Introductions
6:10-6:30 Anita Nath- UNITE HERE Local 8.
6:30-7:00: Q & A
7:00- 7:05: Break
7:05 - 7:15:
7:25 7:35:
7:35 7:50:
7:50-7:55: Debrief on meeting
7:55-8:00: GV Circle
Week 11: Theatre of the Oppressed
Objectives/goals: Engage in TO exercises and discuss how we can use these tools to further explore the issues of
social justice we learned about and explored last month. Reflect upon how we can use these tools to further
engage the first year students on these issues.
6-610 A HA Moments

Students share their biggest ah ha moments during PJ and the GV program. We also brainstormed what they
believed was essential for the first years to learn from the PJ retreat.
610-620: Image Fish Bowl (students did not respond to this as well were a little confused about the purpose of the
620-630 Dueling Images (students LOVED this). We used words from their a ha moments and key components of
past meetings to have student share an image of what that means for them. At the end students shouted out
other words that came to mind and continued to go back and forth with their partner creating images with their
630-640 Demonstration of Image Theatre
Had one students sculpt another student based how they were feeling.
640-650 Mark explains the back ground of TO (again)
650- 7 pm (announcements)
7-705 BREAK
705- 710 Pass it around
710-720 Pass out old retreat agenda and split off into groups to go through it to see what they hope to change.
720-745 Collaborate as a group and prepare a proposed agenda for the retreat
745-755 Debrief
755- 8 pm GV Circle: What are you looking forward to this weekend at the workshop?
Week 12: Facilitation
Objective/goals: For PJ to get firsthand experience with TO exercises with a master facilitator. To experience TO
and reflect how they want to facilitate this experience for the first year students.
Diversity Workshop at Seattle University
No PJ Meeting this week
Week 13: Retreat Agenda formation and delegation
Objectives/goals: Reflect the diversity workshop and how the students are going to take what they learned and
review facilitation techniques that they learned. Review additional techniques in preparation for the first year
Materials: Retreat agenda, activity explanations.
6- 615: How did the diversity workshop go? Big learning moments about TO and facilitation skills
6:15-6:20: Self Reflection: Use image theatre (group image) - Where are you now in terms of your confidence in
facilitating this workshop? Where do you want to be by the end of the training? What will it take to get you

- Share with the group
6:20- 6:30 Delegating strengths- Brainstorm- What do we need to do to facilitate a successful retreat? How will
we work as a team to make sure we accomplish this?
- Go around the room and share strengths that you see in each individual.
- How can we use each of these to be successful at the retreat.
6:30- 6:45: What makes a good facilitator what is necessary for there to be control in the room? How is facilitation
different from teaching a class?
- Popular education
- Having everyones attention
- Pulling the attention of the most distracted students
- Your success is measured by your least engaged student
6:45- 6:50 Have students get with a partner and plan to facilitate one of the diversity workshop activities with the
group. They should choose an activity you would be interested in facilitating.
6:50-6:55 BREAK
6:55- 7:50 Facilitation practice: Have students facilitate their activity for the rest of the group.
- As students facilitate point out the aspects of successful facilitation that they had brainstormed and
encourage them in these strategies.
- Get nightmare joker moments scenarios for them to work with.
- Have members of the group go around and point out the strong points of the students facilitation.
- Discuss ways that other PJ members would serve as a support during their facilitation
Week 14: Retreat Preparation
Goals/Objectives: Begin reviewing the retreat agenda, making adjustments and delegating roles to each PJ
member. At the end of the meeting each student will know what part of the retreat they are responsible for so
they can practice at home. Designate roles for Culture Night so students can review their role with their
6-615 pm Energizer: Show a part of GV culture that has been important to you.
o Integrating GV culture in all we do.
o Gv Culture sheet
615-620: Define: Why are we doing this?
o Have PJ say the philosophy of service
620-625 pm: Review Retreat Agenda
o Choose warm ups!
625-640: Make definitive decision on ending exercise and delegate
6:40- 7:00 Determine Roles
7-7:05 pm BREAK
7:05- Split up with team member to review your role (those without a partner can go with Mark or I)
o Give student hand out if necessary

Practice facilitating activity with the group
Review and determine roles for CN Agenda
o Ask students to review what their part will look like before the next meeting (1/7/2013)
- 755- 800 pm GV Circle

Need to be there at 715.
Off the 24
- 31
due to holidays
Week 15
Objective/goals: Run the film on the culture night and continue reviewing for the retreat inserting peer
encouragement and suggestions. Each student will feel comfortable in their role and facilitate the activities in an
engaging way. Finalize any remaining decisions on retreat activities. Walk through techniques to use when facing
difficult facilitator moments.
6-7:00 pm have student pairs volunteer to run their culture night activity with PJ, PJ leaders should take this
opportunity to give the students tangible feedback and have other pj members do the same. Make sure the
students are on their feet actually doing the activity as opposed to saying how it would be run.
7:720- Finalize What do we do now section of the retreat
7:20-7:45- How to facilitate large groups
7:45-7:55- Create a plan for next week, what should PJ have prepared?
7:55- 8:00- Closing circle.

