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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello!

You both like give her the d.

You: Evan stepped into the dark cavern, the shadows receding before the feeble l
ight of the torch in his hand. He swallowed, trying to ease the dryness of
his throat, nervous as he began walking deeper in.
You: Soon, darkness surrounded him, the entrance no longer providing light. Only
a small circle of visibility from the torch kept him from panicking, but
he continued to walk deeper, intent on searching for some of the crystals one co
uld reputedly find deep within.
Stranger: Loose fragments of shedded snake skin crunch beneath his feet.
You: Evan looked down at the crunching sound, and inspected what he'd stepped on
. Snake skin... But snakes often inhabited these sorts of places, right? So
long as he didn't step on them, he would be safe, he reasoned. Further and furth
er into the cave he walked, keeping his eyes on the ground in front of him,
except for occasional glances around when he heard small noises.
Stranger: A slithering sound among them, but no snakes are visible.
You: As Evan heard the sound, he stopped, turning around and holding out the tor
ch, extending his range of sight ever so slightly. Still, he saw nothing.
After a few moments, he turned back to what he was fairly certain was the direct
ion he was going, and kept walking. No signs of any crystals yet... But he
hadn't been down very far either.
Stranger: More snake sounds, like the flick of a forked tongue as they taste the
air, but where is the snake?
You: Evan stopped again, sweat beginning to bead out on his forehead. Maybe this
was a bad idea. He wasn't sure there were any crystals at all. But he
needed something to impress Marianne; she was the most popular girl in town, and
he needed something to gain her favor.
You: Hesitantly, Evan began to walk again, but slower than before.
Stranger: A glowing light in the distance-
You: Unable to believe his eyes, Evan picked up his pace, moving at a jog toward
the light. Had he found what he was looking for?
Stranger: A cute little crystal.
You: Evan breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out his hand, closing it around
the crystal. Marianne was sure to notice him now.
Stranger: "Who gave you permisssion to take that?"
You: Evan stopped dead, nearly dropping his torch, and slowly turned in the dire
ction of the voice. "Wh-who's there?"
Stranger: An enormous pair of uncovered breasts hover right in front of your fac
You: Evan stood transfixed by the boobs in front his eyes, the crystal momentari
ly forgotten.
Stranger: "My eyess are up here."
You: Evan's face burned red as he looked up from the set of tits he'd just been
staring at.
Stranger: With the light of the torch you can tell they are a striking green, an
d you feel a bit transfixed looking into them. "Why have you wandered in
here little boy?"
You: "I, uh," Evan stammered a bit, still surprised and not entirely aware of wh
at was going on. "I heard that, um, there were crystals here, in this, uh,
Stranger: "Yesss, there are quite a few. But why would you care about them?"
You: "Well, there's this girl," Evan said slowly, staring into the green eyes. "
I thought if I brought her one, she might notice me..."
Stranger: "What iss her name?"
You: "Um, Marianne." Evan said.
Stranger: "Hiss she pretty?"
You: "Uh, yeah. Really pretty..." Evan said slowly, dimly realizing that he coul
dn't look past the mystery woman's eyes.
Stranger: "Sso, you hope to win her affectionss?"
You: "Yeah. She never seems to notice me."
Stranger: "Well, come over to the crystalss with me."
As I turn around you see some scales around my hips, and below.
You: I become slightly startled by the scales, but you said you'd show me more c
rystals, so I follow behind you.
Stranger: More of the lights pop up around the cave until they outshine your tor
ch. "I think I have ssomething that will get Marianne's attenssion. Come to
You: I do as you say, and come closer, dimly noticing your snake body as I do so
. Without really thinking about it, my cock has started to get a little
stiff in my pants.
Stranger: I lean in close to you. "Perhapss we can boost your confidence with so
me practice." I lean in with puckered lips.
You: My body goes rigid, nervous as you lean in for a kiss, and I silently wait,
allowing you to plant your lips on mine.
Stranger: You feel my lips brush against yours, then rapidly I sink fangs into y
our neck, seemingly injecting fire right into you.
You: I yell in pain when you bite me, backing up and grabbing at the site of the
bite, fear in my eyes.
Stranger: I disengage and rest back on my tail. "Don't worry, I left most of the
poissson out of that. We're going to have fun once that spreads to your
You: "What?! What's going to happen to me?" I can feel the burning sensation of
