Poetry by Yamfood

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Adult ADHD

Lost in my thoughts, my days keep passing by.

When will I find it, my ground to stand on?
I felt abandoned like a kite in a tree.
Will anyone come to save me from here?
We were missed; unnoticed and uncared for.
Maybe loneliness is when they dont notice.
Like climbing a mountain, this sometimes feels.
But Im ready for this now, if I ever will be.

Notes: This was edited from the Collaboration Poem writing exercise that we did with a partner. I only
changed a few phrases.

Spinning Out of Control

Hang on!! Dont Let go!!
Turning faster and faster!
Spinning out of control!
Will it end? Will we survive?
As we turn faster my heart races.
Door, chances, opportunities, avenues
passing by.
Did I miss my chance?
No, I know this dream.
So I know its a dream.
I wake up.
But am I in time?

Notes: This was edited from the Quote Poem writing exercise which we did in class. I obviously
removed the quotes and I edited some phrasing, but the meaning is overall the same.
Human Action
(A Found Poem)

Human action is purposeful behavior.
Or we may say:
Is will put into operation,
And transformed into an agency;
Is aiming at ends and goals;
Is the egos meaningful response to stimuli and to the conditions of its environment;
Is a persons conscious adjustment to the state of the universe that determines his life.
Such paraphrases may clarify the definition given,
And prevent possible misinterpretation.
But the definition itself is adequate and does not need complement of commentary.

Notes: This from the found poem exercise. I actually changed none of the words at all. My changes
were basically in terms of the look (arrangement on the page), the punctuation, and line division. This
poem was found in the very first paragraph of Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises. Although they say
economics is the dismal science, I found his writing throughout the book to be vaguely poetic and quite

Nature is chaos.
But nature is orderly.
So chaos produces order.
When you introduce force into a chaotic system,
The natural ordering of chaos is disrupted.
You produce disorder.
Why do people feel the need to control everything?
Why cant we just let people be what they want to be?
Anarchy is peace; the mother of order.

Notes: This is kind of another found poem, because I lifted it mostly from facebook comments I made
debating a guy about politics.

I Used to BeBut Now I Am

I used to be part of the problem,
Now Im part of the solution.

I used to be out all night partying,
Now I like to stay home.

I used to care only about myself,
Now I care about the future of our race.

I used to think life was about money,
Now I think money is just one of many values.

I used to be very angry,
Now I use my brain to cool down.

Notes: From the writing exercise on the poem from class. I made a few edits in terms of word choice
and decided to change it into couplets.

The Academic

Hes been told all his life he was the smartest,
And the numbers seem to bear this out.
Didnt he always get the best grades?
Wasnt he the top of the class?
So good they asked him to be a teacher.
Now he guides the next generation.
He picks the smartest among them to become teachers.
But did anybody stop to ask whether our teachers had it wrong the whole time?

Notes: I wrote this from thoughts Ive often had about academia and the public education system (of
which academia is certainly a part, although not often thought of that way). Public education is slavery.
Down with the state!
Pre-Jogging Ritual

1) Jogging requires preparation,
Not much, but it cant be ignored.

2) Roll up a couple spliffs,
Place in empty cigarette pack.

3) Double-knot my shoelaces,
Because these come undone if you dont and its annoying.

4) Place money, lighter, and possibly a bank or student card in cigarette pack,
Depending on what errands I need to run.

5) Smoke a spliff.
While smoking get music and jogging app ready.

6) Stretches, push-ups, chin-ups,
If I remember.

Then its off!

Notes: Edited from the list poem writing exercise we did in class. Added in the numbering and
organized into couplets. Also played with word choice and strove to make the list chronologically true-

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