Week 16
Chris came to visit PJ. Did theatre of the oppressed exercises and ran the film on CN and the beginning of the
Spring CN #5- PJ
Students came early to run the film on their sections and they began the CN promptly at 7 pm. At 8 pm LITs took
Week 17
Objective/goal: For students to be able to facilitate their activity without interruptions or questions. Students will
not look at their notes and go through the entire retreat from start to finish.

Met at a students house and ran the film on the retreat. Broke up into pairs to review it and then got back together
as a group to run through it with PJ acting as participants. At the end of each activity students would give each
other feedback. We also had dinner together, this was important for the group to grow together.
Week 18
Objective/goal: Finalize any remaining questions and give partners an opportunity to review with each other.
This was our last meeting before the retreat.
PJ Handshake
Brief time to review with partners (15 minutes)

Spring Retreat 2/1-2/2
Refer to the PJ workshops.retreats folder for Agenda and activities.

Week 19
Goals/objectives: Debrief the retreat and adjust the agenda accordingly in preparation for the Summer Retreat.
Begin to talk about the Ageism workshop to be put on for the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. Designate roles.
6:00-6:30 pm Review retreat performance, and debrief
6:30-7:00 pm Make changes to the agenda and decide on facilitators for the summer retreat.
7:00-7:05 Break
7:05- 7:30 Review Ageism
How do you define ageism?
What are some everyday examples of ageism?
How have you personally experienced ageism?
7:30-7:55 Review the Agenda for the Ageism workshop for LVC and designate roles.
Have students meet with partner to run through their activity.
7:55-8:00 pm GV Circle
Week 20
NO MEETING- Presidents day

Week 21
- RTF on Ageism workshop
- Determine roles for the Summer CN. Give students an opportunity to switch around and have students that
did the role in the past train their peers.
Week 22
- RTF on Summer CN

Summer Culture Night 3/6/13

Lutheran Volunteer Core Ageism Workshop 3/10/13

Week 23 & Week 24
Objectives: Have PJ train their peers on each activity so that each student leaves confident in their role and ready
to facilitate in an engaging way without using note cards.
3/11/13 & 3/18/13
- RTF on the summer retreat
- Determine carpools
- Determine roles in facilitation (i.e. each PJ student should be assigned an agreement to keep the group
accountable to during the workshop. They will announce this at the beginning).

3/22-3/23 Summer Retreat

Week 25
No Meeting
Week 26
Objectives/goals: Finalize any new changes needed for the retreat agenda. Start planning for R & A Night. All
youth board should be attendance and the presentation should be unique to this PJ group and be enaging for
their peers. Should leave with a plan to achieve this goal.
- Debrief retreat

- Brainstorm R & A night and start building agenda.
- Determine Venue and how to get students there
- Who will post on fb?
- Will there be food?
- What materials do you need?
- Determine roles
Week 27- Tiffany not here (Anais/Mark run the meeting)
Objectives/goals: Plan for R and A night, delegate roles and begin to practice with partners.
- Solidify the plan for Reflection and Action Night
- Run the film on the entire night
- Prepare to call all of yb at the next meeting to remind them to come (bring your cell phone fully charged
and acquire a contact list from the GV office). How are you going to get creative and get full attendance of
- Someone can get a laptop from gv to use fb etc to encourage people as well.

Week 28- Tiffany not here

Goals/Objectives: Run the film on R & A Night and ensure all students are confident in their roles. Use the rest of
the meeting to contact each member of youth board. Any messages should be followed up with another phone
call during the week. All students will be contacted and verbally confirm their attendance.
- Set up projector and laptop if going to watch the movie.
- Review the details of R & A Night
o NO MEETING on Monday because of R and A!!
o At el centro on april 25
from 6-8 pm.
o Come at 5:30 pm to set up. Move tables and chairs, set up laptop with the projector screen (get it
from the office)
o Who is going to bring food?
- Call all students to remind them of R & A and confirm their attendance, assign someone to post on
facebook as well. Get their attention post a pic etc.
Week 29- Tiffany Not here
4/22/13 NO MEETING- R & A Night Thursday

4/25/13 R & A Night

Week 30
4/29/13 PJ Off

Week 31
Goals/objectives: Thank PJ for their service this year and give them a space to give feedback and any other
institutional knowledge they would want to share with future PJ students.
PJ Wrap up dinner and hang out
- Intensive orientation workshops, need 2-3 pjers for each. July 9
and Aug 6
- Talk about Agenda for this workshop, show them the last one- compare with previous agenda
- Go over CN Agenda and get ideas for how to fill up the entire CN
- PJ Feedback and changes for next year.
- What is one thing you will take away from PJ and move forward afterward.
- How to move forward after PJ
- Any summer announcements

Someone who only has power (i.e. an agent of an oppression or is only prejudice cannot be oppressive, only with both of these
components can someone be oppressive).
When you travel to Guatemala, choose a strong leader in the group to run the meeting. Meet to them prior and make sure it is clear to
them the objectives they must complete.

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