your venom moving through my neck, and into my shoulder and chest. In
moments, the poison will have worked its way to my heart.
Stranger: "Bassically just more blood flow. It will happen any moment now."
You: The poison made it to my heart, causing it to start beating painfully fast.
I started to breathe hard as all the blood in my body began to flow
faster, and I gasped as my cock swelled, straining against the fabric of my pant
Stranger: I hover up to your pants undoing them. As you pop out I exclaim "Oh th
at lookss fantasstic! But to be confident you'll need to know how to use
You: I stare at your face, unable to move due to the sudden overwhelming lust fr
om my loins. "I don't- What do you mean?"
Stranger: I wrap my fingers around you, barely, and lick up and down your shaft.
"You can't guess?"
You: I moan in ecstasy as you slide your tongue over my hard dick. "I- I've neve
r- You know..."
Stranger: "Well I'm going to fix that for you." I lean back pacing my hands on m
y... hips? I pull on two white scales opening up a glistening tunnel of
flesh. "You know what to do."
You: I'm so horny that I don't even give it a second though, placing my hands ju
st above where your scales turn to skin, and thrusting my rock hard dick
inside you. I moan in pleasure, my body shaking from the sensation.
Stranger: "Whoa, that's going to be too rough for Marianne, at least for her fir
st time. Back up and try to do it slowly."
You: Shaking, I slowly pull my cock back out, and force myself to go slowly as I
slide back in. I pant harder all the while.
Stranger: "Mmmm, that should do it. For her you'll wait but your enthusiasm befo
re has me really wanting thiss. Go ahead and fuck me."
You: I slide back out, and thrust forward as hard as I can again, and quickly pu
ll back, establishing a very fast rhythm as I plunge my cock inside you,
over and over.
Stranger: "Ooooh yesssss, that's what I like." I swing my tail forward and lean
back to meet your thrusts."
Stranger: "Push it in me deeper."
You: I push my cock into you as deep as it will go, and my hands move up to care
ss your breasts. I moan louder as I continue at my frenzied pace, sweat
rolling down from my forehead again. "Ah-ah, I'm gonna cum!"
Stranger: "Try to last a little longer." I move my hands down to my clit and rub
it as your hips send shockwaves through my soft flesh.
You: I slow my thrusts in response, back down to a gentle pace as I close my eye
s and bite my lower lip, trying to force my orgasm down.
Stranger: "Tell me how much you want to cum."
You: After a few ragged breaths, I finally manage to form a few words. "So bad..
. I want to cum so, so bad..."
Stranger: "What about Marianne?"
You: I whimper a little, my hips moving on their own. "But I need to cum, I need
to shoot so bad..."
Stranger: "I've got a clutch of eggs all set to go so you'll be a father if you
cum now." I grab your balls, squeezing them as I tug forward and you feel
ym tail on your back.
You: "Please, I can't hold it anymore, just let me cum..." I beg, pleading as my
hips speed up again, the sensation of your tail on my back only enhancing
my pleasure.
Stranger: My tail suddenly squeezes tight, coiled around you and drawing you all
the way into me as I roll my hips. "I'm about ready too, impregnate me
like you'll impregnate that girl."
You: I groan, my cock spraying nearly twice as much as it normally does deep int
o your snake pussy. My still hard cock twitches as the dribbles slow and
stop, leaving me panting in your clutches.
Stranger: I coil tighter as you feel me tighten up on you while I cry out, echoi
ng through the chamber.
You: My breathing slowly begins to return to normal, but the burning in my chest
still persists, and my cock doesn't go soft yet. "That was so good..." I
mutter, my face pressed against your chest.
Stranger: "Very good for a first time.
Now you're going to go back and seduce that girl. Go slow so you don't scare her
, but once she's enjoying it really show her how badly you want her." I
crack a smile, "and bring her down here before next moon. I need a young girl to
carry my eggs if any are to hatch in an environment like this."
You: "...Okay." I say, my lust for you burning away any romantic notions I'd hel
d about Marianne. "...Will I get to do this again?"
Stranger: "You'll be fucking me and nearly every girl in town."
Stranger: (fade to black?)
You: (yeah)
You: (That was really good)
Stranger: Nice rp.
You: Thanks, you were good too
Stranger: Yeah, I've been told I'm a pretty good writer.
You: You are. And I like that idea of the two of them enslaving all the women in
town to carry her eggs.
Stranger: Only trouble is how far I go past bedtime to finisht hese things
You: Yeah, it's late here too.
Stranger: Well, it was fun. Maybe we'll run into each other again.
You: I hope so. See ya.
You have disconnected.

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